parrisgirl958 · 7 years
“If I killed myself tonight, the stars would still appear, the sun would still come out, the earth would still rotate, the seasons would still change… so why not?“ Tears were streaming down her face and she was shaking as she said it. She’d never admit it out loud, but she was terrified.
“You’re right. The world won’t stop moving and the sun will still rise, but what does that matter? What about your friends and family? What about me? I will be alone again. You won’t be here anymore and-” He gestures around himself wildly, trying to get his point across. He was having a hard time finding the right words. There was too much he wanted to say. 
“Your friends will cry and your parents will never be the same. The world will still rotate, surely. The seasons will change and the stars will shine throughout the night.” He shakes his head, unsure of what he was supposed to tell her. He had never felt the way she did and he didn’t know if his words had any affect on her. He had never been good with words.
“Your sister looks up to you, who knows what will happen if one day you aren’t there? The world may not change, but the people around you will.”
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parrisgirl958 · 7 years
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Anna [Completed] (on Wattpad) http://my.w.tt/UiNb/VVHYXyByqC A short story about a troubled middle child and a little girl in a yellow shirt and a pink skirt.
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parrisgirl958 · 7 years
Sometimes I get over excited about stupid things and I repeat my stories I've already said and I’m sorry. I’m sorry you have to shush me when we’re watching tv because I’m still telling you the backstory of some cameo character in my favorite show. I’m sorry
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parrisgirl958 · 8 years
The little boy looks at the two pictures resting in front of him. The question was simple. Which picture is the girl fake smiling and which one is her real smile. He quickly decides and moves the two photos so that the proper photo went under the correct sticky note. Real on the left. Fake on the right. The girl from the photo looks at the little boy and asks why he chose the one that he did. “In my stories, the princess' smile is always beautiful like this one.” He points to the small 4x10 picture of the girl surrounded by friends and family at a party. “You look pained in this one, like it hurts to smile.” He points to the wallet sized photo under the FAKE sticky note. She nods her head and smiles. The fake smile, of course. The one the little boy thinks is beautiful.
1 am thoughts
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parrisgirl958 · 8 years
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The Scavenger Hunt [#Wattys2016] (on Wattpad) http://my.w.tt/UiNb/wnx0G1Ixdw -A Wattpad Featured Novel- Olive has until midnight to win an epic scavenger hunt--and her teammate, Ethan's heart. ♥♥♥ This isn't an ordinary party. We won't be getting drunk, dancing, or passing out where we drop just yet. Tonight, we're having a scavenger hunt. This isn't your average yearly girl scouts retreat scavenger hunt either. And tru…
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parrisgirl958 · 8 years
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Sing (On Hold) (on Wattpad) http://my.w.tt/UiNb/bzZlFYCkFv |Behind every girl's favorite song is an untold story| Jamie had never been one to do anything drastic but after being publicly humiliated by her arch nemesis, don't laugh; it's totally normal to have an arch nemesis, She is willing to do anything to get back at her (even if it means kissing Mason Faltons) to hell with being the bigger person. …
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parrisgirl958 · 8 years
Again, he wondered what kind of world this was, where everything seemed false and unreal.
The marked girl by Lindsey Klingele
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parrisgirl958 · 8 years
Just because I don’t love you anymore doesn’t make the pain of you leaving me go away.
staying up thinking about what we could’ve been
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parrisgirl958 · 8 years
“I didn’t plan for this!” I practically shouted at him as I watched him lean back, completely at ease, while I stare into his eyes through the mirror. I grip my phone tighter in my fist. “You mean to tell me that, for the first time in your life, something didn’t go as planned? How unfortunate.” He spit back bitterly. I whip my head behind me to meet his gaze while simultaneously throwing my phone at the wall next to his head. The sound of it shattering echoed through the silent room. “Try me, asshole.”
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parrisgirl958 · 8 years
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Ally Carter power couples!
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parrisgirl958 · 8 years
Single moms save the world
“Mama, do you think I’m pretty?” “Of course, darling.” “Then why does everyone look away from me?” “Oh Ally, they only look away because you shine so brightly.” “Then why don’t they look away from Alyssa?” “Alyssa shines just as bright as you, sweetheart. Just a different color.” “I don’t want to shine, mama.”
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parrisgirl958 · 8 years
I've met death. She was wearing high heel stilettos and a pastel pink dress. She told me she loved me then loved another. She took my soul with her but left my body to watch it happen. Death never really loved me.
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parrisgirl958 · 8 years
I’m not like every other girl.
I don’t cry at titanic,
I don’t want you to open my car door but I will be angry if you close the door to the building on me,
I eat like a pig and snort when I laugh without feeling self conscious,
I want to look good not for you but for myself because looking good makes ME feel good,
I refuse to wear a dress unless it’s mandatory and I think sandals are only for the beach,
I like my bruises and scars they tell a story and make me remember that one time a poptart’s icing burnt my hand or when I was little and always scraped my knee on the metal stairs leading up to our little apartment where we’d find banana nut bread waiting for us every Sunday when we couldn’t attend church, I don’t care about paint stains on my clothes they make me feel creative,
I’d chose kickball with the boys instead of the cops and robbers with the girls everyday and I’m not afraid of getting into a fight to protect my sister or best friends.
I’m not like every other girl. So don’t treat me like I’m any other girl.
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parrisgirl958 · 8 years
“My brother was gone and before I knew it, I submerged myself in my own personal hell where I’ve sentence myself to a life of eternal agony and pain." I look down at my hands. "But I still have moments when I manage to escape the demons inside of me and somehow find the urge to smile.” I look back up with tears welling up in my eyes. “99% of the time, these moments happen when I’m with you.”
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parrisgirl958 · 8 years
Excerpt from a book that could've been
The book would be called “The Rules of the Diary” My name is Evan McGregor. I am all about order. I live by a schedule. I have never once stepped out of my comfort zone. I stick to a pattern and like it that way. Until, December 22, 2015. I’m walking down the hallway when I notice something out of the corner of my eye. It looked like a leather book. I walked over to the book. I lifted it up from the window sill with a light grasp, afraid if I were to pick it up normally it would crumble in my hands. The front had a single word printed across the navy blue color in white bold letters, REEDS. I didn’t quite understand it. I thought maybe it was a misprint. But as I opened it to the page marked by a blood red ribbon, I knew it was no mistake. This book belonged to Jessica Reeds. The girl who I would later meet and let me tell you, to this day, I have never once regretted it once. That page, the page marked by the blood red ribbon, held a simple list. RULES OF THE DIARY 1) I don’t care who you are, or how you found this. 2) it doesn’t matter if you read it. 3) you can tell whoever you like, I don’t care. 4) you can never speak a word of this to me. 5) don’t try to fix me this book is full of my deepest and darkest moments and as you might be able to tell by the dates on the pages, it’s not a regular thing. 6)return it to exactly where you found it by 6th period. Trust me I will find it. Follow these rules and everything will be just fine
But what if I don’t want to follow the rules?
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parrisgirl958 · 8 years
Excerpt from a book I may or may not ever write
I don’t listen to what people say anymore or strive for their acceptance like I did when we were together. I don’t forget easily but I’ve learned to forgive. I am no longer so dependent on one person that by losing them I lost myself. That is no longer the story I wish to tell. I changed it up. Now the damsel in distress is the heroine and your nothing but a brief mention in my backstory. This is the story of how by losing you I found myself
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parrisgirl958 · 8 years
People are like the sidewalk. We’re walked over and mistreated. Pounded by rain and snow, our concrete facades soon crack and you can see what we looked like before we were cemented over. You can see the nature of our being. We crack and crack and crack until someone comes and breaks us. We build up a new facade and rebury our true self. Never to be seen by another person. The only problem is, we’re just human, we make mistakes. We’re still hit by the rain and snow. We still crack. We can still break. So the process continues. We crack, break, and build up. Over and over again. But one day, if your lucky, someone will come around and break your concrete facade. And maybe, JUST MAYBE, they’ll like what they see Parrisgirl958
Nonsense that probably doesn’t make sense
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