nanisburner · 6 months
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nanisburner · 7 months
there is no other love (it’s only yours)
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Pairing(s): Wanda Maximoff x fem!reader
Summary: About seven months into your relationship, you meet one of Wanda's friends for the first time. As she watches you freely converse with her friend in sign language, she begins to doubt if she is truly enough for you.
Request: "For the “sweet” au with wanda can you write something with yn meeting wanda’s friends and one of them being fluent in asl. Wanda gets jealous when she sees how excited r is to communicate with them OR a hurt/comfort where none of them know asl and r’s hearing aids hurt her head after a while so she just doesn’t feel like she fits in with Wanda and her friends."
Warnings: a bit of angst and hurt/comfort (balanced by even more fluff)
Word Count: 2.2k
Author's Note: thanks for the request, and i hope this meets all of your expectations, anon! i had so much fun returning to this au to write this, and so many feelings. something about this one just hits different... also, requests are still open!
Main Masterlist | ao3 | Wattpad

The first time you met one of Wanda’s friends — excluding her aptly described "goofy" coworkers from the coffee shop — was a little more than seven months into your relationship. It was not as if she was keeping them away from you, or vice versa. She could never be ashamed of you; in fact, you were all she thought about most of the day, if not the whole day. Instead, the lack of meetings was simply due to the fact that the two of you always seemed to be busy during the previous months and never had the chance to set up such meetings. With splitting your time between work, family, and your barista girlfriend, you barely had time for anything else.
One day, Wanda had approached you with the question. It was during one of your Friday evenings, which was strictly for binge-watching movies and ordering takeout. She tapped the side of your arm, given that your hearing aids were not on at the moment, and waited for you to turn your head to meet her eyes.
You smiled but immediately took notice of how she was obviously hesitant about whatever was on her mind currently. With a slight tilt of the head, you remained still and waited for her to start.
My friend came to the coffee shop today, she signed, her apprehension evident even in the way she used her hands. I told her about you, my girlfriend, and she wants to meet you. Is that okay?
Your eyes widened, unsuspecting to the question. You begin to realize that she was probably hesitant to ask because she did not want to force you to be in any situation that would make you uncomfortable. In spite of your nerves, however, you nodded your head. Any friend of Wanda's would be a friend of yours, so you trusted her enough to not introduce you to someone who was less than nice.
I would love to meet your friend, Wands, you answered. Tell me when and where, and I will be there.
She smiled, eternally thankful that she had acquired a wonderful girlfriend such as you. As a token of her gratitude, she leaned up to lay a kiss on your cheek. You grinned bashfully and redirected your attention back to the screen while Wanda pulled out her phone to begin setting up the meeting with her friend.
That was how you found yourself sitting with Wanda and her old friend from college — Darcy, you had found out — at some restaurant you had never been to before.
For the sake of everyone involved, you tried to push through the varying volumes of noise coming through your hearing aids; you tried to prevent the occasional eye twitch and furrowed brows when the glassware and ceramic plates would constantly clink and clack together; and you most definitely tried to not clench your fists so that you would not ruin this for Wanda.
But she could tell. From your first encounter in the coffee shop to now, she could always tell when you were feeling overwhelmed from the constant input of disruptive sounds.
You were attempting to drown out the noise, planning to focus on listening to the two of them speak about some story from college; but, it was not working. As the minutes passed, you were becoming increasingly frustrated, mostly with yourself. Wanda noticed the silence, not only of your words but of your actions. You remained uncharacteristically still, eyebrows furrowed; in your lap, your hands were clutching at the fabric of your pants.
Trying to get your attention, Wanda placed one of her hands on top of your own. You stopped the movement of your hands and looked at Wanda. She knows how stubborn you are, that you would never want to take your hearing aids out merely because they were bothering you; however, given the way in which you were already considerably distressed, it was the only thing she could suggest to help. So, she indicated for you to take your hearing aids out.
Your eyes widened, shaking your head slightly. You wanted to appear as normal as possible for Wanda’s friend, as worthy as possible. If taking an hour or so of hearing annoying, mind-numbing sounds was what was required, then so be it.
Wanda rolled her eyes at your typical stubborn nature but leaned in closer for you to hear her as clearly as possible when she said, “It’s okay, I promise. If they’re bothering you, we can just use our notes app to talk or something.”
You were weary but decided to listen. Upon finally removing your hearing aids, you took a sigh of relief at the peacefulness that came with the silence. Wanda smiled at the sight, seeing you become more and more comfortable with not wearing your hearing aids (with a few obstacles, of course).
You feeling better? she asked, through a few signs of her hand.
Returning the smile she wore, you nodded your head. You rotated to face Darcy again, wishing to pick up where she had left off in the story (hoping to also pick up on some of the details you missed from the previous few minutes through context clues). However, as you shifted your body to retrieve your phone from your pocket, you noticed her sign: Are you deaf?
Your eyes widened once again, shocked to see someone else sign fluently off the bat. You turned to Wanda, flickering your gaze from Darcy to Wanda in a “did you know she could sign?” type of way. Yet, Wanda looked just as surprised as you did.
Despite the shock, Wanda nudged you to reply.
Yeah, you replied, the surprise still evident on your face. How do you know sign?
She chuckled at the expression on your face but continued to sign. I have an older brother who was born deaf, she started. He got hearing aids like you, eventually, but we all used sign to communicate growing up so he wouldn’t feel left out. To be honest, sign is my first language, even before English.
From that point on, you and Darcy simply signed everything. Both of your hands were allowed to speak freely and, for one of the first times, it felt great to go out and talk to someone without having to actually talk (because that would require hearing).
Wanda tried to keep up with the conversation to the best of her abilities, even throwing in her own comments here and there; given that she was a beginner, though, she could only really capture the gist of what you two were discussing. She bit her lip and resigned herself to pushing the food around her plate, allowing you to experience this moment of elation even if she feels excluded. Maybe this simply was not meant for her.
It was not until the two of you stepped into Wanda’s apartment that you began to notice something was off. You were trying to tell her (via a typed note) that you enjoyed tonight, raving about meeting her friend who was fluent in your language; however, all you received was a nod in return. While she was normally silent around you (especially when you had your hearing aids out), she was currently exhibiting a different type of silence. It was as if she was giving you the silent treatment through her actions, constantly zoning out and looking away. To you, it was becoming increasingly clear that something was wrong with her.
You tapped her arm, but she didn’t face your direction. So, you grasped her arm and made her turn fully toward you. Her expression was unusually stoic, making your stomach churn at the thought that she was upset with you. Contrastingly, Wanda saw the frown that adorned your face. She wanted to feel bad, to take you into her arms in the most loving hug and tell you that it would be okay; though she did feel bad to a certain extent, the bad did not outweigh the nerves of inferiority coursing throughout her body.
Are you okay? you asked with your hands.
Wanda remained still, making no effort to respond to you through sign or the typical digital methods. Her breathing became quicker, demonstrating she was not as calm on the inside as she appeared with her faux, collected exterior.
Wands? you signed her name sign that you assigned to her, the concern evident on your face and in the desperate moves of your hands. What’s wrong? Did I do something wrong? Did I do something to make you upset?
Wanda finally lifted her head further up to meet your gaze. I’m sorry I’m not like her, she signed.
You tilted your head, eyebrows furrowing in confusion at what she meant.
Slowly, you responded, I don’t understand.
You could see the way her throat bobbed as she gulped. Whereas she was nervous about opening up, you were petrified as to what she was going to say. You had never witnessed Wanda be so... isolated before. She had always urged you to talk to her when you were in distress, so why would she think that does not apply in reciprocity?
I’m sorry I am not Darcy, she reiterated. I’m sorry I don’t know sign language as well as she knows sign. I saw your eyes, your face. You were so happy. I’m sorry I am not good enough for you.
You watched intently as she stumbled through her words. By the end, you were attempting to suppress the laugh bubbling in the back of your throat from the absurdity of it all. You had failed, though.
As a tiny chuckle slipped through your lips, Wanda rolled her eyes and returned to her stoic, still state.
You tried to grasp her arm again in order to pull her close, but she pulled her arm out of your hold. While it hurt your feelings, you understood and respected her boundary.
Wands, I’m sorry, you began. You held a finger up to indicate you needed a moment as you tried to get the phone from your pocket. Given the nature of the conversation and Wanda’s stress, you figured it would be easier for the two of you to clearly and effectively communicate through typing in your notes app.
You tried to type your message with haste:
Wands, I am truly sorry for laughing. I promise I was not laughing at your feelings. I was only laughing at the words, which probably does not sound better but I swear it was just because I thought it was so
 crazy, for lack of a better word, that you would think you aren’t good enough for me. In fact, I often think you’re too good for me. You are the most beautiful, empathetic girlfriend in existence. I could never be as good as you.
As for you not knowing sign language like Darcy, you didn’t grow up knowing it like she did. But that’s not your fault. And, in spite of that, you still make every effort to learn sign which is more than most people have done or would do. You literally took secret classes at the local college just to surprise me! So, you better be nicer when you talk about my girlfriend, or I might have to fight you next time, except maybe not because I need these hands in good shape in order to talk. >:(
You finished typing the message and turned the phone around to face her. Wanda took it into her own hands and began to read it. You observed the movement of her eyes as they scanned each word. A lone tear flowed down her cheek. You were worried that that was a bad sign; however, toward the end of your message, you saw her lips twitch into a slight smile at your humor, even during serious conversations.
When she lifted her head up from reading, sniffling and wiping her cheeks dry, you held your hand up with the sign that was essentially shorthand for ‘I love you.’
Forming her hand to be similar to the letter ‘Y’, Wanda slid it back and forth from you to herself, indicating ‘I love you, too.’
You took the hand that she held out, pressing a kiss to her knuckles. Then, in a surprising move, you used your firm grip on her hand to pull her closer. Letting her hand go, you wrapped your arms around her waist. She grinned widely at your antics but nevertheless allowed herself to be embraced, needing the comfort your proximity provided her. With her hands resting on your shoulders, you leaned your face closer to hers: forehead resting against forehead; then, nose nuzzling against nose; and then, your lips gently brushed hers.
The two of you allowed yourselves to fully experience this moment, not feeling the need to deepen the kiss. The softness, the warmth, the intimacy of the moment were sufficient for you both.
As you pulled away, you cheekily pressed a quick peck on her lips. You pulled your hand away from its place at her side to sign one more thing: Green is not your color. Your color is red, not green.
She blushed at the accusation but questioned, My color is red?
You nodded confidently, Red is love. Red is warm. You are red.
If the blush on her cheeks could redden more, it definitely had. You loved the way she flushed simply from your words. It was one of the many reminders about why you loved this woman so deeply.
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nanisburner · 7 months
Thinking of dom!wanda helping r study by edging her and not letting rewarding her until she answers all her practice test questions correctly 🌝
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nanisburner · 11 months
Widow’s Charm
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Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader
Summary: Natasha finds herself falling for Tony’s new lab assistant and weapons technician.
Warnings: fluff
Words: 3322
Natasha walks down the hallway towards Tony’s lab, holding her widow bite gauntlets in her hand. Typically, she would have just sent them down to be repaired, but an unexpected mission came up which means she needs them fixed sooner rather than later. Reaching the entrance of the lab, the doors slide open for her as she enters.
“Hey Tony, can you fix–,” Natasha stops when she notices someone else working in the lab.
You look up from your work table at the new voice in the room and see the Black Widow staring at you curiously. You have been working at the Avenger’s Compound as the new weapons technician as well as Tony’s lab assistant for the past few months. 
Since then, you’ve met all of the other Avengers already except for the mysterious Black Widow, though you have repaired some of her equipment that she had sent down previously. 
Tony tells you that she prefers to keep to herself, which you can understand. You settled with the fact that you may never meet her in person, so it is a small shock to see her standing in front of you.
Putting down your tools, you wipe your hands on your apron and walk over to her. Extending your hand to her, you give her a polite smile as you introduce yourself.
“Hello, my name is Y/n L/n. I’m the new weapons technician and Mr. Stark’s assistant in the lab. How can I help, Ms. Romanoff?” 
A small surprised smile forms on Natasha’s face at your words. Intrigued to learn more about you, she raises her hand to yours in greeting.
“Hi, you can just call me Nata–.” 
“No, no, no!” A voice yells from down the halls outside of the lab.
Tony comes rushing into the lab, breathing heavily. Looking around frantically, his eyes widen at the two of you. He rushes over to you quickly, grabbing you by the shoulders, and pushing you away from Natasha and out into the hallway. 
“I need you to go get the thing from Pepper.” He tells you.
“What thing?” you ask in confusion as you turn back around to him.
He gives you a brief wave before pressing the button on the side, shutting the lab doors in your face. For a moment, Tony remains standing by the door, tensed as he purposely avoid looking at Natasha. Then, in the next second, his entire body suddenly relaxes, and he moves casually over to his workstation. 
“FRIDAY, what’s the plan for today?” Tony asks.
“The parts for the new repulsors arrived today, sir,” the AI voice replies.
“Great, get those plans pulled up for me, will you?”
Natasha blinks at the lab doors as she tries to process what just happened. She turns to Tony, looking for an explanation.
“What the hell was that Tony?” she exclaims.
Tony looks at her with his eyebrows raised. “What was what?”
“You just suddenly pushed Y/n out of the room.”
Tony's mouth presses into a tight line as he gives her a confused look. “Never heard of her. Was there somebody here FRIDAY?”
“No, sir.” 
Tony nods back at her with a satisfied look.
Crossing her arms, Natasha was about to argue when the lab doors opened up again. 
Pepper walks into the room towards Tony. “Y/n said you told her to get a ‘thing’ from me?”
Tony lets out a groan as he hangs his head. Sighing, he gestures to Natasha.
“Y/n met Natasha.” 
Pepper lets out an exasperated sigh. “Really, Tony? We talked about this. You can’t place all the blame on her.”
Natasha raises her hands to get their attention. “Can somebody please explain to me what’s going on?”
Pepper turns to her, a small apologetic look on her face. “Tony thinks you are the reason why his assistants keep quitting.”
Natasha frowns at the accusation. “How is that my fault?”
Tony scoffs in disbelief. “FRIDAY, pull up the timeline.” 
A holographic screen pops up between them showing the past year with certain dates highlighted. Tony points to one of the earliest dates in the year. 
“Avery Grayson. She met you on her second day on the job. A week later she asks you out but you decline. She turns in her resignation the following week.”
Natasha raises her eyebrows at the information. “That doesn’t prove—“ 
Tony interrupts her. “Quinn Turner. She confesses to you a month after your first interaction. Gets turned down too and then quits three days later.”
Tony brings up the two most recent dates. “Same thing with Riley and Harper. It’s a pattern. They meet you, fall for you, get rejected, and then quit.”
Natasha looks over at Pepper, silently asking if he was serious. In response, Pepper gives her a resigned nod as she rubs her head tiredly.
Tony gets her attention when he points at her accusingly. “Do you know how hard it is to find competent people who know how to handle this level of equipment?”
Natasha lets out a huff of disbelief, crossing her arms. She remembers his previous assistants. To be honest, most of her interactions with them were completely professional. She didn’t get close to any of them personally or showed any romantic interest, which made each of the confessions surprising to her. 
Still, this doesn’t explain what he was trying to do with you. She raises her eyebrow at him.
“So your plan was to what? Hide your new assistant from me forever?”
“Not forever. Just until I can find someone for her so that she doesn’t fall for you.”
Natasha rolls her eyes at his ridiculousness. Focusing back on her original intention, she places her widow bite gauntlets on the work table.
“Can you just fix these for me? I have a mission in a few hours.”
“Fine, but you stay away from my assistant.” He warns.
Natasha heads toward the exit and waves her hand, dismissing his words. It’s not like she intends to make you fall for her, but she has to admit that she is interested to learn more about you. 
You look up from your sketches at the sound of the lab door opening and see the Black Widow stroll into the room. You give her a smile in greeting.
“Welcome back, Ms. Romanoff. Are you looking for Mr. Stark?”
She walks over to your workspace, leaning slightly against the table as she looks at you.
“Actually, I was coming to see you, and you can just call me Natasha. We got interrupted the last time we met.”
Nodding your head, you laugh softly at the memory.
“Pepper explained to me what that was about.” You give her a teasing suspicious look. “So are you here to make me fall for you?”
Natasha gives you an amused smile. Most people don’t usually get comfortable around her so quickly. 
“Only if you want to.” She says it nonchalantly.
You chuckle at her response. “Unfortunately, you won’t be hearing a confession from me soon. I like my job here.” 
Natasha feels a tinge of disappointment at your words, her smile dropping slightly. You don’t notice though since your attention had drifted to the widow bite gauntlets on her wrists.
“Speaking of, did you want me to take a look at that?” You can see that there was some damage from a fight probably during her recent mission.
Glancing down, Natasha shrugs. “I can do it later myself.”
“Well, that explains why I don’t see your stuff across my desk that often.” You raise your hand out to her anyway.
She stares at you curiously before slowly placing her hand in yours.
You let out a small laugh at her action. “This is nice, but I actually want the gauntlets.” You hold her hand gently in yours before turning it around to reach the clasp on the weapon.
Natasha tilts her head as she observes you. You were focused but gentle as you worked, and you didn’t show any signs that you were intimidated by who she was. In fact, you were pretty cute as you scrunch your face in concentration. She decides to tease you a little.
“You know, I don’t usually let people take things off my body until at least the second date.”
You remove the second gauntlet from her other wrist with a start before you see the teasing smirk on her face. You let out a small huff before refocusing your attention on your table. “I see what Mr. Stark means when he said you were charming.”
Natasha raises an eyebrow. “Oh? And what else did he tell you about me?”
“That you didn’t like meeting new people, though now I think that may have been a lie.”
Natasha shrugs before leaning in a little closer to you. “It’s sort of true. I just prefer to meet people that I’m interested in.”
You turn away from her to hide the smile on your face, pretending to look for some tools. 
The lab doors slide open as Tony walks in while reading the tablet in his hand. Looking up, he sighs sadly when he sees Natasha next to you. “Did she get to you already?”
You give him a reassuring look. “No confessions from me. Natasha just needed some things fixed.”
Tony stares at the two of you doubtfully before pointing to Natasha. “Don’t you have reports to do or something?”
Rolling her eyes, Natasha stands to leave. She turns to you with a soft smile. “I’ll come visit more often now that I know you exist.”
You bite your lips to hide your smile as you watch her leave. 
As Natasha exits the lab, she hears Tony’s voice call out.
“FRIDAY, can you restrict her access to the lab?”
“I’m afraid Ms. Potts has already denied that request, sir.”
Natasha smirks at the AI response. She should get something for Pepper later as thanks.
As she said, over the following weeks, Natasha visits you often in the lab. Sometimes with some equipment that needed to be fixed. Other times just to talk. Later, when she finds out that you usually eat your lunch in the lab, she would also join you if she had the time. 
You look up when you hear the doors open, already knowing who to expect. Natasha walks in, waving the take-out bag in her hands.
You groan in relief at the sight of her. “You are a lifesaver.” 
You stand and grab the food from her eagerly before moving it to an area where the two of you can eat.
Natasha sits on the edge of your work table as she watches you set out the food. “Well, I know how you get absorbed into your work and forget to eat.” She tells you knowingly.
Her eyes glance at the papers on your desk that you were previously working on. Most of them had rough sketches of designs for some of the equipment of the other Avengers. Her name on one paper catches her attention. Picking it up, Natasha examines the details curiously. 
At the sudden silence, you glance up at her. You do a double take when you realize what she was looking at. Over time, as you worked on her equipment, you’ve noticed that her current suit’s belt doesn’t hold much ammo or gadgets, so you had sketched some ideas that you had for her.
“That’s just some ideas of some upgrades that I had. It’s not really anything worth looking at.” 
Natasha shakes her head in disagreement before handing the paper back to you. “I like it. I’m sure Tony will get you the parts that you would need if you want to work on it.”
“Really?” you ask her, astonished.
She nods at you reassuringly before pushing you back towards the food. “We can discuss it later, but first, let’s eat.”
A few weeks later, you completed your first prototype, and you were excited to show Natasha and test it out.
Natasha admires the new belt on the table. It was still slim and compact, but she can see where you had added extra slots for her weapons. You also included her signature red symbol on the buckle.
You were practically buzzing with excitement. “I just need to see if there needs to be any more adjustments with the sizing.”
Without thinking, you grab her hand to pull her closer to you. You move quickly as you remove her current belt. Taking the new belt, your hands wrap around her waist as you grab one end before bringing it to her front and snapping it into place. You fidget with the belt, checking for any snags or looseness, totally absorbed in your work. 
Natasha’s initial surprised expression melts into an amused and fond look on her face as she watches you. You were adorable when you concentrated on your work, and honestly, she’s not sure how much longer she can hold in her feelings for you.
After performing your final checks and detailing little changes that needed to be adjusted, you suddenly froze when you realized Natasha hadn’t said a word since you started. 
Your eyes widened, mortified when you see your current position. Your body had moved closer to Natasha’s when you were making adjustments. One of your hands was still placed atop the belt while the other was resting against her stomach, and you could feel her toned body underneath your hand. You swallow nervously as you look up at her.
She tilts her head at you as you continue to stare at her. “Everything okay?”
The closeness between your bodies was making it hard for you to think. Eventually, you were able to get your brain to function enough to respond.
all good.” You unconsciously lick your lips out of embarrassment.
You see Natasha's eyes flick down to your mouth at the action, and you feel your face heat up even more. You should definitely step away from her now. As you go to move, Natasha’s next words causes you to stop in surprise.
“Would you like to go out with me?”
Your eyes widen at her question, and you see a hopeful expression on her face as she waits for your response. Instinctively, you want to say ‘yes’ and close the distance between you two, but you stop yourself, hesistating. 
Natasha sees the conflicting feelings on your face, so she decides to ease the pressure a little with some teasing. 
“You know, according to Tony’s theory, since I’m the one who confessed, a rejection would mean that I would need to quit my job.”
You can't help but laugh at her reasoning before giving her a playful smile, teasing back.  “Well, we can’t have the Black Widow quitting over a failed confession.”
Natasha places her hands on your waist, pulling you in closer. She tilts her head at you in question. “I haven’t failed yet. Technically, you never gave me an answer.”
You move your arms to wrap around the back of her neck as you pretend to think about your decision. “So I still get to keep my job?”
Natasha nods reassuringly. “For however long you can stand working with Tony’s ego.”
You give her a fond smile. “Then yes, I would love to go out with you.”
Tony was throwing you a party to celebrate your first anniversary since working with the Avengers and him, even though you insisted that it wasn’t necessary. He disagrees, saying how nobody has lasted this long, so you relented.
Naturally, you went with Natasha as your date since you have been dating her for several months already. The only problem is that you forgot to update Tony about your new relationship.
When the two of you enter the party, Natasha leans down and whispers next to your ear. “I’ll go get us something to drink.” With a light touch against your back, she walks away toward the bar. 
You are lost in your thoughts as you admire her walk away, so you are startled when Tony slides in front of you, excitement in his eyes.
“Y/n! Good, I found you.”
You smile at him, used to his frantic energy by now. “Hello, Mr. Stark, was there something that you needed?”
He waves his hand dismissively at you.
“This party is for you, and you’ve been working with me for a year now. I’ve told you to just call me Tony.” 
You give him an apologetic look before asking him curiously. “You said you were looking for me?”
Tony claps his hands at the reminder.
“Yes, I want you to meet someone. She’s a nice person, has a great personality, and she works as a pilot.”
You raise your hand to try and stop him. “I already have some—“
“Oh, here she is!”
You give him a tight smile as the woman approaches the two of you. Tony pats you on the back in encouragement, turning to leave.
“Alright, I’ll leave the two of you alone.”
“Wait, Tony—,“ you try to stop him, but he rushes away. Turning back to the woman, you give her a polite smile as she introduces herself.
Meanwhile, Natasha was standing at the bar, waiting for your drinks.
“I am the greatest boss ever,” Tony exclaims, sliding in next to her.
Natasha rolls her eyes at his words. Deciding to indulge him while she waits, she asks him to explain. “How’s that?”
“I just found the perfect date for our favorite weapons techie.”
Natasha frowns when she realizes what he said. Turning around to look at where she left you, she sees that you were currently talking with a beautiful woman. 
Her posture relaxes when she reads your body language. You had a polite smile on your face as you listened to the woman, but she could see how tense your body was, and your hand at your side kept fidgeting with your dress. 
“Now I don’t have to worry about her falling for you.” Tony says smugly.
“No, we wouldn’t want that,” Natasha smirks as she turns back around to grab the drinks that the bartender just placed in front of her. 
Tony notices the two drinks in her hands and raises his eyebrows at her. “You have a date?”
“Girlfriend.” Without explaining further, she heads back toward you. By the time Natasha reaches you, the other woman was already turning to leave, nodding at Natasha in acknowledgment. 
You let out a breath of relief as Natasha comes back to your side. Thankfully, the woman was understanding when you explained the situation to her. 
Natasha hands you your drink as she returns her hand around your waist, pulling you against her. She sighs in disappointment as she watches the woman leave. “Here I thought I had the chance to be a hero and save you.”
You give her a teasing smile. “Maybe next time.” 
Natasha presses a soft kiss to your lips in response before pulling away.
You tilt your head curiously at her. “What was that for?”
Natasha gives you an affectionate look. “First, because I love you.” 
Her expression shifts into a smirk. “Second, is Tony freaking out?”
You look over her shoulders at the bar and see Tony gaping at the two of you, pointing accusingly at Natasha while Pepper holds him back from rushing over.
You turn back to her, giving her an amused look. “He’s going to lock you out again.”
Natasha just shrugs, unbothered. “He can’t keep me away from you.” She raises her eyebrows suggestively at you. “He also can’t stop you from visiting me in my room during your breaks.”
You push her lightly before bringing her face close for a kiss.
When you accepted this job, you never thought you would end up in a relationship with the Black Widow. Then again you never imagine that she would end up falling for you.
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nanisburner · 1 year
ahh I’m so glad you liked it!! â˜ș i missed your input on my fics ngl and yes i love stories with r who carries the baby 😭
Pietro is alive, yes (I hate killing him off in my fics tbh).
And I actually have written out some ideas to make this into an au, so you’ll definitely see their journey with the baby :)
Our Story
Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader
Summary: You and your wife reminisce about your life together
Warnings: Character death, violence, blood, weapon use (it’s like 98% fluff i promise)
A/n: favorite Wanda fic of mine / enjoy :)
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When people asked about how you and Wanda came to be, you would tell them that it’s a long, complicated story, and you were never one to lie. To others, your story would seem to lie on the brink of impossibility, but to the two of you, it was your everyday lives. Your life was full of crazy alien invasions, evil robots, bad organizations, and family. A family that neither of you grew up with, but learned to love nonetheless. You smiled just thinking about it.
“What’s going on in that cute little head of yours?” A small smile formed on your lips at the sound of your lover’s voice.
You continued to stare at the four-month-old baby girl in your arms who was sleeping soundly.
“About us. Everything.” You finally looked up to see Wanda with a large smile, her eyes full of love and adoration as she watched you hold your guy's daughter. She was leaning in the doorway to the baby’s room before walking in and kneeling in front of the chair you were sitting in.
“Hmm.” She hummed as one hand cradled the baby’s head while the other settled on your knee. “And what about us? Good things I hope?” She joked, and you smiled down at your daughter.
“It’s only ever good things.” The two of you sat in a comfortable silence, and Wanda’s eyes studied your features as if it was the first time she was seeing you. Her eyes strayed to the scar on your neck. “I was actually thinking about our story.”
Wanda broke out of her daze at your words. “Our story? What do you mean?”
“You know
 How we met, how we fell in love. Who this little one got named after.” You wiggled your daughter’s hand that was gripping your finger tightly.
“Everything that brought us here to today.” You looked at Wanda lovingly. “It was a lot, wasn’t it?”
“It was.” Wanda breathed out. The emotion in your eyes always threw her off, no matter how many times she looked into them. She supposed it was because of her never ending, and ever growing feelings for you.
The baby started to fuss and woke up, crying a bit as she nuzzled her face into your chest. You laughed and held her out to Wanda.
“She’s hungry, hold her real quick?”
“Come here, little one.” Wanda said as she held the crying baby in her arms. She stood up and bounced her gently up and down as you freed your breasts and got comfortable.
“Here Wands.” You held your hands out, and she placed the baby in them. You hissed as she latched onto you, and Wanda looked at you, concerned.
“Are you okay? I can get her a bottle instead. I know you’ve been sore, so maybe you should take a break-"
“Wanda! I’m okay. She just bit me. I’m fine, she doesn’t even have teeth.” You laughed, shaking your head at her antics. “Your mommy is just so paranoid, isn’t she?” You whispered towards the baby and smirked at Wanda when you heard her scoff.
“God forbid I worry about my wife.” You crinkled your nose at her and looked away from her. “What?” She asked with a tilted head.
“Nothing. I just love it when you call me that.”
“What? My wife?” You nodded and hummed. “Then it’s a good thing I’ll never stop.”
“And I’ll never let you.” You gave her a playfully stern look before moving the baby away from your chest since she was done. “Can you take her again, please? I need to clean up since she missed some milk.” You giggled and passed the baby back to your grinning wife.
“Of course. I’ll lay her down. Wanna wait for me in the bedroom?” She wiggled her eyebrows at you and you rolled your eyes before leaning up to peck her lips.
Wanda watched as you walked out of the room, absolutely in love with you. And she wasn’t so scared of that fact now, not that she was before, she knew you harbored the same exact feelings. She smiled down at her baby, kissing her forehead before laying her in the crib. Wanda tucked her in and spoke to her softly.
“I love you so much, radost moya.” She kissed her forehead. She stayed staring down at the sleeping baby. “I’m not paranoid, am I?” she mumbled.
“No, your mama is just very, very accident prone. And she has been since the day we met.” Wanda didn’t know whether to smile or cry at the memory. Sometimes, she did both.
— Eleven years ago —
“Are we sure that we want to fight superhuman twins and
 an army of robots?” Your nervous voice traveled through the jet full of Avengers.
“I mean, the girl Wanda? Already kind of messed us up pretty bad
” you mumbled when you received a disapproving look from Natasha.
You slumped in your seat when she looked at you like that. You didn’t want to let her down since she was the one who recruited you, and your closest friend out of the Avengers.
“Y/n, you’ve been training with us for almost a year. You’re more than ready to take this on.”
“Yeah, kid. As long as you stay with Natasha you’ll be fine.” Tony said.
“We won’t let anything happen to you, but we need you Y/n.” Steve chimed in. You looked at everyone who nodded their head in agreement and you took a deep breath.
You would be fine.
Turns out you were not fine.
The second you guys stepped into Sokovia, Ultron’s robots came full power at you guys, and you found yourself following Steve instead of Natasha. She went off to who knows where, and you were too busy trying not to die to look. So Steve cleared a path for the two of you and you took out whatever you could, but you couldn’t keep up with a super soldier.
You were surrounded, you were slicing, and taking down as many robots as you could, but you were also getting hit. And you were getting tired. You silently thanked Tony for the vibranium sword he had made you, or else you wouldn’t have lasted this long.
“Guys!” You heard Clint over the comms. “Hey, the twins. They’re with us now.”
“Has anyone seen Y/n?!” Natasha yelled and you would have answered were it not for the robot that hit you into the nearest building’s wall. The team heard you groan into their earpieces.
“Answer us kid, where are you?”
You blinked the dizziness away and tried to raise yourself up to your feet, only to stumble backwards into the wall again.
“Can you hear us? Y/n!”
The voices of the team were muffled and you could barely concentrate. Your sword long gone from your hands.
The robots were coming closer, and you tried your best to get into a stance. Before a move was made, your vision went black. The last thing you remember seeing was a robot wrapped in red mist.
“I- I found her!” Wanda called out, using her magic to keep you from collapsing harshly onto the ground.
Natasha then ran past her, followed by Steve and Thor. She hesitantly trailed after the three Avengers towards your body. Her breath caught in her throat at the sight of you. She thought you were beautiful.
Yeah, you were bruised up here and there, and yeah, maybe it was weird for Wanda to think about how attractive an unconscious girl was, but she couldn’t help it. And she found herself wanting to always protect you like she did today.
When they had finally destroyed the falling country of Sokovia, the Avengers took the twins in and settled you into the medical wing at the Avenger’s tower. Wanda surprised herself by asking to stay by your side, which Natasha was a little wary about at first, but she saw the determined glint in Wanda’s eyes and allowed it.
“If you hurt her
” Natasha warned Wanda, who cowered only slightly before gaining the confidence to speak.
“I won’t.” She gave the spy a definite nod.
“We’ll be watching you.” Natasha said, pointing at the security camera in the corner of the medical bay. When Wanda looked back to where Natasha was standing, she was gone. She let out a long breath and took the seat beside your hospital bed.
She finally studied all of your features for the first time up close. The oxygen mask covered your nose and mouth. There were bruises on your cheekbones, neck and Wanda could only assume that there were more on the rest of your covered body. The thought made Wanda feel upset. She didn’t know why she felt so drawn to you, but she did and she couldn’t find it in herself to mind.
It took you five hours to wake up. The twitching of your muscles alerted Wanda, and she sat up fully in her seat, waiting for you to open your eyes.
You winced at the harsh light of the medical bay, and Wanda rushed to dim them for your comfort. You looked around and when you saw Wanda you freaked out, causing the heart monitor to start speeding up.
In your hazy mind you couldn’t remember anything that happened in Sokovia. After you lost Steve, it was all a blur for you.
Wanda reached over to stop your hands from grabbing at the mask, and you flinched and backed away from her, almost falling off of the bed.
“S-stay away f-from me.” You choked out, your words muffled by the oxygen mask. Wanda frowned and tilted her head.
“I’m on your side. You don’t have to be scared.” Her accent prominent, and it sent shivers down your spine.
You tried to wrack your brain up for any memories of Wanda helping you out, and that’s when you looked around to see you were safe and sound in the Avenger’s tower. Your anxiety slowly going away, but you were still weary.
“Where’s Nat? I want to see Natasha.” You said while looking around still.
“She had paperwork.” The witch lied, not wanting to leave the you alone. “But she is watching us if you’re worried.” She pointed at the security camera that was pointed out to her earlier, trying to ignore the relieved feeling in her chest when you visibly relaxed.
“So, what? You’re good now?”
“I am. I
” She hesitated when you looked into her eyes. It’s like she could see the conflict in them, fear mixed with gratitude for
 her? “I wanted to say I was sorry. For fighting you guys at first.” She bowed her head in shame, causing you to feel bad for her.
” You wanted to yell at her and get her away from you, but she genuinely looked so distraught at the fact that she was an enemy before now. So you softened up a bit.
“It’s fine. I’m sorry too.” She whipped her head up at you.
“Why- Why are you sorry? You didn’t do anything wrong.” You tilted your head at her.
“I’m assuming you’re only here because you have nowhere else to go? And your brother is here too?” She nodded, confused as to where you were going with this.
“Well then I’m sorry for your country, Wanda.” You said softly. “I’m sorry for your home.”
“Thank you.” She said quietly.
And on that day, two promises were made in that room. Wanda had promised to always protect you, and you promised to always make Wanda feel at home. The two of you just never knew that until years later.
— Nine Years Ago —
“Tony, are you sure this is the right warehouse? There is nothing here.” Wanda said over comms. Tony had found a still standing HYDRA base, and so Fury sent Tony, Steve, Wanda, you, Sam, and Natasha to scope the place out.
Sure HYDRA was destroyed for a couple of years now, but Fury wanted you guys to check up on some of their old hideouts here and there just in case. So now here the six of you were spread out in duos to walk around. You were with Wanda, Natasha with Sam, and Steve with Tony.
“Have I ever been wrong, witchy?”
A combination of “Yes you have” and “all the time” rang throughout the comms and Tony rolled his eyes.
“Funny. Yes, I’m sure this is the right place.”
You and Wanda were on the bottom floor, walking down what looked like an old prison hallway. There were closed and open cell doors, lights flickering off and on.
You were lingering close to Wanda since she was using her powers as a light when you guys heard muffled voices from the door at the end of the hall.
It was a thick metal with a small window at the top. Wanda pushed you behind her and gestured for you to be quiet. You nodded and quietly slipped your sword from its sheath, and followed Wanda.
“We hear someone down here. Bottom floor.” Wanda whispered into the comms, and you heard Steve and Natasha tell you guys to wait until they were down there.
“It doesn’t sound like a lot of p-" Wanda covered your mouth with her hand and pulled you into the nearest cell, causing you to drop your sword. Wanda was pressing your body against the wall so you two were hidden. You heard the metal door opening and Wanda stared into your eyes with a pleading look.
“Be quiet, detka.” She spoke into your mind and you nodded, looking right back into her eyes. Your heart was pounding in your chest, and you didn’t know if it was from the pressure of Wanda’s body against yours or the fear of your situation.
Honestly, a bit of both.
“We’ll be okay.” She said in your mind once more and you could only nod
 again. The voices and footsteps from the people who walked out of the door were getting closer, and you could hear their conversations better.
“I swear, when we get our hands on that precious technology of Stark’s, no one will ever know what’s coming.” A man said.
“And that onesie wearing team of freaks is going down.” A woman said, her voice dark and full of hate. You would have laughed at her insult for you guys were it not for the situation.
“Save that anger for when we face them head on, friend.” Another man spoke up as he patted the woman on her shoulder. They were right outside the cell you were in now.
“You already know I am. They reall-" Her words were cut off when her foot kicked into your sword, sliding it a few feet away. They all stopped, and you felt Wanda press into you more, her hand still tightly covering your mouth.
“Someone’s here.” The woman hissed out, and you heard guns being drawn.
“There’s no point in hiding now.” They laughed.
“Just come out, and we’ll make your deaths
 painless.” Wanda drew out a breath before speaking into your mind again.
“I’ll take their guns out while you stay here.” You went to protest in your mind.
“But Wands-"
“You don’t leave this spot until I tell you to, understand?” Sighing, you nodded. You knew that Wanda always got her way in times like this. She slowly let go of your mouth and stepped away from you, holding eye contact the whole time.
You grabbed her hand and squeezed.
“Be safe.” You mouthed out, and she squeezed back in reassurance. Wanda watched as the three agents walked past her cell, and she threw the two men against the wall with her powers.
“Hey!” the woman yelled and started shooting at Wanda, which she deflected pretty easily. She forced the gun out of her hands and she charged towards the woman.
You watched as Wanda and the woman exchanged punches, and you finally decided to make a move when you saw one of the men getting up. You ran for your sword and grabbed it, turning around only to be met with a gun to your face.
The man smiled at you with a dark glint in his eyes. “Didn’t you hear? Never bring a knife to a gun fight.”
“Are you- This isn’t a knife.” You said exasperated, and he was almost thrown off by how unfazed you seemed to be, even with a gun pointing at your head.
“It’s actually a vibranium sword, you know. Stark’s technology that you and your buddies want, oh so badly.” You mocked with a smug grin and swung at his gun, cutting it in half. His eyes went wide, and he lunged at your legs, knocking the wind out of you when you landed harshly on your back.
The man got up and straddled you, swinging the back of his hand against your face. “You little shit, you’re going to get what’s coming to you.” He swung again.
You got a grip on your sword and plunged it into the man’s leg, causing him to cry out and fall off of you. You dug it deeper until you were sure he was down and looked up in time to see the woman fly down the hallway with a red mist attached to her ankles.
You and Wanda locked eyes and smiled, relieved that you were both okay. The moment of ease was only short lived.
“Y/n!” Wanda exclaimed, and you were grabbed from behind. One arm was holding yours, bringing the sword up to your neck while the other one held your free arm behind your back.
You struggled against the man holding you, but he was bigger and stronger, and when you tried to twist out of his grip, the sword pressed onto your neck and you hissed in pain.
“Let her go!” You looked at Wanda and her eyes shone red, the mist surrounding her hands. You cried out when the man pressed the blade harder onto your neck, causing Wanda to freeze in her place, dread filling her body.
“You make one freak move and she’s dead!” The man yelled while stepping backwards. You saw the conflicted look in Wanda’s eyes when the red hue disappeared and you nodded at her.
“I’ll be fine, Wanda.” You repeated her words from earlier. The man was almost to the metal door when Sam’s redwing flew full speed at towards you and the man.
You tilted your head to the side right before it crashed into his head, causing him to go limp. The sword cut you a little more, and you fell right with him.
“Y/n!” Wanda practically flew to your side, Sam and Natasha following close behind.
“Did you all see that?! Now that’s how you do it!” Sam kicked the man to see if he was really knocked out and nodded.
Natasha and Wanda raised you to your feet, and Wanda shakily placed her hand against your throat using her powers to stop the bleeding.
“You need to stay awake, okay Y/n?” You heard Natasha speak, feeling barely able to mutter out a response.
“I-I don’t want t-to.” You whimpered as Wanda’s magic pressed into your wound more.
“I know, detka. We know, but you have to stay awake. Can you do that for us?”
You nodded and laid your head on her shoulder, squeezing your eyes shut when you all walked out of the warehouse building, Steve and Tony standing outside by the jet.
The six of you were on your way to the compound now. Wanda kept having to shock you now and then to keep you awake.
“Ow! Wanda stop.” You whined in your mind, not being able to speak out loud properly. She shook her head and did it again. You weakly slapped at her hand.
“I need to keep you awake until we can get Dr. Cho to look at you.”
Soon enough, you were once again in the medical bay, at the compound this time. Wanda and Natasha were both sitting by your bedside.
“You seriously don’t want Helen to heal the scar?” Wanda asked. You shook your head.
“If I ever get to tell this story to my kids, I would want proof.” Natasha scoffed.
“Proof of what? How you got your ass kicked?” You covered your mouth and laughed.
“No!” You giggled and traced around the bandage on your neck. “Proof that I survived.”
— Present —
“Are you telling our daughter lies about me?” You teased from the doorway of the room. Wanda laughed and turned to look at you.
“No, I’m just justifying my paranoia when it comes to you.” She said, watching as you rolled your eyes and walked closer to her.
“Well sorry for making you worry so much.” She smiled when you tucked yourself under her arm, wrapping your arms around her waist.
“I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
“I worry about you, too. You know?” You confessed quietly. “All the time.”
“I know.” Wanda pulled you closer to her side. The two of you stood in comfortable silence, watching over your baby until Wanda spoke up again.
“Bedtime?” You looked up at her and leaned up for a quick but loving kiss.
“Bedtime.” You dragged her off to the bedroom after having set up the baby monitor, and now you and Wanda were both in the bathroom doing your nightly routine.
“You know, you forgot to tell the baby about all the dates I was planning on getting with the scar.” You smirked when Wanda rolled her eyes.
“And how did that work out for you?” She deadpanned.
“Oh, I got the date.” You said cheekily. “And with the only one I have ever wanted."
— Nine Years Ago —
It’s been four months since your last mission. Natasha, Steve and Tony have refused to let you on anymore until Tony finished your new suit. A new suit that would have a neck covering on it.
You complained about it to Wanda only to have her agree with them. You groaned and fell onto her bed.
“Traitor.” You mumbled out.
“Yeah, I’m so bad for wanting you safe.” She mocked and your heart skipped a beat at her words. “Now come on, get up. We need to get ready for the party tonight.”
You whined. “I don’t even want to go. Can we stay in, please?” You pouted at her and Wanda’s breath caught in her throat at how cute you were before shaking her head, looking away from you.
“It’s mandatory. Come on, don’t you want to show off your scar? Get a date?” She said through clenched teeth and you bit your bottom lip at her suddenly upset state. You decided to mess with her a bit.
“Why? Jealous? You know jealousy doesn’t really suit you, Wan.” She whipped her head around and crossed her arms. She glared at the smirk on your face.
“I’m anything but jealous. I couldn’t care less about any of those pathetic dates you want.”
Okay, that hurt and it must have showed because Wanda softened up before mumbling an apology. She turned around to her closet again.
Your brain was scrambling for something to say. Should you say sorry? Press her even further? Leave? Cry? Tell her that you’re in love with her??
Wanda froze. Oops. You might have thought that a little too loudly. Did she just-
” You sat up to talk, but she turned around before you could finish.
“Did you mean that?” Her face was blank, and you wanted to cry at how unreadable she was, especially after she had just heard your most vulnerable thought. “You really-"
“Yes.” You choked out, and suddenly you couldn’t hold the tears that had built up in your eyes. Wanda just stared at you with her mouth agape.
“I do. I-Is that okay? I don’t-" A sob cut you off and you turned away from Wanda to get ahold of yourself. This was definitely not how you wanted this to go. You really would have preferred if it didn’t “go” at all.
You felt the bed behind you shift and you waited for the “I love you but not in that way” speech you always imagined you’d get from Wanda when this day came.
Instead, you got a soft hand on your shoulder, and you stiffened at the contact.
” Wanda pulled at your shoulder and you reluctantly turned around and sat with your knees to your chest in front of her. You stared down at the space between you guys, sniffling and roughly wiping at your tears with the sleeves of your shirt.
“Look at me, please?” You childishly turned your head away as if to tell her you weren’t going to look at her. She sighed and concealed a smile at your stubbornness.
“Detka,” You almost caved when the nickname rolled so sweetly off of her tongue. “I want you to look at me when I tell you I love you, too.” Your eyes went wide as they landed on Wanda before they lowered again.
“L-like how I love you?” You asked timidly, scared she was just trying to let you down gently. “I don’t love you like how I love Natasha or Sam. I love you like-"
“I’m in love with you, Y/n.” She rushed out and gave you a soft smile. “I think since we’ve met.” Wanda grabbed your hands and sat closer to you.
“I remember that day like it was yesterday because it was the day my life changed for the better. I saved you, and I remember thinking that that was something I wanted to do forever. Protecting you.” You laughed.
“Really? I seemed that fragile to you?” Wanda playfully rolled her eyes and tried to keep the smile that was forming off of her face.
“No. I don’t know why, but I just felt this need to get to know you, to be there for you. And so I did, and I fell in love. Fast, but I didn’t mind.”
“Why not?”
“Because it was you. You just brought me this never ending comfort that made me feel safe when falling for you, you know?”
You started crying again. “Wanda
” You whined, and she laughed. “You’re making me cry. I mean, how am I ever going to top that speech?” She rolled her eyes playfully and smiled.
“I can think of a few ways.” Her eyes darted to your lips and your face burned when you realized what she wanted. You shifted, so you were in front of her on your knees and you held her face in her hands.
“I don’t have a lot of experience.” You mumbled.
“Then let me guide you.” She said before pulling your lips down to hers.
Your eyes instinctively fluttered shut as you surrendered to her control. She pulled you into her lap without breaking the kiss and her tongue swiped at your bottom lip. You gasped at her squeezing your hips and she slipped her tongue in your mouth.
You moaned when she deepened the kiss and pulled you flush against her. You tried conveying just how much you felt about the witch, since words had failed you before. You followed her movements and pulled her even closer, wanting nothing more than for her to invade all of your senses completely.
Your hands tangled in her hair, not at all caring when you started to feel lightheaded from the loss of air. But then Wanda slowly pulled away from you and your eyes stayed closed, too blissed out to even think straight.
Her giggling pulled you back to reality, and you looked at her with a toothy grin. “How was that?” She asked.
“Good.” Wanda quirked an eyebrow at you, her hands raising to your sides.
“Just good?” Before you could answer, she started tickling you and pushed you backwards to the bed to keep you in place. You threw your head back and squealed, trying to push her off.
“Wanda! S-stop.” A loud laugh cut you off. “I-It was better t-than good! It was am-” You almost yelled when she didn’t stop. “Amazing!” She finally gave you a break and held herself up by her arms as you laid there panting.
“That’s what I thought.” Your eyes bore into hers and you couldn’t keep the smile off of your face. You wrapped your arms around her neck and pulled her down to you, kissing her until you were both breathless again.
The party you guys had to attend was long forgotten by the end of the night.
— Present —
“Remember when we told Nat about us?” You sighed as you pulled Wanda down to the bed.
“Yes, you were a bit dramatic, weren’t you?” You pushed her away from you.
“Don’t even. I was overwhelmed with all of my emotions.” Wanda barked out a laugh before pulling you back into her.
— Nine Years Ago —
“We just wanted to tell you that we’ve been dating for a couple of weeks now.”
Natasha just looked between the two of you with no expression.
“You guys are
 kidding, right?” You furrowed your eyebrows as your mind went to the worst place.
Did she not accept that? Was she mad? You hated making Natasha mad. She was like your best friend mixed with an older sister and you didn’t want to lose her in any way. Wanda noticed you weren’t going to say anything, so she did.
“No, why? Is there something wrong with that?” She crossed her arms out of defense for the two of you, and Natasha softened up.
“No, I just thought you guys have been dating. For like, years now.”
“Nat, we’ve only known each other for two.”
“Exactly!” She laughed. “How have you guys not gotten together sooner?”
“You’re not mad?” They both focused on you. Your nervous habits not going unnoticed by the two of them. Fingers fiddling in your lap, leg bouncing up and down as you avoided eye contact. Wanda put her hand on yours to calm you down, and you looked at Natasha. Your nerves instantly easing at the sight of her comforting smile.
“Of course not. I’m happy for you guys, really.”
You jumped forward and gave her a hug.
“Thank you.” You breathed out. She looked at Wanda confused before wrapping her arms around you.
“For what?” She asked, and you pulled away to look at her.
“For accepting me.”
“Y/n you don’t have to thank me-"
“I do.” You cut her off. “I have to thank you for everything. For recruiting me, giving me this home instead of sending me to off to some kind of jail, for being my friend, and for being my mentor in not only training but in life.”
She was taken aback by your sudden admission of how much you appreciated her. And Natasha, the woman who doesn’t do well with emotional talks, didn’t know what to say.
 O-of course, Y/n.” She wanted to tell you how much she appreciated you too, but she didn’t know how.
You gave her one last hug before sitting back down by Wanda’s side. You looked sheepishly at the two before lowering your gaze.
“Sorry. Your opinion just really matters to me.” You said, and Natasha straightened up her posture, all the vulnerability making her feel weird. Nice, but weird.
“Good, at least I know you listen to me then.” You rolled your eyes and Natasha looked towards Wanda.
“If you hurt her, Maximoff
” Your girlfriend had a case of deja vu when Natasha gave her that same threatening look from two years ago.
“You know I won’t.” Wanda knew Natasha thought back to the same day by the look on her face, and they both shared a knowing smile.
— Present —
“Huh.” You took in Wanda’s words. “So that’s why you guys had that weird look on your faces.” You shifted on the bed so you could rest your head on your hand, looking at Wanda.
“You know
” You trailed your fingers lightly over her collarbone. “You never did hurt me.”
“I did make a promise not to. I wasn’t the only one who always wanted to protect you.” You smiled sadly while trying to stop the tears that were forming in your eyes.
“I know.” You whispered before laying back down by Wanda, the tears finally falling. “I miss her.”
You choked out a sob and Wanda pulled you into her arms where you always felt safe enough to just let go.
— Three Years Ago —
“Let go, Y/n.”
“Nat, no! We can find another way, please.” You cried out when Natasha’s hand started slipping from your tight hold.
When you first became friends with Natasha, you were sure she was going to be the godmother to your child. Your bridesmaid at your wedding, the neighbor to your first home with your wife.
But of course, as an Avenger those types of things are never guaranteed.
Which is why you were now sobbing for her to hold on while she was doing everything she could to let go. To sacrifice herself for the world, for her family, for Wanda.
It had been five years without Wanda. without half of the universe. Although you would do anything to bring them all back, you didn’t think having to lose your best friend was on the list of those things.
But it was.
“There isn’t one, Y/n. It’ll be okay.” She nodded when you shook your head. A single tear fell down her face, and it only made your chest ache even more. You’ve never seen her cry before. Not once.
“I can’t lose you too, Nat. Please.” Natasha gave you a sad smile.
“I’m sorry, I love you.” She said before kicking herself away from the cliff, effectively pulling her hand out of your grasp causing her to fall towards the ground. You don’t even remember if you screamed her name or if you just went numb when it happened. You can only recall that one second you were staring at your best friend’s lifeless body, and the next you were alone with the Soul Stone in hand.
And you returned home with a heavy heart.
— Present —
 You’re okay, detka. I’ve got you.” Wanda had now maneuvered the two of you so she was leaning against the headboard with you on her lap. You were calming down now, but still let quiet sobs out while you clutched onto Wanda’s shirt.
“She- I didn’t even get to say ‘I love you’ back.” You buried yourself further into your wife while she held you.
“I know, baby. I’m so sorry. I’m sorry.” It hurt Wanda to see you like this. She knew a lot about losing someone close to you. How it felt to lose your family, and it was a pain she wouldn’t wish on her own enemies. So seeing you like this tore her apart.
“If it helps, I know that Natasha knows how much you love her too. I mean, we did name our daughter after her.” Your lips curled up into a smile. You let out a sound between a laugh and a sob before sitting up in Wanda’s lap to look into her eyes.
Her hands came up to wipe your tears away, thumbs brushing your cheekbones lightly.
“I wish Talia could meet her.” You sniffled and Wanda nodded. “She would have really liked her I think.”
“I think she would have loved her, just like she loved you.” You smiled and leaned in to give her a long, soft kiss, your hands moving to rest on her shoulders. She responded to it immediately, and her hands moved down to your waist. She hummed as you pulled away.
“What was that for?” Your hands lightly brushed against her neck and you shrugged.
“For everything. A thank you for always being so understanding and patient with me, for always knowing what to say. I love you.” She blushed, and you smiled.
“You don’t have to thank me for those things, my love. It’s easy to be so patient and understanding when you do the same for me. When you love me like how I love you.”
“That I do.”
The two of you sat in silence for a while, just enjoying the other’s company and touch. You had your head on Wanda’s shoulder now, you placed gentle kisses on her neck here and there, to which she would respond with a kiss on your head.
She was humming a song now, and you smiled when you realized it was the song you guys had danced to at your wedding.
You loved these moments with Wanda. No words were said, but you both knew exactly what the other was feeling just by the emotions you poured into our affections. It was your favorite thing about being in love, and married to her. That, and the daughter the two of you now had together, and the home you three shared. The home where your long, complicated story would continue to go on.
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nanisburner · 1 year
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Sixteen Candles 
Masterlist | General Masterlist 
Mama!Natasha Romanoff x Mama! Wanda Maximoff x Teen!Reader 
Follow my reblog page @natsxaddiction2 for updates
TW: mentions child abuse and SA of a minor and also religious talk and self-harm
W/c: 5.1k
The sleek black car zoomed down the highway, its tires humming against the pavement. You were nestled in the backseat, the hum of the engine providing a comforting rhythm. Natasha, sat in the driver's seat, her hands confidently gripping the steering wheel. Wanda sat beside her, her calming presence emanating throughout the car.
As the Avenger's compound grew nearer, a mix of excitement and nerves flooded your veins. You had heard so much about this legendary team, their incredible abilities, and their heroic feats. But deep down, a fear gnawed at you. Would they accept you? Would they like you?
Unable to contain your worries any longer, you leaned forward in your seat to address Natasha, who glanced at you briefly before focusing on the road.
"Mom," You began, your voice quivering slightly, "What if the team doesn't like me?
Natasha's emerald eyes met yours in the rearview mirror, reflecting warmth and understanding. She spoke in her calm yet firm tone, "Bunny, you have nothing to worry about. The Avengers are a family. Our family. They will love you. They already love you.”
You bit your lip, absorbing Natasha's reassuring words. Still, doubt lingered in your mind. Turning to Wanda, you sought her wisdom, knowing her empathic abilities would help ease your concerns.
"What do you think?” You ask. 
“I think that Natasha is right,” Wanda speaks carefully. “I also know they’re pretty excited to meet you. We’ve talked about you so much. It’s about time they put a face with the name.”
“If you’re sure,” You lean back into the seat. You could only hope they were right. 
As the car approached the towering gates of the Avenger's compound, your heart raced with anticipation. The grandeur and magnitude of the place overwhelmed you. It was like stepping into a world where heroes thrived and incredible powers collided.
Natasha expertly maneuvered the car through the security checkpoints, her badge granting her access. The guards nodded respectfully, recognizing the famed Black Widow and her companions. The compound stretched out before you, a vast expanse of cutting-edge technology and sleek architecture.
You couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness. Being Natasha and Wanda's foster child was a privilege, but meeting their coworkers, the legendary Avengers, was an entirely different prospect.
As the car rolled to a stop, you glanced out the window, taking in the sight of your new surroundings. The compound was bustling with activity. People in suits, working diligently. Others wander around attempting to look busy. 
You turned to Natasha and Wanda, who wore expressions of pride and excitement. Their confidence and reassurance helped steady your nerves. You were a part of this incredible world, and they were with you every step of the way.
Taking a deep breath, you opened the car door and stepped onto the compound grounds. The weight of your new identity, as a part of their family, settled on your shoulders, and you felt a mixture of humility and awe. This was where the Avengers assembled, where battles were fought, and where legends were born.
As you walked alongside Natasha and Wanda, their presence acting as a shield against your apprehension, you couldn't help but notice the occasional glances and smiles from the passing people. They were clearly in awe of the two women who flanked your side. With each step, your confidence grew, and you realized that being a foster child in this extraordinary world was not a burden but an honor. You’re about to step into an entirely new world. You should be grateful. The butterflies in the pit of your stomach say otherwise. You’d rather just go back home. 
As you walked with Natasha and Wanda through the Avengers' compound, your eyes widened at the sight before you. The magnetic energy of the place seemed to multiply as you approached a gathering of familiar faces. Your heart skipped a beat when you realized the Avengers were waiting inside the lounge, eager to meet you.
A broad smile stretched across Tony Stark's face as he took a step forward, his charismatic presence lighting up the area. "Well, well, well," he exclaimed, his voice filled with genuine excitement. "Look who's finally here! Bunny, we've been eagerly awaiting your arrival!"
Your eyes widen in surprise at him using your chosen name. You look to Natasha, she gives you an encouraging nod, and you reach your hand out for Tony to shake it. 
“Hi,” You greet before looking over at the others. Beside Tony, the rest of the Avengers wore welcoming expressions. Steve Rogers, known as Captain America, stood tall with an open, friendly demeanor. Natasha, who had warned them to be gentle with you, cast a watchful gaze over the scene, her eyes silently urging her colleagues to tread lightly.
Bruce Banner, often transformed into the Hulk, appeared calm and approachable. Thor, the mighty Asgardian, stood with his hammer Mjolnir by his side, a sense of regal warmth radiating from him.
Wanda, squeezed your hand gently, grounding you in the moment. Their presence was a comforting reminder that you were not alone and that you had a family within this extraordinary group.
A sense of quietness settled over you, a shyness that made it difficult to find your voice amidst the palpable excitement. You took a moment to observe the Avengers, noticing something remarkable—they were all dressed in casual attire. It was a stark reminder that beneath their heroic personas, they were simply human, just like you.
Tony's grin softened into an understanding smile as he took in your subdued nature. "Hey there, Bunny," he said gently, taking a step closer. "We know this can be a bit overwhelming, but trust me, we're all thrilled to have you here. We're just a bunch of normal people who happen to do some extraordinary things. And we're here to support you every step of the way."
Steve stepped forward, extending a hand. "Bunny, it's an honor to have you join our team. We're a family, and we'll do everything we can to make you feel at home."
Thor's booming voice carried across the courtyard. "Hello, young one. Welcome, Bunny."
You felt a warmth spreading through your chest, a glimmer of connection forming. These incredible individuals, these Avengers, were truly welcoming you with open arms. It was in Tony's eyes, in Steve's reassuring smile, in Bruce's understanding gaze. Maybe things will be alright with them. 
As you stepped forward, the Avengers closed in, their genuine excitement palpable in the air. Tony, Steve, Bruce, and Thor all leaned in, their expressions eager to continue speaking with you. But before they could speak, a gust of wind stirred up around you.
Suddenly, a blur of movement streaked past you, leaving a trail of breeze and a faint echo of laughter. It was Pietro, the speedster known as Quicksilver, coming to a sudden stop in front of you. His silver hair was disheveled, and his clothes clung to his body, drenched in sweat.
With a playful grin, Pietro fixed his gaze on you. "Well, hello there, if it isn't the newest addition to our little family. Bunny, right?”
You nod. You couldn't help but be drawn to Pietro's infectious energy. His bright eyes twinkled with mischief, and his words danced with wit. He exuded a sense of lightning-fast confidence that matched his superhuman speed.
Still finding your footing amidst this whirlwind introduction, managed a small smile. "Yes, it's Bunny. It's nice to meet you, Pietro."
Pietro's grin widened, and he leaned closer, his voice filled with playful teasing. "You know, Bunny, being around us Avengers can be a little overwhelming. But don't worry, I'll try to keep up with you." 
He began to throw his arm around your shoulder, clearly a testament to his friendliness, but Natasha could see your hesitance before anyone else. 
Amidst the laughter and lighthearted banter, Natasha stepped forward, her voice laced with a touch of caution. "Pietro, take it easy with Bunny. Remember what we discussed."
Pietro's mischievous smile softened into a genuine expression of understanding. "Don't worry, Nat. I'll be on my best behavior. Bunny, I'm here to make sure you never have a dull moment." He returned his arms to his side. It’s then you wonder how much they know. How detailed were the stories about you recounted to them? 
As you looked into Pietro's eyes, you could see the genuine care and acceptance he offered. In his quick-witted and playful nature, you found a kindred spirit—a connection that transcended words and settled in the realm of shared experiences.
“I’m fine,” You promise Natasha. 
“That’s good then,” Pietro smiles. “I have a lot to show you.” He promises. This should be fun. 
As Pietro and Wanda took you on the grand tour of the compound, Natasha found herself engaged in a conversation with Tony, Steve, Thor, and Bruce. The topic of discussion was none other than you. Your presence, your journey, and the impact you had already made on their lives.
Sitting in a comfortable lounge area, Natasha leaned forward, her expression filled with pride. “She's such a remarkable kid.” Natasha raved. “A bit shy, yes, but there's so much strength and potential within her. She's already brought so much joy and light into our lives."
Tony, ever inquisitive, raised an eyebrow. "She’s a cute kid. How did she end up in foster care again?” He asked. 
Natasha sighed softly, her eyes reflecting a mixture of sadness and determination. "Bunny's bio mother is in the picture. She’s there but it’s not worth an entire conversation.” Natasha dismisses. “She had a difficult upbringing and faced challenging circumstances.”
“She seems so
normal,” Steve begins. 
“She is normal,” Nataha defends. Steve apologizes. 
“I’m sorry, that’s not what I meant,” Steve, with his empathetic nature, reached out to place a reassuring hand on Natasha's shoulder. "Nat, I know Bunny is lucky to have you and Wanda as her foster parents. You've always had a knack for bringing out the best in people. She's in good hands."
Natasha offered a grateful smile, appreciating the support from her friends and colleagues. "Thanks. She has been through a lot, but she's resilient. We're doing everything we can to provide her with a safe and nurturing home, surrounded by people who care."
Bruce nodded in agreement, his voice filled with compassion. "It's incredible, Natasha, how you and Wanda have opened your hearts to Bunny. The love and guidance is what a kid needs.”
Natasha's gaze drifted toward the door, where Pietro, Wanda, and you had exited. "I just hope Bunny knows how much she means to us. We see so much potential in her, so much goodness. She's already become a vital part of our family."
Tony, ever the charismatic one, leaned back in his chair. "Well, Nat, I've got to hand it to you. Bringing a kid into this crazy world takes guts. But if anyone can navigate parenthood, it's you. I have no doubt she is in excellent hands."
Natasha's eyes sparkled with a mix of gratitude and determination. "We'll do whatever it takes to support Bunny and help her thrive. A lot is going on with the system. I don’t like how they treat these kids. It’s shameful.” Natasha shakes her head. “She draws, Steve. I think she’d enjoy it if you asked her about it.”
“Noted,” Steve nodded. He was already thinking of ideas to connect with you. If someone meant so much to both Natasha and Wanda he had to get to know you. 
Pietro, true to his word, took it upon himself to give you a comprehensive tour of the Avenger's compound. With Wanda closely following behind, her comforting presence serving as a reassuring anchor, you set off on an adventure within the vast halls and hidden corners of the compound.
Pietro, for once, decided to forgo his lightning-fast speed, opting to walk beside you at a leisurely pace. He flashed you a charming smile, his eyes gleaming with mischief. "Alright, Bunny, get ready for the grand tour. We've got a lot to see!"
You nodded, eager to explore your new surroundings. "I’m ready."
He gestured toward a corridor lined with high-tech doors. "This is the Avengers' training facility. It's where we hone our skills and prepare for battles. Trust me, it's a lot of blood, sweat, and tears—mostly mine."
You chuckled, finding comfort in Pietro's light-heartedness. Wanda squeezed your hand, her voice soothing. "It's a place where you can push your limits and show off some muscle.” He flexes, earning a smile from you and an eye roll from Wanda. 
As you continued the tour, Pietro pointed out various rooms and facilities—research labs, a state-of-the-art medical bay, and communal areas where the Avengers gathered to bond and relax. With each passing moment, you felt more at ease, realizing that the compound was not just a fortress but a home—a place where friendships were forged and dreams were realized.
Pietro's quick wit and natural charm made the tour an adventure in itself. He spun tales of his antics, injecting humor into every description. "And down here is the kitchen. We've got a never-ending supply of shawarma, Tony's favorite post-battle treat. Trust me, you won't go hungry around here."
Wanda chimed in, her voice gentle. "But if you ever need a quiet moment, Bunny, there are plenty of peaceful spots within the compound—a rooftop garden, a serene library, and even a meditation room. It's important to find your sanctuary whenever we are here."
As you roamed the compound's halls, Pietro introduced you to the Avengers you hadn't yet met, each encounter filled with warm welcomes and genuine interest. He made sure to highlight their unique qualities and abilities, emphasizing how each member contributed to the team's strength.
"You see that guy over there?" Pietro said, pointing to Sam Wilson, also known as Falcon, who was running laps around the track outside. "He's got a pair of wings that'll put any bird to shame.”
You smiled, appreciating Pietro's efforts to make you feel at ease and connected to this remarkable group of individuals. With every step, you realized that the Avengers were not just heroes; they were people—people who faced their fears, doubts, and insecurities, just like you. 
As Pietro continued leading the tour, his energetic strides brought you and Wanda into the bustling heart of the Avengers' compound—the kitchen. The savory aroma of freshly brewed coffee and delicious food filled the air, making your stomach grumble in anticipation.
Pietro leaned in, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Prepare yourself, Bunny. This is where the magic happens—the kitchen, the realm of culinary wonders."
Wanda chuckled, nudging you playfully. "Don't let his theatrics fool you. Pietro's cooking skills leave much to be desired. But the kitchen is indeed a place of comfort and connection."
“I guess you really are twins then,” You mutter playfully. Wanda’s mouth drops open and Peitro snickers. 
“I love this kid already,” He laughs. Wanda simply shakes her head. 
As you entered the bustling kitchen, you noticed two familiar faces engaged in a conversation. Pepper Potts, the formidable CEO of Stark Industries, stood tall, her presence commanding yet approachable. Maria Hill, a seasoned S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, exuded a sense of determination and professionalism.
Pietro, always one for grand introductions, approached the two women with a charismatic flair. "Ladies, may I have your attention? I present to you Bunny, our newest addition to the Avengers family. And this," he paused dramatically, "is the formidable duo of Pepper Potts and Maria Hill."
Pepper and Maria turned their gaze towards you, their expressions softening with warmth and curiosity. Pepper's eyes twinkled with a motherly affection, while Maria's confident demeanor softened ever so slightly.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Bunny," Pepper said warmly, extending a hand. 
“Hi,” You shake her hand. You pull back to wipe your sweating hands against your faded jeans. You weren’t usually this nervous. 
Maria, her tone light yet professional, added, "Maria Hill. Nice to meet you.” Maria shook your hand, her shake firm, and her expression a little stiff. She did offer you a bright smile which made you feel a bit better. 
As you exchanged greetings, Wanda noticed a subtle change in your demeanor. There was a shy sparkle in your eyes, a faint blush on your cheeks whenever Maria spoke. If she didn’t know any better she would say she could see a crush forming right before her eyes. Maybe it’s nothing. 
“Well, if you’re hungry we have sandwiches here,” Pepper gestured. 
“No, thank you,” You declined before changing your mind. It’s rude to decline food when you’re a guest. You can remember your mother’s voice echoing in your head. You follow Pepper over to the sandwiches where she helps you choose one. You choose turkey and cheese and she passes you a plate to hold it. “So, you and Tony are married right?.”
“Unfortunately,” She sighs. You can hear the playfulness in her tone so you don’t take it too seriously. “It's been a few years since we’ve been together. I like him well enough.” She winks. 
“That’s cool,” You nod. You turn to look back at the others. It’s so weird being here with your heroes, speaking with them, and basking in their presence. It feels like a dream that you don’t deserve. 
As you observed Maria, Wanda, and Pietro engaged in light banter, a smile tugged at the corners of your lips. It was heartwarming to witness their playful exchange, a glimpse into the camaraderie that existed among the Avengers.
Maria, with her sharp wit, teased Pietro, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Pietro, I hope you're not causing too much trouble on this tour. We don't want to have to clean up after you."
Pietro chuckled, his silver hair ruffled by a playful breeze. "Oh, you wound me! I'm a model tour guide—charming, witty, and a paragon of responsibility. Bonus points for being hot."
Wanda, unable to resist the opportunity for her playful banter, chimed in, "Well, Pietro, your definition of responsibility might be a tad different from the rest of us. But I have to admit, your tours are always... interesting.."
Pietro grinned, his eyes gleaming mischievously. "I’d say exhilarating, Wanda. Life is too short for dull tours. We need to keep Bunny on her toes, right?"
Maria, her tone laced with amusement, replied, "Just make sure she doesn't get too overwhelmed, Pietro. We want her to enjoy her time here without any high-speed mishaps."
You couldn't help but giggle at their banter, finding comfort in the lightheartedness that surrounded you. It was reassuring to witness the genuine camaraderie and playful dynamic between everyone. 
As the lighthearted banter continued, the entrance of Sam Wilson brought new energy to the scene. He strolled into the kitchen, sweat glistening on his brow and a playful smirk on his face. His weary but friendly demeanor instantly drew your attention.
"Hey there!" Sam greeted you with a warm smile, wiping the sweat from his forehead with a towel. "I heard there's a new member in the family. Welcome to the Avengers! How are you finding this crazy bunch so far?"
You returned his smile, feeling an immediate connection to Sam's friendly nature. "Hi, um,  everyone has been welcoming. It's been quite an adventure already."
Sam chuckled, a twinkle of mischief in his eyes. "Well, get used to it, Bunny. The Avengers sure know how to keep things interesting. Just make sure you bring your sense of humor and your running shoes. We'll need 'em!"
You laughed, appreciating Sam's relatable and down-to-earth demeanor. He made you feel at ease as if you were talking to an old friend. There was something about his authenticity and easygoing nature that resonated with you.
Pietro, never one to miss an opportunity to tease, interjected with a playful smirk. "Watch out, Sam. Bunny might challenge you to a race. She's got some hidden speed, you know."
Sam raised an eyebrow, feigning surprise. "Is that so? Well, Bunny, I hope you're ready to eat my dust. The Falcon doesn't go down without a fight."
You couldn't help but laugh, feeling a sense of camaraderie with Sam. His fun-loving spirit and relatability made you feel seen and accepted like you were already part of the team.
“I’m not a runner,” You deny. “I think I’ll leave that to the professionals.” You say. You finish with your plate and dump it into the trash. You move to stand next to Wanda, reaching to grab her hand, before you stop yourself. You’re much too old to still need someone to comfort you when you’re feeling overwhelmed. Right?
Feeling a longing tugging at your heart, you looked to Wanda, the weariness apparent in her eyes. With a gentle voice, you asked, "Mama, may I be excused for a moment? I'd like to explore a little on my own if that's alright."
Wanda offered you a tired but understanding smile. "Of course,” She searched your eyes for any signs of discomfort. “Take your time and explore. If you need anything or if you want to talk later, We’ll be here.” 
Grateful for her permission, you nodded and made your way toward the training facilities. As you stepped into the well-equipped room, your eyes widened with wonder. The gleaming equipment, and the vibrant energy surrounding it all, sparked your imagination.
You found yourself walking amidst the weights, the training dummies, and the various gadgets used by the Avengers to hone their skills. The room was a testament to the dedication and determination that the team poured into their preparations.
As you observed the array of equipment, a question formed in your mind, one that had been lingering ever since you became part of Natasha and Wanda's family. What would life have been like if you had grown up here, within these walls, with Natasha and Wanda as your mothers?
You imagined training alongside the Avengers, learning from the best, and developing your own unique set of skills. The thought brought a mixture of excitement and curiosity, as you wondered how your life would have unfolded in this extraordinary environment.
But then, a wave of gratitude washed over you. While the Avengers' compound held a certain allure and mystique, you couldn't help but feel immensely grateful for the love and care Natasha and Wanda had bestowed upon you. Their presence in your life had already brought about immense change, grounding you with stability, warmth, and unwavering support.
As you immersed yourself in contemplation, Natasha's presence interrupted your thoughts. She stepped into the training facility, her eyes scanning the room until they met yours. Concern furrowed her brow as she approached you, her voice gentle yet firm.
"Bunny, is everything okay? Mama said you came here alone. Are you alright?"
Your heart skipped a beat, knowing that you couldn't hide your feelings from Natasha. Her ability to perceive even the slightest shift in your emotions was both comforting and daunting. With a sigh, you decided to open up, to share the weight that had been burdening your heart.
"I... I'm struggling,” You began, your voice tinged with vulnerability. You press a hand to your forehead before dropping them by your side.  "Life has been so unfair, and now I'm here, surrounded by amazing people who have already accepted me as you promised. But,  I don't know if I can fit into this life. I don’t deserve it. It's all so overwhelming."
Natasha's eyes softened, and she reached out, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder. "Bunny, it's normal to feel overwhelmed when faced with new experiences and a new way of life. But let me tell you something—you already belong here. You've already made an impact on all of us."
You looked up at her, uncertainty flickering in your eyes. "But what if I can't live up to their expectations? What if I can't be as extraordinary as everyone else?"
Natasha's voice held a quiet strength as she replied, "Bunny, being extraordinary isn't about measuring up to someone else's standards. It's about embracing your uniqueness, your journey. We don't expect you to be anyone other than yourself. And let me tell you, you've already changed our lives for the better."
Tears welled up in your eyes, a mix of emotions swirling within you. You had longed for acceptance and love, and now it was being offered to you by the people you admired most. Natasha's words resonated deep within your soul, reassuring you that you were seen, valued, and cherished.
She continued, her voice filled with unwavering belief, "Bunny, life may have been unfair to you in the past, but here, with us, you have a family that loves you unconditionally. We believe in you, and we'll support you every step of the way. It's not about fitting into a predetermined mold—it's about discovering your path and growing into the person you were meant to be."
As Natasha spoke, a flicker of hope ignited within you. Maybe, just maybe, this extraordinary life could be yours too. With a grateful smile, you nodded, feeling a newfound determination blossoming within your heart.
"Thank you," You whispered, your voice filled with gratitude. "I’m sorry for being emotional and everything.” You wipe at your eyes. “I’m probably just tired or something.” You sniffle. 
“You were up until two am talking on the phone,” Natasha reminds you. “Riley’s mom must be a deep sleeper.”
“I wasn’t talking to Riley,” You inform her much to her surprise. “It was Monet. She’s nice to me.” You shrug. “I mean, she doesn’t know everything that’s going on. It kind of felt good to talk to someone that doesn’t know.”
“Hmm,” Natasha acknowledges. “I know the feeling.”
“Remember when I said I wanted to learn to fight?” You look to her. You shake your head. “Nevermind.”
“No, I want to know,” Natasha steps forward. “What are you thinking?”
You look down at your feet, hesitating for the slightest second, before looking back into her concerned eyes. “What if he can prove that I lied about everything?” You begin. “What if people believe him and not me? I didn’t fight back and sometimes I just let him
” You choke on your words. 
“Bunny,” Natasha frowns. 
“Sometimes I just let him do things and it was because it hurt when I did fight and,” You turn to look at something that isn’t there. “If I knew how to fight maybe I could have stopped him. I don’t know. I just keep thinking about the things I didn’t have. What I couldn’t do. Then I come here and I sit with you guys and we talk. I eat lunch with the freaking Avengers and I can’t get out of my head long enough to enjoy it. “
“Oh, baby,” Natasha sighs. “This is something you’ve been thinking about for a while.” Natasha takes your hand gently to drag you over to a bench. “I think that sometimes, a lot of the time really, our minds take us to very bad places at the most inconvenient times. I think you did what you could with what you had. That counts for something.”
“Yeah,” You mumble. “I’m sorry for making this weird. I just needed a minute. Everyone’s so nice.”
“Don’t be sorry,” Natasha takes a finger under her chin to get you to look at her. “What that boy did. What you went through. You didn’t deserve it. You weren’t weak. Do you hear me?”
“Yes, ma’am,” You nod. “Can we just sit here for a while? I know you want to see your friends and all.”
“Eh, I see them all the time,” Natasha dismisses. “I want to spend more time with you. I’ll never get tired of that.” You lean into her body, reveling in her warmth, as she asks you. “So, who’s your favorite so far?”
“I like Pietro,” You name. “And Sam. Maria Hill too. Everyone seems pretty nice.” You shrug. You were telling the truth. 
“Hmm, they’re okay,” Natasha says jokingly. “Can you tell me about your new friend? Monet is her name? Should I be worried about her?”
“No,” You furrow your brows. “I don’t think so. I’m still sorry for sneaking out. I just needed to get away. I didn’t want to see my mom.”
“I understand,” Natasha truly does. “You scared us for a little bit.” She reveals. 
You know they’ve heard stories in the foster care classes. Stories about runaways and how much trouble they are. You hope she doesn’t have the wrong idea. 
“Monet’s cool,” You device this part of the conversation is fine to talk about. “She’s a bit touchy. I don’t know how to tell her I don’t like being touched.” You look to Natasha for answers. 
“I think being straightforward is the only way,” Natasha treads carefully. “Something along the lines of ‘I don’t like being touched. It makes me uncomfortable. No hard feelings.”
“What if she gets angry?” You question. “I’m not exactly in the business of losing friends.”
“Any friend that doesn’t respect your boundary isn’t your friend,” Natasha reminds you. “If it’s a hard no for you it’s a hard no. You have the right to your body. No one else.”
You wished you could believe her. You wished Natasha’s words made you feel better. 
“Can we go back to everyone else now?” You ask. Natasha leads you back to the lounge where everyone is talking. 
You walk hand in hand to sit next to Wanda. She wraps her arm around your shoulder and you melt into her embrace. You don’t notice the collective awe across the other occupants' faces. 
As you reflected on the events that had unfolded today, a whirlwind of emotions stirred within you. The concept of autonomy danced in your mind, intermingling with the warmth and acceptance you had found among the Avengers. It was a delicate balance, one that both excited and frightened you.
The journey towards autonomy had been a tumultuous one. Life had thrown its unfair share of challenges your way, leaving you longing for a sense of control over your destiny. But as you stood within the embrace of this extraordinary family, you couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope.
Meeting the Avengers had been a daunting prospect, an encounter that had filled you with both anticipation and trepidation. The idea of being accepted by a group of heroes, each with their unique skills and experiences, seemed like an insurmountable task. Yet, to your surprise, they welcomed you with open arms, embracing you as if you had always belonged.
Their genuine warmth and acceptance had cast away the shadows of doubt, replacing them with a newfound sense of belonging. 
As you witnessed the bonds forming between yourself and the team, a bittersweet sentiment enveloped your heart. The overwhelming sense of camaraderie, the feeling of being understood and valued, made you hope that this moment would never fade. You longed to hold onto the sense of security and love that the Avengers had provided, fearful that it might slip away like a passing dream.
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nanisburner · 1 year
thinking about her. service top kate
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nanisburner · 1 year
Our Story
Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader
Summary: You and your wife reminisce about your life together
Warnings: Character death, violence, blood, weapon use (it’s like 98% fluff i promise)
A/n: favorite Wanda fic of mine / enjoy :)
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When people asked about how you and Wanda came to be, you would tell them that it’s a long, complicated story, and you were never one to lie. To others, your story would seem to lie on the brink of impossibility, but to the two of you, it was your everyday lives. Your life was full of crazy alien invasions, evil robots, bad organizations, and family. A family that neither of you grew up with, but learned to love nonetheless. You smiled just thinking about it.
“What’s going on in that cute little head of yours?” A small smile formed on your lips at the sound of your lover’s voice.
You continued to stare at the four-month-old baby girl in your arms who was sleeping soundly.
“About us. Everything.” You finally looked up to see Wanda with a large smile, her eyes full of love and adoration as she watched you hold your guy's daughter. She was leaning in the doorway to the baby’s room before walking in and kneeling in front of the chair you were sitting in.
“Hmm.” She hummed as one hand cradled the baby’s head while the other settled on your knee. “And what about us? Good things I hope?” She joked, and you smiled down at your daughter.
“It’s only ever good things.” The two of you sat in a comfortable silence, and Wanda’s eyes studied your features as if it was the first time she was seeing you. Her eyes strayed to the scar on your neck. “I was actually thinking about our story.”
Wanda broke out of her daze at your words. “Our story? What do you mean?”
“You know
 How we met, how we fell in love. Who this little one got named after.” You wiggled your daughter’s hand that was gripping your finger tightly.
“Everything that brought us here to today.” You looked at Wanda lovingly. “It was a lot, wasn’t it?”
“It was.” Wanda breathed out. The emotion in your eyes always threw her off, no matter how many times she looked into them. She supposed it was because of her never ending, and ever growing feelings for you.
The baby started to fuss and woke up, crying a bit as she nuzzled her face into your chest. You laughed and held her out to Wanda.
“She’s hungry, hold her real quick?”
“Come here, little one.” Wanda said as she held the crying baby in her arms. She stood up and bounced her gently up and down as you freed your breasts and got comfortable.
“Here Wands.” You held your hands out, and she placed the baby in them. You hissed as she latched onto you, and Wanda looked at you, concerned.
“Are you okay? I can get her a bottle instead. I know you’ve been sore, so maybe you should take a break-"
“Wanda! I’m okay. She just bit me. I’m fine, she doesn’t even have teeth.” You laughed, shaking your head at her antics. “Your mommy is just so paranoid, isn’t she?” You whispered towards the baby and smirked at Wanda when you heard her scoff.
“God forbid I worry about my wife.” You crinkled your nose at her and looked away from her. “What?” She asked with a tilted head.
“Nothing. I just love it when you call me that.”
“What? My wife?” You nodded and hummed. “Then it’s a good thing I’ll never stop.”
“And I’ll never let you.” You gave her a playfully stern look before moving the baby away from your chest since she was done. “Can you take her again, please? I need to clean up since she missed some milk.” You giggled and passed the baby back to your grinning wife.
“Of course. I’ll lay her down. Wanna wait for me in the bedroom?” She wiggled her eyebrows at you and you rolled your eyes before leaning up to peck her lips.
Wanda watched as you walked out of the room, absolutely in love with you. And she wasn’t so scared of that fact now, not that she was before, she knew you harbored the same exact feelings. She smiled down at her baby, kissing her forehead before laying her in the crib. Wanda tucked her in and spoke to her softly.
“I love you so much, radost moya.” She kissed her forehead. She stayed staring down at the sleeping baby. “I’m not paranoid, am I?” she mumbled.
“No, your mama is just very, very accident prone. And she has been since the day we met.” Wanda didn’t know whether to smile or cry at the memory. Sometimes, she did both.
— Eleven years ago —
“Are we sure that we want to fight superhuman twins and
 an army of robots?” Your nervous voice traveled through the jet full of Avengers.
“I mean, the girl Wanda? Already kind of messed us up pretty bad
” you mumbled when you received a disapproving look from Natasha.
You slumped in your seat when she looked at you like that. You didn’t want to let her down since she was the one who recruited you, and your closest friend out of the Avengers.
“Y/n, you’ve been training with us for almost a year. You’re more than ready to take this on.”
“Yeah, kid. As long as you stay with Natasha you’ll be fine.” Tony said.
“We won’t let anything happen to you, but we need you Y/n.” Steve chimed in. You looked at everyone who nodded their head in agreement and you took a deep breath.
You would be fine.
Turns out you were not fine.
The second you guys stepped into Sokovia, Ultron’s robots came full power at you guys, and you found yourself following Steve instead of Natasha. She went off to who knows where, and you were too busy trying not to die to look. So Steve cleared a path for the two of you and you took out whatever you could, but you couldn’t keep up with a super soldier.
You were surrounded, you were slicing, and taking down as many robots as you could, but you were also getting hit. And you were getting tired. You silently thanked Tony for the vibranium sword he had made you, or else you wouldn’t have lasted this long.
“Guys!” You heard Clint over the comms. “Hey, the twins. They’re with us now.”
“Has anyone seen Y/n?!” Natasha yelled and you would have answered were it not for the robot that hit you into the nearest building’s wall. The team heard you groan into their earpieces.
“Answer us kid, where are you?”
You blinked the dizziness away and tried to raise yourself up to your feet, only to stumble backwards into the wall again.
“Can you hear us? Y/n!”
The voices of the team were muffled and you could barely concentrate. Your sword long gone from your hands.
The robots were coming closer, and you tried your best to get into a stance. Before a move was made, your vision went black. The last thing you remember seeing was a robot wrapped in red mist.
“I- I found her!” Wanda called out, using her magic to keep you from collapsing harshly onto the ground.
Natasha then ran past her, followed by Steve and Thor. She hesitantly trailed after the three Avengers towards your body. Her breath caught in her throat at the sight of you. She thought you were beautiful.
Yeah, you were bruised up here and there, and yeah, maybe it was weird for Wanda to think about how attractive an unconscious girl was, but she couldn’t help it. And she found herself wanting to always protect you like she did today.
When they had finally destroyed the falling country of Sokovia, the Avengers took the twins in and settled you into the medical wing at the Avenger’s tower. Wanda surprised herself by asking to stay by your side, which Natasha was a little wary about at first, but she saw the determined glint in Wanda’s eyes and allowed it.
“If you hurt her
” Natasha warned Wanda, who cowered only slightly before gaining the confidence to speak.
“I won’t.” She gave the spy a definite nod.
“We’ll be watching you.” Natasha said, pointing at the security camera in the corner of the medical bay. When Wanda looked back to where Natasha was standing, she was gone. She let out a long breath and took the seat beside your hospital bed.
She finally studied all of your features for the first time up close. The oxygen mask covered your nose and mouth. There were bruises on your cheekbones, neck and Wanda could only assume that there were more on the rest of your covered body. The thought made Wanda feel upset. She didn’t know why she felt so drawn to you, but she did and she couldn’t find it in herself to mind.
It took you five hours to wake up. The twitching of your muscles alerted Wanda, and she sat up fully in her seat, waiting for you to open your eyes.
You winced at the harsh light of the medical bay, and Wanda rushed to dim them for your comfort. You looked around and when you saw Wanda you freaked out, causing the heart monitor to start speeding up.
In your hazy mind you couldn’t remember anything that happened in Sokovia. After you lost Steve, it was all a blur for you.
Wanda reached over to stop your hands from grabbing at the mask, and you flinched and backed away from her, almost falling off of the bed.
“S-stay away f-from me.” You choked out, your words muffled by the oxygen mask. Wanda frowned and tilted her head.
“I’m on your side. You don’t have to be scared.” Her accent prominent, and it sent shivers down your spine.
You tried to wrack your brain up for any memories of Wanda helping you out, and that’s when you looked around to see you were safe and sound in the Avenger’s tower. Your anxiety slowly going away, but you were still weary.
“Where’s Nat? I want to see Natasha.” You said while looking around still.
“She had paperwork.” The witch lied, not wanting to leave the you alone. “But she is watching us if you’re worried.” She pointed at the security camera that was pointed out to her earlier, trying to ignore the relieved feeling in her chest when you visibly relaxed.
“So, what? You’re good now?”
“I am. I
” She hesitated when you looked into her eyes. It’s like she could see the conflict in them, fear mixed with gratitude for
 her? “I wanted to say I was sorry. For fighting you guys at first.” She bowed her head in shame, causing you to feel bad for her.
” You wanted to yell at her and get her away from you, but she genuinely looked so distraught at the fact that she was an enemy before now. So you softened up a bit.
“It’s fine. I’m sorry too.” She whipped her head up at you.
“Why- Why are you sorry? You didn’t do anything wrong.” You tilted your head at her.
“I’m assuming you’re only here because you have nowhere else to go? And your brother is here too?” She nodded, confused as to where you were going with this.
“Well then I’m sorry for your country, Wanda.” You said softly. “I’m sorry for your home.”
“Thank you.” She said quietly.
And on that day, two promises were made in that room. Wanda had promised to always protect you, and you promised to always make Wanda feel at home. The two of you just never knew that until years later.
— Nine Years Ago —
“Tony, are you sure this is the right warehouse? There is nothing here.” Wanda said over comms. Tony had found a still standing HYDRA base, and so Fury sent Tony, Steve, Wanda, you, Sam, and Natasha to scope the place out.
Sure HYDRA was destroyed for a couple of years now, but Fury wanted you guys to check up on some of their old hideouts here and there just in case. So now here the six of you were spread out in duos to walk around. You were with Wanda, Natasha with Sam, and Steve with Tony.
“Have I ever been wrong, witchy?”
A combination of “Yes you have” and “all the time” rang throughout the comms and Tony rolled his eyes.
“Funny. Yes, I’m sure this is the right place.”
You and Wanda were on the bottom floor, walking down what looked like an old prison hallway. There were closed and open cell doors, lights flickering off and on.
You were lingering close to Wanda since she was using her powers as a light when you guys heard muffled voices from the door at the end of the hall.
It was a thick metal with a small window at the top. Wanda pushed you behind her and gestured for you to be quiet. You nodded and quietly slipped your sword from its sheath, and followed Wanda.
“We hear someone down here. Bottom floor.” Wanda whispered into the comms, and you heard Steve and Natasha tell you guys to wait until they were down there.
“It doesn’t sound like a lot of p-" Wanda covered your mouth with her hand and pulled you into the nearest cell, causing you to drop your sword. Wanda was pressing your body against the wall so you two were hidden. You heard the metal door opening and Wanda stared into your eyes with a pleading look.
“Be quiet, detka.” She spoke into your mind and you nodded, looking right back into her eyes. Your heart was pounding in your chest, and you didn’t know if it was from the pressure of Wanda’s body against yours or the fear of your situation.
Honestly, a bit of both.
“We’ll be okay.” She said in your mind once more and you could only nod
 again. The voices and footsteps from the people who walked out of the door were getting closer, and you could hear their conversations better.
“I swear, when we get our hands on that precious technology of Stark’s, no one will ever know what’s coming.” A man said.
“And that onesie wearing team of freaks is going down.” A woman said, her voice dark and full of hate. You would have laughed at her insult for you guys were it not for the situation.
“Save that anger for when we face them head on, friend.” Another man spoke up as he patted the woman on her shoulder. They were right outside the cell you were in now.
“You already know I am. They reall-" Her words were cut off when her foot kicked into your sword, sliding it a few feet away. They all stopped, and you felt Wanda press into you more, her hand still tightly covering your mouth.
“Someone’s here.” The woman hissed out, and you heard guns being drawn.
“There’s no point in hiding now.” They laughed.
“Just come out, and we’ll make your deaths
 painless.” Wanda drew out a breath before speaking into your mind again.
“I’ll take their guns out while you stay here.” You went to protest in your mind.
“But Wands-"
“You don’t leave this spot until I tell you to, understand?” Sighing, you nodded. You knew that Wanda always got her way in times like this. She slowly let go of your mouth and stepped away from you, holding eye contact the whole time.
You grabbed her hand and squeezed.
“Be safe.” You mouthed out, and she squeezed back in reassurance. Wanda watched as the three agents walked past her cell, and she threw the two men against the wall with her powers.
“Hey!” the woman yelled and started shooting at Wanda, which she deflected pretty easily. She forced the gun out of her hands and she charged towards the woman.
You watched as Wanda and the woman exchanged punches, and you finally decided to make a move when you saw one of the men getting up. You ran for your sword and grabbed it, turning around only to be met with a gun to your face.
The man smiled at you with a dark glint in his eyes. “Didn’t you hear? Never bring a knife to a gun fight.”
“Are you- This isn’t a knife.” You said exasperated, and he was almost thrown off by how unfazed you seemed to be, even with a gun pointing at your head.
“It’s actually a vibranium sword, you know. Stark’s technology that you and your buddies want, oh so badly.” You mocked with a smug grin and swung at his gun, cutting it in half. His eyes went wide, and he lunged at your legs, knocking the wind out of you when you landed harshly on your back.
The man got up and straddled you, swinging the back of his hand against your face. “You little shit, you’re going to get what’s coming to you.” He swung again.
You got a grip on your sword and plunged it into the man’s leg, causing him to cry out and fall off of you. You dug it deeper until you were sure he was down and looked up in time to see the woman fly down the hallway with a red mist attached to her ankles.
You and Wanda locked eyes and smiled, relieved that you were both okay. The moment of ease was only short lived.
“Y/n!” Wanda exclaimed, and you were grabbed from behind. One arm was holding yours, bringing the sword up to your neck while the other one held your free arm behind your back.
You struggled against the man holding you, but he was bigger and stronger, and when you tried to twist out of his grip, the sword pressed onto your neck and you hissed in pain.
“Let her go!” You looked at Wanda and her eyes shone red, the mist surrounding her hands. You cried out when the man pressed the blade harder onto your neck, causing Wanda to freeze in her place, dread filling her body.
“You make one freak move and she’s dead!” The man yelled while stepping backwards. You saw the conflicted look in Wanda’s eyes when the red hue disappeared and you nodded at her.
“I’ll be fine, Wanda.” You repeated her words from earlier. The man was almost to the metal door when Sam’s redwing flew full speed at towards you and the man.
You tilted your head to the side right before it crashed into his head, causing him to go limp. The sword cut you a little more, and you fell right with him.
“Y/n!” Wanda practically flew to your side, Sam and Natasha following close behind.
“Did you all see that?! Now that’s how you do it!” Sam kicked the man to see if he was really knocked out and nodded.
Natasha and Wanda raised you to your feet, and Wanda shakily placed her hand against your throat using her powers to stop the bleeding.
“You need to stay awake, okay Y/n?” You heard Natasha speak, feeling barely able to mutter out a response.
“I-I don’t want t-to.” You whimpered as Wanda’s magic pressed into your wound more.
“I know, detka. We know, but you have to stay awake. Can you do that for us?”
You nodded and laid your head on her shoulder, squeezing your eyes shut when you all walked out of the warehouse building, Steve and Tony standing outside by the jet.
The six of you were on your way to the compound now. Wanda kept having to shock you now and then to keep you awake.
“Ow! Wanda stop.” You whined in your mind, not being able to speak out loud properly. She shook her head and did it again. You weakly slapped at her hand.
“I need to keep you awake until we can get Dr. Cho to look at you.”
Soon enough, you were once again in the medical bay, at the compound this time. Wanda and Natasha were both sitting by your bedside.
“You seriously don’t want Helen to heal the scar?” Wanda asked. You shook your head.
“If I ever get to tell this story to my kids, I would want proof.” Natasha scoffed.
“Proof of what? How you got your ass kicked?” You covered your mouth and laughed.
“No!” You giggled and traced around the bandage on your neck. “Proof that I survived.”
— Present —
“Are you telling our daughter lies about me?” You teased from the doorway of the room. Wanda laughed and turned to look at you.
“No, I’m just justifying my paranoia when it comes to you.” She said, watching as you rolled your eyes and walked closer to her.
“Well sorry for making you worry so much.” She smiled when you tucked yourself under her arm, wrapping your arms around her waist.
“I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
“I worry about you, too. You know?” You confessed quietly. “All the time.”
“I know.” Wanda pulled you closer to her side. The two of you stood in comfortable silence, watching over your baby until Wanda spoke up again.
“Bedtime?” You looked up at her and leaned up for a quick but loving kiss.
“Bedtime.” You dragged her off to the bedroom after having set up the baby monitor, and now you and Wanda were both in the bathroom doing your nightly routine.
“You know, you forgot to tell the baby about all the dates I was planning on getting with the scar.” You smirked when Wanda rolled her eyes.
“And how did that work out for you?” She deadpanned.
“Oh, I got the date.” You said cheekily. “And with the only one I have ever wanted."
— Nine Years Ago —
It’s been four months since your last mission. Natasha, Steve and Tony have refused to let you on anymore until Tony finished your new suit. A new suit that would have a neck covering on it.
You complained about it to Wanda only to have her agree with them. You groaned and fell onto her bed.
“Traitor.” You mumbled out.
“Yeah, I’m so bad for wanting you safe.” She mocked and your heart skipped a beat at her words. “Now come on, get up. We need to get ready for the party tonight.”
You whined. “I don’t even want to go. Can we stay in, please?” You pouted at her and Wanda’s breath caught in her throat at how cute you were before shaking her head, looking away from you.
“It’s mandatory. Come on, don’t you want to show off your scar? Get a date?” She said through clenched teeth and you bit your bottom lip at her suddenly upset state. You decided to mess with her a bit.
“Why? Jealous? You know jealousy doesn’t really suit you, Wan.” She whipped her head around and crossed her arms. She glared at the smirk on your face.
“I’m anything but jealous. I couldn’t care less about any of those pathetic dates you want.”
Okay, that hurt and it must have showed because Wanda softened up before mumbling an apology. She turned around to her closet again.
Your brain was scrambling for something to say. Should you say sorry? Press her even further? Leave? Cry? Tell her that you’re in love with her??
Wanda froze. Oops. You might have thought that a little too loudly. Did she just-
” You sat up to talk, but she turned around before you could finish.
“Did you mean that?” Her face was blank, and you wanted to cry at how unreadable she was, especially after she had just heard your most vulnerable thought. “You really-"
“Yes.” You choked out, and suddenly you couldn’t hold the tears that had built up in your eyes. Wanda just stared at you with her mouth agape.
“I do. I-Is that okay? I don’t-" A sob cut you off and you turned away from Wanda to get ahold of yourself. This was definitely not how you wanted this to go. You really would have preferred if it didn’t “go” at all.
You felt the bed behind you shift and you waited for the “I love you but not in that way” speech you always imagined you’d get from Wanda when this day came.
Instead, you got a soft hand on your shoulder, and you stiffened at the contact.
” Wanda pulled at your shoulder and you reluctantly turned around and sat with your knees to your chest in front of her. You stared down at the space between you guys, sniffling and roughly wiping at your tears with the sleeves of your shirt.
“Look at me, please?” You childishly turned your head away as if to tell her you weren’t going to look at her. She sighed and concealed a smile at your stubbornness.
“Detka,” You almost caved when the nickname rolled so sweetly off of her tongue. “I want you to look at me when I tell you I love you, too.” Your eyes went wide as they landed on Wanda before they lowered again.
“L-like how I love you?” You asked timidly, scared she was just trying to let you down gently. “I don’t love you like how I love Natasha or Sam. I love you like-"
“I’m in love with you, Y/n.” She rushed out and gave you a soft smile. “I think since we’ve met.” Wanda grabbed your hands and sat closer to you.
“I remember that day like it was yesterday because it was the day my life changed for the better. I saved you, and I remember thinking that that was something I wanted to do forever. Protecting you.” You laughed.
“Really? I seemed that fragile to you?” Wanda playfully rolled her eyes and tried to keep the smile that was forming off of her face.
“No. I don’t know why, but I just felt this need to get to know you, to be there for you. And so I did, and I fell in love. Fast, but I didn’t mind.”
“Why not?”
“Because it was you. You just brought me this never ending comfort that made me feel safe when falling for you, you know?”
You started crying again. “Wanda
” You whined, and she laughed. “You’re making me cry. I mean, how am I ever going to top that speech?” She rolled her eyes playfully and smiled.
“I can think of a few ways.” Her eyes darted to your lips and your face burned when you realized what she wanted. You shifted, so you were in front of her on your knees and you held her face in her hands.
“I don’t have a lot of experience.” You mumbled.
“Then let me guide you.” She said before pulling your lips down to hers.
Your eyes instinctively fluttered shut as you surrendered to her control. She pulled you into her lap without breaking the kiss and her tongue swiped at your bottom lip. You gasped at her squeezing your hips and she slipped her tongue in your mouth.
You moaned when she deepened the kiss and pulled you flush against her. You tried conveying just how much you felt about the witch, since words had failed you before. You followed her movements and pulled her even closer, wanting nothing more than for her to invade all of your senses completely.
Your hands tangled in her hair, not at all caring when you started to feel lightheaded from the loss of air. But then Wanda slowly pulled away from you and your eyes stayed closed, too blissed out to even think straight.
Her giggling pulled you back to reality, and you looked at her with a toothy grin. “How was that?” She asked.
“Good.” Wanda quirked an eyebrow at you, her hands raising to your sides.
“Just good?” Before you could answer, she started tickling you and pushed you backwards to the bed to keep you in place. You threw your head back and squealed, trying to push her off.
“Wanda! S-stop.” A loud laugh cut you off. “I-It was better t-than good! It was am-” You almost yelled when she didn’t stop. “Amazing!” She finally gave you a break and held herself up by her arms as you laid there panting.
“That’s what I thought.” Your eyes bore into hers and you couldn’t keep the smile off of your face. You wrapped your arms around her neck and pulled her down to you, kissing her until you were both breathless again.
The party you guys had to attend was long forgotten by the end of the night.
— Present —
“Remember when we told Nat about us?” You sighed as you pulled Wanda down to the bed.
“Yes, you were a bit dramatic, weren’t you?” You pushed her away from you.
“Don’t even. I was overwhelmed with all of my emotions.” Wanda barked out a laugh before pulling you back into her.
— Nine Years Ago —
“We just wanted to tell you that we’ve been dating for a couple of weeks now.”
Natasha just looked between the two of you with no expression.
“You guys are
 kidding, right?” You furrowed your eyebrows as your mind went to the worst place.
Did she not accept that? Was she mad? You hated making Natasha mad. She was like your best friend mixed with an older sister and you didn’t want to lose her in any way. Wanda noticed you weren’t going to say anything, so she did.
“No, why? Is there something wrong with that?” She crossed her arms out of defense for the two of you, and Natasha softened up.
“No, I just thought you guys have been dating. For like, years now.”
“Nat, we’ve only known each other for two.”
“Exactly!” She laughed. “How have you guys not gotten together sooner?”
“You’re not mad?” They both focused on you. Your nervous habits not going unnoticed by the two of them. Fingers fiddling in your lap, leg bouncing up and down as you avoided eye contact. Wanda put her hand on yours to calm you down, and you looked at Natasha. Your nerves instantly easing at the sight of her comforting smile.
“Of course not. I’m happy for you guys, really.”
You jumped forward and gave her a hug.
“Thank you.” You breathed out. She looked at Wanda confused before wrapping her arms around you.
“For what?” She asked, and you pulled away to look at her.
“For accepting me.”
“Y/n you don’t have to thank me-"
“I do.” You cut her off. “I have to thank you for everything. For recruiting me, giving me this home instead of sending me to off to some kind of jail, for being my friend, and for being my mentor in not only training but in life.”
She was taken aback by your sudden admission of how much you appreciated her. And Natasha, the woman who doesn’t do well with emotional talks, didn’t know what to say.
 O-of course, Y/n.” She wanted to tell you how much she appreciated you too, but she didn’t know how.
You gave her one last hug before sitting back down by Wanda’s side. You looked sheepishly at the two before lowering your gaze.
“Sorry. Your opinion just really matters to me.” You said, and Natasha straightened up her posture, all the vulnerability making her feel weird. Nice, but weird.
“Good, at least I know you listen to me then.” You rolled your eyes and Natasha looked towards Wanda.
“If you hurt her, Maximoff
” Your girlfriend had a case of deja vu when Natasha gave her that same threatening look from two years ago.
“You know I won’t.” Wanda knew Natasha thought back to the same day by the look on her face, and they both shared a knowing smile.
— Present —
“Huh.” You took in Wanda’s words. “So that’s why you guys had that weird look on your faces.” You shifted on the bed so you could rest your head on your hand, looking at Wanda.
“You know
” You trailed your fingers lightly over her collarbone. “You never did hurt me.”
“I did make a promise not to. I wasn’t the only one who always wanted to protect you.” You smiled sadly while trying to stop the tears that were forming in your eyes.
“I know.” You whispered before laying back down by Wanda, the tears finally falling. “I miss her.”
You choked out a sob and Wanda pulled you into her arms where you always felt safe enough to just let go.
— Three Years Ago —
“Let go, Y/n.”
“Nat, no! We can find another way, please.” You cried out when Natasha’s hand started slipping from your tight hold.
When you first became friends with Natasha, you were sure she was going to be the godmother to your child. Your bridesmaid at your wedding, the neighbor to your first home with your wife.
But of course, as an Avenger those types of things are never guaranteed.
Which is why you were now sobbing for her to hold on while she was doing everything she could to let go. To sacrifice herself for the world, for her family, for Wanda.
It had been five years without Wanda. without half of the universe. Although you would do anything to bring them all back, you didn’t think having to lose your best friend was on the list of those things.
But it was.
“There isn’t one, Y/n. It’ll be okay.” She nodded when you shook your head. A single tear fell down her face, and it only made your chest ache even more. You’ve never seen her cry before. Not once.
“I can’t lose you too, Nat. Please.” Natasha gave you a sad smile.
“I’m sorry, I love you.” She said before kicking herself away from the cliff, effectively pulling her hand out of your grasp causing her to fall towards the ground. You don’t even remember if you screamed her name or if you just went numb when it happened. You can only recall that one second you were staring at your best friend’s lifeless body, and the next you were alone with the Soul Stone in hand.
And you returned home with a heavy heart.
— Present —
 You’re okay, detka. I’ve got you.” Wanda had now maneuvered the two of you so she was leaning against the headboard with you on her lap. You were calming down now, but still let quiet sobs out while you clutched onto Wanda’s shirt.
“She- I didn’t even get to say ‘I love you’ back.” You buried yourself further into your wife while she held you.
“I know, baby. I’m so sorry. I’m sorry.” It hurt Wanda to see you like this. She knew a lot about losing someone close to you. How it felt to lose your family, and it was a pain she wouldn’t wish on her own enemies. So seeing you like this tore her apart.
“If it helps, I know that Natasha knows how much you love her too. I mean, we did name our daughter after her.” Your lips curled up into a smile. You let out a sound between a laugh and a sob before sitting up in Wanda’s lap to look into her eyes.
Her hands came up to wipe your tears away, thumbs brushing your cheekbones lightly.
“I wish Talia could meet her.” You sniffled and Wanda nodded. “She would have really liked her I think.”
“I think she would have loved her, just like she loved you.” You smiled and leaned in to give her a long, soft kiss, your hands moving to rest on her shoulders. She responded to it immediately, and her hands moved down to your waist. She hummed as you pulled away.
“What was that for?” Your hands lightly brushed against her neck and you shrugged.
“For everything. A thank you for always being so understanding and patient with me, for always knowing what to say. I love you.” She blushed, and you smiled.
“You don’t have to thank me for those things, my love. It’s easy to be so patient and understanding when you do the same for me. When you love me like how I love you.”
“That I do.”
The two of you sat in silence for a while, just enjoying the other’s company and touch. You had your head on Wanda’s shoulder now, you placed gentle kisses on her neck here and there, to which she would respond with a kiss on your head.
She was humming a song now, and you smiled when you realized it was the song you guys had danced to at your wedding.
You loved these moments with Wanda. No words were said, but you both knew exactly what the other was feeling just by the emotions you poured into our affections. It was your favorite thing about being in love, and married to her. That, and the daughter the two of you now had together, and the home you three shared. The home where your long, complicated story would continue to go on.
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nanisburner · 1 year
palette àż wm
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summary: in which your mother commissions a renowned painter to paint your portrait.
words: 6.0K
warnings: top!wanda, fem!reader, oral (r receiving), fingering (r receiving), lots of tense gay ogling, so much sexual tension, minor use of paint in sex, very victorian era girlie themed, mentions of men (scary!)
this post is for 18+ only. minors dni.
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Your mother was being incredulous about the situation. Time and time again, you tried to convince her that you were not the marrying type, that she need not go to her extreme ends to find you a husband. Whether it was showing you off like show cattle at parties, offering to pay men to marry you with money or titles, or throwing you at the nearest man around, which one time ended up being the innocent post boy, she was relentless in marrying you off.
Any time a man did take an interest in you, which was not unreasonable due to your fair beauty and youth, you hated and despised him and dwindled down his integrity until he ran away like a dog clutching the remnants of his masculinity between his legs. Relief was momentary, for once you ran one off, she only brought around another.
Her new tactic that she invented in that stubborn little head of hers was to commission a renowned painter to paint your portrait to be hung in the halls of your wealthy home. With all the parties and dinners she hosted so desperately often to cling to her respected name in society, she thought that surely a young man would see the portrait of her jeweled and beautiful daughter and demand to own her. Of course, your mother demanded the best, so she hired the infamous Maximoff artist to paint your portrait.
“He will be here any minute,” she whispered behind you as she violently tightened the strings of your corset until you felt your stomach was tucked inside your ribcage.
Taking a shallow breath, the deepest one you could breathe, you looked down at the emerald green dress. It was a beautiful dress, sure. Gold lace crawled over the green corset at your waist, and the green parted at a low point in your bosom, opening wide to reveal your entire chest, metal wires ensuring that your breasts were pushed up and on full display. One thing about your mother was that she hid no tricks. You were her trick, and you were sure she would have you painted naked like a whore if it meant having a son-in-law and grandchildren.
“Mother,” you gasped when she tightened the corset even further, struggling to breathe. “Do you not expect a common man to want a wife who breathes?”
“Hush,” she snapped as she tied off the strings at your back. The dress’s intricate under-weavings made sure that your hips looked wider than your own intellect. Most of the time, you liked to prance around in delicate underdresses in which you could breathe and move freely. This dress, with its constricting corset and heavy hips and layers upon layers of white underskirts, made you feel like you were standing with your head in a noose.
“If he’s such an excellent painter, can’t he just use his own imagination about what I’m wearing? That’s what most men do in their heads, anyway.”
“Mr. Maximoff is the most respected artist in the country,” she breathed, circling you to look you once over. Her hands went to the breast of the corset, trying to lower it down even more.
“Mother!” you shrieked, widening your eyes at her and tugging the fabric back up. “Why are you trying to make me look like a whore in front of who you say is the most respected artist in the country?!”
“He’s Sokovian,” she argued. “They’re exotic.”
You rolled your eyes at her bitter distaste for foreigners, and if you could breathe, you would have let the venomous words roll off your tongue.
“Besides, even if he doesn’t paint you as a doable wife, perhaps he would graciously take you himself.” Her eyes flickered up to your hair which was swooped high up on your head, a few curls of your hair hanging over your cheeks. The earrings on your ears were heavy, and the jewels on your neck were even heavier. You felt like your outer bearings weighed a thousand pounds and were crushing your frail body with every passing second. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to die in that moment, you certainly did, but you would be damned if it was in such a ridiculous outfit.
A housemaid rushed into the room suddenly and declared, “The painter has arrived.”
Your mother nearly slapped you across the face with how fast her hands went to fixing your hair. “Send him in!”
There was a hesitant look on the maid’s face, but she left with her hands fumbling together. Your mother turned your shoulders towards the door, harshly slapping your lower back to make your back straighten. You sighed, feeling anxious at how little you could breathe. You grabbed at your neck as if that would help you breathe, but your mother slapped your hand away. “Don’t fidget.”
She stood next to you, her hands posed at her front, a wide smile on her face. You were pretty sure that she wanted her men to desire herself as much as they desired you, and sometimes you wondered if you might marry a man just so he could fuck your mother and get her out of your own ass.
“Smile,” she whispered, but that was one thing she would have to slap across your face before you ever would.
The door to the library opened slowly, and you could feel your mother’s excited breaths beside you. A booted foot stepped into the room first, your eyes following the body that stepped through. A leg clothed in wide grey trousers, a frilly cream blouse tucked into the pants. You were offput by a mane of long, wavy brunette hair, though your first instinct was maybe Sokovian men donned long hair as a cultural preference. But when you saw the face that glowed into the room, those viridescent eyes, sharp cheekbones with a feminine curve, supple pink lips, your own lips fell open as you realized that Mr. Maximoff was, in fact, a woman.
You thought your mother was going to spontaneously combust in a theatrical display of steaming, rageful sparks. You looked over at her—her eyes were glancing down the woman over and over again, trying to figure out how in the world this person could possibly be a woman, this person who she had built up to the be the key to breeding her own daughter.
You couldn’t help but gleam at the impossibly devastated look on her face. This painter was a woman standing here in pants, holding an easel with a canvas under one strong arm and a bag full of paints in the other.
“Mr. Maximoff?” your mother gasped stupidly.
By the look on the woman’s face, you could tell this wasn’t the first time. “Ms. Maximoff. Wanda.” She stepped forward, setting her supplies down on the floor. “It is a pleasure to meet you and have the honor of being commissioned by your name.” Her Sokovian accent was thick and velvety. She came closer, holding out a hand to your mother. She eyed it like it was a snake, but took it, and Wanda shook her hand like a man.
Her snakelike eyes flickered to you. “I presume this is your daughter—my subject?”
” Your mother began, her eyes focused on the shape of Wanda’s breasts under her shirt as if in disbelief. “Yes, this is my daughter, y/n.”
Your eyes were trained on Wanda’s. They were looking at you pointedly, a little wide, soaking up every inch of your presence as if you were the only source of light in the room. Her lips curved into a coy smirk. “Pleasure,” she gently spoke, reaching for your hand. You gave it to her, expecting her to shake it, but she gently turned your palm over, her thumb tracing the soft skin on the back of your hand, before she lowered down and pressed her lips there.
It became even harder to breathe as the woman rose back up, the feeling of her lips still tingling on the skin of your hand. “You are as beautiful as your mother spoke of you.”
For once, you actually smiled without your mother forcing you to. Wanda stepped away, looking between you and your mother expectantly. “Well, shall I get to work? I do charge by the hour.”
Your mother was in some sort of trance. “Oh, um
 Sure—well, you see Mr.—Ms. Maximoff—”
 Wanda. I was, admittedly, under the impression that the painter I commissioned to paint my daughter’s portrait would be a man. Are you sure that you do not have a father or brother by the same name, or even a husband, who can come instead? You see, this portrait is going to be very important to me. I intend to show my daughter’s beauty and wealth so that I can find her a proper husband, and given that is such an important cause, I need a painter with the highest skill and artistry to do it properly.”
Wanda only blinked. “There is no other Maximoff but myself. I understand your concern about this portrait, but I ensure you that my skill and artistry will serve the best purpose for your daughter, though her beauty so obvious that even a street painter could convey it.” Her eyes flickered to you again, drawing up another smile on your face. It was funny how she was painting your face without even holding a brush.
Your mother’s eyes danced around uncomfortably. “Well
” She paused, looking over Wanda once again. “Alright.”
“Shall we do it here?” Wanda asked, pointing towards a sofa that sat in the corner of the library against a beautifully wallpapered wall.
“Alright,” your mother said reluctantly. Wanda instantly went to work, setting up her easel and canvas in front of the sofa. She then turned to you, holding out her hand with that sort of smirk on her face. “Come.”
Hesitating, you stepped forward, sliding your hand into her soft, gentle one. She led you over to the sofa, gesturing you to sit, holding your hand until you were fully seated. You squirmed a little as she looked down at you, her eyes appearing darker now that she was turned away from your mother who stood watching with nervous eyes and fidgeting hands. Wanda was staring down at you with an unreadable expression, and when your mother cleared her throat in the silence, it seemed she almost forgot she was there.
Wanda turned to look at your mother, clasping her hands behind her back and taking a few steps towards her.
“My lady, I do find my creative focus more intent when in the presence of only my muse and myself,” Wanda spoke confidently. Your mother was obviously taken aback by this, as if she had expected to watch the entire process, her hand of control over every little thing. She liked to think she was God, or at least God of your world and everything that had to do with you.
“Oh—are you sure?”
Wanda smiled graciously and nodded.
Your mother looked between Wanda and you reluctantly before finally nodding and stepping away. “Well, if you need me, you can ring the bell for the maid.” She paused again, waiting to be told to stay, but Wanda only stared at her, so finally she left, closing the door gently behind her.
You could breathe a little easier now that your mother wasn’t in the room. Wanda sighed and turned on her heel to face you. Your back straightened instinctively under her prolonged stare, your eyebrows creasing to try and figure out why she was staring at you with her head tilted as if you were already a painting hung in a gallery.
“Confusion doesn’t look good on you, darling, and it surprises me so that anything could not look good on you,” she smoothly murmured, taking slow steps parallel from you. She disappeared behind the easel before reappearing on the other side of it, her eyes still trained on you.
You shifted uncomfortably on the sofa. “You’re staring at me.”
She blinked, a smile widening on her face. “I’m supposed to paint you. How can I do that without ever looking at you?”
Your face warmed a little, eyes darting down to the floor. She made a noise with her tongue before she went over to the large window of the grand library, pulling on a chain to close the thick, heavy curtains until the room was blanketed in darkness. You could hardly see anything now—you heard the fumbling of things and the striking of a match before a golden light emanated from the table nearby. Wanda had lit a candle, bringing the match near her lips and blowing on it to put it out.
“What are you doing?”
She walked to the other side of the sofa where another smaller table was and lit a candle there too, so that now you were blanketed in a soft, orange huge.
“This painting is to attract men to you for the purpose of marriage, correct?” she asked as she blew the second match out. “What’s more attractive than dim lighting under the intimate glow of candles?” Her eyes, darker now, flickered to you as she walked back to her easel, dragging a nearby stool to the easel and lighting one last candle there so that she could see her work.
“How sensual,” you remarked, to which a hidden smile curled on her lips, shadowed by her hair.
Wanda reached into her bag and brought out a palette, a tin can of brushes, a jug of water, and several bottles of paint, placing them all on the stool beside the easel. You expected her to just be quiet and start painting, but she walked towards you. Your chin rose to keep your eyes on hers as she neared you, looking down at you analytically.
“Sit back a little,” she said softly, “So your back is against the cushion.” You did as she said, scooting back until you could sit up straight with the support of the cushion. “Good. Now, your hands
” She looked at where you had placed them, lying mindlessly on either side of your lap. “What are we going to about those?” She smirked again.
“What do you mean?”
“Hands are as integral part of a portrait as is the face,” she tilted her head and leaned back, imagining your visage as a whole. “Cross them over your lap.”
You plopped them over each other on your knees, expecting that to be good enough, but when you glanced back at her, she was trying not to laugh. “What?” you asked defensively.
“Nothing,” she said, her Sokovian accent edged with amusement. “Here.” She knelt down in front of you, gently taking your wrists into her hands. You held your breath as she positioned them very particularly over your lap, trying to ignore the way her fingertips grazed the fabric of your skirt and left wrinkles in the fabric there, indentions of her touch. Her hands touching yours so delicately was sending jolts of electricity up your spine. You blasphemed yourself for being so shy of a simple touch, from a girl, nonetheless.
Once she had your hands positioned the way she wanted, she stood back up and assessed your top half. You caught the way her eyes fed upon your chest for a brief, startling moment before she looked up to your face. “Sit up a little straighter.” She put her hands on your shoulders, gently guiding you to sit up, her fingertips sliding to your upper back. You grew bothered at how handsy she was being. Her hands moved to your face, adjusting the curls of hair that were left out of your updo. Her face was close to yours now, her cool breath fanning across your mouth and leaving you no room to breathe, a heat forming under the skin of your face.
You recoiled suddenly, and she looked at you with unnerved eyes. “Did I hurt you?”
Her sudden change of confidence at the thought of somehow paining you by moving your hair eased your discomfort a little. “You’re reminding me of my mother. Always picking at me, fixing me.”
Her lips pursed together. “Your mother fixes you to her liking. I’m fixing you to yours.”
You eyed her suspiciously. “I haven’t said a word to you about any of my likings.” You noticed how quiet you were speaking, how quiet the room was, how close you were together in the corner of the large room.
“You don’t have to. I can tell,” she whispered with a crawling smile, adjusting your hair one last time before finally moving away from you. “Now, just sit.”
“Seems simple enough,” you breathed once she was finally behind her easel, trying your best to stay still.
She picked up her palette and started mixing paints and water, tussling through some brushes before finding one she wanted, and you finally heard the scraping of her brush on the canvas. You would have much rather been behind the easel with her, watching with as much curiosity and intrigue as you had then as she worked, than be sitting still like a lifeless doll as her eyes stared at you.
After several minutes of having her look between you and the easel, you started to get uncomfortable. The corset was still restricting your breath, and it felt impossible to keep your hands completely still. The dress was making your back hurt, and the painful silence and the feeling of Wanda’s eyes constantly on yours was enough to make you go mad. You hadn’t even realized that you were starting to squirm, accidentally moving your hands and your position.
You heard a sigh which led you to look back up at Wanda. She set the palette down, along with her brush, and stepped out from behind the easel, pacing back and forth with her eyes set upon you in a sort of disappointed and confused stare.
“What?” you blurted, feeling offended that somehow she thought you couldn’t even just sit to her liking. “What am I doing wrong?”
“You’re fidgeting,” she said with more seriousness, her artistic focus shining through.
You looked down and realized that somehow over the course of a few minutes you had completely lost the original position she had you in. You sighed, deflating as sharp pains ran up your torso. “I’ve never been painted before.”
“Well, it’s an honor to take your portrait virginity,” she countered with a little smirk, ceasing her pacing to stand staring at you with a tilted head.
A searing hot blush fled to your cheeks. “You speak like a man.”
“You’re sitting like one.”
You realized you were lounging disgracefully on the sofa with your back hunched and legs open. Snapping your legs shut, you groaned and laid back on the sofa dramatically. “I can’t do this. I don’t want to do this.”
“You don’t want to be painted?”
“No! And I don’t want to be married off to some bastard and bred like swine until I die. I cannot breathe without her trying to stuff me into a man’s side like an armpiece. I cannot breathe with her constantly in my ear speaking to me how I should talk better, walk better, sit better, stand better, look better. I cannot breathe—I just cannot breathe!” You leaned forward suddenly, feeling faint and gasping for air, clawing helplessly at the front of your corset whose fabric was stuck to your skin.
Wanda neared you calmly, holding out a hand in front of your face. Still gasping, you looked up at her, eyes falling to her hand. Feeling helpless, you slid your hand into yours and stood to face her. You realized then suddenly just how beautiful she was, with her full mouth and sharp eyes that were always piercing into you. Without speaking, her hands slid over your shoulders and smoothly turned you around. You froze, confused about what she was doing until you felt her fingers at your back and the sound of strings being undone.
“What are you doing?!” you exclaimed, knowing how long it took your mother to zip you up in that dreadful thing and how, if she knew you had undone it, she would tie it up even tighter.
“I cannot paint you like this,” her husky voice spoke close behind you. “You look dead in this dress.”
“God,” you breathed as she tugged at the strings, causing your body to move with her force. “That’s an interesting way to call someone ugly.”
“You are not alive like this,” she explained, “I can tell that this is not you. This is only a shell, a makeup of your mother. I am not here to paint your mother—I am here to paint you. My muse has to be completely herself, with no facades or lies. I need to see you as you are, truly and honestly. And also, you do look two heartbeats away from death by asphyxiation in this damned thing.” With a forceful tug, she ripped the back of the corset open so forcefully that your body was yanked backwards towards her, but she caught you, hands firmly on your waist.
You gasped in a full breath of air, and although it was a dusty library, it was the freshest breath of air you had ever taken. You were leaning back against her chest now, strands of her brown hair over your chest. Her hands holding your waist slid upwards a little, your body shivering at the feeling.
Her mouth was close to your ear as she whispered, “I’m going to undress you as gently as I can
” As her breath fanned against your ear, alighting all kinds of nerves in your spine that you’d never felt before, her hands slid around the front of your abdomen. “But forgive me if my creative expressions make me a little
She punctuated her words with an aggressive tug on your corset, which made you gasp sharply. She peeled it off your upper body, grabbing at the hips of the dress and tugging it down, also, bending and pulling all the green off your body until it was pooled at your ankles in a pathetic lump of fabric. You turned your head, looking down at Wanda who was crouched at your calves and staring up at you with parted lips and seductive eyes.
Wanda’s hand snaked around your smooth ankle first, cupping your shin as she started to rise, moving back around to behind your knees, lifting up your layers of underskirts as she went. She rose up behind you now, dragging her hand all the way up your leg under your skirt until it was on your hip, centimeters away from your bum.
Your heart was beating fast in your body that was growing warmer even without the top layer of clothing now. All that was left was the white slip that covered your body and the second underskirt.
“I need to see the real you, detka,” she spoke, Sokovian accent think and sensual in your ear.
You could smell her strong perfume of fig, her soft hair tickling your shoulders. You couldn’t believe that this woman had just ripped your dress from you and had you standing in barely any clothing that you wouldn’t even let your mother see you in.
“How can I convey you on canvas if I don’t know you?” She whispered, and the slightest graze of her lips against your ear sent a jolt down your body.
Her fingertips went to your shoulders, tickling your skin as she guided the thin strap of your slip down your shoulders, bringing you to shiver.
“Wanda,” you breathed, unsure of what you wanted to say. Sliding her hands over your skin, keeping her touch on you, she circled you, coming in front of you to look into your eyes.
“Trust me, detka,” she whispered, “I’m a master of the arts. I know what I am doing.”
That she did, with a smirk as she slowly pulled your slip down. You tried to stand confidently under her gaze and touch, but when you felt the silky fabric catch over your breasts and then fall below to reveal them, you gasped desperately for air. Her eyes flickered down, feasting upon the sight of you with utter desire and sensuality. Her mouth was open, lip nearly trembling as she pulled the slip down over your intimate stomach, and then pushed it along with the second skirt off your hips so that you were standing bare and entirely naked in front of her.
“Beautiful,” she breathed with ragged voice. “So
 fucking beautiful.”
The vulgar word pierced your spine and made your body heat even more. Your skin was flush and pink under the close, golden hue of the flickering candles, that same unsteady light revealing Wanda’s bulging pupils and darkened irises. She was devouring you with her eyes, and through the lust you saw the creative plates molding perfectly together in her mind.
“Lay down,” she said with faltering voice, clearing her throat as she guided you to the sofa.
No one had ever seen you naked before, and you kept that thought in mind as you carefully climbed onto the sofa, her hand on your lower back leading the way. “On your back,” she demanded, but suddenly she caught you before you laid down, reaching into your hair and undoing it with one pull of a pin. Your hair flooded down your shoulders messily, and you gasped, knowing just how undone you looked. Was she going to paint you like this? In the nude? You knew that was far from what your mother wanted in the portrait, but your mother was even farther away from your thoughts as the Sokovian artist’s hands guided you to lay on the sofa.
“Move on your side slightly,” she instructed, voice taught with many different emotions you couldn’t completely discern. You were halfway on your back and halfway on your side, some of your hair over your chest and some of it cascading down the arm of the sofa above your head.
Finally, she stepped away from you, and you thought you would feel cold without her touch, but her eyes were enough to keep the fire broiling in your stomach alive.
You were sprawled out on the couch like a whore. One leg reaching over the other end of the sofa, the other one halfway off the edge of the cushion. One arm laying on the cushion lifeless, the other one reaching across the top of the sofa. You were wearing nothing but the thick jewels on your upper chest and the earrings hidden behind your hair except for a few twinkles where the light shone through the strands. The golden light of the candles sparkled on the erected rosy peaks of your breasts, flickered off the skin of your stomach.
“Perfect,” Wanda said, grabbing a towel that she had laid on the stool and casting it over her shoulder, her ravenous eyes not leaving yours as she picked up the palette and brush, beginning to scratch across the canvas madly, hardly tearing her eyes from yours.
Your chest rose up and down with the tension in your lungs. Something within you was throbbing at being laid out like this, having this sensual woman tear you apart with her eyes as she painted your likeness on the canvas.
The tension did not die with the silent minutes. It grew and built with every stroke of Wanda’s brush, with her every darting, overfilling look, with your every weak breath and throb of the multiple heartbeats throughout your body. It grew to a head until you felt like you were going to burn right through the cushions of the sofa like a soaring comet.
Every time her hand left the canvas to roll her brush into the pools of paint on the palette, her rings sparkled under the candlelight. There was a gleam on her skin, a craze in her eyes, a moistness to her lips that she repeatedly licked and bit. She was driving you mad without even touching you, and you could tell that you were doing the same to her with the way she painted the canvas so hard that it trembled on the easel.
Finally, without you having to even say anything, she dropped the palette and brush on the stool and dragged the towel away from her shoulder, eyes trained on your body. She had painted so wildly that there were smudges of color on the white sleeves of her blouse and covering her hands. She came to you so quickly that you didn’t even know she was there until she was knelt beside the sofa, placing a hand on your lower stomach.
Her hand sent a streak of color up your skin as she slowly slid it up your abdomen. Red, yellow, green, blue, all streaked together from her hands as she touched the smooth expanse of your skin.
“When I first came in,” she began in a tremulous whisper, “I knew it would be impossible to hold my focus while I painted your portrait.” Her hand swiftly curved around your breast and cupped it, relishing in the supple feeling of your flesh. Your eyes fluttered closed, legs mindlessly moving as she touched you shamelessly, and you let her. “You’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen. I don’t even have to paint you to make you a walking piece of art.”
You didn’t know what to say as her compliments landed on your skin like warm raindrops and evaporated into your pores, seeping into you and imbuing you with warmth. She bit her lip as she looked down to your breasts which she fondled, rolling her thumb over your hardened nipples. Your skin there was covered in her paint now, colors mixing and melting on the warmth of your skin.
“Is this your creative expressions speaking?” you whispered to her, and she smirked and tilted her head.
“No, it’s just me.” Her eyes flickered to your lips, and without hesitance she leaned forward and kissed you hungrily. You moaned, and with your lips parted she dove her tongue into your mouth. Her other hand found your delicate neck and squeezed it, the cold paint smearing on your skin as her tongue explored your mouth with utter force and desperation, like she needed to know every single corner and texture of your mouth and tongue.
She clambered on top of you, pinning you down on the sofa beneath. Her hands went mad across your body, squeezing and rubbing you everywhere she could, memorizing every single curve and sweet spot that made you arch up against her. Her kisses trailed down your skin, sucking and biting harshly until she made bright red and purple spots that blended in with the paint she had already left there. She made a painted mess of you right there on those cushions, mercilessly sucking on your nipples and pinching them until you were squirming beneath you with desperate need, grabbing at her soft hair and shoulders.
“Wanda,” you moaned as she lowered down your body, leaving wet kisses down your painted stomach until she was at your hips. She growled, glancing up at your bare, marked body before her, lowering herself down between your legs.
“You’re the sort of art that needs to be worshipped,” she grunted as she ran her hand over your thigh, swiveling around it to yank it up over her shoulder. Crouched down, she parted your legs open, moaning at the sight between your legs. She had dwindled you down into a wet mess, and the feeling of her warm breaths fanning against you there did no good for how much you wanted her to touch you.
Most of the paint that was on her hands had been transferred to your body, so she brought her fingers to your slippery folds, groaning at how soft and wet you were. “No one has touched you before?”
“No one,” you whispered, looking down at the lewd sight of this woman between your legs, even her slight touch on your folds making you jolt.
“Let me be the first.”
She wasted no time in lowering her head down and placing her mouth over your slit, running her tongue up your folds and to your clit, circling it with exact pressure. The moan that escaped your mouth was foul, and you bucked your hips towards her face as she started to lap at your clit, pausing every now and then to purse her lips and suckle at it.
“Oh, Wanda!” you exclaimed, forgetting that your mother could be right outside.
Reaching her hand up your belly, she clasped it over your mouth to silence your moans. You held her wrist, nails sinking into her skin as you trembled beneath her.
“You must be quiet, detka. What happens between an artist and her muse, stays there,” she whispered thickly, her mouth glistening with your own juices. She brought her fingers to your clit, pushing into it before lowering them down to your slick entrance. She watched your every expression and movement of your body as she slid two of her fingers inside you slowly, stretching your virgin hole around their length and width.
Your muffled moans were under her hand as she pumped her fingers deep inside you, curling them to graze the inner sweet spots inside you. Your hips jerked as she lowered her mouth again to suckle at your clit while her fingers thrusted into you.
“You’re just as perfect inside as you are on the outside,” she moaned into your clit as she spread her fingers inside you, moving them more to just feel you than to pleasure you, but it certainly pleasured you all the same.
“Fuck, Wanda,” you cursed under her hand, feeling a coil spring tight in your lower belly. She trailed her kisses over that part of your belly, as if she could feel the tension there.
“You’re being such a good muse, such a good girl for me,” she whispered, rubbing your clit with her thumb as she squeezed a third finger inside you. “I’m inclined to take you away with me and make you the muse for all my work. You’d like that, wouldn’t you? Living with me, a slave to my touch and my kiss, a wet little hole for me to fuck when I’m creatively and sexually frustrated. Wouldn’t you?”
Her thrusts were hard now, her voice snaky and thick. You whined and moaned pathetically under her hands, bucking your hips wildly off the sofa. You nodded to her question, burning at the way she laughed. “My little whore, letting me fuck her right here on the sofa, all naked and covered in paint.”
Wanda’s words twisted in your ears and wound you up even tighter, your inner walls squeezing around her fingers that pushed through them. She bit the skin of your belly hard, and with a few more pumps of her fingers, she wound you so tight that you snapped, the coil in your stomach breaking and unleashing screams and shivers of climactic pleasure and euphoria that blinded you. She talked you through it, praising you for being such a good muse, kissing your stomach and rocking her fingers more gently inside you.
You finally came down from your orgasmic high, knees trembling around her shoulders as she crawled up you, giving you a multitude of calming kisses all over your face. You sighed and looked at her with a shy smile, still struggling to catch your breath.
Grinning, she stepped back and looked at you. Your face was bright red with pleasure, a gleam shining off your skin, your body looking even more relaxed with the post-fuck glow that she had been craving to carve out of you from the very beginning. Grabbing her palette and brush, she eyed you from behind the easel, smirking under the candlelight that remarked her viridescent eyes.
“Stay just like that.”
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nanisburner · 1 year
Thinking of writing domestic dom!wanda who makes all of your choices for you because she knows what’s best <3
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nanisburner · 1 year
I’d Do It Again For You
Pairings: Kate Bishop x Fem!Reader
Summary: The tracksuits set fire to Kates apartment while she’s out on a mission with Clint. What will happen when Kate realizes you’re still inside?
Word Count: 3,872
Warnings: Apartment Fire | Violence | Hospitals
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Kate was woken up by a persistent ring coming from her bedside table.  She opened her eyes and blinked a few times, trying to adjust to the darkness of the room and process what was going on.
When she realized it was her phone, Kate carefully reached over to grab it as she didn't want to wake you up; who was sound asleep with your head laid on her chest.
She looked at the lit up screen which read Clint Barton. Kate mentally groaned and pressed the green button to answer the phone, bringing it up to her ear, "I swear you're like nocturnal. Do you ever sleep?" Kate spoke quietly to not disturb you.
"The work for a hero never stops. You busy right now?" Clint asks from the other end of the phone.
Kate glances at the clock on the nightstand, "Yeah, it's one in the morning. I'm busy trying to sleep with my girlfriend which is something you should be doing too." she replied before going quiet, thinking about the words that just came out of her mouth.
"I- I'm not trying to sleep with Y/N like- like that. I mean I am, but- but not right now. And you shouldn't be sleeping with Y/N too, obviously. I meant that you should be sleeping with- with Laura, but also not like that, you know? You should resting your eyes—"
"Are you done yet?" Clint questioned, interrupting her rant.
She squeezed her eyes shut out of embarrassment, "Yeah, yeah I'm done, sorry."
"Meet me at the end of the street in fifteen. I need your help with something." he informed her.
Kate gazed down at you, debating whether to go or not. You got so excited yesterday when she told you that she would take you out for the day today, and whenever she goes on missions everything is very unpredictable. She doesn't know if she'll be back in time to follow through with her promise to you.
But Kate knew she couldn’t turned this down, "Fine. But I have to be back before eight. Y/N's an early bird so she normally wakes up around that time, and I promised her I'd take her out today."
"I'll make sure you're back by then no problem. It should only take a couple hours anyway." Clint assured.
"Okay, see you in fifteen." Kate responded, ending the call.
She sighed and stared down at you for a couple more moments, brushing a few hairs out of your face before slowly slipping out from under you to get ready.
She put on her purple archery suit and the back quiver that held her arrows. She considered just leaving a note on her pillow in case she wasn't back before you woke up, and so that she didn't have to wake you. But she at least wanted to hear your voice before she had to leave.
Approaching the edge of the bed, she laid a hand on your side to coax you awake, "Hey, princess? Can you wake up for me for a minute?" she whispered.
You mumble some incoherent words that were slurred together from your sleepy state, making her lightly chuckle, "Hey, I've gotta run out and take care of something with Clint. Are you gonna be okay here until I get back?" she spoke softly.
At that, you opened your eyes and tried to focus them on her, "Are we still going out later?" you murmured.
"Yeah, of course, baby. I'll be back before you even wake up." she answered, caressing your side to reassure you.
"M'kay." you mumbled. "Be careful, Katie? Don't make any dumb decisions. Promise you'll come back to me in one piece."
A smile crept across her face, "I promise, darling." she leaned down to press a kiss your forehead, letting her lips linger there for a few moments before pulling away.
You frowned and gently grabbed her hand when she turned to walk away, and a confused expression settled upon her face.
"You missed." you said.
She noticed the pout on your lips and playfully rolled her eyes, returning to your side to bend down and give you a few long, soft kisses.
"I love you." she whispered against your lips.
"I love you too." you replied before she grabbed her bow and trotted down the stairs of the loft. Once you heard the front door shut, you closed your eyes to try and fall back asleep, knowing that your girlfriend would be there when you awoke again.
As Kate exited the apartment building and walked down the street, she saw Clint already waiting at the corner.
"Who'd you piss off now?" she joked, approaching the well-known archer.
He scoffed, "No one. It's the same guys from last time. They somehow found more men to carry on their work."
"Alright, let's make this quick. I have a girl to get home to." Kate said, walking past him.
"You say that like I don't too." Clint responded, watching the young girl stride down the street.
"Well then hurry up and let's go!" she called out.
He started jogging to catch up with her, "You're going the wrong way!"
"Okay, move faster and show me the right way!"
A couple hours later, you woke up once again. You were confused as to why since the clock only read 3:24 am. It was only then that you realized you had to use the bathroom.
You laid there with a sigh, not wanting to get out from the comfort of your bed until you got the motivation to finally get up. Right before you closed the bathroom door, you thought you heard yelling coming from outside. But you brushed it off, thinking that you were just tired.
What you didn't know was that you had heard right.
"Kate Bishop!" a man called from outside, but you didn't hear him now that the door was shut.
There was another yell of your girlfriends name followed by a bottle that was lit on fire being chucked through the window, shattering and setting fire to everything around it.
A few more flaming bottles were thrown through the other window panels, causing the fire to spread even more. Neither the fire alarm or sprinklers in the apartment room went off because they had broken, and Kate never got around to getting them fixed.
So you were completely unaware of the situation until you heard the crashing sound made by part of the ceiling falling down outside the door, effectively blocking it.
When you heard that, you quickly reached to open the door to figure out what was going on. Though you winced, flinching away when your hand came in contact with the burning hot door knob.
You covered the knob with the hem of your shirt to hopefully minimize the heat, but when you tried open the door again you couldn't.
It was as if there was something blocking it. You turned the handle again, pushing on the door this time but it still wouldn't budge. That was when you noticed the smoke coming into the room from under the door, and you started to panic.
There wasn't anything in the bathroom that you could use to block the gap between the door and the floor, so you started banging the door, screaming for help.
"Help! Hello, can anyone hear me?! Help!" you desperately yelled, but deep down you knew that probably no one could hear you.
The longer you were stuck inhaling the smoke, the harder it got to breathe. So you eventually got tired of screaming, and passed out on the bathroom floor.
"Dude, the way you fought all five of those guys by yourself was crazy! You've gotta teach me how to do that thing where you rolled and still made the shot!" Kate said, reflecting on everything that happened during the mission.
Clint shrugged his shoulders, "Their fighting style was pretty sloppy anyways. I don't know if you did it on purpose, but when you did that thing with the flip and then the arms; that was pretty cool."
"I know right! I surprised myself with that one. I didn't even know—" Kate's rant was cut off by something that sent an unsettling chill down her spine.
"Hey, Kate Bishop!" she heard a man's voice call out.
She looked at Clint with furrowed eyebrows, turning down the street of her apartment building. But the scene that she was met with made her heart drop.
The infamous Tracksuit Mafia; lighting bottles on fire and chucking them through the windows of her apartment, flames engulfing the floor.
Black smoke poured out of the windows and into the outside air. At that point, there was only one thing at the top of her concerns.
"Y/N." Kate whispered to herself, shrugging off her bag of arrows and dropping her bow to the ground, darting down the street with Clint hot on her heels.
"Kate Bishop! Nice of you to finally show your face!" One of the tracksuits spoke up when he saw her.
But the smile was wiped right off of his face when Clint punched him square in the nose. He took care of the rest them, holding them off while Kate made a b-line for the front door.
She unlocked it with trembling hands, and then bolted up the stairs, taking them two at a time.
"Y/N?!" she called out as she opened her apartment door, the amount of smoke stunning her, "Y/N, baby?!?" Kate yelled again before coughing into her elbow.
She ran around the apartment, looking for any sign of you. When she came up empty handed, she took the stairs up to the loft multiple at a time. She noticed that the blankets on the bed were pushed back, yet you were nowhere to be found.
Her eyes quickly scanned the room, pausing on the bathroom door that was obstructed by debris. Kate rushed to the door, almost tripping on her own feet in the process.
"Y/N?! Baby, are you in there?!" she yelled, pressing her ear against the door. "Please, say something if you can hear me!" Kate practically begged. When she got no response she attempted to haul away the rubble blocking the door.
Kate struggled a lot, but she was determined.
After moving the last piece of wood with a grunt, Kate swung the door open, choking on the smoke that left the room. Once she could see clearly, she saw you lying on the floor, unconscious.
"Shit, Y/N!" she cursed, swiftly kneeling before you.
Kate put her ear to your nose to make sure you were still breathing, which she thanked god that you were even though the breaths you were taking were uneven and shallow.
She lifted you into her arm's bridal style and stood to her feet, "Alright, baby. We're gonna get you some help, okay? I've got you." she reassured even if you couldn't hear her.
Kate exited through the fire escape just as Clint knocked out the last tracksuit, "Clint!" she yelled to get his attention.
"Is she okay? Is she still breathing?" he spoke out of breath, approaching her.
"Yeah, but she needs actual help, Clint. I don't know how long she was in there before I got her out, but she's struggling to breathe. We need to get her to a hospital." Kate said, listening closely to your breathing.
"Kate, you know we can't go to the hospital under these circumstances. It's dangerous." he responded.
"I know. I know the risks, Clint. But, she needs professional help and we can't give her that. So please, help me get her to the hospital." Kate was pleading, tears threatening to gloss over her eyes.
The sounds of sirens could be heard from around the corner, making Clint sigh, "Okay, let's go." he said and they quickly made their way to his car that he parked on the side of the road earlier.
Clint got into the drivers seat while Kate slid into the backseat so that she could still hold you, "See, baby? We're getting you help. You're gonna be okay." she softly spoke to you.
Kate started to take your hand into hers until she noticed the red mark forming on it. She held your hand out to examine your palm, her thumb ever so gently caressing below the burn.
"I've got you now, princess."
When Clint pulled in front of the hospital, they bursted through the emergency room doors, "Can somebody help us, please?" she called out in an urgent manner.
A doctor led her to an empty bed for her to lay you down on, "What's her name? What happened?" he asked.
"Her name is Y/N. There was a fire, and she passed out i'm assuming from the smoke. It took me a few minutes to find her and get her out, but I don't know how long she was in there for before that." Kate quickly explained.
"Alright, let's get her on oxygen and an IV." the doctor ordered his colleagues.
"She's gonna be okay, right?" Kate asked as she moved to your side, holding your non-injured hand.
"We treat cases like this all the time, but I can never promise anything." the doctor answered, "In the meantime, you need to get yourself checked out. Your friend as well."
"Me? No, i'm fine. What—" Kate was interrupted when a nurse started to lead her to a different area.
"Those cuts on your face and burns on your hand say otherwise." the nurse spoke.
She gave up on arguing, not wanting to cause a scene while Clint did the same, leaving the doctors to take care of you.
"Hey, how you holdin' up?" Clint asked as he pulled back the curtain of the room Kate was sitting in.
It was about an hour later, and Clint was all bandaged up. The nurse suggested that he take it easy for the next few days, but he obviously was not going to listen.
Another nurse had given Kate an oxygen mask. Although she wasn't in the fire for as long as you, they just wanted to be safe.
Both of her hands were wrapped in bandages to allow the burns on her hands to heal from when she was trying to get the bathroom door open.
Kate took the oxygen mask off of her face to speak, "Fine. You?"
"Same." Clint answered.
They sat in silence; Kate stuck in her thoughts, and Clint trying to read her facial expression, "None of this is your fault, you do realize that, right?"
Kate shook her head, looking down, "Yeah, well it sure feels like it."
"Beating yourself up over something you couldn't control isn't going to get you anywhere, trust me it's just gonna eat you up inside. It happened, so all you can do now is move forward." Clint said, giving Kate some of his dad advice.
"I'm the one who pissed them off. It should've been me in there, not her." Kate spoke in a low voice.
"But it wasn't you, it was her. Y/N wouldn’t haven’t wanted it to be you in there either. So right now she needs you to be there for her, not filled with anger and guilt." Clint put a reassuring hand on her shoulder.
Kate took a deep breath, "You're right."
"When am I not." he responded, making Kate roll her eyes.
"But when we get out of here I am planning on beating the living shit out of them." Kate said, only half joking.
Clint shook his head with a small smile, "Now we both know going into fight fueled by rage is a recipe for disaster. Believe me when I say I got a pretty good hit on all of them."
Kate lightly chuckled for the first time since all of this happened. She knew that everything Clint had said was true; it always was. But she wouldn't admit that.
Just then, Kates head perked up at the sound of the curtain being pulled back, revealing the doctor from earlier. She immediately sat up straighter, anxious about what she had to say.
"You're here with Y/N, correct?" the doctor asked.
Kate quickly nodded, "Yeah, yes. Is- is she okay? She's okay right?"
"Y/N inhaled an alarming amount of smoke, so we still have her on oxygen to treat that. She also had a minor burn on her left hand that we wrapped up, but she'll be fine and make a full recovery." he informed the two archers.
At those words, they both exhaled a sigh of relief, a weight feeling like it's been lifted off of their shoulders.
"Thank you so much. Is she awake? Can I see her?" Kate questioned.
"She's not awake at the moment, but she should be anytime now. If you follow me i'll take you to her room." the man answered.
Kate glanced at Clint who nodded his head. She stood up and followed the doctor out of the room. After making numerous turns, and walking down multiple long hallways, Kate almost ran into him when he suddenly stopped in front of a door.
"She's right in here. If you need anything just ask or press the red button on the wall." the doctor said, and Kate mumbled a 'thanks' before he disappeared down the corridor.
Kate opened the door, shutting it behind her before dragging a chair over to your bedside and sitting down. She gently took your right hand into her bandaged ones, letting her thumb caress over the back of it.
She gazed down at you; watching the way your chest steadily rises and falls thanks to the nasal catheter in your nose. Your eyelashes tickled your cheeks, and she reached a hand over to brush some stray hairs out of your face before letting it stroke your cheek.
She wanted to talk to you. To say at least something to let you know that she was there, but Kate just couldn't find the words. Luckily, she didn't have to because your hand shifted in hers as a few tiny whimpers escaped from your lips.
Your eyes slowly fluttered opened, but immediately shut again at the bright lights in the room. You blinked a few times so that they could adjust to the light before your tired gaze landed on Kate.
She exhaled in relief when your eyes met, "Hey. Hi, babygirl." she cooed, fixing the hospital gown that had started to slip off your shoulder, "You're finally awake. You gave me quiet the scare." she lightly chucked.
Kate noticed how you were slightly squinting when looking at her, "Are the lights too bright, baby? Here, I can turn them down." she said, standing up to dim the lights before quickly returning to your side, "Is that better?" she asked, and you nodded your head.
"Good. How are you feeling?" Kate questioned, grasping your hand in hers once again.
You took in your surrounding; noticing the monitors and machines beside your bed, the IV in your hand, and the window where you could see all of the people walking back and forth through the blinds.
"I'm okay." you answered before furrowing your eyebrow, "What happened? I thought you were taking care of something with Clint."
She took a deep breath, "I was." she started, "We finished the mission, but when I came home, the tracksuits had set the apartment on fire...with you inside. Clint dealt with them while I got you out when I realized you were still inside, and then we brought you here." Kate had to slowly explain since the memory of it all would haunt her forever.
You didn't exactly know what to say as you were just in shock. You didn't really know how everything had happened; you just remembered feeling scared and frantic trying to get out of the bathroom as it filled with smoke.
"I know," Kate said, letting a hand comfortingly stroke you cheek again, "I know it's a lot to take in, but I've got you now." she spoke in a soft, reassuring tone.
As she caressed your face, it felt a little rough on your cheek compared to how soft the skin of her hand normally felt. That's when you noticed you were feeling the white bandages that both of her hands were tightly wrapped in.
You frowned, "What happened to your hands?"
She glanced down at her hands, and then back to you, "I burned them when I was trying to get you out, but it's nothing I can't handle. I'd do it all over again for you."
Your gaze softened as you stared at her until your mouth dropped into a big yawn, making Kate gently smile, "If you're tired, princess, you can go back to sleep. You need to rest while you recover." she said.
"If I do will you cuddle me?" you asked.
She got up from the chair and laid next to you in the small bed. There wasn't a lot of room, but you made it work. It just gave her another reason to hold you closer, "I'll be here the whole time. I won't leave you again, I promise."
You moved into her open arms, resting your head on Kates chest to which she pressed kiss to as you did.
You sat in comfortable silence.
Kate was focused on comforting you by running a hand up and down your back, while you were stuck in your thoughts.
Although you were exhausted, you couldn't help but think back to being trapped in that room with no way out as it filled with smoke, screaming for help just for no one to hear you.
The memory of it was too overwhelming and your eyes started to glaze over, "I was so scared." you whimpered out.
It was so quiet that Kate barely heard you, "I just had to use the bathroom, and then the fire started but I didn't know since the smoke detector didn't go off, and I couldn't get out because there was something blocking the door and then I couldn't breath—"
"Shhh," Kate cut you off, noticing that you were starting to work yourself up and choke on your words. "It's okay, Y/N. You're safe now I promise you. You're not there, anymore. You're here in this moment with me, safe and sound in my arms." she spoke gently, pressing another lingering kiss to your forehead.
"You don't have to tell me about it now. I know you're tired, so get some sleep, baby. I'll still be here when you wake up." she gently assured you.
"You promise?" you asked meekly.
"I promise," Kate responded. "I love you, Y/N." she said.
When Kate got no response back, she looked down at you just to find that you were already fast asleep. Her lips curled into a sympathetic smile, relieved that you were back in her arms, and making a silent promise to you and herself that she'll never let anything happen to you again...also making a mental note to fix the sprinklers and smoke detectors.
When Kate got no response back, she looked down at you just to find that you were already fast asleep. Her lips curled into a sympathetic smile, relieved that you were back in her arms, and making a silent promise to you and herself that she'll never let anything happen to you again...also making a mental note to fix the sprinklers and smoke detectors.
When Kate got no response back, she looked down at you just to find that you were already fast asleep. Her lips curled into a sympathetic smile, relieved that you were back in her arms, and making a silent promise to you and herself that she'll never let anything happen to you again...also making a mental note to fix the sprinklers and smoke detectors.
"I promise," Kate responded. "I love you, Y/N." she said.
When Kate got no response back, she looked down at you just to find that you were already fast asleep. Her lips curled into a sympathetic smile, relieved that you were back in her arms, and making a silent promise to you and herself that she'll never let anything happen to you again
also making a mental note to fix the sprinklers and smoke detectors.
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nanisburner · 1 year
Hi, how are you? I hope everything is good. I wanted to tell you that I love the story "I'd Do It Again For You" I reread a lot of times already, it's one of my fav. I like how you write, so I was wondering if it was possible a "Kate x FemReader" where Kate was a little distant and cold and the reader was sad, they argue a little about this but the truth is that Kate preparing a surprise for the reader's birthday, something for the two of them, romantic and fluffy. Thank you if you'll do my request. *ïŒŸăƒŻïŒŸ*Have a great day/night❣
Pairings: Kate Bishop x Fem!Reader | Wandnat x Daughter!Reader
Summary: The request!
Warnings: Mentions of cheating
Word Count: 4.2k
Author’s Note: Sorry it took me a bit to write this request, but here is it! I hope you like it! Also, I apologize for any grammatical errors. ❀
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You weren't sure what had caused Kate to become so distant lately. It seemed like she was always too busy to spend time with you, and you didn't know why. She'd been more secretive with her phone and her whereabouts, and it honestly worried you.
Was she cheating on you? Had she lost feelings and was just afraid to say something?
So many possible reasons for her recent behavior ran through your mind, and it scared you to think that some of them might actually be true.
With your birthday being in only a week you hoped none of your thoughts would become reality because that would be the worst birthday present in all of history. But you didn't know anything for sure besides the change in her behavior began a couple weeks ago...
"Hi, Katie!" you happily greeted your girlfriend as you flopped down next to her on the couch of the compound living room.
She quickly shut her laptop that was on her lap before looking at you, "Hey, baby!" Kate nervously chucked, "When did you get here? I thought your moms didn't have to come in until tomorrow."
You slightly frowned at her actions, "Just a few minutes ago. Fury called them in for a last minute meeting, so I decided to tag along to come see you."
"Well I am extremely happy to see you, pretty girl. I missed you." Kate softly spoke as she leaned in to kiss you, but before your lips could touch you placed a hand on her chest to stop her. She looked at you with worried eyes and pulled back, "What's wrong?" Kate asked.
"What were you doing on your laptop?"
She hummed in confusion with furrowed eyebrows at your question. "When I came in here you closed your laptop like you were hiding something. Are you?" you clarified.
"What? No, I would never hide something from you, baby. I just wanted to give my full attention to my girl now that you're here." Kate assured you with a sincere smile.
You searched her eyes for any signs of deception, "Are you sure?"
"One-hundred percent, my love." she confirmed before you just decided to let it go with a nod of your head, "Wanna watch a movie? Yelena went shopping earlier and bought some of the good snacks if you're hungry." Kate suggested as she reached for the television remote to turn on the TV.
"Sure, as long as I get to pick what we watch. Your taste in movies is a bit...different?" you said with a giggle.
"Fine," Kate playfully rolled her eyes while standing up, "You pick the movie, and I'll go get snacks." she said, leaning down to peck your lips before heading off into the kitchen.
You thought that would just be a weird one time thing from your girlfriend, so you pushed it to the back of your mind and tried to forget about it. That was going pretty well until her suspicious demeanor continued and the amount of unusual behavior from her started to pile up.
Like when she canceled your date night plans at the last minute a few days later...
You were laying in bed reading a new book you've been obsessed with when your phone rang from beside you. Your eyes shifted away from the pages to look at the screen and when you saw your girlfriend's contact name on the screen, your heart fluttered.
Setting aside your book, you tapped the button to answer and held the phone up to your ear, "Hi, Katie!"
"Hey, baby." she responded, her tone sounding a bit sorrowful which caught your attention immediately.
"What's up? Are we still on for tonight? I've been looking forward to it all week." you questioned with a grin just at the thought of seeing her later on.
"Um, yeah, about that..." Kate trailed off.
You furrowed your eyebrows, "What's wrong?"
"I'm gonna need a rain check on our date. Something came up and I can't make it." she explained.
Your once fluttering heart dropped at her words. You had been so excited to finally spend time with her after being busy with your moms all week.
You missed her.
Kate told you she missed you just as much which is why she promised to keep her schedule today clear of missions and anything extra. But you can't blame her because it's not her fault.
"Oh," you said sadly, "That's okay. What came up? Did Fury give you a mission?"
"No, I just have some personal stuff that I have to take care of. I'm sorry, baby. I know you were excited for our date, but I promise I'll make it up to you soon." Kate answered which made you frown.
You both tell eachother everything, so you found it odd how she wasn't telling you what came up that caused her to cancel on you at the last minute. You were confused, but you decided to just leave it alone for now.
"Okay, I understand. I'll talk to you later?" you asked, hopeful.
"Yeah, of course, I'll call you. I love you." she responded. You repeated the words back to her before hanging up.
Dropping your phone, you rested your head back on the headboard with a sigh. Personal stuff? What was that supposed to mean? You didn't wanna think about it at first, but the thought of her possibly cheating on you or having lost feelings now seemed like it might actually become true.
A knock on your bedroom door broke you out of your thoughts, "Yeah?" you called out.
The door opened revealing Wanda, "Hey, dinner will be done in a couple minutes if you're hungry." she said.
"Alright, thanks." you gave her a small smile that, as your mother, Wanda was easily able to tell you forced out.
"What's wrong, darling?" she wondered.
You looked up at her with a hum, "Nothing, I'm fine." you answered.
Wanda playfully rolled her eyes at the lie and entered your room, taking a seat on the edge of your bed, "You know you can talk to me, right? I know kids don't necessarily prefer to talk to their parents about their problems, but I want you to be able to talk to me."
You nodded your head, "Yeah. Yeah I know." you said while sitting up, "It's nothing, really. Kate and I might just be going through a rough patch."
She lightly frowned, "What do you mean?"
"I don't know. Kate's been acting a little off. First she started hiding things from me, and now she just canceled our date because 'something came up' in her words." you explained and Wanda just listened, "I just feel like something might be up with her."
Wanda had a sympathetic expression on her face as she looked at you, "Oh, I'm sorry, honey. Have you talked to her about it?"
"Yeah, the first time it happened. She promised me there was nothing going on so I left it alone, but now I'm starting to doubt that." you responded.
Wanda just pulled you in for a hug, comfortingly rubbing your back, "I'm sorry, sweetie. I'm sure things will get better very soon. Your mom and I both know that Kate loves you too much to let you go, but we're here for you if you need us."
"Thanks, mom. I think I'm just gonna go eat dinner and then settle down for the night." you pulled away from the hug.
"Okay, sweetie. I love you."
"I love you too." you said before she left your room, closing the door behind her.
That leads you to now.
Kate was driving you home after going on your rescheduled date that she promised to make up to you. Your birthday was tomorrow, and things were seemingly back to normal. Kate had been showering you with affection and she called you fifteen times a day just to tell you that she loved you like she always had.
Wanda was right when she told you things would get better...but it didn't last.
You and Kate were singing along to your favorite song when her phone rang. She took her phone out of the cupholder and looked between the screen and the road. You watched as she pressed the red button to quickly decline the call and then set her phone in the compartment on her door, away from you.
"Who was that?" you asked.
She shook her head, "Nobody."
That's how she always answered whenever you asked what was up. She brushed it off and it was beginning to get on your nerves.
"Are you cheating on me?"
To say Kate was shocked at your question would be an understatement. 'Why would you ever think such a thing?' she thought to herself. She loves you more than anything in this world, and Kate thought you knew that.
"Because if you are, just tell me so we can get this over with." you added.
"Baby, where is this coming from? Why would you think I'm cheating on you?" she asked, glancing at you before looking back at the road.
You shrugged your shoulders with a scoff, "Oh, I don't know. It's just the way you've been acting recently. Like that time where you shut your laptop the second I walked into the room, and then you took a raincheck on our date because you had 'something to take care of'. Now someone just called you and you're gonna tell me that it's nobody?"
As Kate listened to you she cursed herself for not realizing what her recent secretiveness looked like. Now she understands why you would think she's cheating on you, but that's not what's not even close to happening. Kate would clear everything up for you right now if she could, but she couldn't.
That would just ruin what she's been planning.
"Listen, I understand why you'd think that and I'm sorry for making it seem that way, but I promise you I am not cheating on you. I would never." Kate assured you, but you just rolled your eyes. "Nothing is going on, you just have to trust me, baby." she said as she parked the car in front of your house.
"I've swept everything under the rug because I trust you, but I'm tired of it now, Kate." you said.
Kate sighed and looked at you, "I know, baby, and I'm sorry. I love you so much, but I can't tell you right now. "
It was your turn to sigh now, "Fine" you unbuckled your seatbelt, "Just call me when you wanna tell the truth." you said as you got out of the car and made your way inside your house.
She watched you close the front door with guilt written all over her face. Kate never meant to upset you. She just wanted to plan a surprise for you to make you happy, but she sees now that she wasn't very good at trying to keep it a secret.
Kate just hopes that you're not too mad at her to talk to her tomorrow when she can finally show you what she's been doing all this time.
"Good morning, honey. Happy birthday!" Wanda enthusiastically spoke when she heard you enter the kitchen the next day.
You gave her a smile as you sat down at the kitchen table, "Thanks, mom."
"Got any plans for today? Going out with friends or are you and Kate doing something?" she asked, keeping an eye on the food she had cooking.
You sighed at the mention of your girlfriend, "I don't know. We got into a small argument last night when she dropped me off and haven't talked since."
"Who got into an argument last night?" Natasha jumped in as walked into the kitchen. She approached your spot at the table and leaned down to kiss the side of your head, muttering a 'Happy birthday, sweetheart.' to you before going to look through the fridge for something to drink.
"Thank you, mama." you said, "Kate and I got into a small argument when I asked her about why she's been acting so off recently."
Natasha and Wanda looked at each other before turning to you, "We're sorry, darling. Your mom told me about that night when she canceled your date. I'm sure she didn't mean to hurt you. We see how much Kate cares about you so I know things will eventually work themselves out. You probably have nothing to worry about, dear." Natasha reassured you and Wanda nodded her head in agreement.
You tried to think positively after seeing how your moms were doing so, but you were finding it kind of hard to. However, what you didn't know was that they were fully aware of Kate's plans, which is why they were trying to comfort you like this.
She had let them in on her idea to surprise you for your birthday so that she could ask their opinions on things, but now they were silently scolding Kate for upsetting their daughter because of her inability to act normal while sorting out this surprise.
You just shrugged your shoulders as they sat at the table with you, setting down plates of food. That was when your phone dinged, letting you know you had gotten a text. You looked at the lit up screen that had a message from Kate's contact.
Good morning, pretty girl! Happy birthday! I'm sorry about last night and I hope you're not too angry with me about it. I'm a little busy this morning so I won't be by until evening, but I love you so much and I hope you have a great start to your day! I'll see you later, my love. ❀❀❀
You weren't sure what to think at this point. You were confused. Deep down you know that Kate would never hurt you, but then why had she been acting like this? You wanted answers, yet weren't getting them.
Letting out a sigh, you stood up from your chair, "Actually, I'm not really that hungry."
Wanda and Natasha glanced at each other, "Are you sure, honey? Breakfast is the most important meal of the day." Wanda chuckled in an attempt to lighten the mood.
"Yeah, I'm just a little tired. I'll be up in my room if you need me." you said before making your way upstairs.
They heard you bedroom door shut before sighing.
"Bishop better make this little surprise worth it if she's gonna upset Y/N this much." Natasha practically growled, turning to her wife.
Wanda shook her head, "It'll be fine. Remember how stressed out she was when trying to find a present for her? Kate cares too much to give Y/N anything less than what she deserves."
Natasha leaned back in her chair, "I hope you're right."
It was now evening and Kate just pulled up to your house. The sun was set, the stars were out, and everything had been working out perfectly. She knows however, that it might be a challenge to convince you to come with her.
She walked up the front steps with a bouquet of your favorite flowers for you in hand and rang the doorbell, patiently waiting for someone to answer.
A few moments later the door opened, revealing Wanda, "Kate! Hi, it's good to see you." she said as she stepped aside to allow Kate inside.
"It's good to see you too, Mrs. Romanoff." Kate replied with a genuine smile.
"Y/N is up in her room. She's barely come downstairs today because she's been so upset." Wanda told her which made another wave of guilt wash over her. She thanked Wanda and made her way to the stairs, politely greeting Natasha on the way.
Kate stood outside your room and took a deep breath before knocking on the door. She waited for you to answer before opening the door and stepping inside, "Hey, love." she said.
You lifted your head away from your book to look at her, "Hi." you quietly responded.
She approached your bed and held the bouquet out for you to take, "I know the old ones are starting to die, so I got you new ones."
You took the flowers from her with a small smile, "Thank you, Katie."
Kate stood there for a moment, contemplating what to do, "Listen" she started, sitting next to you on your bed, "I know you're mad at me for how I've been acting recently, but I have a reason for it. I couldn't tell you before, but I can tell you now." she said, "Well I can't really tell you, I have to show you."
"Kate it's late and I'm tired–"
"Please," she cut you off and took your hand into hers, "Please, just come with me. You said you wanted the truth, and what I'm about to show you is the truth."
You gazed into her pleading eyes and thought for a second, "This is gonna explain what you've been up to all this time?"
"Yep," Kate smiled, "So get your cute butt up, get dressed, and let's go." she grinned at your giggle and kissed your forehead before leaving the room to let you get ready.
A few minutes later your footsteps walking down the stairs interrupted Kate's conversation with your moms. She looked at you with adoring eyes, "Ready to go, beautiful?" she asked, standing up from the couch.
You hummed as she grabbed her keys and led you to the front door with a hand on your lower back.
"Hey, Bishop," Natasha said before you could walk out the door. Kate turned around to look at your mom who had her arms crossed, "Drive slow."
Kate gave her a quick nod of her head in understandment, "Yes, Mrs. Romanoff." she agreed before leading you out of the house and to her car.
"Where are we going?" you asked as she pulled out of the driveway.
"You'll see soon enough." Kate smiled at you.
And you did.
A little while later Kate parked in front of a place that you both knew like the back of your hands even in the dark. It was the lake that you had your very first date at after Kate asked you out.
She had set up a nice lakeside picnic on a sunny, breezy day where she taught you how to use her bow, and you fed the ducks and skipped rocks.
You haven't been back since, but you were happy Kate decided to bring you.
"Katie, what're we doing here? We haven't been here in forever." you gazed out the window, taking in the familiar sights.
"Come on, I'll show you." Kate said, getting out of the car with you. She grabbed your hand and intertwined your fingers to lead the way.
She began following the dirt trail through the trees and along the lake. It hadn't been too much of a long walk when Kate stopped, "We're almost there, so I'm gonna cover your eyes now. Do you trust me?" she asked.
"Yeah, of course." you answered before she placed her hands over your eyes and carefully led you the rest of the way. When she eventually stopped again you assumed you had arrived.
"Okay, are you ready?"
"Yes, Katie, just show me already." you said and she chuckled at your eagerness.
When she removed her hands from your eyes your breath hitched at the sight. It was just like your first date, but so much more. Blankets and pillows were laid on the grass with food sat on top and lit candles carefully placed on the ground.
Rose petals were scattered all around, fairy lights hung on the branches of the surrounding trees which gave the scene a beautiful, romantic glow with the sound of the gentle ripples of water from the lake.
It was gorgeous.
"Do you like it?" Kate hopefully asked.
"Like it?" you repeated in shock, "I love it...I love it, Katie."
She breathed out a sigh of relief, "Thank god, I thought it would be too much. I mean you didn't tell me what you wanted to do for your birthday, but I knew I obviously had to do something so I practically begged your moms to help me plan this. They probably got tired of me–"
"Wait, my moms knew about this?"
Kate scratched the back of her neck, "Well, yeah. They helped me pick out some of the decorations and your mom gave me recipes for the food because we both know I can't cook."
You giggled, "It looks amazing. This is what you've been up to lately? You did all of this yourself?"
"Not all of it. Yelena helped me set most of this up. She's actually the one who called me yesterday. She was letting me know that she got the fairy lights I asked for. I just told you it was no one so you didn't get suspicious, but that clearly backfired." Kate confessed.
"Oh," you mumbled. Now you're the one who felt guilty for ever doubting Kate's loyalty to you. You should've known better, "I'm sorry for not believing you when you said there wasn't anything going on. I was just worried."
Kate shook her head with a small smile, "It's okay, I understand. I was acting pretty weird so you had every right to suspect something. But, now you know what I've been doing so there's no need to think about it anymore, okay?" she spoke to you softly, gently cupping your cheeks.
"Okay." you whispered. Kate leaned down to capture your lips in a tender kiss, moving her hands down to your sides as yours went to her neck.
You eventually pulled away when air became a necessity and Kate rested her forehead against your own, "We should probably eat the food before it gets cold." she said.
Nodding your head you let her take your hand and lead you towards the blankets where you sat down and began looking through the options.
Time always felt like it flew by at a lightning speed whenever you were with Kate. You could never get enough of the way her terrible jokes made you laugh to the point where you were out of breath, or the way she looked at you while you were talking, how she took her time whenever she kissed you.
You could never get enough of her.
So you shouldn't have been surprised when a couple hours of you two flicking food at each other, and skipping rocks, and laughing until you couldn't breath, and sharing sweet kisses ended up passing by.
"And then Tony got so mad at me and Clint for destroying all of that equipment with the arrows we made that he just ended up making a whole separate room solely for archery." Kate said and you giggled as she was telling you about one of the many times she's stressed out Tony.
Kate gazed at you as your laugh gradually winded down with adoring eyes. "Hey, I actually got a little something for you." she said, searching through a bag that was set off to the side.
"Oh Kate, you didn't have to. This is already enough as it is." you gestured to everything she had set up around you.
"Yeah, but I wanted to. Besides, I think you're really gonna like this." Kate spoke as she pulled out a small pink box with a cute ribbon decorating it and handed it to you.
You looked between her and the box.
"Go on, open it. It's what I was buying that day I hid my laptop from you. It's also what I went to pick up when I canceled our date, so this almost got me in trouble." she laughed with you and watched as you untied the ribbon and opened the box.
You gasped at what sat in the center of the box. It was a gorgeous silver ring with a small heart shaped diamond attached that shimmered in the dimly lit area.
Kate gently grabbed the box from you and took the ring out, holding it in front of you, "Now it's only a promise ring, but I hope to eventually change that." she said and you giggled, "I want this ring to remind you of how much I love you whenever you look at it, Y/N. I promise that one day, I'll replace this ring with an engagement ring, but until then I want you to know that I'll always stay loyal to you because I love you more than anything else in this world."
Her words were so sweet that a single tear ran down your cheek. She reached out wipe away the tear before taking hold of your left hand and you gladly let her. She slipped the ring onto your ring finger and admired how it was a perfect fit.
She brought that hand up to her lips and gave it a soft kiss, "I love you, Y/N. So, so much." she whispered to you.
You surged forward and connected your lips in a passionate kiss. You had caught Kate so off guard that she had to hold your waist steady to keep from falling back as you wrapped your arms around her neck.
"I love you more, Katie. So much more." you breathlessly spoke against her lips before connecting them once again.
She grinned into the kiss, "Happy birthday, baby."
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nanisburner · 1 year
Thank you :))
New Family
Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader x Natasha Romanoff
Summary: Your wives help you through your pregnancy. No matter how hard it gets for the three of you. / 6k words
Warnings: Pregnant!reader , slight (poorly written) smut, and cursing
A/N: This is an old fic that i posted on my old account. I missed writing and decided to start again đŸ«Ą
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When you and your wives first started talking about having children, it was hard. You were with two Avengers, so trying to make and raise a family would be hard with their schedules. It’s not like they had a lot of missions, but with meetings, training, and press conferences they were still away from home a lot. You knew of this when you guys first started dating. You knew that they would have a lot to do, so you asked them what they thought about having kids before getting serious with them. The two Avengers told you that they would love that, when everything died down.
Now the three of you were married, and things have not died down.
It was your guys’ three year anniversary when you brought it up again. Natasha bluntly stated that she can’t carry, while Wanda just sighed and said, “No, you know we don’t have time for that.” After that you left it alone, keeping your disappointment from showing because you wanted to let them enjoy their time working. You didn’t want to keep them away from doing the things that they love.
But then Natasha started noticing the longing looks you would throw towards mothers and their children, even fathers. She noticed the way you lingered on your friend’s posts of their kids, and family pictures. She noticed the way you would instantly light up when Clint and Laura bring the kids over to visit the three of you. She noticed how natural you were with the kids. Natasha always noticed, and she herself started to feel a sort of longing for a family with you and Wanda. Maybe, she thought, she could take a step back from traveling so much.
Wanda, wouldn’t notice your physical reactions, but she would hear your thoughts if they got too loud. She could hear you thinking about ‘What ifs’ and your hopes about Wanda and Natasha coming around to the idea of children. She would hear (and see) your daydreams of the three of you raising a child together. You always seemed so happy and content in those daydreams.
Were you not happy now?
You were. You were so so so so happy with Wanda and Natasha. You didn’t need kids to be happy with them. It was just something you always imagined. You thought that maybe it had something to do with the way you grew up, which was poorly. Your parents were shitty, and so you vowed to never be like them if you had children. So now you treated any kid you came across with kindness and patience, something you never received as a child. But you knew it would feel completely different with a baby of your own, and Wanda understood that.
So after another couple of months of long talks, arguments, and compromises, the three of you decided to have a baby. It was decided that you would carry because Natasha can’t, and Wanda didn’t want to be taken out of the field just yet. You guys had asked Bruce and Dr. Cho if they could possibly convert Wanda and Natasha’s DNA into something that could be used to make the baby. You guys wanted the baby to have features from all three of you. After three tries, you were finally pregnant.
Your family of three was about to grow.
— Two months pregnant
The sound of gagging noises woke Wanda up from her nap, so she felt around the bed for you only to feel empty sheets. Opening her eyes, she was met with a vacant bed and frowned. She knew Natasha had to help Maria train new SHIELD agents, but you were with her when she fell asleep. Her questions of where you had gone were quickly answered by a heaving sound that came from the bathroom. She immediately knew that it was you, since one of your early symptoms of the pregnancy had been nausea. The others being an increased libido (which her and Nat happily helped you with), and mood swings.
Wanda rushed out of the bed and into the bathroom, her frown deepening as she saw you hunched over the toilet.
“Oh, detka.” She sighed out and kneeled beside you, one hand holding your hair back while the other rubbed your back, soothing you. “Just let it all out, baby it’s okay. You’re okay.” She whispered out as you finished.
You whimpered and tears fell down your eyes. She watched as you sat back against the tub.
“I h-hate this. I can’t even eat my favorite food anymore with out throwing it all up.” You cried. Wanda pulled you into her lap and let you cry into her shoulder.
“I know,” Wanda always knew. “I know it’s hard right now, but we all know that it’ll be so so worth it in the end.” She rocked you back and forth and held you tightly.
“I want Natty.” You cried again, Wanda sighed. You were especially clingy now that you were pregnant, not that either of them minded. But you always seemed to long for the one that was gone. If Wanda was out working, you would want Wanda. If Natasha was out doing something, you would want her. If they were both gone
oh hell.
“She’ll be here before dinner baby.” She noticed your breathing and sobs had died down. “Hey, why don’t we get you cleaned up so we can get started on cooking? Nat should be here soon.” You looked up at her and gave her a tired smile.
“That sounds good to me, Wan.” She internally cheered at your sudden shift into happiness at the mention of Natasha.
“Come on then.” She tapped your thigh twice and you stood up. After brushing you teeth and washing your mouth out, you were in Wanda’s arms.
“Thank you.” You sighed out.
You weren’t always so emotional, but with the hormonal changes happening within you it was understandable. As hard as it was, this was just the beginning.
— Four months pregnant
Now four months, almost five months pregnant, you were starting to show. It wasn’t too noticeable since it was still small and got covered by your clothes. Your morning sickness was gone, but new problems have come to light. You were starting to get light headed a lot, and it was worrying your wives sick. They suggested that the three of you move back into the compound so you would be close to medical care, but you assured them that you would be fine.
You were not fine.
And that’s why none of you are worthy enough to wield my precious hammer.” Thor said smugly.
You were sitting in the living room of the Avengers compound, waiting for Wanda and Natasha to be finished with a debriefing. The three of you were about to tell everyone that you were pregnant, and you were excited. These people you’ve grown close to over the past years have become family to you, and they were the first people you wanted to tell about your pregnancy.
So here you were listening to Thor as he listed off reasons as to why each person in the room would not be able to hold Mjölnir. Which then led to Tony, Sam, Clint, Carol, Rhodey, and Bruce defending themselves while Steve, Peter, Pepper, and Bucky just sat there amused. As they were taking turns with trying to life the hammer, you started to get hungry. You realized you haven’t eaten since before you had arrived to the compound, which was hours ago.
You laughed at Bruce’s attempt to life the hammer, and made a move to stand up from the couch. As you stood up straight, you got that lightheaded feeling again, closing your eyes and breathing deeply through your nose. Carol had noticed, but was quickly distracted by Clint moving up to the hammer.
When the dizziness started to subside, you took a couple of steps towards the kitchen only to stumble a little bit, your head feeling light again, legs weak. You braced yourself against one of the desks that were placed behind the couch, which caused Carol, and Bucky’s attention to drift to you. They both got up and walked towards you.
“Y/n, you feeling okay?” You heard Carol’s voice and tried to look up at her, the sudden movement causing the dizziness to get worse, your vision blackening.
“Y/n? Y/n!” Bucky yelled your name as you collapsed towards the ground, but Carol was quick to catch you.
“Oh my god. Someone tell Wanda and Nat to get in here!” Carol demanded. Everyone’s attention diverted away from the hammer to your limp form in Carol’s arms. She carried you to the couch and gently laid you down. Bruce was quick to be by your side, checking your pulse and trying to tap you awake. Tony used FRIDAY to call your wives in.
“Y/n/n, come on. Did she show any signs of passing put earlier? Anyone?” Bruce asked as he looked around. Everyone shook their heads. Before he could respond, a booming voice echoed throughout the now quiet room.
“What the hell happened to her?!” Wanda’s voice wavered as she spoke. Her and Natasha quickly making their way over to you. Her voice started to stir you awake.
“I- No- We don’t know!” Bruce stuttered out. You opened your eyes and groaned.
“She was just fine, and then when she got up to leave the room...” Carol trailed off and gestured to your body.
“What happened?” You asked as you tried to sit up, only to be softly pushed back down by Bruce.
“You passed out.” He said. Wanda and Natasha coming over and shoving him away from you, causing him to collide into Thor with a small “oof”.
“Are you okay, kotenok?”
“Are you hurting anywhere?”
“Even if it’s small pain you have to tell us, detka.”
Your two lovely wives bombarded you with questions and you just had a silly grin on your face at their concern. Wanda furrowed her brows at that.
“Why are you smiling, you passed out! You could have gotten hurt.” She huffed out and you frowned.
“I’m sorry. I was just hungry.” She sighed and moved to cup your face. Natasha was pressing light kisses to your head, and by now everyone had moved back some to give you guys space.
“It’s okay, we just worry. If we knew your lightheadedness would turn into you fainting, we would have kept a better eye on you.” Natasha smiled softly at you.
“She’s been getting lightheaded a lot lately?” Bruce asked with knitted brows. “We should get her to the med bay and check her out for anything serious.” He moved to walk away but Wanda stopped him.
“Wait! We know why she’s been getting dizzy, and well, it is kind of serious.” They all looked at you with concerned eyes as you sat up, leaning into Wanda’s legs as she stood beside you. Her hand came up to caress your hair, Natasha sitting on the arm of the couch and rubbing your back. Both smiling at how you relaxed into their touches.
“She’s- You’re not sick are you?” A crack in Peter’s voice made you jerk your head up. Peter was like a younger brother to you, and you didn’t want him to be sad or worried over you.
“No!” Startling him, you shot him an apologetic glance before continuing. “No, I’m not sick. I’m actually just pregnant.” You said with a wide smile. Peter and Pepper gasped as everyone else erupted into joyful cheers and laughter. Peter was the first one to hug you, as lightly as he could.
“Aw, Y/n! You guys will be great parents.” Pepper clapped her hands together.
After congratulating you and your wives, Tony and Pepper insisted that you stay at the compound at least until the baby is born. Steve overheard and decided to chime in, saying that it would be best if you stayed there. Which then caused everyone else to try and convince you to move in. The next thing you know, you were saying yes as they all celebrated again. Wanda pulled you into a sweet kiss before Natasha did the same. You couldn’t feel more happier.
— Seven months pregnant
After moving into the compound, everyone was watching over you as best as they could. If Wanda and Natasha were both needed for something, at least one person would stay behind to keep you company. That one person being Peter a lot because Tony still didn’t want him doing hefty work, but you didn’t mind. Peter always let you pick the movies and shows you wanted to watch, which is what you guys were doing now.
Your mind wandered away with random thoughts as you zoned out.
Your belly was also a lot bigger, so you were no longer able to fit in your regular clothes. Wanda and Natasha had taken you shopping for clothes, and now you had a whole new wardrobe. Yeah, they may have went a little overboard.
Something you were still experiencing though, were the mood swings increased libido.
Earlier in the day you had found that its been a few weeks since you and your wives had had sex. You were thinking about how you hated how busy they were, which then lead you to think about the last night you guys all had together. At first you were thinking of a romantic outing, a date night. But then your mind drifted off into how those date nights usually end, which is with sex.
You realized that when you started showing, they stopped touching you. Even when you tried initiating it, they turned you down with an excuse.
Did they not find you desirable anymore?
The thought brought tears to your eyes, which quickly alerted Peter who was watching a movie with you. You wiped them away after he asked if you were okay.
“I’m fine. I’m going to sleep.” You stood up from the couch and began to walk away.
“But it’s only 6- aaaand she’s gone.” He sighed and shot a quick text to Wanda, saying that you were upset about something but didn’t explain what. She messaged him back saying that they were on their way home from the press conference they were just attending.
“Detka? Can you unlock the door please?” Wanda asked sweetly. You had locked yourself in the bathroom, and wouldn’t come out no matter what your two wives had tried to bribe you with.
“Can you at least tell us what’s wrong, baby?” Natasha spoke up this time, her tone soft. They heard you sniffling holding back sobs, and their hearts broke at the sound of it all. “Y/n/n? Please.”
“No! I don’t want you guys to look at me anymore so go!” They looked at each other concerned. “Y-you don’t have to pretend that you love me anymore. I- It’s okay if you guys don’t f-find me as attractive as before.” More sobs were let out as you voiced your thoughts. Wanda and Natasha’s eyes widened at your words.
“Y/n, we will always find you attractive. Pregnant or not, baby you’re beautiful.”
“We promise we love you the same as we did before the pregnancy.” Wanda assured you. “Even more so now. Can you please come out so we can talk?”
“You’re lying. You’re both lying to me.” You mumbled out loud enough for them to hear you through the door.
“What makes you say that?”
“You won’t have sex with me!” Natasha’s eyes widened even more while Wanda blushed. “You guys won’t even touch me anymore and I know it’s because I’m not pretty anymore.” That was enough for Wanda.
“Okay, we’re coming in.” Her eyes lit up to a red hue, and a red mist made it’s way into the bathroom and onto the knob, unlocking and opening the door. They rushed to where you were sat on the ground, kneeling beside your cross-legged form. You had your hands resting on top of your bump, sniffling away tears.
“Honey look at me,” Natasha softly demanded. You hesitantly lifted your gaze up to meet hers, and looked at Wanda when you felt her hand slip into yours. They both held nothing but love in their eyes. You felt yourself tearing up again.
“We love you so so much.” Natasha continued. “We still think you’re the most beautiful woman in the world. Having your body accommodate to forming a literal child in your stomach doesn’t change our opinions of you.” She took your free hand and squeezed it with a reassuring smile.
“Then why won’t you touch me?” You whispered out.
“We don’t want to hurt you or the baby.” Natasha said in the same tone. You scoffed and rolled your eyes.
“You won’t,” you mumbled out. “You’re always so paranoid.” Silence passed before your other wife spoke up.
“I’m sorry we made you feel neglected.” Natasha’s expression turned apologetic before a smirk graced her features. “Just know that we are still very much attracted to you.”
Her hand came up on your thighs when Wanda leaned in to kiss your neck.
“You want us to touch you baby?” Wanda husked out. “Is that why you’re being so fussy? Hm?” Her hand loosened her hold on yours and traveled up your body. When she reached your chin, she gripped your face in her hand and brought your lips to hers. You moaned as she swiped her tongue across your bottom lip, which gave her an opening allowing her to slip her tongue into your mouth. She quickly won over your weak fight for dominance. You soon felt another pair of lips on your neck, and you whimpered as Natasha nibbled little bites onto it.
“Let’s take this to the bed, kotenok.” She breathed out. Wanda pulled away and chuckled at your little whine.
Soon you were on the bed in between the two women you loved the most in the world. You were naked now, as were Wanda and Natasha. Your were leaning on Wanda, your back pressed to her chest, feeling her bare skin on yours. Her hands were on your sore breasts, alternating between massaging them softly and gently grazing over your sensitive nipples. Her legs were holding yours spread out, leaving enough room for Natasha to kneel in between them.
“You are so beautiful, Y/n.” Natasha’s hands were lightly running up and down your thighs, the tingling sensation causing you to buck your hips up with a whine. “We love you.”
“So much.” Wanda chimed in.
“Yeah, yeah. I love you guys too.” You groaned out in frustration when they still didn’t give you what you wanted. “Now shut up and fuck me already.” Natasha smirked at your impatience.
“Gladly.” You moaned out as her fingers sunk into you.
Your wives made you cum three times before you were asking them to stop. You were sensitive, and finally satisfied in knowing that the two women still loved you and your body. With how they worshipped you so carefully and intensely, you knew these insecurities wouldn’t be such a problem for you anymore.
Wanda was gently stroking your skin, cooing in your ear and praising you for being so good. You were still trembling, tears of pleasure streaming down your face, bruise-like marks from both Natasha and Wanda covering your neck, thighs, and chest. Natasha went to move her fingers out but you closed your legs and trapped her hand there.
“D-don’t. Not y-yet please.” You murmured out. Wanda’s hands were running through your hair, and Nat’s free hand caressed your legs, trying to relax you enough so she could remove her hand.
“Ready to get cleaned up?” Your eyes were drooping as you nodded, legs limply falling open.
As your wives took care of you and bathed you, you knew that they still loved you no matter what the circumstances are.
— Eight Months Pregnant
Maybe they loved me too much, you thought.
Not really, but they were around everywhere you went since you guys were a month away from your due date. Both Wanda and Natasha have taken four months off, allowing them to be by your side when they wanted to be. Which was every. Single. Minute. of the day.
At first, you didn’t complain because you loved them and always wanted them safe and with you. But now, you couldn’t even go the restroom with out one of them tagging along because they “needed to go pee, too” or because they “left their phone on the sink” only for it to be in their pocket the whole time.
You really did appreciate their concern, and that they loved you enough to worry so much, but now you just felt helpless and incapable. You would try to sneak away from then every once in a while for some alone time, but one’s a spy and the other can read minds so you don’t get very far.
So you were upset, and in pain because of the small contractions you’ve been feeling recently. The doctor told you they were normal though, so you weren’t really worried about it.
“You guys seriously aren’t letting me go to the store now? God, I’m starting to feel like a handmaiden more than your wife!” You huffed out and crossed your arms over your big belly bump. Wanda bit her lip in an attempt to conceal her smile. You were just so adorable when you were mad, even more so now that you’re pregnant with their child. Natasha stood up from the bed and walked in front of you. She tried to uncross your arms, but that only resulted in you stepping away from her grip.
“Look, honey, I know you love going to the store, but-”
“If you tell me that I need to be here because you worry about my safety, Nat, I’ll really give you something to worry about.” You glared at Wanda as she laughed out loud at your empty threat towards the Russian spy. Natasha just smirked, which made you even more angrier.
“You know what? Fine. Both of you can go because you’re annoying me.” You walked out of the room and ignored their calls for you. You stormed into the kitchen where Bucky, Sam, and Carol were eating lunch. They all looked up and smiled at you, Carol’s faltering when she noticed your expression.
“Hey,” She said cautiously. “What’s up with you?” You sighed out in annoyance turning to look at the blonde.
“What’s up is that I’m being treated like a prisoner!” You ran your fingers through your hair and shook your head. “I know that Wands and Nat are looking out for me, but I feel like I’m going crazy not being able to do even the easy things.” Sam’s eyes widened at the sight of tears making their way down your face. He jumped up out of his seat and made his way over to you.
“Here,” He led you to the chair beside his which was in between him and Carol, Bucky sitting in front of you now. “Want to try this grilled cheese sandwich? Carol made it with her stove hands.” He grinned teasingly at Carol and you laughed wiping your tears.
“Thank you, though I don’t know how much I trust Carol’s bare hands when it comes to handling food.” She gasped.
“Are you saying I’m dirty?” You turned to look at her and before you could throw another remark towards her, you felt wetness seep out of you. “Y/n?” Carol noticed your sudden stiffness.
That’s when you felt an especially painful contraction. You hissed in pain and bent over a bit, clutching your stomach. The three Avengers frowned at you.
“Y/n are you okay?” Bucky asked.
“F-fine. Actually,” You looked at him with wide eyes. “I think my water broke.”
“Are you sure?” Sam asked, concern written all over his features.
“Yea- Oh!” Another contraction hit even harder this time. You were almost leaning fully on Sam now, tears of physical pain pooling in your eyes now. He held onto you and stood up, you clutching onto his arm to stay upright. Carol was quick to be on your other side, protectively cradling your stomach. Bucky was soon on his feet too.
“We should get you to Dr. Cho.” He said. “I’ll let her know we’re on our way. Where’s Wanda? Nat?”
“They’re not here.” You whimpered out. The contractions were hurting even more now, and you so badly wished that your wives were here by your side.
“I’ll call them,” Bucky assured you with a nod.
The three of them led you down the hall into the elevator, going to the medical floor. Sam was practically carrying you now, speed-walking as smoothly as he could with you in his arms. You could hear Bucky frantically speaking on the phone.
“Dr. Cho, Bruce!” Carol called out.
“Here! We’re here. What’s wrong?” The woman asked. Sam put you on one of the beds and stepped back as Dr. Cho got closer to you.
“My water b-broke and it hurts.” You sobbed out. You weren’t ready for this yet. You had eight months to prepare, and you were still not ready for this level of pain you were about to go through. And to top it all off, Wanda and Natasha weren’t here. “I thought t-they were the normal false labor p-pains but it’s worse.” She just nodded and started to put her gloves on, Bruce doing the same.
“Oh god,” You croaked out. “It hurts too much. I can’t do it.” You cried. Carol was quick to come stroke your face, wiping the tears away.
“You’ll be okay, Y/n. We’re all going to be right here for you alright? Just breathe.” That just turned your fear into anger, the pain making everything unbearable.
“You try breathing with a fucking baby in you, Danvers!” Her eyes widened at your use of her last name, and Bucky lightly shoved her away to take her place.
“Hey Y/n, you-“
“Bucky if you don’t get your cyborg ass out of my face! Stop hovering!” You seethed as another contraction hit, your hands gripping the sheets of the bed. He quickly mumbled an apology and went to stand by Carol. Bruce came back with a needle, towels, a bucket and Dr. Cho followed behind with some IV tubings, and other tools. Before Sam could step up to you, Bruce was standing by your side.
“We need to check if you’ve dilated yet at all, is it okay for us to take your pants off?” He asked carefully. The tightening in your stomach lessened and you breathed out in relief. You could only manage a nod towards the man. Dr. Cho carefully guided you out of your pants, and underwear, putting you in a gown. Sam and Bucky were now gone, Bruce shoving them out.
You asked Carol to stay, not wanting to be alone if your wives were still gone by the time you gave birth.
“Okay, Y/n, I’m going to hook you up to some IVs. It’ll help with the pain while we wait for you to dilate enough to push.” She paused before speaking again. “It’s still a month early, so to avoid complications I will have to ask you to be prepared for a C-section just in case.” She walked off to talk to Bruce when you Tears were flowing down your face again.
You were scared now. It was too early to be giving birth, your wives weren’t here, you were alone and you were scared.
“I want Wanda, Carol. I want Nat.” You cried out as another contraction hit. She nodded and wiped your tears away.
“I know. I know, they’ll be here soon okay? They’re stuck in traffic, but I promise they’ll be here for you.” The loud bang of a door caught yours and Carol’s attention, her stepping away from you so her hands could glow as if she was preparing to fight.
You could hear muffled voices and then the door of the medbay swung open, revealing a worried and slightly angry Wanda and Nat. Bucky and Sam trailing behind them with apprehensive looks on their faces. You saw Bucky rubbing a spot on his forehead, and you figured Natasha must have thrown him into the door for something. Carol relaxed seeing that the there was no threat.
Wanda and Nat rushed to your side, each grabbing a hand of yours. “We’re so so sorry we left you earlier, detka.” Wanda choked out, and you noticed she had tears falling down her face. You furrowed your brows and reached up to wipe them away.
“Are you okay, Wan?” She let out a watery laugh and shook her head in disbelief. Even as you were lying on a hospital bed with painful contractions, you were still worried about her.
“Am I okay? Are you okay? Baby, you’re about to give birth.” You smiled and nodded at her, grimacing when you felt another contraction.
“We’re sorry for upsetting you, Y/n/n. We just worry so much.” Natasha said.
“It’s okay. I know you guys do, but let’s forget about all of that.” You shifted to get as comfortable as you could considering your situation. “I’m in pain and have to stay awake for the next 24 hours. It’s all so early and they don’t want there to be any complications.” Your voice cracked as you talked, fear flashing in your eyes. You wanted everything to be okay.
“Hey,” Wanda cupped your cheeks. “Everything is going to be fine, okay? Nothing is going to happen to you or the baby.” She gave you a reassuring smile.
“They’re going to be so small.” You whispered out. “I don’t want them to get hurt.”
“Well, they’ll have three moms to make sure that won’t happen.” Bucky piped up. You looked at him and noticed a bruise on his forehead. You laughed.
“I’m assuming you guys had something to do with his head’s new addition?” You smirked as he rolled his arms and crossed his arms.
— 29 Hours Later
“I- I can’t do it.” You whimpered and squeezed the two hands you were holding. “I’m not ready, not ready.”
After monitoring you and the baby for the past 24 hours, Dr. Cho and Bruce confirmed that while the baby would be a little small, you were ready to have it. You were now, finally dilated enough to start pushing, and the pain was excruciating. You could feel the tears happening down below, every muscle in your body was aching, sweat all over your body. You were pushing as hard as you could.
For a small baby, getting this thing out was still hurting like hell.
“You can do it, detka. You can- AH!” You squeezed Wanda’s hand so hard she fell to her knees.
“This is your fault Wanda!” You yelled out with another push. She looked at you shocked.
“Mine?! What about Nat!” You squeezed her hand harder to shut her up.
“She must like me bette- Y/n!” Natasha bent over when you crushed her hand to shut her up too. More painful yells, more pushing.
“J-Just shut up!”
“You’re almost there, Y/n a few more pushes.”
“One more mama you can do it!”
You slumped back, exhaustion making it’s way into your body. You heard people shuffling around you, your wives hands slipping from your grip. Your vision was blackening, but you could vaguely see Natasha’s red hair in front of you, saying something but her voice was muffled. You just wanted to sleep now.
That’s when you realized you didn’t hear crying, but before you could say anything about it you were unconscious.
“-because she delivered earlier than planned, her body wasn’t prepared for it. She was also up for 30 hours or more, so she’s perfectly fine. Just tired.” You heard Dr. Cho’s distant voice.
“You’re sure?” You recognized that as Natasha, encouraging you to open your eyes.
You groaned as you felt the soreness and pain settling in, the bright light of the medbay making you wince a little bit.
“Hey!” You tilted your head to the side, seeing Dr. Cho and Natasha standing there at the door. The former rushing over to stand by the bed you were on. “Hey, baby. How are you feeling?” She asked softly.
That’s when you remembered that you didn’t hear the baby cry. You didn’t even get to see her, or make sure she was okay. You started tearing up and tried to sit up.
“Where- where’s the baby?” Your voice was breaking, and Natasha tried pushing you back down.
“Hey, you need to rest oka-” You shoved her away and moved to take your IVs out. Natasha grabbed both of your hands in hers and made you look at her. “You need to rest. You can’t be up walking around yet. The baby is fine, Wanda is with Bruce getting her dressed right now.” You shook your head.
“Nat I didn’t hear her cry.” You sobbed out. “I was so scared because I couldn’t hear her.” She moved to sit on the bed, bringing your head to her chest and rocking you back and forth.
“It’s okay. It took her awhile to get used to being out of the womb,” She combed through your messy hair. “You passed out right before she cried. She’s fine, alright?” Your cries were down to a sniffle now, and you nodded your head into her chest more.
“I love you.” You whispered out. “Thank you for everything, I don’t think I thanked you guys as much as I should have these past months.” You wrapped your arms around her and squeezed, never wanting to let go.
“You don’t have to thank us,” Your head turned to the door and saw Wanda standing there holding the baby. “Do you want to hold her?” She walked closer.
“Of course. I didn’t go through hours of pain to not hold my baby.” You held out your arms and gently held the little girl. She was sound asleep, a tiny hand resting on her chin, the other gripping the blanket she was wrapped in. Your eyes sparkled as you looked at her. She resembled the three of you so much. You ran your finger lightly across her tiny features.
“She has your nose, Wands. Your mouth Nat.” You breathed out, keeping your gaze on the baby. “She’s beautiful.” You felt the hospital bed dip on both sides of you, and you tore your eyes away from the baby to look at your wives.
They both had tears of joy in their eyes, love shining through as they watched you and you guys’ daughter.
“She has your eyes.” Wanda pointed out, staring in awe as the newborn girl opened her eyes. Natasha groaned causing you and Wanda to look at her.
“Another set of eyes I won’t be able to say ‘no’ to ever in my life.” You smirked while Wanda snorted.
“That’s exactly what I was thinking. Another Y/n, means more trouble, doesn’t it?” You scoffed when Natasha agreed, giving her a playful glare.
“I just gave birth, and you two are already ganging up on me.” Before you could say anything else, a small sneeze caused your eyes to snap down to the baby. Wanda and Natasha’s eyes doing the same.
She sneezed again and the three of you cooed at her, your hand that wasn’t holding her was getting gripped by her tiny fingers. Natasha’s hand settled on her head as softly as she could, and she leaned down to kiss her forehead while Wanda smiled with tears in her eyes, her hand settled on your thigh.
You smiled at all three of them, and felt so at ease with your new family. This is what you wanted, and you were so glad to have it with the loves of your life.
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nanisburner · 1 year
New Family
Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader x Natasha Romanoff
Summary: Your wives help you through your pregnancy. No matter how hard it gets for the three of you. / 6k words
Warnings: Pregnant!reader , slight (poorly written) smut, and cursing
A/N: This is an old fic that i posted on my old account. I missed writing and decided to start again đŸ«Ą
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When you and your wives first started talking about having children, it was hard. You were with two Avengers, so trying to make and raise a family would be hard with their schedules. It’s not like they had a lot of missions, but with meetings, training, and press conferences they were still away from home a lot. You knew of this when you guys first started dating. You knew that they would have a lot to do, so you asked them what they thought about having kids before getting serious with them. The two Avengers told you that they would love that, when everything died down.
Now the three of you were married, and things have not died down.
It was your guys’ three year anniversary when you brought it up again. Natasha bluntly stated that she can’t carry, while Wanda just sighed and said, “No, you know we don’t have time for that.” After that you left it alone, keeping your disappointment from showing because you wanted to let them enjoy their time working. You didn’t want to keep them away from doing the things that they love.
But then Natasha started noticing the longing looks you would throw towards mothers and their children, even fathers. She noticed the way you lingered on your friend’s posts of their kids, and family pictures. She noticed the way you would instantly light up when Clint and Laura bring the kids over to visit the three of you. She noticed how natural you were with the kids. Natasha always noticed, and she herself started to feel a sort of longing for a family with you and Wanda. Maybe, she thought, she could take a step back from traveling so much.
Wanda, wouldn’t notice your physical reactions, but she would hear your thoughts if they got too loud. She could hear you thinking about ‘What ifs’ and your hopes about Wanda and Natasha coming around to the idea of children. She would hear (and see) your daydreams of the three of you raising a child together. You always seemed so happy and content in those daydreams.
Were you not happy now?
You were. You were so so so so happy with Wanda and Natasha. You didn’t need kids to be happy with them. It was just something you always imagined. You thought that maybe it had something to do with the way you grew up, which was poorly. Your parents were shitty, and so you vowed to never be like them if you had children. So now you treated any kid you came across with kindness and patience, something you never received as a child. But you knew it would feel completely different with a baby of your own, and Wanda understood that.
So after another couple of months of long talks, arguments, and compromises, the three of you decided to have a baby. It was decided that you would carry because Natasha can’t, and Wanda didn’t want to be taken out of the field just yet. You guys had asked Bruce and Dr. Cho if they could possibly convert Wanda and Natasha’s DNA into something that could be used to make the baby. You guys wanted the baby to have features from all three of you. After three tries, you were finally pregnant.
Your family of three was about to grow.
— Two months pregnant
The sound of gagging noises woke Wanda up from her nap, so she felt around the bed for you only to feel empty sheets. Opening her eyes, she was met with a vacant bed and frowned. She knew Natasha had to help Maria train new SHIELD agents, but you were with her when she fell asleep. Her questions of where you had gone were quickly answered by a heaving sound that came from the bathroom. She immediately knew that it was you, since one of your early symptoms of the pregnancy had been nausea. The others being an increased libido (which her and Nat happily helped you with), and mood swings.
Wanda rushed out of the bed and into the bathroom, her frown deepening as she saw you hunched over the toilet.
“Oh, detka.” She sighed out and kneeled beside you, one hand holding your hair back while the other rubbed your back, soothing you. “Just let it all out, baby it’s okay. You’re okay.” She whispered out as you finished.
You whimpered and tears fell down your eyes. She watched as you sat back against the tub.
“I h-hate this. I can’t even eat my favorite food anymore with out throwing it all up.” You cried. Wanda pulled you into her lap and let you cry into her shoulder.
“I know,” Wanda always knew. “I know it’s hard right now, but we all know that it’ll be so so worth it in the end.” She rocked you back and forth and held you tightly.
“I want Natty.” You cried again, Wanda sighed. You were especially clingy now that you were pregnant, not that either of them minded. But you always seemed to long for the one that was gone. If Wanda was out working, you would want Wanda. If Natasha was out doing something, you would want her. If they were both gone
oh hell.
“She’ll be here before dinner baby.” She noticed your breathing and sobs had died down. “Hey, why don’t we get you cleaned up so we can get started on cooking? Nat should be here soon.” You looked up at her and gave her a tired smile.
“That sounds good to me, Wan.” She internally cheered at your sudden shift into happiness at the mention of Natasha.
“Come on then.” She tapped your thigh twice and you stood up. After brushing you teeth and washing your mouth out, you were in Wanda’s arms.
“Thank you.” You sighed out.
You weren’t always so emotional, but with the hormonal changes happening within you it was understandable. As hard as it was, this was just the beginning.
— Four months pregnant
Now four months, almost five months pregnant, you were starting to show. It wasn’t too noticeable since it was still small and got covered by your clothes. Your morning sickness was gone, but new problems have come to light. You were starting to get light headed a lot, and it was worrying your wives sick. They suggested that the three of you move back into the compound so you would be close to medical care, but you assured them that you would be fine.
You were not fine.
And that’s why none of you are worthy enough to wield my precious hammer.” Thor said smugly.
You were sitting in the living room of the Avengers compound, waiting for Wanda and Natasha to be finished with a debriefing. The three of you were about to tell everyone that you were pregnant, and you were excited. These people you’ve grown close to over the past years have become family to you, and they were the first people you wanted to tell about your pregnancy.
So here you were listening to Thor as he listed off reasons as to why each person in the room would not be able to hold Mjölnir. Which then led to Tony, Sam, Clint, Carol, Rhodey, and Bruce defending themselves while Steve, Peter, Pepper, and Bucky just sat there amused. As they were taking turns with trying to life the hammer, you started to get hungry. You realized you haven’t eaten since before you had arrived to the compound, which was hours ago.
You laughed at Bruce’s attempt to life the hammer, and made a move to stand up from the couch. As you stood up straight, you got that lightheaded feeling again, closing your eyes and breathing deeply through your nose. Carol had noticed, but was quickly distracted by Clint moving up to the hammer.
When the dizziness started to subside, you took a couple of steps towards the kitchen only to stumble a little bit, your head feeling light again, legs weak. You braced yourself against one of the desks that were placed behind the couch, which caused Carol, and Bucky’s attention to drift to you. They both got up and walked towards you.
“Y/n, you feeling okay?” You heard Carol’s voice and tried to look up at her, the sudden movement causing the dizziness to get worse, your vision blackening.
“Y/n? Y/n!” Bucky yelled your name as you collapsed towards the ground, but Carol was quick to catch you.
“Oh my god. Someone tell Wanda and Nat to get in here!” Carol demanded. Everyone’s attention diverted away from the hammer to your limp form in Carol’s arms. She carried you to the couch and gently laid you down. Bruce was quick to be by your side, checking your pulse and trying to tap you awake. Tony used FRIDAY to call your wives in.
“Y/n/n, come on. Did she show any signs of passing put earlier? Anyone?” Bruce asked as he looked around. Everyone shook their heads. Before he could respond, a booming voice echoed throughout the now quiet room.
“What the hell happened to her?!” Wanda’s voice wavered as she spoke. Her and Natasha quickly making their way over to you. Her voice started to stir you awake.
“I- No- We don’t know!” Bruce stuttered out. You opened your eyes and groaned.
“She was just fine, and then when she got up to leave the room...” Carol trailed off and gestured to your body.
“What happened?” You asked as you tried to sit up, only to be softly pushed back down by Bruce.
“You passed out.” He said. Wanda and Natasha coming over and shoving him away from you, causing him to collide into Thor with a small “oof”.
“Are you okay, kotenok?”
“Are you hurting anywhere?”
“Even if it’s small pain you have to tell us, detka.”
Your two lovely wives bombarded you with questions and you just had a silly grin on your face at their concern. Wanda furrowed her brows at that.
“Why are you smiling, you passed out! You could have gotten hurt.” She huffed out and you frowned.
“I’m sorry. I was just hungry.” She sighed and moved to cup your face. Natasha was pressing light kisses to your head, and by now everyone had moved back some to give you guys space.
“It’s okay, we just worry. If we knew your lightheadedness would turn into you fainting, we would have kept a better eye on you.” Natasha smiled softly at you.
“She’s been getting lightheaded a lot lately?” Bruce asked with knitted brows. “We should get her to the med bay and check her out for anything serious.” He moved to walk away but Wanda stopped him.
“Wait! We know why she’s been getting dizzy, and well, it is kind of serious.” They all looked at you with concerned eyes as you sat up, leaning into Wanda’s legs as she stood beside you. Her hand came up to caress your hair, Natasha sitting on the arm of the couch and rubbing your back. Both smiling at how you relaxed into their touches.
“She’s- You’re not sick are you?” A crack in Peter’s voice made you jerk your head up. Peter was like a younger brother to you, and you didn’t want him to be sad or worried over you.
“No!” Startling him, you shot him an apologetic glance before continuing. “No, I’m not sick. I’m actually just pregnant.” You said with a wide smile. Peter and Pepper gasped as everyone else erupted into joyful cheers and laughter. Peter was the first one to hug you, as lightly as he could.
“Aw, Y/n! You guys will be great parents.” Pepper clapped her hands together.
After congratulating you and your wives, Tony and Pepper insisted that you stay at the compound at least until the baby is born. Steve overheard and decided to chime in, saying that it would be best if you stayed there. Which then caused everyone else to try and convince you to move in. The next thing you know, you were saying yes as they all celebrated again. Wanda pulled you into a sweet kiss before Natasha did the same. You couldn’t feel more happier.
— Seven months pregnant
After moving into the compound, everyone was watching over you as best as they could. If Wanda and Natasha were both needed for something, at least one person would stay behind to keep you company. That one person being Peter a lot because Tony still didn’t want him doing hefty work, but you didn’t mind. Peter always let you pick the movies and shows you wanted to watch, which is what you guys were doing now.
Your mind wandered away with random thoughts as you zoned out.
Your belly was also a lot bigger, so you were no longer able to fit in your regular clothes. Wanda and Natasha had taken you shopping for clothes, and now you had a whole new wardrobe. Yeah, they may have went a little overboard.
Something you were still experiencing though, were the mood swings increased libido.
Earlier in the day you had found that its been a few weeks since you and your wives had had sex. You were thinking about how you hated how busy they were, which then lead you to think about the last night you guys all had together. At first you were thinking of a romantic outing, a date night. But then your mind drifted off into how those date nights usually end, which is with sex.
You realized that when you started showing, they stopped touching you. Even when you tried initiating it, they turned you down with an excuse.
Did they not find you desirable anymore?
The thought brought tears to your eyes, which quickly alerted Peter who was watching a movie with you. You wiped them away after he asked if you were okay.
“I’m fine. I’m going to sleep.” You stood up from the couch and began to walk away.
“But it’s only 6- aaaand she’s gone.” He sighed and shot a quick text to Wanda, saying that you were upset about something but didn’t explain what. She messaged him back saying that they were on their way home from the press conference they were just attending.
“Detka? Can you unlock the door please?” Wanda asked sweetly. You had locked yourself in the bathroom, and wouldn’t come out no matter what your two wives had tried to bribe you with.
“Can you at least tell us what’s wrong, baby?” Natasha spoke up this time, her tone soft. They heard you sniffling holding back sobs, and their hearts broke at the sound of it all. “Y/n/n? Please.”
“No! I don’t want you guys to look at me anymore so go!” They looked at each other concerned. “Y-you don’t have to pretend that you love me anymore. I- It’s okay if you guys don’t f-find me as attractive as before.” More sobs were let out as you voiced your thoughts. Wanda and Natasha’s eyes widened at your words.
“Y/n, we will always find you attractive. Pregnant or not, baby you’re beautiful.”
“We promise we love you the same as we did before the pregnancy.” Wanda assured you. “Even more so now. Can you please come out so we can talk?”
“You’re lying. You’re both lying to me.” You mumbled out loud enough for them to hear you through the door.
“What makes you say that?”
“You won’t have sex with me!” Natasha’s eyes widened even more while Wanda blushed. “You guys won’t even touch me anymore and I know it’s because I’m not pretty anymore.” That was enough for Wanda.
“Okay, we’re coming in.” Her eyes lit up to a red hue, and a red mist made it’s way into the bathroom and onto the knob, unlocking and opening the door. They rushed to where you were sat on the ground, kneeling beside your cross-legged form. You had your hands resting on top of your bump, sniffling away tears.
“Honey look at me,” Natasha softly demanded. You hesitantly lifted your gaze up to meet hers, and looked at Wanda when you felt her hand slip into yours. They both held nothing but love in their eyes. You felt yourself tearing up again.
“We love you so so much.” Natasha continued. “We still think you’re the most beautiful woman in the world. Having your body accommodate to forming a literal child in your stomach doesn’t change our opinions of you.” She took your free hand and squeezed it with a reassuring smile.
“Then why won’t you touch me?” You whispered out.
“We don’t want to hurt you or the baby.” Natasha said in the same tone. You scoffed and rolled your eyes.
“You won’t,” you mumbled out. “You’re always so paranoid.” Silence passed before your other wife spoke up.
“I’m sorry we made you feel neglected.” Natasha’s expression turned apologetic before a smirk graced her features. “Just know that we are still very much attracted to you.”
Her hand came up on your thighs when Wanda leaned in to kiss your neck.
“You want us to touch you baby?” Wanda husked out. “Is that why you’re being so fussy? Hm?” Her hand loosened her hold on yours and traveled up your body. When she reached your chin, she gripped your face in her hand and brought your lips to hers. You moaned as she swiped her tongue across your bottom lip, which gave her an opening allowing her to slip her tongue into your mouth. She quickly won over your weak fight for dominance. You soon felt another pair of lips on your neck, and you whimpered as Natasha nibbled little bites onto it.
“Let’s take this to the bed, kotenok.” She breathed out. Wanda pulled away and chuckled at your little whine.
Soon you were on the bed in between the two women you loved the most in the world. You were naked now, as were Wanda and Natasha. Your were leaning on Wanda, your back pressed to her chest, feeling her bare skin on yours. Her hands were on your sore breasts, alternating between massaging them softly and gently grazing over your sensitive nipples. Her legs were holding yours spread out, leaving enough room for Natasha to kneel in between them.
“You are so beautiful, Y/n.” Natasha’s hands were lightly running up and down your thighs, the tingling sensation causing you to buck your hips up with a whine. “We love you.”
“So much.” Wanda chimed in.
“Yeah, yeah. I love you guys too.” You groaned out in frustration when they still didn’t give you what you wanted. “Now shut up and fuck me already.” Natasha smirked at your impatience.
“Gladly.” You moaned out as her fingers sunk into you.
Your wives made you cum three times before you were asking them to stop. You were sensitive, and finally satisfied in knowing that the two women still loved you and your body. With how they worshipped you so carefully and intensely, you knew these insecurities wouldn’t be such a problem for you anymore.
Wanda was gently stroking your skin, cooing in your ear and praising you for being so good. You were still trembling, tears of pleasure streaming down your face, bruise-like marks from both Natasha and Wanda covering your neck, thighs, and chest. Natasha went to move her fingers out but you closed your legs and trapped her hand there.
“D-don’t. Not y-yet please.” You murmured out. Wanda’s hands were running through your hair, and Nat’s free hand caressed your legs, trying to relax you enough so she could remove her hand.
“Ready to get cleaned up?” Your eyes were drooping as you nodded, legs limply falling open.
As your wives took care of you and bathed you, you knew that they still loved you no matter what the circumstances are.
— Eight Months Pregnant
Maybe they loved me too much, you thought.
Not really, but they were around everywhere you went since you guys were a month away from your due date. Both Wanda and Natasha have taken four months off, allowing them to be by your side when they wanted to be. Which was every. Single. Minute. of the day.
At first, you didn’t complain because you loved them and always wanted them safe and with you. But now, you couldn’t even go the restroom with out one of them tagging along because they “needed to go pee, too” or because they “left their phone on the sink” only for it to be in their pocket the whole time.
You really did appreciate their concern, and that they loved you enough to worry so much, but now you just felt helpless and incapable. You would try to sneak away from then every once in a while for some alone time, but one’s a spy and the other can read minds so you don’t get very far.
So you were upset, and in pain because of the small contractions you’ve been feeling recently. The doctor told you they were normal though, so you weren’t really worried about it.
“You guys seriously aren’t letting me go to the store now? God, I’m starting to feel like a handmaiden more than your wife!” You huffed out and crossed your arms over your big belly bump. Wanda bit her lip in an attempt to conceal her smile. You were just so adorable when you were mad, even more so now that you’re pregnant with their child. Natasha stood up from the bed and walked in front of you. She tried to uncross your arms, but that only resulted in you stepping away from her grip.
“Look, honey, I know you love going to the store, but-”
“If you tell me that I need to be here because you worry about my safety, Nat, I’ll really give you something to worry about.” You glared at Wanda as she laughed out loud at your empty threat towards the Russian spy. Natasha just smirked, which made you even more angrier.
“You know what? Fine. Both of you can go because you’re annoying me.” You walked out of the room and ignored their calls for you. You stormed into the kitchen where Bucky, Sam, and Carol were eating lunch. They all looked up and smiled at you, Carol’s faltering when she noticed your expression.
“Hey,” She said cautiously. “What’s up with you?” You sighed out in annoyance turning to look at the blonde.
“What’s up is that I’m being treated like a prisoner!” You ran your fingers through your hair and shook your head. “I know that Wands and Nat are looking out for me, but I feel like I’m going crazy not being able to do even the easy things.” Sam’s eyes widened at the sight of tears making their way down your face. He jumped up out of his seat and made his way over to you.
“Here,” He led you to the chair beside his which was in between him and Carol, Bucky sitting in front of you now. “Want to try this grilled cheese sandwich? Carol made it with her stove hands.” He grinned teasingly at Carol and you laughed wiping your tears.
“Thank you, though I don’t know how much I trust Carol’s bare hands when it comes to handling food.” She gasped.
“Are you saying I’m dirty?” You turned to look at her and before you could throw another remark towards her, you felt wetness seep out of you. “Y/n?” Carol noticed your sudden stiffness.
That’s when you felt an especially painful contraction. You hissed in pain and bent over a bit, clutching your stomach. The three Avengers frowned at you.
“Y/n are you okay?” Bucky asked.
“F-fine. Actually,” You looked at him with wide eyes. “I think my water broke.”
“Are you sure?” Sam asked, concern written all over his features.
“Yea- Oh!” Another contraction hit even harder this time. You were almost leaning fully on Sam now, tears of physical pain pooling in your eyes now. He held onto you and stood up, you clutching onto his arm to stay upright. Carol was quick to be on your other side, protectively cradling your stomach. Bucky was soon on his feet too.
“We should get you to Dr. Cho.” He said. “I’ll let her know we’re on our way. Where’s Wanda? Nat?”
“They’re not here.” You whimpered out. The contractions were hurting even more now, and you so badly wished that your wives were here by your side.
“I’ll call them,” Bucky assured you with a nod.
The three of them led you down the hall into the elevator, going to the medical floor. Sam was practically carrying you now, speed-walking as smoothly as he could with you in his arms. You could hear Bucky frantically speaking on the phone.
“Dr. Cho, Bruce!” Carol called out.
“Here! We’re here. What’s wrong?” The woman asked. Sam put you on one of the beds and stepped back as Dr. Cho got closer to you.
“My water b-broke and it hurts.” You sobbed out. You weren’t ready for this yet. You had eight months to prepare, and you were still not ready for this level of pain you were about to go through. And to top it all off, Wanda and Natasha weren’t here. “I thought t-they were the normal false labor p-pains but it’s worse.” She just nodded and started to put her gloves on, Bruce doing the same.
“Oh god,” You croaked out. “It hurts too much. I can’t do it.” You cried. Carol was quick to come stroke your face, wiping the tears away.
“You’ll be okay, Y/n. We’re all going to be right here for you alright? Just breathe.” That just turned your fear into anger, the pain making everything unbearable.
“You try breathing with a fucking baby in you, Danvers!” Her eyes widened at your use of her last name, and Bucky lightly shoved her away to take her place.
“Hey Y/n, you-“
“Bucky if you don’t get your cyborg ass out of my face! Stop hovering!” You seethed as another contraction hit, your hands gripping the sheets of the bed. He quickly mumbled an apology and went to stand by Carol. Bruce came back with a needle, towels, a bucket and Dr. Cho followed behind with some IV tubings, and other tools. Before Sam could step up to you, Bruce was standing by your side.
“We need to check if you’ve dilated yet at all, is it okay for us to take your pants off?” He asked carefully. The tightening in your stomach lessened and you breathed out in relief. You could only manage a nod towards the man. Dr. Cho carefully guided you out of your pants, and underwear, putting you in a gown. Sam and Bucky were now gone, Bruce shoving them out.
You asked Carol to stay, not wanting to be alone if your wives were still gone by the time you gave birth.
“Okay, Y/n, I’m going to hook you up to some IVs. It’ll help with the pain while we wait for you to dilate enough to push.” She paused before speaking again. “It’s still a month early, so to avoid complications I will have to ask you to be prepared for a C-section just in case.” She walked off to talk to Bruce when you Tears were flowing down your face again.
You were scared now. It was too early to be giving birth, your wives weren’t here, you were alone and you were scared.
“I want Wanda, Carol. I want Nat.” You cried out as another contraction hit. She nodded and wiped your tears away.
“I know. I know, they’ll be here soon okay? They’re stuck in traffic, but I promise they’ll be here for you.” The loud bang of a door caught yours and Carol’s attention, her stepping away from you so her hands could glow as if she was preparing to fight.
You could hear muffled voices and then the door of the medbay swung open, revealing a worried and slightly angry Wanda and Nat. Bucky and Sam trailing behind them with apprehensive looks on their faces. You saw Bucky rubbing a spot on his forehead, and you figured Natasha must have thrown him into the door for something. Carol relaxed seeing that the there was no threat.
Wanda and Nat rushed to your side, each grabbing a hand of yours. “We’re so so sorry we left you earlier, detka.” Wanda choked out, and you noticed she had tears falling down her face. You furrowed your brows and reached up to wipe them away.
“Are you okay, Wan?” She let out a watery laugh and shook her head in disbelief. Even as you were lying on a hospital bed with painful contractions, you were still worried about her.
“Am I okay? Are you okay? Baby, you’re about to give birth.” You smiled and nodded at her, grimacing when you felt another contraction.
“We’re sorry for upsetting you, Y/n/n. We just worry so much.” Natasha said.
“It’s okay. I know you guys do, but let’s forget about all of that.” You shifted to get as comfortable as you could considering your situation. “I’m in pain and have to stay awake for the next 24 hours. It’s all so early and they don’t want there to be any complications.” Your voice cracked as you talked, fear flashing in your eyes. You wanted everything to be okay.
“Hey,” Wanda cupped your cheeks. “Everything is going to be fine, okay? Nothing is going to happen to you or the baby.” She gave you a reassuring smile.
“They’re going to be so small.” You whispered out. “I don’t want them to get hurt.”
“Well, they’ll have three moms to make sure that won’t happen.” Bucky piped up. You looked at him and noticed a bruise on his forehead. You laughed.
“I’m assuming you guys had something to do with his head’s new addition?” You smirked as he rolled his arms and crossed his arms.
— 29 Hours Later
“I- I can’t do it.” You whimpered and squeezed the two hands you were holding. “I’m not ready, not ready.”
After monitoring you and the baby for the past 24 hours, Dr. Cho and Bruce confirmed that while the baby would be a little small, you were ready to have it. You were now, finally dilated enough to start pushing, and the pain was excruciating. You could feel the tears happening down below, every muscle in your body was aching, sweat all over your body. You were pushing as hard as you could.
For a small baby, getting this thing out was still hurting like hell.
“You can do it, detka. You can- AH!” You squeezed Wanda’s hand so hard she fell to her knees.
“This is your fault Wanda!” You yelled out with another push. She looked at you shocked.
“Mine?! What about Nat!” You squeezed her hand harder to shut her up.
“She must like me bette- Y/n!” Natasha bent over when you crushed her hand to shut her up too. More painful yells, more pushing.
“J-Just shut up!”
“You’re almost there, Y/n a few more pushes.”
“One more mama you can do it!”
You slumped back, exhaustion making it’s way into your body. You heard people shuffling around you, your wives hands slipping from your grip. Your vision was blackening, but you could vaguely see Natasha’s red hair in front of you, saying something but her voice was muffled. You just wanted to sleep now.
That’s when you realized you didn’t hear crying, but before you could say anything about it you were unconscious.
“-because she delivered earlier than planned, her body wasn’t prepared for it. She was also up for 30 hours or more, so she’s perfectly fine. Just tired.” You heard Dr. Cho’s distant voice.
“You’re sure?” You recognized that as Natasha, encouraging you to open your eyes.
You groaned as you felt the soreness and pain settling in, the bright light of the medbay making you wince a little bit.
“Hey!” You tilted your head to the side, seeing Dr. Cho and Natasha standing there at the door. The former rushing over to stand by the bed you were on. “Hey, baby. How are you feeling?” She asked softly.
That’s when you remembered that you didn’t hear the baby cry. You didn’t even get to see her, or make sure she was okay. You started tearing up and tried to sit up.
“Where- where’s the baby?” Your voice was breaking, and Natasha tried pushing you back down.
“Hey, you need to rest oka-” You shoved her away and moved to take your IVs out. Natasha grabbed both of your hands in hers and made you look at her. “You need to rest. You can’t be up walking around yet. The baby is fine, Wanda is with Bruce getting her dressed right now.” You shook your head.
“Nat I didn’t hear her cry.” You sobbed out. “I was so scared because I couldn’t hear her.” She moved to sit on the bed, bringing your head to her chest and rocking you back and forth.
“It’s okay. It took her awhile to get used to being out of the womb,” She combed through your messy hair. “You passed out right before she cried. She’s fine, alright?” Your cries were down to a sniffle now, and you nodded your head into her chest more.
“I love you.” You whispered out. “Thank you for everything, I don’t think I thanked you guys as much as I should have these past months.” You wrapped your arms around her and squeezed, never wanting to let go.
“You don’t have to thank us,” Your head turned to the door and saw Wanda standing there holding the baby. “Do you want to hold her?” She walked closer.
“Of course. I didn’t go through hours of pain to not hold my baby.” You held out your arms and gently held the little girl. She was sound asleep, a tiny hand resting on her chin, the other gripping the blanket she was wrapped in. Your eyes sparkled as you looked at her. She resembled the three of you so much. You ran your finger lightly across her tiny features.
“She has your nose, Wands. Your mouth Nat.” You breathed out, keeping your gaze on the baby. “She’s beautiful.” You felt the hospital bed dip on both sides of you, and you tore your eyes away from the baby to look at your wives.
They both had tears of joy in their eyes, love shining through as they watched you and you guys’ daughter.
ïżœïżœShe has your eyes.” Wanda pointed out, staring in awe as the newborn girl opened her eyes. Natasha groaned causing you and Wanda to look at her.
“Another set of eyes I won’t be able to say ‘no’ to ever in my life.” You smirked while Wanda snorted.
“That’s exactly what I was thinking. Another Y/n, means more trouble, doesn’t it?” You scoffed when Natasha agreed, giving her a playful glare.
“I just gave birth, and you two are already ganging up on me.” Before you could say anything else, a small sneeze caused your eyes to snap down to the baby. Wanda and Natasha’s eyes doing the same.
She sneezed again and the three of you cooed at her, your hand that wasn’t holding her was getting gripped by her tiny fingers. Natasha’s hand settled on her head as softly as she could, and she leaned down to kiss her forehead while Wanda smiled with tears in her eyes, her hand settled on your thigh.
You smiled at all three of them, and felt so at ease with your new family. This is what you wanted, and you were so glad to have it with the loves of your life.
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nanisburner · 1 year
Pairing: WandaNat x Fem!Reader
Warnings: awkward!reader. clint slander. WandaNat no mercy.
Note: i miss them
Masterlist || Library Blog || AO3
Count: 999 (đŸ§â€â™€ïž)
Reminder there's no taglist but you can follow my library blog for notifications 💘
Please do not copy, repost, or translate my work anywhere else.
This was your worst nightmare—trapped between the bodies of two incredibly hot, kind, and funny women. 
And no, it wasn't in the sexy way—your brain refused to even let you go down that route. You'd implode at even the slightest thought of it. 
This was Clint's fault, you quietly seethed, plotting his gruesome murder that could later be turned into a true crime podcast. Laura will have to be a widowed single mother, and the children will have to grow up fatherless, but surely it was for the best. 
"Come down to visit us!" Clint said to you, your mind mimicking his voice unflatteringly. "It's been way too long since you guys came to stay with us."
It was a normal occurrence; you thought nothing of it. You, Wanda, and Natasha often went to stay with Clint and his family quarterly. Natasha visited more with her girlfriend, Wanda, and they invited you every time, but you settled that four times a year was enough. 
It was usually fun, and the time spent was enjoyable, so you really had thought nothing about it.
Until Clint decided he was actually the incarnate of the devil and condemned you for some undisclosed sin. 
"Oh, you three are cool sharing a room, right? The other spare bedroom is under renovation. I mean, one of you can take the couch but I highly don't recommend it with what the kids have spilled on it over the years."
No, it wasn't okay, you wanted to say at the time, but Wanda and Natasha nonchalantly waved Clint off and told him it was fine, and the conversation breezed on, never to be returned to again. 
Why would he invite all three of you if there wasn't enough space!? You tried to tell Wanda and Natasha that you could drive to the nearest hotel at night, but they looked at you strangely and asked if you hated them. It was jokingly, but you could hear a tinge of hurt in their voice, which silenced you from offering to leave again. 
But now you were suffering. 
The bed was way too small for three people but left enough room for just a couple of inches to keep you from coming into skin-to-skin contact with either redhead.
You stared at the ceiling, despite being unable to make out any details of the room in the darkness. 
Why the fuck were you in the middle?
You should've been on the edge. At least then, you could hang half your body off it to keep some distance. 
You started at the edge of the bed—make no mistake. But then Natasha came to your side and asked you to scootch over. You assumed she preferred sleeping on the right side, so you started to make your way down to the other side. But then, to your horror, Wanda climbed in from the other end, effectively trapping you in the middle. 
The words were caught in your throat as you tried to force them out and ask if you could have the edge, but Natasha and Wanda mumbled their goodnights before promptly falling asleep. 
This was unacceptable; you mentally cried. This was—weird. You know that Wanda and Natasha have been together for ages, and they probably didn't care, but it was strange to be in the middle of them like this. You're way too awkward for this. 
It brought up the unwanted feelings you've been trying to get rid of for months. 
The worst part was that it was winter, and this room was so fucking cold. Was Clint going through financial hardship? Why isn't there any heat in this room?
You wished him ill, you wished him ill, you wished bad things upon Clint Barton. 
You shifted, trying to pull the blanket up higher and shrink yourself to retain some of the heat. You turned on your side, facing Wanda's back, and frowned. You could practically feel the heat radiating off her and wanted to scoot away from her. But you couldn't. You'd scoot right into Natasha, who was also radiating heat as she faced your back.
At this moment, you hated them for being so unaware of their temptations. 
You swallowed. Moving a little closer to Wanda wouldn't be too bad, right? Just to steal a bit more of her warmth, so you could fall asleep and wake up early to get out of bed. 
You scooted a little closer, your nose just inches away from her back since there wasn't much wiggle room. Her heat emitted off her like a goddamn fireplace, and you sighed a little at the warmth on your nose and the parts of your cheeks. 
It was still pretty cold, and you shivered a little. 
Your movement seemed to wake Wanda as she lifted her head to look around at you. You looked like a deer caught in the headlights. Turning back, Wanda lay her head back down and shut her eyes with a yawn. 
You started to scoot back to where you were, but Wanda grabbed your wrist from under the blanket and pulled it over her waist as she shuffled back into you.
The warmth pressed against your front jolted you, and you were stiff, despite how good it felt. 
"Đ»ŃŽĐ±ĐžĐŒĐ°Ń, she's cold," Wanda mumbled in the dark as she threaded her fingers through yours.
Wanda was clearly speaking to Natasha because the redhead behind you shifted and moved closer until she was pressed against your back snuggly. Her arms wrapped around your midsection as she tangled her legs through yours. 
You wanted to die. 
You wanted to kill Clint Barton and then run into oncoming traffic. 
"Um," you croaked. 
"Is this better?" Natasha mumbled sleepily, and she was so close you felt her lips move against your shoulder. 
"Uh," you dragged out before finally deciding with an awkward stiff, "Yes."
It was warm—almost too warm now. You closed your eyes with a silent groan. 
You weren't getting any sleep tonight.
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nanisburner · 1 year
This series is soooo good and I’m glad reader is choosing herself this time after suffering sm in the past
Accidents Happen
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Family is More than Blood AU 
Summary: When Carol has a nightmare and hurts you with her powers, your sisters don’t take it to well. 
Warning: A whole lot of angst, mention of a nightmare, mention of injury 
Word Count: 3.1k 
Natasha was a little surprised to find you in Wanda’s room sitting on her bed while the Sokovian was in her closet. “Hey Nat,” you said when you noticed her in the doorway. “What’s up?”
“I was just looking for you,” she leaned against the doorway. “What are you doing?”
“Oh!” Natasha watched the smile grow on your face. “Carol is taking me on a date and I’m running out of date outfits so Wanda offered her assistance.” Wanda stuck her head out of the closet and smiled at the Black Widow. “Do you need something?” You asked. Natasha smiled, shaking her head but she felt a weird feeling bubble in her chest. 
Keep reading
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nanisburner · 1 year
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pairing: wanda maximoff x fem!reader
summary: constant stress had filled the gaps in wanda’s life after her ex-husband left the family and balancing work and her kids had started to take a toll on her. in search of relief, wanda hires you as a babysitter, not knowing she’d be falling for you.
content warnings: minors dni. smut!!, bit of angst?, kinda fluffy towards the end, milf!wanda, mommy!dom!wanda, babysitter!reader, bottom!reader, unspecified age gap, jealousy, mommy kink, fingering (r! receiving), multiple orgasms, mutual pining.
word count: 7.81k (did not plan for it to be this long but i kinda got carried away whoops)
— note. two people requested wanda x babysitter!reader so i decided to combine both requests and make one fic! i’m very sorry for the long wait, but i hope u like it!!
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You were so sweet and so delicate—something Wanda never knew she needed in her life until now. From the moment you met her, Wanda sensed something special about you—a sense of purity and kindness that shone through in everything you did. She found herself captivated by your gentle spirit, your quiet demeanor, and the way you always seemed to radiate a sense of calm and comfort. There was just something about your innocence and sweetness that tugged at Wanda's heartstrings, and she found herself wanting to protect you, to cherish you, to keep you all to herself... and ruin you.
It had been years since her divorce with her ex-husband, whom she was glad to finally be rid of, leaving her alone with her work and her love for her children. And while Wanda was a strong and resilient woman, she recently had been finding herself in a perpetual state of stress as she tried to balance the demands of her work and the needs of her twin children, Billy and Tommy. Her days were a never-ending blur of conference calls, emails, and deadlines, all while managing the endless stream of requests and tantrums from her two little ones.
Despite her unwavering determination and tireless efforts, the weight of her responsibilities often felt overwhelming, leaving her exhausted and stretched thin day by day. And although she bore this load alone with grace and composure, the weight of it only threatened to stress her even more. Her mind raced with a never-ending list of tasks and responsibilities, and the pressure of meeting everyone's expectations left her feeling suffocated. She yearned for someone to ease her burden, to offer a comforting hand and take some of the weight off her weary shoulders.
Soon, she was in search of a trustworthy and reliable babysitter to care for her precious children. As a loving and attentive mother, she understood the importance of finding someone who would not only ensure her children's safety but also provide them with nurturing care and attention. Wanda longed for someone who possessed the patience, creativity, and enthusiasm needed to engage her children in activities that would both entertain and educate them. She envisioned a babysitter who could effortlessly create a warm and welcoming environment where her boys would feel comfortable and secure.
When her colleague and close friend, Natasha, recommended her younger sister’s friend, who had said to have been looking for a short and simple job outside of college, she gladly took the offer. Her second option, which she mentioned if you weren’t able to take the job, was recommending Kate, a bubbly girl about your age who is still in college and is close to both you and Yelena, if only she didn’t have constant archery competitions going on. But Natasha was happy to explain how responsible and intelligent you were, how well you got along with children, unlike her sister, and that you were always a joy to have around. It was a brief description, but Wanda thought it best to trust her friend’s word rather than look for a complete stranger with no connections to take care of her children.
What she didn’t expect, however, when you came up on her doorstep, was how incredibly stunning you were, standing in front of her with a bag hanging off your shoulder and a charming smile as you looked up at her. Your bright smile and youthful energy seemed to radiate from your very being, drawing Wanda's attention like a moth to a flame. You were beautiful.
And of course, you thought the same of her. When you arrived at Wanda's doorstep for the first time, you were struck by the sight of the elegant woman before you. Wanda was wearing a sharp, tailored suit that accentuated her curves and highlighted her poise and confidence. You couldn't help but feel a sense of awe as you looked at Wanda, who seemed to exude a sense of maturity and wisdom far beyond her years. You admired the way she carried herself with such grace and elegance, her movements smooth and fluid even when she was just opening her door. You were captivated by the way Wanda's green eyes sparkled with intelligence and warmth, and the way her smile seemed to light up the entire room. To you, Wanda was a vision of beauty and sophistication, a woman whose presence commanded attention and respect.
“Hi, Ms. Maximoff, I'm (y/n),” you greeted her with a pretty smile, trying to hide the fact that you were undoubtedly intimidated by her presence. “I’m Yelena’s friend.”
“Oh, please, you can just call me Wanda,” she returned your smile and shook your hand softly. “It’s nice to meet you. You can go right ahead and settle in. I’ll call the boys down in a second.”
As Wanda welcomed you into her home, she couldn't help but notice the way your fitted clothing hugged your curves, accentuating your feminine form as you walked in with a gentle sway of your hips. It was only a skirt and a loose sweater, but she still couldn't deny the thought that you were young and sexy, with her eyes falling slowly down to your ass as you walked, which sent a rush of heat to her cheeks. Wanda tried to push aside these thoughts, focusing instead on the importance of finding a reliable caregiver for her children.
She quickly introduced you to Billy and Tommy; the boys immediately took a liking to their new sitter, especially when you mentioned playing video games with them. As Wanda watched from a distance, slowly collecting the things she needed for work, she marveled at how effortlessly you seemed to connect with her children, engaging them in playful activities and genuinely caring for their needs. She was confident that you’d do a good job taking care of the boys, just from the first half hour or so of meeting you.
Wanda felt disappointed as she walked out of her house, wanting to go back in there and talk with you and learn about you, but she chose to ignore her thoughts and head to work without any delay. She then met Natasha later that day and immediately thanked her for finding someone like you to take care of the kids. She also might’ve left out the fact that you were incredibly attractive, and to be fair, she had been thinking about you for the rest of the day.
And the many days after that.
The first night she came home to you, you had been on the couch of her living room, studying with your nose in a textbook you had brought along with you. It was late at night—a little past eleven—and thankfully you had already put the boys to sleep long before she arrived.
“Oh, Ms. Maximoff! Welcome home,” you greeted her as she walked through the door. “I got the boys to go to bed early tonight, so they’re already ready upstairs.”
“Thank you, (y/n),” she smiled and set her bag down on the couch next to you before leaning in to look you in the eye. “And it’s Wanda, remember?”
She couldn’t help but smirk when your eyebrows rose for a moment, your cheeks turning pink as you looked up at her and said, “Right! W-Wanda
 How was work?”
“It was alright.” Wanda sighed, running a hand through her hair. “Mostly tiring. I really appreciate you being here... for the boys, I mean.”
“It’s really no problem. I should be the one thanking you for the opportunity.”
Wanda stared at you. The soft curve of your cheekbones, the delicate arch of your eyebrows, and the way your full lips curled into a gentle smile all made Wanda's heart flutter. She couldn't help but appreciate the way your features seemed to blend together perfectly, creating a face that was both striking and alluring. And her name just rolled off of your tongue in a way that made Wanda’s insides tingle, and your voice gave her a sense of calmness. It sounded so pretty coming out of your mouth, and it only made Wanda want to hear it over and over. maybe in the comfort of her bed.
“I—um, I should probably get going,” you said, suddenly growing nervous under a stare before standing from your seat and cleaning up your things as you went. “I’ll be here around the same time tomorrow, but if you need me to come earlier, I can! I only have two classes tomorrow morning, so...”
Wanda smiled at you again and said, “Same time is good, honey.”
“Okay,” you nodded, lips curving upwards as you backed up towards the front door, clutching your books closely to your chest. “Same time.”
"Drive safe," was the last thing you heard her say that night.
You spent the next month taking care of Wanda’s kids each day after your classes. And Wanda was thankful. She’d often pick the boys up from school when she’s not working in the afternoon, take them home where you arrive shortly after they do, and stay with you in the comfort of her home until she has to leave in the evening. You’d stay until she came back late at night, coming home to a cooked dinner made by you, which did wonders for her beating heart.
Sometimes, when the nights grow late and the boys have drifted off to sleep, she’ll ask you to keep her company as she winds down for the night before you leave, and you never have the intention of turning her down. Each night, she gets out of her blazer, throws it over the couch, then unbuttons a few extra buttons of her top. She does it all in such a sensual way, you notice, and you can’t help but stare. At times, she’d get close, placing her hands on your hips when she wanted to move you if you were in the way or something, and it tingled, feeling her touch each and every time. Of course, Wanda does it for the sole purpose of that, wanting to rile you up with her actions to see how they would affect you, and it always amuses her.
“Care to join me?” She says with a small smirk playing on her lips, already making her way to the kitchen where you left a wrapped dinner for her.
You nodded eagerly and followed her into the kitchen, watching her reach for one of her bottles of wine on her counter.
“Mind getting two glasses for me, sweetheart?”
Blushing deeply at the endearment, you turned away to do exactly as she said. Obedient girl. When you reached the cabinet and opened it to retrieve two wine glasses, Wanda found herself holding her breath, her eyes fixed on your body. She couldn't help but think how sexy you looked, with your delicate features and your gentle smile, and your eyes shining with an innocent twinkle that made Wanda's heart race with anticipation. Her eyes followed your every move, drinking in the sight of you with a sense of longing and desire that she struggled to contain. She battled her inner thoughts, hiding the fact that she just wanted to grab you, taste you, shove her tongue down your throat, and make you moan against her.
When you turned back around with only one glass in your hand, she frowned slightly and said, “You don’t want to have a drink?”
“I still have to drive back to campus,” you say reluctantly, not particularly liking the fact that you had disappointed her a bit.
But she only smiled and said, "Right, of course."
Wanda couldn't help but feel a sense of desire as she watched your figure move towards a seat at the table with such fluid grace, her eyes tracing the curve of your hips and the gentle sway of your hair.
You spent most of your nights like this, talking to Wanda late at night after she came home from work. And it’s lovely. She never forgets to compliment you, whether it was how you looked or how amazing you were at taking care of her boys, and loves it especially when you talk about your day, your voice filling her ears along with a sense of calmness to ease her tired head.
But oftentimes, Wanda found herself unable to focus on any conversation with you. Every time you laughed, your body shook with a gentle ripple, and she couldn't help but feel drawn to your every movement, her eyes tracing the curve of your hips and the gentle rise and fall of your chest. Your voice was soft and soothing, your words flowing like honey and filling Wanda's heart with warmth. As you talked, Wanda found herself getting increasingly distracted, her mind wandering as she imagined what it would be like to hold you close, to run her fingers through your hair, and to taste your sweet lips.
"Hm?"  Wanda hummed in response, trying to mask the fact that she had struggled to listen to you while you sat there in front of her, looking so delectable under the dim lights of her kitchen.
“You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to,” you continued slowly, dragging your sentence out. “But, what happened to your husband?”
Wanda only smiled at your question. She figured you’d be curious, and you wouldn’t be able to keep that question unanswered in your head forever. But she was comfortable with you. comfortable enough to tell you enough of what happened. He didn’t die or anything. And it wasn’t a great story—not that long, either. It was truly simple, and she guessed that was why it hurt even more when it happened.
“He didn’t love me anymore,” she said, watching your face closely. “There’s not that much to it. He found someone else, fell in love with her, then left me and our boys to go and start their own family. I wish he had been strong enough and loved me and the boys enough to keep this family whole
 He wasn’t.”
Wanda spoke with a practiced detachment, trying her best to hide the raw emotions that still lingered beneath the surface. As she spoke, she noticed your eyes growing misty with tears, and she knew that her own pain was mirrored in your heart. But despite the deep sadness that threatened to overwhelm you both, Wanda couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort in your gentle presence.
“I’m sorry.”
“Everything’s okay now, sweetheart,” she smiled lovingly at you, reaching out to wipe away your tears. She felt a sense of warmth and tenderness wash over her, and she knew that she was falling in love with you even more.
“The boys are strong,” you tell her, melting at the touch of her thumb against your cheek. “They’re strong like you. I couldn’t even tell that they’ve gone through that much heartbreak already... They don’t show it.”
“They come to me from time to time to let it all out,” Wanda replied, pulling her hand back to take a sip from her glass of wine. “They are strong
 and I’m proud of them for it. But, I like it better when they come to me, as painful as it is to see them cry. Although, I haven’t been home enough lately to be there for them.”
You frowned slightly at her last sentence, “You’re an amazing mother, Wanda. Your ex-husband made the biggest mistake of his life when he left you. And your boys are smart; I know they understand. With what they’ve been talking to me about, they’re only worried that you might overwork yourself. Oh, and they said you need a vacation.”
A light chuckle erupts in Wanda’s throat. “Oh, I could definitely use one.”
Wanda smiled as she stared at you, your presence pleasantly washing over her, and in that moment, Wanda realized that you were more than just a pretty face or a sweet voice. You were a source of comfort and strength, a gentle soul who could soothe even the deepest wounds with your kindness and compassion.
The days after were none other than similar, with you following the same routine with Wanda: taking care of Billy and Tommy, cooking dinner, studying for a bit, playing with the kids for a bit, then Wanda comes home, and you keep her company for the night. It all feels amazing. Wanda loved coming home to you, and you loved it when she did, always anticipating the moment she walked through her front door.
With each passing day, Wanda found it increasingly difficult to hide her emotions and desire for you. Every time she saw you, her heart skipped a beat, and she just couldn't help but feel a sense of longing that she couldn't ignore. When you arrived at her doorstep each day to take care of her children, Wanda found herself staring at you a little too long, taking in the way your hair fell around your face, the way your eyes sparkled in the sunlight, the curve of your waist, and your legs when you walked. She always tried to keep her composure and act like a professional, but her desire for you was becoming harder and harder to hide. She’d find the tiniest excuses to touch you, to be able to put her hands on you—like tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear, looking over your shoulder when you’re working on something, or keeping her hand on the small of your back when she walks with you.
She especially almost lost her mind when she arrived home early in the evening one day and you said something that made her knees almost give out as she stood in the living room.
“Boys, why don’t you show mommy what you made at school?” you called out from the living room.
And in that moment, Wanda’s eyes narrowed and she almost wanted to pounce; she wanted to grab you by the neck softly and demand that you repeat the very name that made her stomach flutter. Whenever you said it, Wanda felt a warmth spread through her body, and her heart swelled with pride. She loved the way you said it. She didn’t know where it came from or why you started referring to her as that when you talked to her boys, but it sounded so perfect coming from your mouth, so natural. It was like you knew how much it affected her, so you made sure to say it more often, finding new ways to incorporate it into your conversations.
Even though Wanda knew that it was just a term of endearment, and you probably said it to all the children you’ve babysat before, Wanda couldn't help but feel special and cherished every time she heard it. It was a small thing, but it meant the world to her, and she looked forward to every opportunity to hear you say it again.
Wanda’s recent joy didn’t last, unfortunately. It was a Wednesday afternoon, and Wanda was just about to leave for work, slipping into her heels near the front door, when you delivered some news that she didn’t know she didn’t want to hear.
“I don’t think I can make it this Friday,” you tell Wanda, nervously playing with the hem of your sweater.
“That’s okay, honey,” she smiled in return, hoping that it would help ease your anxiety. “What’s going on on Friday? Exam?”
For a moment, you almost wanted to lie, but unsure as to why you should even keep the reason from her, you decided to tell her anyway. You’d figured she’d find out from Natasha at some point and wouldn’t want to be guilty of dishonesty when the time came when she would realize why.
“I... have a date.”
“Oh.” And just like that, her smile faded in a blink of an eye.
Wanda felt her heart sink as she took in your words, letting her know that you had to cancel your babysitting appointment for the evening because you had a blind date. She tried to push down the disappointment she felt, reminding herself that you had a life outside of the arrangement and that she couldn't expect you to be available all the time.
But deep down, Wanda couldn't shake the feeling of distress. She had sensed something between you two—a spark and desire—that she couldn't ignore. And now, as she imagined you going out with someone else, she felt a pang of jealousy and longing that she couldn't quite explain. She tried to tell herself that it was silly, that she was just projecting her own feelings onto you, but she couldn't help feeling disappointed that you and her wouldn't be spending the evening together.
“I see,” Wanda nodded, grabbing her car keys swiftly from the foyer without turning to look at you. “I hope it goes well.”
That was a lie. even though you knew it was. She then left without saying another word, leaving you and her boys alone in her house.
To be fair, you didn’t even want to go on this date to begin with, but Yelena was nothing short of convincing. It didn’t help that Kate had been on Yelena’s side when she mentioned scoring a blind date for you, all without your permission or any warning at all, recommending you to this other person they thought you’d like. You guessed it was a nice thought, that your friends were just trying to help, but honestly, you just didn’t want it. You’d said you weren’t interested at the start, but they did nothing but insist. Especially when it had been centuries, according to them, since you worked on your love life.
And so here you were, on a Friday night, sitting across another woman at a table in some local Italian restaurant near the main campus of your university. You had walked with her into the city, as it wasn’t that far off to begin with, out in the cold of the night, already wanting nothing more than to go home.
As you sat across from the other woman, you couldn't help but feel bored and disinterested in everything she had to say. Your mind wandered over to Wanda, the woman you had been babysitting for, the woman who had occupied your thoughts almost every second of the day, and the thought of spending time with her instead filled you with excitement. You couldn't help but think about how much more enjoyable your time would be if you were sitting in Wanda's living room, sipping wine, and talking the night away. You felt guilty for feeling this way, but you couldn't deny the pull that Wanda had on you. The thought of being near her made your heart race with excitement. Sitting across from your date, you couldn't help but wish you were somewhere else, somewhere you truly wanted to be—with Wanda.
And you honestly tried.
You tried to make polite conversation by feigning interest, but your mind always wandered back over to Wanda. You couldn't help but think of the way she looked at you, how she touched you in ways that made your skin tingle, or even how she looked when she wore her suits every day going into work—so confident and beautiful. You tried to focus on your date, but the images of Wanda kept intruding into your thoughts, and you found yourself wishing you were back at Wanda's house, with her hands all over you, her lips kissing you, and everything naughty. You fidgeted with your napkin, trying to shake the thoughts of Wanda from your mind, but they persisted, and you found yourself longing to be with the woman you desired rather than sitting across from this stranger.
When you returned to Wanda’s house, you immediately noticed how distant she had been getting over the next few days. She no longer drank wine and talked with you at night after she would arrive home; instead, she’d greet you briefly, then retreat to her bedroom and go to bed. Sometimes she’d completely ignore you, like brushing right past you in the kitchen without uttering a word, then leaving for work after saying goodbye to her boys and telling them to behave.
And your heart ached because of it.
Soon, you got tired of it. The way she ignored you. The way she looked through you. It made you feel both livid and dejected. You wanted to yell at her. So, after a few days of the same treatment from Wanda, you decided to work up the courage and talk to her.
“W-Wanda,” you called her, nervous eyes boring into her back as she halted her descent up the stairs.
It was dark out—about thirty minutes past twelve, you would say—and Wanda had just arrived home with that same tired look in her eyes. She greeted you with that same short greeting she had been giving you the last couple days, and each time you heard it, you wanted to cry.
Wanda turned around, meeting you with restless eyes, “What is it, y/n?”
You paused. Suddenly, everything you had practiced saying in your head had drifted away, leaving your mouth open with no words for it to fall from. You stood in her living room awkwardly as she waited for you to say something. Soon, she noticed your eyes had gotten glossy, with tears threatening to spill down your cheeks.
That made Wanda’s eyebrows rise in concern. She stepped down from the stairs to walk closer toward you, asking, “Is everything okay?”
“No,” you confessed.
“What’s wrong?”
“Y-you... you,” you tried to get out, struggling to find words for a moment under Wanda’s intimidating stare. “You ignore me. You barely look at me anymore. You don’t talk to me anymore. You don’t touch me. And you don’t even notice me when you come home.”
“What are you talking about? I notice you—“
“No, it’s different now. You’re different. You treat me like I’m invisible.” You ran a hand through your hair as you spoke, letting your frustrations out. “Why do you do that? I didn’t
 I don’t know what I did wrong.”
Wanda listened intently as you poured your heart out in front of her. You were careful not to raise your voice, not wanting to wake the kids up, but truthfully, it was difficult to do so when you wanted to yell at Wanda for making you feel this way. Finally, a tear rolled down your cheeks, and, without a second thought, Wanda immediately brought her hand up to wipe it away with her thumb, the same way she did that night when she told you how her ex-husband left. You were full of emotion and love, and Wanda wanted it all to herself.
Wanda stared at you for quite a while, and you stared back, confused, unlike her, who seemed to have numerous thoughts running through her head. Then, for a moment, her eyes fluttered down to your lips.
“Wanda, what are you—“
And with a soft, gentle touch, she leans in and presses her lips against yours, pouring all of her feelings into the kiss. She sighed against your lips, moaning at the taste of you. It's as if the world stops spinning, and in that moment, there are only the two of you. The taste of your lips against hers ignites a flame within Wanda, who steps closer towards you until her face is pressed up against yours, leaving now space in between. Wanda groans when you let her hands roam your waist and when you wrap your arms around her neck, and she leads you up the stairs, still kissing you, eventually leading you up to her bedroom.
Wanda's bedroom was a unique mix of chaos and order. The room was cluttered with her unmade blanket spread out on the bed and piles of books stacked on the floor, but it was still neat and organized. The queen-sized bed was made up with crisp, white sheets and a fluffy comforter, and the nightstand was clutter-free except for a lampshade that cast a soft, dim glow in the room. The darkness outside made the light seem even more comforting and inviting. It felt intimate and warm, as if it were enveloping you in a soothing embrace.
Her room was at the other end of the hall, far from the kids, thank God. But Wanda made sure to shut the door, pushing you until your back was against it, muffling your moans with her mouth, and drinking in each sound of your voice as she touched you all over.
“You’re so damn intoxicating, (y/n),” she said, moaning as she littered kisses down your neck. “I can’t control myself when I’m around you.”
Wanda’s heart melted at how you clung to her with your arms wrapped around her neck and your hands gripping tightly on the jacket of her suit. There was nothing but the sound of your breath filling the air as she continued to kiss you. She dragged her lips to your earlobe and smiled smugly when you shivered, noticing you were sensitive there. She darted her tongue out and licked behind your ear, trailing it down to your jaw.
You opened your mouth wide when she sucked on your neck, but she immediately pulled her head back to kiss you again, muffling the sound of your delicious moan.
“Mmph—Wanda,” you mumbled.
“Shh, sweetheart,” Wanda said against your lips. “I’m going to need you to be quiet for me, baby. Can you do that?”
As much as Wanda wanted to hear you scream and moan while she made you feel good, she didn’t want to wake the boys up with all the racket.
You nodded eagerly at her question and gave a tiny sound of affirmation, causing Wanda to smirk down at you. Obedient girl. The hands that gripped your hips moved towards the hem of your shirt, pulling it off and over your head before throwing it onto the floor. You wore a white, lace bra that cupped your tits perfectly, and Wanda couldn’t help but bring her hands up to palm them, groping them as you closed your eyes and leaned your head back against her bedroom door.
“My perfect, little angel,” she whispered, hands groping you over your lace bra.
Wanda then leaned forward, prompting you to jump and wrap your legs around her waist before carrying you over to her bed and laying you down against her mattress. And fuck, you looked amazing. She didn’t know how she managed to control herself in the beginning when you looked so fucking sexy like this. There was only so much her brain could fantasize about, and seeing you in person like this, with your eyes begging for her to take you, god, she was going to lose it.
Her hands placed themselves under your thighs, spreading them slightly so that she could fight right between them. Her fingers traveled slowly up your skirt, feeling the plush flesh of your smooth thighs. As she played with your skirt, she dragged her lips down from your neck to your collarbones and down to the valley of your breasts, teeth nipping softly at your skin, making sure to leave marks and pretty, purple bruises as she went. Feeling you squirm underneath her was one of the best feelings she had ever felt. She moved her hands from your thighs and then brought one up to your white bra, unclasping them from the back and letting your gorgeous tits out with a slight jiggle. Wanda hummed deeply as she took your nipple into her mouth and sucked.
“Wanda,” you breathed softly, hands burying themselves into her hair.
“No, baby,” she smirked and brought her other hand up, wrapping it around your neck. “You’ve got a better name for me, don’t you, darling?”
“W-What?” You breathed against her, gripping tight on her shoulders. 
“My other name, sweetheart,” she says, smiling into your chest before looking up toward your face. “You know what it is. Say it. I wanna hear it from that pretty mouth of yours.”
You blushed deeply, making her lean up to place butterfly kisses all over your reddened cheeks.
“Don’t you want to be a good girl?”
You nodded eagerly, “Yes, I want to be good.”
“For who?”
You stared at her when you opened your mouth to say, “Mommy...”
“Mm, that’s right, sweetheart,” Wanda said, seemingly unable to fight the wicked grin from appearing on her face, staring down at you with hunger in her eyes.
She took your breath away once more as she leaned down to kiss you, moving her mouth against yours with breathy moans falling from both of your tongues. It was a softer kiss this time—so gentle that you almost thought you were dreaming, wondering still if this was even all real. It became very real when you felt Wanda’s hands hike up your skirt, feeling the fabric of your pants between her fingertips.
And you were embarrassed. Soon she’d see and feel how wet you were, aching too much between your legs from the friction you had been wanting to ease since you had laid eyes on her. You groaned and moved your hands to the collar of Wanda’s suit jacket, trying desperately to pull it off her shoulders, but she wouldn’t have it. Instead, she grabbed your wrists and moved them above your head.
“Keep them there,” she said, her voice firm and demanding, leaving no room for any protests. “Unfortunately for you, sweetheart, you’ve been a bad girl.” 
You furrowed your brows and huffed out in frustration, “How?”
“You know, I really don’t like sharing.” Wanda said before placing a quick kiss against your lips and staring down at you with an expression that shook you to your core, “But, you decided to go out and share what belongs to me... on that little date you went on.”
Your eyes widened, immediately wanting to explain everything, “Wanda, that was just—“
“I don’t want to hear it, (y/n). Right now, just focus on me. Only me.”
Her fingers brush over your clothed sex, running along the wetness of the fabric, causing you to twitch slightly against her. You looked so delectable like this. She just wanted to eat you right up. Soon, Wanda’s fingers pressed harshly against your clitoral area, rubbing it in tight circles, only to make you whine into her shoulder. You looked so pretty like this. Honestly, she could almost come from just the sight of you like this. A sly smile adorned her face as she played with you. Pictures of you and a stranger filled her thoughts, recalling what that date looked like in her head—you dressed up all pretty, that beautiful smile you showcased as you laughed, that innocent twinkle in your eye, the sound of your voice, and your fleeting touches—all for someone else.
The dim light of the lampshade on her nightstand cast a warm glow across the room, illuminating your face and casting shadows over the curves of your body. Her hands carefully dragged the fabric of your skirt down your legs, and you were left in nothing but your pants. And Wanda could drool at the sight of you. You suddenly felt shy under her stare, being the only one naked in the room with her still fully clothed in one of her sexy suits, and you just wanted nothing more than to reach out and help her out of it.
“Tell me,” she whispered, leaning down to the crook of your neck to inhale your sweet fragrance. “Did she see you like this? Did she fuck you?”
“What? No, Wanda, I—“
She stopped you with a kiss, groaning into your mouth as her hands moved to cup your breasts. “Try again.”
“She didn’t, mommy.”
“Good. Now, open,” Wanda smirked lightly as you opened your mouth wide enough for her to slide two of her fingers into your mouth. “Get these wet for me, baby.”
You did exactly as she asked. Twirling and running your tongue all over her fingers, making them slick with saliva, You could hear Wanda sigh in satisfaction as you did your work, and she watched every second of it. She wondered what else you would take in your mouth for her—her strap. But that was for another night, she supposed.
Soon, she pulled her fingers out, replacing them in her mouth once again. Her tongue entered your mouth with ease, and you couldn’t help but moan at the taste of her, knowing her lipstick smudged against your skin. Her wet fingers traveled down the trail of your skin, all the way down to where her fingertips met the lacy fabric of your pants and slipped into them. Wanda pulled her head back to watch your face contort into an expression of euphoria as her slipper fingers massaged your clitter. It was heavenly. And you were perfect.
Unable to wait any longer, Wanda pushed two of her fingers into you, moaning against your neck as she felt how wet and tight you were around her fingers. When your arms dropped from above your head to hold onto her shoulders, Wanda allowed it to happen, falling in love with the way you held on to her as she fucked you. She wanted to start slowly, in truth, but as soon as she felt your hands in her hair and on her shoulders, as she heard your breathy moans, she just couldn’t help it. She pumped and pumped her fingers into you, turning you into the prettiest, shivering mess she had ever laid her eyes on. It turned her on so much.
“I—Mommy, I’m going to—“ you tried to say as quietly as you could.
“That’s it, sweetheart,” she said, smiling adoringly. “Keep your pretty eyes on me.”
The pad of her fingertips continued to press against your sensitive walls, pumping air in and out of you with a delicious squelch. Wanda dragged her lips against your chest until she popped one of your nipples into her mouth and sucked hard. Everything she did made you squirm underneath her. And god, you were so sexy. Wanda felt like she was looking at an art piece—the way your body moved, the colors of your skin under the dim light, the lines of your curves fitting perfectly against her. So perfect. Her sweet girl.
Finally, the first orgasm crashed in waves throughout your entire body, legs quivering against Wanda as she slowed her movements in order to let you ride out your high. You had muffled your moan by pressing your face into her shoulder. Fuck, you were so hot. Wanda swears she came at just the sight of you coming.
“My pretty baby,” she said. “So perfect.”
And you try to take a moment to breathe, to catch your breath before anything else could happen, but it is too late to stop her. Wanda pushed a third finger into you, your jaw dropping as you felt your walls stretch around her digits. The pad of her thumb rolls over your clitter in tight circles, pressing onto your sensitive bundle of nerves with no mercy.
It almost felt like she was testing you—testing your limits, how far you could go, and how well you could hide your moans. It was by no means easy, especially when she started pumping all over again, making the grip on her shoulders tighten. You pulled desperately at the fabric of her jacket, and Wanda didn’t even care if you were to eventually rip it accidentally. Hell, she’d be proud of it.
You jolted under her touch, arching your back and pressing your front against hers as she fucked you. She watched as your eyes rolled to the back of your head as you lost yourself in pleasure. You almost wanted to pull away because you knew if you went on any longer, you’d be screaming. But Wanda had an easy solution for that problem. The moment you started moaning helplessly loud, she threw her other arm up and clasped the palm of your hand over your mouth, muzzling your moans.
“Quiet, baby, remember?”
And so she pulled another orgasm out of you, and then another, and another
 and another.
You looked so beautiful by the end of it; sweat rolled down your temples, your body was limp as you gasped for air, arms reaching out to Wanda as she pulled away from you for some reason you couldn’t tell given how fucked out and tired you were. She only got up to get rid of the clothes she was wearing and grab a wet towel from the bathroom to clean up the mess you made between your legs. As she did so, she fought the urge to spread your thighs, diving face first into your wet cavern, all for her to devour — but you would be screaming if she did that. Another time, Wanda thought
After she cleaned you up, Wanda pulled you into her arms, laying beside you with your head in the crook of her neck as she smoothed her hands over your hips, your waist, and your thighs. You were still trembling slightly against her; she could feel it, and she couldn’t help but smile.
You fell asleep quickly, and as Wanda watched you drift off, she couldn't help but be captivated by you. The way her lamp shade illuminated your features, casting a soft glow on your skin, made you look ethereal. Wanda traced the contours of your face with her fingertips, memorizing every curve and angle while feeling your skin. She watched as your chest rose and fell with each breath. She watched when your lips parted slightly as you breathed, and Wanda found herself leaning in, almost unconsciously, to press a soft kiss against them. You stirred momentarily but didn't wake up, and Wanda settled back onto the pillows with a contented sigh.
As she gazed at your sleeping form, she felt a sense of peace wash over her. She was right where she wanted to be.
“Sleep well, sweetheart.”
In the glow of the moonlight filtering in through the window, you and Wanda lie intertwined on her bed. Your bodies were nestled closely together, with Wanda's arm draped protectively around your waist. The room is quiet except for the gentle hum of your breaths as you both sleep soundly, at peace in each other's embrace. The air is warm and fragrant, the scent of lavender from the diffuser on Wanda's nightstand filling their senses. As you slept, your faces appeared serene and content, with faint smiles playing at the corners of both of your lips. And in this moment, all the worries and stresses of the outside world fade away, replaced by a deep sense of comfort and security.
Morning came soon after as the soft light of the rising sun seeped through the window, casting a gentle glow over the room, and you slowly opened your eyes, only to find Wanda sleeping peacefully next to you. A smile creeps onto your face as you gaze upon Wanda's serene and beautiful face. You couldn’t help but feel a sense of happiness and warmth inside of you, yet you also felt a bit shy and hesitant, not wanting to disturb Wanda's peaceful slumber. The room was quiet except for the gentle sound of your breathing, and you took a moment to savor this peaceful moment with Wanda, your heart full of love and affection.
But then you tore your eyes off of her and stared at the clock on her nightstand.
“Wanda,” you said, shaking her lightly. “Wanda. Wanda, it’s eleven o’clock. The boys are late for school!”
The only response you got was a groan as Wanda stirred in her sleep, refusing to open her eyes and, instead, rolling over and pulling you close, shoving her face into the crook of your neck. You wanted to smile at the action, but you were also worried about the fact that you both slept in and that her boys were late for school.
“I already took them to school, (y/n),” she said, mumbling against your skin, voice deep and groggy.
Your heart skipped a beat at the sound of her voice, “You did?”
“Yes, honey,” she said.
Your stomach began to flutter, and your heart filled with warmth at the endearment, even though she had already been calling you that since you had gotten here. But after hearing it last night, you felt a surge of joy. The way Wanda says it, with such tenderness and love, is enough to make you feel like you’re the only person in the world who matters.
You also smiled at the thought of Wanda waking up early in the morning to take her children to school, then coming home and immediately jumping back into bed just to sleep with you. The very thought of it made you swoon.
Wanda held you tightly in her arms, her breath warm on your neck. You felt a warmth spread throughout your body as you snuggled deeper into Wanda's embrace. The bed was so comfortable and the atmosphere so peaceful that you wished you could stay there forever. You loved the feeling of being held by Wanda and feeling safe and loved. It was a sense of domesticity that she never thought she would experience.
You hummed in response, your fingers raking through Wanda’s locks.
“The date you went on... How did it go?”
You paused, wondering why that was one of the first things she thought of. After seconds of thinking, you put the pieces together. You already figured she was jealous, but it was still a bit surprising to think about.
“It was terrible,” you smiled. “I was thinking of you the whole time.”
“The date was terrible? Or you thinking about me the whole time was terrible?”
“You’re smart, mommy. I think you can figure that one out by yourself.”
Wanda let out a deep laugh against your neck, “Mmm, I like it when you call me that.”
“I know,” you smiled.
“Go on a date with me.”
Wanda pulled her head back from your neck to look at you. A smile played on her lips as she stared at you. God, you looked so beautiful. Your lips were puffy, your cheeks squished up against her pillow, and your hair was all over the place—it was adorable.
“What?” You smiled at her incredulously.
“I’m being serious,” she said, smiling back at you. “Go on a date with me.”
And for a moment there, you really did contemplate on whether she was serious or not. You almost wanted to pinch yourself to see if you were still dreaming somehow. But Wanda’s face said it all.
You tried to fight the joyous smile that was making its way onto your face. “Okay.”
“Yeah,” you repeated.
With a soft smile on her face, Wanda leaned in and placed a tender kiss on your forehead, followed by a series of playful, affectionate pecks all over your face. The warmth of your bodies entwined was comforting, and Wanda couldn't help but admire the way your soft features looked in the morning light. She placed another gentle kiss on your lips, savoring the taste of sweetness against her mouth.
Wanda’s heart swelled with affection, feeling lucky to have you in her arms. And she’ll take you on that date, making sure she's the only thing on your mind, just like you were in hers.
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note. i used this proofreader thing which fixes most of my grammatical errors but it could’ve just yk not have worked, so if there’s still any errors i apologize and i also apologize a second time bc i will not be fixing them anytime soon bc i am lazy :) peace
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