metanoiaduende · 11 months
too much
Sometimes my head is too thick to actually think. Sometimes my emotions don't allow me to think straight. Sometimes the injustices of the world are too much to handle. I wish I was less like me and more like the woman I want to be.
Its to much of burden, it is too much weight upon my shoulders. I never feel straight. I never feel like enough.
sometimes I feel thick, I feel slow to the program. Like I should of caught up years or even months ago. I go at my own pace, which is far to relaxed.
Why can't I be different, why can't I be normal.
Like that SZA song, 'normal girl'. I wanna be normal. I don't want to be sad. I don't want to question myself and I think that maybe, just maybe if I could just one day wake up and everything will be okay, I wouldn't have a storm in my head that throbs all day long.
Why is my face like that? People can sense the melancholy from a mile away. I wear my feelings on my face, like a mask, that not really a mask, so I guess its more like an open book.
There is no real point I have, I just felt like writing to write. Writing makes me feel better. Maybe one day someone will understand what I am going through, or maybe I am too depressed and most people don't want to bear that. They are bearing there own problems.
That is very understandable, but maybe if you read this you'll at least understand.
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metanoiaduende · 11 months
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metanoiaduende · 11 months
Positive mind and attitude. PMA is my favorite tool to use when in a negative space. It determines your character, for example, emotional regulation when negativity seems to always be around the corner. It determines your outcome. If you are a fan of law of attraction and law of assumption, having a positive mindset will ensure that positive ends are on the way.
Staying positive is not easy. As most people find out when practicing the law of attraction and assumption, it is much more than telling yourself everything is going to be okay and falling into a positive façade. In fact it has more to do with perseverance, determination, and mental work. For even in the toughest, gloomiest situations, finding the bright side may be your only salvation.
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metanoiaduende · 11 months
when you're not feeling enough <3
When you're feeling like you not doing enough. If you think everyone around is where you want to be. You're feeling left behind and that all your aspirations are in the dust, and that they will never formed again. Everyday feels like you are wading through the water, not sure about the next step but if you make it, that all that matters.
Remember this:
you are enough, you are what we need in this world. you are what we are all waiting for. If you need a day, take your day. If you need a moment, take your moment. Just promise us, promise yourself that you'll never let the deep sea wash you away for good.
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metanoiaduende · 11 months
where is the sun?
Never in my life have I known true love.
At a young age I spent a lot of time letting broken promises, words of anger, acts of hatred, and neglect consume my thoughts. I let the world condition me to thinking I was unlovable. Not wanted. I was sure to be alone for the rest of my days.
When I was a teenager, I settled into this thought. I believed in the words of hatred I told myself and I found peace in the melancholy. I embraced the wicked-ness of the world and thought this was my destiny placed before me. It was my destiny to travel this world alone, navigate this world alone and, to somehow find a glimmer of happiness through the cracks of despair.
I sat at the bottom of snake pit, drunk and high, consumed by the abyss of my own dark mind that. The love I longed for was kept in a cage for too long, covered with bricks and an iron-steel door, while the key was long lost. So when the sun found me, I turned my back to it. I slept through the day and only arose at night.
I was a night creature.
This, I thought, was my destiny. This is what was planned for me. Being left in the darkness my whole life, finally I found a place that felt like home.
But it was never really my home. It was my demise. It was a game life liked to play, when God, or the universe, whatever you want to call it calls you to attention.
I wasn't suppose to be comfortable there, I wasn't suppose to find my place among the snake pit. I was never suppose to stay there. It was only courage that turned my body toward the sun, and say goodbye to moon. Courage lead me to face the unknown, to face the evil game my mind liked to play to keep me in the dark. Courage led me on the journey to find the key to my heart and love.
In that on-going journey, I have discovered three important rules of life:
It is okay to destroy and burn; as long as you rebuild a stronger foundation.
Even the funniest person on Earth is not as funny as the games life likes to play.
Everything that happens to person is a blessing and curse.
So while I face the sun, and allow it to guide me in my days. I never forget the lessons of the moon, which has heard me pour my soul and sob my tears for as long as I could remember. My longest companion, my listening ear, I will never forget my nights amongst the moon and stars.
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metanoiaduende · 11 months
You are so brave and quiet I forget you are suffering.
Ernest Hemingway
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metanoiaduende · 11 months
Are souls is beyond what anyone can label us as and we cannot be put into a box. Never forget your inherent strength as a woman.
I am the Mother. I am the Feminine. I am the Earth. I am Goddess.
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metanoiaduende · 11 months
new beginnings
Today marks are new day, a new attitude and a new start. Everything comes from something, so be it. Be the person you want to be... that can be a more challenging than one thinks. When we are out against family, friends, and society's expectations, being who we want to be and being what people expect of us is quite different. Hopefully together, with like-minded people we can set out on a long journey together, to reach our highest potential and become the beautiful people we truly are inside and out. So come along pretty ones and stay tuned as we go week by week in all thing human and adulthood.
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metanoiaduende · 6 years
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metanoiaduende · 6 years
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If you are a student Follow @studentlifeproblems​
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metanoiaduende · 6 years
I ransack public libraries, and find them full of sunk treasure.
Virginia Woolf (via berghahnbooks)
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metanoiaduende · 6 years
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metanoiaduende · 6 years
I don’t care what you think about me. I don’t think about you at all.
Coco Chanel (via quotemadness)
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metanoiaduende · 6 years
a comprehensive collection of weird-ass wikipedia articles to read when you're bored
fair warning: while some of these articles are just silly or weird, i do like to freak myself out, so a fair amount of these are creepy and/or morbid! some of the links involve death and occasionally suicide, so consider this your blanket warning for potentially upsetting/tiggering stuff! also when you’re white-knuckled gripping the bedframe at four am because you’re too freaked out to go get a glass of water and you think there’s an axe-murderer in your closet, don’t go a-blamin’ me. you clicked the link.
list of unusual deaths
post-mortem photography
list of people who disappeared mysteriously
ancient astronauts
list of nuclear/radiation accidents
lord uxbridge’s leg
suspicious incidents at disney parks
demon core
milgram experiment
list of film accidents
collyer brothers
new chronology & phantom time
cosmic latte
list of sexually active popes
spontaneous human combustion
list of methods of torture
cellar door
voynich manuscript
list of inventors killed by their own invention
zone of alienation
randy gardner
list of entertainers who died during a performance
dancing mania
vodka eyeballing
tacoma narrows bridge
troy huturbise
list of alleged extraterrestrial beings
lucid dreaming
son of sam law
mary toft
list of banned video games
elizabeth bathory
marvin heemeyer
list of serial killers
quantum suicide
mcdonald’s urban legends
cockle bread
list of reportedly haunted locations
ball lightning
mellified man
armin meiwes
mobius syndrome
moon landing conspiracy theories
the case of taman shud
the euthanasia coaster
capgras delusion
raining animals
voluntary human extinction movement
s. a. andrée’s arctic balloon expedition of 1897
list of reported ufo sightings
astral projection
maximum lifespan
oscar the cat
mill ends park
criticality accident
words that mean opposite things
list of video games notable for negative reception
uncombable hair syndrome
gloria ramirez
that that is is that that is not is not is that it it is
spite house
john titor
list of unsolved murders & deaths
sleep paralysis
list of common misconceptions
ames room
list of impostors
korean air lines flight 007: alternate theories
list of political decoys
psuedoscientific planets
list of conspiracy theories
sawney bean
loudness war
body farm
list of messiah claimants
lazarus syndrome
betty & barney hill abduction
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metanoiaduende · 7 years
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metanoiaduende · 7 years
It’s not you. It’s anyone. Sometimes I don’t want anyone around. Some afternoons I lie on my bed and the light comes through the shutters on the floor and I think I never want to leave my own room.
Joan Didion (via quotemadness)
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metanoiaduende · 7 years
I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it.
Mark Twain (via quotemadness)
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