meltedsong · 1 year
Don't you love it when the game fucking hates you
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meltedsong · 2 years
Forgot to post this aswell. I'm so fucking proud of this one. I know it's not big but I can actually see my progress in this one. The shading, the lighting. FUCK so pretty ♡ Also this OC is named Staria, they are an Owl House OC, kind of. They are a bit like the Collector, but instead of Moon and Sun it's just the Stars (technically the Sun should be included as well because it's a big Star but I'm ignoring that)
Her pronouns are She/They, and they are 19 years old (in our time, technically she's much, much older)
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meltedsong · 2 years
TW: Slight blood, wounds
Little Villian Menace OC. He likes to set fires bcuz why not. Also kinda proud of this. I'm getting better at digital art :)
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meltedsong · 2 years
Art I'm actually very proud of. She's a character in a story in my head. Doesn't have a name, but I still love her
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meltedsong · 2 years
First Art Post un Tumblr Let's gooo
They're a Lesbian btw. Because, why not?
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meltedsong · 3 years
My Mom: Why are you awake ao early? It's 6am
Me: I just woke up randomly, for no reason
My Mom: Oh, Okay.
Me, who actually spent two hours last night copying the bee movie script into minecraft and then making a garden look pretty for my fox until 6am: Yep :)
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meltedsong · 3 years
Reblog this if you slept with my ex-wife Susan.
Trying to prove a point to my divorce lawyer.
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meltedsong · 3 years
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meltedsong · 3 years
How dare you disrespect god
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meltedsong · 3 years
My first experience with a therapist:
So a little backstory about me; I have social anxiety traits (don't know if I have it for sure tho, she did say something about it but never diagnosed me officially) and depressed traits (same story with social anxiety) and I went to a therapist for that, saw her every Monday. Oh and I'm Polish, living in Germany since I was 6 and I'm a lesbian. Also VERY self conscious.
I never fully trusted her, didn't tell her everything. I left out the fact that I'm a lesbian or the fact that I kept (and keep oof) writing out suicide letters in my head. And for good reason. Since I'm not 18 yet, we had a 20 minute meeting with her, my parents and I like every year. So we had like, two. Before the meeting she asked me what she can tell them and what not. I told her specifically not to tell them that I hate the way I look and that I tend to get very frustrated and cry, and that I keep quiet about things i want because I don't want to be a burden to my parents. And she told them. She told them fucking everything. After that I had to hear from my parents that it's all in my head and shit (which, I mean, is what mental health is. I wish they'd understand that. I love them, but c'mon). It was right not to tell her that I'm a lesbian. I'm pretty sure breaking doctor-patient confidentiality is breaking a law but alright.
(For context reasons, i have a gay sister. They are accepting of her but i heard them say that they wouldn't know what to do if another one of their children were to be gay. Sooooo yeah)
And then there is my "shyness" (I'll call it shyness because SOMEONE couldn't diagnose be) (Wait, can a therapist diagnose?). I told her about what i feel, the anxiety i feel in big crowds, at school, presentations, how i don't like to eat in public alone because i feel like everyone is staring, how i don't like going places alone (for the same reason), how i shake, how my heart started beating hard after answering a math question outloud. She told me it's because I'm polish living in Germany. Her reasoning? "Oh, i had a polish boyfriend who felt different." Okay first of all, boomer. Second of all, I don't. I integrated myself after moving pretty well and like it here better than there. She repeated that same argument almost every single fucking session. If I weren't "shy", I would've told her to stfu because, man how tf are you going to help me like that.
I stopped going to her. And I think I'll never go to a therapist again. But I recommend talking to one. I think I just happened to catch a bad one since my friend has a different one and he is great and really helped her. Mine? Not so much. Adopting my dog and having him here for 4 months has helped me way more than going to see her every week for two years. Fml
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meltedsong · 3 years
I was walking my dog in the evening and saw this
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Fucking scared me. Doesn't help that I needed new glasses and thought it was a real baby at first lmao
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meltedsong · 3 years
Had Physics again with a substitute and our teacher once again didn't give us any tasks to do. So while the rest of the course (like, 6 people) (yes we are 6 people in my physics class) played kahoot, I decided to draw a Dracula parrot. Doesn't look like one without Colors tho. I also added a picture of a Dracula Parrot so you know what it is :)
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meltedsong · 4 years
My friend encountered Toxic people in Among us?? Fuck off pls
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meltedsong · 4 years
Lmao i was watching Bones and HA only of they knew
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meltedsong · 4 years
Writing prompt:
All the Horror cliches, but with that one actually smart person that tags along but everybody ignores. For example:
They are being chased but get a flat tire.
Dumb Person #1: "Fuck, we blew a Tire!"
Dumb Person #2: "QUICK, GET OUT AND RUN!"
Smart One: "We can still drive with a flat tire! We don't have to get out. STOP GETTING OUT! The Car didn't stop, you stopped the car! We will be much faster with the flat tire than in foot! Guys?! HEY, DON'T- oh for fucks sake no one listens to me. I guess I'll get out too."
Door Shuts behind them when entering a house
Dumb Person #1: "That can't be good. What do we do?"
Dumb Person #2: "We go in further."
Dumb Person #1: "Are you Crazy?!"
Dumb Person #2: "Do you have a better Idea? The door is stuck."
Dumb Person #1: "...I guess you're right. Let's go."
Smart One: "Or we could, you know, break the window and get out like that? Or break the door down? Or try the Door to the garden, of there is one? There are SO many more smarter ways to go about this, guys! Hey, Stop Walking! Haven't you guys watched any horror movies? This is how one or more of us get murdered! YOU CAN DIE LIKE THAT YOU KNOW! Aaaand they are gone. Why do I even try... WAIT FOR ME!"
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meltedsong · 4 years
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Can someone PLEASE help me and tell me what this is? Ofc i know that these are hsm battle cards, but why? I can't find any anywhere anymore. And are they worth anything haha (ik they are not but one can dream)
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meltedsong · 4 years
Me: *picks up something green*
Me: Ah, Green. Like the father of my children
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