luna40cool · 4 years
The Show: This character is actually pretty young!
Me: I will subtly change the age so I am no longer uncomfortable.
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luna40cool · 4 years
Me watching Pokémon Sun and Moon anime, coming off of the James/Marienie episode. Poor poor me. Assaulted by what ever in Gods name the Buzzwole episode was.
Me shaking from the confusion as I watch a power rangers episode mix with Danny Phantom after everybody completely glosses over the SEPARATE DIMENSION FULL OF MINDCONTROLLING HELL BEASTS and the fuCkInG legEnDarIeS that entrusted the baby version of ANOTHER LEGENDARY TO A 10 YEAR OLD?!?
wHathave my eyes witness, I was literally shaking and crying whhhatthe Fuck was that?!
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luna40cool · 5 years
ficlet: the birth of a dragon
The human facade—soft and smooth—hides a wellspring of emotion that Cale will never admit to. In humanity, he finds a freedom that his draconic form would restrict him from. As a dragon, he is monolithic. Blood-red scales with a metallic gleam in the sunlight. A presence so heavy it smothers. The reverence he inspires is a heavy burden to bear. He cannot stand the sight of those elves, slavish in devotion for all the wrong things. They would weep at the thoughts he harbors for them. They would weep if they realized how cloying their sentiment is.
Cale Henituse loves humanity for the indolence such a weak, transient body can offer. Nobody looks at Cale and expects anything more than what a trash count can do. (The only people who expect something, if anything, from him are those close enough to look into the hollow void. In that hollow void, they find a reflection of themselves—of all the emotions fermenting in them.
They think Cale cares so deeply.
(Maybe he does.)
This body of his—red all over in even the most unexpected places, rough and smooth—is wrongness layered thrice. A human transmigrated into a dragon playing at humanity. An edge of unreality like a drawing of a glossy picture of a painting. This new life is a problem to be solved. Who would have thought 《The Birth of a Hero》 would have hidden such a secret?
Cale Henituse, the trash of the count’s family, is inhuman. Does his inhumanity make him trash? Like the cuckoo, does the dragon force others to raise their young? Cale Henituse, a brood parasite’s young raised by humans. (Do they know, deep in their hearts, that there is something wrong with Cale?)
A pair of human and a pair of human siblings with Cale to unbalance them all from a family of four to a family of five. Did the original Cale ever love them? Did the original Cale ever know? Now, he is a false knockoff of Cale Henituse. An inauthentic caricature of a character he had never regarded particularly well.
(Why do they still stand by him?)
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luna40cool · 5 years
K, so I just wanna say this. ColdHelpMan's crack videos(on YouTube) are so underrated and they deserve more views. Like, if you're into KH or FF or any of that kinda of stuff please check him out. I'm sure you'll love it. How he incorporates music into cutscenes adds so much emotion or hilarity I actually cried sad, overwhelmed tears in his kh3 crack video. It's just amazing.
(The reason I'm not tagging his Tumblr is because I honestly don't know if he has one.)
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luna40cool · 5 years
Me: *waking up in a cold sweat, shaking uncontrollably*
"Sora vored Kairi's heart in Kingdom Hearts one."
*my eyes then roll back into my head as the eldrich beings scream in horror and i collapse*
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luna40cool · 5 years
Omg finally someone talks about it! I really liked Vanya in the beginning, she was my favorite character(besides Klaus)until around episode 7 or 8. She refused to let go of her past and focus on her life and passion for music, attacked someone who was trying to help her(debatable excuses tho), and straight up KILLED 3 people because she didn't want to eat oatmeal. At least her siblings had some kind of f**ked superhero vision as a reason.
Vanya is great, but she's not a good person and people need to acknowledge this more. I'm really happy you brought it up!
Umbrella Academy
Now that I’ve finished the series, I’ve got some thoughts.
•Klaus & Diego are the best and I’d happily watch a show of just them getting up to highjinks.
•I like Luther, I don’t care what you say, I know what he did was wrong, but I can understand where he was coming from. He was doing what he thought was best to try and protect everyone.
•I geniunely felt sorry for Vanya and what she had to go through, but honestly her obsession with her terrible childhood even when Allison was trying to help her started to become annoying by the end, and she killed Pogo and destroyed the world. (Also bear in mind she killed three of her nannies as a child because she didn’t want to eat her oatmeal)
•There wouldn’t be any problems if Reginald Hargreeves wasn’t a massive d*ck and treated his children as anything more than tools to be used.
•I really f*cking hated Cha-Cha (but I liked Hazel)
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luna40cool · 5 years
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did you find the pic? here it is anyway
YES!!!! this is the one, thank you so much!
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luna40cool · 5 years
Tbh, "Dinkleberg" is just the "Thanks, Obama" of the FairyOddParents universe.
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luna40cool · 5 years
How do you even compliment someone ominously?
"I like the scent of your bathrobe"
"You teeth would look so pretty dried"
How does it even work? I am confusion.
Reblog this if you want a slightly ominous compliment in your inbox
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luna40cool · 6 years
writer: this is one of my male characters! he cares about his guy friends and loves them deeply.
tumblr: oh! so he’s gay!
writer: uh…no, he’s attracted to women.
tumblr: ….so he’s bi!
writer: uhh…no…….he loves his guy friends but he’s not romantically/sexually attracted to them.
tumblr: ….so you’re homophobic.
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luna40cool · 6 years
yeah spider-man is “far from home” he’s fucking dead
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luna40cool · 6 years
Ya' know, I just want fan fiction writers to acknowledge that there's a comic where a Spider deity gives Spider-Man his powers and that it should be utilized in a Soul Stone/Infinity War fic as having Thanos getting the beat down by an angry, over-protective Spider Deity Dad would be the best thing. Go full on crack-fic with it. Have fun, cause Spider-Man is a teenager and deserves to have fun despite the horrible things he's been through.
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luna40cool · 6 years
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luna40cool · 6 years
I'm Here and I Have an Idea...ere.
What if Lance was a lion? But not like that.
Basically, my branium thought up the idea of Lance waking up at the garrison 2-3 weeks before Shiro jets into the atmosphere like he's running from his gay thoughts and thinks
"I need to get to Blue"
So, he steals a garrison automobile and high tails it to the desert. Queue Keith seeing this hot shot and running after then because he's Keith and "it might be mothman!"
Back to Lance; he gets to Blue's cave and touches the marking they light up yada yada but then, magic bs happens.
Lance is suddenly a lion and Keith walks in after finding the parked garrison bike and instantly thinks "holy shit a cryptid" and "oh my god it ate someone" while my boy is still freaking the freak out because he has paws.
So anyway humor ensues and now Lance is living with Keith in the middle of a fricken desert shack trying to get Keith to find Team Punk without breaking the space-time continuum. Thus, TEAM VOLTRON AND THE PROPHESY LION.
Keith: "What the hell does "The Champion will fall and the Tree and Earth will follow" even mean?!?!
Lance: *struggling to write with paws in hot sand* "SHIRO"
Keith:"You know Shiro? You ARE magic!"
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luna40cool · 6 years
Oh no, never my intention!
(I live for this tag help)
So, ive ignored this for *forever* and now I’m back with some Lance appreciation and a prompt(kinda).
(Totally not trying to fill up that lance harem tag ;))
Numero uno: the team has always been kinda aware that Lance is a beautiful person but, this doesnt really hit until they can all hear his thoughts *all of them*. Now heres ths kicker! The team has *no fricken clue* what Lance is thinking cause its all in Spanish. They were not prepared for Spanish Lance(sexy voice am I rite?) Finally, Pidge has had enough and goes through some screwy mind meld magic to make a translator and that when they realize *Lance knows everything*
He knows their problems and when they need a pick me up or when they’re running on fumes. He cares so much and they’re all so *screwed* cause at that point they’re in to deep and it takes everything to keep from going under.(also Lance is fucking smart but like wyd “what’s the spinning thing called again?”)
More bs to follow(in like 3 months when I get my life together and I figure out HOW THE FRICK TO ITALICIZE,TUMBLR!)
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luna40cool · 6 years
So, ive ignored this for *forever* and now I'm back with some Lance appreciation and a prompt(kinda).
(Totally not trying to fill up that lance harem tag ;))
Numero uno: the team has always been kinda aware that Lance is a beautiful person but, this doesnt really hit until they can all hear his thoughts *all of them*. Now heres ths kicker! The team has *no fricken clue* what Lance is thinking cause its all in Spanish. They were not prepared for Spanish Lance(sexy voice am I rite?) Finally, Pidge has had enough and goes through some screwy mind meld magic to make a translator and that when they realize *Lance knows everything*
He knows their problems and when they need a pick me up or when they're running on fumes. He cares so much and they're all so *screwed* cause at that point they're in to deep and it takes everything to keep from going under.(also Lance is fucking smart but like wyd "what's the spinning thing called again?")
More bs to follow(in like 3 months when I get my life together and I figure out HOW THE FRICK TO ITALICIZE,TUMBLR!)
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luna40cool · 6 years
Everybody's like, "oh human-kun is mean to Earth-Chan" No! Not all humans are awful. So, my shower thoughts: Human-kun has two siblings. A brother and a sister. The brother(recycle-kun) is a really morally good dude; he spurs human-kun to do good stuff and help Earth-Chan out.
The sister(pollution(a "mythic bitch")) bribes Human-kun to do some really screwed up stuff for her and her friends(the meteorite triplets) If human-kun and Recycle-kun try to stop her,Pollution tells their step-mom(Factory-San) that they hurt her or something.
After Factory-San gets all mad, the Dad(I have noo clue(the original mom was life or something) comes in with some chocolate or something and asked them what happened like a Good Dad.
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