lilith-tokoyami · 15 days
I was thinking about getting into Pokémon and thought I’d start with designing a Dragon Trainer Oc. I don’t know anything about Pokémon so once I watch I’ll see how this OC changes as I learn more! Currently she’s a dragon trainer named Hydra (cheesy I know). She a bit edgy and hard to get to know, constantly looking down on anyone weaker but she’s loyal and once you win her over she’ll do anything to keep you safe. I like the idea of her being a dragon trainer simply because to me at least, dragons are seen as very powerful and scary. So she’d want that type of energy in her Pokémon. Of course she does love her babies even if they weren’t scary!
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lilith-tokoyami · 2 months
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I’m just drawing all of my favorite girls right now. They are just to great not to draw
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lilith-tokoyami · 2 months
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I drew Rosie in that cute dress that’s been floating around
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lilith-tokoyami · 4 months
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Can you tell what my current hyperfixation is based on this OC? Please feel free to guess at what her story is. I want to know what your first impression of her is!
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lilith-tokoyami · 2 years
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I’m tired
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lilith-tokoyami · 2 years
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I drew Villain Denki. I am so tired. This took me far to long.
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lilith-tokoyami · 2 years
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I drew my girlfriend. She is my muse
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lilith-tokoyami · 2 years
Monty Security Breach
I just spent four hours working on this....
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lilith-tokoyami · 2 years
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lilith-tokoyami · 2 years
I drew Dolores from Encanto!
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lilith-tokoyami · 3 years
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I colored her!
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She takes away my breath. She’s the Angel of death for me~
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lilith-tokoyami · 3 years
Bakugo x Fem Reader  Being a Hero is Never Easy...
Summary: Bakugo being a top hero never got much time with his wife. After an accident with fighting a villain Bakugo is bed ridden for a few days with only his wife to take care of him. She finally got to spend time with him but at what cost.
Warnings: Slight Angst, Slight Smut, Swearing, Panic Attack
Being a top pro was never easy. You understood that better then most anyone, They were constantly out fighting villains and saving everyone around them. It was a busy schedule that left very little time for a personal life. 
You hated your husbands schedule. Not because it was dangerous. You knew he could handle himself. But it was because you never got to see him. As much as he could be a pain in the ass you still loved him. 
After all the two of you are married. On the day they wed Katsuki promised to always be there for you. You always secretly loved the little speech he made. But now it seemed like a bunch of lies. For the what fifth, sixth time in a row Katsuki canceled on a date. You had been planning that weekend off together for weeks. 
You were heartbroken. Though you could never confront him though. How would you even go about that. “Hey I don’t want you to save people and spent time with me”. You felt selfish at the mere thought of asking him not to go into work. It seemed so silly but your husband was one of the best pros. He saved multiple lives a day. Taking even one day off was a big deal for him.
You could feel tears prick at your eyes. No matter how strong anyone may be it is nice to feel loved once in a while. All you wanted was to spend time with him. You were so desperate you even begged even the stars to get some time with him. And your wish would be granted. But not in the way you would hope.
It was like any other day and you were just doing some chores around the house when you had gotten a call. It was from Kirishima. Her husband’s best friend. Katsuki had been beaten by a group of villains with some deadly quirks. He was in the hospital. From the way things sounded it wasn’t good. 
You ran into the hospital and into the room your husband was staying in. You glanced down at his weak frame laying in the bed. He looked so defeated. So fragile. As if he would break from a wrong look. 
You took his hand in yours. Begging he would be okay. You didn’t want him to be hurt. You prayed he would be okay.  Tsk. Dumbass. Stop your crying.... I am fine..
You glanced up at him as fast as your head would let you. 
I am so glad you are okay.
You couldn't help but hug him tightly. You noticed how he winced when you did. 
When am I not... Idiot. 
Any other day you would find some witty thing to say back but you was just glad he was alive.  Although he had multiple broken bones and stitches that he had received from the fight. 
It took some time for him to be released from the hospital. But he was being forced to stay home in bed until he fully recovered. 
Hey shitty woman... Stop hogging all of the blankets.
Shut up Kat. I am not. 
The two of you argued back and forth about the most stupid things. 
Yup. This is what you wished apon a star to get. Yet even with the constant flow of insults you are still happy. You missed him.
You leaned into his side taking in his carmal like scent.
If you wanted attention you could have just said so...
As much as Katsuki hated to admit it he had the biggest soft spot for you. He really loved those moments when you could just cuddle and hold each other close.
The next morning here you were having to do everything for him per doctors orders. He wasn’t allowed to get out of bed for anything. You cursed the stars under your breath. This is certainly not what you wanted. 
You had to do everything. Feed him, Help him get up to go to the bathroom, You even had to help bathe him. To add insult to injury you weren’t even allowed to have sex with him while he was stuck in bed. The doctors thought it may open up the stitches if there was to much movement. 
Everything was becoming to much for you. It was hard to even take care of yourself some days and now you had to take care of your angry husband, Although he was married to you that didn’t stop him from being an ass. 
Hey dumbass I am starving!
You could hear his shouting all the way from the other end of the house. It killed you. 
I heard you Katsuki! Shut up I am working on it!
You brought up some spicy curry knowing it was his favorite. And Katsuki being the stubborn man he is felt the need to insult it.
This is some gross fucking curry. Have you learned nothing from watching me cook?
Maybe next time I will let you starve then.
You snapped a little and walked out of the room. Katsuki just shrugged it off. 
To be fair he didn’t mean it in all that aggressive way though you didn’t see it that way. You thought he genuinely hated the food. He honestly loved it. He just was to stuck up to admit that.
Another instant of his insufferable behavior was the next day when you were helping him out of bed and all he could do was yell and yell about how you weren’t helping him. Basically saying you were being useless. 
Still you held your tongue. You knew he was hurt and you didn’t want to put him through any unneeded stress.
This kept up for a few days. Yelling back and forth. Katsuki insulting you and everything you are doing for HIM. Eventually you had enough. You screamed at him telling him everything you’ve been feeling and thinking.
I don’t even know why I married you anymore. I begged for you to come home and when I finally get you all to myself you are just constantly yelling at me and insulting all of the hard work I’ve been doing. You complain about the food I make you. You complain about the house which I Have to clean by MYSELF. You complain about the way I do everything. Nothing I do is good enough! I can’t take it anymore!
He got quiet for a moment. 
You stormed out of the room before he could even try to explain. It was all so overwhelming. You just ran somewhere random in the house. Your back slid down the wall as the tears fell down your cheeks. 
You felt yourself start to hyperventilating. You were so stressed. You aggressively clawed at your head as if pain was the solution to calm yourself down. You were having a panic attack. 
You heard movement next to you and you looked up with teary eyes to see your husband staring down at you.
Yeah I know what the doctor said about getting up... I don’t give a fuck though. Not when you are like this... Look- I am sorry about how I was acting. I know I’ve been a pain in the ass lately. I’ve been stressed the fuck out. I just hate seeing you like this. 
He grabbed your hand and prevented you from scratching at your skin anymore. He noticed how much you were shaking. 
Fuck- I am the biggest asshole..
He spoke to himself. It pained him to see you so upset. He just knew he needed to make things right.
He leaned in and kissed you. You felt your body start to calm down at the gentle and much needed affection. He pulled you closer and you melted into him. Hoping that moment doesn’t end. 
The kiss which started off sweet turned hungry and lustful quickly. After weeks and maybe even months of not being able to touch the other the both of you were desperate for some time together. 
He bite your lip and slipped his tongue into your mouth. You found your way on top of him grinding into him. You let out little moans and whines at the delicious friction you were getting. 
Screw doctors orders. You wanted him. You needed him. So you had him. All of him. 
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lilith-tokoyami · 3 years
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She takes away my breath. She’s the Angel of death for me~
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lilith-tokoyami · 3 years
I drew the Handy man. Enjoy!
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lilith-tokoyami · 4 years
Tokoyami x Soulmate Reader
(Female Reader) 
[Name] lives in a world full of wonders. 80% of the population has some sort of uncanny ability known as Quirks and while the other 20% are born powerless. 
Quirks can range from so many different things. From changing ones appearance to giving them an ability made for fighting or just for everyday tasks. The possibility for quirks is endless and in this world evil dares to try to overcome the good with their wicked quirks. So in this magical world there are those who aim to protect and save the innocents. They could pursue this for multiple reasons. Money, fame, popularity, justice. But whatever the reason these fearless saviors are called Hero's. They protect the good and capture the evil. 
However quirks aren’t the only magical thing that the people of today have grown accustomed to. 
While only 80% of the population has quirks everyone has a soulmate. Even if they meet them in their lifetime or not. 
In this world whatever eye color your soulmate has is the color you can’t see until the day you meet. If they have two different eye colors or their eye color changes over time so does the color their soulmate can see. Once you meet your soulmate if you ever do then your eyes glow with the color of your soulmates eyes for a short period of time after your first encounter. Once the glowing fades away you will find that you can now see the color that has been missing your entire life.
And that's where this story begins. A young girl who wants nothing more but to become a Hero. 
Today is the day. I can finally apply for UA and all I have to do is pass the entrance exam. Which should be a breeze considering my quirk is kind of over powered. 
(If you don’t care for this quirk or want your own then just change it in the story! I just really love the idea for this quirk so I added it in. Feel free to skip it if you don’t wish to use it)
*Present Mic like voice explains quirk*
[Full Name]
Her Quirk 100% Water
It is what it sounds like! Her body is made completely out of water. With her quirk she can harden the water and bring it closer together in order to form her body while on the other hand she can melt it and pull it apart to give her a form of a puddle. She can also decide what body parts should be in water form and what parts shouldn’t. Whenever a part of her body is in water form she can still control that part of her. For example if she is in complete water form then she can manipulate her body by propelling herself in order to move around. Finally if she is in her water form or a certain part of her body is in its water form it is partially impossible to hurt her. However the draw backs can include dehydration, broken bones from to much transformation, and if she doesn’t keep her body together in her water form she may loose some of her limps until she finds a water source to replace it.
Well I guess I should get going. If I am late they might not let me even take the test. 
I finally arrived and on time which is kind of rare for me. I am always prepared but something always happens to make me late. But not this time. I guess lady luck is on my side today. 
As I walk in I notice a few different students around me. I noticed this really odd blonde guy who just seemed to hate everything. He was yelling like crazy and wouldn’t stop calling a few of the other students extras.
To be honest I am already tired of him and I only glanced at him. Gods some people really don’t know how to play nice.
Anyways I tore my focus away from the annoying blonde and continued inside the building. This is a new start for me. I can already feel my fate changing.
Oh my gods. 
Present Mic....Is... Um... interesting. 
Are all of the teachers this strange.. 
However I do feel kind of bad. For a guy who has a radio station he really can’t get the students to be excited. Maybe everyone is nervous but even if that where the case it’s still a little sad how not one person is cheering for him.
I am almost tempted to give him a pity cheer. 
Anyways he mentioned how there are three robots when four robots were on the screen. As it seems someone else took account of this and talked about how disgraceful it is for a mistake like this to happen to the supposal elite school known as UA. 
Present Mic explained to us how there will be one zero pointer which will be used as an obstacle. Hmm so all while fighting off these other robots to gain points to pass we must also avoid one that seems to be more powerful then the rest. This is going to be very interesting. 
Okay at this point I have 58 combat points and have managed to protect a few of the other students from falling debris. I know it may be a waste of time but I don’t think I would fell the best with myself knowing they may get seriously hurt.
I honestly have no clue how many points are needed to pass but I really hope I am at least close to the passing mark. 
I was about to destroy another three pointer when out of no where the ground started to shake. Debris started to cover my vision as I could only see students running in the opposite direction of whatever is causing the ground to shake. 
When debris finally started to clear I was able to make out a giant zero pointer. 
However when I looked closer I noticed a small green haired boy. He ran in the direction of the robot. That’s when I noticed a brown haired girl trapped under some rubble.
I see now. The boy wants to protect her. So. I guess I will have to help. 
I started to run in the same direction but with the help of my quirk I was able to reach the girl and remove the rubble off of her. 
As I was helping her up a big gush of wind flew by and knocked back the giant robot. 
That’s when I noticed the boy from earlier falling from extreme heights seemingly with a broken bone or two. 
He’s gonna fall. He won’t make it!
The girl next to me was obviously scared for the fate of the green haired boy. But right before he hit the ground I put a layer of water underneath him as the girl smacked him while activating her quirk. He started to float for a second before the girl said ‘Release’ and fell into my small layer of water which was farther protecting him from the harsh landing. 
With that the exam was over and I went home. 
However on my way out I noticed this guy who had a raven head. I have no clue why but I was pulled closer to him. I wanted to talk to him but I just wasn’t able to seeing he was lost into the crowd. 
I didn’t even get to see his face. 
As I walked home a small group of teenage girls stopped me to complement my outfit. They said the shade of red when great with my skintone. I honestly didn’t know that. So I would have to take their word on it.
Ever since I was born I have never been able to see the color red. I later learned my lack of sight for the color meant my soulmate had red eyes. I honestly find it really cool. 
I normally try not to wear anything red since I can’t see it but since this outfit was a gift I at least wanted to wear it once. 
Maybe if I find my soulmate and am finally able to see the color I will wear red more often. 
Some time has pasted since the exam. Turns out I got in. I even managed to get into the main class 1-A. 
So much has happened my time here has been amazing. We got threatened by our weird teacher. This group of villains attacked us. Aizawa nearly was killed. Yet after all my class and I have been through I haven’t really been socializing. 
Dispite my love for Hero’s and wanted to become one I am not good with human to human confrontation.
I once was talking to my little sisters and they asked what I was learning in school so I panicked and said the holocaust. (True Story) 
So I keep to myself with my head down most of the time. However even with my head down I have noticed the raven boy from the exam. I knew nothing besides that his name was Fumikage Tokoyami. 
Even without talking to him or looking him in the eyes I could still feel that weird pull towards him. I still have no clue what it is but something deep down is telling me I will find out soon.
Anyways as it seems we are in the middle of the UA Sports Festival. The final and third round of the festival. 
I am currently waiting for my first match to start. I am up against some girl from class 1-B.
After a little waiting I finally heard the announcement for my match to start. 
The girl and me walked into the platform and almost as quickly as it started it was over with the over girl knocked out of bound. 
I was declared the winner as I waited for my next fight. 
As I saw my name appear to fight next so did the raven boy who I have had a odd fascination with. 
Maybe I’ll be able to figure out why I want to be around him so much. 
I couldn't clear my thoughts as I walked unto the platform once again.
I slowly brought my eyes up to look at my opponent but was let in complete shock by what happened next. 
My eyes glowed a red color while his glowed a [Eye color] shade. 
When the glow disappeared I could see his red eyes. They were amazing. I had never seen such gorgeous eyes. 
The crowd had taken notice of the exchange completely silent. 
I was going to speak when out of nowhere Tokoyami’s quirk came out of hiding and came up to me while Tokoyami remained frozen. 
That was all the little shadow said as he hugged me and nuzzled his shadowy beak into my neck. 
I smiled at the feeling.
I looked up to see Tokoyami once more as he himself started to approach me.
He gently grabbed my hands and started to smile. 
So my dark queen. You have sat right next to me in class all this time and I have yet to gaze into your beautiful eyes. If you wouldn’t mind to become the one I call mine then please meet me after school. I would like to take you to a place I hold close to my heart. 
I smiled at him. 
I turned us around so he was now standing in my place and I....
I pushed him out of bound.
Of course Toko. I would love to be known as yours but as much as I wanted to hold you in my arms I wanted to win even more, my love.
Yeah sooo. Even with my cheap move Tokoyami I still got Third. 
All I will say for now is ice beats water...... 
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