lemons-anonymous · 7 months
I thought I sent in this ask a couple of weeks back, maybe you did get it and was saving it for later, in which case just ignore this, the last thing I wanna do is pressure you. But if Tumblr was bein' silly and it never went through, here it is:
Inspired by a TikTok I never saved, where Miguel catches Gabriella awake but she's faking being asleep. His way of getting herself to blow her own cover? Telling her to smile cuz for some reason we just smile when someone tells us to. (At least with people we like, probably doesn't work with strangers lol)
If you wanted to, Benji could be involved in this too, or even a future Rosie :3 Maybe all three. Whoever and whatever scenario you see fit! It'll be wholesome either way!
Tumblr is weird af. Sorry for taking this long :') Hope you like! 😊
Pre Rosie btw
Clock ticked ten pm and the report was giving him a hard time since the data didn't match with the results. Where the mistake was?
He pinched his nose bridge, probably getting enough pressure to feel something besides rising frustration.
The rushed steps and giggles however alerted him, sending a little jolt in his heart. You were asleep despite previously fighting off the somnolence from your body, it won over you eventually, after all carrying a baby was exhausting. Benjamin was surely asleep by now.
There was a little thud and more steps. That only left him with one suspect. Gabriella.
Standing up, he snuck on the hallway before making his presence known by knocking her door. Rushed steps immediately stopped, instead he was met with the fresh shuffling of the sheets and a little giggle.
He chuckled and marched towards Gabi's bed.
Silence. Gabriella was trying so hard to not burst into laughter. But that changed as Miguel tickled her above the sheets, earning bubbly squeals of joy.
"How odd, mi Solecito is asleep but all I hear is giggles"
Gabi kept laughing until her feet kicked the sheets out in an attempt to stop the tickling.
" I'm awake!" She giggled breathlessly and Miguel stopped with a soft smile plastered on his face.
"Why is my princesa awake?"
"I couldn't sleep. And It's fun to scare you."
He tickled her again, earning a loud happy shriek.
"Well, you did. Nearly get my heart out thinking the house was haunted."
Gabi laughed and sat on the bed.
"You gotta sleep, corazón. You've got a long day tomorrow"
"I know" She groaned, dragging the 'o'.
"Want me to sing you a lullaby?"
"I'm not a baby anymore, Papa."
He squeezed her in his arms, earning another muffled and chirping squeal
"You'll always be my baby."
Gabi melted in the hug and tried to embrace him as wide as he was.
"Smile for me?"
She did, a genuine one. A smile that always made his heart melt. He kissed her forehead and tucked her in.
"Buenas noches, Solecito. Te quiero. Descansa." (Goodnight, sunshine. Love you, rest well)
"También te quiero, Pa. Buenas noches." (Love you too, pa. Goodnight)
Miguel closed the door and let her sleep. The little interaction had renewed his energies.
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lemons-anonymous · 8 months
CEO NANAMI! CEO NANAMI! CEO NANAMI! Also I went wild with that whole exhibitionism thing...
Enjoy the Fic ;)
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lemons-anonymous · 8 months
I'm Still Alive, Here's a Fic Preview~
I haven't posted since... DECEMBER???? FR??? I promise I'm still alive,maybe after this year I can get into the swing of things.
But here's the preview I'm sure you're most dying to read. It's about Nanami 🤭:
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“Are you feeling off?” The deep voice of the CEO, Kento Nanami, grounded you back to the present.
You took a steady breath before answering him.
“I’m sorry, Mr. Nanami, I do believe I am feeling a little under the weather…” Your sentence trailed off into a sigh unintentionally.
“Just five more minutes and this meeting will be adjourned.” He assured you before turning his attention back to the business persons. 
At least you knew that you didn’t need to pay attention to the queues anymore, so you stared into the wood grain of the large conference table. For a moment it succeeded in distracting you from the ever surmounting pleasure building up in your core, but of course nothing could pull you away from the vibrations. Not especially after the vibrations intensified. Your grip on the presentation clicker tightened significantly. You parted your lips ever so slightly, as if the widened entryway would allow more oxygen into your lungs and somehow calm yourself.
Expect the full thing tomorrow! I swear to god if I don't meet my own deadline I'll-
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lemons-anonymous · 1 year
I was supposed to have this fic done and posted on Mista’s birthday, but as you can tell.... This is very late. But I hope y’all enjoy this nonetheless!
If you prefer reading it on Wattpad, read it here!
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lemons-anonymous · 1 year
I Don’t Want to Miss a Thing (Bruno x GN! Reader Comfort Fic)
Based on true events that happened like three hours ago (minus the Bruno). Also my first comfort fic, enjoy!
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Whimpering and shaky breaths were what woke up Bruno that morning. It didn’t take much time for him to figure out that the sounds came from his significant other. A quick glance towards the digital alarm clock told him that it was only about an hour and a half before they usually wake up. He gently turned his body towards them, seeing that they had opted to sit up along the bed, rather than stay laid down, under the comfort of the blanket.
“Amore.” He softly called to them as he sat up and got closer. “What’s the matter?”
His arms delicately wrapped around their frame and he felt how their tense body easily caved into his touch. Their only response at that moment were clear and unrestrained wails. He only continued to hold them against himself, knowing that they needed the comfort and warmth that his embrace provided them. Bruno himself even started to feel how anxious and sorrowful they were feeling. He heard them take a few deep breaths, and they answered his question in sobs.
“It was only a dream… But it felt so realistic.”
That was all they managed to say before their cries overtook them again.
Bruno started to gently reposition them, so that they faced him while they embraced each other. They did not seem to object to his actions, and soon enough they were holding him tight as they wept into his shoulder. He held their head, giving them light scratches to their scalp.
“What happened?” He asked as soon as their cries quieted down a little.
“It was about…” They paused and tightened the hold they had on his shirt. “It was about my dad dying.”
They let out another cry but quickly composed themself as best as they could to continue speaking.
“Like… I know it’s something that will happen eventually, but now just feeling about a fraction of what pain I would feel…”
Bruno never had a dream similar to what they were describing, however he definitely understood the pain that came with losing such a figure in their life. He felt it seeping back into him, and he had to hold them just as tightly as they were holding him.
“I already feel so miserable.” They continued. “I was already trying to come to terms with that fact until I woke up. I even had to ask my family if he was okay.”
“What did they say?” He asked, hoping they didn’t tell them anything worrisome.
“He’s alright. He’s working, as usual, so I am glad to hear that.” They answered.
By now their voice no longer broke or quivered as they spoke, however the grief was still deeply rooted in their tone.
“That’s good then, but do remember that your dreams don’t influence real life. They really only reflect your thoughts and fears.” He reminded them, hoping that the fact would help quell any other negative thoughts.
“Yes. I know, but there is still one thing about it that scares me.” They admit as they slightly pull away from him.
Bruno brought a hand up to hold their cheek, and he could see the tears that started to well up in their eyes.
“What would that be?”
They took another breath, most likely in preparation for what they were going to say next.
“When my dad does die…” They took in another breath and looked down.” Do you think he would think of me as a good child?”
Bruno had to swallow a lump in his throat. He remembered the time before his own father passed away. The time where he worked tirelessly to take care of the hospital ridden man. He had the same fear, that despite all the time he devoted to taking care of him, his father would think of him as a bad omen. Someone that caused him to be in the accident he was in. Someone that condemned him to a hospital bed for the rest of his life. If Bruno had gone to live with his mother instead, would his father have been spared from the clutches of tragedy and still be alive today? It was a thought that still gave him nightmares from time to time. But that’s when Bruno would remember how appreciative his father was of each visit Bruno made to the hospital; How proud he would become after Bruno told him about something he got done; How he was optimistic that the doctors were doing everything they could to keep him alive, despite knowing that the chances of a full recovery were small. Bruno had thought the possibility of it all being a facade to make him worry less, however he remembered how some of the nurses and doctors would tell him of how fondly his father spoke of him. It was what made Bruno sure that his father never faltered to love his boy.
He leaned in and pulled them into a tight hug, spilling some tears of his own.
“He will. I am sure that, no matter what, he will love you dearly.” It was now Bruno’s voice that cracked. “I am sure your father is proud of everything you have accomplished so far, and I know that he will never cease to be proud.”
They let out a weak cry at the reassurement and sniffled into his shoulder. They held each other for a moment longer, basking together in the afterglow of the sorrow. By now, the sun’s morning rays were beginning to shine through the curtains. Bruno pressed a tender kiss to their cheek.
“Are you feeling better?” He whispered against their cheek.
“I am. Thank you…” They answered.
“Are you feeling tired?” He asked as he pulled his head away and looked into their eyes.
They only nodded their head.
“Then let’s sleep for a while longer.” He suggested to which they both laid back down in the bed.
They got comfortable again under the sheets, this time they stayed within each other’s embrace as they let sleep take over them once more.
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lemons-anonymous · 2 years
Guess who took a month to get this done instead if posting it in the first week like I said I would! 😀...... THE SPICY RISABBA FIC IS FINALLY HERE!!!!
And as always, for those of y'all who prefer Wattpad, read it here!
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lemons-anonymous · 2 years
Risabba Spicy Fic Update + Preview
So for those of you who are following along, I am officially two days late from my original posting plan. Who knew I’d easily get distracted by trivial things and NOT write? 😀 I promise that it will be done soon tho!!! Hopefully today or tomorrow at the latest. It’s the longest fic I’ve written so far too!
Welp... How about a preview so that y’all aren’t completely starving? 
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Fun Fact: One of these gifs reveal the theme for this fic! Can you guess what the theme is? 
I’m sure this preview will also lead you in the right direction... 👀 The two of you stay silent for a while, a little too long of a while. You've been looking at him on and off, trying to guess what he could be feeling or if he would do something in his next attempt to get you to speak, yet he sits still. Things are getting boring again and it's making the feeling of frustration build up in you once again. You know he has to be doing this on purpose. How else could he seem to be pissing you off so effortlessly? You don’t want to be the one to break the silence, but you were just tired of waiting for him at this point.
“Gee, don’t ask me all these questions all at once…” You state sarcastically.
The moment you hear him huff in amusement and smirk, you knew you shouldn’t have let your impatience get the best of you.
“I knew it. You’re nothing like those everyday brats. You just love getting any attention you can get.” He states smugly.
“Great analysis. I still won’t tell you shit about anything.” You huff out with chagrin. 
“You will.” He assures you matter of factly. “I told you, I’d make sure I will. Just tell me their name and you’ll be on your way out of here without needing to be roughed up.”
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lemons-anonymous · 2 years
Today’s Bruno Post of forever goes to this beautiful human being <3<3<3
Bruno Bucciarati’s subtlety
as a person who makes trash  gifs, i’ve come to appreciate animation, and wanted to share why i love bruno bucciarati’s animations so much. long post with lots of bruno gifs. ofc, spoilers
Keep reading
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lemons-anonymous · 2 years
Upcoming RisAbba Spicy Fic
Mark your Calendars for October 4th. I can hopefully get this fic out in time for then, otherwise I’d be doing my bestie a great disservice. 
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lemons-anonymous · 2 years
Johngalli A. in Uniform is 🥵🥵🥵
This do be a thirst post
Okay so remember when he wore the GDS Officer Uniform?
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I fucking love him in this uniform. Like... It complements him sooo welll! And it fits his ass amazingly too! Like...
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I know we’ve all been drooling at that ass during the shower scene but I honestly prefer his ass like this!!! 
Like I could just squeeze them ass cheeks all day if he’d let me.
As much as I love his ass though... 
I don’t give a shit if he handcuffs me between the jail bars and just mercilessly rails me, I just need this man to completely dominate me in this uniform. Have him just pull my hair, choke me and tell me how much of a slut I am. 
I’d thank him for completely degrading me and using me to his heart’s content.
I’m definitely going to write a fic about this sometime lmao. Definitely gonna use this post as inspiration.
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lemons-anonymous · 2 years
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have Weather Report as a Sugar Daddy? 
If yes, this is the fic for you!!!!
Be warned... This is NSFW.
If you prefer Wattpad, read it here! 
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lemons-anonymous · 2 years
Weather (DILF) Report x Fem! Reader Preview
I’m not dead! I promise! Here’s a preview for the fic I’ve been on and off writing for about... 6 months now! Sheeesh. My motivation really goes up and down...
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“Well…” You start but give yourself a moment to think about it more. “There’s a few things I can think of.”
As you speak, he leads you into the living room to sit down. Once sat down, you readjust your position to let your legs drape over Weather’s lap to which he helps support you by holding you close to himself.
“Like maybe I can buy you dinner for once,” you continue speaking. “Or I can buy you a gift.”
Weather listens to you intently as he lets your hand lovingly caress the side of his neck.
“But then again, you already seem to have everything…” You sigh, but soon your eyes light up with a thought. “What if I was able to thank you sooner? Like… Right now?”
“What idea did that intelligent brain of yours think of? Hmm?” He asks with a playful lilt to his voice.
His eyes seemed to light up as well. Especially after you readjust yourself to straddle him, making the end of your dress ride up your legs to accommodate for the position. You lean your head down next to his, letting your lips hover over his ear.
“I think it’s a gift Daddy would really enjoy~” You whisper into his ear.
You feel his hands tighten their grip on your waist.
“Oh yeah? You really want to bring Daddy into this?”  Weather asks, making sure that he understands exactly where you’re taking the conversation.
You pull your head back and look into his eyes.
“I do, but only if Daddy also wants to, of course.”
He leans in and gives you a hot kiss on your lips.
“Daddy would love to~”
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lemons-anonymous · 2 years
PLEEEEEEEEEASE! It’s like 2am for me and I just want to cry because of how cute and handsome and beautiful this man is!!!!!!!!!!!! 
God, I’ve been obsessing over this movie for over three weeks now!
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request for anon who wanted gifs of a frowning/angry looking Bruno when Mirabel asks for a vision
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lemons-anonymous · 2 years
JJBA: Golden Wind Click n Drag Christmas Edition!!! (Under the Mistletoe)
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Oh my! At the Passione Christmas Party, you end up under the mistletoe with someone else! All the both of you wanted to do was cross the doorway to get to the other room, but now you’re kissing each other sweetly! Guess it’s not that bad of a Christmas tradition. Oh wait...
Who was under the mistletoe with you again?
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lemons-anonymous · 2 years
JJBA: La Squadra Click n Drag Game (Christmas Gifts They Give You)
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Gives you socks:
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Gives you a kitchen appliance:
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Gives you money:
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Gives you something you actually really wanted:
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Gives you nothing because they didn’t have time to get a gift:
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Gives you nothing on purpose:
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You go to your bedroom and find ______ wearing nothing but a gift bow:
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lemons-anonymous · 2 years
In honour of Mista’s birthday, I wrote this! 
Be warned... This is NSFW...
If y’all prefer Wattpad, read it here!
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lemons-anonymous · 2 years
Mista x Fem! Reader Preview
“You’re so beautiful, you know that.” He told her almost dreamily.
“You tell me that all the time. I could never forget.” She smiled down at him. “But there is one thing you forgot about.”
“What would that be?” He questioned.
His eyebrows knitted together as he racked his brain for whatever he could have accidentally left on the back burner. It wasn’t their 2nd anniversary, was it? She chuckled at his puzzled expression.
“Your little guy.”
“Hey. He isn’t little. You know that best.” He fake pouted.
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