kloudheart · 2 years
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Camp counselors Nancy and Robin shirking their duties 😏🌈💞
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kloudheart · 2 years
Dustin: *freaking out* Oh god, Eddie. You're gonna be ok, alright? You're gonna be fine. God, this looks bad-
Eddie: Yeah, it's bad. At least I'm not as bad as Candice.
Dustin: *panics* What?? Who's Candice??
Eddie: *dies*
Dustin: WHO'S CANDICE?!?
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kloudheart · 2 years
(Ok, so this is just a little something that came into my mind late at night. I was watching something and one of the characters said "Can we just stay like this?" and my mind just went off so quickly. This is a steddie blurb, which picks up after the events in vol. 2. Yes, Eddie lives because I said so. (Also, Thank you so much for all the love on my steddie camp counselor headcanons!! That makes me so so happy that you guys liked them <333))
Warnings: Implications of death and small mentions of blood
   It was late at night, the sky pitch black with only little sparks of stars giving light to the eerie night. No sounds tampered with the town's rest, not even nature uttered noises. Steve lay in his bed next to Eddie, his body twisting and turning slightly as it radiated with heat. Steve's face scrunched up, his eyes rolling back and forth fearfully underneath his shut eyelids. Incoherent words spilled from his lips as his breathing quickened into a pant. Eddie, who had been sleeping peacefully beside him, slowly awoke from Steve's actions.
  "Hmm...Steve, it's three in the morning, what are you doing?" Eddie sleepily asked, his eyes fluttering open as he slowly raised his body from its sleeping position. His vision was still blurry, but he could feel Steve's frantic movements and hear his cut up sentences.
  "No... Please... Eddie, no..." Steve muttered, his breathing quickening by the second. Eddie quickly blinked a couple of times, fixing his sight as he sat up on the bed. Hearing his name being spoken from Steve's frantic, scared mouth had Eddie panicking as he tried to wake him.
  "Hey, Steve. Steve, come on, wake up," Eddie stammered, grabbing Steve's shoulder and shaking them slightly. Steve's panicked body shook, fighting whatever horrors haunted his dreams.
  "Steve! Wake up!" Eddie shouted, shaking him a little harder. As he let out a loud gasp with his eyes opening wide, Steve woke up, his body lifting up so fast he almost hit Eddie's head. Steve's chest heaved as he struggled for air, his body drenched in a cold sweat and his mind running a thousand miles a minute.
 "Steve, are you ok?" Eddie asked as he calmed down from his panic, his voice softer and calm. Steve's breathing slowed down a bit as he looked up at Eddie, staring straight into his big brown eyes as if he saw a ghost. They sat there for almost a minute in pure silence, other than Steve's breathing slowly calming.
  "Hey, what-" Eddie began, but quickly got cut off as Steve's arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him into a sudden hug. Eddie took a second to realize what was happening, then slowly wrapped his arms around Steve, holding him close.
  "Hey, hey, it's ok. I'm here, I'm right here." Eddie whispered to Steve, kissing the top of his head and slowly rubbing his back to help calm him. It was something he had learned from being with Steve. Whenever Steve got emotional, whether angry or sad, Eddie would rub his back and it would instantly calm him down as if nothing happened.
  Steve sniffled as he buried himself into Eddie's chest, small tears running down his cheeks. His body finally calmed down, whatever panic mode he was just in slipping away. He breathed in, his eyes closing for a second, then he let go with a long sigh. Eddie began to loosen the hug, but Steve squeezed for a second, signaling to Eddie that he didn't want him to let go.
  "C-can we just stay like this... for a little bit longer... please?" Steve quietly pleaded, his voice shaky and small as tears started to come back.
  "Yeah, yeah, of course Steve." Eddie replied gently, tightening his grip again. "I just... want you to tell me what happened, ok?" He asked, looking down at Steve, who felt smaller than he normally was, in his arms.
  "Ok..." Steve hiccuped, nodding in agreement. He shut his eyes tight as he controlled his breathing, the flashbacks of the nightmare flooding into his mind.
  "I was back in the Upside-down. It was just like everything was when we were doing our plan. You with Henderson while I was with Nancy and Robin." Steve began, remembering everything like it was yesterday. "And after we got Venca, I rushed over to you and Dustin to make sure you guys were ok. As I was going through the woods, I ran into Dustin, who had tears stained on his face." Eddie nodded as Steve continued, slowly putting everything together and realizing what the nightmare was about.
  "I asked where you were, but he wouldn't talk. He just kept crying and struggling to breath. I... I panicked and ran to where he had come from and I saw you, and you were..." Steve hiccuped on his words, hot tears beginning to pour down his cheeks once more. His throat began to burn as it got harder to talk, a feeling he hated so much.
  "Y-you were on the ground, bleeding... Bleeding so bad. I ran over to you and held you in my arms. I...I talked to you, panicked out of my mind as blood stained your mouth. You... you smiled at me, and then you... y-you..." Steve couldn't muster out the rest, choking out violent sobs as he broke down in Eddie's arms. His body felt as if it were crumbling, uncontrollable tears pouring down his face.
  "Hey, Steve, look at me." Eddie asked, his voice a bit shaky as well with tears in his eyes. Steve sniffled, lifting his head and looking at Eddie, though his vision was blurry with tears. Eddie looked at Steve for a second, his mouth twitching a little as tears slowly fell down his cheeks. He grabbed Steve's hand gently, then brought it up to his face and held it on his cheek, Eddie's hand holding over it.
"Look, I'm right here, ok?" Eddie spoke gently, his throat beginning to burn slightly from the tears that built up. "I'm right here, Steve. I'm ok. I may be a little scruffed up, but I'm alive and I'm real." He chuckled lightly, tears hitting both of their hands as they ran down his face.
Steve looked at Eddie, his sobs calming down as he stared into his eyes. His lips quivered a bit as he formed a smile, a small chuckle leaving his lips as he looked at the man he'd fallen head-over-heals for.
Steve leaned forward, locking their lips in a gentle kiss as he held Eddie's face. The kiss lasted a few seconds longer, a feeling of pure love and relief behind it, then they pulled apart, looking into each other's eyes and putting their foreheads together with a light chuckle.
"What, Harrington? Did you not believe when I said I was real?" Eddie asked quietly, chuckling and pretending to be hurt. Steve closed his eyes, laughing a bit as he lowered his hand from Eddie's face.
"I just had to make sure I wasn't daydreaming, Munson." Steve replied, gently grabbing Eddie's hand and holding it in his, his thumb running over each of Eddie's rings.
(Yay! Finished! I totally didn't cry while writing and rereading it- I hope you guys enjoy! Have an amazing day/night!)
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kloudheart · 2 years
Headcanons for the Camp Counselor AU with Steddie because I adore that au for some random reason:
-Eddie stays up all night, or as long as he can till Steve tells him to go to sleep
-Most of the times when Eddie stays up, he'll sneak over to the girls cabins and have a little girls night with them. He'll let them do his makeup while they gossip about the boys or their outside lives
-Eddie will also team up with the girls and help them with pranking the boys in the middle of the night
-Because Eddie stays up all night, he always sleeps in, leaving Steve with the kids in the morning
-If Eddie sleeps in too long or it's a big activity day, Steve will blow his whistle to wake him up
-Even though they're both camp counselors and don't have to follow all of the rules that the kids do, Steve will still follow most of them from time to time while Eddie breaks some of the rules
-Eddie follows Steve around like a puppy
-Steve is really kind to the kids from time to time when Eddie isn’t around, cause he doesn't need Eddie making fun of him about it (which he probably won't, only when he first catches him)
-Steve is clearly the strict mom (with a sweet side) while Eddie is the cool dad
-Eddie likes to bring the kids with him when he pranks Steve. Once they're caught, they all run away laughing while Steve yells at them with marker on his face and a shaking fist up in the air
-They hold trivia games on Thursday. Steve asks the questions while Eddie gives the kids candy, even if they get the answer wrong
-If a kid gets hurt, Steve goes into a bit of a panic mode and quickly goes to grab the first-aid kit while Eddie stays with the kid and tries to make them laugh
-They both ask the kids their preferred names and pronouns, but make sure to use their birth names and pronouns around their parents so that nothing goes bad
-Steve goes by "Mama Bear"
-When they swim at the lake with the kids, Steve is usually the lifeguard while Eddie plays with the kids
-Both of them get their nails painted by the girls
-They have a whole bin of nerf guns for the boys and have weekly epic battles
-Every Saturday is movie night. They pull out the projector, get snacks for the kids, and mostly watch Disney movies. Steve and Eddie have gotten caught multiple times cuddling while asleep by the kids when the movie is over
-The girls are always trying to get Steve and Eddie together, making mischievous plans and tricks to get them to be around each other more (They clearly both like each other but haven't talked about it)
-Water balloon and water gun fights are serious battles to not just the kids but also Steve and Eddie
-Karoke nights are the best. Glowsticks and dance lights are thrown in. Eddie usually doesn't sing but he always plays his guitar. We all know Steve sings "Old Time Rock N Roll" more than once
-Arts and Crafts are forever supervised by Steve after he walked in on Eddie and the kids with paint all over themselves and everywhere
-They have puppet shows every Wednesday. All the puppets and scripts are made by the kids while Steve and Eddie have to perform them (sometimes along with some of the kids). One time, they had to do a romantic one that one of the girls wrote and after finishing a scene, they went to go to the next scene, but the girl that wrote it yelled "Wait! You forgot to make them kiss!" which made the kids all laugh. Of course they did it, with Steve giving an annoyed huff while Eddie chuckled, and all of the kids collectively said "Ew!" then burst into giggles
-When the kids have to leave, Steve gets a little emotional, and even though Eddie laughs at him a bit for it, he too gets sad to see his kids go
-They have all of the drawings the kids have made hung up in the Arts and Crafts room while the gifts made specifically for them are set up in their counselor cabin. They also have a couple of drawings the kids have made of the both of them hung up on their walls
-There is a certain huge tree that is known all throughout the camp that has every kids names carved into it that has ever went there. Eddie and Steve carve their names out annually, marking the year next to it everytime
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kloudheart · 2 years
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okay… i’ve decided that eddie isn’t dead. or at least there’s definitely a way to bring him back. we never got a body confirmation on the news or a funeral or anything like that which only makes me think that his ‘death’ was purposely left open for theories. after scrolling for hours on tiktok i came across a post about the suspicions of his death and someone saying what if he came back as kas the bloody-handed. so, i did some digging as i had never heard of this dnd character before and mike actually mentions him in ep1. also pls don’t butcher me if i get any of this wrong!!
kas the bloody-handed is a vampire lieutenant, also known as vecna’s right hand man. he is very loyal and trustworthy towards vecna and after years of service he betrays his master and kills him. it is said that his sword, the sword of kas, told him to do so through whispers. now, the images of kas that i have seen depict him in a suit of armour and a helmet with two horns and he uses a shield that looks to have spikes but i may be wrong there. and who has a shield with spikes and gives himself horns in the first scene when he growls at jason. eddie was also killed by bats and by lore bats and vampires are connected. so… um yeah
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kloudheart · 2 years
(Hi! I was mind blown by this theory and just had to share with you my addition to it because, just, woah- it's amazing. Thank you for sharing this theory with all of us btw!!!!)
Okay so yeah, there was no confirmation of Eddie's body, like we never saw it get carried out and no funeral, and so it could still be down in the upside down, which means that Vecna still has absolute availability to go and get his body. And, since El and Vecna have the same powers, that means that, since El was able to bring Max back to life but only into a coma and that Vecna has the same powers but they're just stronger, that means that he could possibly completely bring Eddie back to life.
Or since Kas is a VAMPIRE lieutenant that means that, and because, you know, IN THE D&D LORE, being bitten by the bats can make the person die and then turn into a vampire, Eddie could turn into a vampire, Vecna notices, and takes over his body and mind to control him once he's alive.
We also know that Vecna has been behind everything that has happened in these past seasons, the Demogorgon in season 1, the Shadow Monster in season 2 and the Mind Flayer in season 3; what did the Mind Flayer do in season 3? It got into its victims minds and took control of their mind and body and used them like PUPPETS. Also, what song did Eddie play when he was playing his guitar to distract the bats? Master of Puppets; connects with the whole puppets thing and that HE could be used as a PUPPET just like the victims of the Mind Flayer. So, Vecna could use Eddie as a puppet and create him into Kas the bloody-handed (Also they could pull a whole "we know that he's Kas but the other people, like the Hawkins group, doesn't" or "none of us knows that it's him" but anyways yeah).
So, Vecna could end up using him to go and try and kill the Hawkins group while Vecna continues to go on with his plan. At one point whenever the Hawkins group is trying to protect themselves or fight against Kas, they end up, like, hitting his mask/armor/helmet or something, and it reveals to them that it's Eddie and they, you know, freak out about it. And then in the future, blah blah blah, Eddie would probably have Dustin and would be probably trying to kill him, and Dustin would be able to get through to him and wake him up from the mind control. And the reason why he would is because whenever, in season 3, when Billy was under the Mind Flayer's control, El was able to get through to him by connecting with him and bringing up strong memories. And since Dustin and Eddie have such a great connection, he would be able to get through to Eddie by saying something like "Eddie it's me! Don't do this! You're not going to be a hero if you do!" or something along those lines, and that could potentially wake him up. And since Kas is, in the lore, known to betray Vecna and kill him, Eddie, once he snaps out of it, would fight with the Hawkins group (or pretend that he's still on Vecna’s side to trick him) and kill Vecna.
(I'm so sorry if this is all over the place, I just connected all of the dots and tried to type it out as best as I could. CAUSE IT ALL FITS SO WELL AND IT WOULD BE INSANE IF THEY DIDN'T DO THIS CAUSE IT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE!! But yeah, hope you like my addition/take on the theory, cause it is the best theory I've ever heard! But thank you to anyone who reads this! Hope you have an awesome day/night! ^^ )
okay… i’ve decided that eddie isn’t dead. or at least there’s definitely a way to bring him back. we never got a body confirmation on the news or a funeral or anything like that which only makes me think that his ‘death’ was purposely left open for theories. after scrolling for hours on tiktok i came across a post about the suspicions of his death and someone saying what if he came back as kas the bloody-handed. so, i did some digging as i had never heard of this dnd character before and mike actually mentions him in ep1. also pls don’t butcher me if i get any of this wrong!!
kas the bloody-handed is a vampire lieutenant, also known as vecna’s right hand man. he is very loyal and trustworthy towards vecna and after years of service he betrays his master and kills him. it is said that his sword, the sword of kas, told him to do so through whispers. now, the images of kas that i have seen depict him in a suit of armour and a helmet with two horns and he uses a shield that looks to have spikes but i may be wrong there. and who has a shield with spikes and gives himself horns in the first scene when he growls at jason. eddie was also killed by bats and by lore bats and vampires are connected. so… um yeah
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kloudheart · 2 years
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Boys kissing is my serotonin
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kloudheart · 2 years
You cannot convince me that this song doesn't scream Eddie and Chrissy, like- djhdjfjdjd TwT
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kloudheart · 2 years
Eddie Munson is no bad boy, "I'll do whatever I want with you", sex god. You show him affection and he'll get all smilily and happy, then he'll absolutely shower you with kisses and cuddles, telling you how much he loves you and wondering how he was ever able to live without you. That's Eddie Munson
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kloudheart · 2 years
I think one thing that I continue to find funny is the fact that in almost all smut fanfics or role plays or books, no one mentions taking off socks and shoes. Like, is everyone just fully dressed and barefooted, or are ya'll doing it with socks and/or shoes still on? Sorry, random thoughts
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kloudheart · 2 years
my god eddie is literally just one of my favorite characters so far from all of the seasons and they better not kill him so quick like they did to Alexi. i literally bawled like a baby when he died. If they do, he better go out in the most coolest, sickest, most memorable way possible in the history of cinema. I'll still hold a deathening grudge if they do either way
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