just-some-jam · 2 days
YOU au Hanma shuji x reader
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“Hanma can you open the door for me please” a voice echoed through his head. It sounded like a soft melody in the distance. Something far off that he couldn't quite reach, so close yet so far.
“Hanma help me please. I'm holding the baby, I can't do both at once” your voice whispered from behind the door. Rocking the infant back and forth.
“Hanma help me please im holding the body, I cant do both at once” you had said simultaneously. While both versions of you holding a body and a child flew through his head. But it finally landed on just one. One that he had not expected.
“Hanma, are you deaf or something get the door Im holding the damn baby” you finally snapped at him. Knocking the man out of his state of unawareness. His thoughts still circling through his head, mixed between last night and now.
“Okay, okay stop your bitching. I'm coming woman.” hanma growled as he walked over towards the big white door that he hated. In the big fucking window like house that he hated even more, in the quietest most boring neighborhood in the whole city that he hated more than that. Hamna hated everything about his new life with you. From the supermarket that didn't sell the type of coffee that he liked, down to the dumb neighbors who would always comment. when they heard you two even seem to be rasing your voices at each other. But like the good loving husband he was he would just put up with it. No matter what the draw back was and you were one of those. You were a draw back, everything that you did was a draw back. When he opened the white door he didn't just open it for you and your child he opened it for himself too. So that he could see the outside world far away from his trapped life. In a home that he hated, in the one part of town that he hated even more. And yes finally surrounded by people that he hated the most.
“Hanma hurry grab her feet” you screamed with the voice of a whisper more afraid of waking the baby then getting caught with a body. You were and still are a draw back, and it always came down to situations like this. When you go off the rails and do stupid things, going off a very small claim that he had cheated on you. With the mail woman of all people. Cliche much one would think but you though it was very much real.
“Im grabbing her legs but could you be more quieter” hanma had yelled back at you with his brows furrowed very hard. Showing the sweat that was gliding off of his almost pail face. Everything could end here and now just by one person spotting them. One person waking up at fucking 2:20 in the morning. To see the atrocity you both have now committed.
He took over now at this point, Hanma was no stranger to violence. No stranger to hiding bodies and covering up crimes. You had married a criminal after all. But you were inexperienced, so bad that the action that was committed a mere few hours ago. Had already incriminated you both, even If you hadn't gotten caught yet. The woman fell limply into the back of the car as hanma tried to slam the trunk as quietly as possible.
He paid no care to the fact that his wife was running back into the house. Grabbing his son and a fully packed diaper bag. Jumping into the front seat of the car as he did the same. A small infant in the back sleeping only a seat away from his mother's crime.
"you just had to bring the baby." He muttered putting the car in reverse.
"what were we supposed to do huh? leave him there?" She retorted back. Watching said boy from the review mirror asleep. As he drove off twords a string of new houses being built at the opposite end of the culdesac. Down as far as the street reached. Settling on a newly dug up foundation that was set to have cement poured that next morning.
Hanma got out of the car now being able to take out his frustrations loudly. Slamming the car door as it echoed off the vancent houses. Reaching around the back to open the truck of his obnoxiously large soccer mom car.
What had you done to him truly. What had you done to his life. Hanma shuji had run from his original crimes for as long as he could. Deciding that he would never senselessly kill again unless he had to. And now you had broken his own personal rule. Throwing the man straight into yet another crime.
What did you do to me?
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just-some-jam · 2 years
More sad headcanons
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The seros
Sero never wanted to have kids. It's a hard truth but they where a things that he never really was interested in. So when he found him self becoming a new dad there was nothing that he could do. He was there yeah but in reality he really wasn't. When his kid wanted to get into volleyball, he was at the games but after there never was any ice cream. There was no goodjobs or high fives as people would think there would be. Sero is very expressive when it come to people in his age bracket but when it came to children he just clamps up. When his kid got in trouble at school the call would just ring and never be picked up. When a chore needed to be done he's not the one to ask he just let's things go till his partner decides enough is enough. There was no connect when it came to father hood.
The iidas
He's a helicopter parent to the extent that his children has no type of privacy. You think that your going to have your own phone with a password on it. Nope. You thought you where just going to get your own computer for Christmas. Nope he bought a family one just for that. This really just comes from his time a U.A. mainly from the time that his brother was hospitalized after stain. Iida just feels that if he had seen some sign or if his parents and him had paid attention more his brother would have never been in his current state. So he watches and "protects" his daughter like a hawk. He knows that his child has a bright future and them going out and doing something dumb could ruin it for the both of them. He doesn't want another situation like his brother.
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just-some-jam · 3 years
why he lied (midoriya)
Why he lied (midoriya) 
“I'm here live with the one and only deku at the pro hero award ceremony of the year” the news reporter had said loudly over the sounds of the crowd, loud fans, and other reporters all around the event. This event was one of the biggest awaited award ceremony of the year aside from the oscars but that could not hold a candle to what was going on. The event had been teased and talked about all month until the day finally came. But their was something missing from all the commotion that was going. As the other heroes and pros arrived they all had seemed to bring some type of plus one. kasuki  or better known as dynamite  brung his ‘loving’ wife and daughter. Shoto had come with his family and boyfriend which was big since the media had not seen endeavor since his retirement. Even sui asui had came to the awards with her look alike little sister. Everyone had someone but him.
“I see everyone's here with someone tonight deku, are you going to be going in with someone?” the amazed reporter shouted, pushing the microphone in his face. 
Sweating in his overly hot suit izuku pulled on his collar nervously for the camera. He knew the type of attention this would give him since his publicity team had told him about it. Looking at the clear lens be began to speak. “I may not be coming in with anyone, but by the night i will not be leaving alone” he had said with no sense of hesitancy in his voice. He lied and you saw it with your own eyes right on the T.V. 
You plopped your self onto the brown couch in your  shared dimly lit living room. You had just done getting done with your hair, which was a mess to get done on its own but you managed. Your boyfriend stood there right in front of your eyes lying to the whole world again. He had told you earlier that day as you where both getting ready that you would not be arriving with him that evening. Your face sunk in defeat when he told you this since you had spent all week trying to find the perfect matching outfit for the both of you. Laying there in you guys shared bed was complete agony as he stood in the mirror pulling up his tie. “Hopefully its not hot tonight” he had muttered to you as  midoriya turned around looking at his lover's sunken form. 
“Hey, why do you look so sad you can still come with me” he had said out in panic seeing you with a frown that adored you brown skin. 
“Really” he watched you lighten up with joy. He just couldn't take the sight of seeing you so sad especially by his own words. And to be honest  midoriya really did mean it when he had said that to you. But the world had different plans for him, when he had meant with his P.A team that day they made him change into a completely different outfit. It wasn't that much different the colors where off from yours but hey it could still work. He had asked for you, the now pro hero had known how much this coming out with your relationship  meant to you. 
“You wont be able to bring a plus one” his p.a  manger Jeffery had told him with a monotone voice as he rushed him into a limo. 
“Wait why not” the man had asked in a dazed voice as everything was going by so fast that he couldn't catch his breath. “Ill tell you later your about to be late” Jeffery yelled as he shut the dark door to the car. 
“And with the final award of the night we would like to give out the citizens award” the announcer called out as they were accompanied by president mic. “This award goes out to the hero who has saved the most lives while also gaining the trust and love of the citizens of are country” mic had said in an oddly calming voice as they both began to read out the nominations. While all of this was going on you where now moving around the apartment putting things up and cleaning. You should have done this much longer ago when your friends had told you to leave, having already packed a bag you went to grab your remote when the last award came on. 
“The nominees are deku, chargebolt, and lasty Grand” once all the names where out the crowd went silent. Not just the crowd or the room, the whole world stood still for what seemed like a second. “And the winner is….” the other annourser began. 
“Izuku   midoriya or better known as deku” president mic shouted as everyone lit up. midoriya  on his way up shook hands and took hugs. Once he had gotten to the podium he was about to give his speech when the green haired hero felt his phone go off in his pocket. Not noticing it at first izuku reached into his pocket to answer the violently vibrating idiom as the crowd laugh at his embarrassment answering his a quivering “hello”.  Nothing prepared him for the words that where coming out the other line. 
“I'm leaving izuku” you had said on the over line. 
“Wait babe lets talk about this” Not thinking the top hero had said it aloud as everyone gave a surprised gasp. While the camera filmed him marching off stage with his phone in hand frustrated still trying to call you. His calls kept going to voice mail though as he walked behind the big red curtains. 
Standing in the now single deks apartment to turned off the t.v and locked the door walking out. 
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just-some-jam · 3 years
Sad headcanons about the future mha kids pt1
The bakugous: 
Bakugou pushes his kids to make friends and everyday because at a young age he wasn't as interested in making friends with his pears which in tern messed up his relationships with other heroes. For his children it gets so annoying to the point that they try to force themselves to meet new people and talk to others. Which sadly ends them up in a lot of abusive and one sideded friendships that they cant control.  Along with this he made it a point to have multiple children (most likely 3 or 4) so that they can learn to grown up and take care of others like they would a sibling. It back fired a lot because his children A) don't like each other and can only work together when its needed. Because they where forced to always be around each other. And B) because they ended up having the mentality that everyone is like a brother or a sister and should be treated as such. When someone does not fit that mold for them they end up not being able to handle or talk to the person. 
The todorokis:
Shoto doesn't discipline his kid at all, not even verbally. He’s to afraid to be like his father that he just lets them do what ever they want. Which in theory would be no problem but when his son, yes he had just one kid he didn't want to be like his dad with how many children he had too. One day his son had come home from having a very bad day at school which really put him on edge. His father had gotten a phone call tell him that his son was being expelled from school for a fight on the bus and disrespecting his teachers. As his other father started to talk to him and reprimand him about what he had done he had made the mistake of putting his hand on his shoulder. Which caused the young todoroki to yell out in anger while he hit his father. Nothing was ever the same after that since shoto refused to talk to his son about it, while his other father demanded that they do something about their child. 
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just-some-jam · 3 years
out of sight W.I.P
Prompt: You lost your sight - along with everyone else on Earth - in The Great Blinding. Two years later, without warning, your sight returns. As you look around, you realize that every available wall, floor and surface has been painted with the same message - Don't Tell Them You Can See
I woke up as i usually did opening my eyes expecting nothing but darkness to appear all around me but this time it was different. Everywhere i could see there was signs saying “don't tell them you can see”. Who had painted theses and why where they there, for as long as i've know no one has come into my house or lived in the house before me so how did they get here.  The place i lived wasn't anything particular it was just a very big box with all white everywhere at least thats what i though it was. But instead there was something color all around me some i've never seen before.  While i was getting up and moving over to touch the walls where the dried cracked paint stayed i heard a crack in the floor boards. Retracting my had quickly i rushed to my bed in the center on the room. “Quilla are you up?” i heard my nanny call out.  I looked up to see her she was a lot taller than i had imagined, and pailer, she also had a very large head way different the what she had described herself to be.  It was very hard to stand completely still as she reached her long fingers out to touch my face. I almost cringed she was a complete terrier to behold. 
“Yeah im up nanny” i responded back with what i could feel was a smile. 
Nanny grind showing her large black hole of a mouth, with the tiny round teeth that it held. She or it moved back to turn around and stand in front of a brown night stand in the room. I gulped and blinked quickly as it poured something in my usual morning drink. It was pouring greyish blue dust into the drink with something clear. It mixed it with its long slender fingers. Nanny turned around, putting the drink on a small silver plate. Walking over to me grabbing my hands and putting it in them, “ thank you nanny i don't know what i would do without you here” i laughed out.  Holding the drink up to my mouth and sipping a little of it and placing it back on the plate.  
“Hey nanny could you tell me what you look like again” i asked with an raised eyebrow thinking what i was seeing was wrong and that wasn't the nanny i usually would talk to. The one that would hold me in her safe arms and tell me stories about the world around me and what i couldn't see.  “ oh silly you've already forgotten again” nanny asked as she slouched her way over to wear i was sitting in the bed as i turned my head acting as if i couldn't see where see was walking too. “Im on your other side dear” she had called out in that silky smooth voice. I i had not open my eyes this morning, scratch that if i had stayed blind i would never have seen that nanny that was on the other side of my bed. I would have never had to fake myself being blind just so that beast would gobble me up and spit me out. But i did and now im here sitting with the thing that i had almost feared most, hearing her sigh as i turned my head bitting the inner side of my cheek so that i didn't have a face of disgust apree on me i watched as nanny began to explain. “Im much older now from when you where born so im not what i used to look like.” she began to say as the thoughts ‘yeah right, if old age could do that to a person then i don't want to be old’ but i had to keep an open mind. I enfact have never seen a person before aside from my dreams and fantasies so if what she was telling me was a lie then it would confirm my suspicions. But if what she was telling me was the truth which i doubt then i would only be forced to belive her.
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just-some-jam · 3 years
vending machine (anisha x jason todd)
“ and that's why I think that Captain America was racist at some point at time” moisha had said with great confidence as she finally come to the end of her rant. Sighing finally moisha had looked at anisha who was now laying on her back looking up at the white ceiling of their shared door room. “So how does this have to deal with theory at all” she huffed out turing to look at the now deserted art text books. “This does have to do with theory, conspiracy theories” moisha had pointed out leaning back on her own bed. “ art theory, we where talking about art theory” anisha had pointed out.
“Well same difference…” moisha made sure to take a long pause in the middle “anyways are you hungry?”
“Yeah i could go for some snacks” anisha had agreed as she had gotten up beginning to look around their small door room for some money. “Where did the change pot that we started a couple weeks ago” anisha asked opening the last drawer to their cabinets. Finding a large glass jar with some change in it at the very bottom. Grabbing some lose change from the now near empty jar anisha turned back to her room mate. “So is their anything specific that you want” anisha asked as she looked at the mirror in the corner of the room seeing that she was wearing. It wasn't nothing much just some long pajama pants with a black tank top. Deciding that was nice enough anisha started on her venture out into the halls of one of gotham's nicer collages.
It wasn't like the ones in downtown gotham where they didn't even have working water or beds for that matter. And it wasn't quite like the once in upper gotham where all the preppy kids who shot joker gas for fun went to school at but it was nice. It was a hidden dime since not alot of people went there and also there weren't any large organized crime near by. Sometimes you would get your few criminals here and there but the worse they could do was hit you with a blunt object a couple of times. Nothing some self defense classes could fix, hitting the final end of the droming area anisha rounded the corner to the vending machines seeing the all of snacks that where displayed out to her.
Putting her choice on the bag of chips that where seated perfectly enough to have almost fallen anisha put in the four digit code.
But it didn't work
so she did it again
And again until it had finally dawned on her that it was stuck and couldn't be moved out. Growing out in frustration the girl had kicked the machine in frustration. “Well thats obviously not going to work sweet heart.” she had heard a voice come from behind her which came with a very odd demeanor. Turing around and taking a deep breath anisha had looked upon the man would started to talk to her.
“And you are?” she asked.
“Jason todd at your serves” the brod male had said with a large smirk on his face. As he walked over to the vending machine kicking the bottom corner. Which didn't help making the snack come down any faster. “ as you can tell i had already done that” anisha grumbled crossing her arms around her chest. Grabbing some change out of his pocket jason had put a some change in then placed the number of a candy bar right above the chips. It ended up falling but it had only gotten stuck just like the chips under it. As clear as day you could hear the complete disappointment throught out the room. “Did you really just but something else only for it to get stuck” anisha yelled out in astonishment as she looked tall man. With a shocked at confused face anisha turned back to the machine. She was not going to let this hunk of metal defeat her in her quest of getting snack.
Yeah that didn't go so well they where both down to the last dollar that they had an the odds weren't looking so good. Right now the pair had zero and the machine had a good 20 on them it was down to the both of themes very last chance. Jason slowly inserted the dollar, and carefully put in the code making sure he didn't mess like a few minutes before that. The last bag of cookies slowly unravel from the bar it was holding onto. Then…it...got stuck too, yes they both had been badly beaten by the one thing they had grown to despise together. Looking down jason growled in defeat as anisha bended down to grab the few things she could salvage from the bottom. “This was fun and all but i have to get these back to my dorm” anisha had said cutting the unspoken rule the both of them had set.
“Yeah I under stand” jason had agreed rubbing the back of his neck. “hey , that looks like a lot to carry do you need any help” he had asked. Jason didn't know why but from his short time hanging out with anisha he had grown to have this since of calmness from her that he couldn't quite understand why. Hoping that she would say yes the wonder boy waited. “Yeah of course my rooms just right down the hall”
As you could hear the soft laughs and small chatter walk into the distance a bag of pain chips fell down to the bottom of the vending machine.
The end….
(this is a request for a friend if you want me to make this an y/n fanfic please let me know, request still open)
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just-some-jam · 3 years
why they didn't stay
Why they didn't stayed (shinso) 
“Mr shinso your son has been sent to the office we would like you to come pick him up please” “Mrs shinso your son has been sent to the office we would like you to come pick him up please” 
When they both got the call all they both could do was just stand still in silence. Arriving at the school was something entirely different. The pair had arrived in different cars and that the lover of the pro hero had not been wearing their  wedding ring. 
“Its nice to finally meet you both” the principle had said. But before he could get the rest of the sentence out (y/n) had interrupted “Just call me (y/n) im not a shinso anymore sir” they had said as the principal reached out to shake the pairs hands. 
“And i bet your glad that happened aren't you” hitoshi had quipped back as all three of them began to sit down in their grown leather chairs. Looking at both of them mr. apple bottom had paused abit before had had went back to what he was saying. “So back to the matter at hand, yout son is being suspended because he had started a fight with another student”  mr. apple bottom had begun the conversion with. “Well what happened between him and the other student to make him act this way” (y/n) was the first to ask noticing that hitoshi was going to ask the same question before he was interrupted. 
“Well it had seem to first start out as an argument but then the other student had said something about parents and it caused your son to turn violent.” 
“Well then that means that the other kid had provoked him” the only legal shinso in the room had said feeling kinda glad that he had beat his former lover to the punch. Seeing the principles face turn white on the sides he opened his mouth to say something before he had stopped it again. Finally finding the words to tell the worried parents he began to talk them through what had happened. “Well sir your son had seemed to be bullying the kid and when he had finally had enough thats when they started arguing.” apple bottom told them as they looked at each other before looking back at the man. 
“We must be talking about a different child here because my son would never bully another child” hitoshis ex lover had blurted out while the man in question put his face in his hand. “Well the altercation was caught on camera and it shows your son bullying him and other children through out his time at the school” the principle had answered the question he was asked. “Well what about what the kid had said about us to are son” shinso asked while he removed his hands as she looked up at the man. Just hoping that it didn't get worse, pleading that his son was not the monster he had imagined. 
“Well when asked your son had said that it was because the boy had said that he was glad his parents where still together ” the principal answered again. 
“Okay we can work with that” hitoshi had muttered to himself just low enough so that no one else in the room could hear. 
“But, when we asked the boy he had said that he just felt bad about his parents being split up”. The room went quite and with every passing moment the room grew quieter and quieter till nether one of them could take it anymore. Getting up (y/n) had begun to walk out of the room with no word of warning what they where going to do next. “Im sorry but where done here” was all that was said by the other unhappy pair. Walking out into the hallway where the boy in question was sitting as he looked at his phone (y/n) shuffled over to him. Grabbing the boy's shoulder (y/n) began to walk towards the parking lot with the boy. 
“Hey where the hell are you going” shinso had said to his ex. 
“Im taking him home so that we can talk about what happened” they replied back. 
“No hes not, it will only make it worse he need to see a professional” he had argued back as they stood in the main hallway near the exit. 
“Im not taking him back over there, so that bitch can mess up my son even more” 
“Well you don't have a choice the court said hes not allowed to be there on weekdays” 
“Well thats all about to change once i call my lawyer” 
“Oh yeah the one that you stole, just like my money and dignity” 
“You lost that when you decided to cheat on me with your secretary” 
The twos son couldn't contain the embarrassment that he had seeing as his parents where yelling at each other in the middle of his school and he couldn't do anything about it. Thats why they didn't stay not even for there own child could they hold it together. He hated that no matter where all three went together there would always be a big show and the boy couldnt take it anymore. Thats why he had decided to lash out on that boy because they didn't stay not even for him. 
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just-some-jam · 3 years
why they stayed.
Why they stayed (bakugo)
Screaming matches could be heard from down the hall tonight. The pair didn't waste anytime letting out their aggressions. The anger that had been building up all day finally took it's toll on (y/n) and bakugou. Back when the pair was younger it wouldn't take long for them to pop a fuse. As both of them grew older time started setting in lessening the pair's fuses. But once you light the match it was bound before you got burned.
It would start over trivial things. Like why weren't the dishes washed when bakugou would get home. Or why that the one day (y/n) forgot her keys and her husband decided to move the safety key. Things that an  everyday married couple would go through and make it out of. But this day wasn't like any other day. This day wasn't the usual silent agony and quiet remarks that there always was .
Once (y/n) had arrived home the atmosphere in their home was different. Not only that but her ' beloved husband' was standing at their bedroom door. Walking past him trying to make her way towards the bed (y/n) felt as if there was an unspoken rule that she had somehow broken. Not wanting to deal with it though the brown skinned female walked to her sadly shared bathroom.
" Your home early". (Y/n) had said out loud enough for the ash blonde male to hear.
" made it back just in time to see you". He called, making sure to leave all the love out of his voice once he made the remark. Rolling her eyes at this (y/n) went on with her business taking off the constricting clothes that bounded the poor girl from the chance to breathe. Feeling hands slither behind her (y/n) knew what was going to happen. Another loveless love making session when all she wanted to do was sleep. " I missed you". The gruff voice of her husband called out into her ear as she tore off the buttons to the poor white shirt that was less fortunate of being put on. Staying quiet as he continued to whisper what any other women would call sweet nothings into her ear. Feeling his rough  hands help slide down the shirt that was once worn, off of her body next kicking of the office pants she had on. (y/n) wasted no time walking towards her king size bed plopping down onto its surface. "I'm tired, leave me alone". She announced to him not wanting anything to carry on any further.
" what's wrong with you now". Bakugo growled out through his teeth as he carried his big feet over to his side of the bed. " I don't know how about the fact my husband doesn't want to have a decent conversation with me". She snapped back while raising her head up from the silky covers that bakugou hated so much but only got them so that his wife would stop bitching to him about it.
" see this is the shit I'm always talking about, you always have to start something".
" I would never have been like this if you had only just listen to me".
"oh fuck you, don't do this again".
Voices getting louder and louder with each insult that they spit at each other. Most people would have thought that they were perfect. The complete and utter description of a perfect power couple. But for the ones who had the sad honor of actually knowing them knew the sad truth. That they were a powder cake about to explode at any moment. The side glances at galas, the painfully obvious fake smiles were all a facade that the pair had put on. But I know what you're asking.
" If they were so miserable, why did they stay together?". And for that there was only one answer.
" why can't you be more like midoriya he actually loves his wife". (Y/n) yelled stomping out of there room like a child. Seeing this bakugou wasn't hesitate to follow. " Would you stop comparing me to that useless wanna be". He snapped back not being able to bite back his rage much longer. " you wanna try making me you sad sack of a hero". And that's when it happened bakugou grabbing the girl by her wrist holding her so that she wouldn't get away.
" mommy, daddy what's going". Widening their eyes looking past one another to peer down the hallway seeing a young girl holding her favorite blanket close. And that's why they stayed for her. They did it all for her. Before everything started to crumple they had a stunning family that not even the strongest villain could break. But now it was just a crumbling mess that she was the glue to. Holding it all together just for her.
" go back to bed daddy was just helping mommy fix her hand". He hated lying to her it was the worst thing bakugou could go through but he didn't want her to know what was going on. " Your so silly daddy". The dark proselen girl laughed out while her mother couldn't bare looking at him with a straight face, tears glissing (y/n) skin. As she tried to hold it together for her. " Yeah silly daddy". She choked out with pain in her voice. 
“Yeah I'm so silly” katsuki had wined with just as much pain in his voice. 
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