jraulofficial · 5 years
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jraulofficial · 5 years
Passion Unfolding
Let me run my finger across your strong arched brow,
Gaze deep into those eyes and let my inner diva bow.
Read every thought that your mind holds within
And listen to the words in your eyes as they glisten.
Let me circle my finger back across your pouty lips.
Still searching your soul for the desire that rips
Through me like a a double edged sword of passion.
Let it bend my weakened spirit and give it a lashing.
Don't break the contact our souls have made through our eyes
They are open windows through which we see past the disguises
The world sees a different part of ourselves
Only you know me and my true journeys through hells.
You have seen my body naked, and also my mind
In its natural form, naked, free from walls of any kind.
Let my fingers trace the defined line of your jaw.
Taking in all the details of you, my fingers slow to a crawl.
Kiss me like I'm the last trace of air inside your lungs
Let it escape as we lose our breath and swirl our tongues.
Kiss me slow and kiss me deep like teenager's lust.
Cause a moisture in my panties and let my mind adjust.
Let me break from our kiss and reevaluate my thinking.
I want to wander the words in your mind that you're not speaking.
I've memorized every outside detail of you perfectly.
Now I want to know your mind inside and out so desperately.
Maybe one day, and only time together will tell.
Once we've been with each other through the others hell.
Only then will we understand the words that arent spoken
And truly understand how each other has been broken.
Thank you for your patience as I'm starting a new journey.
And for understanding my faults as my mind I'm still learning.
I really couldn't imagine living life with any other.
You've shown me a different way of loving I had yet to discover.
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jraulofficial · 5 years
Only You
Chained together in spirit, our bond remains sturdy and strong.
My soul finds comfort in yours, in it's own place to belong.
Even with my eyes closed, I can still hear your heart sing
I listen to the melodies and feel every smile that they bring.
Though our battles laid out prove to be rough before us,
Together we will fight them within our power, love and trust.
Back to back we stand gazing at the fires that surround our feet.
Our like minds will conquer the flaming walls of disheartening heat.
Stand with me at the edge of caution and together we will stand
Pushing forward through the valley to reach our promise land.
With sights on our future and planned steps along the way
We will make it to start a new life together one day.
With a ring on each of our fingers and last names to match
A foundation built together through mutual heartache of the past
Our empire will stand and others will awe at its magnificence.
But nary a soul will know what it took to build up against resistance.
I will stick by you through the thick times and the thin.
Because your soul also has a place in me and my heart within.
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jraulofficial · 5 years
Every day in my head echoes all of my favorite songs.
They take the words straight from my heart to where they belong.
The words of these songs couldn't be truer to how I feel.
Other artists expressed it all from love, hurt and how to heal.
The song that plays each time that I catch your gaze
Is stuck on repeat a while and ,baby, its called "Amazed".
Because every time our eyes meet, these feelings inside me is more than I can take.
And when you're down on yourself, the song "I Do" begins to play for my sake.
Because I do cherish you, for the rest of my life I don't have to think twice.
If you feel you're never enough, "Perfect" plays and fits rather nice.
So pretty, pretty please if you ever, ever feel less than perfect, you are perfect to me.
If you ever question how much I really love you, please remember "All of Me".
Remember you're my end and my beginning, even when I lose I'm winning.
"Marry Me" begins its infinite loop when my emotions are sustaining.
But one day, I won't be able to ask you loud enough, I'll say will you marry me?
And once our life together has been lived full and happily,
You can "Die a Happy Man" and that's the last song in my heart.
And I know that I can't ever tell you enough
That all I need in this life is your crazy love.
But if something unravels and our paths go separate ways
"Sad Song" will be playing until my feet hit my grave.
Without you, I feel broke, like I'm half of a whole; without you, I'm just a sad song.
So now you can see how the words to the songs that I share
Speak with a voice that inside my heart openly bares.
The words of those songs will always mean the world to me.
I hope this helps you understand my feels a little more easily.
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jraulofficial · 5 years
In the Mirror
Looking back at me is a new reflection in the glass.
Where once stood a sad girl, now a woman so happy with sass.
The tears she used to watch roll down her small face.
They would wander to her chin and fall without a trace.
Once where her quivering lip poked out and trembled.
The pieces of her once broken heart are now all reassembled.
The ache in her chest now replaced with new laughter.
The mind that she once had is no longer a disaster.
The depressing songs that once played in the depths of her heart.
The words of the lyrics that kept her from completely falling apart.
All of those things that sat inside her within the shadows,
Have all been shown a new light after her inner battles.
With everything this woman has pushed through again,
Her reward, only the smile that she feels from within.
Hope is a word she has had to teach to herself.
She now knows she can overcome anything without wealth.
This woman I speak of is one of the richest of us all.
When we were building ourselves up, she let herself fall.
In a world that is designed to tear all of us down,
She picked herself up when no one else was around.
She fought demons and horrible monsters, you see.
That woman who fought so hard is just a simple being.
Though she tredged through the swallows of mud in her life.
Mistakes that she’s made, some she even made twice.
She now builds herself back up greater than ever before.
So please remember that woman’s power that we should truly adore.
She looks from the mirror staring straight back at me.
That woman in the glass, oh yes, that woman is me.
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jraulofficial · 5 years
Everything Changes.
Entangled in the trap of the most poisonous of creatures,
Spun into my hollow grave by the solemn grim reaper.
A poison so deadly, one tiny droplet and its done.
The battles I’ve been fighting had already been won.
Paralyzed from the poison as is consumes me within.
I have committed one of the worst of the seven deadly sins.
What an adulterer I am, wearing shamefully the scarlet letter.
But she cast him aside like trash so I vow to treat him better.
These are the fights I struggle to win inside my heart.
Some days it makes me stronger and others i fall apart.
She is still his partner as long as the paper decrees.
Nothing has yet been decided about letting him leave.
Though she left, she came back for a different kind of power.
It causes the thunder to roar and the little creatures cower.
She has some sort of vengeance but no reason to show
Inside her green eyed monster awakens and starts to grow.
Invisible she says, but she has cast herself in that role.
She left a good man for greener pastures in another soul.
The pastures she realized wasn’t green from the grass.
It was envy in her own heart trying to make a new love last.
She felt the abandonment and came running back.
Back to what she left hoping he would feel he did lack.
But once the piece of paper has been crumbled and ripped.
The pieces will never lay perfect nor perfectly fit.
His heart is that paper with all of the words that have hurt.
The edges already dirty from being dragged through the dirt.
She thinks she wins this game she plays in his heart.
But the game is over and she is left in the dark.
The world doesn’t know the reason it fell to pieces.
But this is a new life, and I declare this is where her power ceases.
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jraulofficial · 5 years
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jraulofficial · 5 years
Government Shut down over Border Wall Debate
Okay, guys. So, I don't usually rant or make posts about my opinions, but I want to view the arguement of this on both sides. I'm no politician, but as an upcoming Business major and registered Democrat, I'm beginning to see things in different lights and would like to make the argument from both sides.
Let's start with Trump... He seems to be the topic of every social media site, so why not?
Trump's and Republicans' argument for the wall...
Better border security, not only against illegals, but terrorism as well... Build the wall!
My thoughts: Terroism is a real potential threat Americans face with our current leaders in control. (One runs his mouth on social media and others have "made agreements" with other countries behind America's back.) Let's remember 9/11 for this point- planes did get hijacked and flew right into our country without ever needing to pass a border or wall, so even as terrorism as a threat, we can't control it all. (No, I do not believe the conspiracy that this was an onside job.) The wall "could" be a preventative of that, only on the Mexican border. I say could in quotations because nothing can really hold back will. Where there is will, there is a way. The Guatamaleans that stormed our border seeking help and safety is one reason this whole thing has blown up into what feels like the 2nd Civil War (Republicans vs Democrats). The refugees throwing rocks and intimidating our fellow Americans only further edged the people for the wall to want the wall even more. We should provide them safety in an asylum at the border and help each individual become a citizen if they choose our American standards, but not asking to give up their entire individualality.
The Pros: The Wall wouldn't necessarily keep anyone out, but would slow down the progression of terrorists or illegal immigrants coming in. Chipping through or blowing up a wall would be possible, but not likely. It would essentially keep everyone out, which favors Trump's argument. The other pro would be the creation of jobs at the border to lay the wall. I'm sure this would employ both Americans and/or Mexicans to lay the bricks, depending on how that is determined who the laborers would be. The comparison for this would be: the jails and prisons we keep inmates in are made of concrete bricks for our safety from their escape.
The cons: The price of the wall could potentially cause a lot of Americans financial burden for both those in favor and opposed of the wall. The estimated 5 billion dollars Trump is asking for to construct the wall may not be enough and tax payers would suffer in the end, most likely middle class and small businesses. There isn't really a way to estimate such a large project since no one can really know how much material is actually going to be needed. Since Trump's campaign for Presidency stated Mexico was going to pay for the wall, without any written contract, agreement, or documented proof this would take place, he further pushed the people against the wall to be more against the wall. This is against his argument.
Now onto Pelosi (and the Democratic Party)
A fence, better technology, and more employed at the border is sufficient.
My thoughts: Pelosi and the Democratic majority seem to be fighting against the wall, not so much for the American people, but for their own personal vengence against him. Trump has said some very stupid things directed at many different people among the Democratic party, that it has created this tension between the parties. Pelosi's statement to the public on January 8, 2019, only further pushes me to believe her personal grudge against him. The way she kept referring to Trump's arguement with "the fact is" only further shows her determination to convince others to take her arguement as facts, but not all the facts. Partial truths are still lies here, people. They called Trump's government shutdown "a temper tantrum to get his way", but fail to remember Obama did the same thing in 2013 in order to gain funding for Obamacare, which in my opinion didn't really save me money as a whole since healthcare is still for profit. I still paid more out of pocket in the end for not wanting to lose my tax credit for healthcare (but that's an argument for another day). So, while she makes valid points, her idea of Trump's "temper tantrum" is only countered by her own temper tantrum. I'll explain this in an analogy for you guys that may not understand what I'm saying... If Trump and Pelosi are fighting over what is best for Americans, Trump is a toddler and Pelosi is a toddler and America(ns) is/are the toy(s) they are fighting over, which breaks our unity. Pelosi claimed unity last night, but hasn't allowed any potential ideas for the construction of a wall in the first place. Her counter is just a different type of structure that may not be as effective since fences are more easily climbed and damaged for entry.
The pros: Less funding means less stress financially for the Americans who ultimately are paying for this security. It creates more potential jobs for Americans for longer extended periods versus the ones created by the wall.
The cons: As I mentioned, fences are more easily penetrated and climbed to gain access in the rural areas. More room for error in catching peoples attempts at coming through/over the wall. Technology has to be updated which is a recurring cost to Americans, while the wall is essentially a one time expense as concrete withstands fairly well.
With all of that said, the issues no one seems to have mentioned are the following:
Hurricanes- What would be the cost to replace either structure and how well would it withstand a hurricane to begin with? (The South sees a lot of hurricanes so this is a real issue.)
Maintenance- Which structure needs less overall matinence and would be least costly to maintain?
Time of completion- Which structure would take the least amount of time to construct and give us the level of safety each promises?
Compromise- How could they compromise and use some of both ideas to construct better border security?
As a nation we seek unity, but little things such as Political party, race, religion, wealth, gender identity, and others cause us to divide among ourselves. We all want the same rights. We all want the same privileges. We all want acceptance. How can we achieve that when our Nation and majority of the individuals living in it are so closed minded? The morals of the Republicans are conservative and follow the original ideas of what our country was founded on, which had Christian principles. We can't as a Nation progress though if we allow closed minds with only those principles. Democrats are more progressive which led to liberal views and socialism among this party. Their ideas to move forward are desirable, but we can't exactly throw caution to the wind. We must strive for unity among all of our fellow Americans and we must be open minded and compromise for the betterment of all of us that call this place home.
I am not pro wall, nor am I pro fence, but both of these political figures are causing chaos in America with this shut down over something that is supposed to be beneficial to the Americans they are fighting over.
If someone in charge will allow their entire nation to crumble under the weight of this argument, then maybe someone else in both parties need to take charge. People needing government assistance are going to suffer greatly, not only financially, but emotionally, medically, and physically at the hands of these children. TSA workers are allowing people on planes without checking them because they aren't getting paid. People are quitting their jobs and will throw our entire nation into utter chaos that is already risking our safety much more than this. End the government shutdown, Trump- and compromise with the man, Pelosi. I hold you both at fault and accountable for the negligence to our nation that is already compromising our safety you're fighting so hard for.
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