janbirdie20 · 2 years
Chapter 8:
Altan Hussan was not a wolf to be trifled with. He was old and tired of the ennui brought on by age. He came to the Alpha of all Alphas to die, but his wish was not granted. Altan was a warrior in every sense of the word, but what happens when his cold, isolated heart meets the hurricane that is Sunny Redfeather, a Navajo Skinwalker from Arizona
Altan gets the low down of the twins situation and Charles figures out why the old wolf is so weird around Sunny
How she’s the sunset in the west
How she is sleep when I need rest
and all for you,
I would never sink again
Noah Kahan,
Altan was confused and aroused.
Sunny was something else and he couldn’t pin her down. Everything out of her mouth was a new adventure.
They were still outside, Jacy by the horses and Samuel on the porch to greet his father. Sunny was everywhere; taking in every sight as if she had never seen it before, bouncing like a bee from flower to flower.
Altan, of course, was tracking every move she made, eyes drawn to the gentle sway of her hips, a dancer’s walk. She was so tempting and she didn’t even know it. She made her way back to him, Altan had to fight to keep his heartbeat normal, judging by Andi’s smirk he was failing.
“Should I be disappointed that Rhys Edevane looks like a nineteen-year-old computer geek with asthma and a Pokemon card collection?” She asked him in her low voice, gold eyes flicking over to the blonde man. Altan smirked in sick joy at the fact she was unimpressed by his alpha. Rhys was not much to look at, he was the master of blending in. No one knew at first glance that he was the Berserker of legend. Maybe she would find his legend more befitting.
“No, because I’ve seen a ten-year-old take a full-grown man down with her bare hands without breaking a sweat and he’s older than the sun.” He whispered back, voice deep and smooth. Sunny pouted but then unleashed a grin. It seems that she was incapable of not smiling at any given time. He liked that. He had very little to smile about.
“I like it. Very spy-like.” Sunny spun on her toes and marched herself up to the group of wolves watching her. Altan remained leaning on his car.
“Hello!” She chirped, skidding to a stop to rock on her heels. Jacy slowly made his way over to his twin. Altan was intrigued by the way he walked, he lumbered like a bear. His shoulders were always tucked in as if he was trying to look non-threatening. Altan had no taste for someone who could not defend themselves. He should be the one protecting his sister, not Rhys.
“Hello,” Emily said, flashing a shy smile at her. Her left arm was tucked to hug herself and the right was claimed by Rhys in a gentle grip. “I’m Emily, it’s nice to meet you.” She said softly. Altan smiled fondly, she was shy still.
“You’re a shy one aren't you?” Sunny remarked. Emily’s eyes widened and bit her lip.
“Sorry,” she whispered
“Nah, don’t be. Lord knows I’d be less trouble if I had the ability to shut up for more than two seconds.” Emily smiled and Altan could tell she liked Sunny. Altan couldn’t explain why he felt relieved about it.
“You get told to be quiet a lot?” Emily asked. Jacy let out a guffaw and slapped his sister on the arm. Jacy was by far the tallest one here, Samuel was only an inch or so shorter.
“God, it’s a condition. I tried to duct tape her mouth shut when we were kids and she tore a chunk out of my arm.”
“I apologized for that,” Sunny said, unashamed. Danny laughed and nudged his sister with a closed fist.
“This one never talks, you’ll get along great.”
“Eh, she’ll be yelling at me to shut up before long. They always break.”
“Welcome to our home, Jacy and Sháńdíín Redfeather. Come inside and we shall discuss what our plan is.” Rhys turned and entered the packhouse, pulling his mate along, effectively ending the pleasant banter. Charles went after Andi with Danny taking up the rear. Altan heard Sunny whisper, “Did he just say the word ‘shall’? Who the fuck still uses shall?” as he passed.
"Maybe it's whom the fuck?" Jacy replied.
Oh, he hoped they’d stay.
They were in the living room, each chair was occupied by a female. It was against the wolf nature to sit with other males in the room. The wolf compelled them to always be the most dominant in the room.
Andi was on the couch with Emily, who had her dark legs pulled up and tucked under her bum, next to her. Charles and Rhys stood behind their mates. Danny took the corner by the door and Altan fought his wolf to stand to only be four feet away from his Sol.
“Now tell me all you can about what happened in New York,” Rhys commanded. Sunny’s mood was visibly less than what it was outside and Altan was struggling from snapping at his alpha, Charles glanced over at him and raised a black brow. Andi’s gaze followed her husband’s and she saw a yellow spark of the wolf in Altan’s nut-colored eyes. She tilted her head to look at Charles.
Do you think Altan’s wolf is trying to Mate Claim Sunny? She asked them through their bond. Brother Wolf, Charles was unique as he was the only werewolf to be born and not made, this let him have a special relationship with his wolf, answered.
It is not trying. Altan’s wolf has Mate Claimed her, the human is trying not to. It feels to us… this bond is not new. Brother Wolf was more attuned to the ways of the world than most werewolves.
Samuel came back downstairs from the room where he was used to calling his fae wife. She was terrified of dogs and coming to Stevensville would have been too much for her delicate sensibilities, although those were the only things on her that could be classified as ‘delicate’.
“Okay, I’m back, sorry. Arianell wanted me to call her as soon as I got back.” Samuel smiled at them and then flopped down next to Emily. He had no problem sitting, he knew he was the second most dominant wolf in America, with no aspirations of power.
“That reminds me, we have to call our mother too,” Jacy said, ignoring his sister’s groan. Altan furrowed his brows, did she not like her mother?
Who was he to judge? His own son didn’t like him.
Not that Altan gave him much to like. Asim Ibn Asim was old and alpha of the pack Altan left to him. He used to write and call but Altan never picked up so he stopped writing and calling.
“You can after we talk,” Rhys announced, running his hands through Emily’s stray hair, it was in its customary microbraids.
“Yes, sir,” Jacy replied. “Sun, you wanna tell it?” His voice was soft and soothing. Altan took back his earlier thought, Jacy was protecting his sister. He was protecting her from herself. Perhaps he was too quick to judge.
“Not really.” She muttered, eyes locked on her fidgeting hands. This was the longest Altan had gone without seeing her smile.
“Alright.” Jacy cleared his throat and patted her bubblegum hair. She leaned into him. “It started about the same time we went to college. Suns got a pretty good scholarship for ballet at Juilliard and I have one at Columbia. We came from France, where we had been living, around the start of the summer. He began to pop up around the second week of June.” He went around the chair and picked his sister up and set her on his lap. She curled into his chest.” We really only see each other at dinner time during school so I wasn’t really up to date on what was happening until it got real bad.”
“He ran into me when I was going to my Performance One class, I was late. I’ve never been on time in my life. He was waiting by my dorm door and I ran smack dab into him. I said sorry and then spirited away, I didn’t want to be late again. That was the first time I spoke to him, but I recognized his smell.”
“He kept popping up at places we’d be, I think he placing himself at places Sunny frequented, but thank god Sun hates being alone,” Jacy added.
“I don't hate being alone. I made sure I wasn’t alone. I’m not dumb. I can spot a stalker.” Sunny said, eyes hard and unwavering. Her head was turned towards Rhys and she let him see the fight she had in her, how much pride she was suppressing to ask him for help.
“Tell me how you knew he was stalking you,” Charles asked, trying to get into the mind of his prey. Charles was very good at hunting troublesome wolves, he was his father’s hatchet man after all. He had centuries of experience.
“He kept sending me flowers, roses because he found out those were my favorites. He was suddenly at every show and was always at every party I was at. I would bump into him when I got lunch or a snack. He was nice at first. I would have liked him, but I’m a Days of Our Lives kinda gal and he wanted to reenact a Criminal Minds episode. Not my cup of tea.”
“What made you contact us?” Rhys asked.
“He roofied Sun at a party and took her back to his place,” Jacy said tone flat. Altan’s eyes flashed gold and his hand crushed the wood of the bookshelf under it. Emily’s eyes locked with his, fear laced throughout.
“He… he didn’t touch you, did he?” Altan questioned, voice thick and gruff, his wolf was in control. It sensed its mate’s fear.
“No, I broke his jaw when I woke up to him unbuttoning my pants.” Sunny’s eyes were yellow with a cat’s vertical pupil.
“Good,” Danny said. Sunny smiled at him. Altan took deep breaths and slowly brought his beast under control.
“Alright, Sháńdíín,” Charles began, his deep timber catching the attention of everyone in the room, “where did you see him last?”
“Bleeding out from three dozen claw marks on his chest in the middle of west sixty-fourth street. It takes fifteen minutes by car to get from Juilliard to Columbia, I got there in half that.” Sunny’s smirk was back. “He tired, but he just couldn’t keep up.”
“Good,” Charles grunted. Brother Wolf was impressed that the little kitten could outrun a wolf. Werewolves ran faster than their wild cousins so she must have been running quite fast.
“I don’t think he planned on doing anything unsavory,” Sunny muttered, plump bottom lip pulled between her teeth.
“What do you mean?” Andi asked.
“He kept apologizing and his eyes weren’t lying when he said he didn’t want to hurt me. My pants had a big wet stain on them from when some drunk chorus girl slipped her cosmo.” Sunny admitted and judging by her twin’s face it was for the first time. "It bothered my nose for most of the night."
“Explain.” Rhys command.
“All of his clothes were on and he was kinda fussing around like he wasn't sure he could touch me. He was ringing a wet rag between his hands. I don’t think he was the one to slip something into my Sprite.” She admitted.
“Sprite?” Andi asked, holding her mate’s large hand in hers. Andi was very accustomed to being frightened into submission by a man.
“No alcohol messes with my dancing, and a hangover while doing a pirouette is a no-no.” She laughed at her own joke and smiled once more.
“Do you know…” Charles began, but Altan interrupted him.
“I think we’re done here. Sunny and Jacy are tired from their trip and it is late. I am taking them home.” The Moor’s tone left room for little argument. Charles could and would have made the old wolf submit but he didn’t want to upset him. The random growth of a Mate Bond could throw even the most stalwart of wolves, it did him.
The sharp sound of a cell phone ringing interrupted the tense silence.
“Can you get that Sun?” Jacy asked, his arms were busy soothing his beast with the soft petting motion he had picked up.
“Gross. It’s Amá.”
“Well answer it before she comes through the phone and whoops our ass,” Jacy advised sharply.
“Fine. Fine.” Sunny grumbled, frown stubbornly in place. “Hello.”
“You should introduce yourself when answering the phone.” Came the sharp tone of disapproval. Altan straightened up and furrowed his brows. Was the stinging scent of sadness only noticeable to him?
“I’m sorry Mother, Moony’s phone, Major Disappointment Speaking?”
“Sháńdíín Redfather do not take that sass with me. Where is your brother?” Sunny rolled her eyes and groaned.
“He’s with me.”
“Then give the phone to him.”
“Can’t, he’s busy.” Sunny absently said while stretching her legs out and pointing her toes. She lifted one leg into the air, all while keeping her toes pointed.
“Doing what? He cannot take time to speak with his own mother?”
“He’s stuffing singles in this white girl’s g-string, you really want him to talk to you?” Altan heard a sharp intake of breath and a male’s cackle in the background.
His wolf creened. It was a difficult creature at times and the oddest things set him off. It appeared his beast liked the sharp wit of this little kitten. It liked her gold eyes and pink hair too. Altan could barely contain him from bursting out and taking control of his body, the urge to nuzzle those bubble gum locks was so strong.
“And that’s enough of that Sunny.” Jacy moved to take the phone, an older model, from his sister.
“You’re breaking up. The… House... It’s going… through a… tunnel… Bye Ma..love..” Sunny mimicked static and then hung up the phone. Jacy’s face was distinctly unamused.
“I cannot believe we came from the same womb.” He deadpanned. Sunny just grinned.
“Oh my god, they were wombmates!” Danny gasped. Sunny unabashedly threw a pillow at his face.
0 notes
janbirdie20 · 2 years
Chapter 7: Welcome to Steven… Hey, a Squirrel!
Altan Hussan was not a wolf to be trifled with. He was old and tired of the ennui brought on by age. He came to the Alpha of all Alphas to die, but his wish was not granted. Altan was a warrior in every sense of the word, but what happens when his cold, isolated heart meets the hurricane that is Sunny Redfeather, a Navajo Skinwalker from Arizona
Sunny arrives in Stevensville and well is her usual snarky self.
I walk around
like everything is fine,
But deep down,
Inside my shoe,
My sock is sliding down.
Stevensville came into view as they chugged over the last rise in the highway. Although Sunny had been prepared for what Samuel had described as a “charming village,” she couldn’t tamp down her shock at being able to see the whole town at once.
There was a long main drag of shops with a few streets sprouting off to support a few dozen haphazardly arranged one-story houses. Samuel had told her that most Stevensville residents, now including her, lived in isolated homes in the three hundred or so square miles that surrounded the town limits. And a good chunk of citizens knew about werewolves.
Main Street looked like something out of the Old West. Big brick buildings that stood the test of time against great Northern winters huddled against the wind. The windows advertised sensible ventures such as a bank, a grocery store, or an outdoor outfitter with a little flourish.
The buildings were buttressed against one another, which she suspected was an effort to save on building materials so as to heat the buildings efficiently.
The Cabinet Mountains loomed at the edge of town as if they’d suddenly sprung up at the end of Main Street. Their beauty, the protective curve of the peaks, made her feel small and silly for worrying about things like the car’s gas mileage and making sure her dancing skills didn’t suffer from this little vacation.
“Wow.” She breathed, eyes wide as she took in the splendor of the north. Everything was bright and clean, all muted greens and blues.
She adored it.
If she wasn’t paying so much attention to the sky as she leaned as far forward as her seat belt allowed she would have noticed Altan’s small, sweet smile at her.
Would have seen his heart melt through his umber eyes.
Would have seen his wolf call for her.
No, all Sunny saw was the magnificent forest she was to call home.
“What’s the forest like?” She asked, turning her wide innocent eyes to Altan. He smiled once more, not at her, but at the memory of the wind blowing through his fur as he hunted with the pack.
“It is hard to put into words. In the forest, the sky vanishes almost completely, only a few fragments of blue remain- like scattered pieces of an impossible jigsaw puzzle. The air is rich with the fragrance of leaves and loam, damp too. Even so many hours after the rains have passed, the soil remains wet, slowly releasing its heady fog. The only movements are the occasional bird, startling in a tree or a squirrel dashing up a nearby trunk. The sound of running water in the brook has the same hypnotic quality as music. These hikes in the forest are like a trip out of my life, a visit to somewhere the measuring of time is done only by the rising and setting of the sun."
The Spanish in his voice rumbled with pleasure, Sunny closed her eyes and could picture it. Feel the wind through her fur, feel the bark of a tree under her claws.
“You make it sound so magical.” She whispered, sitting up now.
“It is. Don’t worry, once you are settled I’ll take you out there and you can see for yourself.” Sunny beamed and wiggled happily in her seat.
“Moony! We finally get to climb trees!” She made a happy sound and wiggled again.
“Sun! I’m so excited! How far do think we could climb? They got to be at least thirty feet.” He asked, just as in awe as her.
“You’ve never climbed a tree?” Samuel asked.
“Nope. There are no climbing trees in Arizona and Central Park has a rule about it punishable by death. Our dance teacher took us around the world with him, we saw trees but god help you if you ever thought about climbing one.” Moony informed, snapping a photo of the nearest pine tree and sending it to their uncle.
“Okay, now you guys are definitely staying a while. I cannot let you be so neglected anymore.” Samuel declared, grinning at them. It was sweet to see the twins so excited over something so trivial.
“Pish, there’s lots of climbing things on the reservation, we go cliff jumping and stuff,” Sunny said as if that would ease the sympathy.
“Cliff jumping?”
“Yeah, about twenty minutes from the house there’s a lake, no one knows where it came from, but it’s nestled by these super tall cliffs and if you’re daring, or stupid enough, you can jump into the water below,” Moony said.
“We do it every summer, with the other boys from the block.” Sunny chirped.
“Only the boys?” Samuel asked, he’d never gone cliff jumping before. Werewolves, like chimps, have too much muscle and not enough fat to float. Not conducive to swimming.
“Yeah, I’m the only girl in a thirty-mile radius, I would let another girl in a heartbeat if it meant the wolf whistles would stop.” Sunny laughed at the memories of her and her friends running to the cliffside throwing off clothes to show their swimsuits and being the first one to jump.
“I told you, Sun, I’d make them stop if you asked,” Moony assured cheekily.
“You’re not going to eat our friends, Jacy Redfeather.” She chastised, the effect wasn’t full as she was grinning at him.
“Damn, you ruin all the fun,” Moony whined, pouting in his seat. Sunny would be worried if he wasn’t trying to stifle a smile.
“Children please, keep your homicidal thoughts to yourself, it makes me hungry.” Altan admonished, flicking his right blinker on so he could turn.
“Ya’ll don’t hunt people up here? Like that one movie.” Sunny questioned.
“Deliverance? Wasn’t that filmed in the south?” Samuel replied.
“Pish, a hillbilly is a hillbilly no matter what direction he lives in.” Sunny waved him off with a flippant move of her hand.
“No, people hunting is punishable by death on the Marreck’s land,” Altan said, eyes flicking to her briefly.
“Wow, only here? That seems a little lopsided.” Moony blurted.
“All of North America and Canada is the Marreck’s territory.” Samuel corrected.
“Damn, how does one guy keep up with everyone? He must be worn ragged all the time.” Sunny said. Samuel laughed.
“He’s had a lot of experience. Don’t let his mate, Emily, hear you say that.”
“She’s been pestering him to back off for a while, not forever, but for a year or two, she wants my half-brother Charles to take over for a spell,” Samuel explained, waving at a passerby. Sunny fiddled with a button on her skirt. It was coming loose, only one lone string held it on. She sighed and released it. This was one of her nicer skirts.
“And dear children we are here,” Altan announced, his tone did not fit his words, Sunny smirked, someone wasn’t happy.
Rhys Edevane's house was different than Sunny expected. Somehow, since it was in the backwoods of Montana, she'd thought he'd live in one of those big log houses, or something old, like the buildings she saw back in town.
But the house where Altan stopped the car was not huge or made of logs. Instead, it looked like a simple ranch-style house, painted a rather pleasing combination of gray and green. It was tucked up against the side of a hill and looked out over a series of fenced pastures occupied by a few horses. The car pulled to a gentle stop next to a gorgeous muscle car. Sunny rolled her eyes, rich people.
Altan was the first out, casually strolling around the vehicle to open Sunny’s door.
“You didn’t have to do that Altan.” She smiled at him and untangled her long frame out of its cramped position.
“It is my pleasure, Sunny.” He purred, pink lips pulling into a handsome smirk. A small sound was heard. Sunny turned her gaze to face the person who made a small laugh. On the porch were five people: a black man, a native man, two brunettes; one with brown-colored skin and the other pale cream, and lastly a blonde geek. Sunny waved politely at them and got a reply from a woman with scars on her face.
“Y’all have horses!” Moony exclaimed, slapping Sunny on the arm in his excitement. Sunny spun quickly in surprise and saw two large horses grazing in a green pasture. One was a white Arabian and the other was a black quarter horse making quite an odd pair.
“Yes, Da owns a few, and Charles and Andi have a couple at their house. Do you two like to ride?”
“Yeah, we volunteer at the rangers office, our uncle works there when he’s not on duty, and do tours of the Oljato-Monument Valley in the Reservation which is right next to our hometown of Teec Nos Pos. We take the horses out to show white folks around.” Moony said, strolling over to the fence to get a closer look at the pretty white mare.
“I have an Appaloosa named Wendigo. He’s white with chestnut spots. Or chestnut with white spots, no one knows for sure.” Sunny disclosed. She loved her horse to death, they were best friends. But he was ugly as sin.
“You named your horse after a man-eating spirit?” The Native American man asked, a black brow raised in question. Sunny liked him immediately, he was scary at first glance but he hid a heart of gold that probably didn’t get out often.
Part of Sunny’s gift to see the departed was that she could also feel the emotions of the living. She was very good at it.
“That damn horse is evil. I can not count the number of times it bit me. I swear it likes the taste of human flesh better than oats. It’s a right proper name for the beast.” Moony grumbled, still gently stroking the mare’s soft nose. Sunny scoffed and waved him off.
“Wennie is an excellent judge of character, it’s not his fault you’re a jerk.”
“What about all those times he bucked you off, or that one time he pushed you off a cliff, huh?” Moony chastised, crossing his arms in disappointment then hurriedly moving them so the mare wouldn’t eat his braids.
“We had a disagreement that’s all, he apologized.” Sunny whined, pouting at him. Moony was right Wendigo was a perfect name for her horse. She got him from a mean Amish family who used him as a pulling horse. He was severely underweight when she stole him off their property. He had been mistrustful of humans ever since.
“How does a horse apologize?” The curly-headed one asked, she must be Andi. Sunny beamed at her and tugged down her shirt to fit more securely in her fraying skirt. Today it read: ’I’M MORE OF A CAT PERSON REALLY’ Sunny believed you should be open with your opinions. Moony told her to take it off and not be a brat.
“Killed a rattler for me.” Sunny chirped, walking up to the horses with a slight skip in her step.
“Probably was the one who brought it in alive in the first place,” Moony grumbled under his breath.
“You might be right, Moons, but doesn’t change the fact Wennie saved me. You’re just jealous because your pony is dumber than a sack of old potatoes.”
“Killa is pretty and that’s all that matters. We can't all be brainiacs.”
“Can’t believe you named your dumb horse after yourself self, Moon.”
“It’s a great name.” Moony defended himself.
"No, you're just narcissistic as crap."
“Are they always like this?” The black man asked and without turning to face him both of the twins said.
There was a loud groan and then the Marreck invited them inside.
0 notes
janbirdie20 · 2 years
Chapter 6: Too-Much-Information-Alert
Altan Hussan was not a wolf to be trifled with. He was old and tired of the ennui brought on by age. He came to the Alpha of all Alphas to die, but his wish was not granted. Altan was a warrior in every sense of the word, but what happens when his cold, isolated heart meets the hurricane that is Sunny Redfeather, a Navajo Skinwalker from Arizona.
Flirting is hard enough, but add in a 500 year age gap and life becomes the pits.
The bravest thing
You will ever do
Is love again.
Madalyn Beck
The Great Lord Allah was testing him.
Altan swore he never felt so out of control in his life. He felt like a prepubescent boy salivating at a pretty girl.
Oh, sweet prophet! Have mercy on his poor, evil soul!
“Freakin’ dust, Blue Eyes! That’s all there is in Arizona, but here it’s trees, trees, and some more trees! I can’t even.”
She had yet to stop talking. Any and every thought that came into her mind was out of her mouth before she could possibly think about it. Usually sprinkled with a few swears.
“You like trees?” Samuel asked, he was smiling that damn smile he got from his father. The one that lured you into a false sense of security and then ate you whole.
But that sweet-smelling, little kitten was his.
Wait, what? Altan cringed at himself, his wolf was insane. Well, no more than usual. It was a bad day.
For example, when the old wolf was having, let’s say a good day, life liked to be an asshole and throw a curveball. A curveball with killer legs, sinful eyes, and a smile that stopped hearts.
Life wasn't giving him lemons, no, because it was giving him…. Whatever vegetable she was classified as. Sunny Redfeather was not his and would never be his. He did not need a mate.
No matter how intoxicating her scent was.
“Soo, uh, Altan.” Sunny began, twiddling her thumbs. She had nice hands, Altan thought. He could feel said sinful eyes boring into the top of his silky hair, maybe judging the messy ponytail he had hastily put it in, maybe judging his entire life choices.
Who knew?
“So?” Altan echoed, the word carried with a sharp exhale. Damn. Be cool man, be cool. The girl groaned and closed her eyes, leaning back in her seat.
“You’re killin’ me, Smalls,” she complained, sneaking one golden eye open and peeking across the empty space separating them. “No, seriously, I actually think you’re mentally murdering me.” Altan cocked his head, studying the emotions decorating her lovely face.
“Why would I do it mentally?” He questioned gently, ignoring Samuel's damn smirk, apparently not realizing how bad those words sounded as he drove down the road. “I believe if you dream of something, you should do it.” Samuel was texting again, no doubt his bastard of a father. Altan was tempted to ask him to say hello for him.
“How poetic. So what, you dream of murdering me?” Sunny snorted a distinctly unladylike sound, falling into the banter smoothly. “Well, that’s better than imagining me naked, I suppose.” Altan raised a black brow and once again ignored Samuel’s pleased smirk.
"You want me to picture you nude?"
“I said suppose, which you would have noticed if you bothered to use your listening ears.” The woman snapped in defense, crossing her arms. Altan could smell the faint aroma of annoyance. “Is that all your face is capable of doing? You have more muscles in your face than the one’s controlling your eyebrow. And I would know, I use all mine frequently.” She lifted her hands and pointed to her mouth. “You have this thing called a tongue, and it makes useful things called words. You should try it once and awhile.” Black eyes followed the wild movement of her for three seconds, before drifting up to her face.
Dear lord.
The images floating around his mind about what exactly his mouth could do to her were downright sinful. Moony kicked her chair, but Sunny made no motion she noticed him.
“I am well aware of what my tongue can do, Kitten,” he drawled, shifting in his seat and praying to Allah that no one could smell him. “And for the record, I was not dreaming of murdering you.” Sunny narrowed her eyes, he could tell she was intrigued.
“Yeah? Pray tell, what do murderous hunks dream about then if it’s not murdering other hunks?” Samuel choked on air at her words and tilted his phone to face Altan. The bastard was filming them.
Probably for that hillbilly Altan had the misfortune to call his best friend.
“Torture isn’t murder.”
The skinwalker held her hands up in defeat and stretched her legs out in front of her without managing any sound other than a frustrated hiss. “I just… you are..” She thinned her lips and glared. “You could have made a spectacular innuendo there, and I’m mad at you for not using the opportunity.”
“Sháńdíín Redfeather!” Her brother hissed. They both ignored him.
“Innuendo? I must’ve missed it, my apologies, I was thinking about the useful things my tongue can do.”
“You’re not funny and now I’m even madder at you,” she warned, turning to move her bag so he wouldn’t catch her blush. She was too late. It grew into a bright red and dusted the top of her chest and her ears. “Honestly, I liked it better when you were plotting my murder or world domination.”
“I’ll get back to it then.” He turned down the street that led them to the Merrick’s house. “Were you hoping for an open casket funeral?” Sunny blinked as Altan once again changed the direction of the conversation.
“Uh. I’m kinda freaked out by dead people, so closed please.” She rubbed her neck and cringed. “I mean dead animals, cool man, dead people, nah. I’m not about that life.”
“Sun accidentally saw Silence of the Lambs when she was four and has been terrified of dead things since. I blame our uncle.” Moony injected helpfully.
“Dead people are freaky, okay, ain’t nothing cool about glassy, unseeing eyes.” Sunny shivered. Moony ghosted his fingers over the back of her tanned neck and made a whoo sound.
“Listen here, you cold corn dog! I’m sick of ya shi-et and I’m ‘bout to bust a cap in ya ass if you don’t quit.” Both Samuel and Altan looked at each other to see if the other one understood what she said. Damn Altan spoke seven languages, eight now that Emily had finished teaching him ASL, and he couldn’t even begin to comprehend that sentence.
“Oh, com’n Light! I ain’t doing anything.” Moony brought out their uncle’s old nickname for her to really make her mad.
“I forfeit life. Send me back to Buffalo Bill and let him wear my skin as a hat because I do not deserve this!”
“Hush, Sol, we’re almost there.” Altan cringed, he didn’t mean to call her Sun in Spanish, it just slipped out. He shot Samuel a fierce glare through the rearview mirror to keep his fat mouth shut.
“What, really?” She chirped, looking around. Altan smiled at her enthusiasm, maybe she’d stay.
Stop it Altan! He screamed at himself. She was not his to keep. She was to stay as long as it took for Charles and his Andi to find the bastard and she’d be back to her dancing and far away from him.
But why did that thought make his heart hurt? Why did his wolf feel so at ease with her sharp wit and beaming smiles?
Why could he not quit her?
0 notes
janbirdie20 · 3 years
Chapter Five: Hot Hot Man Bun Man
Altan Hussan was not a wolf to be trifled with. He was old and tired of the ennui brought on by age. He came to the Alpha of all Alphas to die, but his wish was not granted. Altan was a warrior in every sense of the word, but what happens when his cold, isolated heart meets the hurricane that is Sunny Redfeather, a Navajo Skinwalker from Arizona.
All the good looks in the world wouldn’t make up for Altan's poor attitude but Sunny still finds herself a little bit smitten.
Do sharks complain about Mondays? No.
They’re up early, biting shit, chasing stuff.
Being scary, reminding everyone
that they’re a fucking shark.
-bumper sticker
He was staring.
It was kinda freaking her out.
He was handsome she’d give him that. He was like the desert, stark and beautiful, harsh and unforgiving, with the promise of treasure behind every dune, the allure of water hidden just beneath the surface. His dark hair curled over an ear and hung slightly mussed over his forehead. His lashes, so thick, he looked like he’d just woken up, shadowed liquid brown eyes. They sparkled with mischief and something she couldn’t pin down. He had a long jagged scar that from a little above his left eyebrow to the middle of his cheek. There was a matching one on his forehead.
He let his gaze wander at will, let it slow when it reached her mouth, dip when it reached the valley between her small breasts that were exposed by her v-neck. Then it rose and locked with hers, and she knew at that moment the true meaning of perfection. He was dressed simply, a sky blue button-down tucked into jeans with dirt at the cuff. He filled out the sleeves of his shirt with arms covered with tough sinew and muscle. Sunny never liked overly buff men, she liked them more like the one in front of her. Lean and strong, but not to the point of excess.
Something sparked in her, something recognized him on a visceral level because she swore she knew him.
“She wore enough perfume to personally drown a small African country.” She answered, her voice deeper than normal. Her asthma was acting up, damned hag’s scent was too much for her lungs to handle. Maybe the tanned man in front of her was affecting her more than he should.
“Are you okay?” Moony asked, shuffling behind her to unzip her backpack. She waved him off, he was reaching for her inhaler. His face poked around to show her his raised brow.
“I’m fine, some deep breaths and it’ll go away.” The new man peaked at her words and came towards her, but stopped short. As if he didn’t feel as if he should be concerned. Her whole body was vibrating at his presence.
“What’s wrong?” Blue Eyes asked, his tone was concerned. She hated it when people found out about her asthma. They looked at her like she was pre-serum Steve Rogers.
Obviously, she was not Chris Evans, Captain America serum or otherwise.
“Asthma was acting up, it’s better now.” She smiled at them and bent over to lift her duffle bag of clothes over her shoulder. She wasn’t planning on staying in Montana long. There was nothing keeping her here.
“You have asthma?” The strangely attractive, and by attractive she meant accidentally walk out into oncoming traffic because you were too busy looking at his attractiveness to see where you’re going and end up getting smashed by a car, but you really don’t mind because he’s that attractive, man asked. Sunny flashed him one of her famous smiles, but he remained unamused. Well then, fuck you too sir.
All the good looks in the world wouldn’t make up for that poor attitude.
JK. They would. If she had her way, and no morals at all, she’d be on him like green on guacamole.
“Yep, these little bags of air don’t know how to get their shit together and force me to do it. It’s totally not fair.” She chirped, winking at Moony who was scowling at the new man. “Stop looking at me like I’m gonna pass out and die, Blue-Eyes.”
“Sorry, doctor, it’s kinda my job to look at people like they’re going to pass out and die.” He shrugged and brought Hot Hot Man Bun Man’s gaze off her and back to him. She was only slightly miffed.
“Altan, this Sháńdíín Redfeather, but you..”
“Can call me Sunny! Nice to meet you!” She stuck out her hand for him to shake. His liquid fire eyes dripped from her face to her extended hand, he slowly grasped the tips of her fingers and brought them up to his lips, all while staring her down.
“It is a great pleasure to meet you Sháńdíín.” He purred, a Spanish accent making her name sound like some sex act straight out of Fifty Shades of Grey. She blushed, but let him hold her hand a tad longer than necessary. “I am Altan Hussan and you two will be staying in my home while our pack’s second, Charles, and his mate, Andi, search for your stalker.”
“Wait, you’ll be housing us?” Moony asked, rotating his body to block his sister’s, the man was holding her hand far longer than was proper. He needed to get away from Sunny, and by away he meant Antarctica far away. “I thought the Merrick was taking care of us?”
“No, Da has a lot on his plate right now and felt like you’d guys would have a better time with Altan.” Samuel said. Sunny shot Moony a look.
“I don’t see why we have to come here, I can take care of myself.” Sunny declared, crossing her arms over her chest until she saw Altan’s gaze follow her movements and stay locked on The Girls. Moony hissed and spun to face her, straightening up just enough so that she would get the message. They had had this very agitating conversation many times before.
“Yes, because you handled yourself so well when he was chasing you down the street in wolf form, while you tried and failed to shift into mountain lion because he drugged you.” Sunny rose to the challenge and stared him down, eyes blazing. If he wanted a fight, he’d get one.
“I didn’t ask for him to try to make me his June Cleaver and lock me in his basement.”
“Maybe if you told me about him sooner instead of knocking on my door at one o’clock in the morning only wearing your underwear, we wouldn’t have to run across the country.” Moony fired back, they were chest to chest and Samuel was afraid they’d start to throw punches.
“Not my fault, I thought he was just a random stalker, I have never met a wolf before him! How was I supposed to know he was Moon Drunk! If you don’t want to be here so much then you shouldn’t have come!” Sunny shouted. Her chest was heaving and she was close to tears. It frightened her, how close she had come to being violated.
It was just a simple party, one thrown by one backup dancer she didn’t know the name of. It was to celebrate the expansion of her scholarship and she was drinking sprite, no alcohol. Never alcohol. All a sudden she woke up with the man who had been following her for weeks unbuttoning her pants.
“You’ve never met a wolf?” Altan asked, starting when two pairs of flaming eyes snapped to him, Sunny’s pupils were cat-like, narrow slits of black surrounded by a glowing yellow.
“No, there are no werewolves on the reservation,” Moony explained. “I only know them from stories and a few rare encounters I’ve had when Azhé'é took me on diplomatic trips with the council. No women allowed.”
“Oh, well that explains a lot,” Samuel said, reaching into his back pocket to pull out his phone. Sunny had no idea who he was texting and couldn’t bring herself to care.
“Can you please just take us to where we're staying, I am very tired. “ Sunny wiped the salt drips off her cheek and turned to walk out. Altan only took a few steps before he caught up with her, the others could come at their own pace, he was here for her.
“So you’ve never met a wolf before?” He asked, glancing at her from the side, never turning to face her. Sunny blew out a breath and shrugged.
“Not before Blue Eyes no, well that’s not completely true, I met a wolf Skinwalker once, but he was very old and I’m told he’s nothing like ya’ll.” Altan’s lips twitched at her use of ya’ll, but no smile formed.
She wondered if he even could. Sunny promised by the time she left Stevensville she will have made him smile at least once.
“So I could tell you blatant lies and you’d believe them as truth.” He mused, crossing his lovely arms behind his back. Sunny scoffed and smiled softly while looking at her feet.
“Not anymore, you’ve just given away your evil plan.”
“Drat, I’ve been foiled. I would have gotten away with it if it wasn’t for your meddling wit.” He snapped his slender brown fingers. Sunny tilted her head at him. Maybe he wasn’t so bad after all.
“Was that a Scooby Doo reference?” She asked, grinning. Altan wasn’t smiling per say but his eyes were.
“We have a girl, Katie, she was Changed when she was ten, she stays with me often. We watch cartoons.” Altan explained, opening the passenger side door for her. Sunny wondered if having two predators sitting behind him would aggravate his wolf, she was told they were prone to dominance games. It seemed to her that Blue Eyes was the more dominant and Altan was unhappy about that. So why run the risk of a blindsided attack just to have her sit upfront?
“Wow, and she lived?” Sunny’s eyes were wide, if there was one thing she knew about werewolves it was that rarely anyone survived the Change.
“Yeah, she’s thirteen now, Changed when she was ten. She’s lived with us for three years. Her father had her in a silver cage to help her.” Samuel was back, calm and serene as ever. Moony was pouting and she felt bad about snapping at him. He was only frightened for her.
“Damn, when I was ten I was going through a terrible glitter phase, not being locked in a silver cage.” She said, strapping herself into her seat, Moony folding himself behind her.
“God, you looked like a discount stripper.” Moony drawled, tucking his long legs closer to him so he’d fit. “Can you move your seat, Sun?” He asked, peeking around to stare at her. Sunny, without making eye contact, scooted her chair farther back. They were good.
“Sure, thing bro.” Sunny chirped, stretching her legs out comfortably.
“‘Cause it’s fun.” She twisted in her seat to face her brother’s unamused face with a beaming smile. Moony scowled. She wished she could scowl like him, but she only looked like an angry toddler.
Not a good look for anyone.
“I hate you.”
“Awe, don’t say that, I’m the light of your life.” She corrected, slapping his knee. She moved in her seat to face out the window. Stevensville was pretty, there were more trees lining the road than she had seen in her entire life. Sunny leaned her head back to get more comfortable, it was a two-hour drive to Altan’s house.
Sunny was excited to see where the Spaniard lived, excited to crack his hard shell open. She wondered what he was like on the inside, he was old. Almost too old. There was a madness in his eyes, but also a feeling of abandonment, of grief. She would help him all she could.
She liked the way he smelled. Inching her nose a little nearer to his neck, but not enough for him to notice her, Sunny breathed in his scent which was nothing not all like her father, who always had a hint of tobacco smoke lingering about his person.
In fact, his scent was so much more exotic; she could recognize the brand of cologne he used, one of her favorites, intermingling with the outlandish aroma of charcoal flames and cinnamon. What was surprising was the thick scent of rose that followed him. Paring it with the dirt on his jeans, Sunny wondered if he had a rose garden… She liked roses, they were her favorite flower….
“What the fudge!” She screeched when her head made contact with the seat and not the headrest she was planning on using. Sunny twisted in her seat, eyes blazing to lock gazes with her smirking brother. He held the missing object in his hands, head propped on it, a lazy grin on his lips.
“What’s wrong Sunny?” He asked innocently, tilting his head to the side and looking up through his long lashes.
“I will tear out your small intestine and wear it like a scarf.” She growled, baring her pearly white teeth.
Altan’s foot stumbled on the gas and she lurched forward only to have a brown hand thrown across her back. Her eyes were wide and yellow, the cat rose to protect, and she stared at Altan. He was laughing as they idled in the middle of a run-down road.
“Ya Allah, grant me strength!” Altan turned to her and Sunny was struck blind by the smile on his lips. The way his lips lifted upward. The way his one dimple crinkled. The way his teeth were perfectly aligned. The warm glow his happiness gave. His smile was a ray of sunshine, and she was a sunburn. She smiled back with an impulsive need to make him smile more.
How can one be so beautiful?
“Sorry…” She rubbed the back of her neck, nervously. Moony, with black eyes downcast, put her headrest back and curled in on himself.
“I have never heard that expression before,” Samuel said, inserting himself back into the conversation.
“My mother says I’m the bane of her existence and I should act more like a lady.”
“Well… I am not sure how to respond. You act just fine to me.” Altan said, eyes flicking briefly to her.
“Neither did she when I told her I was going to be a dancer, not a housewife.” Sunny turned around and settled back in, headrest back in place.
Her relationship with her mother was… trying at best. They never really got along, they were too different. Catori was a traditional native woman, she wore her long black hair in braids and a hand-woven shawl around her shoulders. She still wore moccasins, although everyone Teec Nos Pos, Arizona did, with her faded jeans. She painted the part in the middle of her hair red to symbolize the path of the sun on religious days.
Catori still remembered the mourning chants and handled singing them when someone died, although in a town of seven hundred and thirty her clientele was limited.
She was everything a native Hopi woman should be.
Sunny was not.
Sunny was a wild, smiling girl who was more at home cliff jumping with her brother and the local boys than in the kitchen. Her hair was pink at the ends and cut chin-length, a sight that had her mother grasping at her chest. She wore leather boots, faux of course, she wasn’t a monster and had a dozen piercings in her ear. Maybe her mother could have politely dealt with Sunny’s rebellious nature. If she was only just a little rebellious, but Sunny and her twin were Skinwalkers, a turbulent term that Sunny detested. Seriously whoever came up with that deserved a swift punch to the nuts.
In Navajo, or how Sunny and the rest of her people called it, Diné, culture, a skin-walker (yee naaldlooshii) was a type of harmful witch who had the ability to turn into, possess, or disguise themselves as an animal.
In the Navajo language, yee naaldlooshii translated to "by means of it, [he or she] goes on all fours.” While perhaps the most common variety seen in horror fiction by non-Navajo people, yee naaldlooshii were one of several varieties of Navajo witch, specifically a type of ’ánti’įhnii.
See why Sunny and most other walkers hated the term? She was hardly a witch, she only saw ghosts, not control them. She had been able to see them for her whole life, Moony too.
From what she painfully gathered by the age of five, no one else could see them. Ghosts didn’t do much, just floated around all pale and creepy-like. Most folks only felt a sudden chill when a spirit was around, however to the twins they were just as physical as human beings, albeit just a little deader.
When Sunny touched a ghost they became corporal, or visible to others around her, and when Moony touched them they crossed through to the Spirit Realm, or as her baptist ass liked to call it, Heaven. The Spirit Realm wasn't limited to the Christian religion, it was a final resting place for everyone, but Sunny was Baptist so she called it Heaven.
Now this is where the story gets sad, Catori was extremely traditional which means: she did not speak the name of the dead, nor keep an object they’ve owned in life. So when toddling little Sunny finally possessed enough motor skills to say ‘yo, what the fuck is that grey guy doing around my Cheerios?’ Catori was unexpectedly surprised. Catori thought that spirits and their darkness brought things of evil reckoning and in turn that Moony and her did too.
Although to her mother’s defense Moony was her favorite, he was about as traditional as it took to please her. Their mother was the only reason Moony kept his raven black hair long and in braids all the time. Sunny had no reservations about pissing her mother off.
Anywhooooo, enough on that cluster fuck and back to staring at her newest bedroom fantasy.
Altan, Sunny wondered what that name meant. He wasn’t young so it had to have some cool meaning.
Well, at least he’s pretty.
0 notes
janbirdie20 · 3 years
Chapter Four: Agreements and Compromises
Altan Hussan was not a wolf to be trifled with. He was old and tired of the ennui brought on by age. He came to the Alpha of all Alphas to die, but his wish was not granted. Altan was a warrior in every sense of the word, but what happens when his cold, isolated heart meets the hurricane that is Sunny Redfeather, a Navajo Skinwalker from Arizona.
First impressions are hard, especially if your a 600 year old wolf with anger management issues.
You have to find that place
That brings out the human in you.
The soul in you. The love in you.
-r.m. drake
“No.” Altan said, eyes staring down his alpha. He would not do this, would not submit on this.
“There is nothing you can do about this Altan. It is done, they are coming here.” Rhys corrected, sinking into his office chair with a rare show of weariness. Atan scoffed and rolled his eyes.
“It is my house, not yours, you cannot ask this of me.” the old wolf ground out, Emily squeaked at his rage filled voice and scooted closer to Andi. Hazel eyes flashed with gold at his mate’s fear, Rhys growled lowly in his throat, to remind this insolite wolf his place.
“I am not asking, I am telling. The Skinwalkers will stay with you while we deal with their problem.” Rhys’ tone left no room for argument, but Altan didn’t care.
“Rhys, I don’t see why the brats have to stay with me. Can’t they shack up with Charles?”
“No, Charles and Andi are going to New York to hunt the wolf, Samuel is escorting them without their knowledge up from the reservation and they are to stay with you. You’re the only one I can trust with two Walkers and not kill them.” Altan growled threateningly and looked away from his alpha’s eyes, the gold had not left completely.
“I don’t want them too.”
“Tough. It is my fault they are in this position in the first place.” Rhys admitted, sniffing the hand his mate had given him. Emily had went to him to calm him. His thumb ghosted over her smooth ring finger, she had yet to say yes to his question. He would have to fix that before she left.
“What do you mean?” Andi asked, brows dipped in concern, her mate Charles, second son of the Merrick, hadn’t told her that.
“I knew Frederick was moon-sick, but I let him go, now he is hurting others.” Rhys relented, growling lowly at his own foolishness. He met with Frederick thirty years ago and saw the growing madness in his eyes, but he did nothing. He thought he still had time. Now Frederick had imprinted on some young girl and terrorized her for a half of a year.
“Why must she stay with me?” Ah there it was. Rhys smirked at the old wolf. He didn’t mind the visitors, only the girl bothered him.
“I am busy with this dumb and pointless fae treaty and cannot entertain guests.” Emily made a sound and brought the attention back to her.
“I can take care of them.” She mumbled, shying away from the attention.
“Emilia, you are not going to be here, remember? You’re going back home for your father’s birthday.” Emily made a soft sound, a curse in German.
“I forgot, dang, I was hoppin’ to meet her. She went to Julliard too.” Atan threw his hands up in exasperation. ”Although, she was in a different department than I.”
“Are we to save every troubled girl to come out of Julliard?” He asked. He softened at Emily’s flinch, sometimes he forgot where she came from, what led her to them. “I am sorry Little Wolf, my anger got the better of me.” Emily smiled and gravitated towards him.
“It seems like it huh? I think you’ll like her.” She kissed his cheek and left the room to pack.
“From what Samuel has texted me, they are quite sarcastic and witty. You’ll get along with them fine.” Rhys said, standing up to follow his mate. He yet to properly say goodbye to her.
“I don’t care if she is the epitome of sass herself, I don’t want her in my house.” Atan repeated, following after his alpha.
“As you have said many times, Altan. Move on, what’s done is done. Now hurry up and get ready; you are to pick Samuel and the twins up from the airport.”
Which is what led Altan Hussan, better known as the Moor, slayer of men, standing in a crowded airport terminal with a cardboard sign in his hand reading ‘unwanted guests.’
He hated big crowds. There were so many smells that they clogged his nose, so much noise that he caught bits of a hundred different conversations without trying, but could miss entirely the sound of someone sneaking up behind him. Someone had bumped by him on the walkway as he left the main doors and he had to work to keep from bumping back, harder. Flying into Stevensville in the middle of the night had at least avoided the largest crowds, but there were still too many people around for his comfort.
He hated cell phones, too. When he'd turned his on after he had reached his destination, a message from his alpha was waiting. All he had was a first name, Rhys hadn't seen fit to give him a description of her. Of them, he corrected himself. He couldn’t fathom why he was so worked up over some dumb girl who flirted with the wrong man and got herself into trouble.
“Pull yourself together Asim.” He mumbled to himself, he rarely, if ever, called himself by his true name, he had no idea what led him to do it now. Altan shot a glare at a woman and a small child who looked at him like he was crazy. He was only partly insane, thank you very much.
He didn’t know how long he’d have to wait, so Altan drew into his thoughts. His dreams, they still bothered him. The talk with Emily this morning left him with more questions than before. What if she was his mate? What if she was his? Altan shook his head to clear away those thoughts of betrayal, Hala was his only mate. He did not need another.
But her eyes. Those eyes of the earth’s unfettered beauty. Soft pools of bronze that smiled to him, that soothed him. He yearned to memorize them, to lock their piercing gaze in his heart and never let go. They were soft as fur, but within a moment they hardened to the shards of rock ships shattered against in a storm.
They were their own sunset.
“Really Altan? Since when am I an ‘unwanted guest’?” Samuel Edevane’s Welsh tinted voice startled Altan back to life. Damn it, he fucking hated airports. They were a cesspool of idiocy.
“All guests are unwanted, even you, Samuel.” Altan droned, face a relaxed deadpan. He put the sign he had crafted during the wait into the trash can nearest him. Altan’s angry gaze drifted to the man standing next to him. He was striking, a long, lean body. His shoulders were broad and strong. He was corded with muscles that flexed as he held two black duffle bags.
His face was long and narrow, with thick lips and high cheekbones. On the top was flawless teak skin and eyes that shone brightly. Altan watched him move, there was something of the warrior in him combined with a gentleness that confused him.
“I take offense to that Altan.” Samuel bantered.
“You were supposed too. Are they it?” He asked, not caring for pleasantries. The native man was hunched but Altan knew it wasn’t from the weight of the bags. He was trying to appear non threatening. As if this little pup could fight him and win.
“Yep. Altan meet Jacy and… now where’d she go?” Samuel questioned, spinning once to try and locate the girl. Damn girl, she should know to stick close.
“Sunny?” The tall man, Jacy, called, not looking particularly worried. Altan didn’t care, he was about to drag the girl out by her hair, manners be damned.
“Great, we now have to play search and rescue for a child.” Altan sighed. “Are they aware you are coming with us Samuel?” The Welshman nodded but Altan could tell his attention was not on him.
“Sunny?” Jacy called again, dropping their bags with a huff. “I swear to the lord above if you ran off I’ll kill you.”
“I didn’t run off, asstown. I was helping an old lady with her bags. She couldn’t get it off the mover thingy. Whatever the hell it’s called. I’m pretty sure, like 89.67 percent sure she had a dead husband in that bag.” She grumbled, her eyes locked on a frail old woman struggling to walk with her cart of luggage.
The woman's voice was rough and deep, nothing like the musical southern lilt of Emily’s, or the smoothness of his Hala’s. He wanted to run his tongue over the throat that housed that voice.
Altan raised his brow at the word asstown and spun on his heels to promptly lose all the breath in his chest.
It was her.
The woman from his dreams, the woman who had been visiting him for nineteen years. She was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.
She appeared in the room with the fall air billowing around her skirt as the sliding door opened. Most did not pay attention to her beauty, but rather her color. Burnt sienna never looked so beautiful on a woman. With short black hair thick like wool tipped in bubble gum pink and her head held high, she waltzed on with an effortless saunter. The clicking of her combats boots added rhythm to the soft music of a busy airport that played onward without pause. Her eyes scanned the room with determination in search of someone when her eyes met Altan’s she smiled. So beautiful it was like the stars themselves decided to rest behind the soft cushion of her lips.
Her emotions were not easily hidden on her innocent face. Her pain was evident in the crease of her lovely brow and the down-curve of her full lips. But her eyes, her eyes showed her soul. They were a deep pool of restless gold, an ocean of dreams.
As he looked into her eyes he knew, all the beauty of the universe could not even hope to compete with this simple thing: passion. Passion turned her eyes into orbs of the brightest fire, and in them he read clearly that she would fight to the very last tear for her life. She would not let the world break her. Sure she could cry, but she would never let them take her true self from her. She clung to it with passion.
Passion that made her beautiful.
She was a warrior in every sense of the word and Altan was struck blind by her.
“Only 89.37 percent Sun? I thought you’d be able to smell better than that.” Samuel said, strolling forward to take her elbow in his. Her legs were still weak. Altan wanted to know why.
Something deep awoke in Altan. Something old and dormant. It whispered to him. A word he had not heard in five hundred and sixty-five years.
0 notes
janbirdie20 · 3 years
Chapter Three: Ladies Do Not Have Pink Hair
Altan Hussan was not a wolf to be trifled with. He was old and tired of the ennui brought on by age. He came to the Alpha of all Alphas to die, but his wish was not granted. Altan was a warrior in every sense of the word, but what happens when his cold, isolated heart meets the hurricane that is Sunny Redfeather, a Navajo Skinwalker from Arizona.
Here Altan and Sunny meet for the first time and things don't go as planned.
I do not spew profanities.
I enunciate them clearly,
Like a fucking lady.
Bumper sticker
There was no good reason someone should pay a visit to the Marroc. Correction there was no reason at all as to why someone would willingly visit the Merrick. Yet here they were, visiting the Merrick.
Like idiots.
Normally, Indian Skinwalkers had very little interaction with werewolves, there was so few of them left and far too many wolves. As Sunny knew it, Shape-Changing was rare to begin with, add in white imperialism and vampires hunting them to protect themselves, walkers slowly died out. Only pure-blooded Indians could Shape Change, and the werewolves, but they were not born with their abilities, but felt the Call of the Moon instead.
Which was what Jacy and Sháńdíín Redfeather were. Part Hopi, part Navajo, all parts sass masters.
Mountain Lions were popular enough that she could blend nicely in when they went running back home. New York? Nah, those people have never seen an animal outside a zoo, let alone a apex predator hunting down 5th avenue. They were looking forward to running freely once again, even if it was for just a week. And on the Merrick’s land.
“I can’t believe I ever liked 2-B. She stands up when the plane lands.” Moony said, eyeing Hussie as she stood for no apparent reason. Sunny shifted in her unreasonably small plane seat so that she was in prime position to judge. And judge she did.
“I knew she was a bad egg, but I didn’t think she go this far.”
“This is why the measles is back in New York,” Moony uttered, eyes squinted. Moony was so kind and nice, it was funny to see him get worked up like this. Or at least it was funny to Sunny, the other passengers? Not so much. When a predator is on edge everything can feel it, even the nose blind humans. Add in Moony’s large, broad, six foot six frame and its a recipe for disaster.
“Damn, spreading truth up in here, Mo.”
“Someone needs to. White people, I swear.”
It took seven minutes for the plane to fully unload, the twins never once stood to block the exit, they were taller than average and slumping like that was a no-no. Sunny was excited, Moony less so, she wanted to meet the Alpha of all Alphas. She wanted to see what all the fuss was about.
After the agonizing wait, seven more minutes, Sunny was finally free to stand. Then collapse as her poor legs decided to cop-out. Letting out a dignified eep Sunny became well acquainted with the floor. Moony did nothing, just laughed at her.
“Stop being a dick!” She screeched, flipping her bangs out of her brown eyes.
“I’m not doing anything.”
“Exactly! Some gentleman you are.” Sunny groaned and sat up. Coming straight from a particularly grueling pointe rehearsal to sit on a plane for an hour and change was not the best idea in hindsight. A man in a blue button-down helped her up, blue eyes twinkling with mirth, damn Sunny wished her eyes twinkled.
“Thanks a bunch, sir!” Sunny chirped, flashing him a grateful smile. Blue Eyes smiled back and stepped away to give her space. Sunny took in his appearance.
Blue Eyes had the appearance of a tall twenty-something man in excellent physical shape with light brown hair, fair skin and blue eyes. His eyes were deeply set, he had a long nose and a wide mouth. His shoulders were broad and he towered over her, made her feel like an ant. Not many people towered over her, she was a smidge taller than average, at five foot eleven.
“No problem…” He trailed off, letting her stare at him, letting her take him in. His wolf growled at her strange scent, she was not a wolf, but another predator. Like his Violet.
“Sunny Redfeather, but my friends call me ‘oh shit it’s her’. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Blue Eyes laughed and shook his head, shaggy brown hair dusted his eyes.
“I’m Samuel Edevane, I don’t have any friends to give me nicknames.” Sunny frowned, taking his large hand in hers to shake.
“That’s sad. Alright, Samuel Edevane, I am your new friend and I am going to come up with a nickname for you if it kills me.” Sunny proclaimed. Moony sighed and both heads snapped to face him.
“All the smoke coming out of your ears from your brain overworking might give us all smoke poisoning. Jacy Redfeather, most folks call me Moony.” He drawled, shaking Blue Eyes’ hand, Sunny was sticking with the name. It was better than crummy ol’ Samuel.
“Why do you have to insult Barb like that, she never did anything to you.” Sunny whined.
“Exactly, Barb’s never done anything. Which is why we missed our entire sophomore year ‘cause Amá grounded us until that guy’s skin went back to normal.” Moony said, reaching around the others to pull down their carry-ons.
“He totally deserved to be striped and painted blue. Who knew industrial house paint was that stubborn to get out?” Sunny defined herself, pouting at Blue Eyes’ amused face.
“How 'bout when you tied him to a stop sign?” Moony asked, shoving her pink backpack at her, the little charms she had pinned on it clinked together noisily.
“Yes,” Sunny admitted simply, turning her back to her twin snooty-like. Blue Eyes raised a brow at her.
“What on earth did that guy do?”
“Photoshopped my friend’s face on some naked girl’s body and went around school saying they bumped uglies.” She grounded out, it still pissed her off even today. “She had to leave the state.” After a failed suicide attempt.
“Nope, I take back all judgment, he deserved it.” Blue Eyes relented.
“See he gets it, why doesn’t Amá?” She whined, damn she was whining more than a desperate housewife.
“Uncle got it, hence why he gave us praise and then grounded us for life.”
“Yeah, he’s nice like that.” Sunny mused, a small smile on her glossy lips. She snapped back to attention and winked at Blue Eyes. “You got any stories, Blue Eyes?” She asked, trudging forward down the row, lifting her bag to cover her small chest so it wouldn’t snag on a seat.
“This girl I was raised with smeared peanut butter on my father’s very expensive sports car’s seat,” Samuel said, grabbing Sunny’s elbow to steady her when the person in front of her stopped suddenly and she stumbled.
“Damn, what did he do to deserve that?” Moony asked from behind them, slightly miffed at the fact that Samuel was in front of him. He was a little frazzled about the killer werebeast hunting his sister. They were on the run, from a man who decided that Sunny was going to be his mate whether she liked it or not. Their Uncle recommended them hiding in Stevensville, where the fearsome Merrick and Moor of Legend lived, until the wild wolf could be put down.
“Told her to wear a dress.”
“Well, hells bells I’d do the same,” Sunny admitted, flashing her award-winning smile at the strangely attractive flight attendant by the plane door.
Bald was the new beautiful.
“The look on his face is one I’ll never forget.”
“Surely he could smell the peanut butter? How’d she cover it up?” Moony asked, ducking to fit through the door. Samuel raised his brow at the words, definitely not human. Humans didn’t think of smells like that. What had his father got him into now?
“Made him a sandwich and put it on the dash, he thought that’s where the smell was coming from,” Samuel explained.
“Oh, good one. Moons write that down in your diary, we can use that later.” Sunny chirped, eyes sparkling like burning umbers. Samuel liked her.
“I don’t have a diary.” Moony ground out, casting a glance at the woman at the gate. She smelled like wolf. It had been bothering him, the smell stayed with them all throughout the flight.
He couldn’t pinpoint just who was admitting the pine and tree scent associated with werewolves, but it was there. Sunny wasn’t as good with her nose as he was, sight and emotion empathy were her skills. He was hoping it was just him projecting and it wasn’t one they were running from.
“I know, you have a ‘man pain journal.’ Still, write it down, John will never see it coming!” She fist pumped and spun on her toes, Samuel wondered if she was a dancer.
“Neither will we if this meeting doesn’t go right,” Moony grumbled and hefted his duffle bag over his shoulder so he could grab his sister’s. The things he did for that fool.
“Hey, now don’t be a Debbie Downer, that’s a white person’s game.” Sunny soothed, showing all thirty-two pearly whites. Samuel shook his head at her, he’d never met someone like her and he’d been alive for quite some time.
An Indian with bubble gum pink hair, now that’s a thought. He had the urge to show her off to his half-brother Charles. See if he’d get a kick out of it like he did. He’d see soon enough, they were going to the same place after all.
“Can’t you be serious for once?” Moony asked, glaring at her.
“Can’t you stand up straight for once? Why do you always slump?” She retorted, comically slumping for effect. Moony blushed and straightened, only to hunch over more when a mother shoved her child away from him. He could smell her fear and apprehension.
Moony knew he was scary, he was somewhat too tall for his build; were he a few inches shorter he would be all the more handsome for it. It was as if he stopped growing only to be stretched on one of those medieval racks a half-foot more. With his intense pure bread Native American facial features and gold piercings he wasn’t surprised that folks ran from him.
“They are frightened of me when I stand too tall.” He mumbled, shyly. Sunny scoffed and nudged his impressive six-pack with her elbow. He had worked on his dancer's physique.
“Let them, it’s not our fault they are frightened of melanin.” She quipped, glaring at the mother. The damned fool didn’t know scary, she’d show her scary.
“No, but that doesn’t mean I can’t make it easier on them.” He mumbled, nervously pulling on his long hair, he was not his twin, he did not flourish in crowds.
“Uterus up, Moons! Live a little, express yourself and whatnot!” She flushed, spinning around with her arms wide. Moony shushed her, worried about the attention they received, but she continued. “The world is your oyster so crack it open and suck down that weird snot thing people think is a sexual stimulant!” Samuel couldn’t hide it anymore, his laugh burst out and took over the room.
“Oh dear god! I want to keep you.” He said, flashing her a grin.
“Go ahead, she’s worth two goats and an anemic ferret.” Moony sighed and slapped a large palm over his face. Sunny stopped to glare at him.
“Excuse you, mister. I am worth at least one cow and a pig. Thank you very much.” Sunny huffed and crossed her arms over her chest.
“I’ll give you twice that,” Samuel said, smirking at her bewildered face.
“Sir, I am sorry if I gave you that impression, but I am not searching for a life partner at this time.” Sunny seemed to deflate under his gaze as if she was trying to change something about herself she didn’t like. He’d seen that in himself all too often. He wondered to himself if her kind and happy nature attracted her trouble.
“Sun, I am happily married to a wonderful woman I waited a long time for, I only meant that you’d keep her entertained while I was at work. Like a pet goldfish.” He spoke softly, to appease her, the guarded look vanished and her happy smile was back, albeit a little forced.
“Goldfish? It’s because I’m brown isn’t it?”
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janbirdie20 · 3 years
Rays of Sunlight
Altan Hussan was not a wolf to be trifled with. He was old and tired of the ennui brought on by age. He came to the Alpha of all Alphas to die, but his wish was not granted. Altan was a warrior in every sense of the word, but what happens when his cold, isolated heart meets the hurricane that is Sunny Redfeather, a Navajo Skinwalker from Arizona.
Chapter Two: My Soul and I
Patience is a pillar of faith
Hz Umar ibn al-Khattab (RA)
Altan Hussan was old. Older than he should be. Allah had blessed him with a long life, but to Altan, it was not a blessing to Altan, but a curse. His soul was broken and tattered, pulled apart by loss and grief and age. He could not find it in his heart to live much longer.
Which was why Rhys Edevane left him be when Altan came ten years ago to die, his own son would not end his misery so he sought it elsewhere. The damned man was all too smug about the whole idea, keeping Altan alive because he was useful. Altan tried his best not to be useful, in spite.
“You’re grumpin’ ‘round ‘gain, Al.” Emilia Attenburg, soon to be Edevane if she ever said yes to Rhys’ proposal, said. Her accent was abysmal as always, how that fool of an Alpha could find it arousing was beyond Altan’s comprehension.
“I am not ‘grumpin’ ‘round ‘gain’ Emilia. I am fine, thank you.” Altan shot back, almost clipping a blooming rosebud instead of the dead leaf he was aiming for.
“Now, I might not be as good as you or Charles at sniffin’ out lies and whatnot, but I think even I could catch even that one.” She had the sweet smile of hers, one that made him like her in the first place. The one that made him let her in. A terrible mistake really.
“I... I have been having dreams lately. Ones that disturb me.” He uttered, refusing to make eye contact with her, those whiskey eyes would break him with one glance and they both knew it. Emily hummed but said nothing more, just continued to sketch the old wolf David lying down. Paint-stained hands flying across the paper, making beautiful lines and smears.
“I don’t know how to explain them.” He stepped back from his project, unwilling to continue in this foul mood. His roses deserved better.
“Start with the beginnin’, the place where you first started to understand them.” She straightened and gave her best friend her full attention. Altan was pale, or as pale as a Turk posing as a Spaniard could be. She didn’t like it. Emily drew upon her Omega nature to soothe him, she was getting better. A full year under Altan and Andi’s tutelage made her an expert. Or as much as she could be.
“They started around nineteen years ago. I am standing in this large open space. The ground is a reddish-orange, like rust. The air is clean and dry. Large cliffs surround me, it is a desert. There are birds singing and the wind blows a scent to me. A mixture of Japanese cherry blossoms and a thunderstorm over a desert. There is a… a form in front of me. She calls to me, but I don’t understand what she says. She is so far away, but lately, she has become more clear, closer to me. I… feel at peace with her, as if the wolf is gone. Almost human.” Alta’s voice was distant, black eyes clouded with confusion.
“Describe her for me,” Emily asked, tucking her legs underneath her. Altan’s black brows creased and sat back in his pruning chair.
“That’s the thing, Little Wolf, I cannot. She is too far, across that long red plain... Her eyes.”
“What about them?”
“I see them. I should not be able to see them, but I do. They are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. Her eyes, sparkle, the light from the sun above us make them look alive. The brown color is soft, the exact shade of a stolen ray of sunlight. A ring of gold hung inside her iris, adding another layer of depth to her already beautiful eyes. How can I see them, but nothing else about her?” Altan rubbed a soft petal between his death-stained hands.
Someone like him should not be given such dreams. Dreams of hope. His soul burned for this woman, raged against his chest to reach her. To feel her soft flesh touch his. His wolf howled, howled the cry of separation. The cry of a lost mate. But the woman across the plains was not his Hala. Was not his lost love, his only love.
“Maybe it’s your new mate, maybe you’re havin’ dreams ‘bout her.” Emily offered. Altan must have said his last thought aloud, he didn’t mean to.
“I will not have another mate, not while I am alive and she is dead,” Altan promised, eyes a burning umber, eyes of sadness and grief.
“Al, it’s time to move on. It’s ‘bout time you got your happy endin’.”
“Little Wolf, someone like me doesn’t get a happy ending.” He said, turning his back to her. He had had his happy ending and lost it.
People like him didn’t get a second one.
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janbirdie20 · 3 years
Rays of Sunlight
Altan Hussan was not a wolf to be trifled with. He was old and tired of the ennui brought on by age. He came to the Alpha of all Alphas to die, but his wish was not granted. Altan was a warrior in every sense of the word, but what happens when his cold, isolated heart meets the hurricane that is Sunny Redfeather, a Navajo Skinwalker from Arizona.
Chapter One: There She Goes
Can you remember
Who you were,
Before the world
Told you who you should be?
Being named after the sun was a hard thing to live up to. Sunny couldn’t decide if she wanted to be a raging inferno destined to burn the world down with her fire or a sweet, simple beam of light to warm the dark places in others. It really depended on whether or not she had any coffee that morning if she was going to blind the shit out of someone or just be a subtle discomfort. Like if you fell asleep in the sun for too long.
Like seriously who names their kid after a freakin’ hot ball of gas in the sky that, in like eight hundred billion years, would swallow the earth in a fiery explosion and kill any life on it?
Well at least she wasn’t named after the floating rock in the sky where that one guy's missing left testicle was, wait that’s Lance Armstrong the cyclist, not Niel the astronaut, whoops. But damn all those white guys looked the same in her opinion. Sunny was hardly the worst name in the world, cough North West cough, she could live with it.
“Sun, whatcha thinking about?” Moony, said child named after the floating rock in the sky, asked her. Maybe she could change her name? Bethany? Barbara? Something starting with a B maybe?
“Lance Armstrong’s missing left testicle and if he is related to Neil or not.” She responded plainly, ignoring the startled look the woman in seat 2-B sent her. If she didn’t want to hear about Lance Armstrong’s missing left testicle she should stop eavesdropping like a hoe. Little bitch was sending goo-goo eyes at her twin. Moony, her twin Moony, who has never kissed a girl in his life, let alone seen one naked. Which was what this white woman was thinking about if the disgusting smell of lust redating off her was anything to go by.
Over her dead body would this woman pop Moony’s cherry! She giggled and shot Hussie Number Two a glare she had been working on for the 1.58 hours it took to fly from the Navajo Indian Reservation in Arizona to Stevensville, Montana. The woman looked back down at her Vogue magazine and if Sunny wasn’t feeling so possessive she would have admired the chick’s tastes. On magazines, not men. What about Steph? Nah, that sounded like an STD. Tiff? Tiffy?
“Sounds fun, but let’s call that a personal topic.” Moony drawled, smirking at 2-B and causing her to blush. Which is why 2-B was Hussie Number Two and not number one, as that lovely spot was permanently taken by Jacy Redfeather. AKA Moony.
“Why, Lance Armstrong will never find his missing left testicle if the general public is not informed of its… missingness,” Sunny smirked, she was good at that and blew a strand of bubble gum pink hair out of her face. The look on Catori Redfeather’s face when Sunny came home from Europe with pink hair was priceless, god did she wish she had a camera.
“If you say Lance Armstrong and missing left testicle in the same sentence again I will throw you out of this plane and laugh,” Moony growled. Sunny gasped and jutted out her bottom lip. She was good at pouting too. She had lots of talents.
“What if I said Lance Armstrong’s misspaced not the right ball but the other one, instead?”
“How can you misplace a testicle? I can’t believe we came from the same womb.”
“Me either, have you seen my face, God was mean to you Moons.” Sunny shook her head in sympathy and placed a tan hand on his broad shoulder for comfort. Moony pressed his plump lips together in disgust and shrugged off her hand. Rude.
“God was mean to me in more ways than one. Giving us you as a family member proves that there is sin in the world.” He droned, shifting his long legs, careful not to kick the seat in front of him. Moony was considerate like that, unlike Sunny who knocked the hell out of the seat in front of her when she did the same thing. Why the guy had to glare at her she had no idea, it’s not like she meant to give him a bloody nose. Baby-backed bitch, she thought, sticking a tongue out at the back of his seat, like an adult.
“I am so telling Amá you said that!” Sunny whined, channeling a very accurate Kim K performance. She thought she should get a Grammy for her work. She already had her acceptance speech planned. I would like to thank my legs for getting me places, my arms for feeding me….
“Go ahead, she’ll agree with me,” Moony said, totally unaware she had just cut him out of her will. He took a sniff and furrowed his brows. Sunny smelled the air too and only came up with the scent of airplanes and feet. “I wonder what her name is?” He whispered, barely a sound came out from his lips. But Sunny could hear, could still hear it even if he was in the bathroom at the very back. Mountain lions had very good hearing and so did their Skinwalker counterparts.
“Brenda or some other white name. Why do you care? It’s not like you’re gonna see her again.” Sunny glared at her once more.
“Casual fun, ain’t nothing wrong with it, Suns.” Moony tilted forward to smirk at Hussie Number Two, letting the full might of his Navajo features overpower the woman’s delicate sensibilities. Moony was handsome, even though she had to admit it, with gorgeous long black hair and piercing brown eyes, he could stop a heart in its chest. Then again the same could be said for Sunny, though her features were wider than her twin’s. She had their mother’s Hopi face.
“Moon, we’re Baptist, no diddles before marriage, remember?” Moony sighed and sat back, closing his eyes for a moment. He rubbed the bridge of his nose, his unconscious tick he did when he had a headache. Sunny reached down, rummaging through her brown bag, and slipped two Advil into his large palm. Moony took them without saying anything, he didn’t have to, Sunny felt his gratefulness.
“Attention passengers, we will be landing in Stevensville Memorial Airport in ten minutes, please fasten your seatbelts, raise your tray tables and prepare for landing. On behalf of Delta Airlines, we thank you for flying with us.”
Ten minutes before landing. Ten minutes before they were in Merrick's territory. Ten minutes till Sunny’s life would change.
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