ghcst-girl · 4 years
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ghcst-girl · 4 years
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ghcst-girl · 4 years
I can’t understand some fanon interpretations of Padmé. People think that she’s 100% Republic & Democracy & Duty and ignore her naïve, girly, romantic, reckless, selfish side. She stayed with Anakin after the Sand People massacre in AotC, she chose him over the custody of Grievous in CW, she asked Vader to help her raise their child in RotS! Catherine Taber herself said, “her heart wins over her head” when he’s involved. Sometimes I wonder if I’m talking about the same character as the fandom??
Here’s thething: Padmé is both. She’s a politician, someone who is focused on her careerand her goals AND she is a romantic, someone who dreams of love and family. butit seems it hard for people to accept Padmé – and women in general – can beboth. that we can exist beyond the tired, old tropes of cold career woman or loveableromantic. This is an old problem is fiction, the famous strong female characterproblem. it’s the idea that only one type of female character is strong and anycharacter that deviates from the norm is weak and/or pointless. People had noproblem with Padmé when she was accepting herself, bossing people around, discussingpoliticians and carrying a blaster. But the moment her focus shifts to herpersonal love, to her desire to be mother and wife she is immediately discardedby the audience. all her previous actions cease to exist and now all she is adumb romantic interest. We see this clearly by how many fans think Padmé’s rolein ROTS would’ve improved if she had only carry a weapon to Mustafar. If sheonly had fought – with weapons and her body, NEVER her mind or heart – then thecharacter wouldn’t haven been wasted.
This happensin fiction all the time. female characters who are feminine and romantic are immediatelydiscarded as dead weight by audience, the same audience who only worshipsfemale character that can do the same activities usually delegated to male characters.
Padmé isonly accepted as a “valid” character when she is fighting alongside the Jedi.the rest of time she’s just…boring. But, you know, women can’t have more thanone skill or goal. The idea that a woman might want a career AND romance ispreposterous. Padmé wanting to have a family and trying to save her husband andchildren is just George Lucas being a bad writer, not a valid goal for a woman.Seriously, I wonder if these people ever stop to think why they think being amother and wife is weakness compared to striving for male-coded goal :/
Byattempting to save the character from George Lucas “bad writing”, they eraseeverything that makes Padmé unique (a female character who keeps her agency,who exists beyond being a love interest for the protagonist and who does nothave to erase or excuse her femininity or romantic side to succeed). In theaction/fantasy/sci-fi genre, that’s incredibly rare.  But hey, let’s just say Padmé is there just tokick ass and take names because who can’t relate that, right? a woman wanting asuccessful career and loving family? That’s ridiculous! Only male characterslike Anakin and Obi-wan can have thousands of fans daydreaming about them indomestic setting without them being considered weak or useless.
It’s almostlike the fandom understanding of Padmé has nothing to do with her actions andeverything to do with her gender… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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ghcst-girl · 5 years
Do you think Palpatine's relationship with Anakin was abusive or unhealthy before he became Darth Vader?
Absolutely. Anakin & Palpatine was never not abusive. The abuse began when Palpatine first heard of Anakin and ended only when Anakin killed him. It evolved over the years but it never stopped. Palpatine was constantly grooming, manipulating and emotionally abusing Anakin.
Their first real conversation tells us everything we need to know about what Palpatine planned to do to Anakin (and later did) and how he did it.
He presents himself as a kind, accepting figure that gives Anakin what he so desperately craves (acceptance and approval). Palpatine, at their very first meeting, already offers Anakin something the Jedi Order never managed to give him:
[Palpatine] cut his gaze to Anakin. “I didn’t have an opportunity on Naboo to thank you, young Skywalker. Your actions were nothing less than extraordinary. May the Force ever be as strong with you.”
“Thank you, sir,” Anakin said in a quiet voice.
He then proceeds to bond with Anakin over some common ground. In this case, Tatooine. Palpatine uses this to drive the first wedge between Anakin and Obi-wan, at the same time he separates himself from the strictness and detachment of the Jedi Order. Thus, further proving himself as a potentially accepting figure for Anakin to bond with.
Palpatine interlinked the fingers of his hands. “I’m told that you grew up on Tatooine. I visited there, many years ago.”
Anakin’s eyes narrowed for the briefest moment. “I did, sir, but I’m not supposed to talk about that.”
Palpatine watched him glance up at Obi-Wan. “And why is that?”
“My mother—”
“Anakin,” Obi-Wan snapped in reprimand. Palpatine reclined slightly, studying the two of them. Obi-Wan seemed not to have noticed the fury simmering in the boy, but for an instant Palpatine perceived a touch of his younger self in Skywalker. The need to challenge authority; the gift for masking his emotions. The yet-unrecognized power.
“I apologize if I’ve stirred something between you,” he said after a moment.
Clearly uncomfortable, Obi-Wan shifted in place. “The Jedi are trained to live in the moment, Supreme Chancellor. Our upbringings have little to do with our lives in the Force.”
Palpatine furrowed his brow. “Easy for an infant, I’m certain, but for a young boy …” He interrupted himself with a negligent gesture. “Well, who am I to pass judgment on the tenets of your Order, when the Jedi have kept peace in the Republic for one thousand years.”
Obi-Wan said nothing in a definite way.
Unfortunately, Obi-wan is too young and unprepared to see what Palpatine is doing and in his eagerness to be a good Jedi™ he plays right into his hand. He presents himself as the oppressive force – the one who doesn’t let Anakin be free – and cements the idea that Palpatine is more sympathetic to Anakin’s thoughts and emotions.
“But tell me, Padawan Skywalker, how it feels to have become a member of such a revered group.”
“It’s like a dream come true, sir,” Anakin said in genuine sincerity.
“A dream come true … Then you’ve long thought about the Jedi Order and about the Force.” Anakin nodded.
“I’ve always wanted to bring justice—”
“It’s not for you to decide your destiny, Anakin,” Obi-Wan said. “The Force will guide you.”
Palpatine smiled inwardly. Guide you to me, young Skywalker.
Palpatine asked for this meeting knowing he would take the opportunity to check out his competition (Obi-wan) and to start the grooming process with Anakin. What later became Palpatine & Vader’s relationship was the result of almost 20 years of abuse and manipulation. It wasn’t a accident. It wasn’t something that just happened. Palpatine turned Anakin into exactly what he wanted. He manipulated Anakin into becoming the kind of person that would allow himself to be turned into Darth Vader.
If you don’t believe me, believe Palpatine:
Dooku had talent, and could be a powerful placeholder. But this seemingly guileless pleasant-faced boy, this Forceful boy, was the one he would take as his apprentice, and use to execute the final stage of the Grand Plan. Let Obi-Wan instruct him in the ways of the Force, and let Skywalker grow embittered over the next decade as his mother aged in slavery, the galaxy deteriorated around him, and his fellow Jedi fell to inextricable conflicts. He was too young to be trained in the ways of the Sith, in any case, but he was the perfect age to bond with a father figure who would listen to all his troubles and coax him inexorably over to the dark side. [James Luceno. Darth Plagueis]
Anakin was a tool to used and nothing more. His turn from a friendly, innocent boy to a emotionally unstable monster was a calculate one. Vader wasn’t an accident. He was the result. The result of 10 years of unmitigated abuse.
Palpatine was grooming Anakin to become Darth Vader, which means that, yes, he was abusing him from the very start. He was abusing him every time he tried to undermine Anakin’s relationships with Obi-wan and Padmé, when he kept Anakin isolated, when he maintain himself Anakin’s only confidant, when he lied, etc.
And the sad part is that no one noticed. And the people who should have had the child’s best interest at heart, actually allowed the abuser to have further access to a little boy and later expected to profit from this abusive relationship:
“I would think that Anakin’s friendship with Palpatine could be of use to us in this—he has the kind of access to Palpatine that other Jedi might only dream of. Their friendship is an asset, not a danger.” Obi-wan Kenobi in Matthew Stover’s Revenge of the Sith.
Vader exists because a bunch of wise and powerful adults failed to protect a child from his abuser.
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ghcst-girl · 5 years
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ghcst-girl · 5 years
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ghcst-girl · 5 years
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ON WILL. A moment of sudden emotion for Hannibal he cannot name washing over him. He swallows it down and walks away.
Mads Mikkelsen as Hannibal Lecter, Hugh Dancy as Will Graham, Hannibal – …and the Woman Clothed with the Sun (S03E09)
by request of @fragile-teacup 
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ghcst-girl · 5 years
all I want is a moment of silence within my own mind
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ghcst-girl · 5 years
sometimes you’re not gonna have support from anyone. keep going anyway. you’re strong enough to make it.
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ghcst-girl · 5 years
your character should be more than a tragic backstory. more than i lost my parents at a young age so now i rebel against the world. more than i have all these wicked skills without proper background or training. 
sass is great, and so is silence — but when aren’t they using their biting wit? when do they speak up? do they use their ass-kicking skills for good? for evil? have they lost people along the way — actually, it’s inevitable, so what happened after the funeral? did your character attend? did they seek revenge, or search for answers at the bottom of a bottle? 
don’t toss around tragedies if you’re not going to apply them to your characterization. alcoholics aren’t just loud and physically abusive; ptsd doesn’t mean you’ve boarded up the windows and refuse to leave your house. you won’t always continue to hate your parents after they’ve died. you will doubt your life decisions. being rich doesn’t make you sexy. being smart doesn’t make you socially awkward [ alternatively, it doesn’t make you the most attractive person in the room. ] even if you’re wicked smart, you’ll still get some things wrong. 
do your research. if you put your character through traumatic events, not everyone walks away unscathed. but being haunted by the ghosts of your past doesn’t make you attractive either. it’s a nitty gritty, dirty fucking business. you get mad, your world loses color, you feel alone, and sometimes you ask yourself why you’re the one who lived. 
treat your character like their own person. just because you wouldn’t say something to someone doesn’t mean they’ll keep their trap shut. it doesn’t mean they’ll want a big wedding or fast cars or apple pie made the way your mother taught you. maybe you’re pro-life and your character is pro-choice. maybe it’s vice versa. just because your character is a dick doesn’t mean it should be a reflection on yourself. but if they’re going to be a dick, and you want it to be believable, give them a reason to be a dick. a reason to hate the world, only slightly less than they hate the people living in it. maybe more. maybe it’s maybelline.
being smart and young and witty and attractive doesn’t mean your character will be respected. it doesn’t mean your character deserves to be respected. older, more experienced characters may trust your character less because they’re so damn young, no matter what you do or say to try to prove them wrong. 
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ghcst-girl · 5 years
Y'all yelling your opinions but you're missing the main point: Hannibal. Eats people. Will being a (possible) top or bottom don't mean shit, lol.
Fuck dude he sure does
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ghcst-girl · 5 years
someone tagged my let Will be the big spoon post “this is like the pg version of who tops” and like you’re not wrong at all my friend but
One of the reasons I wrote that post in the first place was bc I often see Will being written as if he were the more submissive/little spoon/bottom character even in fics in which he fucks Hannibal. Like he’ll technically top but everything else in the fic is framed such that it still presents him as the needier, more insecure partner who needs taking care of and isn’t confident in himself or his desires, and that’s doing Will a real disservice. When we say “they flip” I see a lot of people translating that into sexual positions but the default still somehow remains that Hannibal is the dominant and in charge person who needs nothing at all from Will, and that imo is a pretty disastrous misread of his character and his dynamic with Will
I’m not saying Will is a top and Hannibal is a bottom, I’m saying we should all (myself included, bc I fall prey to those fandom shortcuts as much as anyone) be looking at how we portray the power dynamics between them in both sexual and nonsexual settings, and keep in mind that they are both adult men with strong personalities. That Hannibal has weaknesses and vulnerabilities and that Will is not a squishy little wallflower in need of a strong man to take care of him. Neither of them is entirely one or the other tbh, that’s the whole thing with them. Their relationship is a careful dance of concessions and victories, give and take, need and fulfillment. The fact that they’re evenly matched is what makes it so wonderful
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ghcst-girl · 6 years
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i once saw a youtube comment that said “i don’t know if i’m more jealous that hayden christiansen got to kiss natalie portman or that natalie portman got to kiss hayden christiansen” and i have yet to see a comment that reaches my very soul as that one did
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ghcst-girl · 6 years
signs that get a lot of bad rep but are really good
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ghcst-girl · 6 years
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Hanniween | Let the Right One In
A strange young woman seeks shelter from a blizzard and taps on recently widowed Alana’s door.
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ghcst-girl · 6 years
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I curious as to what fate befell Doctor Fell to see you here in his stead.
Tom Wisdom as Antony Dimmond, Mads Mikkelsen as Hannibal Lecter, Hannibal – Antipasto (S03E01)
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ghcst-girl · 6 years
and while I’m on my anti-Harry Potter fandom tear, FUCKING MISS ME with that Slytherin!Harry nonsense. First of all, anyone who thinks Harry would be comfortable surrounded by the children of the man who support the person who KILLED HIS PARENTS needs to remember who the fuck they’re talking about. Going off of that, what makes you people think Harry James “Put Everything On the Line to Do What’s Right” Potter belongs in an environment that thrives on ambition? Read that carefully, people: ambition vs. nobility. Ambition: a drive and determination to achieve success; vs. nobility: honor, decency, integrity. 
Harry doesn’t start every book off with a singular goal in mind, he gets thrown into circumstance when he sees some unsavory shit going down and becomes compelled to save the day. He’s driven by a desire to help, to do good. He sees people in danger and can’t not throw caution to the wind to do what he can to make things right. Ambition, at the end of the day, while not a negative quality, denotes a certain self-interest, which Harry more often than not completely lacks when it comes to his “save the day” routine. He’s driven by heart, not mind, and not some ultimate higher goal other than to save people from imminent danger. His mission is always to do what’s right, which is too nebulous a goal to be driven by ambition. Nope, it’s that bull-headed Gryffindor nobility. 
Hence, also why JKR had it right in making Harry’s desired career being an auror. It’s the most logical career choice for the boy who, from day one, couldn’t be kept from his instinct to save the day. And like I said in my last post, if people bothered to remember the characterizations JKR established for her characters, the choice to make Harry an auror as opposed to a teacher (when he didn’t want anything to do with the DA and had to be pushed into it by Hermione) wouldn’t seem so bizarre to some of you folks. 
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