genderquerie · 5 months
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Wow. The patience, kindness and calm communication skills. Outstanding.
From raindovemodel
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genderquerie · 1 year
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Okay but this is what I mean when I say that nobody is going to be liberated until people stop being so possessive over the bodies of trans men and transmasc+ people.
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genderquerie · 1 year
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for real!
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genderquerie · 1 year
I think once we rid ourselves of the idea that gender can tell you meaningful things about a person's nature, we can accept more gender deviance and start living freely.
Part of the reason it took so long for me to accept and even acknowledge my manhood was because I was told being a man was to inherently be violent - being a queer man was inherently predatory. The only framework of manhood I had was this, and it delayed my discovery of who I am.
What does me telling you I am a man say besides I am a man? My manhood doesn't tell you anything about what I value, what I cherish, or if I'm "dangerous". I'm not a dangerous person by virtue of manhood, and I'd like to think that I'm not a dangerous person in general, and I think if I wasn't raised around the idea that I was inherently dangerous because of who I am, I wouldn't have repressed my transness for as long as I had.
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genderquerie · 1 year
“all men are complicit in sexism and benefit from misogyny” is stating the function of a system in society, not demonizing men’s interiority. twisting that statement into some sort of insidious lie about men’s character in order to refute it on the basis that some men are good is disingenuous. there have been hundreds of thousands of good, kind men who have benefitted from misogynistic systems bc they are systems, not schools of thought or beliefs
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genderquerie · 2 years
I need people obsessed with discourse and identity politics to understand that bigots don't ask for your label before they discriminate against you.
They don't say, "Oh hey woman holding hands with another woman, you're actually bisexual? My bad! I was going to call you a dyke but now that I know your actually bisexual I won't treat you badly."
They don't say, "Oh you're a cisgender woman who's a butch lesbian? I thought you were a transwoman and was going to call the cops, but I won't do that now that you've verified your identity."
They don't say, "Oh you're a transman? I was going to catcall and harass you but now that I know you're a man I'll respect you and leave you alone."
Like arguing and belittling and shitting on each other because some tumblr post or tweet convinced you your own community is the enemy....it does not matter to them. They will harass us all, beat us all, call the cops on us all, it does not fucking matter what our labels are. We're all suffering and we'll continue to suffer the more we let them divide us.
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genderquerie · 2 years
the two genders are yes or no
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genderquerie · 2 years
being trans level 2 involves having a gender you reserve specifically for cis people and then breaking out the good actual gender around other trans people like it's fine chine
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genderquerie · 2 years
Not queer as in "queer is not a slur" but queer as in "I do not give a fuck if its a slur, you don't get to censor my identity regardless". Queer as in "I HOPE my identity upsets you". Queer as in "my identity is not only a slur but a threat"
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genderquerie · 2 years
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original post
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genderquerie · 2 years
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(Image description: two images with a background that is divided in half, one half is the asexual pride flag and the other half is a lesbian pride flag; the two images have white and black text that reads 1) "asexual lesbians are amazing" and 2) "asexual lesbians belong in the lesbian community'.)
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genderquerie · 2 years
"Genderqueer" as a label is so fucking cool because it's really for everybody
Know that your gender is Not Cis, but you don't really know how to quantify it with conventional labels? Genderqueer!
Know that you are cis, but your gender and/or expression feels more complex than the cisheteronormative views a lot of society has? Genderqueer!
You're a binary trans person who likes the label? Genderqueer!
You don't want to spend a ton of time explaining your complex gender to anybody who asks? Genderqueer!
You just want a quick, convenient label? Genderqueer!
You don't want a specific label at all? Genderqueer!
Just like the queer counterpart, genderqueer can mean a lot of things! It is meant to be inclusive and encompassing to many experiences. There are no rules to queerness, just be happy and be authentically you
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genderquerie · 2 years
saying “transitioning increases mental illness” is like saying “hard hats increase your chances of getting a traumatic brain injury”
you are more likely to be mentally ill when you’re alive seeking care and not in an urn on mom’s nightstand
cis people need to stop lying to vulnerable young trans people
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genderquerie · 2 years
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genderquerie · 2 years
So “queer” isn’t just an identity that’s broadly inclusive because, I don’t know, we like big parties. There’s actually an underlying ethic, a queer theory, that has political implications.
Its name reclaims a slur because the point is to say, “I am different, but that’s not a bad thing.” The queer movement is about upholding the right of all people to deviate from an oppressive cisgender, heterosexual, patriarchal norm. Broadening the spectrum of acceptable diversity; questioning and dismantling the social pressures that police and punish deviance. Changing not just our own lives, but how our entire society thinks about sex and gender.
That’s why “queer” embraces so many different groups. It’s not trying to erase their differences, but to try to coherently understand the complex overlapping pressures that affect each of them, and to extend our reach beyond the LGBT+ community. It’s about the right of lesbians to live without men and the right of trans and nonbinary people to be who they are, the right of asexuals to define for themselves what’s significant in their lives, the right of straight men to be vulnerable and emotional and nonviolent. When the great queering project is done, you will see the changes everywhere, not just in small LGBT+ enclaves.
It’s recognizing that something that harms or oppresses one of us is pretty likely to harm all of us, so we all benefit from taking it down together.
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genderquerie · 2 years
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Lady Diana in light coloured shirts.
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genderquerie · 2 years
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Gender is for joyful play. I seek to experiment and negate and live, experiencing myself without compromise and certainly without regard for those who would police my play. What can anyone really do to stop me? I am much more at home blurring the line between being a gay man and a gay woman than choosing a side like some kind of battle ground.
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For many, to be queer is to be radically imperfect— to see the self in all of its incomprehensible nuance, compare it to the exhaustive list of small boxes meant for much tidier people, and sigh in exasperation. There is a hopeless raging against such a comically large discontinuity between self and definition before the inevitable decision to drown oneself in their own sea— one that is ineffably massive, rich, and rife with contradiction.
Archived and reposted with permission from my friend Slime’s now-defunct theorygram account, flatwormposting (originally slimemoldposting). 🪱🌱🏴
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