estupidongjuantamad · 8 months
Hello! Are y'all still there?
Buhay pa kaya yung mga madlang peeps na active na active dito noong 2011?
I hope you are having a great day!
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estupidongjuantamad · 2 years
It's 2022 and I am reblogging this. It's been 10 years -I have been reposting this whenever I see it. Always something wonderful happening. :)
P.S I now have a kid and last time I reblogged this wasn't even married lol
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reblog and make a wish! this was removed from tumbrl due to “violating one or more of Tumblr’s Community Guidelines”, but since my wish came true the first time, I’m putting it back. :)
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estupidongjuantamad · 4 years
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Nowhere to go or just don’t know where to go? 
I have been at home most of the times since this pandemic started. Of course, I am either at home or in the hospital since I am working as an ER nurse. I kinda’ miss seeing my friends, eating out, driving somewhere or doing a tiring long hike. Now I find myself digging the soil, planting my favorite vegetables and flower plants but I guess, this is making me more productive and making me think even more about my future. I guess, this is the time to rethink about everything and do whatever our hearts desire. 
Here’s a snap that I took way back last winter when I was heading to The City with my friend who came over from Montana. Time flies really fast and the world flipped to 360 degrees and now everything’s far from this photograph.
Have a wonderful and blessed day! Keep safe. 
050420    0249H  PST
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estupidongjuantamad · 4 years
The best THUNDERSTORM sounds for DEEP SLEEP and RELAXATION l 10 Hours l 
The best sleep is when it’s raining and there’s thunder as well. It’s not raining now but this is the closest I could get and I had a goodnight sleep yesterday so now, will be replaying this again. Listen to this too! You won’t regret, I swear! Thanks to this music. :)
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estupidongjuantamad · 4 years
Time to hibernate with this playing. :)
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estupidongjuantamad · 4 years
hello sir please pkisagot nmn po ang aking katanungan ng mlinwan napo ako bkit po lgi kong nkikita ung guhit na puti na mabilis sa gilis ng aking mga mata kpag nkikita ko un prang nagppbiwraig n mag ingt ako or my papartng n publema slmat po sa sasagot pls
Hala, kakabukas ko lang nito dahil sa facebook group ng tumbloggers. Hindi ko maintindihan yung last part. Did you get your eyes checked? This message kind  of sounds weird and creepy tho. 
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estupidongjuantamad · 4 years
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Digging through my travel photos the past year, I feel so amazed how I was able to capture the beauty of what my naked eyes could see. I feel so accomplished and at the same time with a feeling of disbelief how I was able to capture such wonderful photographs. And if I would rate all my photos, this is for sure my photo of 2019 as I love how the small details were captured even though my telephoto was a hit/miss at this low light situation. I was still able to get it done and look how dramatic it ended up seeing this mother and baby monkey welcoming the visitors to the temple. P.S. Some of these monkies were very aggressive and would steal anything like people's purses, food, cellphone, camera etc. This is one memorable shot I would love to print in canvass. #snapshot #monkey #malaysia #travel #adventures #photography #lowlight #composition #wildlife #batucaves (at Batu Caves) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7PlfRwJZ3B/?igshid=st64dkwvi2it
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estupidongjuantamad · 5 years
Another day, another life.
So this is another day, another start of a new job that I recently accepted. I am actually not that excited anymore. I lost the excitement that I used to get whenever I think of Emergency medicine. They say I already have an amazing career in one of the highest paying and one of the best hospital in the nation but why do I feel this way? I feel so emotionless and discouraged. Don't get me wrong, I love saving lives but I feel like there is still something else that I need to accomplish in life. It's probably finding the "why's" and not the "what's" of my own calling. May be finding and embracing my destiny. Being a nurse is an honor yet I feel like something is lacking. I feel like I need to fulfill my passion and make it a reality. As what that lady said that I met this AM during the orientation, find a career and not just a job and you will find your true passion. Probably she is right. But ugh, tomorrow's another day in the ER. Alright pals, hope y'all are having an awesome day! :)
PST 1938
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estupidongjuantamad · 5 years
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One of the saddest days that I felt in my years of existence. Neither did I expect that this is the day that I didn't want to hear about. My tears are falling at this time as I am writing this entry. My cat died today. And I am broken hearted to hear this news today. I just remember last night I was petting my bubbly cat, I fixed his cat litter and I thought it was regaining its strength.
Yes, my cat was sick as he was diagnosed with FIV a month ago. For those who don't know FIV, it's Feline Immunodefeciency Virus, kind of like the counterpart of HIV in cats. So basically, he just didn't eat for days like within a snap. It was a 360 degree turn of his behavior which wasn't him actually. (Yes, I am addressing my cat as HE, my cat is a shorthair black male). Anyways, I brought him to the vet and that's where we found out about his illness.
I was so sad when I found out about it but I did my best to take care of him better. Moving fastforward to 4 weeks after, he wasn't that sick anymore, he was eating fine and more active again, and now realizing my cat is real dead. It just feels so heavy in my heart that my cute little sweet cat is now gone. I am going to miss his pur and the way he sits on my lap whenever I watch TV.
But sure in my heart, I will never forget how happy I was, and now still that I had you as my pet. Rest in peace my fur baby. I may cry for days but for sure it is a cry of a loving friend.
Meow. :(
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estupidongjuantamad · 5 years
Ooooh you busted! Fake friend in yo face!
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estupidongjuantamad · 5 years
Oh hell yeah! People will betray you, use you and will make you feel like shit. One thing is for sure, I learned to clean up my life by throwing toxic people away that ain't got nothing but destruction. Learn to find the real people and don't be fooled by them shapeshifting craps. Adulting hit me so hard and now I live my life peacefully by not giving a single fuck to anyone who cause me negativity. Now is the point in my life that I can live even with just one friend. It's quality over quantity. So fuck y'all fake friends!
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estupidongjuantamad · 5 years
And I saw this again. Closing my eyes and wishing for something good to happen.
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reblog and make a wish! this was removed from tumbrl due to “violating one or more of Tumblr’s Community Guidelines”, but since my wish came true the first time, I’m putting it back. :)
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estupidongjuantamad · 6 years
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estupidongjuantamad · 6 years
What is going on y'all?
It's been a long time since I browsed and checked on my blog. I just realized my blog will turn 10, yes, 10th year anniversary! Say whaaaat?! Hell yeah!
I couldn't believe that it's been almost a decade since I started here. Now I feel like I'm walking in a memory lane where things are flashing back in my head. I couldn't help as well that I have been doing a lot lately with my life and has been busy adulting.
I remember the very first day, I was still in college, trying to figure things out because I saw an ad online saying "Start your blog - tumblr" And so did I. It has been a fruitful decade of my life since I started from teenage years up to now, early adulthood. It makes me think about those people I've met here, how are they doing now? Do they still remember me? How about the friendships that were made? And also the ones that parted away?
Now I am older, I don't give a damn anymore to what people will say about me. As much as possible I just want to be private, quiet and just enjoying my life away from everyone. That doesn't sound like me right? *for those who know me well* I changed 360 degrees and I realized a lot of things during these years.
I have been a type of person so welcoming, bubbly and can be a friend to everyone. I still am but I am wiser. I just don't want to invest to something not worth it. Of course we get older, we spend more time with our loved ones - our families. However, it's normal that people will forget you and to me what's important are the great memories you had with those people and cherish it. I am now that person who spend my time wisely and I am more of a positive vibe person whilst eliminating the negative ones. But that's true, not until you reach this point in your life, you won't understand it yet. People come and go, so I just learned to welcome them, hug them and say goodbye, whispering "until next time". If they come back, that's great but if not, it's still ok.
If you are wondering what am I busy with, I am still doing my profession as a nurse. I am a full bag of adrenaline every single day as I work in the ER. I love it yet I hate it. Do I even make sense? Let me put it this way, I love it because I am saving lives, I hate it cus it's beating my body down. I've met a lot of nurses becoming sick and even dying from the stress of the profession itself and exposure to every single infection you could ever imagine. That's why to all nurses, take care of yourselves, take your breaks, take vacations, spend more time with family. Have a mental day off. You do everything so you matter too. You have to care for yourselves as well. Work is just work and just part of your life and not your whole life. If you make your work as your life, you'll be missing a lot. As I have said, I value my time now, I am not workaholic anymore as I want to spend more time with my family and also with my fianceé.
Travelling is my therapy, not in a sense I have to fly somewhere but just by driving into the woods or going to the coast and watch the sunset, that's perfection for me. I love my life and I love when I make an impact to others. And what makes it great is you take care of your own self too right?
Btw, I do now go to the gym religiously and I have a goal to reach that ideal body that I blurred for so many years. I can't imagine I am now lifting weights. I am also now a Vegan and I highly recommend plant-based meal. It will cure your body and it will make you feel better and energized.
Last time I posted here seriously was years back, I have so much to tell but how are you guys? How life has been with you? I hope everyone is doing amazing you beautiful people.
Talk to me if you need anything. Have a wonderful day to y'all.
120818 2010 PST
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estupidongjuantamad · 6 years
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Lost in the desert yet I found beauty. 080518
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estupidongjuantamad · 6 years
Kuya jaiiiiii!!!! 😀✋
OMG Late reply!!! HOW ARE YOU NOOOOOW???? Long time no talk naaaa!!! *with matching sigaw* haha Balita na sayooo?? Ako buhay pa! haha
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estupidongjuantamad · 6 years
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Sometimes I just want to wander and forget all about my worries and fears, but I realized why would I need to worry when life indeed is mysteriously beautiful in the first place? Sometimes, it's just a matter of our own perspective. The way we set our eyes and understand what we feel. I chose my own way and it is to be happy each and everyday. I am embracing everything no matter what happens. 050518 l 0331 H l PST
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