ecstasyoflivinglife · 5 years
Gratitude produces tremendous Vibratory Attraction
If you want to manifest what you want, you must FEEL thankful that you have received it in the SPIRITUAL (INVISIBLE) PLANE. That means, you have to FEEL the essence of it being there and ready to pop-out in this reality. That it will shortly come about in the physical. Realize that what is present in the Spiritual plane will shortly come to the physical plane. Gratitude is the law of receiving. It opens the gates of miracles. It is like a strong vacuum that open the portals of the higher realm where everything comes from to this physical reality where we are.
-L.A. Robert
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ecstasyoflivinglife · 6 years
The Best Meditation
Perhaps the best meditation for those desiring to have a "quick fix" in their lives in meditation on the thoughts of love. Love meditation. This is done by focusing on the heart center thinking of these 4 emotions: care, gratitude, appreciation, and compassion.
Once you feel love, the vibration of love will reverberate with you, naturally, the force of love will dilute all your fears. Consequently, better things will happen within the day of the meditation.
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ecstasyoflivinglife · 6 years
Use Thankfulness
If ever you are going through trying times right now, make use of this moment to highlight on things that you are blessed with. Perhaps the Universe is telling you to focus on what really, and truly matters: The Good things in life you may have been taking for granted all along.
If you focus, just even for 5 to 10 minutes absolutely on the blessings you have in your life right now, miracles will start to happen. Why? Because your vibration will have already changed.
Let me know.
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ecstasyoflivinglife · 6 years
Don't resist resistance...
If you cannot convince yourself 100% that what you desire WILL HAPPEN, don't fight it. Instead say, "It can happen... I may allow it to happen... The Universe or God may allow it to happen...."
Visualize what you want in the vibration that it CAN happen or it MAY happen... The logical mind won't resist this since it knows that indeed it can or may happen...
As you do, you will allow yourself to feel the essence of your desire, and thus vibrate with them, without any contrary vibration.
Try it. Do it.
L.A. Robert
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ecstasyoflivinglife · 6 years
White Magic
Say "thank you" over and over again, with or without emotions. Make it the background of your thoughts. Saying thank you, inside your mind, with or without feelings, is beneficial.
Does it always have to be with emotions? No. Clicking on the "send" button to send your email or sms doesn't need emotion, it's the same thing when you send a "thank you" message to your subconscious mind.
Just do it over and over again. If you can add "I love, I love, I love," it is much better.
Again, don't overwork by putting so much emphasis on emotions, just start. Just mantra your way, in your mind, through "thank you."
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ecstasyoflivinglife · 6 years
Hobby of Expecting Good
If you expect good things, at least on the most general terms, you magnetize good things and results in your life...
Come to think of it, if you expect the worst, what's the benefit? Nothing but living life as if you're about to lose... Try the different approach by trying to open the door to seeing that the World continues to be good and supportive no matter what we do... It does... Appreciate the perfection of the Universe and see that things we worry about are mundane.
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ecstasyoflivinglife · 6 years
"Though times do not last, tough people do."
Though times never last, in fact, they only last momentarily. The true nature of Life is one of order and bliss. Tough times bring about change, just as a storm is nature's way to detoxify the air, and to bring about renewed balance. An earthquake, in its natural sense, is to balance the Earth. By billions of years, it is the way that earth makes itself round. If during hard times, you focus your mind upon the solution rather than problems, then you are considered "tough," in that your focus is towards the purpose rather than the problem. Live a purposeful life, then you will see that challenges are just that - momentary - but what you harvest, what you will have gained, will make you are soul more evolved than before.
-L.A. Robert
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ecstasyoflivinglife · 6 years
Magic exists. It does. We live in a world where layers and layers of unseen realities exist. Generally, we do not see all of them, yet we can feel them.
What is important in order to benefit from the magic that exists is to believe that it is real.
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ecstasyoflivinglife · 6 years
Do you want something good to instantly happen? Do this. Now.
1. Think of three (3) things which you are happy and truly truly appreciate in your life right now.
2. Visualize these three events or things or person/s in three different circles.
3. Make these circles hover around your mind. Now milk the joy of it. Really feel in your body how joyful you are. Start by inhaling deeply and slowly… Visualize these events going into your cells.
4. Once you feel that good feelings started to come, multiply it, really feel elated by maximizing the feelings of joy.
5. Upon reaching that state of joy where you can no longer contain it, say “Aaaahhhhhhh” and imagine the sound “ahhhhhh” giving life to those positive images you have in your mind. “Ahh” is a primordial sound of creation. Put positive emotions and passion in the “ahh” sound.
6. Expect some miracles to happen. Something positive will happen in the next days to come. Be alert, and see the magic of heightened joy coupled with the sound of creation. Miracles will manifest themselves.
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ecstasyoflivinglife · 6 years
The Rule of 3
In every negative thought you have, think of 3 positive thoughts and focus on them. It may be a solution or anything desired.
Be conscious on this at first... Then it becomes your second nature to always think of better thoughts.
Start by saying "thank you... thank you.... i love..... i like..... i like.... i love.... thank you...."
Then the mind naturally will give you things to like, love or be thankful about.
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ecstasyoflivinglife · 6 years
Be Intimate With Your Desire - Visit Them
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ecstasyoflivinglife · 6 years
Magic exists. It does. We live in a world where layers and layers of unseen realities exist. Generally, we do not see all of them, yet we can feel them.
What is important in order to benefit from the magic that exists is to believe that it is real.
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ecstasyoflivinglife · 6 years
"Though times do not last, tough people do."
Though times never last, in fact, they only last momentarily. The true nature of Life is one of order and bliss. Tough times bring about change, just as a storm is nature's way to detoxify the air, and to bring about renewed balance. An earthquake, in its natural sense, is to balance the Earth. By billions of years, it is the way that earth makes itself round. If during hard times, you focus your mind upon the solution rather than problems, then you are considered "tough," in that your focus is towards the purpose rather than the problem. Live a purposeful life, then you will see that challenges are just that - momentary - but what you harvest, what you will have gained, will make you are soul more evolved than before.
-L.A. Robert
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ecstasyoflivinglife · 6 years
If you want something - visualize, visualize, visualize, until that very thing you want becomes a normal fixture in your consciousness, and the same feels normal to you, then, it will come and will stay for a good long period of time.
L.A. Robert
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ecstasyoflivinglife · 6 years
Beautiful scents belong to a higher level of physicality. In fact, they are borderline-etheric. Have you ever thought why would a certain smell bring back memories? The cookies freshly baked? The sweet vanilla or caramel reminds you of your childhood memories? The fun and carefreeness of childhood.
Practitioners of magic know the power of scents hence the use of essential oils. There are advance methods on using oil in performing magic.
But for your everyday life, do you want to instantly feel good whenever you want? Think of thay scent which makes you feel good instantly and have that handy. Put some on your wrist. Sniff them as necessary.
For relaxation, light smell vanilla is potent. The essential oils of lavender. Some (or many), the shirt of their partners. It makes them feel safe.
Rose is said to be one of the highest of vibrations among all scents. It is said that angels themselves are able smell roses. The smell of roses reach the heavens. (Note that foul odors do not reach the level of the higher realms. The law of attraction does not allow it).
So, if you want to increase your vibration instantly, to attract a life that feels good, from now on, be conscious about the power of scents. Surround yourself with scents that makes you feel good.
If you have an oil burner (never use near curtains and within reach of children), or diffuser, use the high-frequency frangrances oils. Jasmine. Rose. Freesia. Lily of the valley. Chamomile. These are few of examples of warmth-joy-inducing scents.
Sniff the smell of freesia and visualize happy and warm relationships.
Boil cinnamon with brown sugar in your kitchen for 5 to 10 mins, and you'll have your entire home smelling like heaven!
Try it. You will never regret. Good things follow whenever you feel good. This is a very important concept.
L.A. Robert
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ecstasyoflivinglife · 6 years
Each thought is a packet of energy that builds the road of your future. Therefore, sit down and relax and choose the correct thoughts by visualizing them. They are the building blocks of your future - choose them wisely.
L.A. Robert
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ecstasyoflivinglife · 6 years
Why Words are so Powerful?
You may have heard from other teachers and writers of the law of attraction that visualization is so powerful. It is indeed extremely power because it shapes the vibration of your mental world and hence the structure of your circumstances in the physical world. Simply put, your WORDS are the results of what you have in your mind. Therefore, WORDS are "physicalized" thoughts. They can now be measured through vibration. It comes in contact with the "real world (the physical word: the see, feel, hear, tough, smell - world). So, if you want to make the manifestations of what you want to come faster, then use the power of words. The vibration of your words now mixes with this physical reality. Say what you desire with authority and conviction: "I declare that this (say the event) will take place under perfect grace." "Through the power that sent me here, I now declare that my desires do come true." Do this after visualizing the good you desire. See for yourselves the power this technique has.
Magic is real.
LOA instruction series.
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