diaryofaforrestfire · 2 years
Dear Carnage,
Over the last few months I have learned a lot about myself. I understand what it means to be happy alone and with someone else.
Carnage, you are important. Negativity doesn't negate the wonderful things life has to offer. Negativity gives us a measuring tool. Being negative towards the bad lets us better understand when we are positive towards the good. No one seems to ever ask you, so I will.... Why do you see the world as black or white? Why do things not come as easy for you?
Are you passing up opportunities based on the belief you aren't good enough? Are you keeping yourself and the talents you have locked away? Why? I need you in my life and so does everyone else.
The talents you possess can outweigh your negative nature. I cannot enjoy your absence when I know you have gifts to be shared. Show the world who you are carnage. Whats the worst that could happen? Are you scared of destroying it and burning it down? Humanity has already done that three fold and the world still turns. We still orbit the sun with buildings standing tall, kissing the edge of space itself.
You're scared of it all going terribly wrong but what if it goes serendipitously right?
Forever yours,
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diaryofaforrestfire · 2 years
Dear Sputnik,
My absence was not one of want but one of necessity. You have to learn to grow without me. However I have found myself become more prevalent in your space.
My view of the world may be negative... but yours doesn't have to be.
I'm still here Sputnik, I'll never leave.
Enjoy my absence when you can..
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diaryofaforrestfire · 2 years
My dearest Carnage,
As the days turn to weeks without a glimmer of you, I start to wonder if you were ever real.
Those dark twisted hallways that inhabit the corridors of your brain were so beautiful....they couldn't have been a dream. Yet when the sun rises and shines through the windows casting shimmering rainbows through the frosted glass, I can't help but forget you exist. Not in a way that is facetious, never.
In a way that I wonder how the world could allow any negativity, even your particular brand of melancholy optimism. Carnage, I realize in your absence that I could live without you... but I don't want to.
Hope and optimism are nice but someone once told me two dreamers will ruin each other. I need someone like you to find the logic in the abstract colors of our world.
The world can't always be light. I know that now.
Please come back,
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diaryofaforrestfire · 2 years
My dearest Carnage,
I have not been graced by a reply to my last letter. Days have dragged by and I began to worry.
I wanted to tell you of my consultation to mark my skin with the ink of my story once again. This time I'm covering tragic memories of being with him and his hands meeting the soft skin of my face in violent ways. I find myself thinking about you and wondering where you are. I need you to help me through...
Please don't forget me,
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diaryofaforrestfire · 2 years
My dearest Carnage,
By your last letter, one can assume you believe the soul is almost a literal mirror of whatever is around it... I guess you're right to make the assumption you have. A bleak world with a similar outlook could cause anyone to tire as I seem to have.
I don't believe the soul is necessarily a reflection of the world. As I said before the soul rests in the chest. I believe pieces of the soul reach out like fingers leaving their prints on the souls around them if they're lucky.
Sometimes the unlucky parts are squashed by people who's pieces have already been stomped on a thousand time over. In that bitter, yet fortuitous, moment you have the unique opportunity retreat and heal that piece.
The point where the many diverges from the few, is how they decide to heal. Will they stomp someone else's pieces in order to gain a futile sense of power or courage? How many will be damaged, in order to save the one?
Remember Carnage, your pieces are no more precious than anyone else's. That is not to make you feel low, just the opposite. You should see we are all the same in many ways. You should build a deeper connection with your fellow man. We all need the same basic things, and our pieces have all been stomped enough.
In a unique way I guess this still makes us a reflection of the life we are given, as you have assumed. However, how we choose to respond... Well Carnage, how we choose to respond is completely up to us. This leads to not everyone being so bad.
Sincerely yours,
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diaryofaforrestfire · 2 years
Dear Sputnik,
Sometimes when I write you, I have an innate urge to be poetic. Compliments and encouragement come naturally then. I guess what I'm trying to say if you bring it out of me inexplicably.
The rest of the world isn't so lucky. I see them for what and who they are. You're a beacon in this world Sputnik. You're this bright blinding hope I have found in a world which brightest hue seems to be gray.
You once told me your soul had lost color. Has your soul lost color, or is your soul a reflection of societies brightest color?
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diaryofaforrestfire · 2 years
Dear Carnage,
I appreciate the encouragement as I realize it is not in your character. Being anything you want is easier said than done when fear and anxieties corrupt the soul. I would say the mind, but as mind, body and soul need each other to survive. All are affected, but the soul the worst.
You see carnage, the soul has the ability to lose color. I believe mine has at least. Beautiful colors used to dance a delicate ballet intertwining themselves in my chest. I believe that Is where the soul rests.
People say the eyes are the window of the soul but I believe they're wrong. If you feel with your heart, or someone says your heart is beautiful... I believe the soul is the reason for that. The heart in itself provides a vital part of life and body function, I don't deny that. But a muscle can't give you passion, love.... Loneliness. All these emotions you feel in your chest come from the soul.
What do you think?
Sincerely yours,
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diaryofaforrestfire · 2 years
Dear Sputnik
To be a wife is an honorable thing, but to be a wife of the world takes an extraordinary person. The question to ask yourself is not whether you'd want to wife a person or the world. The question is not even would you want to be a free floating seed. The question is: Do you want to be honorable or extraordinary?
Honorable people can be extraordinary, but they often are overlooked due to the uniform honor requires us to wear. People who set out to be extraordinary often fall short and resort to honorable stages. I guess the question you should ask yourself is not even that of honor or being extraordinary. You should ask yourself if the latter of the two comes naturally to you. A thirst for knowledge, travel, or even just the inability to stand a stagnant life can make one extraordinary.
Honestly though, Sputnik, you can be both, neither, or anything in between. That is entirely up to you.
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diaryofaforrestfire · 2 years
Dear Carnage,
As I open my eyes on the birth of a new year I can't help but ponder the current trajectory my life is speeding.
Do I actually want to be someone wife, or be a wife of the world? Should I be planted by the hands that grew mine in the place they sprouted? I see trees lend seeds to the wind and I often wonder where they go. What do they see? Would you ever consider being a seed? I need to know...
Sincerely yours,
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diaryofaforrestfire · 2 years
Dear Sputnik,
I never said humans were fickle things, humanity is a fickle thing. Loss of power, profit, or promise has the potential to flatten it completely.
As far as time, remember too much or too little of a good thing can be bad. I look at time in the same perspective. The wind blows too little and turbines can't produce power, too much and those turbines can end up in my living room. Remember to appreciate the wind you have. Time will follow.
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diaryofaforrestfire · 2 years
Dear Carnage,
As you have mentioned before, people are fickle beings. I trust you understand the difference between hero and casualty. The line between the two is often thin.
I often find myself wondering where I belong in life. It is currently 6:31 PM and counting, yet I feel as though 3 AM couldn't be closer.
Maybe my lost bottle cap can't feel the space between.....but I will. See, carnage, I never wanted to feel more than necessary. I never thought the lapse of time between two moments could be so.... Important.
6:34 and counting. I still wonder how far I can go while staying alone yet connected to those and the world around me.
From 6:35 to 6:37 I find myself pondering the paradox of time. How could something move so fast, yet stay still all at once?
Sincerely yours,
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diaryofaforrestfire · 2 years
Dear Sputnik,
As I talk to people, I learn many things.
Her nose flares when she's angry.
His eyes roll back when he's bored.
A fireman is always a hero in every story.
Do you ever think of things like this?
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