coreyndanian · 1 day
headcanon :)
LotF, but by the time Caedus publicly reveals that he's a Sith, everyone who knew Jacen has already figured out that they're dealing with a clone, just because of how out of character it all is for Jacen.
Actually, they're probably pretty sure when he tries to get Tahiri to join him using the temptation of a love interest she's long over.
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coreyndanian · 1 day
Lol that is totally my headcanon :)
More sleep deprivation thoughts: The ultimate catharsis in Caedus being a clone and the real Jacen turning up later is Jacen and Jaina maybe eventually getting to a point where they can both look back on Caedus's entire existence and laugh their asses off at how comically stupid he was.
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coreyndanian · 7 days
I ain't screwing around with madam zeroni. Reblog :)
“But if you forget to reblog Madame Zeroni, you and your family will be cursed for always and eternity.”
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coreyndanian · 13 days
What about Mimikyu? Jolteon? Vaporeon? Emolga? Eevee? Squirtle? Riolu? Dratini? Horsea? Charmander?
Feel free to specify in the tags :) if the animal is one that needs company assume you'd have multiple
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coreyndanian · 2 months
Duo: Hey! What about Heero and Wufei?
Trowa: Heero is excused and Wufei doesn't always have his arms exposed.
Heero: ...
Wufei: ...
Quatre: Trowa, you wear a sleeveless clown costume.
Trowa: Speak as I find.
Trowa: Roll your sleeves down
Duo: Uh—
Trowa: You look like a slut
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coreyndanian · 2 months
My BSG rewrite is returning
Good news to any who care :) Or are just interested in Battlestar Galactica content in general. Now, a few years ago, I made a post telling everyone interested about my own version of Battlestar Galactica I've been working on for ages. I decided to reluctantly abandon it because I felt it wasn't working. But I kept the notes and then began a massive blitzkrieg as it were to rebuild it from scratch.
The first was of course, what am I doing?
Well, it required a few re-watches of both the classic and the re-imagined series. Then it was expanding in my head who the characters were and what I am doing. Then developing the world in general, the story before, the story during, the story after. Then came the locations, the technologies, the cultures and the main characters. And my notes expanded. I realised I didn't want to do an analog to the real world, given recent events, so I decided to find a different direction. This is a story based on Glen A. Larson, Richard D. Moore and David Eick's own works but finding a new way to tell it. Some of the beats are the same as the re-imagined series (heck, two-thirds of the ships in the fleet along with Viper Mark II's, Raptors and Shuttles are of the RDM versions while my Galactica is a close resemblance externally but internally, well, I had to change it), but the story has its own direction to follow. As to the characters, well, I think Tigh, Apollo, Starbuck and Number Six (Baltar's gets a real name) will resemble them somewhat in terms of some backstory but they are off in another direction entirely.
The main cast and supporting are split even: Main: Commander Adama The new President Apollo Starbuck Baltar Number Six Shadow -- new character
Supporting: Colonel Tigh The female deck chief Boomer The President's assistant The non-comm comm officer The Tactical Officer Serina
Yes, Serina and Boxey are coming back. And Serina is a supporting character throughout Season 1 with an arc that is almost simultaneous to Apollo which will culminate in tragedy on a certain world. She'll be introduced as a young up-coming reporter and single mother in the Pilot. In Episode 4, she decides to sign up for the Colonial Fleet as they are in need of ECOs as well as pilots which as she studying electronic signals in University as a minor to her journalism degree. In Episode 10, almost a month later, she's Boomer's replacement ECO.
Another surprise return was the Imperious Leader. I felt that the Humanoid Cylons bickering amongst each other in the re-imagined, while sometimes amusing, didn't have any sign of being a resemblance of leadership. So returns the original ruler of the Cylons, a mysterious robotic entity who's form we insinuate resembles the original form but will not see for quite some time. He'll only appear in the pilot twice and then at the conclusion of Season 1 Episode 13 "Kobol, Part II" but really we have his shadow looming and his voice as he speaks to the Number Six character before the attacks in the Pilot and at the end of E13 and the Number Five character at the end of the Pilot. "Speak, Number Six," indeed. Also, "By Your Command" is to be a common feature spoken by any of the Humanoid Cylon Models when in the presence of their leader.
Also, Boomer and Tigh are back to their original interpretations by Herb Jefferson, Jr., and Terry Carter since it fits to me in some form. This Boomer is also not a Cylon (nor is Tigh as the Final Five don't exist) and he is engaged in an indiscreet relationship with the female deck chief that causes issues until Season 1 Episode 6 "Inquiry" when they both suspect the other of being a Cylon. Though (spoiler) they aren't, the real Cylon agent on Galactica that causes messes will be revealed in a special I plan for in the future between seasons. In reality, only one Cylon is a main cast member: Number Six.
This Number Six character is intriguing. The one who manipulates and falls in love with Baltar, her name is Natasha, is a smart seductive woman but also displays emotions of regret as her time on Caprica clouds her somewhat. She'll only appear in the first third of the Pilot, seemingly dying trying to make sure Baltar will survive, and then at the conclusion of "Kobol, Part II" before appearing onward in Season 2 and beyond. But the main Six is who I dub "Illusion-Natasha". Think she's the angelic temperamental jealous creature we know and love/loath in RDM's BSG played by the wonderful Tricia Helfer, well, it's a bit more complicated. In Season 1 after she first appears seemingly out of nowhere, she'll help Baltar in creating the Cylon Detection Device (which will not end up disappearing like it did in the Re-imagined Series) and then in pointing out directly where to strike in my own version of the fuel ore asteroid in Episode 10 "The Flying Colours" and pushing him to become Vice President in Episode 11 "The Other Battlefield" but we get hints she is not what she seems, particularly in "Kobol, Part II" where she makes him hallucinate that human sacrifice occurred on Kobol, thus why it was abandoned two millennia ago (not true, it was for another reason). In Season 2, after Baltar is led to believe he has been pushed the side, turns him into an arrogant piece of trash willing to murder to take credit for things or cover up things and somehow not get detected whilst ignoring the right way of doing things, thus leading to my own New Caprica arc and how he ends up briefly with the Cylons when some of the Models will (spoiler) overthrow the Imperious Leader (which will cost them everything). This "Illusion-Natasha" will be responsible for this. She isn't an angel but more like Count Iblis. Heck, I look forward to, when I get round to it, doing that Season 4 episode where, thanks to some potent exotic plants, allows Natasha and Shadow (who is involved in Baltar's arc a couple of times in S1 and S2 whilst going on his own journey) to see what "Illusion-Natasha" really is: a demon manipulating a human down the path to bloodshed. The price to settle New Caprica is blood, both human and Cylon.
"Human, Cylon, we're all just pawns in a game played by higher beings." -- Shadow (Season 4)
Another thing that'll change and be somewhat toned down is the religious and higher powers thing, particularly with the strange direction RDM took it (and was mocked by George R.R. Martin for). But in amongst this are some changes. Adama in this series I see more as a spiritualist character and someone who believes in a higher power but doesn't conform to any organised religion, most of the other characters either reject it entirely or pay lip-service as you do, the President goes from lip-service to full spiritualist at her journey's arc as she ends up becoming an Oracle of sorts. No, not by drugs for cancer treatment, though she has a heart condition that requires certain medications that will run out by Season 4 and the one alternative she tries in Season 1 and early Season 2 actually triggers her first set of visions whilst sparing her from the withdrawals of a dangerous exotic plant thought extinct for a reason -- it caused some soldiers to massacre a village without remorse or morals about sixty years before the series begins (about a decade before the Colonies finally unified into a single entity) -- used by a Cylon agent to make her and Adama aggressive and almost tear the fleet apart. Her visions continue through the series without outside help long afterwards. Her assistant (a sort-of Billy character that survives and has a steady relationship with the sort-of Dualla character to the point of marriage and kids) will follow her along the path. Starbuck herself remains the quiet believer praying to the Olympian deities in private whilst being the smarty-pants and tough-as-nails pilot she is. Shadow, the new character, is an open devotee of a single deity. As to the Cylons, Natasha is effectively the only Six to really believe while the sort-of Leoben Models (one who gets interrogated and induced with truth-telling plants provided by Shadow since he's doing the questioning and not Starbuck -- she had her episodes in Season 1) remain the crazy devotees we know and loath. Not to worry, Baltar doesn't get a harem in this or becomes some messianic figure. Kudos to James Callis in his role but...it didn't suit Baltar.
Other things nailed down is the timeline to avoid too many retcons, character ages, Pilot Rosters (for Galactica, Pegasus and the third Battlestar survivor) and the Ships of the Fleet with their names, type, captains and complement. I hate when dialogue doesn't match props or special effects so I nailed them down immediately. Heck, if this was ever made, I would probably make sure the background material matches what needs to be seen on-screen. It needs to be tight, it needs to make sense, and no retconning is necessary (unless I want to change something on a whim).
The fleet itself will consist of ONLY 64 ships - of which 42 of them are known designs (and have been named) while the remaining 22 are my own designs. One thing I eliminated from the pilot is that for a trinary star system that the Twelve Colonies inhabit, the only sublight-only ships are really Vipers, orbital shipyard modules and space stations. Every other ship has Faster-than-light drives. It's essential to all space flight for the Colonies so it makes sense (something tells me this plot was dropped in RDM Season 1 considering the large number of sublight ships conveniently turn up in Galactica's fleet all fitted with FTL drives -- the most notable being the Botanical Cruiser, the so-called Bulbous Ship and the Alligator-headed Ship). It is only lamented by the President and Apollo that out of the 10,000+ registered civilian vessels across all Twelve Colonies, they could only find 63 civilian ships. (Spoiler) Pegasus itself will find 5 ships which they then scrap for parts and bring the 400 civilians aboard their Battlestar and, due to it being a time of war, conscript those between 17 and 64 into service with minimal objection (there are a few kids but luckily some of the elderly agree to watch over them) while the third Battlestar, Hyperion, will gather over 30 more. The tales of Pegasus and Hyperion will be interesting ones to write and tell.
Anyways, if I haven't bored you to death and left you intrigued by this, I shall endeavour to start posting (either here or elsewhere and I'll post a link to it). In between my other projects, this is one of the most complicated ones so that's why I take long breaks in between updates. So don't hold out for consistent timelines because it is taking time. I'm one man with a job, obligations, no real private life, inconsistent time managing to see friends and family and alot going on in my skull.
But I'll do my best.
Stay tuned.
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coreyndanian · 6 months
Unmute !
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coreyndanian · 7 months
I'm ready. I finished writing all 30 stories at 1am on the 31st October (and that was the second or third longest story for this year) ;)
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It’s that time of year again!
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coreyndanian · 9 months
Pity you didn't have a spot for "Thought they were Queer but realised they weren't but still support the community as an ally and just love the Art generated in general". Because that's me :).
Thanks for all of the recent feedback around Community Labels being incorrectly applied to content. In particular, we appreciate the input we’ve received from the LGBTQIA+ community and understand the frustrations from folks who felt that their content was unfairly labeled. When we realized this was happening, we immediately investigated and are taking steps to prevent this from happening again.
The LGBTQIA+ community makes up about a quarter of the Tumblr community. It is important for us to support all Tumblr users, especially those whose safe spaces are under threat in certain parts of the world.
As you know, alongside of the rollout of Community Labels we also expanded the types of content allowed on Tumblr as a way to welcome more creativity, art, and self-expression. Our goals remain the same today. Human error happens and we apologize to anyone who has been impacted by these mistakes.
We are working to better understand what happened and will follow up with more information soon.
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coreyndanian · 11 months
Anakin (in the Force): Yep, definitely screwed up.
Mara (in the Force): Got no argument from me.
Anakin Skywalker (in the Force): *facepalm* where did I go wrong?
Real Jacen Solo: *frozen in carbonite in uncharted space by the real mastermind of everyone's IQ being lower than a dementia patient since 25 ABY*: Can someone please rescue me so I can fix this mess and just be the funny jokster animal loving guy I was before?
*Post Big Battle Between Darth Caedus and Jaina where she in fact is not fixated on 'kill Caedus' and instead 'save Jacen'*
Jaina: Just out of curiosity, how is it this, uh, imbalance happened to occur? Come on. You can say it. I know you can. "I screwed up."
Jacen: I took a calculated risk.
Jaina: You screwed up.
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coreyndanian · 11 months
Should add New Jedi Order onwards. He was such a dick to his siblings. And I've missed it on each reading of those novels, but he didn't give a flying bantha fodder that Chewbacca was dead.
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coreyndanian · 11 months
I don't give a flying flip if you're white, black, green, purple, male, female, other, etc. gay, straight, bi, a, demi, etc. atheist, christian, muslim, jew, etc. american, english, french, russian, chinese, japanese, australian etc. -- If you're a d*ck to me or anyone I know, or you hate me for no other reason than the things above, or you have the personality that inclines you to judge based on above, I will not like you. I base on personality, not the above. Your personality should define a friendship, not a list of things such as above. I don't care about that stuff because we are ALL HUMAN!!
oh ok then. So uh can you pretty please make this but with Adrien agreste from miraculous:
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I think it'd be funny. Season 5 he literally gets called Comrade Mayo. Like he's already the token whiteboy of the main 4 and they just-
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coreyndanian · 1 year
Totally a Connie thing :)
And Eren, Sasha and Jean would do nothing to stop him hahaha.
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coreyndanian · 1 year
Let us not forget that this Lothcat is a real animatronic and not CGI. And it is beautiful :)
Sabine got a pet.
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Me every Wednesday night tuning in to watch Ahsoka (I was asleep all day)
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coreyndanian · 1 year
The feels :(
I hope we get the Ezra reunion :,)
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I see him Hera. When the moons in the sky are at their fullest, the wolves howl and the grass dances in the midnight breeze. He’s there. I see him staring back at me in the fields. I see him Hera… and he looks so tired.
It would be a hundred times easier
If we were young again
But as it is
And it is
We're just two slow dancers, last ones out
We're two slow dancers, last ones out
And the ground has been slowly pulling us back down
You see it on both our skin
We get a few years and then it wants us back
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coreyndanian · 1 year
Had this in the comment session but decided to expand on it and bring up my own Gundam Wing OC (which I've used a couple of times in my fanfics and plan to use him in a multi-story sometime on AO3).
I think the whole "only got Quatre's photo on his desk" is less Zayeed doesn't care for his daughters since I have no doubt he helped them in whatever way. For Iria, becoming a doctor wouldn't be easy, particularly with the Earth Sphere over-the-top occupation, so he'd help her pursue it. And it's implied all the daughters are close to their father but have their own lives (and their own families) thus don't see Quatre often enough for him to remember. After all, there are 29 in total.
As to the idea of all men need a female in their backstory to die or be tragic, I never saw that. Heck, each re-watch I just ignore Wufei's sexism as it seems a defence mechanism. Particularly with his backstory in EZ. I guess he did it too because Meilan's death was horrific in its own way and he sees them as fragile. He gets proven wrong and he partnered with Sally Po at the end of EW. His own encounters with characters like Relena, Hilde, Noin, Lady Une and of course Sally allowed that growth. Heck, even Mariemaia proved him wrong and she was 8 or 9 years old (I have theories about her existence which I might bring up one day or just ask me and I'll answer it as best as I can. I plan that for a story one day ;) ).
To add more, considering my OC's backstory and this post. His mother, the scientist responsible for building his Gundam, was distant from him because of the tragedy of his own father's death. His foster sister, raised in poverty and desiring to never return to that. Heck, the reason my OC gets the Gundam over her was because she planned to hand over the MS to Romefeller in exchange for a title and the luxuries that came with. They weren't plot devices to me to be manpain. My OC was uncaring of his foster sister since she was rude and condescending, her own path failed to be obtained (it gets brought up in my EZ episode I created) and her fate is unknown. My OC didn't care to find out because she was unlikeable. His mother he did care about but respectfully kept his distance because they were both in pain. And as I created him and play him when I watch, I portrayed their relationship as just being, well, as distant but for their own reasons. I think I accidentally created a better understanding of this OC mad scientist (though she's more sane than the other five and they certainly knew better than to treat her as a woman). And it wasn't because she's a woman. Heck, she could've been a man or non-gendered (by 90s standards) and the relationship would be the same. And the way I portray his relationship with other female characters as if he really did encounter them, he's respectful to them but reserves judgement on whether they need to be protected or not. Same with the men and other G pilots. It's not really a sort of empathic connection like Quatre clearly has but more, silent and observational. And a possible encounter with the Zero system in my EZ episode for the OC that I imply happens since he never went near it or tried it (and Heero shrugged and said whatever because that isn't what OC needed or wanted).
Anyway, enough of my rant and sprucing my OC.
Gundam Wing: the Winner women, utterly unessential to the narrative.
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Written in response to https://www.tumblr.com/ikuzeminna/718480468058718208.  I didn’t want to add this to @ikuzeminna’s post in case it wasn’t welcome.  Hopefully this doesn’t kick any hornets’ nests…  😳
Since we’re talking about women being used for manpain and to further men’s storylines, I think the women of the Winner Family deserve an entire post of their own.  While I don’t blame Quatre for this at all–he’s a character ffs, he certainly doesn’t get to control how the writers choose to write other characters!–it does seem to me that the women in Quatre’s family only exist to further the stories of the men connected to them.
First, there’s Quatre’s mother Quaterine.  She seems nice enough, and I’m sure fandom could build up a solid character for her, but the simple fact is that she’s never given the chance to be an actual character in the source material.  She serves no purpose in the story other than to deliver us a male protagonist; then, task completed, she promptly dies and never even rates a mention in the original tv series. You can’t even say she dies for Quatre’s manpain because in the original series he never thinks about her so he CAN feel manpain about her.  She is never brought up at all.  Thus, unlike Relena choosing to carry on her father’s legacy or Wufei choosing to carry on Meilan’s, and regardless of the alleged similarities between Quaterine and Quatre, Quatre isn’t motivated to carry on Quaterine’s legacy.  She doesn’t inspire him.  Think of it this way: Quatre could have actually been born from a donor egg in a test tube (as he was told happened) and the story would have turned out the same.  Quaterine could have just as easily never existed–and in the original tv series she basically didn’t.  Like Meilan, Quaterine only appears in Episode Zero, where the only one who thinks about her as a person is Quatre’s father Zayeed.  Even then Zayeed seems to get more emotional mileage from his relationship with Quatre than from the dead wife to whom Quatre is compared.
The same is true of Quatre’s 29 sisters.  They are less characters of their own than they are an informed trait of Quatre’s (much like having a character say “X is very smart” but then never actually showing X saying or doing anything smart).  Only one of Quatre’s sisters ever appears or is given a name in the text.  You could cut the mention of the other 28 sisters and it would have zero effect on how the story plays out.  Irea, the only sister that matters in the slightest, exists strictly to further Quatre’s story: to help heal him up physically and mentally, to transport him to the male character (Zayeed) that is Actually Important™ to Quatre’s story, and then to get hurt/seemingly killed so Quatre can have his big meltdown over her injuries and over Zayeed’s death (but really mostly over Zayeed’s death).  Such a glorious role.
Note also that Quatre has seemingly never even met any of his sisters.  Quatre doesn’t know who Irea is until the conversation with Zayeed.  It’s very telling that Zayeed keeps only his male heir on the same colony with him and sends all of his daughters away.  Zayeed’s desk has exactly ONE photo on it, featuring only ONE child: the child he actually gets to see on a regular basis rather than all the ones he sent away to live on other colonies.  I would like to think that the absence of Quatre’s sisters is a result of Zayeed removing them from his presence because his daughters all painfully remind him of his dear dead wife, but the original text doesn’t support that conclusion.  Rather, in the text Zayeed only ever thinks of QUATRE as being similar to Quaterine (calling both Quatre and Quaterine “the strongest and most noble of all” in Episode Zero).
While it’s possible that FT may have changed the dynamics, the original source material from the 1990s is stunningly dismissive of the women in the Winner family.  Perhaps this is meant to illustrate the sexism inherent in the culture of Quatre’s family.  If that is the case, no one in the family itself seems to have a problem with it.  No outside scrutiny is given by any other character, either.  The only explicit criticism of sexist tendencies in the Winner Family is leveled against Quatre by Heero; ironically, it comes when Quatre is commenting on how he feels women must look down on men for only being able to resolve their problems through violence.  Heero’s responding accusation that Quatre doesn’t believe women enjoy violence is a very bizarre way to suggest that Heero is the feminist in this situation and that Quatre is the sexist.  While Quatre’s comment does perhaps point to a certain idealization of women–to Quatre putting women on a pedestal of perfection rather than seeing them as potentially problematic humans like himself–it seems that criticism might be more usefully aimed at the wider culture that allows 28 women to go unnamed and functionally banished from their home for the crime of not being born male.  Frankly, since that culture (or possibly just Zayeed) deprived Quatre of the opportunity to interact with all those women, it’s not necessarily a surprise that all Quatre has to go on are idealizations.
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coreyndanian · 1 year
Reiner and Bertholdt: *Sheepishly look at each ohter*
Marco: *Stares at Jean*
Annie: Armin, we need to talk.
My OC: Eren, did you walk in on your parents one too many times?
𝗔𝗿𝗺𝗶𝗻: 𝙸𝚏 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚋𝚒𝚝𝚎 𝚒𝚝 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚍𝚒𝚎, 𝚒𝚝’𝚜 𝚙𝚘𝚒𝚜𝚘𝚗𝚘𝚞𝚜. 𝙸𝚏 𝚒𝚝 𝚋𝚒𝚝𝚎𝚜 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚍𝚒𝚎, 𝚒𝚝’𝚜 𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚘𝚖𝚘𝚞𝚜.
𝗦𝗮𝘀𝗵𝗮: 𝚆𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚒𝚏 𝚒𝚝 𝚋𝚒𝚝𝚎𝚜 𝚖𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚒𝚝 𝚍𝚒𝚎𝚜?!
𝗝𝗲𝗮𝗻: 𝚃𝚑𝚎𝚗 𝚢𝚘𝚞’𝚛𝚎 𝚙𝚘𝚒𝚜𝚘𝚗𝚘𝚞𝚜. 𝙹𝚎𝚜𝚞𝚜 𝙲𝚑𝚛𝚒𝚜𝚝, ---, 𝚙𝚊𝚢 𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗.
𝗖𝗼𝗻𝗻𝗶𝗲: 𝚆𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚒𝚏 𝚒𝚝 𝚋𝚒𝚝𝚎𝚜 𝚒𝚝𝚜𝚎𝚕𝚏 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙸 𝚍𝚒𝚎?
𝗘𝗿𝗲𝗻: 𝚃𝚑𝚊𝚝’𝚜 𝚟𝚘𝚘𝚍𝚘𝚘.
𝗦𝗮𝘀𝗵𝗮: 𝚆𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚒𝚏 𝚒𝚝 𝚋𝚒𝚝𝚎𝚜 𝚖𝚎 𝚊����𝚍 𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚎𝚕𝚜𝚎 𝚍𝚒𝚎𝚜?
𝗠𝗶𝗸𝗮𝘀𝗮: 𝚃𝚑𝚊𝚝’𝚜 𝚌𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚎𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗, 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚌𝚊𝚞𝚜𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗.
𝗖𝗼𝗻𝗻𝗶𝗲: 𝚆𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚒𝚏 𝚠𝚎 𝚋𝚒𝚝𝚎 𝚎𝚊𝚌𝚑 𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚗𝚎𝚒𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚘𝚏 𝚞𝚜 𝚍𝚒𝚎?
𝗘𝗿𝗲𝗻: 𝚃𝚑𝚊𝚝’𝚜 𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚔𝚢.
𝗔𝗿𝗺𝗶𝗻: 𝙾𝚑 𝚖𝚢 𝙶𝚘𝚍.
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