I love love love this 🤩
Different life, same kwami
I am here today because I am in the mood for some fluffy AU headcanons, and, while I have seen many good kwami swap and life swap AUs, I have not yet seen a life swap AU where all the canon kwamis are kept with the same wielders and without the reverse crush AU. Ergo, I had to come up with something, lol.
So… Sabine Cheng is a world famous fashion designer who always makes some time to spend with her loving husband Tom, and their daughter Marinette. Tom is still a chef, but, because of how famous his wife is, he can’t really run his own bakery, so he just bakes a lot at home for his family and donates SO MUCH food to food pantries and the like.
Marinette grew up in the world of high fashion and fame, but, thanks to her parents, she never let it go to her head. She was captivated by designing pretty much from the time she could walk, and has lived and breathed that life growing up. She gets a lot of praise from critics, but is pretty insecure, worrying that they’re only saying that they like her work because of who her mother is. She also models for Cheng fashions as Adrien does for Agreste fashions in canon.
Sabine and Audrey met in university where they were roommates. They ended up growing up to be pretty different, but still honor their past friendship with a good working relationship and by encouraging the friendship of their daughters. Audrey might be a bit more mellow in this AU to be friends with Sabine, but she still leaves to go to New York. She’s not malicious, she’s just a woman who had a child because she felt obligated to, and then chose to keep following her dream. She’s a more complex character. (I’m reminded of the German musical Elisabeth, which none of yall have probably seen, but it’s SO GOOD FAM)
Aaaaaanyway, Chloe and Marinette have known each other since they were in diapers. While Chloe gets about as much parental love from her actual parents as in canon, in this AU she spends most of her time with Marinette and is practically adopted as the second daughter of the Dupain-Cheng’s. Truthfully, Marinette’s parents always felt more like her real parents than her actual parents. She looks up to Sabine so much, and, being essentially raised by the Dupain-Cheng’s is pretty different from her canon self. She’s much more like Marinette, but she’s less naive. She knows that people are going to want to befriend them because they have famous parents, and she will THROW THE FUCK DOWN to protect her sister in all but blood.
As for Adrien, I can’t really see Gabriel and Emilie as bakers, so let’s say that they were globetrotters in their youth, and they settled down to open a rare book shop when they got older. This still gives them a plausible reason to have gone to Tibet and to have found the peacock and the butterfly miraculouses. I also things it makes their obsession with the miraculouses make a bit more sense, tbh. They value knowledge above all else and need the answers. Things go as they do in canon – the peacock miraculous is damaged, and Emilie falls into whatever the frell sort of magical coma she’s in. Gabriel knows enough about the miraculouses to become Hawkmoth in an attempt to get her back.
Adrien was always homeschooled as a kid, traveling around with his parents in search of rare books for the shop. They’re really, REALLY strict about learning, and make him do really all the same extracurriculars he does in canon. They found the miraculous book in Asia, so they make him learn Mandarin. They might need him to use a miraculous someday, so he learns how to fence. Playing the piano is becoming of an intelligent and cultured person, so he’ll do that too.
We’ve seen in canon that Adrien likes to learn, but the popular headcanon is that he really likes science, and I think Gabe would push classics and languages. Their relationship is pretty similar to canon where Gabe has unreasonable expectations that Adrien tries his best to meet. When Emilie disappears, they can’t keep doing the one person runs the shop and one person goes to look for books/homeschools Adrien routine, so Adrien gets sent to public school as in canon.
Hawkmoth is stirring, and Master Fu administers his tests, finding a creative girl and a compassionate boy and trusting them with the miraculouses that suit them best, the Ladybug and the Black Cat respectively.
Origins plays out similarly to canon. Adrien is still just as excited to be a superhero, he’s definitely still a huge comic book nerd. Marinette is still unsure of herself and he still supports her.
In the classroom on the first day, Chloe and Marinette are sitting together visiting as they always do, including the new girl (Alya) who now sits behind them in their conversation, when a shy new kid with glasses and a sweater vest walks in, running a hand through his messy blonde hair. He sits next to Nino and introduces himself.
Alya joins Chloe and Mari’s squad (after passing Chloe’s tests that she doesn’t mean harm to her sweet and innocent bean of a sister) and Adrino friendship develops as in canon.
It’s still raining after school that day and Marinette forgot her umbrella. Before Chloe can do anything about it, Adrien walks over, gives her his, smiles, says something dorky, gives her his umbrella and runs out into the rain. (He totally has like a twenty-minute walk home and he’s soaked, but worth it, he made a friend!!!)
Marinette falls about as fast as Eliza Hamilton in Helpless, lol.
So yeah, that’s the start of a take on a life swap with no kwami swaps! (I wanted to have one not-salty, AU, lol)
Let me know if you’d like to see more headcanons/drabbles/scenes/art!
or if I’m just being dumb, lol
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I’m super excited to go to encounters with Canada in a few weeks but I also have really bad dermatillomania and am scared I’m going to be tempted to pick at my feet while I’m there. My fingers I pick at but it is nowhere near as bad as my feet and I’m afraid to be seen as disgusting if anyone sees my feet.
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Shhh thats my secret tiktok
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psa bc i’m annoyed
If you say stuff like “Omg, I’m so OCD” “I feel so ADHD right now” or “That just gave me PTSD” as a joke, STOP. Because none of those illnesses are funny or something to joke about.
First off, I never understood the whole ‘fake mental illness’ trend, like it’s cute and trendy to have depression/anxiety/ocd/adhd/tourette’s/ptsd. Why would you even want any of those things? And it’s not funny. 
ADHD isn’t someone jumping out of their seat to yell, “SQUIRREL!” It’s not being able to focus no matter how hard you try, even when you know it’s super important to listen. It’s feeling like shit because everyone else can complete/remember to do the task, why can’t you? It’s lying on the ground, or on your bed not doing anything you need or want to do because of executive dysfunction. It’s having hyperfixations that you can’t. Stop. Talking about, even when people ridicule you for it. 
Also, stop making tics ‘trendy.’ Half of y’all only want to have tics because Billie Eilish has them. And do you know why she has them? Because she has fucking Tourette’s! And you don’t even understand why tics suck. I’ve had tics and stuff my whole life and y’all don’t even know the first thing about them. 
First off, tics aren’t just noises. I’ve had tics where I blink 7-10 times quickly in a row, and jeez was that one hellish,I’ve had tics where I breathe weird, I’ve had tics where my hand spazzes, ones where I click my tounge, etc, etc. A lot of times, tics are motions. (Of course a lot of people especially people with Tourette’s have tics with sound, I’m just saying.)
“wElL hOw cOmE YoU hAVe tIcS iF yOu dOn’t HaVe tOuReTTe’s? Because a lot of people on the ADHD/Autism spectrum have tics, that’s why. A large portion of neurodivergent people have tics.
PTSD is not a joke and it’s not funny. My uncle was in the military (along with my father, other uncle, godfather, and cousin who’s soon to join after she’s finished studying- )
[so if you say fuck our troops, I say fuck you, too, because I know there are bad people in and bad laws surrounding our troops, but so much of my family have given everything to defend our country. If you say fuck our troops, then you clearly have never had to wait at an old computer waiting for a Sunday Skype call that never comes, and your mom leaves the room and doesn’t come back for a few hours because she doesn’t know if her husband’s okay, and you’ve never had to wait for hours at an airport to see the father you’ve haven’t seen for over a year.]
 -and his life has been ravaged by it. He’s been in and out of hospitals, and has so many other mental issues because of his PTSD. PTSD will ruin your life and relationships with everyone.
PTSD isn’t funny because of the sheer amount of children, teens, and young adults who’ve had their lives destroyed because of abusive parents, foster homes, war, etc. PTSD IS NEVER A JOKE!
STOP! USING! THE! WORD! AUTISM! AS! A! JOKE! OR! INSULT! BECAUSE IT IS NOT! If you say shit like “That was a whole lot of autism” “Autistic screeching” “You act like you have autism”, etc, stop.
Please for the love of God, don’t ridicule people who suffer from trichotillamania or dermatillomania! They don’t have eyebrows/eyelashes/hair on their heads? LEAVE THEM ALONE. They have scars all over their legs and arms from picking? LEAVE THEM ALONE. Don’t stare, don’t make fun.They’re doing their best.
If you suffer from derma/trichotillomania, try a Keen bracelet:
Link to Keen bracelet: https://habitaware.com/?gclid=Cj0KCQjw_r3nBRDxARIsAJljleEC7dX6xdnYCPJ3PIPMP_zzx3mAlbqlP4rBDb7NQ8WfwCSwPh4yd5gaApCLEALw_wcB
STOP FETISHISING/ CONDONING EATING DISORDERS! They ruin your body and self esteem and relationship with people and ruin your relationship with food forever! They’re not some cute, quick way to lose weight, they’re a hellish nightmare that even after recovery can spur up again.Making body comments/body shaming is never okay, and saying shit like “She looks anorexic” or “After this (meal) I’m going to be bulimic) is never funny.
Boys, POC, adults, overweight/normal weight people, children, etc can have eating disorders, it’s not just skinny white teenage girls.
It’s not just anorexia nervosa, it’s also EDNOS, Bulimia, Binge-Eating Disorder…
If you’re biphobic, lesbophobic, homophobic, transphobic, misogynist, a Nazi, terf, ablesist, proana, or anything rotten, get off my blog.
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Cheesy stuff is cute U CAN DO IT!!!
hfvfhebyghfdisknuhsf just completed Phase One of what’s about to be the cheesiest fucking thing I’ve ever done
and my lack of self-confidence is prolly gonna stop me from doing it *sad peace signs*
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All I want is to go see booksmart and snuggle with a cute girl is that too much to ask #mygfbrokeupwithme
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I’m actually so fucking livid right now.
Someone, who found out about my sexuality by accident, told someone who I told them I didn’t trust that I was gay.
Basically, my friend, Alex, found out I was gay after invading my privacy and reading my text messages with my girlfriend without me knowing. I was ok with this because she promised she wouldn’t tell anyone and I basically just had to believe her. I had previously told her about my severe distrust of one of our mutual friends Peyton.
About a month later I end up coming out to a lot of my friends and it’s a small school so stuff gets around and Peyton finds out. Not a big deal, everyone knows now. But then! But then!! I find out from Alex that Peyton already knew! Why you might ask??? Ohhh, Alex used it as a bargaining tool to get information from Peyton. Yeah that’s right! My sexuality is now a bargaining tool in order to get drama! I ask Alex “wtf?!?!?” and she doesn’t get it??? She tells me “It’s no big deal! I knew Peyton was gonna find out eventually!” Like nonono! Sis! I was OK with you referring to me as a “lesbo” and “dyke” solely because I didn’t want to piss you off and have you out me! But thanks sooo much and the fact you don’t care at all makes me realllyyy appreciate you!
Peyton literally told me later that she “didn’t tell anyone because she thought it was my business” :))))
So you are telling me that the girl who tried to seduce a teacher for an A has better morals than you! Cool :))))
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My favorite pickup line is “your body is 70% water... And daddy is thirsty.” Mmm yeah I told it to my math teacher today.
I like to violently flirt with my gf just because I can. I don’t need to seduce them or anything, I just find it fun. Today I said to my gf: “Nice legs, what time do they open?” and I have no regrets
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Bran was the Younger,more Beautiful Queen guys. It is known.
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Omg this is so cute
went to a party last night. my friend (a cute girl) was there. she came out to me and another girl. i told her i was gay. she told me she liked me when we first met a few months ago and still likes me a lot. told her i liked her. gonna see her on sunday. 
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I’m gonna die of humiliation. I decided. To prank people in my study hall. (((Which is a very loud class. So usually the teacher doesn’t pay attention.))) By playing. The intro music/jingle for the very well known site that rhymes with *cornhub*. Out loud. To see if anyone recognized it. My teacher did. And I got reported for watching explicit material in class. So I got called today to talk about handling my sexual urges. I’m so done.
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Oh, god! Oh Fuck! Dany has Airpods in, she can’t hear the bells!  
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8x05, A Summary
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Jaime saying “Nothing else matters” to Cersei as he dies is the biggest slap in the face to George R.R. Martin, Brienne of Tarth, and also me.
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The saddest death in all of Game of Thrones was Jaime Lannister’s Character Development
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one of the reasons this ending sucks so much is the implication of it
missandei dying in chains, the hound dying in fire, jamie going back to cersei, dany fulfilling a “mad targaryen” expectation
it’s like they’re saying “you can never escape your past, what you’ve been will always be what you are”
and thats a really really terrible message to be sending
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The consensus is in: Dan and Dave singlehandedly ruined years of character development and created the absolute worst episode of Game of Thrones to date and we all hate them for it.
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