cliqueblog · 3 years
The Same Two Ends
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Dear Clique, I was doing something yesterday in the evening. (Now I can’t remember). Suddenly, A crazy idea came into my mind. I wondered when I got it. So I decided to write today’s Day Post about that crazy idea. I think you can’t get any idea by reading the post title. So let me explain. Just imagine a 100m running track. You are in the middle of that track. Now you can see two ends. Why did I choose that example? Because In this article I named both start and end as “END”. Because if we consider it from the middle, we can say so. What I understood yesterday is both start and end are similar to each other with different aspects of watching an incident. Consider birth and death. When we are born we come to the world as a single man. We make so many friends within our lifetime. And also sometimes we lose friends. We make relationships. But in the end, we have to face death as a single person which is similar at the birth moment. Aren’t those ends the same? Children usually cry when they enter a school for the first time. And also one day they cry when they are leaving school or at the end the school life. Aren’t those incidents the same? I have heard a saying in some relationships when they are going to separate, they say, “Finally we don’t know about us”. But the truth is they don’t know about themselves even before the relationship. When we were toddlers, we can’t speak, eat, drink & move without the help of others. The same thing happens when you get old. You became a baby again. It is called the second childishness of a person. So, I have no idea how it happens and what is the reason for it. But I can identify some similarities at the start and the end in the above examples. What do you think about it? If you have more similar incidents to prove this concept, please comment below. And what is your idea about this? What is the reason for it? Why is it needed for the world?
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cliqueblog · 3 years
YouTube - The Productivity Killer
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Dear Clique, This is the first time I’m talking about productivity. So comment below if you like to know more about productivity. Today we are talking about how YouTube affects your productivity and how to get rid of it.
YouTube is a very important knowledge source. A very good place for entertainment. It is a perfect platform to show your talents. And also it is also a good source of income. Because of these advantages, most people do not believe that YouTube is reducing productivity.
Personally, I learned so many things from YouTube. Sometimes, this blog also doesn’t exist if there is no YouTube. I love YouTube. But recently I realized how it is reducing my productivity.
YouTube is a business. We watch more & they will earn more. So they are making our YouTube experience better to keep us for a long time. YouTube suggestions are quite good. Their system is becoming better day by day with the help of artificial intelligence and machine learning.
When we are watching a video on YouTube there are some suggestions on the right side or at the bottom. While we are watching our targeted video we can see other suggestions same time. So what happens if there were an eye-catching thumbnail? You might stop watching your current video and move on to the video in that thumbnail.
And while you are watching YouTube without using the full screen on the display, you scroll down. For what? To read comments. Anyone can publish their own ideas under a video. Reading those comments made a huge distraction for your work.
And another most distractive thing is YouTube shorts. YouTube needs to promote its YouTube shorts feature. For that, they have made a YouTube shorts fund to encourage content creators to make short videos.
According to my point of view, YouTube shorts are amazing. All those videos lay only one minute and those are very interesting. As well, those are very addictive. If we start to watch a short we can not stop watching those. When we scrolled down, there is another short. My idea is YouTube shorts are the biggest distraction for viewers.
So how do we get rid of these disadvantages and get more benefits from YouTube? I have already made a plan and now I’m saying it to you. And after I post this, I start to work on my plan and I will write another article after doing it for several days.
This is my plan. Take a piece of paper and pen or take your digital note-taking method. Put the date and write down videos which you need to watch on that day. Then download those videos.
Now you don’t need to use the YouTube app to watch videos. Every video you should watch, on your device so that now you can watch those videos with fewer distractions.
You can get a better result if you were able to disconnect from your internet connection. You don’t need to worry about data. According to my knowledge, the same amount of data charge is required if you watch a complete video or download it.
I know this is not comfortable for you when we compare this with watching YouTube online. But you can stay more productive if you use this method. I’m planning to do this when I’m watching YouTube videos. So I can inform you about my new experience with this plan in a future article.
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cliqueblog · 3 years
I failed on Blogging
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Dear Clique,
If you read this blog from the beginning, you know I have promised you to write Day posts daily. But after writing the 48th-day post which is on Maxwell Boltzmann Distribution, I couldn't post an article until yesterday. So, today we are talking about "Did I fail or not?"
First, if you are my regular reader. I am sorry for not posting anything on previous days. There are both reasonable and unreasonable facts for it. But those are my private facts. But I think rather than giving reasons I can say you how to face such an incident.
Now someone can ask me "Why did you promise your audience to write daily?". You had not to promise them. I wanted to improve my ability of writing and create an audience for my blog. So I think, writing daily is the best way for it. In my point of view, taking such a decision is also heroism. There must have big self-confidence to take such a decision and to post it in public.
And as I promised I was writing till 48 days regularly. And also I think that also a very good achievement. Because this is my very first time writing content in English.
After posting my 48th article I was unable to write articles for few days. And I accept that as my fault. So I must apologize to you. I think you may also have faced such experiences in your lives.
Many people give up their work after an incident like that. That is a serious problem. And also that is a quality of a weak person.
I started my work honestly with a good idea and I continued it for a reasonable period. Then I missed it for some reason. Now what I can do?
I can do two things. The first one is to stop this work. No need for more explanations if you are a weak person, you follow the first method. The second thing is to start it again. I'm choosing that one.
I have written a Day post about the importance of continuous working for success. You can read it by going here. In my life, I believe that success depends on doing something continuously.
But this kind of incident can happen in your life too. So I have a real-time example. That is my blog. Now I start my journey of blogging again. And I'm planning to do this best before the past. If I used "I failed on blogging" as my blog post title, I started it again. Let's see how long I will be able to do this. If I failed to do this, the only thing I do is starts it again.
So my final advice is, Never give up. 💪
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cliqueblog · 3 years
The Funeral Joke
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Dear Clique,
In previous posts, I discussed Death. If you have not read it, I will put links below. Then you can go and read those first.
The Death 01 - https://bit.ly/3tPzVXQ
The Death 02 - https://bit.ly/3tTqo1W
Now you can get an idea of how I look at dead. So today's post is also related to it. Today I'm writing about a joke at the funerals. That's why I named this article as "Funeral Joke"
Now you will blame me. A funeral is a very pathetic occasion we have to face ever. So what is the joke inside it? Let me explain it.
I know everyone who reads this will know the story about Titanic. So I will explain this using that example. You know, when there is trouble in a ship, the whole ship is not going underwater. The ship is sinking under the water side by side. But there might be a chance for it also. Now forget about it. We are talking about the Titanic.
Can you imagine this incident, A part of the ship has gone into the sea but another part is safe? People in that part are also safe but not for a long time.
People who in the safe side are finding methods to survive. They don't think about people who go down on another side. They don't care or even cry for them.
Now imagine a person on the safe side. He is crying and sobbing for people on the sinking side. He prays for them. He says such unlucky persons they are.
Now you will say me. Such a mad man he is. His side is also going to sink in few moments but he is praying for people who die. Isn't this a joke?
Now the same thing I have to ask from you. At funerals, we are crying so much and We are getting sad so much but the person who dies and us in the same boat.
The only difference is his side has already sunk But anyone doesn't know when our side is started to sink. I know, missing someone is really difficult to bear. But we are in the same boat. We must try to survive before our side also get starts to sink.
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cliqueblog · 3 years
Who did find the Maxwell Boltzmann Distribution First?
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Dear Clique,
Today, I’m going to write about the Maxwell Boltzmann Distribution. Whether you have already known about this or not, Please be with me. I will explain this as everyone can understand. Who has invented this Maxwell Boltzman Distribution? This was invented by physicist Ludwin Boltzman in 1871.
I learned this concept when I was seventeen which means five years ago. I learned this concept from my Chemistry teacher. He said, When we consider a sample of gas, The movement of gas molecules are following this Maxwell Boltzman Distribution.
If you are not familiar with chemistry I will explain this. what should you do initially to understand a distribution like this? When I started teaching chemistry I had noticed, children are weak at understanding a distribution like this. The reason for this is, first they look at the shape of the distribution. Actually, a person who watches it for the first time definitely will be confused. So my advice is, first look at the X-axis and Y-axis well. Try to understand it first and next examine the distribution. Then you can get a clear idea about the distribution.
Now, look at Graph Number 01. The X-axis shows the speed of molecules. The Y-axis shows the number of molecules. You can see the following things. Gas molecules with zero speed are zero. ( See the blue circle )Gas molecules with a low speed are less. ( You can see it by the red dashed line that I have indicated )Gas molecules with a high speed are also less. ( You can see it by the red dashed line that I have indicated )And the most important thing, look at the black color dashed line in diagram 1. The highest amount of gas molecules do not have much lower speed or much higher speed. They have a middle-range speed.This is the Maxwell Boltzman Distribution. Now I think anybody can understand who has not learned this before.
Next, My Chemistry teacher said me two examples. Those examples are inspired me a lot.
He said that he will take the class as an example & draw a graph. The X-axis is “The IQ level” and the Y-axis is “The number of students” ( Relating to Graph Number 02 ) He said if he wants to draw a distribution for that he will take the same graph. Now I’m not going to describe it more. You can read it now.
The Second example that he had given is “The movement of people in a town”. That was the most exciting example for me. He said to us, ” In a town people who don’t move is zero every person do even a single movement. And people who move faster are less. The majority is moving to a medium level.
And few days before when I was writing this article, I understood this concept can be used for more and more incidents. I will describe to you the incidents which I was thought about. If you have more ideas, you can comment below.
This distribution is relatable to happiness. How can we achieve it? Lets’ consider the incident when someone buying a vehicle. I have it in “Graph Number 3”. The graph is starting from zero. It means a person who hasn’t a car, can’t be happy about having a car. That is ok.
And we can see the happiness we can grab from the car is increasing with the price. That is also true, It’s no need for explanations for it. An explanation is needed for the question, How does the graph start to go down?
There are so many reasons for it. Paying a big amount than for a normal car can make you upset one day. Service costs and spare parts are too much expensive like the price of the vehicle. Paying more for those will make you upset. After buying it, you are so afraid to use it because if it gets damaged, it will costs you a big amount of money as you have already knew. As a result of that, I have seen some people who have high-end vehicles but using a budget car because they are afraid to use it freely. And the threat from robbers is also very high to such a high-end vehicle. A person who has such a vehicle should be worrying about that rather than using it.I can give you more and more reasons to prove that the graph going down is reasonable. I didn’t stop thinking after it. After this example what I realized is, This distribution was in the world before Ludwin Boltzmann invent it.
Who is said that earlier? The Lord Buddha who had lived 2600 years ago. Lord Buddha preached “The Middle Rule”. In that rule, It had noted as don’t go to the end. Always try to stay in the middle. He preached to apply this to everything in our world. I think that is the most important rule for our life. If we can follow it in our day-to-day lifestyle, we can really spend a balanced life full of happiness.
At the end of the article, I would like to say. The concept Maxwell Boltszman Distribution is the concept of the world. Anybody had not invented it. It consists in the world forever. So that concept belongs to nature. The Lord Buddha and Maxwell Boltzman revealed it to the world.
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cliqueblog · 3 years
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Dear Clique, I think you all felt this feeling even at least one time in your life. Today I'm going to express my view on this. According to my point of view, Loneliness is one of the bad feelings I felt but I have seen some people who loved loneliness. A lot of literature pieces had formed as a result of this. So here I'm not going to give you a pessimistic view of loneliness. I just write this in a situation that I felt lonely. No one cares about me, No one there to ask my problem or the pain, No one understands my current situation …So many negative ideas coming through my mind. If I go through them, I have been the person whose my mind wants to be. This is the fault done by all of us. Do not ask your mind's opinion.
Try to judge yourself as an outsider.
Think for a moment about the cause for your isolation and then think about the ways how you can overcome those feelings. It may be varied with your interests.
Another bad result of isolation is, some people are getting addicted to illegal works like drug addiction, gambling..etc.The way to get rid of those activities is also a duty of your mind. It can not be done by anyone. There are many people to advise you & giving directions to the right path but the most essential part is with you. It is an application. Your mind should be processed to identify good and bad.
When we talk about some benefits gain through loneliness. It also depends on the person. In my case, I love to associate with people and work with them happily. When I felt any sorrow or anger feeling, my quick reaction was staying silent. As I identified, It is a disadvantage for me because I personally love to be with my loved ones so that even in a sad situation also I must be with them. My belief is mother is the best person for that. It is the best heal which man can get within a lifetime.
Now you will little bit confused because I had discussed different paths which are related to the topic of loneliness. So I will hope to write another article on this for you. Here I am not going to give you all the contents but I give you a clue to secrets your curiosity. In the next article, we will come with the practices that we can use when you had felt such feelings. Hope to meet you soon from the next parts of this. Think about this,
Is Isolation beneficial Or Not?
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cliqueblog · 3 years
Software Update for your Mind 5.0
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Dear Clique,
Today I'm giving you the latest software for your mind. If you didn't install the previous go to the above links and install those updates first.
Today I'm explaining a wrong I was doing. But now I recognized it as my fault. And now I'm struggling to get rid of that.
I know persons who need to improve their own mindset are reading this article so we search on Youtube to grab knowledge. We can find different persons and different courses. Then we watch it and try to work according to that video.
I don't like to watch a video twice. So what I do is I always try to grab everything the first time I watch it. This is wrong. I have two reasons to say that is wrong. Let me explain.
We don't satisfy with our mind performances. That's why we search youtube for videos. When we are watching the video we are not mindful. So we can't get every single detail after watching it once. And that missing details can be the most important fact to understand.
In my experiences I have experience in sometimes when I watching a video for 2nd time I get many things, I didn't get before. Sometimes I wonder asking my self was there those facts in that video.
The second point is, When we watch such a video we get motivated. But it likes a charged battery. Day by day it drains. After few days your battery will die. That means you stop doing things that you watched.
In such conditions, you can simply recharge your battery by watching that video again.
I'm today's update I want to say you. Don't stop getting instructions for anything. That is not relatable only for your mental development, For anything you need to get the success you can apply this method. If it the same instructions, get it again and again. I'm sure It will exactly help you to become a success.
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cliqueblog · 3 years
The Death 02
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Dear Clique,
As I promised today I’m here with the second article on Death. If you didn’t read it yet. You can read it by going here. So, Let’s go into the topic.
Today I’m explaining how to chase our goals as dying people. Because someone can think the life is not sure we don’t know when we are dying so why do we chase our goals? To people who have this question, this is the answer.
This is my way to do it. I think sharing that method with you will be useful for you. We can know our country’s mean age expectation. In my country, It is 73. So I select 50 years.
What is this year? This is the year I expect death. Now someone can ask me how you exactly know you that you live 50 years? Wait. I will explain.
I do everything expecting death at 50 years old. So I have no time to waste. I have to do everything I like. Everything I like to experience before my fifty.
And also I have to fulfill my duties and responsibilities to all my loved ones. And I should finish my duty to the world before my fifty.
Just imagine, now I’m fifty. Now I have achieved everything I need to get in my life. I have experienced everything I need. I think I will feel, I’m saturated. Because I worked for a timeline. I had a target to finish everything when I’m fifty. I think that feeling of saturation is everyone should feel in their lives. Now someone can ask me what happen if you didn’t die at fifty?
If you have play video games you may have to see there are two parts in a game most commonly. One is the story mode. It is like a story. It is the game. But after you finish it, Isn’t there anything to play? No. There are submissions. You can play those missions to your pleasure. And those are really funny, Not stressful.
So don’t stop working if you spend your goal successfully. Start to play submissions. Those missions will be so interesting. You don’t need to worry if you could finish or not.
Now I’m answering the first question. What do you do if you die before fifty? Actually, that is possible. So this is my answer to it. You know we can’t control death. The only thing we can do is ready for death at any time or any way. So, You have to spend every single second usefully and meaningfully.
My opinion is if you are spending your every time meaningfully it’s not a problem if you die any day.
The second article about Death is over, I can’t express my exact idea when I’m writing because of my weak language issue. But I just need wanted to make a discussion about Death. We should think about it, We should be a hero in front of death. We should plan our Death well, As we consider our birth.
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cliqueblog · 3 years
The Death
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Dear Clique, Today I’m talking about “Death”. Actually, this should be an article series, If I could I will bring this as an article series.
So why I selected Death. Very simple. Because death is the only thing that we all can experience. Drive a Roll Royce car, spending a night at a five-star hotel those are rare chances only a limited population can experience. But if you like it or not you have to experience death.
How much we like to the Birth we celebrate our Birthday in every year. My opinion is the Death is important as well as Birth.
What are the most significant features of the Death? The first one is it is compulsory. The second one is anyone doesn’t know when it is happening and how it can happen. My opinion is being aware the Death is very good and you will face even your life’s end successfully.
So what we can do about it? When we are associating people just think this is the last moment I spend always try to be friendly with everyone. Love everyone hates nobody. And always do things for the world. According to my point of view, we are coming to the world to serve people, to make the world a better place for the next generations. So don’t be late always do something to make the world a better place.
Don’t try to collect so much money. (It needs some deposit money for your essentials but here I’m mentioning an extremely savers. ) First, spend for yourself. Buy things you love. Treat your family well. Treat well for your loved ones. Why did I mention ourselves first?
There is a reason for it. I’m explaining with my personal experiences which I have. I think you may probably have experiences like that. There is some kind of people. They don’t spend money even for themselves.
After spending for you do for others. Help people, animals any kind of living beings which need help. Then you may ask me what about life goals? Should we give up our life goals because our life is uncertain? No, I never say that. So I will meet you from tomorrow’s Day Post explaining how we can chase goals as dying people. Stay Tuned! See you tomorrow.
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cliqueblog · 3 years
Be a Deaf
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Today I think to start my day post with a story that I saw on the internet.
A frog decided to reach the top of a tree. All the other frogs shouted by saying "It's impossible, It's impossible.."The frog never stopped and reached the top but How is that? Because he was deaf & he thought everyone was encouraging him to reach the top. So as like that, you should be Deaf to your negative thoughts, If you aim to reach the top.
After reading the above simple story. I recognized some unusual incidents. The first unfamiliar thing which came to my mind is the frog trying to reach up a tree. The second one is how would he be able to reach the top with the disturbances coming from the background.
Both of them are similar to our lives too. If we started something new, the outsiders judge us & give opinions. Then we started to work according to their judgment and think negatively. It affects our success. Actually, we have broken our personalities. But the next most significant idea we can get through this story is how to react to such barriers intelligently.
So why do they ask to be deaf? Actually, we should be strong enough to move forward with all these difficulties and problems that come to us during our lifetime. Negative attitudes are the barriers that interrupted our journey. So the best way to reach them does not consider them. It is a normal principle which we used. As an example, If someone interrupting you all the time or something that you are not interested in, the simplest way to slip from it is Ignoring or not considering that. Thereby our path is very clear.
So my idea is you should trust yourself first. Then only you can create your confidence to stand against & move forward to achieve your goals. Nothing in the world is impossible, we can achieve anything. We should be confident about ourselves.
I think I tried my best to explain the little idea that I grabbed from the above small story. So it's your time to work on it. I wish all the clique readers to build up self-confidence against all the negative barriers.
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cliqueblog · 3 years
Build your own M1 chip
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Dear Clique,
Yesterday’s it was held the apple event introducing iPhone 13 series. So I decided to write this article about apples. Keep reading, I’m pretty sure this may be a wonder you.
If someone asks me what is the most favorite thing in the apple, I answer M1 chip. M1 chip was a huge improvement in the technology industry. Because it was so powerful, had low power consumption, and very much energy efficiency. First, I will explain to everyone who has a piece of technical knowledge or not, How the M1 chip has been an incredible invention in the technology industry and how we can build our M1 chip.
First, I will explain how the M1 chip is so powerful. You know in a Windows PC, There are few main parts those are CPU ( Central Processing Unit), RAM, GPU, and Hard Disk. In this case, Apple has made a chip combining all parts together. So how is it so fast?
I will explain this with an example, Just think you are going out to buy some goods for your home, Now you go to the vegetable shop to buy vegetables, You have to go to another shop to buy dry food ingredients, You have to go to meat shop to buy meat, You have to go to a bakery to buy some bread or buns. Like that, you have to go to at least five shops to buy all these foods.
But today do you to do like that? As a solution for that, the shopping mall concept was invented. After reading this you will be realized that the concept is in the M1 chip is not a new concept that was a concept that was excited in the world.
When you going to a shopping mall you can buy everything in one place. You can be shopping quickly and be less tired. Finally, you will be able to do shopping well. That is the explanation for the M1 chip. Now I’m describing how to make your own M1 chip.
The chip we make is not a physical chip. It is in your mind. Nowadays I’m building my own M1 chip. How I’m doing it? I’m studying different fields. I’m learning writing, coding, graphic designing, web developing, video editing, animating, music composing, and medicine. So how does that help me?
The closest example is the blog that you are reading now, When I thought to make a blog, I get used to different aspects of my learning skills. When I need a logo, I made it using my logo designing knowledge. When I need to make thumbnails for my articles I made them with my graphic designing knowledge. I learned basic web development skills to develop my blog. If one day I need to start a Youtube channel or something, No worries. I have knowledge of it. If someday I need to develop an app for the Clique Blog I do it my own.
As a result of the wide area of my knowledge, If I got some concept to do, I can do it very easily, I have fewer barriers to start it. So I can do many things and also the thing that I do now are interconnected. The final result which I got from this ability is, I can do several tasks within a short period of time.
Education never ends it lasts forever until the death of our lives. According to my, If I continued my learning process to a wide range of knowledge for a long period of time one day, I would be able to become a high performance like an M1 chip.
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cliqueblog · 3 years
Mind Cache
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Dear Clique,
Welcome to another exciting Day Post. Today, I’m writing about cache memory. If you are familiar with the technology you should have heard this term at least once.
You may have seen Clear Cache apps on your smartphone or on your PC. However, first I think it’s good if I describe cache memory. In this case, I will explain this as you can understand whether you are familiar with technology or not.
Think like this. You are reading in your room, Now you are sitting at your table and your all books are in a book rack which is a little bit far from your table. So if you need to refer to a book, you have to go to the book rack and get that book, and after reading that you have to put the book again in the book rack.
Isn’t it hard? That is what you do if you facing such a moment. No! What should you do is, you should get some books that you need for your studies before started your work and keep those on your table. When you need to read, you can get the book from your table. This is very easy than the previous method.
This exact method is using when making smartphones and computers to optimize their performance. But just think what happens when the cache memory is overload?
If we think about our previous example what happens if you collect more books on your table? Your table hasn’t enough space like the book rack. You can keep a small number of books on it. If it is overloaded, your table seems to be very untidy and unpleasant. The final result is, Cache helps you to optimize the performance of your task but if it is overloaded, it will disturb you. That’s why there are a lot of cache cleaning apps on your mobile phone. After you clean the cache you will notice a clear difference before and after. Because then your phone can store a cache of your current working.
Now I’m not talking about the cache in your phone. I’m talking about the cache in your mind. I take an example in the office. I got an office example in yesterday’s Day Post, if you are interested in it you can read it from here. But this is a little bit different from that.
Just imagine a little argument, It is not needed to exist for a long time. Sometimes one dialogue will be enough for it. And also you had already settled down it. But what happen the next day? You had solved your problem yesterday but the cache memory is still in your mind.
So what can happen? Now you associate with that person dealing with that cache memory. So there is a big chance to start that argument again. Sometimes it can be more complicated than yesterday and if another person had cleaned his cache, he can be embarrassed because of your single word.
Now you will notice the main reason for arguments in our day-to-day life. It is not cleaning the cache. Every person likes to be a good person. So if you can give someone a chance, it will be a great opportunity for him to become a good person. Therefore always try to clean your cache. Always look at the world with a fresh impression.
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cliqueblog · 3 years
Software Update for your Mind 4.0
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Dear Clique, Get ready to get the new software update for your mind. Today I’m discussing “Rumination”. So, get ready to install the update.
If you didn’t update your mind till you, You can go to the below links and get those updates first.
Software Update for your Mind 1.0
Software Update for your Mind 2.0
Software Update for your Mind 3.0
What is rumination? First, we hear about rumination in our childhood. We learned the rumination of cattle. As we know cattle ruminate their foods after eating. They take again the previously eaten foods to their mouth and after biting it several times they bite those.
You will be wonder If I say, you are with yourself and I am also doing rumination. You will say, ” no, not at all”. But I say, “Yes”. But we ruminate nor foods, We ruminate our thoughts. So I call this the “Rumination of thoughts”.
As usual, I will start my explanation with an example. Think you are working in an office. As we know there are a bunch of arguments in an office. Sometimes those are useful or useless. But if those are useful or not, you should not go for arguments. I suggest you make discussions instead of arguments. I wrote a Day Post on that topic and If you are interested in, you can read it by going here.
Anyway just imagine an argument. As there is an end to everything in the world, The argument should also have an end. Sometimes it can be ended at the end of the day. But, Do you end it from your mind?
Imagine a cow in the first round, It eats grass or something, But Is that the end? “No”. After eating it, takes the food again into your mouth after some time. What do you do exactly is similar to this phenomenon? After you go home, you continue that argument from your mind.
You build questions and answers. sometimes you will think “I did a wrong, I have to say like this”. However now the argument is in your mind. You think about a past and build a future in your mind. When you doing this argument in your mind, your mind is always not a good place. You will be angry or sad. That is a very bad situation.
But the worst thing is, what happens the next day. Sometimes your opponent may be ok in next day. He will say you “Good Morning”, But you are not ready to accept that greeting. Sometimes you will release on him. what would you build in your mind according to the previous day. And what happens next?
If your opponent has not had enough patience, Your argument will arise again. Sometimes it will be terrible than the previous day. In the end, it will occur a big problem.
Now you can understand how bad is the Rumination of Thoughts, So what should you do? Have you tried to stop it?
No! In this post series, I’m trying to upgrade your mind without being persecuted. So what do you need to do? Always try to understand the Rumination of Thoughts, Recognize quickly if your mind is ruminating. You need to force your mind to stop it. Understand what is the situation of mind. That understanding stops the rumination.
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cliqueblog · 3 years
Are we living for Others?
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Dear Clique,
Today, I start Day Post with apart from the speech which was done by Sadguru. In that lecture. He said a beautiful story. He said about tea shops in India.
"There are so many tea shops around India. India is full of tea shops. When we going to a teashop, the tea maker starts his chat. He says what should do by the prime minister, How should he rule the country. He knows everything. But the thing what he doesn't know is how to make a good tea."
Both audience and Sadguru started to laugh.
I heard this log time ago. But today suddenly I start to think about it and I could describe this in two aspects.
The first thing is not thinking about ourselves before thinking of others. People think, we are perfect, all others are imperfect and they are having full of faults. I think that is the nature of humans. Because thinking about others is very easy and for someone, it can be happy. But thinking about ourselves and planning how to improve ourselves is hard. If you need to be a great person, you should always do hard things. So, first, start to think about your faults. You should always think that I'm wrong and If I become good, The world will be a better place.
The second topic that I'm covering here is why we haven't solutions for our problems. If someone asks us, we have so many solutions for others' problems but we don't have an exact solution for our problem. So I think you also have the same problem. Let me explain this thing in my point of view,
My opinion is when we have a problem, we are unable to see the full problem. It's like this, the elephant doesn't know what its exact size is. Because it can't see its full image. But when someone sees the elephant from outside he can see, how big the elephant is and all characteristics of the elephant.
When we see a friend's problem, we don't get the emotional part of the problem. We see the problem as a third party, So we can study the problem well and we can give a good solution for it.
So can't we do this to our problems? Exactly we can. Don't be too emotional when you have a problem. If you become more emotional that means you are away from the most suitable solution. You should always try to see your problem moderately as like a third person. Then you will find solutions for your own problems as similar to the way that you give solutions for the friends' questions.
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cliqueblog · 3 years
Software Update for your Mind 3.0
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Dear Clique,Today I’m writing for my Software Update for your Mind post series. Today I’m giving you the 3.0 update. If you didn’t update your mind till you, You can go to the below links and get those updates first.Software Update for your Mind 1.0Software Update for your Mind 2.0So, Let’s start installing today’s update. You know in this post series I discuss our minds. How it works and how we can optimize it.So I think if you read this series well you will identify something. That is I haven’t mentioned what are the benefits of it. So today I’m saying the reason for it.First I should say why most of the people say benefits of building our mind, I think it is like a motivation. In our childhood, parents say to us, If you read for 2 hours I will let you play games on pc or something. I think that is doing us when we saying benefits. And I would ask you is that method successful?My opinion is that is not success. Because you read all the time thinking about next time you can play games. Finally, what happens your parents will notice it and they stop giving benefits.That is exactly what happens when you are doing mindfulness. In mindfulness, we teach to live in the present moment. After saying the benefits of mindfulness what happens? You focus on the benefits you can get from mindfulness.Actually, that is not matching with mindfulness concepts also. If you are thinking about benefits you can get, those benefits you can archive in the future. So you are thinking about the future. That’s why I didn’t mention the benefits of practicing mindfulness.But I think it’s good if you know some benefits. But I have an advice for you. Don’t focus too much on those benefits if you practice your best for enough time period you will probably get results. But I think it’s not a problem if I add some benefits after I informing you.Benefits of Practicing Mindfulness Reduced rumination Stress reduction Boosts to working memory Focus Less emotional reactivity More cognitive flexibility Relationship satisfaction You can read about more benefits in detail by going helpguide.org. I think in my opinion I think that is good. If you read that article you can see there are so many benefits of mindfulness or building your quality of mind. But don’t focus on benefits so much. Just pay attention to your practice. See you soon in the next update for your mind. Till I come please understand what I said. I say again, Don’t focus on benefits too much. Actually, this is not advisable for only mindfulness. This advice is for your life.
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cliqueblog · 3 years
Fleeting nature of Success & Disaster ( If Poem Review )
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Dear Clique,
Today, I’m going to talk about the contrasting idea between two different kinds of emotional qualities. According to my point of view, “Success never stays, nor does disaster”.we have to treat both of the above imposters alike.
Why did I name them imposters? Why do I treat them equally? Your mind may ask a lot of questions like that. Now I’m going to answer your questions as well as to give reasons for my opinion.
I called Success & Disaster imposters because they are coming into our lives as a result of some activity. I could be suggesting that these two words often come with disruption or change. So their appearance is totally different but the cause is the same.
But why don’t we treat them equally? Both of them quickly disappear with time. People practiced to celebrate victory great but not disasters like that. I extracted this idea “If by RUDYARD KIPLING”
If you can dream—and not make dreams your master;        If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim;  If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster     And treat those two impostors just the same;    If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken     Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools, Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,     And stoop and build ’em up with worn-out tools:
You can see the stanza of this poem gives us a lot of advice. In the above stanza, we can get three different ideas. They are, We should not make our dreams as master as well as we should not make our thoughts become aims of our life, We should treat both success and disasters in a similar way and the last one is we should build up our strength to bear any defeat as well as we should have the ability to restart again.
I think the Day Post I wrote on “Cons and Pros Bundle” is familiar with this idea. If you are interested in it, you can go and read it from here.
Now I think you are hoping more about this poem. So I think to describe more about this poem.
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,        Or walk with Kings—nor lose the common touch, If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,     If all men count with you, but none too much; If you can fill the unforgiving minute     With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run,    Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,        And—which is more—you’ll be a Man, my son!
In this stanza, Rudyard Kipling is writing a very interesting topic. He says us walking with KiWe can gain a lot of positive thinking advice through this. The poet said that we should always be kind enough to each and every person without considering their physical qualities. And also we have to be strong enough to bear any kind of insult even which is done by our loved ones. You can forgive them. It may just only take one minute but remember, it saves sixty seconds of time. If you work productively, the earth is yours, you can have much more facilities in it. The only thing that you must do is work with productivity. It leads you to a successful future. There may be a lot of circumstances in which you have to face disastrous periods But never give up. I think that is the idea which you can catch through this poem.
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cliqueblog · 3 years
Software Update for your Mind 2.0
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Dear clique I welcome all of you to my new software update for your mind. Hope you all are ready to update your system. If you didn’t install the 1.0 version go here and install it first, Then read this article to upgrade it to 2.0.
In the previous article, I explained what do you need to do first to get control of your mind. Today I’m writing what is your next step to build your mind.
Now you have practiced seeing your mind. And now I should say, in this case, we are not installing or updating an application. We are upgrading our operating system. When we are using an app, We use it for a little time and we only care about the time we use it. So this is the main reason to fail when we practicing mindfulness or doing some meditation.
We use those new concepts as an application. Only for a little time. And those applications are not addictive like Facebook and Instagram. So finally, what happened? Day by day we reduce the time that we spend with those apps. Finally, you stop using those apps. After you notify you are not using those you uninstall those apps.
Your mind also will do the same. If you are not using those concepts, your mind will stop focusing on those concepts.
And I wrote an article before on “Is motivation is success“. In that article I mentioned we practice those theories, not for a small period. We do those for a long time in our life. So we need to do those very patiently. If you did not suit my method you can follow another method or you can practice it in a different way. Don’t be hurry. Everything has a time for it. We have to wait till the time comes.
So in this update, I am aware of you. In this case, we are not installing an app. We are installing an operating system. So we have to practice all the time. I know that is impossible. But if you need to manage your every situation you have to practice as possible you can.
If you need more practice it’s not a problem if you allocate a fixed time to think about your mind. But my opinion is that is like learning to swim from land. You have to swim in the water, you have to apply theories you learned when you are living in real life. So come and practice in water as much possible you can.
See you seen with the latest software update. 📷
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