cashasfallen · 3 months
this special both destroys me and saves me at the same time
thinking about bo burnham's make happy again. thinking about crying while watching a comedy performance. thinking about i don't think that i can handle this right now. thinking about watch the skinny kid with a steadily declining mental health/and laugh as he attempts to give you what he cannot give himself. thinking about good night. i hope you're happy.
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cashasfallen · 3 months
i'm not sure if anyone will see this, but my family needs help to bring our sweet bella back home. the story is in the gofundme, and my dms are open if anyone wants more information. anything helps.
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cashasfallen · 4 months
bc girl there were two other people in the room
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plsss this is SO funny asdfgfdsa
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cashasfallen · 5 months
so cute :(
Hey! Can I request a Willy Wonka x reader? I don’t know if you’ve ever read the Anne of green gables series but there’s a dialogue where Anne tells Gilbert “I don't want sunbursts or marble halls, I just want you.” and if you can, can you put that in with fem reader saying this to Wonka when he’s worried he won’t be able to make it big from just starting out and providing for them with all his setbacks and of course it’s all fluff and soft?
"Yes anon." The fanfic writers all say in unison.
Willy Wonka x gn!Reader (Wonka 2023)
A/n: Since Valentine's day is coming up, I sort of made this post themed around that. My requests are open 🤠
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Willy had been very self conscious lately. Which was not something he was very used to feeling.
It all started one day when he'd overheard a couple men having a conversation on the street. They were talking about the lavish gifts they planned to give their wives for Valentine's day. Diamond rings, expensive dinners, personalized portraits, on and on.
Before then, he'd had no problem with his plan of giving you flowers, chocolate, and a card. But, now? That felt like nothing compared to what other guys were doing for their significant others.
His insecurity grew from there. His chocolate business had only just started out, but he felt like he wasn't making enough money. That's why he couldn't get you a fancy gift. And if he couldn't get you a fancy gift then how would he ever be able to even support you? You'd never want to marry him if he couldn't support you.
His insecurities snowballed until he was absolutely dreading February 14.
The day arrived and saying Willy was nervous to see you was an understatement.
The two of you had agreed to meet at your house. He knocked on the door, his heart racing and his hands feeling a bit sweaty. When you opened the door he swallowed nervously.
You smiled at him sweetly. "Hi, Willy!" You wrapped your arms around him in a hug and he relaxed a bit. "Happy Valentine's day!"
"Yeah, happy Valentine's day."
You pulled back from the hug and led him inside. "Can I give you your gift first?" You asked excitedly.
"Uh- Sure. Yeah." He sat at your kitchen table and watched as you left the room, seemingly to retrieve the gift.
"Close your eyes." You instructed. He did as you asked. After a moment he felt your presence behind him as you put your arms over his shoulders to hold something in front of him.
"Now open."
He opened his eyes.
In front of him was a framed picture. It was his favorite picture of the two of you. When it had been taken, Willy insisted that you kept it.
"I made the frame myself." You said with a proud smile. "Turn it around." He flipped the frame to see a heartfelt love poem on the back.
"This is amazing." He gushed, smiling as you sat next to him at the table. "Thank you." He pecked your cheek and you giggled.
The sweet moment was soured a bit when he realized he had to give you your gift now.
He handed you the bag your gift was in mumbling a quick "It's not much." as you eagerly looked inside.
First, you pulled out the chocolates. They were in a heart shaped box with a card attached.
You read the card before opening the box of chocolate.
"About half of them are your favorites, and the other half are ones I think you'd really enjoy." He says as you popped one into your mouth and let out a satisfied hum.
"I'm sure I'll love them all." You said as you reached into the bag and pulled out the bouquet he'd gotten you.
"I grew those for you."
"You grew these for me?" You repeated, astonished he'd put in that much work for you. "Willy, I love them!"
"You don't have to say that." He shakes his head.
You tilt your head, confused. You gently put the flowers on the table with your chocolates. "What do you mean?"
"You don't have to pretend you love the gift." He shrugged. "I know you've probably gotten flowers and chocolate dozens of times before, and I know it's not extravagant or-"
"Willy." You say his name softly. He gives his attention to you. "Why would I not love this gift? You made me my favorite chocolate! You grew me flowers! That's so romantic!"
"But..." He trailed off, looking away nervously.
"But, what?" You asked.
He paused. "It's not expensive, or fancy, or... Any of that stuff."
"Why would I care about that?"
"Because-" He felt tears begin to well up in his eyes. "Because if I can't even give you a nice gift how am I supposed to buy you a wedding ring, or a house, or pay rent? How am I supposed to take care of you?"
You blinked. You couldn't believe what you were hearing. You'd never heard him be this distressed over anything.
After a moment, you gently cup his cheek with your hand. He gazes at you with his big, brown eyes that are wet with tears and it breaks your heart a bit. "Willy... I don't want sunbursts," you say. "I don't want marble halls," you continue. "I don't want diamonds, or pearls, or any of that!" You pause. "I just want you."
Willy's speechless. He stares at you for a moment and then his lips crash into yours.
The two of you share a sweet kiss for a long moment until you break away. "I love you, okay?" You assure him softly.
He nods, a small smile on his lips. "Okay." He says. "I love you too."
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cashasfallen · 5 months
okay but given a choice, if you had to pick a fictional boy to become real and marry me, who would you pick for me?
definitely percy jackson!!
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cashasfallen · 5 months
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cashasfallen · 5 months
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𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧 || 𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐎𝐝𝐚𝐢𝐫 𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐫𝐛
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𝐑𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭: - 𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: In a moment of domestic bliss, you let slip something that’s been on your mind. Oops! 𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: Finnick Odair x fem!reader 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: - 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐬: Fluff, fluff and fluff 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 600 𝐀/𝐍: I seriously need to branch out from Finnick, but it’s hard when the only media you’ve consumed in the last month and a half is THG (• ᴖ •。)
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"Five more minutes," Finnick grumbles, tan arms wrapping tightly around your waist.
"Finn, it's already mid-morning. I've gotta get up." His heart flutters when you call him that, there's no way he's letting you go now. He abruptly pulls you down onto the bed next to him.
"Finnick," you whine, but you're not really mad. The sheets are warm and comforting, and sunlight filters through the curtains, making your bedroom glow with a soft golden haze.
"You're impossible," You mutter, trying to sound stern but failing. You're torn between wanting to stay here in his arms, and all the things you really ought to get done today. But Finnick knows exactly how to play you, and he begins trailing kisses down your neck. Melting at his touch, the decision is made for you.
You prop yourself up on an elbow and stare down at him. He's grinning up at you, dimples on full show. His flaxen hair is mussed and his sea-green eyes are sparkling smugly. You find yourself giving in, a soft smile spilling onto your face.
"What are you grinning at?" He teases, hand reaching up to brush a lock of hair behind your ear.
You hum vaguely. You trace his features with a finger, dotting every freckle and toying with every loose lock of hair. His eyes watch you, captivated.
"That's not an answer," He murmurs. Butterflies erupt in your stomach as warm hands cup your face, and the boy pulls you down for a kiss.
'Ring ring, ring ring'
Just as your lips are about to meet, a persistent ringing interrupts the moment. With a frustrated groan, Finnick releases you and sits up to answer the phone. You flop down into the warm spot his body was, gazing up at him.
"Hello?" he answers, his voice still frayed from sleep. The sunlight is catching the edges of his golden hair, lighting him up like a halo. This must be heaven, you think to yourself.
"Yes, yes I understand." Finnick's conversation hums away in the background of your thoughts. Sounds important, you mumble to yourself distractedly. You're transfixed by the way the muscles in his arm moves as he runs his fingers through his hair.
"So what you mean is..." Finnick's still talking on the phone, his face laced with concentration. Must be pretty important, you sigh. You watch, infatuated, as his blond curls move when he leans over to grab a notebook.
"I wish you'd marry me," You murmur absent-mindedly.
You only realise you've said this thought out loud when Finnick's eyes clap onto yours, mouth agape. You feel heat rising to your cheeks, but you don't say anything to take it back.
"Uh- Yes, Simon, I'll... be there next week..." Finnick stammers as he struggles to focus on the conversation, his wide eyes resting on you. He can feel his heart racing as your confession really sinks in.
"Yep. Yep, bye. I know, bye." Finnick fumbles the phone as he quickly sets it back into the wall, finally able to give you his full attention.
"I-I didn't mean to say that out loud," You try to say, but are interrupted by his lips crashing onto yours.
His arms wrap around your back, lifting you up slightly out of the bed. He tastes like sea salt and apples, his mouth fervent and eager.
He pulls away slightly so he can look at you.
"Will you marry me?" Finnick breathes, out of breath and cheeks slightly flushed.
In response, you tighten your arms around his neck, kissing him all over. Somewhere in between them, you mumble a keen "Yes."
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© sunniskyies 2024, do not repost or translate my work
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cashasfallen · 5 months
i love this movie.
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Lee and Maren in Bones and All (2022)
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cashasfallen · 5 months
this is so real
Wonka: *Pulls a glass a water from out of nowhere*
Noodle: Where did you get that?
Wonka: My pocket.
Noodle: How do you keep a glass of water in your pocket?
Wonka: Skills.
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cashasfallen · 5 months
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cashasfallen · 5 months
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cashasfallen · 5 months
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22K notes · View notes
cashasfallen · 5 months
lover — [w.wonka]
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wordcount: 1K
warnings: none
requested: yes!! anon <3
You’d think that working for the greatest chocolate maker in the world would be awesome, right?
You’d be correct. However… some parts were not quite so awesome. Especially when you’re head over heels in love with said chocolate maker.
“Noodle!” I scold, laughing as she tosses yet another chocolate in her mouth, rather than stacking them as we’re supposed to be doing.
She shrugs, and gives me a wicked grin. “Sorry, not sorry.”
I roll my eyes, taking a bite out of my own selected piece of chocolate. Willy always says that we should eat whatever and whenever we like. He just cares that much for us.
“What do you want to do when you’re older, y/n?” Noodle asks me suddenly.
I frown at the question. “I am older.”
She rolls her eyes. “You’re like eighteen. I mean older, older.”
I shrug. “I don’t know. I’m pretty content just working at this shop right now. But I’d like to fall in love, get married, and have a family. That would be nice, I guess. It’s not likely, though.”
“Why not? That’s totally likely.”
I smile a little. “Because, Noodle-dee, I’m not that kind of girl. Guys don’t just go and fall in love with me.”
She smirks a little, and pops another chocolate in her mouth. “You never know, y/n-doo.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” There’s a smile in my voice.
Noodle doesn’t reply, so I let it go, going back to stacking Willy’s gorgeous chocolates in their pretty display cases for the shop. This is honestly probably my favourite job in the entire store. Making it look pretty.
It’s the end of the day, all the customers are gone, and just Noodle, Willy, and I are left, all doing our individual closing duties.
Noodle cleans the floors, I count the till money, and Willy, well, I’m still not exactly sure what he does, but he walks through every single room in the entire building, checking something.
Probably some big important, owner-of-the-chocolate-factory job I don’t know about.
Noodle and her bucket of soapy water makes it way over to me. “Hey y/n,” she sing-songs.
“Mm?” I glance up from counting silver sovereigns.
“You know how you were saying you wanted to fall in love?”
“Someday, yeah.”
Noodle looks amused about something. “Are you already in love? Do you at least have someone in mind?”
My brain immediately, unhelpfully, offers up an image of Willy, with his smiling face and unruly dark curls. I suddenly get very flustered. “Uh—no. Of course not, Noodle.”
“Really.” She raises an eyebrow, deadpanning at me.
I shake my head. “I don’t have anyone, uh, in mind, no. I’m not in love. That’s ridiculous.”
At that moment, without either me or Noodle noticing, Willy reenters the main shop room where we both are. But I’m so engrossed in trying to convince Noodle to drop this topic that I don’t even see him.
“What about Willy?” Noodle suddenly asks.
I drop my stack of sovereigns. “What do you mean?”
Noodle has her hands on her hips. “You like him. It’s so obvious.”
I fumble with the coins, trying desperately to keep my hands from shaking. “No—? I don’t—um. No. I don’t like him. I mean I do, like him. But not, uh, like, like him.”
“Are you sure? You don’t seem sure.”
I groan, slamming the sovereigns onto the counter. “Fine. You win, Noodle-dee. I like Willy. A lot. In fact, I’m desperately in love with him and I think about him almost constantly. Now can you please drop it?” I don’t even realise I have tears in my eyes, but my emotions suddenly come to a swirling head, and I hiccup, and brush a tear away.
“I’m sorry,” Noodle whispers, but she sounds more triumphant than sorry. “I won’t ask you about it again.”
She grabs up her bucket and leaves abruptly.
I blink a few times, let out a sigh, and finish up with the till money. Then I flick off all the lights, lock up the inner doors, and get ready to leave for the day.
Noodle has already signed out, so I guess it’s only Willy left in the shop somewhere. “Willy?” I call, “I’m heading off now!”
Willy appears, hurrying over to me. “Thanks, y/n.” He has a weird look on his face, and he won’t look at me.
“Everything okay?” I ask uncertainly. “You look strange.”
He shakes his head. “Fine, fine. I’m okay.”
“Alright.” I shrug. “I’m heading home now. I’ll see you tomorrow.” I say this every day. It’s like clockwork.
Willy usually echoes it back, tells me to get home safely, and gives me a smile. But today, it’s different.
“Y/n, wait,” he says, just as my fingers are on the doorknob.
I glance at him. “Yeah?”
He licks his lips, glancing everywhere but me. “I heard you and Noodle earlier.”
I freeze, unsure of what to say or do. “You did?”
He nods. “Is it true? You’re in love with me?”
I don’t answer right away. I look at him for a moment, breathe, and then nod my head once. “Ever since I met you,” I say, and try to laugh. But it’s not really that funny. It’s kind of pathetic, actually. Because I am just y/n, and he is Willy Wonka.
“Me too, you know.”
It takes me way too many heartbeats to understand what he means. “What?”
“I’m in love with you, too, silly.” He chuckles, playing with his fingers.
I stare at him. “You… you, what?”
He laughs again, more forcefully this time. “Y/n, just come here.” He reaches for me, hands cupping my face, and when he pulls me into him, and kisses me, I can’t even breathe. It’s surreal, like a dream, but it’s real, and it’s happening, and it’s him, and it’s everything.
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cashasfallen · 5 months
another banger
electric touch — [w.wonka]
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wordcount: 0.6K
warnings: none
requested: yes!! anon <3
I’ve never been someone people go to when they’re sad, or sick, or just need a comforting shoulder to lean on.
I’m usually pretty closed-off. I don’t open up to people, in fact I barely speak to anyone.
So when Willy Wonka, the famous chocolatier I work for, knocks on my door with a temperature and blurry eyes, I’m shocked.
“Mr Wonka, sir?” I ask in surprise, both my mouth and door open. “Are you alright?”
Willy shakes his head slowly. “I’m sorry, y/n. I didn’t mean to barge in like this, but… I need someone’s help. I’m—“ He doesn’t get to finish his sentence. He collapses, but luckily I’m there, and he hits me before he hits the floor. I catch him, rather unsteadily, in my arms.
“Hey, hey,” I mutter. “You’re okay. Uh… let’s get you onto the couch, okay?”
With my help, Willy stumbles over into my living room, and drops heavily onto my sofa. His curls are damp from sweat, and half stuck to his forehead. He closes his eyes and sighs.
“What do you need?” I ask hesitantly.
“Water, please,” he manages.
I hurry and collect a glass from the kitchen, filling it with cold water and ice. I also run water over a clutch, squeezing out the excess.
I drop to my knees at Willy’s side, handing him the water. I have to help him sip it, though.
I take the glass from him when he finishes, and leave it on the coffee table. I grab the damp cloth and gingerly hold it to his head, brushing away his loose curls with my fingertips.
Willy’s eyes flutter open, and he glances at me. “You’re a miracle, y/n.”
I laugh awkwardly. “No, I’m not, sir.” I dab the cloth all over his forehead. “I barely know what I’m doing.”
Willy chuckles, and his eyes slide shut again. “Thank you.”
A small smile grows on my face, without me even realising. “You’re welcome, Mr Wonka.”
“Please. Call me Willy. Everyone does.”
“Okay…” I hesitate. “Willy.”
He smiles.
I gently pull my hand away, leaving the cloth on the coffee table beside his water glass. “Is there anything else I can do for you, sir?” I ask quietly.
“Y/n,” he says, his voice low. “You don’t have to call me sir. I’m not your scary boss, you know. I’m your friend.”
I’m lucky he still has his eyes closed, because my cheeks feel warm all of a sudden, and I’m sure that if I looked in the mirror I’d be red all over. “Okay, Willy.”
There’s a heartbeat of silence. I stare at him, memorising every bit of his face. His features. His loose, dark curls that are never orderly, his jawline that I’m always half tempted to run my finger along. His mouth, that, for some reason, I want to kiss.
It’s like suddenly I'm no longer in control of myself. Without even a second of thought, I lean forward and press my mouth to his. I only linger there a moment, then sit back.
Willy shifts, then looks at me, surprise in his eyes. “What was that for?” His voice is a little raspy all of a sudden.
I shrug my left shoulder. “I… I don’t know.”
He smiles, looking tired. Then, he props himself up on one elbow and touches me gingerly under the chin, his fingertips holding my gaze to his. He pulls me closer at the same moment he leans toward me. Our lips meet, and it’s soft and it’s desperate and it’s tender and it’s hungry, all at the same time.
It’s everything I could ever have wanted.
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cashasfallen · 5 months
so cute :(
“INTO THE NEW YEAR” — Theodore “Laurie” x March Sister!Reader
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IN WHICH . . . you and laurie have a mutual pining, but it is unknown to one another until he invites you to a walk on New Year’s Eve.
NOTES . . . i need to get back into writing, so what better way to do it than my hyperfixation ?! i love timothee and i love laurie sm. anyways, you can defffff see my meg bias in this fic. she deserves the world. happy new years!!!! heres to a great one 🍾.
WORDCOUNT . . . 1.9k
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“No one ever loved anything quite as much as you do,” Marmee would say as she caressed your cheekbone, lulling you to sleep. You were 7 then, and you had just got done crying because you weren’t allowed to keep a baby bunny you had found in the garden.
Everyone had always called you ‘peach,’ reminiscent of the fact that peaches were sweet and soft— just like you. You were pretty sure your childhood friend, Laurie, was the one to start it, but Amy claims it was her idea. You were the only March sister with a nickname that isn’t some variant of your real name.
“Peach!” Marmee called from the kitchen. You buried your head under your pillow, as you were too tired to respond to your mother.
“Peach!” she called again. You still didn’t respond.
“Y/N March!” finally shouted the woman, sounding irritated. You shot up and groaned.
“Coming!” You yelled back, the sudden use of your voice making your head hurt. You grumbled some more as you tossed the covers aside and dragged yourself down the stairs, rubbing the sleep from your eyes.
“What?” You asked, yawning, “Why call me down so early?”
“It’s nearly 10, Peach, we let you sleep in.” Meg responded, as she chuckled to herself. You whined and sat down beside Meg. Marmee placed your plate in front of you and you all began eating. As you all conversed and enjoyed your breakfast, there was a knock at the door.
“I’ll get it!” Amy said as she practically jumped out of her chair and sped to the door. She opened it with a smile. You all wondered who it was until Amy spoke again.
“Laurie!” your sister cheered, giggling as a familiar voice greeted her.
“Hey, Amy! How are you?” Laurie asked her, bringing her into a hug and as he kissed her cheek kindly. You smiled at the boy’s presence. Truth be told, you had the slightest—no, biggest— crush on him. Not that you had ever told anyone.
“Oh, I’m great Laurie! How are you? It’s almost New Year’s!” Amy bombarded Laurie with words as he chuckled and responded to her chats. Then, she turned back to the dinner table.
“Marmee, can Laurie come in? Please?? We’re almost done eating anyhow!”
“I suppose, but only if you girls help clean the house afterwards.” Marmee agreed as she cut into a piece of sausage on her plate. Amy grabbed Laurie by his hand and led him into the living room.
The two of you shared a grin as you stood up to greet him and brought him into a hug. He held you tight against him, making you both snicker. He smelt of a musky, cedar-like scent that drew you in. It made you stick your face into the crook of his neck.
“Let’s go on a walk tonight, huh Peach? For the New Year?” he suggested. You pulled out of the hug, your hands still rested on the boy’s shoulders. You looked towards Marmee for her approval. She thought for a moment and nodded slightly.
“Can I come??” Asked Amy, Jo answered with a quick ‘no,’ saving you the trouble of having to reject your younger sister. Amy stared at you as she pouted. All you did was shrug.
“Sorry, Amy. Maybe next time?” You gave her a half-hearted smile as she slouched. Then, you turned your attention back to Laurie.
“11 tonight?” You nodded.
Laurence then stayed for a while longer, he talked to all the girls until around noon. When the boy left, you all went upstairs to your room. Amy and Jo began their usual passive-aggressive arguments and Meg sat on your bed and crossed her legs. She rested her hands on her knee and gave you a certain look. A look that she would only give you if she knew something was up.
“What?” you asked her innocently.
“You know what,” she said, elongating the “o” in “know”.
“No, I don’t know what. What are you looking at me for?” You repeated yourself. Meg rolled her eyes and smirked.
“Laurie? A walk? On New Year’s Eve?”
“..Yeah? So what?”
“So, it’s clear that he likes you!” By this time, the other girls had stopped bickering and were listening to the conversation.
You furrowed your brow. “No, no. Laurie sees us as friends, and friends only. That’s all. Just friends. Nothing more.”
“Oh come on, Y/N! Did you see the way he looked at you?” Meg exclaimed, you looked around to your other sisters for support.
“It did seem a little romantic,” Beth chimed in. “Even Marmee thought so.”
“Unfortunately, I have to agree with Beth.” Jo said, as she placed her hands on her hips and leaned her weight onto one foot. “It was— interesting. Seeing you two interact. There was definitely some tension.”
“I don’t see it.” Amy interrupted, her arms crossed.
“Please, Amy,” Meg said, getting her to stop before she even started. Amy rolled her eyes and walked around the room, now uninterested.
“Y/N, he likes you! A lot!” Beth said.You continued to shake your head.
“Don’t think we haven’t noticed you, either. We know you like him too.” Jo sat down beside Meg and leaned towards you.
“What?!” You exclaimed, as you tried not to be so obvious.
“Mhm, we saw that hug. Don’t even attempt to deny it!”
“I—“ You started, but you couldn’t finish your sentence. “Have I really been that obvious?” You asked. Your sisters shared a look that made your mouth gape.
“Really?! I thought I was being discreet!”
“It’s not that big of a problem, Peach,” Meg assured you. “I mean, it’s about time you find a man that interests you..” She said with a slightly cheeky smile.
The five of you talked for a few hours more and went on with your day, until it was 10PM and Meg decided you needed to get ready.
She brought out your nicest evening dress, as she took her time to iron it carefully. Jo insisted on fixing your hair, but you refused due to the ‘Meg Incident’ in which Jo fried Meg’s hair clean off in an attempt to curl it. 10 minutes before a soirée.
Finally, by the time you were done, it was 10:45 and you sat on the couch, anxious as you waited for the arrival of Laurie. It was another 10 minutes before he knocked on the door. You looked at Meg and she nodded reassuringly. Then, you stood up and walked to the door. You opened it and there was Laurie, looking as handsome as ever. He handed you a bouquet of gorgeous flowers, consisting of your daisies, petunias, daffodils, and other bright colored flowers
“Oh, Laurie!” You gasped at the beautiful assortment. “Thank you! I love them!” You brought him into a hug, smiling widely.
“I knew you would. I remembered how you said that you liked these.” He chuckled nervously. You looked back at Meg, who gave you an “I told you so” look.
“Well, we should get going.” Laurie said. The two of you said your goodbyes and walked out the door.
When you got outside, you looked at each other and giggled like children. You walked in silence for a while, too nervous to say anything. You had a volcano of butterflies in your stomach ready to erupt at any moment.
Laurie led you to a quiet, peaceful spot and the two of you sat down by a small stream surrounded by gorgeous willow trees. Laurie laid on his back in the middle of the trees, a perfect view of the sky showed. You laid next to him and placed the flowers delicately aside. The two of you talked before silence fell again. It wasn’t awkward, though. It was a nice, comforting silence.
“It’s clear out tonight,” said Laurie, as he looked up at the bright stars. You followed his gaze towards the sky.
“I love stars, they’re so beautiful.” you said with a dreamy sigh. Laurie looked at you with a fond glint in his eye and smiled.
“Kind of like you.” He tried to say confidently, the darkness of the night thankfully masking his pink cheeks. You felt the butterflies finally explode as you tried to find something to say.
“The stars? Like me?” is all you could utter out, and it sounded more rude out loud than it did in your head. “I mean— thank you, Laurie. That’s really nice.” You kept your eyes glued to the sky, as you avoided any sort of contact.
“Of course.” Laurie said. He sounded slightly defeated, as if he hoped to hear something more out of you.
“Laurie, what time is it?” You asked him. He pulled a pocket watch from his vest pocket and squinted, letting his eyes adjust in the darkness.
“11:56,” He replied. “Almost New Year’s.”
“Really? It’s been that long already?” You asked him, as you sat up. He sat up with you. The two of you were parallel to each other with your knees tucked into your chests.
“Y/N, what are your plans for the future?” He asked you.
“Um, well..” You thought for a moment. “I want to move to the East Coast. Where it rains a lot. I want to raise a family and have a little cottage with a horse or three. Maybe a dog. I just want a family, I think. What about you? What do you want for your future?” Laurie paused.
“I don’t care where I am in my future. As long as…” He stopped, confusing you. You rested your chin on your knees and waited for him to continue. “As long as I’m with you, Y/N.”
“What?” You asked quietly, feeling your cheeks and ears burned in delightful shock.
“I said I want you in my future. All I want is you. All I’ve wanted is you, Peach.”
“Laurie.. I—“ He unintentionally cut you off.
“It’s killing me how bad I’ve wanted to tell you this.” He reaches for your hand and holds it. “I love you so much Y/N. I waited and I never complained because— because I want you to love me, Y/N. We can live out your future and I’ll do anything and everything in my power to make sure we live happy, and we can have the family you want, and I’ll get your horses and your dog and—“
“Laurie! Laurie..” You stopped him from rambling on, making sure he paid attention to you. “Laurie, I love you, too. I’ve loved you for a long, long, long time. I just— I thought you saw me as a friend. I thought you saw me like you did Meg— I never thought you could ever love me.”
Laurie sighed in relief and cupped your face in one hand. “I have always loved you, Y/N.”
Your eyes found each other in the dark and you pressed your foreheads together before you kissed each other gently. The kiss slowly got more passionate, more longing. When you pulled away, Laurie checked his watch again. It was 12:00AM.
He chuckled and squeezed your hand. “It’s 12. We kissed into the New Year.” You laughed as you squeezed his hand back.
“Did you really mean what you said? About the horses and the dog?” You asked Laurie with a smile.
“I guess I need to keep that promise, now, huh?”
“You definitely have to keep that promise now.”
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cashasfallen · 5 months
this is so cute :(
safe and sound — [w.wonka]
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wordcount: 1.2K
warnings: anxiety and depression implied
requested: no
Some days were bad. Some days were unbearable. Today was the absolute hardest and worst of all.
I sit on my bed, legs drawn up to my chest, trying to breathe. My chest feels too tight, too unwilling to allow air through to my lungs. My breaths come in short, painful gasps.
I have panic attacks a little too often, but recently they’ve been getting worse. Almost every night I end up like this, the long day of much-too-hard-work and pretending everything is fine coming to a crumbling heap in my secluded space in the darkness.
Even Noodle doesn’t know, and we tell each other everything. She’s like a little sister to me, being the only one even remotely near my age.
I close my eyes, leaning my head back against the wall. I try to even my breathing, but it’s so, so hard. I know I can’t keep going on like this. I need help, desperately.
I get to my feet, a little unsteady. What if I go and just ask? I’m fairly close to everyone here; surely they’d be willing to help me? Surely Noodle or Piper would be able to help me calm down enough to fall asleep tonight—my biggest struggle at the moment.
Then, suddenly, an idea comes to me. What about Willy?
The young chocolate maker has only been here a few months, but we’re grown fairly close. He tells me stories about all his travels while we work in the washrooms, and in return, I am telling him stories from books; teaching him to read and write.
He is only a year or so older than me, if I’m correct in thinking that my birthday must have passed by now, and that I am now eighteen years old.
If I’m being honest, he’s kind of become my best friend. No offence to Noodle of course, I adore her, but it’s different with Willy. He understands me so naturally, so easily. Every time we talk it flows smoother than the chocolates Willy makes for me to try, and I never run out of things to say.
I subconsciously run my hands through my hair, and brush down my nightgown’s skirts. I gently push open my door, peeking out, and stepping out into the corridor as quietly as I can.
Willy’s door is only three down from mine, so I’m there in no time. I stand outside for a moment, suddenly nervous. But then I softly open it, swinging the door open.
It’s very dark in Willy’s room, just like it is in all the rooms overnight. There’s no reliable lighting at all, so everyone sleeps in total darkness, even Noodle, who I know is scared of the dark. She sleeps with her door open.
Willy doesn’t have a curtain, however, so the nights when the moonlight is good are washed with a little lighting.
I step around the door, gingerly shutting it behind me. I can only see a tiny outline of Willy, sleeping peacefully in his bed. A sliver of moonlight falls on his face, a singular curl on his forehead.
I don’t want to disturb him, but my heart still beats way too fast; and I know his presence and touch will immediately ease my scattered thoughts.
“Willy?” I whisper, almost too quiet to even hear it myself.
But somehow, impossibly, he stirs. He drags himself
to his elbows. “Y/n?” he asks into the dark. “Are you okay? Did something happen?”
I’m about to shake my head, but instantly, I feel the hard lump growing in my throat again, and my chest tightening up. I start to cry, and even though it’s silent, Willy is immediately up and at my side, holding my face in both his hands.
“Hey, hey, hey,” he hushes. “It’s okay. It’s okay, sweetheart. Don’t cry, please don’t cry.”
I can’t stop though, and his sweet words only make the tears come faster. It’s like my body is forcing all the worry and anxiety out of me, but the only way to do that is to cry.
I jolt forward and clutch at Willy, hugging him around the middle so tight I’m almost scared I’ll hurt him. His arms hold me just as securely, though. Willy, without me having to say anything, just instinctively stays quiet as he holds me. My face is buried in his white shirt, my tears probably wetting it through, but he doesn’t mention it.
Once my cries slow down to nothing but hiccups, he gently pulls me away just enough to look into my face. “What’s wrong, love?” he asks me again, his tone and words so gentle and caring it almost sends me into tears again.
I shrug helplessly. “I… I just—“
He seems to understand. After all, we are in the same boat. And Willy has this incredible optimism that never leaves him, never runs out. I envy him in that way so much.
“Can I stay with you?” I ask hoarsely. My voice is scratchy from crying.
At first, Willy seems surprised at the question. His eyebrows furrow together and his eyes search mine, probably trying to guess if I’m joking.
“Well, of—of course,” he says, stumbling over his words a little. He backs up, pulling me gently along with him.
He yanks back the thin blanket on his bed, looking nervous. “Uh—“ He glances at me, hesitantly letting my arms go. “Want me to get in first?”
I smile a little. “I don’t mind at all.” I already feel better, Willy’s magic working on me without him even knowing. He’s a miracle worker.
Willy lays down, shuffling towards the wall as best he can. He holds the sheets open for me, and gives me a soft smile.
I crawl into the bed beside him, instinctively curling into his side. He has an arm underneath me, and his other one loops around my waist, pulling me close.
My head tucks under his chin perfectly, and I can hear his heartbeat as I lay there. I hardly dare to breathe, terrified this moment is nothing but a dream.
Willy’s arms tighten suddenly around me. I’ve never felt this safe, this protected, this calm in a long time. It’s like my anxieties and my worries are just melting away, just like Willy’s chocolates.
“Thank you,” I whisper. “Thank you for always being there for me.”
I feel Willy smiling into my hair. “You’re welcome, sweetheart.” He presses a kiss on my head. “Now go to sleep,” he instructs. “You’ve got nothing to worry about.”
So I close my eyes, and I leave all my fear at the door. I’m just me, just y/n, safe and sound in Willy Wonka’s embrace.
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cashasfallen · 6 months
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timothée chalamet, wonka (2023)
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