aloeanemonabee27 · 2 months
@aloeanemonabee27 boop
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aloeanemonabee27 · 2 months
No like... you have to boop people that you follow that have the badge XD
@aloeanemonabee27 boop
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aloeanemonabee27 · 2 months
This one is available as well XD a boop with fangs
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Hey @mrsnofles ...
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aloeanemonabee27 · 2 months
No, that's a random dog I've found on pinterest, I don't have pictures of her in this particularpose. XD
Hey @mrsnofles ...
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aloeanemonabee27 · 2 months
Hey @mrsnofles ...
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aloeanemonabee27 · 3 months
I somewhat feel responsible for this xD
I love my monster child :]
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aloeanemonabee27 · 4 months
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if you could describe me in one to few words how would you do it?
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aloeanemonabee27 · 4 months
I'm glad I found someone who thinks the same. May I also add to this theory these factors:
1. The talk of the shrine: Comparing how Poppy talks about traumatic events is completely different when it comes to Ollie. When he asks out of nowhere, he mentions the shrine (that nobody asked), and the tone does not seem terrified, more like proud? He asked it in tone on how we felt about it, almost like he wanted to see our reaction. There is not a single ounce of fear. It is just the tone that is typically used with "uhhh spooky," not taking it seriously, and at the end of it, he says the suspicious sentence of "wait until you see the real thing." I'm sorry? Is that a threat?
2. Him keeping track of us: There was an article or something that said that the Prototype invented a pointer when he was nearby, and the moment when we were seeing the VHS of the Prototype, there were three times that a red spot appeared, meaning that thing was following us. So, as far as I could see, the video cameras were offline, so how the hell is Ollie keeping track of us? Let alone track our steps to guide us? So the only explanation I can come up with is that it is the Prototype watching our steps in full HD 4k, and we are not even aware where he is, but he knows where we are. On the explanation of the static with Miss Delight? That could be a decoy too to make us believe we have allies, but no
3. Ollie doesn't talk to us after Catnap was defeated: Illegal to forget that every time that we were in the gas production zone doing progress, he would speak to us. Yet for some reason, at the very end, he doesn't even call us. Not even when we succeed in passing the gas. Not a single call, not an "Are you ok?" "You did it?" Nada? Suspicious, and we were only with Poppy and Missy, who were giving us an explanation on what happened in the factory, but Ollie? Not even a faint whisper of his voice
That's all I need to share
We all think Ollie is The Prototype, right?
Referencing "the children" and not including himself in that group, the prototype is said to mimic voices, he sounds almost too calm for the situation (poppy can be calm at times showing that she's somewhat desensitized but she is also clearly traumatized).
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aloeanemonabee27 · 11 months
Welcome to the cult. Where Ace tries his best to be a good dad and survive all the shenanigans of his sons XD
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Love them as much as I do, and join the cult of Papa Ace
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aloeanemonabee27 · 1 year
I'll love this until my last days
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Papa Ace w/ his babies
(@aloeanemona27 was person with the idea 💀)
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aloeanemonabee27 · 1 year
OP ASL(U) red ridinghood au extra
In the first post of this au, I introduced the basic of plot, some of the characters and the colors of the hoods, so in this post I'll explain how the ranks works and the hoods duties.
The ranks doesn't follow the colors of the hoods, that's just their occupations, what it does are medallions that indicate what rank and power they possed in the corps and to raise it they have to work for it:
Cobalt: Is the beginners phase, they are not put in any mission just yet and instead they prepare them to face what their dealing with. They stay in the corps camps grounds so they can train both fiscally and mentally.
Bronze: In this phase, they still inexperienced like the cobalt, they go in small missions to gain experience little by little and if they're needed in a bigger mission they need supervision of a higher status.
Silver: The seniors or lieutenants, the soldiers with experience depending in how much they put effort, they are send in more difficult missions, if they wish the can escalate to ranks and if they don't they can still be soldiers and can be teachers for the new members.
Gold: The captains or commanders, at these point they are permitted to create squad teams, to be allowed to carry major responsibilities that the superiors requests them. Unlike the silvers, the golds must be promoted by a superior and go to rigorous training to escalate the two remaining ranks since those are extremely important. The golds are the majority of teachers of the corps.
Platinum: This ones are the chairmen and chiefs. They have the authority on leading the ridinghoods, investigation in some cases, invited in meetings with the sapphire ranks and dealing with problems inside and outside of the corps to a certain point. They can also become tutors, taking one new member of their choosing and make then their subordinate. Is rare to see them as teachers.
Sapphire: Also a chairmen, they are generals. The difference is that they are more in involved in the affairs of the Grandmasters, they have major power to lead the ridinghoods and the lower ranks all together and even can have their personal army. Even so, they still have to follow order from the Grandmasters. They provide resources, guidance and occasionally supervise their subordinates to attend to their duties. They get involved in operations and reunions of their Grandmasters, if requested, to talk in behalf of them to speak terms on business.
Diamond: The Grandmasters and the last ones, they are the ones who holds absolute power on the Ridinghood corps. They are the responsible ones of the day- to day managements and operation on the Ridinghood corps. They are the responsible for the ridinghoods to move to a point A to point B, the ones who find the resources for their troops, to put official guilds for the ridinghoods and mostly are involved in the civilian area to ensure the leaders of the villages or countries the safety they need for dangerous creatures. They also are the only ones who has special armies for themselves to do business under the shadows, they have a lot of contacts and spies to insure balance on the corps.
Now the color of the hoods is what represent their occupation, each ridinghood has a specific branch they train or if they want voluntary can learn the most talents they can. Like this, they can either work in solo mode or become a squad.
Red: In the ridinghood corps, these are more glorified and the one of strongest warriors in the corps, elite matter speaking, is common to see red ridinghoods working alone and rare to see them in squads, they are leaders of their own squads mostly. Red ridinghoods are rare to have considering on the responsibility they have, they have to be strong and astute to be at the level of the enemy and they can't be weak. They are send in the most difficult missions that most of people can't complete, allowed to explore the dangerous parts of the unknown and mostly work under the command of the superiors. Have the special privilege on learning all the occupations on the corps at once, since they are the ones who are most send in missions, so is impossible to see a red ridinghood in one place.
Green: The green ridinghoods are not so glorified like the red ridinghoods, but their strength and their strategy in battle are recognized. Greens are often used as bodyguards, they are fearless warriors and basically being trained to adapt at the unknown and imaginable in a rough way. Like their physical training, their intelligence and strategy are also trained to the most impossible cases, able to adapt on the battles, catch their enemies weakness fast and fortifies their weakness. Is rare to see a green ridinghood alone doing missions unless their services alone are absolute necessary, in the majority of cases are in squad teams or helping a higher up, physically speaking.
Copper: The valuable ones in the corps and carrying the responsibility on studying the territories of werewolves mostly, their job is to explore the Grand Line forest from top to bottom, to identify where the werewolves stay, any secret hideout etc. However their jobs endangers them, being the first victims on werewolves attacks and the copper ridinghoods are scarce so they need high protection.
Yellow: Yellows are responsible on creating weaponry, items... building anything is their thing, needed for the battlefield or in the insides of the corpse itself. Like the blues and greys, these are seeing in the camps helping in whatever they need materialy speaking, they can be resourceful depending on the situation and they also made cargos to deliver to other ridinghoodcamps or guild's. They're weaponry is constantly changing, in order to create definite items for the occasion. Browns often are teamed up with the yellows, combining their results of work could lead to advances for the missions and all.
Blue: The blues are another fighters in the corps because most of the time are cooks, they don't have an amazing elevated job so mostly their are seeing in the Ridinghoods camps and in squad teams to provide food. When studying, they studie side by side with the brown ridinghoods, not only the basics of medicine but also learning the unknown ingredients on the Grand line forest that could be either good or catastrophic in the health. They don't get much into missions like green's and reds.
Grey: The greys are the most standard ridinghoods in the corps, the less attention they recived and they are the most one to see on the corps. These ridinghoods have the privilege of the reds to do deliberately whatever they like as long it is useful, mostly the greys are used as fighters, messengers or bargains and occasionally bodyguards. Mostly because the corps itself is neglectful to them. Depending on their talents they can be selected to whatever reason to any member who specifically needs them.
Brown: These ridinghoods specialize in medicine, the browns ridinghood spend years and carefully learn the art of medicine, in a deeper lever to make medicine, venoms or any sort of thing that helps against the werewolves and other creatures. Studding the botanical environment of Grand Line to see what can be offered. They are strictly required to studie lycanthropy, how they can affect a human and also with the burden to find a permanent cure for it.
Purple: The purple ridinghoods, like the brown and copper ridinghoods, the purples have a heavy weight in investigating the werewolves itselfs, their habits, their behavior, their culture, their history... anything related to their nature and home so they can understand them more or use any of this information to their advantage. The purple ridinghoods are scarce as well, cause the werewolves take them down first before anymore information can gets leaked.
Black: These are another elite ridinghoods on the corps and they are less known, in matters of jobs. Unlike the red ridinghoods that they do the superficial work, the black ridinghoods do the underground job, mostly these guys do jobs for the higher ups or they do missions of major importance in the Grand Line if is absolutely necessary. The most secretive of the ridinghood corps, to put it simply they are spies and assassins.
White: This are the absolute elites of the corps, the only hood you have to earn, unlike the red and blacks, the white ridinghoods are the only ones who receive direct contact with the Grandmasters council, their rankings depends on them. The ones who can visibly identify being the superiors, who leads the other ridinghoods and their taken into most important missions, working inside and outside with the corps, sometimes being team up with normal military guard that seek their services or so, the ones who mobilize everything on the corps, the ones who investigate any werewolves activity and certainly the ones who makes sure the ridinghoods do their jobs.
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aloeanemonabee27 · 1 year
OP ASL brothers older brother Ace au part 2
Luffy and Sabo accepted Ace's invitation on traveling with him and his crew, in that very same moment they said yes both of them packed their things (they didn't had lots of stuff to begin with) and they filled their pockets with treasure that it'll be enough for surviving a few trips until Ace return with his crew. Sabo left a letter on the bandits house so they know they left, as soon as they step foot on the Striker in the blink of an eye they were leaving Dawn island. The children were beyond excited, finally they will go to the sea and have a bunch of adventures with their awesome older brother! In the way Ace was telling them stories about his crew's adventures, the island he visited and did his best to answer their questions no matter how strange or difficult. The three of them landed on the closest island to take a break, of course with precautions to avoid any unwanted attention. Ace normally would go without worry, but now he has two brothers in his care and he needed to be careful and that was something he was no expert. The three of them went to a tavern so they could eat, especially the two Ds who are bottomless pits.
Ace needed to make a few errands so their brothers can be prepared for the outcome, now he knows what Dandan felt like provide him the first necessities for him to be alive, the difference is that he is not doing it for one child but for two and one of them is an uncontrollable ball of energy that can't be still in one place. And of course a spacious place where the three can be, as fast the Striker is, it's does not hold that much space. So basically the entire week being on East blue was Ace looking for essentials for his brothers so they can be prepared in Grand Line, them trying to keep themselves out of trouble. Keyword: trying, because in the same week a marine team recognized him and they tried to capture him. To make matters worse, they announced that "Firefist Ace kidnapped children", which of course it pissed Ace, like how dare they say he is now a kidnapper? Sure he steals, fight marines, disturbs the peace, be an occasional troublemaker, but a kidnapper never. A pirate he may be, but he has limits and morals damn it! In the end, he give up on fighting this matter, the government is the government so of course they're gonna say this kind of bullcrap cause c'mon, since when people are gonna belive that two actual children decided to join a pirate crew to the Grand line, who by the way the captain was their brother.
However this resulted in a problem, and that was him being chased almost every single day, to "rescue" this innocent children from this evil pirate grasp, in some point it's almost funny how this guys were trying to rescue children who weren't even kidnapped in the first place. Not only him, but Sabo thinks is hilarious too, makes some jokes about the matter but Luffy is more straightforward saying that the marines were dumb. In the serious side, Ace worries that one day another marine attack ends up being the old geezer. Ace fears if they encounter the old geezer, he won't stand a chance against him and take his brothers from him. The last stop on the last island on East blue, ended up being the most chaotic one before they left the Grand line. First of all, Ace was not happy docking on Logetown cause this was the island where his bastard of a father was born and executed.
At first, Ace didn't want to dock on this island for obvious reasons, even the little ones noticed this to the point that Luffy himself said that he won't go to the island if Ace didn't wanted despite him being more excited than anyone to explore this island. Looking at the faces of disappointment of the little boys, Ace relised that he can't just stop the excitment for adventure of his brothers because of his personal issues, he vowed that he'll raise his brothers to be the most freest persons in the world, him being a pirate himself should know any better. A pirate taking the freedom of another future pirate it's not fair, it made him release that he's being a selfish fool and a hypocrite, so he did his best to masked his troubles and put the best face for them and hyped then into adventure once more. Which fortunately, worked, especially for Luffy that just listening that they will explore Logetown he was the first to stepped out of the Striker and sprinted further into the island with Sabo hot on his trails so he can avoid that his little brother do his shenanigans.
Ace was following close behind them, as a responsible brother that he should be, he was supposed to watched them closely, but in the end he decided to be a little close and let their brothers do their brothers have their fun. "They deserve have their fun" he thinks with a smile on his face. With Luffy and Sabo, Luffy wanted to see the execution platform and Sano following behind him while yelling at him that they need direction's. In a short time, they gathered some attention. By chance, they encountered with Smoker and asked him about the execution platform, he told them where to go and giving the thanks the kids go to their destination. Smoker was hella confused about this kids being alone around here, he knew some kids can be curious about the execution platform where the pirate king died, but the children usually where accompanied by a grown up. Either they got separated from their guardians or something else, but before he could think of anything else, a marine went to him and informed him that Ace was here and he forgot about anything else and went straight to his duty.
Ace was just exploring around the island without having the enthusiasm about it, he was just walking around with his head on the clouds, after all, being in the island of the man he's trying to surpass isn't a pleasant feeling, not even helping unto the fact that the little ones that he passed around where talking about the pirate king and the parents giving them a reprimand about that evil man. Seriously, no matter how many times he hears it he won't ever get accustom to those comments, like his wound never healed in the first place and that allowed the shadows of his past to hunt him now. Without realizing it, he ended up in the last place where he wanted to be, face to face in the execution platform, he contemplated it not in intrest whatsoever, more like resentment. Resentment on all the problems his father had because of him, because on carrying his blood in his veins cost him a pain that he'll never get over the comments the people made about him, on how they cursed him and telling him straight forward he was a demon a child that should've never been born. That his mere existence is a sin, cost the life of an innocent woman that didn't deserved that kind of fate. Ace hated him because from the day he was born he never knew the freedom, only suffering. His thoughts where abruptly interrupted over a commotion, he came back to reality and saw people panicking over a child on the execution platform.
"Now who is irresponsible enough to leave their dumb children climb the platform?" he thought, as he sees the plank of the platform and sees Luffy. Oh it's Luffy.....wait "LUFFY!! GET DOWN FROM THERE!!" Immediately he went close to the platform, ignoring the fact that the security was looking at him, security be dammed his brother is doing a reckless "LUFFY GET DOWN FROM THERE RIGHT THIS INSTANT!!" Sabo then appeared and joined Ace on shouting at Luffy to get down, but Luffy was so eager on his view and excitement that didn't noticed Ace or Sabo calling for him, as for things couldn't get any worse Smoker appeard with marine troops and they where surrounded. As Smoker was telling Ace to surrender and free those children- "LUFFY I SWEAR TO ANY LIVING THING ON EARTH IF YOU DON'T GET DOWN THERE YOU'LL GET IN BIG TROUBLE!!!" They where completely ignoring them, Smoker just shut up and saw in amusement how this people where interacting, it wasn't his imagination either when he listen to other of his fellow marines, commenting about how unusual the scene was totally different from what the reports say. This wasn't a kidnapper and hostage situation, this was a ridiculous sibling argument. Ace telling the boy named Luffy to get down, Luffy telling them no, Ace saying he'll be grounded for the next few weeks, is he actually punishing the kid to eat greens instead of meat? The kid Luffy actually was arguing about this too? And the other kid joined the scolding? What the hell is this?
The moment finally took action when Ace started to climb the execution platform to get Luffy, Smoker finally took action, using his devil fruit to surround Ace and push him down of the platform and so Ace was obligated to fight with him. The battle was complicated since Ace had to be in more places than one, fighting with Smoker and putting down marines to avoid for them to get any of his brothers. The battle seemed that the marines where winning, Luffy knew this and in his desire of helping he shouted a battlecry AND HE JUMPED "LUFFY!" Ace sprinted in the speed of light and with one leap he catch the little body and landed on his feet. He put the little boy down to see if he was hurt, seeing no injuries whatever Ace smacked Luffy's head "WHAT THE HELL WHERE YOU THINKING?! YOU COULD'VE DIED!! YOU THINK YOU'RE MADE OF RUBBER AH?!" And Smoker watched once again how Ace was scolding the little one, the other kid joined the scolding but was hugging Luffy after seeing he was ok. Getting serious, Ace ordered the boys to get on the Striker and wait for him so him can gain more time and the kids run. Ace stayed far behind to fight with Smoker, which the battle was inconclusive since Ace left in a hurry when he heard that back up was coming up. Finally, Ace arrived to the Striker where his brothers were waiting for him and they sailed away from the island once and for all. After the battle, Smoker informed the marine HQ about what happened, even he telling about what he saw he knew the government will twist the truth so he didn't give a damn what his superiors said and decided to take this situation on his own terms.
Finally, the brothers entered the Grand line, adventure is into them and they couldn't be more excited about it. By this time, Ace took out the Deuce's vivre card to reunite with him once again. It where exciting and dangerous days, but they managed every single obstacle in the way. Finally, the vivre card send him into a deserted island, full of vegetation almost like mountain Corvo, so they dock on the island and they started to explore. Ace let his brothers to have their fun as him was following the vivre card, when he arrived he saw his second in command and some of his crewmates and just by seeing Ace they became happy. They surrounded their captain, telling them how glad they are to see him again, glad that he was alive among so many other things and Ace couldn't feel any happier. Deuce got close to Ace and hugged him, telling him that finally he remember them as a joke which Ace laughed knowing damn well he wouldn't never forget them. The moment of joy was interrupted when the crew noticed their two little guests, where the hell did they came from? They looked at them, then looked at Ace and Deuce understood what his stupidhead of a captain did, still, he denied it until he heard it from Ace.
"Who are these children?"
"Oh, them? My little brothers, they are accompanying us now. Say hi you two"
"Pardon WHAT-?! SINCE WHEN YOU-?! ACE GET BACK HERE RIGHT THIS INSTANT!!!" Deuce then started to scream profanities and demanding an explanation while chasing Ace, the crew was astonished and Luffy was saying that Ace's crew is weird and funny which Sabo agreed with him with a laugh.
On the other side of the Grandline, a certain first commander was standing in the deck, at first it may seemed he was looking at the beautiful sight of the ocean, but this wasn't the case. Marco, the first division commander of the Whitebeard pirates was looking at the newspapers, specifically, he was looking through the news of the infamous rookie Fire fist Ace. The newest article informing the movements of Ace, the amount of chaos he caused on his last stop on East blue, seeing the newspaper make him sick. Unknown to the crew, for the past few months he was keeping track on Ace's footsteps, this perusing was both in a professional and personal way. On one side, he had to keep his responsibilities of First division commander, helping his captain on this problems of the major situation of what happened in one of their territories, on the other hand his personal side just boils from anger. Thanks to the little stunt Ace had cause, their ship had an unwanted tension.
In his years he have seen and fought with fools who thought they known any better, thinking they could beat his captain, but Ace was the biggest fool he have seen until now and in some point it disgusted him. He normally wouldn't belive what the navy said, but on one thing they could share is the same thought in bring that rookie down. Not only that he dared to to trespass their territory and do whatever he pleased, but he also dared to hurt his fellow crewmates, the coward then hid his sorry ass for heavens knows how long and maked his glamorous return with innocent children in his hands. Just how disgusting of a human being can he be, he thought. He has to be a idiot to think he'll have a free pass if he thinks that innocent children would be his salvation, then he is mistaken. Fire fist still, has unfinished business with the Whitebeard pirates, so he better prepares himself and he better don't hurt those children, otherwise...
"You better enjoy your breaths while you still can, Fire fist yoi. Maybe they'll be your last ones."
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aloeanemonabee27 · 1 year
I can't unhear this anymore
My thoughts on Ace x Sanji (full image below)
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Drive thru worker x Drive thru costumer (strangers to enemies to lovers)
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aloeanemonabee27 · 1 year
Alright I really wanted to give a try to this option, but anyways you guys tell me what you want to see
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aloeanemonabee27 · 1 year
I have a lot of things in mind, and because of that I tend to block not knowing of what to start over first. So, sorry for that. But I wanted to share a possible ASL au concept idea, randomly appearing out of nowhere when I'm supposed to finish some sketches. It won't be a long introduction like I said is a concept only, I'm not sure if I want to continue this unlike the others that I'm actually hyped about and want to introduce properly the day I get better at digital art. Also most of what I introduce is supposed to be drawings, but since my inspiration is spontaneous the only thing I have close to is writing and I have to before the idea dies.
Leaving the unnecessary explanation behind, this ASL au concept is a genderbend ASL trio being mythological beings. I've seen fanfiction on this idea, but they are in so little portions and the stories are either in indefinite hiatus or cancelled. The ambient is the same old One piece, pirates etc. exept that the ASL trio are mermaids. Elaborating a bit, Ace and Sabo are sirens while Luffy is a mermaid and this beings share some similarities but they are different. As everyone knows (or at least I remember) some mermaids are peaceful creatures, they are fun, loving and usually get along with most people ore creatures. Sirens however, are not, their nature is absolute hostile and unpredictable, some can be tranquil if no one gives them a reason to drown them in the deeps of the sea. Ace and Sabo (or in this case Ann and Sab) are traveler sirens who are always on the move, once in a while putting people in their place or merely just surviving. Luffy is a lone mermaid who is always close to the beaches of Dawn Island, specifically Fusha Village cause she doesn't have family or a home. She gets along with the people in the village, especially with Makino and the mayor. The villagers coexist with this happy and mischievous mermaid, it was basically an unspoken rule to protect Luffy from slave traffickers or greedy pirates and often have to remind Luffy to not get close to Goa kingdom in fear of what might happend to her. But Luffy can defend herself too and ain't afraid to throw hands, or tail. One day, the villagers warn to themselves to beware for apparent sirens that appeard in the close beach's, and of course warning Luffy about it cause it's no secret that sirens and mermaids don't get along. Of course, Luffy ended up meeting this two sirens, ending up doing the opposite of what she was supposed to, Luffy tried to befriend them and of course this two had no plans in doing so.
What Ann and Sab weren't prepared for was the persistence of this mermaid, or better yet her stubbornness, which turns tiring at some point. But the two sirens ended up hanging with the mermaid, who somehow wormed herself into their hearts, and started to acknowledge her. Ann and Sab learn alot of things about Luffy and Luffy of them, the two sirens became somewhat a family to Luffy knowing that she doesn't have a family and became sisters.
And that's all I have to share. I just can't stop thinking about mermaid Luffy and siren Ann and Sab. What do you think?
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aloeanemonabee27 · 1 year
OP ASL brothers older brother Ace au part 1.5
I'm just saying I had a lot of fun imagining Ace with the face of "I have a severe case of idiocie" while he was taking Sabo and Luffy with him lol. An order of angst? No? To bad, suffer with me. This is more of an internal monologue of Ace
When the trio left Dawn island, all what it was heard was the cheers of excitement of Sabo and Luffy. Ace of course, was doing his best for not ruining the mood and keeping their adventurous spirits. Unknown to the children, Ace was having a trainwreck of thoughts, the wave of realization crashed into him when he was just as far away from the island and he concluded that he indeed was very stupid and he was sure Deuce will say the same too. Just what in the actual heck was he thinking in inviting actual children to the Grand line? Of course they'll say yes! They were children!! They are naive against the dangers of the Grand Line, why didn't his logic screamed louder to beat sense to him that the Grand line aren't for children? Is an unpredictable place, it took time for him to take the hang out of it, but Sabo and Luffy are a different case. Sabo is intelligent of course, he survived on his own long enough in Grey terminal, but even with his intellect he has disadvantage in that place, they were threats much more greater than he can handle. And Luffy where do even begin: trusts easily, can't lie, gets easily distracted, gets in trouble fast as lightning... in conclusion, an easy target. Sabo is ten and Luffy is seven, they weren't prepared to be in the Grand Line, physically nor mentally and the fuck where his logic to warn him that the Spade pirates have enemy's too?! There was no enemy that will pass the opportunity to use his brothers against him, and oh hello! He just remember the Whitebeard pirates, the current major problem he has right now, ironic he was more concern about them rather than the wrath of his grandfather, with good reason, Whitebeard himself can kill them with his pinky finger without breaking a sweat and they will not pass the opportunity to hunt him down and risking to leading his brother into a painful short life. What a mess.
He took a deep breath, trying to calm down and just accepted the fact that it was to late to turn back. Ace looks down to see the glee of excitment on his brothers, he couldn't possibly just return them back, their dreams will be taken away from them and people will shattered it into pieces just to turn them in what the society wants and the dangers they will pass even inside of the system. Have the geezer once thought what would happened if someone discoveres Luffys father? How the world government wouldn't hesitate to end his life just because his existence is a sin for them, not caring if he has nothing to do in whatever things Dragon has done. Or Sabo, he never once liked being a noble, he followed his parents orders at first by mere innocence but when he found out their true nature he started to have despise and shame of his origins, have the geezer thought of that? Had he thought if the family had descendants they will make Sabo's life a living hell? Had he thought that rotten man, he so called father would "claim him" and control his life and he would be caged for the rest of his life? Even if Sabo change his lifestyle as a marine or whatever people would never stop pointing at him because of his blood family, people will be cruel with a kid who had no fault whatsoever of his rotten father's actions, the result would be the same, no matter where Sabo would turn to he'll be humiliated. He feared his brother's spirits broke in some point, that Sabo would grew hating the world and himself, he feard that Luffy wouldn't smile anymore whether because the world government would use him like a puppet or kill him. Have the geezer thought how cruel the world will be with them? Have he thought that his brothers would end up broken? Have he thought they'll ended up like him? The mere thought of it made him anxious, Ace is not mad at Garp, more like frustrated with him, he knows he means well, he knows his heart is at the right place that he wants the best for his grandchildren, but sometimes his actions cause more harm than good and he was no exception. Ace himself is the mere example of it, he understand why Garp kept him alive, he was grateful for Garp trying to ease his heart at his unique style, he was grateful for both Dandan and Garp for him but sadly keeping him alive only wasn't enough. Nothing prepared him for the raw truth of his origins, nothing prepared him for the opinions the people had of his existence, nothing prepared him for their cruelty, nobody told him how bitter and broken he would grew over time because of it, how his rage increased in time making him to do questionable things to calm it down. Not murder of course, but he was sure that beating up people in bars was not a healthy relief. Even so no matter what he did, the bitterness, the loneliness, everything that scarred him was still there present. He was suffocating in his mind over this heavy burden that no child should be carrying, it was tiring to live with so much hate more than his body can carry, it was tiring to live this lifestyle, to know if he was supposed to live or not, he wished he could be normal, he wished he never knew he was the son of Gol D Roger.
Ace knows that what he did was not right, but thinking of the future of his brothers, of the possibilities, on how they won't have a choice to face the situation they can't handle yet he couldn't help it, no scratch that he won't allow it. He won't allow that his brothers go through the thing that happened to him, he won't allow that his brothers to suffer the cruelty of the society at this young age. He made up his mind, he will give his brothers what he didn't have when he was younger, a chance to happy, a chance to go around the world without worry of what the world thinks of them, a chance to have peace, a chance to have free. Whether it was a blessing or a punishment he doesn't care, he won't turn his back on his brothers, when nobody was there for him he will be there for his brothers, what nobody did for him when they needed he will do it for his brothers, he will protect them so anyone and anything can't hurt them in any way shape or form. He'll be the role model that they can look out for, he'll raise them to be strong, he'll raise his brothers to face the world with the freedom they deserve and rest to be sure he will raise them so nobody can humiliate them. He'll do anything on his power for his brothers, his treasure, his brothers are the most valuable treasure he had encounter in his life, Ace is a pirate and as such he'll be the first one to take them before anyone else can and take them in the safety of his command and ship. Ace will value, love and protect his treasure no matter what.
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aloeanemonabee27 · 1 year
Reading this, I can't help but imagine that just one lone goose causing chaos in marine bases and ships. What happend in Luffy breaking out from prison? That wasn't him, that was the goose
I wish the strawhats has a pet, I mean c'mon it just makes sense for them and it'll make things even more lively. now it could be a fantasy feature of some kind from the op universe, but also I think itd be funny if they have a duck on board. just a regular, quacking duck.
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