xxang3lw1ngxx · 5 years
May i request some Troy x fem!reader fluff / angst ❤️
Absolutely! Thank you for your request! I’ll add it to the list :) It may be a bit of a wait though. In the mean time, feel free to check out any of my other works in the Borderlands Masterlist!
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xxang3lw1ngxx · 5 years
Tyreen x Reader [Not To Be Expected]
Fandom: Borderlands
Pairing: Tyreen Calypso x Reader
Part 1
Warnings: none
This is a bit shorter than my other ones, so I apologize. There will be another part to accompany this. I realized I’ve only been doing Troy Calypso and wanted to give Tyreen some love, so I hope you Tyreen lovers appreciate this.
As my shield broke, I stood still—stunned. My chest is caving in. I’m suffocating, I just know it. I’m going to die. This is where it all ends.
I ran towards cover behind a rock that barely shielded me. I winced in pain as bullets grazed along my skin.
“Please stop shaking..” I clenched my shotgun that had no ammunition left. “Stop shaking..!” A sob erupted from my mouth, my trembling hands reaching up to try and muffle the sounds.
I don’t want to die...
“Is that our God?” Suddenly, the shooting stopped.
“It is! Look!”
“It’s our God Queen!”
“God Queen Tyreen!”
They’re.. Distracted? Run. Now is the time to run, if you’ve ever wished to do something right, now is the time... So why won’t you run..!
“Hey there, followers! Yes, it’s me. Now, what do we have going on here...” It was a female from the sounds of it. How could someone so cheerful be able to control a bunch of monsters like these?
“We caught you a snack, our Queen!”
“An offering to please you!”
“And they’re just hiding?” She laughed hysterically. “That’s hilarious!” As soon as she began laughing, the psychos began laughing along with her. Amongst the laughter, I didn’t hear the sound of approaching footsteps until feet stood directly in front of me.
I looked up hesitantly and saw a woman with white hair peering down at me. The expression on her face was the opposite of what I had expected to see.
Once again, this woman has managed to surprise me.
“Aren’t you a small, fickle thing..” she mumbled, most likely not meaning for me to hear it. “And what’s your name?” She seemed to hum in amusement. It took a bit of time for me to open my mouth to say something, but nothing came out.
I clenched my hand into a fist, my nails digging into my palm. “What’s it to you?” I couldn’t believe the snarl that came out of my mouth was from me. I could still see my body shaking violently, nullifying any effect my voice attempted at being threatening.
I watched her as her eyebrow raised, her grin falling slightly as she tilted her head in contemplation. It was short lived, however, as her faltered grin turned into a smirk.
“You should watch your tone. You’re armless, you have no defense, no backup—“ she paused to raise her arms and look around her, emphasizing her claim on not seeing anyone with me. “You have absolutely nothing.”
I forced away the urge to squeeze my eyes shut when she crouched down to stare at me levelly. “And you know what?” Her tone was hushed and yet managed to keep a raspy undertone.
She backed up and shrugged, facing her back towards from me. “I might as well keep you.” I stared at her in disbelief, even though it was useless when she wasn’t even making the attempt to look at me.
“You must think me of a fool!” I protested, somehow managing to find myself to my feet. She turned towards me again, a look of confidence written all over her face—which would have been charming given under different corcumstances.
Before I could make an attempt at running away, my arm was grabbed and I suddenly began to feel tired and exhausted. Then I noticed her arm was glowing and looked up to meet her eyes.
What I wasn’t expecting to see was a hint of sympathy. Or was it empathy?
“I’ll go easy on you. You remind me of myself. You’ve got spirit.”
My vision lost focus.
“This’ll be fun...”
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xxang3lw1ngxx · 5 years
Thanks for responding! Would you maybe write some fluff instead of nsfw? ☺️ if not its also fine just wanted to ask~
Absolutely! I don’t mind writing fluff. And I apologize if you sent your request a while ago and I only just answered. My tumblr doesn’t do a very good job at notifying me. Thank you for the request!
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xxang3lw1ngxx · 5 years
May i request some troy x fem!reader nsfw (if you dont mind uwu)
I don’t do nsfw, I’m sorry :/ it’s just very difficult to write something as such. Maybe some time in the future, but it’s not a definite answer.
Not to mention I’m sure there’s young viewers here and writing smut for children seems a bit.. Illegal xD
But thank you for the ask. I know I’m lacking on writing requests, but I’m working on it, I promise.
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xxang3lw1ngxx · 5 years
Motherly Love
August: I did a bad thing..
Vallory: Does it effect me?
August: ... no?
Vallory: Then suffer in silence.
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xxang3lw1ngxx · 5 years
Hey, Hey Fl4K!
*Moze cracking a robot joke for the upteenth time*
Moze, to Fl4K: What’s a robots favorite type of music...
Zane and Amara: *groan*
Fl4K: . . .
Moze, snorting: HEAVY METAL!
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xxang3lw1ngxx · 5 years
Bang Me
Rhys: If I had a gun with only two bullets and I was in a room with Katagawa, Hugo, and Handsome Jack, I would shoot Jack.
Jack: ...
Rhys: Twice
Jack: I knew you had a crush on me, cupcake, but had I known you wanted to bang me that bad—
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xxang3lw1ngxx · 5 years
Come Over!
Angel: Babe, come over!
Gaige: I can’t, I’m hiding a dead body
Angel: My dad’s not home
Gaige: I know
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xxang3lw1ngxx · 5 years
“He Does Not Got it!”
Rhys: If I punch myself and it hurts...
Rhys: ... Does that make me strong or weak?
Zero: Strong..?
Sasha: Weak.
Handsome Jack: A coward. Do it with a knife.
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xxang3lw1ngxx · 5 years
“Doctor Zed is not a licensed physician.”
Dr. Zed: Surgery is just stabbing someone to life
Vault Hunters: .. Who gave you this job?
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xxang3lw1ngxx · 5 years
I'm so excited for part three of not so bad! Your writing is amazing!
Aw, that’s so sweet of you to say! I’m glad you’re looking forward to it and I hope it lives up to everyone’s expectations :)
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xxang3lw1ngxx · 5 years
You Can’t Trust A Man With A Mustache - Maya
Rhys: Can you pass the salt?
Rhys Fans: Your mustache looks horrible
Rhys: *tearing up* Too much salt..
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xxang3lw1ngxx · 5 years
Father’s Day
Angel: Happy Father’s Day, I guess.
Jack: You got me a gift?
Angel: Yep. It’s a list of all your accomplishments as a father
Jack: This is a blank paper
Angel: Yep
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xxang3lw1ngxx · 5 years
Your Troy x Reader stories are giving me life. Please do more ❤✌🏻
Oh, my gosh, thank you so much! I couldn’t be any more happier than I have been in the last few days. There’s been so many good responses to the things I’ve wrote and that inspires me to try more each day and improve the best of my abilities.
And don’t worry, there will be a part 3 for “Not so Bad” and I’m sure more to come; specifically headcannons on how he would be like in a relationship if it’s asked. He’s a great character that I’d like to explore with and I don’t think he gets enough credit.
Again, thank you for the ask!
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xxang3lw1ngxx · 5 years
Handsome Jack
Jack: Just a gentle reminder that all of you are Bandit scum and I am the goddamn hero.
Vault Hunters: No.
Jack: That was a gentle reminder, and yet your single word of defiance brings me ungodly amounts of rage.
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xxang3lw1ngxx · 5 years
Torgue: Yesterday I accidentally stepped on someone's foot and I couldn't decide on saying "I'm so fucking sorry" or "Are you fucking okay?"
Torgue: So, I panicked and yelled "ARE YOU FUCKING SORRY"
Torgue: They're still crying in the back room.
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xxang3lw1ngxx · 5 years
That’s hot. - Gaige
Hammerlock: I am, as the kids say, “awake”
Gaige: Don’t you mean woke?
Hammerlock: That’s not grammatically correct.
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