xtrevmcx1992x · 1 year
Folks of all Races, Feel At Home Here... Im bout to drop some Aware AF BLM Supporting Factual Knowledge From Myself a
Who is elevated and is gonna open a can of worms that is a worthy read for the Folks of Color - Descendants of the Moors, & White People alike...
Alright here it comes all...
They matter more than some f***in racist a$$ Cops life which is spent inflicting awful persecution unto our undeserving, beloved neighbors of color... A life spent treating people this way due to an absence of any and all capacity for intelligent thought.. Well, theta no comparison at all.. I am a proud White Ally.. Black folks, oh the pain it causes me that I cannot tear away my White Privilege and shower it forever unto you, damn my peers for how they treat you... None moreso than those undeniably responsible for, and aptly bear the title of being the imbecilic racist a$$ freedom crushing subjugators, as well as absolute being child murderers, progress & success killing by planted evidence for those fortunate to yet be alive but unfortunate to sent that time behind bars for doing so well & gloriously ascending by way of hard earned morally pure and selfless actions in continous engagement.. The horrific punishments so common across America in these instances is atrocious and abominable.. Undeserving of Bigot idiocy of rage from those beholden to nothing but primate state consciousness equipped with mere singular braincell cognitive potential.. The actions leading to success and prosperity, in a sound Individual's perspective, are undeniably worthy of alternatively whole heartedly, congratulating and affirming them in their achievement and for a job well done... My heart catastrophically shatters for you all as you endure such torment like that of Hell... Made so much more atrocious as one can't possibly fein to pretend not to have noticed, the massive sea of endless privileged Whites expressing disdain for BLM & in massive uniformity feeling threatened, Death grip on their beloved, oh so coveted resting privilege of a society in racial inequality, their privilege undeserved and the awful result of horrific acts of racial supremacy leading to whites being the people beholden to unfairly elevated in the extreme, racially privileged social caste lifelong in secure status of a ruling class of said society giving a silent guarantee of this..
I'm heated, thusly I'm struggling to not hyperfocus on the disgust of my peers that I preach to of this endlessly, myself the clear fool as it forever falls upon deaf ears.. I am enraged at the white expressions of negativity and words revealing of a perspective which believes the folks of color are chasing a mirror image copycat, massive climbing over of these whites, to establish a secured position as the superior class, leading to elevated intensity of anxious worry, and you add insult to injury these whites whom as a group weild the mighty sword of influence and capacity to be the source of intense rapid progressing change to society which could mean truly reaching color blind equality amongst American citizens.. I grind my teeth tho at the remarks of persecution and naysayer poison in response you the folks of color risking all in the pursuit of simple base equality, and God Bless them & protect them in their seemingly unending battle, their cause... So undeniably filled to the brim with pure justice.. Beloved neighbors of color, you DESERVE PRIVILEGE, YOU DESERVE SAFETY it is your GODDAMNED RIGHT as it is every single individual's 100% always in every case, universally DESERVED basic HUMAN RIGHT. Your stolen, beaten & then oppressed to keep out of reach... That which every person is absolutely entitled to, God given birthright of equal standing and balanced to pinpoint accuracy, color blind, universally equal status of F***ing freedom to pursue greatness & safety rich comfort of decency of rights & civility...
I might've left some points of importance empty ended due to the heat of emotional intensity, but hopefully it was sensible enough... I will keep trying to ever further in simplicity and speak in different methods verbatim, preaching you my white peers the words I hope will eventually strike home and wake them up to the obvious circumstance in its complex & complete entirety... But admittedly it's hard you hang tight to hope as the Bigot Consciousness and pompous headstrong believe of absolute racist delusion that is the belief that The Civil Rights Pursuit & BLM Group's frantic struggle to achieve equal stance in human rights & privilege and simple deserved resting status of, hell let's start with a resting status of feeling secure as the young children are playing some Bigot doesn't f***ing hurt or kill them.. A resting state of not paranoid of a traffic stop turning deadly for literally no f***ing reason, add on no need to fear planted evidence of a crime that wasn't committed, I mean goddamn the list goes on without end...
Fact: White MFs, Yes I mean myself too, Thus verifiably a first hand experienced knowledge of its truth.. White MFs DO NOT EVER EXPERIENCE THOSE THINGS..
If that is read but ultimately not taken in nor understood then idfk what will fry though to the whites I'm constantly physically near to and converse with..
To the folks of color reading this.. I'm so.. F***ING.. Sorry... That I can't do more than I am... I'm so sorry for what Old White Money has done to you & the entire populous of color... And I'm sorry for what happened to the people of the Moors long ago... As well as the world around us having let that knowledge become near entirely unknown...
I live in Blaine Minnesota, USA.. If you also live near there.. You have an Ally Here... I'd risk all to protect you.. My privilege, life, wherever it takes to know in absolute certainty that my neighbors of color, their elders, their beautiful children, so deserving of a future so bright they never come to know rain.. I openly want to tell you my friend... That I would die to save the priceless futures of your kids, their lives supercede the value of my own.. oh my neighbor, and I am truly absent the veil with an open and aware third eye, I see the beauty of the Sun in your rich beautiful skin, You're body yet carries the wondrous Moorish Sunlight, how tragic it is, that such a beautiful thing which is deserving of awe and envy, causes instead, due to a system of persecution and hatred for such idiotic reasons of utter shocking disdain, Instead is a major source of your suffering and negativity..
You are beloved by this White Person, please rely on me if you're residing anywhere near you me, if anything happens, please reach out for help.
Black Lives Matter
Anyone not standing beside them & taking every opportunity to benefit, enrich & assist in their cause... I am so immensely shocked, and doubly disappointed in your choice to Bogart, a desperately clutch your perspective of being deserving of your safety & comfort to the point of absence amidst this nearly constant existencw of obviously hate driven killing of good people who deserve all of America standing with them.. But you f***inng don't, Stand with them, because you are a Bigot & a Racist.. Disagree? Fact: You are both simply due to not standing with all people of color, and instead choosing to demean by things like "All Lives Matter" and believe these good people to be in the wrong.. Why do you think that? Idfk honestly, because you're choosing to stay quiet, safe & cost in your privilege which you literally only f***ing get to have because you were born white... White guilt? Oh f*** yeah, soak it in.. You aren't guilty because you're white.. You're guilty because you indulge in comfort while your beloved neighbors are being brutalized & murdered by cops & bigots.. And you choose to let them f***ing do it alone... Shame on you..
Black Lives Matter
That's my rant for now
Elders of color, especially those who were Panthers... God Bless You, and I hope to God these damn White people i call my peers wake TF up because you brave folks are deserving of a White Army standing with you.. If they won't give you the base status of permanent color blind equality & provide your beautiful black children the safety and opportunity as white kids... Then the Bigot Minded, Black Folk Oppressing & Sicking the Dogs = Cops who are Bullies with the sole purpose of violently Subjugating & stomping on all black folks achievements and progress..
Sorry I'm getting into it again... Umm.. In an undeniable circumstance of regular murders and false charges ruining families system that won't evolve to the mere position of providing equality in a color blind state.. Folks it's gonna be inescapably a necessary state of things requiring a Mask on Gloves On, Straps Ready.. Liberty or Death, Civilians vs Suits & Cops type of situation...
At some point the unrest needs to be the gunpowder that allows the shot which sends a bullet through the head of the Old White Money Banksters to shock the world.. Not like CIA FBI freak the fuck out, but rather a Metaphorical expression of poetic structure, which is the eruption of the American people's outrage and unwillingness to sit quietly and allow this to go on forever...
Holy shit have I ranted for a lengthy time.. I'll summarize with a concluding statement..
You, my beloved neighbors of color whom my heart is in agony for... This must end... You are so far beyond deserving of such base human rights which you live whilst they are kept from you... I will do all I can to help.. I won't give up on trying to wake up the white people I'm able to talk to, I'm so horrified at their choice of position to reside in regarding the pursuit of civil rights by the people of color...please be safe, God watch over you and hinder any police presence during your travels...
Endless Love, Blessed Be.
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xtrevmcx1992x · 1 year
I was gonna mint this as an NFT (And I Absolute Still Might) but I haven't been posting much so I thought I'd put it up on my Witchblr
Endless Love, Blessed Be.
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xtrevmcx1992x · 1 year
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xtrevmcx1992x · 1 year
Duality ⚖
Always remember to maintain balance and stay grounded.. Every storm passes.
Endless Love, Blessed Be.
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xtrevmcx1992x · 1 year
Baby Monsters ♥️
Endless Love, Blessed Be.
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xtrevmcx1992x · 1 year
More Cool images
Endless Love, Blessed Be.
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xtrevmcx1992x · 1 year
More cool images
Endless Love, Blessed Be.
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xtrevmcx1992x · 1 year
Some cool images
Endless Love, Blessed Be.
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xtrevmcx1992x · 1 year
Finally finished my Development of Web3 & Android OS Annual Technology Obligations... This year I'm changing the subject matter because my prior selection of assets, outlets & entities was not wise in construction... it's not worth the headache for such measly spiff payments.. Mulligan..
I'm going to Get in With DevSlopes... Tech career burnout status is going to be past tense only.. I'm gonna get it!
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xtrevmcx1992x · 1 year
Legacy Investment Accounts... Investing For Your Children's Adult Life, GET In Now Or You'll Regret It.
Hey - I just started investing for my child’s future with UNest! You can get a free $50 investment when you sign up today!
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xtrevmcx1992x · 1 year
Is this little baby Leonardo just adorable or what?! Saw this and knew I needed to post lol, made me smile.
Endless Love, Blessed Be.
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xtrevmcx1992x · 1 year
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xtrevmcx1992x · 1 year
Stay high on the good good Devil's Lettuce!
Endless Love, Blessed Be.
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xtrevmcx1992x · 1 year
GET THIS APP, FREE kH/s Bitcoin Mining Hash Rates & other Free TestNet Crypto Goodies, Wanna understand Crypto? Don't do so using your much needed personal funds as there's the possibility of losing substantial funds. Use this App to earn Crypto for free instead!
This is a truly innovative project which encourages people to get into Crypto without risking any of their money ever! If it's free you truly cannot lose! Use my link to join my pool & get a startup 50,000 kH/s for free, that translates to approx 20¢ per day but join a few TestNet projects and you'll be rolling 🙏
Endless Love, Blessed Be.
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xtrevmcx1992x · 1 year
You are loved. You are worthy of beautiful unconditional love
Endless Love, Blessed Be.
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xtrevmcx1992x · 1 year
Continue on, in your path, oh beloved..
You're loved dearly, please don't go...
I love you so much more than you know..
If you break, come to me, I'll repair you..
Endless Love
Blessed Be.
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xtrevmcx1992x · 1 year
Early Access Beta Testing Fans, This is for you!
If anyone wants to get into any Crypto, Passive Income, Cash Back, Or Savings Apps in Early Development, here are 10 Solid Apps I'm currently checking out myself, which, if you use my referral links we both get extra income from each app especially in the free pool mining apps:
1. Bee Network
Bee Network is the world's largest web3 interactive platform. Join by invitation and earn Bee for bigger fortune with one click. Use my invitation code to join and get 1 Bee for free: xtmcx1992x. Download at https://www.bee.com/en
The referral link doesn't really work yet so use the link I provided and once you download the Bee Network App just use my promo: xTmCx1992x using this will add you to my currently 3 person pool... You literally just press a button 1x a day to start pool mining and its free do, check it out
2. Spotter
I'm gifting you 1 Sp! Join now Spotter's network using my username as referral (xTmCx1992x).
Spotter is a new digital currency which is growing up to become soon a cryptocurrency. https://spotter.network/download
Basically same gig except you restart mining every 3 hours but... You're literally just clicking a button, can't complain with that
3. Good Dollar
Collect Good Dollars Each Day and do tasks for additional income
I signed up to GoodDollar. Join me.
If you believe in economic inclusion and the distribution of prosperity for all, then I invite you to sign up for GoodDollar and start collecting your daily digital UBI.
Use my invite link and receive an extra 50 G$ bonus:
4. Pi Network
Same thing as Bee Network, click a button, the app will mine from there without needing you.. Truly an income that is passive as all fuck, needing next to no interaction at all.
I am sending you 1π! Pi is a new digital currency developed by Stanford PhDs, with over 35 million members worldwide. To claim your Pi, follow this link https://minepi.com/xTmCx1992x and use my username (xTmCx1992x) as your invitation code.
5. Reklaim
The reincarnation of the Killi app, Reklaim monitors the data that companies like Google & Apple take from you to sell & exchange to other companies, there's no way to stop them in this act but Reklaim steps in and essentially represents you by demanding they pay you for your data... It's also equipped with optional membership and VPN if you should desire security as well which obviously means tighter control of your data which ultimately means more reclaimed profits. A pretty cool idea if you ask me
6. COIN App
Yep, I'm including this app again... COIN App is Data Mining at its finest, XYO Network from what I've experienced is the highest paying data mining entity, they pay in Prizes, Purchasing of Items with COIN, or direct payout of Bitcoin, Ethereum, or XYO Coin which is their own Cryptocurrency which is what I always do... Pays out to Coinbase or Digital Wallets.
Definitely an app worth checking out. Lets you earn crypto! https://coin.onelink.me/ePJg/xv5qhcgg
7. Atlas Earth
Watch an ad every 20 minutes for 2 free A Bucks, 100 A Bucks buys a parcel of land, land pays rent in actual redeemable cash via PayPal... You can definitely invest cash to buy up a lot of parcels tho to make faster cash but essentially the investment pays you for the life duration of the app so long term good investment short term not so good, rent boost gives 30x the income rate and you can watch ads yielding 1 hour of rent boost each up to 5 hours 59 minutes of 30x income speed. Definitely a worthy time waster which benefits you long term.
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8. Upside
Cash back on gas, groceries & food. I'm not gonna go into detail, I've saved literally hundreds now on gas from this app... I've talked it up, shared it.. If you don't have it already you're an idiot and I'm not wasting my breath explaining the app anymore, get it or pay more, idc either way.
Check out this free app that gets you cash back on gas and other errands! Click this link or use promo code TREVOR662622 to get an extra 15¢/gal bonus the first time you make a purchase. https://upside.app.link/TREVOR662622
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This is an Ibotta app competitor... I personally use Fetch because it pays more... Any time you buy shit just open Fetch, snap a quick Pic of your receipt, close the app, done... Easy money, paid out via redemption of various gift cards... Personally I basically always redeem for Amazon, Starbucks, or Dunkin
Come save money on Fetch with me! Sign up w/ code GCHDYT & get 2,000 pts: https://referral.fetch.com/vvv3/referralsocial?code=GCHDYT. See you there!
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Use Apple? Well that's too bad, Apple only takes money, not offer rewards... You chose your path... Unwisely lol
Get paid for answering short surveys. Download Google Opinion Rewards now: https://googleopinionrewards.page.link/share
Hopefully you find a few apps here you end up making an essential part of your life.. There's a lot of good stuff here, give the referral links a whirl, you will be glad uou did 🙏
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