whatthefluffproject · 8 years
Hey guys! It is my great pleasure to announce that Emmachu, the manager of @whatthefluffproject, now has a personal Tumblr, @acetrainerhandel! I encourage everyone to follow this Tumblr immediately because Emmachu is a wonderful, fantastic person!
(Note: she still plans on managing the WTFP Tumblr as well, so thanks for that!)
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whatthefluffproject · 8 years
@wearingoutthereplay too!! sorry to forget you ( - v -  u)
It’s a Date, Chapter 3
Some more great Torchwood from @unshakespearean! Thanks for waiting, lovelies!
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whatthefluffproject · 8 years
It’s a Date, Chapter 3
Some more great Torchwood from @unshakespearean! Thanks for waiting, lovelies!
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whatthefluffproject · 9 years
Very serious announcement.
Hey guys, Lia here, again speaking through the fingers of the lovely Emmachu.
Listen, kids—I don’t want to get involved in any sort of drama, especially from this account as it’s not a personal. But this is a fandom-related account, and Emmachu is a real person managing it for me, a favor for which I’m eternally grateful. So I will take a stand on this one:
Dear Steven Universe Fandom,
I don’t care what your reasoning is—death threats are not okay. EVER.
I wish Donald Trump could vanish off of the face of the earth every single day, because he’s a selfish prick. But I don’t send him death threats, because that’s wrong. If I can be a decent enough person to not send Donald Trump death threats, then you guys can be decent enough people to not send them to artists in your fandom.
Here’s the thing, guys—Fandoms bring us together. They’re a community of people bound by the love of characters and plotlines and art and music. Hating on each other, regardless of the reason, goes against the very purpose of what fandoms are all about. What would Rose say to you now, eh? What would Rose Quartz say if she found out that you were telling other people to die because of artwork of her, if her precious human beings were killing themselves over this? (I believe it was Rose art people were hating on, but any of the other SU characters would be the exact same way. Except maybe Jasper, but she’s not a good role model.) If you love your fandom so much, think about your fandom’s characters and what they would want.
This behavior is something I will not tolerate. What the Fluff is now officially standing against this terribleness. What this means is that, per my instructions as What the Fluff Coordinator, Emmachu reserves the right to use this account to report any user perpetrating this despicable behavior, as she would if the account were her own. Emmachu also reserves the right to unfollow and/or block such people.
You may be wondering “what about the follow for follow rule?” Well, the rule is follow for follow assuming real personhood, and if you’re spreading this stuff around, you don’t get to count as a real person and are certainly not worth our fluffy gorgeousness.
Final note: On behalf of the What the Fluff Project and every sane person in the fandom, I would like to offer an official and heartfelt apology to @rebeccasugar and @stevencrewniverse for the behavior of these so-called fans. We know that this is not what you intended your show to be about—in fact, these people are acting in ways directly contrary to your messages of kindness, compassion, and love. We greatly appreciate the hard work you put into this show and we hope that people like this don’t discourage you from continuing to share your talents with the world.
Be nice to each other, kids. Love you all, and have a flufftastic day <3 <3
Lia (unshakespearean), What the Fluff Coordinator
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whatthefluffproject · 9 years
thumbs up thumbs up
Before Owning a Bird I Agree to the Following Terms:
-I will do all the proper research necessary, not only on bird ownership, but on the particular species I intend to own. I will do more than just use a search engine. I will read, I will probe, I will ask questions. I will learn all the requirements. 
-I will provide the biggest cage I can afford that meets or exceeds the cage requirements for my bird’s species. 
-Within that cage I will provide proper toys, perches, and accessories. The cage will be placed in a safe, comfortable place within my home. 
-This cage will be cleaned often and not allowed to become unsanitary. 
-I will provide a proper diet for my bird. One that insures their continued health. I understand this may require food preparation, including bird-safe fruits and vegetables. I will provide fresh food and water daily. I will not allow food or water dishes to become unsanitary. 
-I will search out avian vets and provide vet care when necessary. 
-I understand that birds are long-lived. I will provide a loving, safe forever home for my bird as long as they live. I know that I may have this bird through different stages of my life and I agree to find ways to continue to care for my bird despite that.
-I will require those within my life including spouses, partners, parents, roommates, family, and guests to support me in my efforts for quality care for my bird. I will ask that they respect my bird. Those I invite into my life will understand that my bird and I are a package deal. 
-However, in the event that something unpredictable occurs that prevents me from providing proper care, (for example if I become ill) I will find my bird a new home that meets the same standards of care I have, or I will find a reputable rescue to surrender my bird to. I will not abandon my bird or leave it in unsafe care. 
-I understand that birds are smart, sensitive creatures that require enrichment in various forms. I will provide this via daily time outside of the cage, a multitude of toys both inside and out of the cage, and daily attention. I will research ways to stave off boredom for my bird. This can include force-free, positive reinforcement training.I will respect my bird and their intelligence. 
-I understand that birds communicate largely through the use of vocals. I know that birds, no matter the species, are not quiet animals. I know that an always silent bird is impossible. I know that different species have different noise levels. I will take this into consideration in my research. 
-I understand that birds are messy creatures. I know that messes will be made that I must clean, even outside the cage. This will include bird dander. This may require buying equipment like an air purifier. 
-I understand that birds can be destructive. I know that larger birds have bigger beaks capable of damaging housing and valuables. Even smaller birds may damage jewelry and clothing. I know that destruction of property left within the bird’s reach is my own fault. 
-I understand that I will get bitten. I know that my bird’s beak is one of the biggest ways they explore the world. I know that biting is also used to communicate. I will not take it personally when bitten. I will learn to read my birds body language to anticipate when a bite is likely. 
-I understand most species of birds are not truly domesticated. I will be sensitive to this fact. I will not try to correct behavioral problems with violence, yelling, or neglect. I will attempt to see things from my bird’s perspective. 
-I will unconditionally love my bird, even if they are not the perfect pet. Even if my bird never learns to talk, or perform tricks, I will love my bird. Even if my bird never takes to petting or becomes fully tame, I will love and care for my bird. My bird’s right to a good, safe home is not dependent on fulfillment of my expectations of what would make them a good pet. 
-I will not place my animals in unsafe situations for any reason. This includes placing my bird with any predators, even other pets, for any amount of time. This includes unsafely taking my bird outside without a harness or cage. I will learn of dangers to my bird, like Teflon, and I will ensure my bird is safely away from such things. 
-I will not disregard or minimize my bird’s importance due to any factor. Not even size or price. No bird is more important than another in my home. I understand that while some birds may have more lax requirements, this does not mean that quality care is sacrificed. I will not get a bird as simply a “starter bird” on my way to working up to a bigger bird. All are equally important. 
-I will always continue my education when it comes to birds and their care. I will carefully consider constructive criticisms and strive to provide the best care possible. I realize that I am all my bird has. I know that living does not mean thriving. My goal is for my bird to thrive, not merely live, and I will never stop learning when it comes to this endeavor. 
-I may make mistakes, especially as a new bird owner, but I will learn from my mistakes and I will not give up on myself or my bird. 
-I understand that this is just a list of the minimum requirements and I will do more research than simply agreeing to this list. I will not bring home a bird until I find myself able to agree to all points on this list. 
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whatthefluffproject · 9 years
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Birb for President 2k16
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whatthefluffproject · 9 years
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pikachu wishes you luck on any tests you have coming up! 
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whatthefluffproject · 9 years
I was tagged by liathewhovian (boss-chan!)
1. write your name in song titles
Emma - Imagine Dragons (I had to)
Minuet from Mozart’s Concerto no. 40
Minuet from Beethoven’s 1st concerto?
America - Imagine Dragons
2. why did you choose your url?
I didn’t, but I think it suits my entire purpose in being on this crazy website.
3. what’s your middle name?
4. if you could be any fictional/fairytale being, what would you be?
Angel/winged being would be awesome. Also mermaid.
5. favorite color?
Sky blue.
6. favorite song?
Death and the Maiden Quartet by Schubert (not really song im sorry)
7. top 4 fandoms?
gay eva memes, helltalia, pokemon, sports animes..?
8. why do you enjoy tumblr?
I have no idea. 
9. tag 9 mutuals!
You know my tag policy, go for it!
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whatthefluffproject · 9 years
this update honestly makes me want to quit this website it is hideous and unpleasant
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whatthefluffproject · 9 years
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whatthefluffproject · 9 years
OH MY GOD!!!! this is so cute omg everyone needs to have their day made by this
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the dream is over. do your best, bird mom.
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whatthefluffproject · 9 years
(For same sex OTPs) Imagine your OTP doing stuff like hugging, kissing, slapping each other’s butts, talking dirty, etc., but always adding “no homo” after it, whether they’re a couple yet or not. Bonus: C always says “yes homo, very much homo” and then joins in with them (like the hugs and butt touching).
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whatthefluffproject · 9 years
i agree
the only vine that matters 
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whatthefluffproject · 9 years
Week 3 Prompt Responses!
This week we asked you to write about the first time Lars and Sadie had to work together after the events shown in Island Adventure. Was it awkward? Did they confess their feelings for each other? Did they even speak to each other? Here’s what you guys came up with:
Aftermath by unshakespearean as part of whatthefluffproject [WTFP FFN Page] [Unshakespearean’s FFN Page]
Sweet Little Lies by ketchup
Broken Hearts, Broken Pencils by vicariousred​ [AO3 Author Page] *This is a continuation of the authors previous prompt responses. Check out the series here.
Let Yourself Just Be by thepausebeforethenote *Possible language warning
Somewhere Different by soggywarmpockets *This work is a continuation of the author’s week 1 and week 2 responses
Week 1 prompt responses can be found here.
Week 2 prompt responses can be found here.
Challenge rules and information here for those wishing to participate.
Please leave kudos/like/reblog the the individual fics if you like them, or give our authors love in their inboxes!
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whatthefluffproject · 9 years
Answer 10, Ask 10!
tagged by The Boss (liathewhovian)!
1. What’s your favorite animal?
Birds in general, maybe parakeets or penguins or owls IDK DECISIONS
2. What’s your favorite book? Series count.
Harry Potter.
3. Have you read any of my fanfic, either on unshakespearean orwhatthefluffproject?
No, why would you even ask that? *throws url out the window*
4. Biggest OTP?
5. Biggest NOTP?
no ship h8 here
6. Biggest BROTP?
MakoHaru (I prefer them as bros but romantic is cool too)
7. Worst episode of your favorite TV show?
8. Best episode of your favorite TV show?
episode 24 of NGE ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
9. Unpopular opinion?
im cute
10. Favorite meme?
Don’t want to tag any of you but feel free to use/answer some or all of these questions, friend! If anybody does decide to do these, tag me because I’d love to see your answers!
1. Favorite food?
2. If I made you choose one genre of music to listen to the rest of your life, what would it be?
3. Tell me your Starbucks order, or if you’re too good for that expensive sugar liquid, your favorite beverage.
4. Do you play an instrument? If yes, what is it? If no, what would you like to be able to play?
5. What one thing would you really like right now?
6. Who’s the best person for you to be around right now and how do they make you happy?
7. Give me the best text face.
8. Ideal way to spend your Saturday, with all expenses covered?
9. Any pets? Dream pets?
10. What makes you super happy? I want to hear all about it!
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whatthefluffproject · 9 years
(my braid(s) are a trademark part of I, admin, for those who didn’t know)
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A visual compilation of braids
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whatthefluffproject · 9 years
<3 !
Fanfic Writers Appreciation Day
I’ve been a part of the Doctor Who fanfic community for over three years now, and in that time I have read many incredible fics, by authors who are equally incredible.  I have laughed, cried, sighed, and screamed over fanfic more times than I can count.  I’ve read stories that exceeded the cleverness and creativity of the source material they were drawn from.  Few things make me as happy as reading a well-crafted fic.  There are so many of you out there, and I’d like to take a moment to thank you:
allegoricalrose, rishidiams, rointheta, rexalexander, piscespen, kelkat9, whoinwhoville, jellyneau-xo, lixabiz, lastincurableromantic, vanderventure, weezly14,  lilsum4, perfectlyrose, fogsblue, nonelvis, abadplanwellexecuted, basmathgirl, laylacrimson, rosa-acicularis, cannibalilly, myprvvalentine, lyricalprose, licieoic, tripwirealarm, lunaseemoony, drhandy, thedoctormulder, dirty-brian, multifandomfuckfest, and many more.  Keep up the good work!
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