viiprincipium · 10 days
I'm just over here like...
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viiprincipium · 14 days
The Alchemy of Coffee: Exploring the Seven Principles through its Transformational Journey
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Coffee, with its rich aroma and complex flavors, has the power to awaken our senses and stimulate our minds. But beyond its role as a beloved beverage, coffee undergoes a fascinating journey of transformation, mirroring the principles of alchemy and offering insights into the deeper mysteries of life. Let's explore the different states of coffee—from seed to cup—and relate each stage to one of the seven hermetic principles.
1. Seed - Principle of Mentalism:
At the beginning of its journey, coffee exists as a humble seed, dormant and full of potential. This seed represents the Principle of Mentalism, which teaches us that the universe is mental in nature, and that all creation begins with a single thought. Just as the coffee seed holds within it the blueprint for its own growth and evolution, so too do our thoughts shape our reality and determine our destiny.
2. Sprouts - Principle of Correspondence:
As the coffee seed germinates and sprouts, it sends out delicate shoots that reach towards the sun. This stage of growth reflects the Principle of Correspondence, which asserts that there is harmony and correspondence between the various planes of existence. The sprouting coffee plant is a microcosm of the greater universe, embodying the interconnectedness of all things and the universal laws that govern creation.
3. Plant - Principle of Vibration:
With time and nurturing, the coffee sprout grows into a lush, vibrant plant, its leaves rustling in the breeze and its branches swaying to the rhythm of life. This stage embodies the Principle of Vibration, which teaches us that everything in the universe is in a state of constant motion and flux. The coffee plant vibrates with the energy of growth and vitality, reminding us of the ever-changing nature of existence.
4. Cherry - Principle of Polarity:
As the coffee plant matures, it produces small, red cherries that contain the precious coffee beans within. This stage reflects the Principle of Polarity, which asserts that everything in the universe has its opposite and that opposites are necessary for the manifestation of life. The coffee cherry embodies the polarity of life and death, growth and decay, as it gives birth to the seeds of new life.
5. Bean - Principle of Rhythm:
Inside the coffee cherry, the beans undergo a process of maturation, swelling and ripening until they are ready to be harvested. This stage mirrors the Principle of Rhythm, which teaches us that life unfolds in cycles and seasons, with ebbs and flows that shape our experiences. The rhythm of the coffee bean's growth reminds us of the natural rhythms of the universe, from the changing of the seasons to the beating of our own hearts.
6. Grounds - Principle of Cause and Effect:
Once harvested, the coffee beans are dried, roasted, and ground into a fine powder, ready to be brewed into a delicious cup of coffee. This stage embodies the Principle of Cause and Effect, which asserts that every action has a corresponding reaction, and that we reap what we sow. The transformation of the coffee beans into grounds is the result of countless causes and effects, from the cultivation of the plant to the roasting process itself.
7. Cup of Coffee - Principle of Gender:
Finally, the grounds are brewed with hot water, releasing their aromatic oils and flavors to create a steaming cup of coffee. This stage reflects the Principle of Gender, which teaches us that the masculine and feminine energies within us must be brought into balance in order to achieve harmony and wholeness. The brewing of the coffee represents the union of these energies, resulting in a beverage that nourishes both body and soul.
In the alchemical journey of coffee, we see reflected the timeless wisdom of the seven hermetic principles. From the humble seed to the steaming cup, each stage of transformation offers profound insights into the nature of reality and the mysteries of existence. So the next time you sip your morning brew, take a moment to reflect on the deeper truths that lie within.
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viiprincipium · 15 days
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Embrace Your Journey: A Path to Self-Discovery Through Spiritual Evolution
Each of us embarks on a unique journey of personal transformation and spiritual evolution. It's a journey filled with twists and turns, highs and lows, challenges and triumphs. And at the heart of it all lies the profound truth that each step forward brings us closer to our true selves.
As we navigate this path of self-discovery, we encounter the timeless wisdom of the Kybalion's Principle of Rhythm. This principle teaches us that life is governed by cycles and seasons, rhythms of growth and change that shape our experiences and shape our souls. In embracing the rhythm of life, we come to understand that personal transformation is not a linear journey but rather a spiral, a continuous cycle of growth, death, and rebirth.
At times, we may find ourselves in the depths of darkness, grappling with doubt, fear, and uncertainty. It is in these moments that we must remember the Principle of Polarity, which reminds us that within every challenge lies the seed of opportunity. Just as the darkest night gives birth to the dawn, our struggles and setbacks are often the catalysts for our greatest growth and transformation.
In the midst of life's storms, we must also remember the Principle of Vibration, which teaches us that everything in the universe is in a state of constant motion and flux. Like a river flowing steadily towards the sea, we must surrender to the ebb and flow of life, trusting that each experience is guiding us towards our true selves.
But it's not just about weathering the storms; it's also about embracing the moments of joy, wonder, and awe that pepper our journey. The Principle of Correspondence reminds us that as above, so below; as within, so without. In celebrating the beauty and magic of the world around us, we come to recognize the divine spark that resides within each of us.
And so, with each step forward, we peel back the layers of conditioning, fear, and illusion that have kept us from fully embodying our true selves. We let go of the masks we wear, the roles we play, and the expectations others have placed upon us. In doing so, we reveal the radiant truth of our inner being, the essence of who we truly are.
But personal transformation is not just an individual journey; it is also a collective one. The Principle of Gender reminds us that the masculine and feminine energies within each of us must be brought into balance in order to achieve wholeness and harmony. As we heal and integrate our own wounds, we contribute to the healing of the collective consciousness, ushering in a new era of love, compassion, and unity.
So, as you journey along the winding path of personal transformation and spiritual evolution, remember that each step forward brings you closer to your true self. Embrace the challenges, celebrate the victories, and trust in the divine wisdom that guides you every step of the way. For in the end, it is through the journey itself that we come to know and love ourselves fully and completely.
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viiprincipium · 16 days
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Happy Mother's Day: Celebrating the Divine Feminine with Ancient Wisdom
On this special day dedicated to mothers everywhere, let us honor the sacred feminine energy that permeates the universe, guiding us with love, compassion, and wisdom. Drawing upon the timeless teachings of the Kybalion's seven principles and the mystical insights of Kabbalah, let us celebrate the divine essence of motherhood and the profound mysteries it embodies.
1. The Principle of Mentalism:
In the divine mind, all creation is conceived and nurtured. Just as a mother tenderly nurtures the thoughts and dreams of her children, the universe unfolds according to the divine blueprint of the Cosmic Mind. On this Mother's Day, let us honor the creative power of the divine feminine, which brings forth life and beauty in all its forms.
2. The Principle of Correspondence:
As above, so below; as within, so without. In the interconnected web of existence, the divine mother reflects the eternal truths of the cosmos in her nurturing embrace. Just as the Tree of Life in Kabbalah represents the interconnectedness of all things, let us recognize the interconnectedness of all mothers, past, present, and future, as they embody the divine archetype of nurturing love.
3. The Principle of Vibration:
Everything in the universe is in a state of constant motion and vibration. Like the gentle rhythm of a mother's heartbeat, the divine feminine energy flows through all creation, sustaining life and harmony. Let us tune into the subtle vibrations of love and gratitude, honoring the nurturing energy of the divine mother that sustains us all.
4. The Principle of Polarity:
In the dance of opposites, the divine mother embraces both light and dark, joy and sorrow, birth and death. Just as the Kabbalistic Tree of Life balances the masculine and feminine energies, let us embrace the divine feminine within ourselves and recognize the sacred balance of yin and yang in all aspects of life.
5. The Principle of Rhythm:
The universe operates in cycles and seasons, mirroring the ebb and flow of a mother's love. Let us honor the rhythm of life, celebrating the joys and challenges that come with motherhood, and acknowledging the wisdom that arises from the cycles of birth, growth, and transformation.
6. The Principle of Cause and Effect:
Every action has a reaction, every thought a consequence. The divine mother teaches us the importance of mindful awareness and conscious creation, guiding us to sow seeds of love, compassion, and kindness in the world. Let us honor the generative power of the divine feminine, recognizing the ripple effect of a mother's love on future generations.
7. The Principle of Gender:
In the union of masculine and feminine energies, the divine mother brings forth life and creation. Let us honor the sacred union of divine opposites, celebrating the nurturing, intuitive, and compassionate qualities of the divine feminine, and recognizing the importance of balance and harmony in all aspects of life.
On this Mother's Day, let us express gratitude for the mothers in our lives, both biological and spiritual, who embody the timeless wisdom of the divine feminine. May we honor their love, sacrifice, and nurturing presence, recognizing that they are the embodiment of the eternal principles that sustain and guide us all.
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viiprincipium · 16 days
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Exploring the Kabbalistic Tree of Life: The Ten Sephirot
The Kabbalistic Tree of Life serves as a sacred map of the divine realms, offering profound insights into the nature of existence and the workings of the cosmos. At its core are the ten Sephirot, or divine emanations, each representing a unique aspect of divine consciousness. Let's embark on a journey through the Sephirot, beginning with the highest point of divine manifestation:
Keter (Crown): At the pinnacle of the Tree of Life lies Keter, the Crown, representing the highest aspect of divine consciousness. It is the source of all creation, the ineffable essence of the divine that transcends human comprehension. Keter symbolizes unity, infinity, and the eternal presence of the divine.
Chokhmah (Wisdom): Descending from Keter is Chokhmah, the sphere of Wisdom. It represents the creative intelligence of the divine, the spark of divine inspiration that ignites the process of creation. Chokhmah embodies intuition, insight, and the ability to perceive higher truths beyond the realm of intellect.
Binah (Understanding): Next in line is Binah, the sphere of Understanding. It is the womb of creation, where the raw energy of Chokhmah is shaped and molded into form. Binah represents the divine feminine aspect, the nurturing and receptive force that gives birth to all manifestation.
Chesed (Mercy): Moving further down the Tree, we encounter Chesed, the sphere of Mercy. It is the emanation of divine love and compassion, the overflowing abundance of the divine that seeks to bestow blessings upon creation. Chesed represents kindness, generosity, and the boundless grace of the divine.
Geburah (Severity): Opposite Chesed is Geburah, the sphere of Severity. It embodies the divine attribute of strength, discipline, and judgment, serving as the balancing force to Chesed's overflowing mercy. Geburah represents the courage to confront challenges and the power to uphold justice.
Tiferet (Beauty): In the center of the Tree lies Tiferet, the sphere of Beauty. It serves as the heart of the Tree, the point of balance and harmony where all opposing forces converge. Tiferet represents the integration of Chesed and Geburah, embodying compassion, courage, and divine beauty.
Netzach (Victory): Moving down the Tree, we come to Netzach, the sphere of Victory. It represents the divine attribute of endurance and perseverance, the unwavering faith that leads to triumph over adversity. Netzach inspires us to overcome obstacles and manifest our highest aspirations.
Hod (Glory): Opposite Netzach is Hod, the sphere of Glory. It embodies the divine attribute of humility and surrender, the recognition that true greatness lies in service to the divine. Hod represents the power of receptivity and the willingness to acknowledge the divine presence in all things.
Yesod (Foundation): Descending further, we encounter Yesod, the sphere of Foundation. It serves as the gateway between the divine and the material realms, the bridge that connects the higher Sephirot with the physical world. Yesod represents the subconscious mind, dreams, and the collective unconscious.
Malchut (Kingdom): Finally, at the base of the Tree, we find Malchut, the sphere of Kingdom. It represents the manifestation of divine consciousness in the material world, the kingdom of earthly existence where the divine plan is realized. Malchut embodies the principles of sovereignty, manifestation, and divine presence in the physical realm.
In traversing the Sephirot of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, we journey through the realms of divine consciousness, exploring the infinite depths of the divine and our own innermost being. Each Sephirah offers a unique window into the divine mysteries, inviting us to awaken to the divine presence that permeates all of creation.
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viiprincipium · 16 days
The Seven Principles:
1. The Principle of Mentalism: "The All is Mind; the Universe is Mental." At the core of all creation lies the infinite intelligence of the Universal Mind. Everything that exists, from the stars in the heavens to the thoughts in our minds, is a manifestation of this divine consciousness.
2. The Principle of Correspondence: "As above, so below; as below, so above." This principle elucidates the interconnectedness of all things in the universe. The patterns and rhythms observed in the macrocosm are mirrored in the microcosm, reflecting the harmonious balance of creation.
3. The Principle of Vibration: "Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates." All matter is in a state of constant motion and vibration, from the smallest atom to the grandest galaxy. Understanding the subtle vibrations of energy allows us to harness the forces of creation and transformation.
4. The Principle of Polarity: "Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites." Opposing forces such as light and darkness, good and evil, are merely different manifestations of the same underlying principle. By embracing polarity, we find balance and harmony in the dance of existence.
5. The Principle of Rhythm: "Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall." The ebb and flow of rhythms permeate the cosmos, from the cycles of day and night to the seasons of the year. By attuning ourselves to these cosmic rhythms, we navigate life's transitions with grace and wisdom.
6. The Principle of Cause and Effect: "Every cause has its effect; every effect has its cause." This universal law reminds us that every action we take, whether physical, mental, or spiritual, sets into motion a chain of causality. By understanding the consequences of our actions, we wield the power of creation with intention and responsibility.
7. The Principle of Gender: "Gender is in everything; everything has its masculine and feminine principles." Beyond the confines of biological sex, gender represents the dual aspects of creative energy inherent in all of creation. By embracing and harmonizing these masculine and feminine qualities within ourselves, we unlock the full potential of our creative abilities.
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viiprincipium · 1 month
Drink your tea slowly and reverently, as if it is the axis on which the world earth revolves - slowly, evenly, without rushing toward the future.
Thich Nhat Hanh
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viiprincipium · 1 month
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That smile
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viiprincipium · 1 month
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How to Make the Best Blackberry Cobbler - Step One
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viiprincipium · 1 month
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My Sunday Lunch Date
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viiprincipium · 2 months
You Are The Author of Your Own Story
In a world where constant validation and approval seem to be the currency of social interaction, the idea of simply doing what works for you without explanation might feel radical. Yet, at its core, it's a profoundly liberating concept—one that invites us to step into our authenticity and reclaim our power over our own lives.
Consider for a moment the mental and emotional energy we expend in justifying our choices and actions to others. Whether it's seeking approval from friends, family, colleagues, or society at large, the need for external validation can become a relentless burden, weighing us down with self-doubt and insecurity.
But what if we were to release ourselves from this self-imposed obligation to explain ourselves at every turn? What if we were to trust our instincts, follow our intuition, and make decisions based on what feels right for us, rather than seeking external validation?
At its core, this idea is about honoring our own truth and embracing our individuality. It's about recognizing that we are the ultimate authority in our own lives, and that we alone have the power to determine what is best for us. When we stop explaining ourselves to others and start living authentically, we reclaim our autonomy and assert our right to live life on our own terms.
Of course, this isn't to say that we should disregard the perspectives and opinions of others entirely. Seeking advice and feedback from trusted sources can be valuable, and there may be times when explaining ourselves is necessary for effective communication and collaboration. However, the key distinction lies in recognizing when explanation serves a genuine purpose and when it simply feeds into the cycle of seeking external validation.
So how do we begin to implement this mindset shift in our lives? It starts with cultivating self-awareness and tuning into our inner voice. By reconnecting with our intuition and paying attention to what feels right for us, we can begin to trust ourselves more fully and rely less on external validation.
It also involves setting healthy boundaries and prioritizing our own well-being. This means learning to say no to things that don't align with our values or serve our highest good, even if it means disappointing others or facing criticism. It means honoring our own needs and desires, rather than constantly seeking to please others at the expense of our own happiness.
Additionally, practicing self-compassion and self-acceptance is essential in this journey. We must learn to be kind to ourselves and recognize that we are worthy of love and acceptance just as we are, without the need to constantly justify or explain ourselves to others.
Ultimately, embracing the idea of doing what works for us without explanation is about reclaiming our sovereignty and living authentically. It's about trusting ourselves, honoring our truth, and stepping into our power as creators of our own lives.
So the next time you find yourself caught in the trap of seeking external validation or explaining yourself to others, remember that you are the author of your own story. Trust yourself, follow your instincts, and do what works for you—no explanation necessary. In doing so, you'll find a newfound sense of freedom, authenticity, and empowerment that comes from living life on your own terms.
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viiprincipium · 2 months
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viiprincipium · 4 months
A little impromptu watercolor painting from last night
"Evergreen Reflections"
8.5x5.5 Windsor & Newton watercolor on Strathmore 140lb paper
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viiprincipium · 4 months
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Chugach Mountains in Sunset Pink
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viiprincipium · 5 months
How To Support Your Favorite Creators
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Most of the time your friends, family, and followers aren’t trying to build a business of their own, grow their social media presence, or be the next viral sensations, so, they have no idea how the algorithms work. So, I wrote this guide to help them have a better understanding. If they value your content and want to keep you growing and putting out more, you may want to share this with them.
Most friends, family, and followers have never tried to build or grow a business(brick and mortar or online), so it's not their fault they may not really know how to show love and support for your business and entrepreneurial endeavors...
I have immediate family that has never even acknowledged I've had a business for the last 5 years, much less offered to share or support it... This is not a post to rant about that though... (they just won't get the friends and family discount )
Let's focus on those that do want to show support. I have friends with Twitter (X) accounts devoted completely to college football. I have never watched a single football game in person or on TV, but I still like, comment, engage, and share their content...
I have friends who have written books on subjects that I have no interest in and may never read, but I still buy a copy because they are my friends and I want to support them...
I have friends with TikTok, Instagram, YouTube channels, and many more that aren't my cup of tea (or coffee), but I still go to their pages, channels, and spots online each day to help them grow...
It doesn't cost you a dime to show some love and support, but unfortunately, most people suck at it. So, I wrote this guide to maybe help us all suck a little less...
How to Support Content Creators on Social Media: A Comprehensive Guide
In the ever-evolving landscape of social media, understanding how to effectively support content creators is vital. Each platform has its unique ecosystem and algorithms, which can be mystifying. However, with a few strategic moves, you can significantly help your favorite creators grow. Here’s a detailed guide for each platform.
X(Twitter): The Pulse of Real-Time Conversation
X is a platform where immediacy and interaction are key. Here’s how to best support content creators on X(Twitter):
Repost and Like: When you repost, you amplify the creator’s voice to your followers, significantly extending the reach of their content. Liking tweets also boosts their visibility.
Engage with Comments: Respond to tweets with meaningful comments. This not only encourages the creator but also sparks conversations, making the tweets more visible in the algorithm.
Follow and Turn on Notifications: Follow your favorite creators and turn on notifications to stay updated with their latest tweets. This ensures that you’re one of the first to engage, which is crucial on a fast-moving platform like X.
Use Hashtags Wisely: When sharing a creator’s content, use relevant hashtags to increase the reach. However, be mindful not to spam or misuse hashtags.
Share with Quotes: Instead of just retweeting, consider quoting the tweet with your input. This adds value and personal perspective, making the share more engaging for your followers.
Participate in Chats and Threads: Engage in conversations initiated by the creator, like Twitter chats or thread discussions. This shows support and also helps in networking within the community.
By incorporating these strategies into your X(Twitter) usage, you can significantly support and contribute to the growth of content creators on the platform.
X’s fast-paced environment means that timely and consistent engagement can make a substantial difference in a creator’s social media presence.
Facebook: The Community Connector
Facebook’s algorithm favors active interaction. Here’s how to support:
Engage Authentically: Likes, comments, and shares are gold. Don’t just scroll; engage with the content meaningfully. Comments that spark conversations are particularly valuable.
Notifications and Following: Ensure you’re following the page and turn on notifications. This way, you won’t miss any updates.
Video Content: Watch videos fully. Facebook values watch time. Sharing these videos can exponentially increase a creator’s reach.
Active Participation: Engage in polls, live videos, and discussions. Your interaction contributes to the content’s visibility.
Word of Mouth: Recommend pages to friends. Personal recommendations can be a powerful tool.
Instagram: The Visual Storyteller
Instagram’s algorithm is all about engagement and timeliness.
Immediate Interaction: Quickly interacting with new posts boosts their visibility. Likes, comments, and saving posts are key.
Stories and Reels: Engaging with Stories and Reels shows the algorithm that the creator’s content is worth pushing forward.
Direct Messaging: Responding to stories or initiating conversations through DMs can significantly help.
Post Notifications: Turning on notifications ensures you never miss content from your favorite creators.
Hashtags and Mentions: Use relevant hashtags and mention the creator in your posts to increase their discoverability.
YouTube: The Video Giant
On YouTube, engagement and watch time are crucial metrics.
Complete Views: Watch the videos from start to finish. Watch time heavily
influences a video’s ranking and visibility.
Engage with the Content: Like, comment, and subscribe. These actions are essential signals to YouTube’s algorithm.
Sharing is Caring: Share videos on other social media platforms. This not only increases visibility but also introduces the content to a new audience.
Community Engagement: Participate in polls, community posts, and comment sections. This shows YouTube that the creator has an active, engaged community.
Support Through Ads: Watching ads without skipping provides financial support to the creators.
Tumblr: The Unique Microblogging Platform
Tumblr thrives on community engagement and content sharing.
Reblog to Spread the Word: Reblogging is the most powerful tool on Tumblr. It shares the content with your followers and increases its reach.
Likes and Follows: Regularly like posts and follow creators to stay updated with their content.
Engage with Asks and Fan Mail: Personal interactions like asks or fan mail can boost a creator’s morale and visibility.
Create Response Posts: Generate your content in response to theirs, creating a network of interconnected posts.
TikTok: The Short-Form Video Hub
TikTok’s algorithm is driven by user interaction and watch time.
Complete Views: Watch videos from start to end. The algorithm favors videos that are watched in their entirety.
Active Engagement: Like, comment, and share. These actions are signals to TikTok that the content is engaging and should be shown to more users.
Creative Interaction: Utilize features like Duet and Stitch to engage with content creatively.
Cross-Platform Sharing: Share TikTok videos on other social media platforms to help creators reach a broader audience.
Threads: The Niche Network
For platforms like Threads, engagement is key.
Active Participation: Engage in threads by contributing to discussions and responding to posts.
Content Sharing: Share content that you find valuable. This not only supports the creator but also enriches the platform.
Invite Engagement: Bring in new users by inviting friends. This helps in growing the platform’s community.
Constructive Feedback: Offer feedback to creators. Constructive criticism can help them refine their content and strategies.
Supporting content creators on social media is more than just a passive scroll. It’s about actively engaging with their work, participating in their community, and helping them grow their presence across various platforms. By understanding the nuances of each platform’s algorithm and community culture, you can turn your likes, comments, and shares into powerful tools of support.
Whether it’s watching an entire YouTube video to boost watch time, engaging with Instagram stories to enhance visibility, or reblogging content on Tumblr to reach a wider audience, your actions have a significant impact. Remember, the key is to be genuine in your interactions. Creators appreciate authentic engagement, and this can lead to more meaningful connections and a stronger online community.
So, take that extra minute to leave a thoughtful comment, share that intriguing post with your friends, or simply watch a video to the end. These small acts contribute greatly to the success and growth of content creators in the digital world. Your support can make a world of difference to those who are working hard to share their passion, creativity, and knowledge through social media. Let’s all play our part in nurturing and supporting the digital creators who make our online experience richer and more diverse.
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viiprincipium · 5 months
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Enjoying my morning coffee and this beautiful Sunrise in Anchorage, Alaska
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viiprincipium · 5 months
Chugach Mountains
Anchorage, Alaska
Discovering Warmth From Within
In the chill of winter, we often seek warmth from external sources—blankets, heaters, or a crackling fire. Yet, there’s a profound lesson in understanding that cold is merely the absence of heat, just as darkness is the absence of light.
True warmth, the kind that can sustain us even in the coldest of times, is found within. It’s a force that monks in Tibet have harnessed for centuries. These remarkable individuals have demonstrated their inner warmth by performing an astonishing feat: drying soaking wet towels in the freezing cold, using nothing but the heat generated by their own bodies.
How is this possible, you may wonder? It’s a testament to the power of inner focus and meditation. Through deep concentration and control of their physiological responses, these monks raise their body temperature, radiating warmth to counteract the frigid surroundings.
While we may not all aspire to reach such extreme levels of inner warmth, the principle remains relevant. In our daily lives, we can cultivate our inner warmth by nurturing our mental and emotional well-being. Through practices like meditation, mindfulness, and self-compassion, we can generate a sense of warmth and contentment that radiates outward.
So, as winter’s chill envelops us, remember that warmth is not just a physical sensation but a state of being that we can nurture from within.
Embrace practices that kindle your inner fire, and you’ll find that it can provide comfort and solace, even in the coldest of moments.
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