ventii-lous · 1 year
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Nothing to see here apart from Sasuke protecting his wife. This was exactly what we needed from Day 1..!! Now any Sasusaku haters can choke on this manga if needed cause all your evidence is there.
Can't wait to see more scenes with our beloved couple..♡
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ventii-lous · 1 year
POV: You get into an argument and decide to leave PT I
Featuring: Venti, Albedo, Diluc, Kaeya
PT 2 : Zhongli, Xiao, Thoma and Ayato
A/N: Okay so this is the first time I'm doing something like this so sorry if anything is OOC. Reblogs, and likes are appreciated <33 Also note that Kaeya's part was kinda rushed cause I absolutely cannot seeing him ever hurt us...
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Venti had been recalling your argument the hour before and guilt was all he felt. He hadn't meant to say he was better off without you but he had and he knew it had hurt you.
As he approached your house he had made up his mind to apologise and make it up to you somehow. He however, hadn't expected to see your bags outside the front door with you tossing the keys through the mailbox.
"Y/N? Where are you going?" He said, confusion flooding his thoughts.
"I'm leaving..for a while." Y/N said, looking down.
Venti's heart dropped to his stomach as he tried to bring the words to his mouth but they were forced down as Y/N pulled her luggage past him.
Knees weak, he collapsed to the ground, grabbing onto the wall. He saw something glimmer on the road and he reached his hand out, fingers trembling slightly by the mere idea if what it was.
A gold ring. Their matching gold ring. With the sight of it, Venti allowed a single tear flow down his cheek. He knew he would always remind himself of the day his first and only love left him. The day he realised he was too naive despite his age.
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Whilst watching the reaction of his fifth experiment, he left the solutions to fizz up to the top of the glass beaker once again. He cursed himself for being clouded by the thoughts of you, your mouth, the way it closed abruptly, as if you had avoided saying something. He hated it sourly, He wanted you to feel safe to say what you pleased, despite knowing it would hurt him. He wanted to know the words that you wanted to say.
He slammed his fist down onto the work bench, ignoring the rolling pencils and flying paper. Sucrose watched from afar, concerned for both him, her family, and you, her closest friend. She knew there was a closer connection between the two of you.
"Sucrose, I'm..going out for a while, you'll be okay by yourself?" Albedo asked, already putting on his jacket and walking towards the door.
Sucrose hesitated as she thought of the package in her pocket. An envelope given from you. "Actually, Mr.Albedo, Y/N gave me something to give to you."
Sucrose pulled out an envelope and handed it to Albedo, watching him immediately rip it open. A letter fell into his hand and a metal object fell to the floor.
Sucrose gasped a little and she focused on Albedo whose eyes were wide open.
He didn't have to read the letter to know what it said but he opened it anyways.
I'm Sorry, Albedo
His world crashed and thunder struck in his heart, he lost the very thing that brought him meaning to what humans called living and now he had to pay the price.
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"I'm really busy right now, I don't have time for you or your bullshit Y/N, Get lost already.!"
Oh how he wished he could burn his words. He said the words without thinking. He raised his fist without meaning to. He knew as soon as the words had left his mouth and his hand had been raised that he had torn their relationship apart.
He watched silently as you packed your stuff from the door frame for your room. Now his.
He had already tried, begging, crying and apologising too many times to change your mind. Diluc's fists were closed and his arms were close to his body.
Despite all you said, he thought of trying one more time. "Look Y/N, I didn't mean to say it-"
"But you did, the damage is done Diluc, I..need some time, Okay?"
Diluc's eyes fell to your bag, "How long is some? Are you leaving forever? I can't..I can't live without you.."
Y/N stopped moving and turned to Diluc. "I..can't either..But if I had to choose between loving you and loving myself, We both know what I'll choose."
It wasn't a surprise to Diluc, he had always told her, Choose herself before others and now those words had become bittersweet to his ears.
Infact, he was kind of glad she was leaving him, he was about to hit her. About to. He would have never been able to deal with himself if he had. But he almost did and even that truth started storms in his head.
Y/N zipped her bag and walked past him. Diluc couldn't help but say one more thing before he let her go. "If you could ever find it in your heart to forgive me, that would be enough for me."
Y/N turned back before saying, "It would be a long time before I think I can."
Diluc felt tears brim but he kept a stoic face as Y/N left the house keys on the table and left the house for what may be the last time. It felt too quick.
He was glad; in a way. At least now she wouldn't have seen him fall into a chair and sob his pain away into the night. At least she couldn't see how much he hated himself for that moment.
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Kaeya was devastated. Drunk and devastated. He hadn't seen you all day since your argument, and somehow he ended up in the Tavern.
"My my, why is such a young fella looking upset tonight?" Said a man, sitting a seat down from Kaeya.
He turned to face him and noticed he was a lot older than he was, perhaps in his late 60's.
"Just something with me and my wife..I know I'm in the wrong but I'm not sure if she would want to see me.."
The man sat quietly deep in thought than lit up his eyes, as if stumbling across a fond memory.
"Ahh, I remember being your age my lad, I was in a similar situation with my fiance. She was feisty and brave and definitely someone who would have lived to be a wonderful woman."
Kaeya sat up a little to hear what the man said, "I forgot our engagement ring in the park and she thought I had fallen out of love, oh how she was so wrong. Anyways, what I'm saying son is, these things happen but it can always be resolved, Instead of drinking here, return home and apologise, she may say no like my dear Phenelope but it may be the last time you talk to her."
The old man shrinked a little in his seat, as if the memory of his Fiance was a hard one to remember but it still lit a flame of hope in Kaeya.
He left his glass unfinished and dropped a few mora onto the counter for Diluc to collect later. Kaeya rehearsed several times in his head what he was gonna say to you on his journey home and each time gave him hope that you would forgive him and he could continue loving you.
The house lights were off. They were never off unless you both were out. 'Bizarre' he thought. The front door creaked open and immediately an aura flew out. Kaeya held his breathe as he switched the lights on and looked around the living room that came first. Everything if Y/N's was gone. Her socks, favourite books, even mug. It was all gone. Photos that hung on the window sill were all piled together on the coffee table.
Eyes widening, Kaeya found it harder to breathe. Had he come too late? He immediately ran to your bedroom and threw open your wardrobe, nothing of yours was left.
Kaeya fell onto the bed and stared at the ground. The realisation hit him like a brick and it only left an empty cold feeling in his heart.
Perhaps one day he would tell stories like the old man. About the one that left before he could even say goodbye. The next Phenelope..
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ventii-lous · 2 years
Levihan | One-shot | What matters the most
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[Rewritten from my old Wattpad acc]
Levi approached his apartment building and stopped at the doorway, picking up some letters with the same message inside; bills, bills, bills. The apartment he and his girlfriend, Hanji, lived in wasn't anything special apart from the fact it was the cheapest they could afford at the moment. The apartment was faulty in more ways than one, this was not what they both dreamed off a year ago.
He looked up to the 2nd floor window where he saw Hanji cradling a baby. Their baby.
He saw his daughter wailing and he could already feel a migraine arriving again as it does everyday he comes back from work. He thought of the racket he would have to deal with upstairs, the bills, the reminder he was a failure of a father to his family.
So he turned away.
He found himself approaching a place he frequently visited, his friend, Erwin's house.
He pushed the door open that seemed to always be unlocked and left his shoes at the entrance. Levi smelt cigarettes from the garden and he followed the smell.
Erwin was leaning against wall, cigarette between his lips and staring at the blackening sky.
" Still smoking the same shit?" Levi said, standing next to him and grabbing the cigar.
"What are you doing here at this time? I thought u would be home with Hanji and Clara." He said, blowing a puff of smoke.
"Don't start. It's such a pain being home right now. All I do it stress about the bills and I can't remember the last time I even slept with my own wife Dammit. Hanji never has time for us."
Erwin sighed and put out the cigarette in Levi's hand.
The aura around Levi felt different and Erwin screwed up his face. A small itching feeling in Levi's feet was telling him he had said something he shouldn't have.
Levi stood uncomfortable for a minute and Erwin bore holes into the floor before he spoke again.
"Do you know how hard it is to care for a baby? Let alone, by yourself for most of the day?"
Levi shook his head subtly.
"Have you sat down one day and just helped Hanji with the daily baby work?"
Levi was silent yet again.
"Do you know Hanji calls me sometimes, sounding exhausted as fuck and still working all the time at home so you have dinner and a somewhat clean place to sit?"
Erwin chucked his cigar onto the concrete floor. "If you don't, don't come to me with any bullshit about 'Not having time for us'. A relationship works both ways Levi, I think you've forgotten."
Levi didn't mutter a word as he stood there ashamed. Everything Erwin said was right and as shameful as it is to admit it, Levi was being a dick to his family and his morals.
Without a word Levi walked to the front door and put his shoes on. He jogged at first, then sprinting down the road. He didn't stop, his thoughts were centred for 2 people. Hanji and his daughter.
His front door was open and the lights were on in the living room. It was unusually quiet.
He carefully stepped over a baby bottle and entered the room. Hanji was sprawled on the couch, Clara on her chest, both asleep.
A subtle smile grew on his face as he picked up Clara and kissed her on her forehead before placing her in her crib in their bedroom.
He had forgotten how adorable she looked and how tiny she was in his arms, he missed it and made a mental note spend more time with his daughter.
Levi returned with a blanket and lay it over Hanji, kissing her too on her cheek. She opened her eyes and smiled as soon as she saw Levi, exhausted but satisfied.
"I'm sorry Hanji." Levi said, he didn't have to state for what, she already knew. "I will work hard for us, I promise."
Hanji smiled again and pulled Levi, kissing him on his lips before putting on a playful face. "I'll trust you, Hubby."
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ventii-lous · 2 years
POV: Diluc holds your baby for the first time
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Diluc waited outside the room where you were in, pacing outside the door, listening to your cries and groans. Kaeya was by his side convincing him to relax, hand on his shoulder and a weak smile on his face.
Every passing moment was a pain for the red-head, He just anticipated the sound of baby cries.
"Diluc, just relax, everything will be fine." Kaeya reassured although he started to shake his legs too. He was going to be an uncle, of course he was anticipating for a healthy baby too.
Finally Y/N's yelling came to a stop but no sound of a baby reached through the door.
"Kaeya..." Diluc started, reaching for the door handle, panic escalating slowly inside of him. Instead the door opened from the inside and the house wife allowed him in, an unreadable look implanted across her face.
His eyes first lay upon Y/N, who was staring at the group of people next to him. He rushed over to her and grabbed her hands in his. Her hands shook and tears formed in her eye.
"I-I don't know if they will make it..Diluc... I didn't hear a sound." Y/N's voice cracked and she cried, burying her face into his chest.
Speechless, he caressed her head, stroking his hand back and forth. Tears brimmed in his eyes too as he saw glimpses of their child among the doctors, trying to save it.
Oh lord Babatos, save them, please...
As if his prayers were answered, the room was filled with the cries of their child. Relief spanned across the room and Y/N pulled her head up.
Excitement rushed to their faces, the exhaustion suddenly disappearing from Y/N's and Diluc gazing in amazement as his heart beat returned to normal.
The Nurse approached them, smile on her face, with their baby in hand, "Congrats, It's a baby girl."
Y/N held her hands out first and Diluc watched her face of admiration as she touched their babies cheeks softly.
Diluc watched patiently, his heart melting into two. "Could I..could I hold her?"
Y/N smiled in response and he sat besides her on her bed, handing their child over. He memorized every feature of her face, her tiny mouth, still closed eyes and tiny fingers.
"What should we name her?" Y/N asked, scanning through potential names in her head.
Diluc thought for a while before coming out with a name, "Solara."
"Latin for 'The sun' ?" A voice called out from the door. The couple looked up and saw Kaeya grinning at the little family.
"Precisely." Y/N said, leaning up to kiss her daughter.
Solara started to wail again and Diluc raised his eyebrows.
"Erm- Diluc, I think my neice wants to go hang with her cool uncle instead." Kaeya said, walking into the room and taking the baby.
"Of course, who doesn't love their cool uncle." Y/N joked.
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AHH SO BUSY WTFF- Anyways here I present our Diluc x Y/N AU once again.
Don't forget to follow for more genshin content :p
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ventii-lous · 2 years
POV: [ROYAL AU] Prince Kaeya takes a fancy to you at the Masquerade
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You flatten your dress out as you exit your carriage. Your servant hands you your masquerade mask and you stare it the jewels that lay upon it. After playing with the feather between your fingers before handing it back to your servant to tie it up around your face.
You observed the other guests who were entering the Palace and it surprised you how many ladies had gotten dressed up. They all wanted to entice the soon-to-be King and be Queen of Mondstadt. And you? You simply wanted to dance.
Guards were stationed along the hallway and directed the guests to the Ballroom. The doors were engraved with intricate designs and painted white to match the walls, but nothing matched the decorations inside the room.
Several crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling and the gold paint on the engravings stood out. It was expected of the Royals to put on a show and they did.
In the middle if the room, many men and woman danced to the music the band in the corner played and a few stood around the edges, drinking wine and chatting among themselves.
You walked into the crowd and began to sought out a partner to dance with. A woman bumped into you and you fell forwards, crashing into a man who held you up before tripping down to your embarrassment.
"You better be careful my Lady." The man said with a smooth voice. You took in his details, tanned skin with blue eyes and long hair, in other words, gorgeous. His lips curved into a smile.
"Thank you, I seem to be quite the clutz sometimes." You replied, recollection yourself and looking back at the dancing. The song was about to end and you wanted to get at least one round in before then.
The man must have followed your eyes and he grabbed your hands, pulling you into the middle.
"You have found yourself a partner, care to dance?" He asked as you placed your arm on his shoulder as approval. You stared at his mask and into his eyes as he politely lay his hand on your waist and began to dance in rhythm to the others.
You smiled as your stomach grew butterflies every time he spun you, your dress clinging to your legs as you changed direction. The music started to slow and everyone's eyes seemed to be on you and the mysterious man. Everything was a blur and you heard the soft thud of something falling as you both twirled one last time. Your eyes were shut to catch your breathe as the music stopped a d a rush of murmered erupted around the room.
Worried, you opened them again to see Saffire gems staring at you with a smile plasters on his face. His features were sharp and your heart skipped a beat at his beauty. His mask had hid a handsome beauty that one should never hide from the publics eyes.
He bent down, one leg behind the other and held out your right hand, kissing it tenderly as his eyes were still on your masked face.
"It was a pleasure to dance, however perhaps we can be acquainted enough for you to reveal yourself." He said, eyes like a puppy.
You giggled to yourself as an unseen blush formed on your face, "Perhaps another dance?" You asked, bringing him up as you tightened your mask around your face.
"You do know who I am..right?" He said, playfully shocked.
"I do as a matter of fact and I still bear the offer of another dance for my face." The princes smile reached his ears as he signalled the music to continue.
"Can I at least have a name my Lady.?"
"Lady Y/N, Prince Kaeya.."
"Call me your dearest, my love."
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ventii-lous · 2 years
POV: You asked Kaeya about his Eyepatch
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You snuggled in closer to Kaeya as you both listened to the popular bard sing his tuned at the Tavern. You were sat downstairs in the corner, enjoying the vibrant music and jolly crowd, everything seemed happy. Except the fact that Kaeya would occasionally pull his eyepatch tighter whenever Master Diluc walked past.
You had questioned the patch before but you was told that it wasn't wrong for people to hide parts of their body, that little cheek. You knew better than ever that , that wasn't the reason.
Once again Kaeya reached for his patch and irritated, you grabbed his hand. "Would you quit it already?"
Kaeya stared down at you and sighed, relaxing his hand and wrapping his hands around you. "I'm sorry." He said genuinely and a pang of guilt suddenly hit you.
"Say, why do you actually wear that eyepatch?," You asked, "Of course, if your uncomfortable it's totally fine."
Kaeya was silent for a moment before he fiddled with your hands in his and began to spoke.
"Me and Diluc were brothers, not biologically, I wasn't even adopted. We were really good friends. Let's say.. I betrayed him and he lost everything that day, we both did."
You rest your head in his chest and felt his breathing get heavier. "This eyepatch..It's hiding an ugly scar, I'm afraid you dont want to see it."
Kaeya's breathing became ragged and it was enough for you to turn around completely and hold his face between your palms.
"Kaeya. Look at me. I love everything about you. Your scar will never be ugly, it's a part of you. Don't hide it from me, embrace it. All your 'Uglies' are beautiful for me and I don't ever want you to feel insecure about them."
Kaeya stared at your eyes for a few seconds and he wrapped you in his arms for a hug. You felt a single tear fall onto your shoulder and he pulled you closer.
"Your the best thing that has ever happened to me, for archons sake, I promise, promise, promise, to never lose you. I swear on everything" He said, finally pulling you away.
"I love you, you know that." You muttered, and to that, Kaeya kissed you gently on your lips.
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Heyy..!! New post hehe. I was always curious about Kaeya's eyepatch and then thought about Diluc accidentally damaging his eye in their infamous fight y'know...
Anyways, likes and reblogs are appreciated for a starter like me and follow for more Genshin x Reader posts <33
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ventii-lous · 2 years
POV: Your pregnant with Diluc's child
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You emerged from Mondstadt's Church where you had asked Barbara to see to your raising concerns on your body.
Recently, you had been feeling nausea and had missed your monthly periods. It had all confused you, you never felt this way before.
As you shut the cathedral doors, you found yourself collapsing at the closest bench. You couldn't believe you were pregnant. The mere thought of a little being inside of you amazed you and a sudden sense of fear arose.
This little being was the creation of you and Diluc. You never asked him about having children and you feared of his reaction when you were going to tell him the news.
You weren't even married, what would this news do to his reputation here? What if he truly hated the child...what would happen then?
Night arrived and you finally brought the courage to return home. You had spent the day walking around Mondstadt and visiting shops to pass the time but it was a pain. You managed to notice all the baby stores and the small clothing warmed your heart before remembering the news you would have to bear later. It hurt to think that Diluc may leave you, leaving you to bear and raise his child alone.
Diluc was at the kitchen table, setting down plates and glasses when he heard your arrival. He turned back and smiled at your presence, walking over to embrace you. You wrapped your hands around him and squeezed a little tighter than you usually would have. This may be the last time you would embrace him and the anxiety of waiting to tell him was too overwhelming. It was now or never.
"Diluc?" You called, pulling away and holding your partners hand in yours. "I...I have some news."
Diluc smile immediately softened and your stomach churned.
"I know we have only been together for a few months and- and." Immediately you broke down Into tears and fell Into the closest chair.
Diluc fell to his knees and this time, cradled your hand in his. "Y/N, what happened? I promise, you can tell me."
You bowed your head and tightened your hands to fists. Sadness turned to anger and you suddenly blurted out, "I'm pregnant with your child dammit.! I don't care if you leave us and leave me to care for your child, I will give them a good life.!"
You sighed and surprise hit you as you as the sound of chuckles turned into loud laughter. Diluc stood up, still laughing and brought you up to your legs.
"Babe..I'm so happy. Really happy." He said, kissing you on your cheek and wiping your tears. His reaction took you by surprise and when Diluc kneeled and brought the side of his head to your stomach and said, "Hey little one..I can't wait to meet you." and kissed your stomach. You swung your hands around his neck and hugged his for the longest time as you both teared up with joy.
A child was something you were both excited for...boy or girl, you knew Diluc would love them nevertheless.
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Anyways I'm back and got some content saved in my drafts. Follow me for more Genshin x Self inserts..!
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ventii-lous · 2 years
POV: You left Childe to continue the search for your brother
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Childe had grown very attached to you during your time in Liyue. You both had spend a lot of time together, whether it was cuddling together in his bed or kissing eachother every now and then.
Last night, you were sitting on a roof of one of the many houses in Liyue. The firework show had just began and together you both watched the exploding colours.
Your hand was entwined in his, his thumb rubbing your skin as he leaned closer to you. You rest your head on his shoulder and enjoyed the warm feeling that grew in your chest. You knew it wouldn't last, this moment together. The love that grew between you two wouldn't work out. If you had to choose between Childe or Aether, you knew who you would choose. Always.
"Childe," You started, pulling away from his warm cove. His arm was still wrapped around your waist as you spoke, "I-..I have to go." , you confessed.
Childe laughed, "What commission have you accepted this time?" He was oblivious. It hurt you. The smile he wore would soon be gone..replaced with a frown.
"No. You don't understand. I'm leaving Liyue, I'm moving on with my journey." You said as you felt his hand retreat. You felt cold all of a sudden.
"Yea..of course." He said, eyebrows drawn together. His mouth was drawn in a tight line and you felt your heart shatter.
You reached out a hand to his face but as you touched his cheeks, he pulled away. "Childe..I'm sorry."
The ginger didn't say a word and he just bent his head, staring at his feet. You tried again, this time tears brimmed. "Childe please try to understand-"
You were cut of by a pair of lips on yours. He didn't linger and it ended before you knew it. A part of you wanted to take everything back and kiss him again but you couldn't. What was done, was done. Childe's eyes shone against the fireworks and as he stood up, he smiled. "I wish you well on your journey..my love."
You sat alone on the roof as the tears streamed down your face. You knew that you couldn't expect him to wait for you. What if one day you never came back? You didn't want to hurt him like that. You wanted the best for him, as he always did for you.
Maybe in another life, when you both could fall in love in different circumstances. When you weren't finding your twin and he wasn't a fatui, maybe, just maybe, you could fall in love again.
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Heyy..!! Feel free to stalk my page for more Genshin x Reader posts and drop a Follow for weekly updates xx
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ventii-lous · 2 years
POV: You come back to Inazuma after a commission in Liyue
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Walking back Into the Kamisato compound, you greeted all the servants who gladly offered to attend to you as one of Ayato's most trusted friends. You kindly rejected their offers and asked for Ayato instead. A whole week away and you missed his face, voice and his skin that sent tingles up your back whenever you touched.
You were directed to his bedroom chambers, apparently he had fallen ill and instructed that no one was too enter his chambers. 'Bullshit' you thought. He was being dramatic. You knew it.
You didn't bother knocking on his door and you opened up his room. You closed the door and stared at the made up bed. As suspected, he was making up excuses. Why was Thoma nowhere to be found either. It puzzled you sllightly.
Your eyes were diverted to the figure in the chair near the tea table. Ayato sat with one leg crossed across his thigh and head in his hand, eyes closed.
A playful side of you awakened once again and you tiptoed across the pattern floor. You sneaked up behind him and rest your hand on his shoulders as you leaned down to his ears to whisper, "I'm back..!!"
He opened his eyes immediately and grabbed your right wrist, pulling you nearer his face. As your eyes met eachothers, you saw thirst, greed ,hunger and yearning. You parted your lips to speak and he took the chance to pull your face with his free arm gently. Your lips met eachother and you accepted his feelings, dragging a hand across his cheekbone as your both took your time greeting eachother. He tasted sweet and his lips felt intoxicating. His touch down your neck sent violent butterflies in your stomach. You leaned down and opened your eyes to see Ayato'a staring right at yours.
The door was suddenly burst open and the shock made you pull apart from Ayato and take a step away from his seat.
Thoma had entered, turning his head to see you both and you felt an amusing frustration vibrate through you. Ayato rolled his eyes and got up, silently cursing his friend.
You held a finger to your lips as Ayato led Thoma out of the room and you smiled gently. This was a surprise that you didn't mind waiting a week for. Perhaps maybe more can be rewarded...
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Anyways, requests are open for more (Genshin characters) X (Male/Fem/Non-bin) Reader fanfics and oneshots:))
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ventii-lous · 2 years
Welcome to my Blog <3
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Note: Genshin and anime content
REQUESTS OPEN-> (No smut, (Sexual tension is accepted) , all else is welcome)
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MASTERLIST: (Building)
Genshin X Readers <33
Genshin Men x Reader - Part 1: You get into an argument and decide to leave
Ayato X [FEM] Reader - POV: You come back to Inazuma after a commission and Ayato is waiting..
Childe x [FEM] Reader - POV: You leave Childe to continue your search for Aether..
Diluc x [FEM] Reader - POV: Your pregnant with Dilucs child..
Kaeya x [FEM] Reader - POV: You ask Kaeya about his Eyepatch
Kaeya x [FEM] Reader - [ROYAL AU] POV: Prince Kaeya took a liking to you at the masquerade party
Diluc x [FEM] Reader - POV: Diluc holds your baby for the first time
AOT One-shots <33
LEVIHAN - Levi finds it's hard to adjust to new family life
Sasusaku- Final Call Chapters <33
Description: Sakura is the sunshine to Sasuke's grumpy. He had always found himself attracted to her presence. Can one simple secret break their relationship apart or pull them closer than ever? Join them in a collision of Love and heartbreak as they figure out a path to the future.
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