uncannyarcana · 10 days
And Day 2!
For Uncanny Arcana, I'm extremely proud of how far I've come since starting it ~5 years ago, from tweaking the worldbuilding to physically seeing technical improvement. My voice is better than it was before and writing feels easier (and more fun now that I've learned not to take it too seriously! Do it for fun and it'll be fun is something I have to remind myself once in a while)
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uncannyarcana · 10 days
Day 1 for Queer Prompts!
Hey there! I'm Kadin (they/them) and my current WIP is Uncanny Arcana, and lgbtq contemporary/urban fantasy about found family, past secrets, and how to manage a relationship and business while warding off potential monster hunters.
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uncannyarcana · 11 days
Hello lovely people I will be answering day 1 & 2 prompts tomorrow! I hit up my city's Pride Fest today and I am currently a very tired human tomato.
Remember sun screen!
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uncannyarcana · 12 days
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🎉 Happy Pride Month! 🎊
🌈 #QueerPrompts is your chance to talk about your WIP/book, meet other queer authors, and have fun! 🏳️‍🌈
❤️🧡💛 Include the the tag #QueerPrompts and join at any time and any days you want. 💚💙💜
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uncannyarcana · 1 month
Uncanny Arcana Chapter 2: Trick r' Treat [Part 1]
Time to do the time warp back to the 50s
Beau let her eyes wander over the fall colors of the trees. This year, she hoped, would be different. Like old times.
 Because she was getting real tired of losing the good spot at the table to Jeremy Spate. Scratch that, she was getting tired of Spate in general. And his friends. Dumb wolf wasn’t even from Sevierville. Moved in from Nashville after Cadence stopped coming, and felt the need to piss and posture at every big gathering. His parents must’ve never flipped him on his back when he was a baby.
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uncannyarcana · 1 month
Uncanny Arcana Chapter 1: Welcome to Queensreach [Part 1]
Welcome to the domestic life
“Remind me again why I’m the one cooking tonight?” Essie called from the kitchen. Esther Ramsey, as Beau found out early into their five-year relationship, held many talents, but cooking anything more complicated than pre-made or frozen dishes, was not on the list. The kitchen and all things culinary were Beau’s domain, and she planned on making a proper house-warming dinner once everything settled, but a full day of back-and-forth from the moving truck and a couple trips to their old places for forgotten bits and baubles left her barely enough energy for her current task. Essie had done an equal amount of work and somehow drew from hidden energy wells.
“Because your hot shapeshifter girlfriend strained her back lugging our bed frame upstairs,” she called back from the couch in the living room. “And you need the practice.”
“Aw, poor baby. So if I call Joel he’ll back up that excuse?” From her tone, Beau knew she was joking.
“He’ll probably tell you to remind me to lift with my legs next time.”
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uncannyarcana · 1 month
I need to dust this poor blog off, it's been a hot minute since I last posted whoops!
First thing - gotta edit the pinned post with links to the chapters and shorts! And reblog those posts too so new peeps can see them ❤️❤️👍
Goal for May - finish "Essie finds out her gf is magic" short, then start editing chapter 3
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uncannyarcana · 3 months
what the fuck did you expect me to feel when you gripped the back of my head like that and sank your fangs into my neck? Indifference? Disgust? NOT sheer adoration? be serious.
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uncannyarcana · 4 months
I've been trying to find a reason behind Beau's parents leaving her with Lou and Della that doesn't involve one or both of them being dead, then realized she was born in toward the end of the Great Depression so mom and dad, being first time parents with economical hardship looming over their heads, went "hey can you hold this for us?" and then never came back. Della might have kept loose contact with her sister but hid any correspondence from Beau in fear of getting the kid's hopes up they'd come back for her.
Joke's on her though because Beaumont doesn't care.
In that same rabbit hole I discovered Adah was born during Prohibition in the US.
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uncannyarcana · 5 months
That feeling when you find songs so on point for your project they would be on the official soundtrack
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uncannyarcana · 5 months
Free Websites / Tools that I use for Writing ! !
Notion : a personal favourite of mine. from what i've seen, unlimited projects with a variety of cards to use. it also has an mobile app with it. highly recommend.
Milanote : has some limitations on how many cards you can have but has different templates you can tinker around with. is more of a whiteboard type of site.
Hiveword : i haven't used it but it provides a novel-building template for plot, scenes, characters, etc.
Lucidchart : another i don't use but from what I've seen, it's similar to Milanote with their whiteboard style. also has a variety of templates of charts, diagrams, and more!
Helpful Tools:
OneLook Thesaurus : my go-to website for finding synonyms. also provides definitions!
Language Tool : a chrome extension similar to Grammarly that acts as a grammar-aid tool.
Character Creation / World Building:
Pinterest : a great source if you're searching for inspiration. you can also find tips and prompts on the site too!
Reedsy Character Name Generator : a name generator that include forename and surnames. has nationality specific names and a few mythic / fantasy name generators.
Fantasy Name Generator : this name generator has much more variety with character names and fictional location titles.
Inkarnate : a fantasy world-building site that I used in the past. fun fact: i made a little (it wasn't little) dragon shaped island for one story that never made it on paper.
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uncannyarcana · 5 months
Sweet Nothings [4/5]
Words: 4,110
Boris was gone.
It was a routine trip: go into town, distribute fliers, go back home, profit. Her platoon had done so well with steps one and two Adah had been confident adding the pit-stop at the Main Street Grocer for Pema’s list posed no threat. She divvied the list between two groups – counting the twins as a unit for fairness and ensuring one of the older kids was in each team for security – and stationed herself at the front of the store with the shopping cart into which the kids placed their designated items. She and the witch manning the counter exchanged pleasantries while her crew worked, Adah even personally slipping a flier her way while awaiting the final ingredients. At the register, she allowed everyone one treat from the ice cream freezer by the door, both in celebration of doing an outstanding job and to have them occupied while she ducked into Francisco’s Wine and Spirits a few doors up the way for Bray’s gift, leaving Zollie in charge out front for the duration of her absence.
She counted seven kids when they left camp. Seven when they exited the store. Six when she came back with the brown paper sack.
Now Pema got to make good on her promise, and Dunyasha and Philip the Arcane Duo got a new rug for their floor.
She told them to wait. Why didn’t he wait?
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uncannyarcana · 5 months
Forever in a love/hate relationship with the "have you tried changing the font" trick for writer's block because sometimes you've looked at a piece so long you're sick of it and then you Calibri -> Crtl+A -> Aptos and your brain clicks after 3 weeks of picking at 1 specific part
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uncannyarcana · 5 months
Whiskey Ramblings
Wordcount - 718
TW - Alcohol
Adah says "I love you" first.
Shacked up in a cheap motel with cheaper whiskey that hits hard and quick, she and Beau pass the bottle back and forth in the late hours of the night, content in each other's presence with sleep easing its slender fingers around their shoulders. They talk about nothing and everything. Dreams and hopes. Desires tangible and wistful. Fears. Histories. The half-empty bottle makes it easy. Loosens nails in those barricades neither of them realized were breaking.
"I hated you a little bit," Adah admits from her spot by the window. The neon from the motel sign cuts through the tiny part in the curtain, bathing her face half in light bright against the room's dimness. She picks at the bottle's label, eyes focused on the task in front of her. "Before you came along, I was...special, if that was ever a good thing to be. I could do anything I wanted so long as I didn't kill anyone. What were they going to do, kill me? What was the word she used..."
"Euthanize," Beau says softly. She wants another drink but keeps her hands where they are on the table between her and her friend, one index finger quietly scratching the wooden surface.
A rueful chuckle escapes Adah's throat. "She always made it sound so peaceful." Another swig and then she slides it to Beau.
She uses a hand as a buffer so it doesn't tip over the table edge. "You scared the shit out of me when I first saw you, so I guess that makes us even." It burns all the way down, heat spreading at her chest and shooting through her stomach.
"And how about now?"
Startled, Beau half chokes as she pulls the bottle from her lips. Adah's eyes aren't accusing. Aren't daring; this isn't the woman with the bloody face and hands from all those months ago. Simply questioning, searching for an answer from the person across from her.
Adah is a lot of things. Angry and beautiful and spiteful and kind. They've both done terrible things - acts that would make Aunt Della and Lou look away in shame. But Adah doesn't. She holds Beau's gaze with gentle, perhaps even apprehensive eyes, waiting for a reply with all the time in the world.
"No," Beau says finally, yet it's a fraction of a second too late.
Adah smiles. "Hmph. Liar." She reaches for the drink and takes another long pull; the burn makes her eyes screw shut until it ebbs away and she reclines further in her chair. "Least we're living up to expectations."
She wants to say something. Something to make it better. Something to show them both that, yes, they were monsters, fangs and fur and claws and all, creatures of shadow, the wolves in the storybooks to be chopped up by woodsmen and cooked by pigs, but that didn't make them monstrous. She'd only end up tripping over those words as she always did with justifications. That, or end up rambling around the idea and never get hold of it. Instead, Beau lets her eyes drop to her hands.
"Someone going from hating to saving don't seem much like a monster to me."
"Well, I needed a tour guide for getting around bumfuck nowhere." Adah says it in that teasing, confident way Beau envies for herself.
"And how about now?" Her eyes flick up and catch her friend's. Waiting. Bracing. The hint of a smirk tugs one side of her mouth but inside a nervous pit sludges in her gut. That nasty little fear ever present in the back of her head. Whispering and taunting.
Weak and meek, you're only meat.
Adah stays silent for a long while, studying her, and Beau fights the squirm crawling up her back. Then she rises, bottle in hand, and closes the minute distance between them, punctuating the stillness with a soft thunk of setting the whiskey in front of Beau, who hides a flinch as Adah slowly leans down to press a soft kiss at her temple.
And again Beau wants to speak and again words tangle themselves on the back of her tongue as Adah's hand traces the line of her jaw, brief and light, barely more than a touch, before turning for the bed.
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uncannyarcana · 6 months
That Subaru does in fact get stolen at one point
I may not have chapter 3 revamped but I sure as hell know what vehicle everyone drives
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uncannyarcana · 6 months
The antagonist drives a Subaru because she may be ruthless and slightly sadistic but she's also environmentally conscious
I may not have chapter 3 revamped but I sure as hell know what vehicle everyone drives
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uncannyarcana · 6 months
Essie has a Kia Soul and the only reason it hasn't been stolen is because of the giant dog thing lounging on the top silently daring a fool to try
I may not have chapter 3 revamped but I sure as hell know what vehicle everyone drives
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