uhm-dumb · 3 years
Playlist with Headcannons (18+)
Can I call You Tonight? (DayGlow)
"There's so much time for me to speak up, but I say quiet."
🐢So... we know he isn't very talkative, but the boy likes you and wants to spend time with you. I think he would be the kind to video chat you for literal hours, but he definitely asks you first. You would be getting off the bus or saying bye to him at practice and he formally asks you: "Can I call you tonight?" And the team is like(ಥ﹏ಥ)
🐢He would be the kind that doesn't like to show his whole face so you get to see (._.) just his eyes, eyebrows, and his head of white hair.
🐢Is the kind to drop his phone and be like: "Oh! I am so sorry I dropped you, Y/n." (>_>')
🐢If you aren't talking he will put on the playlist and the two you you can just vibe. He will set his phone up so you can see him study or clean his turtle's tank. Every once and a while he will turn towards the camera to ask a question or look at you while you talk to him.
🐢Definitely gets flustered when you call him cute or take a screenshot. He definitely has a screenshot of your sleeping face as his background<3.
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Sweet Disposition (The Temper Trap)
"Songs of desperation;I played them for you. A moment of love, a dream, a laugh, a kiss, a cry."
👨🏼‍🦳He is a shy, sweet boy who has a little trouble properly expressing his feelings. I can picture having specific songs on his play list to hype him up to show affection.
👨🏼‍🦳 He would hand over an ear bud with a shaky hand while you two ride the train; then he waits for the song to build up to the highest point then leans in for a kiss. He just needs the little boost of confidence.(╯°o°)ᕗ
👨🏼‍🦳As a result there songs that remind him of all of your most romantic and affectionate moments. One for his confession, the first time he linked pinkys with you, your first kiss, and he listens to them when he misses you!
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Bedroom (Litany)
"If you wanna come to my place then we can talk about the weather. If you wanna come to my house then You can meet my parents. If you wanna come to my bedroom..."
🧱He is pretty private so I feel like getting invited to his house is a pretty big deal. His room would be clean, his parents would be home, and he would play the music softly, so you could hear each other but his parents wouldn't be able to hear your conversation.
🧱 He is embarrassed by how little there is to do at his house and is humiliated when his team assumes the two of you are getting frisky every afternoon. When his teammates bring up your visits to his place, Futakuchi cuts in with, "Relax, they were probably just talking about the weather- you know how shy he is." somehow that embarrassed Aone more.(ㆆ_ㆆ')
🧱He probably formally introduces you to his turtle and some of his favorite things in his room. (◟ᅇ)◜"And this is my beanbag chair..."
🧱He would like it when the two of you sit and cuddle on the floor of his room while his turtle lazily walks around you two. ( ͡°з ͡°)(‘ε’)
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Buzzcut Season (Lorde)
"Well, you laughed, 'Baby, it's okay, It's buzzcut season anyway.'"
🐢He let's you cut his hair when it grows out. He will lift you up on to the bathroom counter and sit between you legs, his cheek against your thigh, his eyes closed, as you buzz off the top and sides. Blushing when you run your fingers though it and call him handsome. ( ^◡^)っ (ó﹏ò。)
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BitterSweet Symphony (The Verve)
"I need to hear some sounds that recognize the pain in me, yeah. I let the melody shine, let it cleanse my mind, I feel free now"
👨🏼‍🦳He will definitely hum one of the songs on his playlist to keep his mind off of something. When he is working at the construction site and the heat is beating down on him, and his muscle ache, and he knows your home waiting for him. He will mumble the words to himself, "Cause it's a bittersweet symphony, that's life. Tryna make ends meet, you're a slave to money then you-"
👨🏼‍🦳He definitely plays music during the deed. He spends alot of time in silence so it feels special when there is some background noice. I can imagine him always entering you slowly, stretching you out gently. He has to take his mind off of the heat between you so he hums or whispers directly into your ear.
👨🏼‍🦳I can imagine him being a giver in most aspects of the relationship, so he is super embarrassed when he can't always deliver. He wouldn't stop just because he came early, he may be shaking, sweating, and on the verge of crying. But he keeps thrusting so you can peak to, all the while humming to himself to distract from the near painful overstimulation. "'Cause it's a bittersweet symphony, that's life. Tryna make ends meet, tryna find somebody then you-"
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uhm-dumb · 3 years
Playlist with Headcannons (18+)
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Garbage Truck (Sex Bob-Omb)
"I'll take you to the dump, 'cause you're my queen. Take you uptown; I'll show you the sites. You know you wanna ride, on my garbage truck"
🚫I feel like he knows he can be alot to handle at times, like he gets it. As a result he will relax certain aspects of himself when it's just the two of you. It is his subtle way of letting down his guard and showing he cares.
🚫This manifests in a playlist made specially for when he is with you. It is softer and more self aware, however it's still his so... still pretty aggressive and not very agreeable. \m/_(>_<)_\m/
🚫He teaches you how to properly head bang to songs. He thinks you look alot cooler doing it. He also teaches you how to drive a stick shift, roll a joint, and shotgun a beer. He thinks you look hot doing all of that stuff to, also hella proud. He often feels like he doesn't have much to offer you; So he's proud he's able to teach you somethings. Even if they're a little useless.( •̀ᴗ•́ )و ̑̑(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭
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Fell In Love With A Girl (The White Stripes)
"Well, said it once before; but it bears repeating now. Fell in love with a girl. I fell in love once and almost completely-"
🐺It is a bit difficult for him to be in love you know? Just a nervous boy, eventually he is able to relax into being in a healthy relationship. His friends and team are super hella supportive, cause he is more relaxed. It kinda shocks him because he has never felt like anyone truly wanted what's best for him, so it really touches him when Yahaba is like: "Yeah, if they makes you happy then I won't hit on them, I guess.乁( ⁰͡ Ĺ̯ ⁰͡ ) ㄏ"
🐺Turns out he's not much of a lone wolf. I feel like his friends are now your friends. Imagine a smoke session in his janky-ass car at a closed department store parking lot. Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, Koganegawa, you and your boyfriend after a Sendai Frogs win passing a joint around while he blares his music.
🐺Imagine You and Yams laughing at Koganegawa drunkenly dancing in the parking lot and you look back at Tsuki and Kentaro to see them like: (¬_¬) (-_- )
🐺Eventually your laughs turn into coughs and sneezes and he's like, "Okay Fuss-Pupp, get your ass back in the car." And there you are all contorted in his lap so he can warm you up and drive everyone's blitzed asses back to the dorms.
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Sold (Liily)
"Lies! You told me I was the one with the gun and a toolkit. Why? Would you pick on a little white boy turned misfit?"
🚭He definitely has a bit of a rebel streak that isnt healthy or helpful, but he is willing to tone it down a tad for you. He wants you to feel safe with him, if it freaks you out, he will protect you from it wholeheartedly.
🚭If you don't like the taste of cigarettes he won't smoke on days he is 'planning' on kissing you. "Want a Cigarette, Kenny-boy?" "No, I'm gonna makeout with my bitch when I get home, and don't call me Kenny, dipshit."
🚭Won't shoplift when he is with you, instead he will refrain from buying shit or he will pick up more hours at work. He does not casually, "Relax, I will pay for it, you're worth the money, brat."
🚭Shed a tear in private the first time you broke the law with him. He found something he liked and was putting it back on the shelf and you were like: "Naw, put it in my purse. Fuck Hobby Lobby, the're homophobic." He thought it was hot that you were willing to steal for him, but also felt like he corrupted you a bit... kink unlocked.(っ˘з(˘⌣˘ )
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Teenage Angst (Placebo)
"Since I was born I started to decay Now nothing ever, ever goes my way. Heirs and social graces, elocution so divine I'll stick to my needle, and my favorite waste of time."
🐺I feel like he has a tight family unit or at least is close with his siblings, like a little pack of dogs. I feel like he would have a playlist for when he's with his siblings, that way he doesn't have to cover their ears when the song curses, gets tiring quickly with his other playlist lol.
🐺Its a post rock instrument playlist that he listens to religiously. It even plays in the family dinners. Of course the dinner is in the living room, where everyone sits on the floor, its 9:30ish, but everyone's finally home and happy.
🐺It plays when his younger siblings come crashing into his room to spend time with you, like your part of the pack(cause you are, Congrats.)( ⌒o⌒)人(⌒-⌒ )v
🐺It plays while you're getting ready for bed, and when you're in bed. Its soft enough to lull you to sleep but noisy enough to cover the traffic sounds, sirens, snores, and your giggles when Kentaro tickles you during your play wrestling match.
🐺It plays when his sister asks you to stay up to read to her, hoping it will put her to sleep- Kentaro's mattress is on the floor so you dont have to worry about him falling off when you make room for the younger Kyotani and begin to read aloud to them.
🐺It is still playing when at 4:00 in the morning the two of you turn it up a few notches and sneak into the bathroom for a quicky before he has to leave for practice. His hand is clasped over your mouth in an attempt to keep you quiet while his teeth are in your sholder. You decide it's a pretty good playlist as you watch him fuck you in the spotty bathroom mirror. (‿!‿) ԅ(≖‿≖ԅ)
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Freakazoid (Silversun Pickups)
"Can I pull you home. Away from the middle of the road? Another safety zone. Another way to know. This freakazoid. Who needs a little relief, relief, relief. Knows you're not alone, and wants you to believe"
⭕The best gift he has ever received is one of those headphone jacks with two plugs so you dont have to share one pair of head phones anymore. He definitely busts them out at every party with shitty music.
⭕The two of you just wandering around the party with zero clue what the hell is going on cause you can't hear shit with the headphones in and the music on.You are almost literally attached at the hip because you're plugged into the same phone. People be like, "Oh, there's Mad Dog & Y/n!" \(ˊᵕˋ)(ง'̀-'́)ง
⭕Just walking around, maybe drinking or smoking. His phone is in your back pocket, and his hand is on your back and is lazily strumming like its playing guitar.
⭕I think he would still be territorial and aggressive, but he's pretty soft for you. If Oikawa approaches you though, you will be leaving the party shortly, it just be that way. (*•⸑•)O=( °^°Q)
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uhm-dumb · 3 years
I often see the (very legit) gripe that Chad got cheated out of power-ups/good fights at the end of the series, but even moreso, I feel like Chad got cheated out of backstory. Who were his parents, and how did they die? Was one or both of them attacked by a Hollow, as the Fullbringer Arc would suggest? (I’m re-watching that arc right now, but as far as I can tell, there’s no actual proof that Chad and Orihime are Fullbringers… just that they are similar to Fullbringers) Why did he come to Karakura after the death of his grandfather, since he was born in Okinawa? Does he have an inheritance or any relatives that support him? More than anything else, though, I really want a visit to Chad’s inner world (do not tell me he doesn’t have one, of course he has one). There was a possible glimpse into it during the Zanpakutou Spirits arc, but it just looked like the town in Mexico where he grew up. That’s… a good start, I guess, but I want more. Is there a spirit representation of his powers? Latin American folklore is chock full of ghost and monster stories. It’s been said numerous times that Chad’s powers are Hollow-esque in nature, and I think it would be interesting for him to have a somewhat sinister guiding spirit. I don’t have any good ideas, but I just really want some dedicated Chad-stan with an ao3 account to blow onto the scene and write me 200k words of Chad world-building, please and thank you.
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uhm-dumb · 3 years
Daishou Suguru & Mika Yamaka
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Daishou Suguru's body was edited with the character model for Yamatonokami Yasusada from Touken Ranbu.
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uhm-dumb · 3 years
Koganegawa Kanji, Aone Takanobu, & Futakuchi Kenji
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Made using the character models of, (Ishikirimaru) for Kogane, (Nobunaga) for Aone, and (Sasuke) for Futakuchi.
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uhm-dumb · 3 years
Hi, just your friendly reminder that Uryu Ishida deserved better. 
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uhm-dumb · 3 years
Oikawa Tooru, Iwazumi Hajime, Kyotani Kentaro, & Yahaba Shigeru
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Made using the linked character models-> {OIKAWA} {IWAZUMI} {KYOTANI} {YAHABA}
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uhm-dumb · 3 years
BLEACH FANFIC REC. (Toshiro Hitsugaya × Karin Kurosaki × Renji Abarai)
EMPATHY by RukiLex
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Summary: Shinigami have different gifts. Karin didn't want to be her older brother; she wanted to find her own place in the Soul Society. This is the story of how Karin found her own way and her own life. Set ten years after the war with the Arrancar. HitsuKarin
Excerpt: "Konso on a hollow?" The concept made him uncomfortable.
"And why not, sir?" she asked. She was finding it harder and harder to maintain her exterior calm.
"There is no need to risk your safety or the safety of anyone else when the blade of your zanpakuto can do the job effectively," he said, stiffly. He realized how feeble that reasoning was. "She didn't risk anyone's safety," he thought, "And she saved Akio's life."
"With all due respect, sir," she said, her voice rising, "nobody's safety was ever at risk."
"Shinigami do not use Konso to cleanse hollows," said Hitsugaya. He had not meant to say it. "Why does she make me so angry?" he wondered with frustration, fighting the urge to raise his voice to her.
"Shinigami know nothing about hollows," said Karin, her jaw tight. "If you were given the choice, would you choose being cut with the blade of a zanpakuto, or would you choose Konso?"
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uhm-dumb · 3 years
Hinata Shoyo & Kageyama Tobio
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Both body models are from the game Black Survival using the character Leon-> TWITTER & WEBSITE
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uhm-dumb · 3 years
Hinata Shoyo
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Made using the character Leon from Black Survival {Website & Twitter}
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uhm-dumb · 3 years
Bleach Playlist
All Playlists have been made on Youtube Music so you can find them as playlists youtube or follow the link and listen to them through the tumblr extension! Ichigo Kurosaki's Songs That Make Him Feel Less Hollow
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I chose songs that closely align with Ichigo's theme (Number One), meaning there is alot of power vocals and soul in this mix.
Number one (Ichigo's theme)
Free-> (Ultra Nate)
Respect->(Aretha Franklin)
I Will Survive-> (Gloria Gaynor)
The Power-> (SNAP!)
Coming in close second is the chill street Rap from the first opening, (Asterisks*). I was obsessed with this opening and never skipped it, so it has a special place on this Mix.
Asterisks*->(Orange Range)
BLEACH-> (Brockhampton)
LampEye-> (証言)
Teenage Vibe->(KZM)
Return of the Mack-> (Mark Morrison)
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A fair criticism of this playlist is that Ichigo and the soundtrack transform and morph as the anime continues. So this is definitely a playlist for Ichigo Season one, not so much any of the following seasons-
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uhm-dumb · 3 years
Bokuto Kotaro & Akaashi Keiji
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Made using the character model for (Nagasone Kotetsu) from Touken Ranbu on Bokuto and the character model for (Mitsunari) from Ikemen Cybrid on Akaashi.
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uhm-dumb · 3 years
Kenma Kozume & Kuroo Tetsuro
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Made using the character models of Shiraku and Yoritomo from Hanasaki Hanimani and Ikemen Cybrid respectively.
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uhm-dumb · 3 years
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This edit was made using the character design for Yohei Kanbayashi from Paradox Live. Here's a link to the character description/website!
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uhm-dumb · 3 years
OHSHC FanFic Rec (Takashi Morinozuka × Haruhi Fujioka)
Bland Cereal & Pregnancy Brain by FromTheInsideOut2
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Haruhi is Haruhi. Blunt and forgetful? How will Mori feel about taking a trip without her?
The chair skittered across the floor as he swept her up into his arms. While holding her close his body began to tremble. His mind was racing with the chaos of a thousand thoughts. But the one thought that ruled over them all was the insurmountable love that he had for her. His voice echoed a chorus of 'I love yous' as he peppered her face and body with passionate kisses seasoned with salty tears.
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uhm-dumb · 3 years
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Made useig the character model of Ukai from Admirari/Kuroyuri Otome {Link to Website}
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uhm-dumb · 3 years
With Inexpressible Speed(Through Immeasurable Space) by ARandomFangirler [Time Traveler AU, one-shot]
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Future-Kyoya looked at Present-Kyoya through the smoke and said, "My wife hates it when I smoke."
"You sound fond," Kyoya said. It wasn't quite an accusation, though it felt like one.
"Of course I sound fond," the other Kyoya replied. "She's my wife."
Kyoya pressed his lips together in a thin line. His future self had the audacity to laugh at that reaction- to throw his head back a little, and stub the cigarette out entirely. "I forgot," he said, "what a nightmare I was at sixteen."
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