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law didnt care abt his bounty post dressrosa i doubt he'd care now! i think he'd be more pissed off abt luffy being called the mastermind lol he has to put up w an idiot who cant follow a plan to save his life & now the rest of the world thinks he's some kind of stategic genius
Omg, I did stumble upon a post with this statement before and I laughed my BUTT OFF….AHAHAHHAHAHA. AND OMG I WOULD FREAKING AGREE. THANK YOU ANON FOR REMINDING ME. I really wanna see he's pissed off face. He would give that, I fucking give up face.
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Chapter 903
I can totally see Law foaming at the mouth and mentally buffering as he sees the dork's new bounty. They were like on the same level 100 chapters ago. Please save Law, Oda. And draw his reaction too.
You're a genius, Oda. Lol
Well, at least he died an honourable death. I will always love him.
Also, I can't believe someone like Luffy is yonko but Shanks is one soooo...... I guess nothing is impossible
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50+ followers!!!?
I love all of you!!! Thank you so much. I never expected my 'writing' would be read by other people. Sorry for no posts for long time. I'll try to work harder and finish them!! I'm pretty busy with school and internet problems. So wish me luck
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Hohohoho, I can totally relate to being clumsy. I'm mess up at everything *sobs*. Let's do this!!!!!!
-he would totally be aware of your attempts and would laugh whenever you fail. It's too cute for him to handle.
-but he would feel guilty after seeing your upset face
-he would try to reanact the scene so you wouldn't feel so bad about yourself
-would give you some advice after that. "Y'know, you should make sure you tie your shoe laces before running for a hug"
-you would bury your face in your hands for being so embarrassed. Would pat your head and give you a kiss after that
-he would be in the middle. He would sometimes notice your attempts. He would see where this thing is going
- but he is sometimes scared your attempts would hurt you physically ( like if you fall or something or mentally (losing self confidence)
-He doesn't want you to stop giving affection because of you constantly messing up.
-he would always try to be the one giving affection before you do
- he's just too worried about your self-confidence. He has no means of over thinking, he just loves you so much. Bless this motherly bean
- oblivious little cinnamon roll
- he would find your shyness and clumsiness cute and SUPER funny. He would not cover his laugh at all. Cue red blushing face by s/o
- this guy, this FREAKING GUY, you just need to suck it up and be Freakin honest. He would actually volunteerly do what you failed to do.
-but he doesn't mean to make fun of you. He won't talk about any past and embarrassing incidents so you won't feel embarrassed and want to die in a hole
-"Work harder s/o's name, I know you can do it!!" He would say
Lololol, right now, I'm in the bus and I think my head isn't working. I'm sorry if this post is a bit trashy because personally, I don't even know what I'm typing right now. I'm just taking these ideas out my butt. But I hoped you enjoyed. Sorry for not posting in a while
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This is such a cute request. I'll try my best.Anyway, You have an Ace plush!!?? So cool. It's so hard finding One Piece merchandise at my place. Huwahhh.
- his s/o would probably come because it was cold.
-"psssttt, Ace. C-can I sleep with you" they would ask with a red face
-this being dork Ace, he would need a whole minute to load. Suddenly, he would turn more red than you.
-"w-well, if you don't want to, I can go back to-". He would suddenly grad your sleeve/ wrist while covering his face with his other hand. "Please stay..." He would whisper.
-it would start out awkward but he would eventually snake his arms around your waist while patting your head until you two fall asleep
-This guy, would probably be embarrassed but not as epic as Ace.
- he would be such a gentleman. He would fluff the pillows, tuck them in. Just anything to make you comfortable.
-he would chuckle at how awkward they are. "Don't be so awkward. Aren't I your boyfriend?" He would say while stroking their cheek.
- They would end up curling towards Sabo's arms, feeling safe
-his s/o would come maybe because their scared of lightning or the dark.
- when they asked that favour to this man, he would just smirk. Making their face more red. They than proceed to explain while being embarrassed because of being scared of something stupid.
-Marco would just pull them on his bed. If his s/o is still scared he would covered their ears. "See, it would bother you anymore" he would say softly. If they can't sleep, he would accompany his s/o and chat
- well, no matter why they're sleeping with Marco, he will wait until his s/o is sleeping like a baby.
-he would also comfort his s/o of they had nightmares. Such a nice guy.
-when they wake up, they would find their head on Marco's chest while his arms snaked around them. It is the most safest feeling in the world
Gahh, I hope that was good enough. Hope you guys enjoyed it. Writing this made me have the urge to cuddle them
Admin Iqa <3
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Don't we all need more Luffy in our life. I couldn't wait to answer this request when I saw it. Let's do this!!
-this cinnamon roll is an incarnation of the whole puppy race. SO CUDDLY.-he likes to hug you A LOT. He also enjoys rubbing his cheeks against yours.
-BUT be careful, cause he'll be sad if you don't hug him back. "Don't you love me" he say while pouting. Oh my god, There is a 100% chance you will MEEEELT.
-he also enjoys head pats and kisses from time to time. He likes when you kiss him on the knuckle before a fight. According to him, it's for good luck
-he likes kissing you on the cheek, I know it's mainstream but he just can't help it. Especially when your cheeks move upwards when you smile.
- he likes to have bubble baths with you despite him being a devil fruit user. He just wants to spend time with you.
-he doesn't like to admit it but he does get jealous SOMETIMES and he will have the cutest reaction eveAaaarrrrr.
-will keep a photo of you in his pocket because he loves you with all his heart. This boy is so FLUFFY and sweet. Bless him
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Hohohoho, I love you for requesting this. Writing this just made my whole day
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How about some general luffy fluff? My favourite cinnamon roll deserves more love
Don’t we all need more Luffy in our life. I couldn’t wait to answer this request when I saw it. It'll be up in a minute. It's a little shory
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Hohohoho, Zoro is totally my bae. KATAKURI is totally one of the best character in the big mom saga. I love both of them
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-he enjoys an s/o with a clumsy personality and a bit of chubby cheeks. He doesn't know why but it amuses him to no end
-he is pretty self conscious on kissing his s/o. So, his s/o starts kissing first. Usually on the cheek or the back of his hands. He doesn't really allow kissing on the lips because he is scared that they would be disgusted
-but he does enjoy nuzzling into his s/o's neck. Even if his s/o is smaller ( which is a huge chance), he feels safe when he does that.
-he enjoys lazy cuddles and talks during the morning. It takes his mind off from all the family drama
-he is low key embarrassed on praising his s/o. When wants to compliment, he will hesitate and think about it for the whole day. When he has the courage to do so, it would be the most unfitting moment. For example, when fighting he would suddenly say "s-s/o, you look n-nice today". "Uh, thanks but how about telling it next time, babe"
- I like to think that he turns into an awkward cinnamon roll when he tries to be romantic but is a heart melter when he doesn't try at all
-well, dates? He doesn't have time but he likes to have picnics together with his s/o in the woods. Doughnuts are a must <3 according to him
-he enjoys giving piggyback rides. It makes him feel manly
-he enjoys poking fun at his s/o just to get amusement from their reaction. He is a low key sadist sometimes
-if his s/o is into something like baking, knitting or etc, he would take notice and try to join in. He tries his best even if he truly sucks at it. He would secretly practice or research on the topic to impress his s/o. Gets really embarrassed if he gets caught
-he enjoys giving back massages because it makes him feel strong but he still enjoys receiving it time to time.
-he finds it cute if his s/o is embarrassed to hold hands and just grabs his sleeve. He would laugh and grab their hand.
-he is actually not a fan on snaking his hands around his s/o's waist because he finds it creepy
-enjoys kissing his s/o everywhere but his favourite place is their forehead when they sleep. He hopes they dream something good about him
-he doesn't like dates. He prefers sleeping together on the deck of the Sunny( I hope the Sunny isn't permanently dead)
I couldn't resist putting fluff in this. IM REALLY SORRY.
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Yayy new blog!
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Oh my! First request! I’m not really good with angst but I do enjoy reading it. For you, I’ll give it a try. I don’t know if you want the character or the s/o in grief so I just picked which one was better.
-Your chest was rising and falling at a steady pace. You felt your body slightly shaking out of pain.
- you were actually diagnosed with an unknown illness that slowly ate your life span away. You hated the thought of dying. You hated the thought of not fighting anymore. You hated the thought of…….leaving the man you held dearly so much.
You were currently at Marineford sitting on a wheelchair because you lost the ability to walk, seeing everyone fighting for the sake of the man you loved so much. You were currently guarded by the other Whitebeard Pirates that guarded the ship.
You felt like you were the worst person ever not able to do anything. You did help from afar because you being the sniper of the ship and you constantly wanted to help but you weren’t aloud to move from your spot. You silently cursed almost every second
“Fuck you, Fuck the marines, fuck me!” You muttered.
but the cursing stopped when you saw the last moments of Ace’s life. You saw some damn marine did it. Your eyes widen like it was gonna burst.
-“WHAT THE HECK, ACEEE!! YOU CAN’T FUCKING DIE YET!” you screamed until your throat was hoarse. You force your legs to move stand up. Shaking like a new born giraffe. You walked towards the scene, throwing your weapon in the process.
-you tried running towards Akainu, with your wobbly legs. Activating your haki, you punched him with all the power you tried to muster. Akainu just glared at you. He didn’t do anything knowing how pityful you were. You hated it
- you couldn’t accept it. You were supposed to die first. You landed face first onto ground because your legs could no longer support your weight. You looked at Ace that was in Luffy’s embracement. You fell blood coming out of your nose with your knees scrapped.
-“tch, Ace you jerk. You’re the worst.” You laughed at yourself. Akainu looked at you closely. “Call the paramedics, this girl here has “that” disease!“ He roared.
-what is “that” disease? How come he knows? You asked yourself. You felt cold hands snaking around your body and picking you up.
- you heard the crew shouting to let you go. You gave a sad glance at them “it’s okay, guys. I’m just a burden to you guys anyway. They might know a thing or two about this disease” you said as you remembered the moments where you needed the crew’s aid for almost everything.
-“Please tell Ace after you burried him, thanks for teaching me how great life is. I’ll treasure the memories with you guys forever” you smiled. You made a deal with the marines that if you followed them, they wouldn’t touch a single hair.
- Marco was nice enough and hanged your favourite hairpin at Ace’s grave. They grieved your disappearance the same level as Ace
- so, there you were, shackles on your ankle and wrists. Almost everyday, you were a labrat. Being injected with drugs and undergoing weird side affects. It was a miracle or according to you , torture, that you were still alive.
- you still refused to cry out of stubbornness and maintaining your ego. You just gave a bitter smile to them.
“Ace, I miss you. When can I join you? But for you, I’ll live”
- you couldn’t technically call yourself human. You were a forest spirit that lived in the forest near the Revolutionary base. Forest spirits are usually just a soul with no body but there was a tree that made you have a body. The golden sakura. You were technically one with the tree, of the tree dies, your body dies And you had a special relationship with a blond haired man.
- Sabo enjoyed visiting you from time to time to release stress. You guys would lie on the ground together while looking at the sunset together. You were happy with your current place.
-you were also close with the others. So, you were considered one of them. One day, you heard some bitter news. The Celestial Dragons had plans on the island but they were not pretty.
- you knew about, the revolutionaries knew about it but none of them dared to utter a word about it. They secretly planned on stopping them with hopes they would get to stay at the base
-your were also planning something on your own. You had the ability to control plants and other floral life but you were not a devil fruit user
-you stood infront of the huge army, ready to destroy. The other revolutionaries where captured and chained.You decided to attack using all your strength. Everytime you received an attack, your limbs would just grow back or heal.
-" you brat, hurry up an scram!" The leader shouted as he kept shooting. "Like hell I would" you said calmly. "This is my, no. OUR HOME"
-"Friendship huh?" The celestial dragon laughed. He then pointed the gun he was holding towards Sabo's head. Your expression changed for a mere moment but quickly morphed back.
-you sighed. "How about we trade something? I give you something and you leave" you said as you folded your arms.
- "What would that be?" You put both of your hands onto the rich soil and chanted something. Suddenly, the dear tree that was the one that gave you a 'life' appeared out of the ground.
-Everyones face was painted with shock. "T-the golden sakura...this is worth more than any bounty".
-"yes because it's able to heal any illness" you looked at them with a stoic look. "Fine, I agree with this trade"
-"WHAT!? YOU CAN'T DO THAT (Y/N). DON'T DO SOMETHING STUPID LIKE THAT" Sabo shouted as he protested, trying to free himself.
-you raised your hand Sabo to calm down. You then proceeded "I'll be the one chopping down the tree and you people will have to stay away from here." "How will I know your not lying to us" the cruel man said with a untrusting tone. "A forest spirit is not aloud to lie or I am cursed with a dying forest" you said calmly. "You also need to free my friends"
- the man stayed silent for a while. "fine" he said while telling his army to depart.
-"Are you crazy! Don't do it (y/n)! You're gonna die" Sabo said while the others noded. "Ahahaha, I would never die. Just my body....so, don't worry guys. I'll still be here watching all of you, here" you said while grabbing hold of your axe.
- you swinged your axe. As the blade hit on the bark, you were met with a jolt of pain. You stopped and hissed in pain. You took a deep breath and continued. You felt red liquid coming out of your mouth. Blood, the first time you ever got to see it coming out of you.
- you felt Sabo's eyes stared at you with agony but you didn't look at him. Finally, the tree hit the ground.
-" could you guys help me and send this to them?" You said trying to stop the tears. You felt your body slowly turning into stone. Suddenly, you heard Koala burst into tears. You then saw the others burst into tears but Sabo just looked at the ground out of grief.
-you chuckled. "Don't worry guys, you guys can still visit me everyday". Sabo walked to you and held your cheek while your body was slowly hardening.
- he gave you a sad smile "I'll visit you every damn day". He said stroking your cheek. "Fine then, I'll be waiting" you said smiling while a tear slid down.
-you froze into stone with the most beautiful smile, according to Sabo. He would come everyday and polish your stoned body. He would ask how were you.
- You would respond to him but he couldn't hear. You wanted to touch him but couldn't. You could see and hear him. But it was torture not able to talk to him and touch him
"As long as I can see you everyday is fine even though it's technically torturing myself"
-you were an ex slave but you managed to escape both your master and death at the same time. When you almost died out of your injuries, the Strawhats found you and took you in. For the first time in years, you felt loved.
-the rubbery captain was especially attached to you. He liked how brave and hardworking you were. You knew that you were never technically free from your master's grasp but you decided to ignore it for a while.
-you almost got a heart attack when you knew that your master was able to track you down. He kidnapped Chopper and Nami out of the blue asked for a trade and threatened they would immediately be sent to the government to turn into slaves.
-if course, Luffy was furious and demanded to move immediately. You just bit your lips, guilt slowly eating you on the inside.
-"Why do you look so sad (y/n)? We're gonna save them for sure!" Luffy said when he saw you.
- you just gave him an uneasy smile. You paused and noded with agreement. Alone, you were planning something. You didn't want to burden the others. You were gonna save them no matter what.
- when arrived, you ran after Luffy to look for your master. "YOU, GIVE BACK MY FRIENDS" the young man shouted. "Sure, looks like you brought what I wanted anyway" the master said smirking.
-he pointed to you. Sweat formed on your forehead. Luffy was confused until he figured out you were the 'thing' he wanted.
- as Luffy was about to get ready to attack, you injected a drug to knock out Luffy. You were actually prepared for this and was ready to take full responsibility for this.
-He just looked at you with sad eyes and blacked out. You looked at his unconscious body with guilt. You picked him up then hugged him with all your might.
-"please let me contact someone first". Your master just stood there silently but signalled his minions to free your unconscious friends.
-"Franky, could please come and pick them up. Tell Luffy I'm forever sorry and thank you." You said with a miserable tone. Tears then proceeded to drop down your cheeks and you gripped the den den mushi tighter. "I LOVE YOU GUYS, FOREVEEErrr!IM SORRY I CAN'T COME WITH YOU GUYS ANYMORE!!!UWAHHH!" You shouted with all you can knowing this was your last chance to tell them.
- the other strawhats knew about this except Luffy. They tried to stop you but you were persistent. You didn't have the heart to tell him but you left a note.
-"welcome back, my toy" your master chuckled. "Thank you, master" you said with a insincere smile plastered on your face. You stroked the unwanted logo on the back of your hand.
"Even though it was short, thank you for showing how beautiful the world is, Luffy"
Warghhhh, I think I got a lot of facts wrong but I tried. Sorry if it looked rushed. I'm really sorry it didn't really follow the theme you wanted but I had fun writing Sabo's part. I'm also sorry it's not angsty enough because I'm not really good. Sorry for Luffy's being so bland because I'm used to reading Luffy fluff. Thank you for reading. Love you
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Hey! How are You doing today? Can I please request some angst for Ace, Sabo and Luffy with a stubborn badass s/o who saved their crew mates but got captured themselves and have been tortured? I love angst so I hope it's not too much! If it is then let me know and I'll send you a different one! I don't want to overwhelm you with requests! Have a great day and good luck! Have fun!
Sorry I can’t answer your request directly but I already finished you request. I’ll be posting that in a minute. :)
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Random AU headcanon(based on my recent post)
I'm betting half of my candy to my non existing boyfriend, that Sanji used to play Club Penguin and cried when it closed down. He moved to Neopets but stopped because he got caught by Usopp because he forgot to delete the browser history.
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Strawhats notebook hcs (AU)
I know it's freakin random. I got this idea when I was writing inside my note book so why not. I decided AU because I don't have any ideas.
-Luffy with a notebook? Don't make me laugh
-the thought of buying one never really crossed his mind. I mean just look at him
-Even if he had a notebook, it would be one of those free notebooks that you get from some kind of event
-That notebook would not have a good experience. Full of childish scribbles and ripped pages. Wait, is that a booger on that page.
- would probably write his name on the cover with red marker as big as possible.
-but we all know, it is confirmed that he will lose in some stupid way
-he... He....idk
-he would probably never write his name on his notebook because he says there's no use to it(??)
-he is the type that writes some notes and stops halfway out of pure lazyness
-the one that never really care where he puts it and forgets it every time he needs it
-her notebook is technically more complete than the computers in the bank
-full of debts, resits and anything involving money
-if you borrow her money she will remember this until her grave so there is no turning back
-she will never ever let her precious notebook get lost. Would probably kill someone if it did happen.
-always make sure there's a pen attached to it
-name of girls with hearts around
- secretly planning Zoro's death
-would note down important food allergies or dislikes of his close friends
- special occasions and all that boring stuff
-there is nothing interesting in Sanji's notebook. Just a boring old notebook
-secretly writes down his club penguin password ( AHAHHAHAH, JK. Club penguin is dead)
So, I'll continue on a second part for the other strawhats because I don't have time. Sorry I didn't update for a long time because I didn't have time to write. I'll try to throw up part 2 as soon as possible. Hopefully making it still full of content. See ya and bye
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I wanted to show my commitment to One Piece and wasted a bunch of tape for this thing
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Robin, I had no idea you were a tailor
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Hiatus and happy new year
Hey guys, I'm going on hiatus here maybe for a month or two. I'm not sure specifically when I'll be online. February or march. But you can send me request so when I'm online, hopefully I will answer them. Love you all
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Btw, idk why I put that GIF
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