theunquenchable · 2 years
I'm just gonna pretend as if I knew how tagging worked and as if I didn't fuck up the tags several times w/o noticing 👀
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theunquenchable · 2 years
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theunquenchable · 2 years
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lookism character theme songs anyone???
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theunquenchable · 2 years
So I started using Wattpad today for the first time since I made my account on there in 2015.
This app has changed so fucking much, it's crazy. Ads? Paid stories? Wattpad Premium? What the fuck is that bs?
Anyways, I just started reading some stories and the comments on this x reader stuff I read are wild.
Because you can comment on each paragraph, ppl comment a lot more shit than on any other app I have seen.
First and foremost, you have ppl telling you the name they insert into the (Y/N) I always call them yn in my brain, idk, i'm too lazy to come up with anything
Then there are ppl who will needlessly tell their own life stories. I read an Atla story and they were describing how yn's dad was calling her by some nickname. The comments?
"My dad calls me by my name."
"My dad hated me."
"My dad calls me (insert nickname)"
"My dad calls me disappointment." That one's funny tho
Like, everything, the same with yn having siblings: "I don't have siblings"
Okay, cool. And? 😩
This is so unnecessarily funny to me, I have never seen ppl act like this. Is this just a wattpad thing? Am I just blind?
I am over here losing my shit because ppl are commenting the wildest things on these typical x reader mary sue stories, it's amazing
I am convinced ppl are only reading half the shit on there to comment and read said comments. I wish you could somehow like them
Best example for one I died at:
Yn disguising herself as a guy and commenting about how attractive she looks.
The comments: a repetition of the same phrace "can I date myself" with the number of their comment behind it. So you had like 90 people writing "can I date myself"
Or another one: yn gets singled out for some reason in a none hateful way by another character in the sense of "you are somehow different and don't quite fit in"
The comments:
"It's because I am gay, isn't it?"
"This feels both homophobic and racist"
"It's because I'm bi and Asian, isn't it?"
And so on.
It's amazing.
When I was on WP the last time it felt like the biggest cringefest to me, I mean I was only 14 myself and my inner aro/ace who hadn't quite crawled out yet hated the sappy romance bs on there, so that is that.
But now? The stories are honestly, at least in the "trending" tab (or whatever its called), still... not for me, to say it lightly. I'm not the demographic, I guess.
However, the people? Hilarious. The memes are great, although I'm still not 100% sure if some of the stuff I find funny isn't actually ppl being serious.
If so, I'm sorry, I don't want to make fun of teens being teens.
But like... if they are just clowning? It's pretty good
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theunquenchable · 2 years
That one episode in the 3rd season of castlevania 👀
When you’re watching a plot-driven movie but then a random and extensive kissing/sex scene starts
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theunquenchable · 2 years
Y/N: Hey, Daniel you're smart, tell me what would happen if I chugged 3 gallons of chloroform.
Daniel: Have you ever been to a mortuary?
Y/N: Yea, my grandma lives there.
Zack: That is the worst response to that question.
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theunquenchable · 2 years
Y/N: Why shouldn't you put a toaster in a bathtub full of water?
Vasco: Because your toast would get soggy!
>Vasco is my comfort character<
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theunquenchable · 2 years
I always thought my English was pretty good
Then I started studying it in University
I realize how fanfiction was the only thing that consistently taught me English since I was 15
It shows
God does it show
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theunquenchable · 2 years
I have the weirdest and most painful jaw pains atm and it's a constant aching that literally feels like it's cracking my skull and teeth in half.
The only time where I am not in agony is either when I take painkillers (which I can only take every six hours) or when I sit still on my bed and read fanfiction.
This is a thank you to all fanfiction writers here, you are literally helping me through pain and agony rn 💞
>and even if my jaw wasn't destroying itself rn, I still should say thank you. You taught me english since I was 15. And it shows<
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theunquenchable · 2 years
Y/N: You don't think I can fight because of my gender!
Daniel: I don't think you can fight because you are in a wedding dress! For what it's worth, I don't think Vasco can fight in that dress either.
Vasco: Perhaps not. But I would make a radiant bride.
>these are too much fun, I'm sorry<
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theunquenchable · 2 years
Daniel: I mean. Jiho's just standing there now.
Daniel: Waiting for me, I guess.
Daniel: But it's okay, I think he has pretty much settled down.
Y/N: Settled down?
Daniel: Well, he only stabbed me once.
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theunquenchable · 2 years
Y/N: And now for a gay update with Jay.
Jay: 🏳️‍🌈⬆️
Y/N: Thank you, Jay.
>These incorrect x reader quotes are purely self indulgent<
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theunquenchable · 2 years
Vasco, peeling a banana: May I take your jacket, sir? Hahahaha
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theunquenchable · 2 years
Jerry: Sorry it took so long to bail you out of prison.
Jake: No, it was my fault. I shouldn't have used my one phone call to prank call the police station.
>part of me is always like "Jake is not like that, admit you just want to make the quote work" and then I remember the whole club Vivi arc where they gave us gems like "Jane Kim, aspiring nail artist" and several shots of specifically Jake's ass, called his best asset.<
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theunquenchable · 2 years
I can't be the only one who wonders how Lookism is going to end.
Like, where does it go? How do we resolve the MAIN plotline of the story?
If you have forgotten (I don't blame you ,this story does a 180 every two weeks), the main character literally has two bodies and one mind. How is this going to end?
Is Daniel going to die?
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theunquenchable · 2 years
So um... Twilight.
Kinda like it a lot (yes, unironically, I won't be shamed!).
Might have been planning and writing a rewrite of the movies for about 2 years. Because there was so much stuff I would change, I decided to try it and actually write that shit down.
Yeah. Maybe I'll post stuff like that.
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theunquenchable · 2 years
Daniel: Can I have two straws with that milkshake?
Jay: 😳🥺💞
Daniel: With 2 straws I can drink it twice as fast!
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