All I want is an enemies to lovers relationship where we end up playing Viola and Orsino in a production of Twelfth Night and end up falling in love. Is that too much to ask?
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Just misread “clotpole” as “Chipotle”
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I don’t have much room in my heart,
but all of it goes to Momiji Sohma
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My Family and I Need Your Help!
Although it is explained in the Go Fund Me, my family and I are being removed from our home and we have until the 2nd of May to get a new place. If anyone could help my family whether it’s monetary or otherwise we would greatly appreciate it.  https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.gofundme.com%2Ff%2Fhelp-joel-and-his-family-move-into-a-new-home%3Futm_source%3Dcustomer%26utm_medium%3Dcopy_link%26utm_campaign%3Dp_cf%2520share-flow-1%26fbclid%3DIwAR1RAA59tBogfHgYoLtxy4QpeWlA5OXn7J5fy2bw2ytKDYMhxDtqHR51KaE&h=AT1TsNNEQtvHdbd329YU_TZ8xAJuiBP-WkO0bCrlOEMAWKJI_ZUkaev94xvc3TGH51gAS7e7wtzeDhJY7jTw7VN-ubviXlLDnuhAnsa6EJ1m75WT2IN8XblCmEPy_fXbcr39anY_OkNzHJIq01A
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Tenth Doctor as a character in Soul Eater.
For this one I used Death the Kid as a reference.
He would definitely be a Meister. I headcannon Rose as his partner and she would be a sword. :)
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Ok more of my weird, niche art interests.
So I used to be pretty obsessed with drawing gnomes now I have a new one.
I draw characters I like from TV Shows and head cannon them in the Soul Eater Universe. I’ve done a few so far that I’m going to start posting.
I know people aren’t going to care, but my sister says I should put them on tumblr, so....
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[Image description in Alt Text.] [ID: Red, block text on a transparent background. The text reads: ‘Fanfic Author PSA’. The dark red Archive of Our Own logo is depicted on either side of the lettering. End ID.]
Many people who read fanfiction also require the assistance of text-to-speech or audio description software. Blind and visually impaired people are very much present in the fanfiction and fandom communities, but are so frequently disregarded or forgotten about.
If you are writing a work and like to utilise paragraph breaks, please do not use combinations such as the following:
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[Image description in Alt Text. I have used an image to avoid what I will describe below.] [ID: Four examples of punctuation and icons that are disruptive when used as line breakers. The first line is a series of O letters. The second is a series of asterisks. The third is a series of dots, circles and stars. The last is a series of tildes. End ID.]
The software will read these combinations out loud letter for letter or symbol for symbol. For example; it would read to the user the word ‘asterisk’ six times in a row, or the word ‘tilde’ five times in a row.
This is unpleasant, confusing and often irritating for blind or visually impaired readers. If you would like a similar sample of what it would sound like, enter one of the above combinations into Google Translate and use the audio button.
Here is a post by @ao3commentoftheday​ that also details this difficulty and provides links to downloadable audio transcribers and fanfiction audio readers. These are also helpful for if you simply wish to listen to fanfiction but can’t find a podfic of the work.
Screen Reader Friendly and Screen Reader Compatible are AO3 tags that help visually impaired readers track and access fanfiction that is consciously created with their needs in mind. Please consider adding these tags to your works in order to expand the range of works that visually impaired readers can safely and confidently access.
Alternatives to these are:
Utilise HTML or embedded line break functions where possible, such as the feature on the Archive’s editing functions. Most screen readers should be equipped to understand these.
[Line breaker] can also be read by most screen readers. While not as aesthetic, it’s still functional.
Use an image divider/breaker and utilise the Alt Text or [ ] descriptor functions to label it as a line breaker.
Reminder: ‘liking’ this post does not spread awareness.
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No way Ralph Bohner is a real name. I mean have you ever seen Evan Peters Quicksilver? Also never confirmed to be his real name in the show. All he does is make a boner joke.
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Ok I’m gonna post a WandaVision theory/hot take real quick because I’ve been thinking about it a lot and need to talk about it.
So I (like everyone else) freaked out with the Evan Peters reveal because...well come on. But it got me thinking.
All the new X-men movies take place in a different decade, no one mentions it and no one gets older.
First Class: 60’s
Days of Future Past: 70’s
Apocalypse: 80’s
Dark Phoenix: 90’s
None of the characters truly age. This is evident because they make a pure distinction between “old” characters and “young” characters (ex. Sir Patrick Stewart as “Old” Professor X and James McAvoy as “Young” Professor X). Plus none of the human characters age either (see Rose Byrne as Moira in both First Class and Apocalypse; two movies that take place 20 years apart.) Normally people’s features would look a little different (at least) with a time gap like that.
And what else is like that?
WandaVision (obviously).
So maybe she didn’t create a whole new reality, she just inserted herself and her story into one that already existed. Or created a bridge between the two realities.
Anyways I know this is a lot. And I haven’t actually read the comics so maybe it’s explained there, but this is just a theory I have. I’m SOOOO excited to see how the X-Men movies fit into marvel now. Wow.
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Here is Harrison and his dragon
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This came to me in a vision
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Here’s another one.
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Alright I don’t have tons of followers but I have a weird special interest lately and nowhere to share it so here we go.
I’ve been drawing Gnomes. It started because my sister went off to college with tons of plants so I got her a Gnome as a joke. Then for Christmas she gave me a Gnome. And I started really wanting to draw my own Gnome “OCs” (if you will).
So now whenever I draw one I’m going to post it here (just for fun).
This is Sunshine! (He’s my favorite at the moment! 😁)
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people who argue over whos the better (gay) fictional wizard, gandalf or dumbledore, are BOTH wrong. its merlin from the sword in the stone (1963).
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bbc merlin is just an adaption to pixar's ratatouille, merlin is remy the rat whilst arthur is linguini, merlin helps and guide arthur through challenges (in ratoutille it's cooking) and essentially controls his destiny and tries to being the best out of him
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Happy December 10th
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i mean, y’all asked ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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