Oh my gosh. I just found this website that walks you though creating a believable society. It breaks each facet down into individual questions and makes it so simple! It seems really helpful for worldbuilding!
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I genuinely hate this piece of writing advice. What is your most hated?
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Henry and Paige enjoy a quiet moment on a ship, based on an actual scene from The Girl Fairy Tales Forgot!
I really enjoy writing Henry and Paige's romance. It's very much a subplot of the novel and I know people tend to gripe about forced romance subplots, but these two gravitate towards each other. Theres such a sense of calm and serenity whenever theyre together, which is needed given the events they go through.
I hope the readers see them as a safe harbour, because that's kind of how they see each other.
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Love the aesthetic of writing. Would love to actually be able to write more than 100 words in a writing session one day.
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Wrote from about 6am-7.10am with the odd break in between. I ended up writing about 600 words in total which isn't a lot but it's a good start.
I'm not doing a traditional nanowrimo because it's quite bad for my mental health (I end up succeeding with 50k, but then burned out and not writing anything for months after). But I think doing a soft nano, where I aim to write even a little bit every day, might be good!
Anyone else doing something similar?
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A very small part of a very big WIP
It's time to play...guess who Henry is looking at.
Is it...
A) A warm bed (because please someone let him rest).
B) Paige being her cute self (he's smitten someone help him he's GONE)
C) Leo accidentally setting his sleeve on fire (this is a joke. Kai would laugh at this. Henry wouldn't)
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Storyteller Saturday
Once again, Saturday has struck! And once again, I want to attempt to revive this lovely event! (It was a whole lot of fun last week!)
Reblog this post if you want people to send you asks about your writing, wip, or characters today! For each ask you get, try and send one back in return!
This event was originally started by @lonely-pages-of-ink and @drist-n-dither, and was a huge, incredibly fun writeblr event when I first joined this community, but has since fallen in participation and awareness. You can read the original info post here!
And don’t feel shy about sending asks to writeblrs you know nothing about—this is a wonderful way to get to know new stories, and make new friends!
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Get a girl who can do both 😅
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I really love Skye (Sofie) as a character. She's so soft and gentle, what someone might see as hyper feminine traits. But she's incredibly strong and chose fire magic as her specialty, something her court frowned apon as fire magic is seen as more masculine. But they can't say shit cause you know...she weilds fire and she's their princess 😂
Writing her friendship with Paige has been so amazing. We love wholesome, female friendships in this house!
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I get so excited every time you post a new snippet or something from your novel!!
The process of writing, editing, and publishing must take so much time and effort—but there will be so, so many readers on the other side of it who’ll be glad you put in that time. So this is just a thank you, I guess, for putting so much love into your writing process 💕.
Not me reading this after feeling bad I couldn't write today and wondering if I'll ever achieve my goal of publishing 😭😭😭😭
Bless you anon!!!! You've made my evening!!!
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Preview of one my novel chapter. Sad boi Prince Leo hours plus Kai stops being tsundere for five minutes and finds the experience traumatising 😂
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Work has been so stressful recently, I'm amazed I got any writing done.
Are you able to write when you're stressed?
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Drawing Skye to get back into things 😊❤
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Trivia Tuesday
Creators: give a “behind the scenes” look at one of your works. This could be things that got removed or changed, the origins of ideas/details, whatever you like!
Fans: share bits of trivia from canon and challenge others to create something based on that trivia - fic, art, or something else! I once made a crossword puzzle :)
Feel free to repost this header!
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Trying to work out a writing schedule like:
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My writing journey has been fun 😅
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This one:
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