thebigass · 2 years
Thank u <3
Hey , I saw your account and i would like how to win readers on my stories. I’m new here and i’m a little lost 😅.
Thanks you <3
Hi! Welcome to the writing side of tumblr. Sorry it took me so long to answer. I hope you are doing well.
If you are looking to win readers for your stories, never underestimate the power of the tag system. Do a little research into the most common tags used by authors in your field and utilize them to your advantage.
Furthermore, look into cross-posting your stories. E.g. you can use AO3 or Wattpad or a smiliar site that is targeted to a reading audience and post the links to your stories on tumblr (or other social media sites), to promote them. Include a snappy hook line and summary to catch readers attention. The shorter and more expressive, the better.
Also be sure to interact with the community. On sites like these, people follow each other due to interaction, common interests, etc. Be active and present in your writing community and the readers will become aware of you!
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thebigass · 2 years
this is gonna be a long-ish ass post, so grab a snack, here is the whole rundown of law of assumption. im gonna be telling you how to manifest, quotes, success stories and limiting beliefs + how to get rid of them and more. ive made a similar post but since then ive gotten new followers and more people have joined the community.
⋆ ☾ : what is law of assumption?
law of assumption in simple definition is: WHATEVER YOU ASSUME, YOU WILL HAVE IN YOUR REALITY. for example if you were assuming into your reality that you own a million dollar house, BY LAW that million dollar house is yours! you will have it in your reality in no-time.
⋆ ☾ : if it’s that easy then why do people fail?
first of all you cannot “fail” in law of assumption, there is never failure in law of assumption. the law cannot fail you. people simply don’t get their desires for many reasons which i will go through.
this is a common mistake and i see it all the time, you are NOT WAITING FOR YOUR DESIRES, your desires are yours. once you assume creation is finished and your desire is yours, thats it. its done. start maintaining the state of wish fulfilled.
state of wish fulfilled isn’t being happy or excitement its the fulfilment and acceptance that your manifestation is yours, its a natural feeling.
“your assumption to be effective, cannot be a single isolated act, it must be a maintained attitude of wish fulfilled” — Neville Goddard
you cannot serve two masters at once, to successfully manifest you must kill the old beliefs you’ve had, you must get rid of the limiting beliefs you’ve entertained. for example if you’re manifesting a new desired appearance you can’t keep persisting in the assumption that you’re ugly and start tearing yourself apart, you must persist in the assumption that you HAVE your desired appearance.
if right now you’re currently seeing things that you’re unhappy with DARE TO ASSUME THE BEST LIFE YOU WANT. any circumstance you are in you can get it out of the way, time is not an obstacle. nothing is when you’re a god, assume big and beautiful because there is nothing you cant have.
i understand majority of us are in undesirable circumstances so i do have a post if you’re struggling here
THIS IS WRONG! you do not have to lift a finger to get what you want, you can stay in the comfort of your bed and home to get your dream life, the only thing you have to do is get out of the comfort zone of a victim mindset. methods, yes they’re helpful but are they necessary? no. you do not have to do the void, SATs, scripting, 5x55 or 3x33 or lullaby method to get what you want. you just need yourself and your mind.
as i mentioned before, you cannot fail. so GO ALL IN, start taking that leap of faith, nothing bad will happen, start believing in yourself and start having faith within yourself because trust me YOU CAN. you can do it.
majority of people have this longing fear that they’re wasting their time but it WILL WORK and its NOT A WASTE OF TIME. the biggest risk is sitting there idly by not doing anything and staying in the same position when know all this power you have!
self concept is something everyone will benefit from no matter what, take it from me. when i focused on my self concept i got better treatment from other people, people treated me with respect, i treated myself with respect, toxicity out of my life, fortune and luck everywhere i go.
our concept of ourselves revolves around our manifestations; if you always thought of yourselves as ugly, a loser, stupid you don’t have that self respect for yourself and you dont feel worthy enough. look at rihanna, rihanna treats herself highly and so does everyone else around her. why? because she has a high concept of herself SHE KNOWS she deserves to be treated with the upmost respect and she reflects that.
⋆ ☾ : so it’s really that easy?
YES! it really is that easy, a lot of people don’t think its easy because of the way they VIEW it. some people view law of assumption as a job or a chore when it really isnt. we assume everyday without even realising it, when we see food that looks gross to us we assume that it most-likely tastes like absolute garbage and because we assumed so..IT IS!
that girl in your school who you think is a snobby little privileged bully? if you changed their assumption on them and replaced it with new beliefs and maintained those new beliefs they would change.
⋆ ☾ : limiting beliefs and how to overcome them
limiting beliefs are normal and is completely common to have but its what we do with our limiting beliefs and how to overcome them so we can do so truly fo so much with our potential that we have.
common limiting beliefs
1. manifesting physical appearances take longer
that couldn’t be any further from the truth, manifesting physical appearances can happen instantly like any single manifestation out there however “unrealistic” it may sound.
2. it takes takes weeks to reprogram your subconscious mind
who made this UP?? it really does depend on yourself, reprogramming your subconscious isnt a MUST, you just have to change beliefs, do not force yourself. again, it can take instantly.
3. you need to affirm for a long period of time
no, you absolutely dont. you can affirm for a second you can affirm for a couple of minutes do not go overboard and create these limiting beliefs yourself. stop putting limitations on your true powers, your subconscious is your higher god self and it absorbs everything.
4. “Impressing the subconscious mind”
DO NOT EVER THINK FOR ONE SECOND YOU HAVE TO “IMPRESS” YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS MIND. your subconscious is yourself, why are you impressing yourself. your subconscious is not something out of you it is within you. you do not have to impress a thing- and a lot of people say you have to with even increases the limiting belief that you have to say tons of affirmations for the desire to “fully sink in and manifest”. that’s completely wrong.
and can i just say, you have the full responsibility of the life you choose to make. nobody else you do not have to follow the life other people have set up for you, go your own way. and also, there is no one higher above dictating whether you get your desires or not. YOU dictate and decide your desires, nobody else.
⋆ ☾ : how to manifest
in the most simplest way i am going to tell you how to exactly manifest, this time with no methods with not even lifting a finger how to manifest anything you want in life.
want that car? assume it. want to be a celebrity? assume it. want to date a celebrity? assume it. want to have your dream desired appearance? assume it is DONE. thats it, thats actually it.
If you assume your desire and live there as though it were true, no power on earth can stop it from becoming a fact — Neville GODDARD.
Change your conception of yourself and you will automatically change the world in which you live. — Neville GODDARD
Your opinion on yourself is your most important viewpoint, you are infinitely greater than you think you are — Neville GODDARD
now i want you to imagine your dream self, how do they look? how do they dress? how do they talk? how do they smell? are they smart? poise? beautiful? how do people react when they see your dream person walk into a room? now. that dream person you just imagined, is YOU. its not a dream. stop thinking that something you want is a far distant imagination that you will never reach, its not. its anything but.
have the same thoughts as you would if all assumptions were true. for example, if i was manifesting becoming an oscar-winning actress who works with best actors and actresses in the business i would be having thoughts such as…
“I am the best winning actress ever”
“I never fail at acting, I always bring my A game”
“i always work with the best people on earth, and i am so grateful for that”
“I really am that BITCH.”
see? i would embody mentally the person i want to become, and assume in it’s fullest.
this is also what you call LIVING IN THE END, living in the end is what you call THINKING FROM and not THINKING OF. you are thinking from the perspective of your manifestation already being materialised.
a motivation letter from me. . . ♡
trust me when i say you can do it, you can manifest having whatever you want in life and let nobody tell you any different. thats all their silly limiting beliefs that they’re telling you, you don’t have to believe them. start believing in the imagination. start trusting yourself because you are the operant power who holds everything together. you’re amazing, smart, beautiful in your own unique way, you’re YOU. you are so unique and you’re made up of all these beautiful thoughts and you’ll soon use those thoughts to manifest everything you could ever wish for you. now, if it ever gets too tough for you. thats okay :) no need to panic or feel any threat. you can get through it. how many situations have you been in that you felt it was the end of the world? and look at you you’re still here thriving. one day you’re gonna finally be able to wake up and realise the world you’ve created around you and say “i’ve made it”
success stories here
• apartment manifestation
• penthouse manifestation
• desired face manifestation
• self concept manifestation
• multiple success stories here
• desired chin manifestation
• iphone 11 manifestation
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thebigass · 2 years
Masterpost: How to write a story?
Compilation of writing advice for some aspects of the writing process.
How to motivate myself to write more
How to get rid of writer’s block
Basic Overview: How to write a story
How to create a character
How to make a character unique
How to write conversation
Introducing a group of characters
Large cast of characters interacting in one scene
Redemption arc
Plot twists
How to write a summary
How to write romance
How to write emotional scenes
Fatal Character Flaws
More specific scenarios
Slow burn
How to create quick chemistry
How to write a bilingual character
How to create and write a cult
Criminal past comes to light
Reasons for breaking up while still loving each other
Forbidden love
Date gone wrong
Causes for the apocalypse
How to create a coffee shop atmosphere
How to write enemies to lovers
How to write lovers to enemies to lovers
Arranged matrimony for royalty
Paramilitary Forces/ Militia
Academic Rivals to Lovers
How to write amnesia
AU ideas
Favourite tropes
Inconvenient things a ghost could do
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thebigass · 2 years
I finally found an idea!
I already have the banner:
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I even started to write it, it is a bit long I admit. I already have the whole scenario in mind, I'm trying to post it as quickly as possible.
I already give you the synopsis:
You travel from village to village and you decide to take a break near a small paradise oasis. It's evening, you see a shooting star and you decide to make a wish: I wish to have a one-night stand. You decide to take a bath in the lake and when you straighten up you see a man looking at you? What does he want ? And what is this story of wishes, that he must grant?
this oneshot will be on a Jungkook x female reader .
I hope you like it if you are interested do not hesitate to subscribe to me to receive the notification.
Other fanfiction?
OMG , i'm hypnotised by this song:
I imagine a desert saleswoman who walks at night and takes a break. She sees in the sky a kind of shooting star and there, there is a man who arrives but he is naked (lol). And…. then I don't know, I have to think again.
Maybe not an alien, it's too weird right?
A vampire ? who falls from the sky? LMAO
a dark romance...or a ennemie to lovers ? Or just a oneshot cute ?
I think a one shot but i dont know for the genre romance .
I don't know , I have to think again !
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thebigass · 2 years
ff:Silver Mask pt.1//K.Th BTS
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synopsis:Sea Merrygrass, a young spy experienced in jewelry theft, is sent on a mission in search of an $8 billion finery. But she crossed his path again, the same path she had already taken and which she had always failed. The path of Silver Mask, a demon as good a spy as he is a good player.
warning: Words, vulgar behavior. Uses of weapons. Sexual intercourse
The car stops abruptly at the same time as I finished polishing my make-up. I am ready. My sidekick by my side, Chase, gets out of the car and heads for my door to open it. He is handsome in his burgundy red suit and black tie. His Tiger's tail moves slightly, his ears are straightened on his head, he is waiting for me with his hand outstretched in my direction. I slightly pull my dress of the same color as Chase's costume, and take her main one in order to go out. A huge staircase made us do . I look around me, the clouds whip us with all their humidity, I knew I should have taken a jacket.
We are located on a floating island, the highest in the sky, where the king of the Kingdom of Grimehaven resides. A huge kingdom where luxury, sex, gambling and drugs intertwine to create a firework of extreme enjoyment. The floating islands are allowed only to those of great power, the mainland is Grimehaven and below all that is the abandoned part of the kingdom, where the poorest or most dangerous inhabitants are found. I come from the latter, from a very young age I had to learn to fly for my survival and that of my parents. But when I was arrested when I was 16 for the robbery of a bank, Mr. Batagar, a minotaur with an imposing presence, freed me by paying a huge sum of money to the prison where I was locked up. He took me under his wing and now here I am working for him.
I reposition my bag to match my outfit, I pass my hand in front of my eyes to reveal my mask covering just my eyes. Chase took his mask out of his pocket and put it on. The car sped off in order to suffer its wings and fall into the void.
I raise my head towards the castle in front of us, it is enormous only by its width and its height. It is imposing and very illuminated.
The people around us who head for the stairs below are dressed in dresses, suits, adorned with jewels which must include a bra. If I have time, I'll steal some of these necklaces.
Chase is ahead of me and I'm close behind. Arrived in front of the centaurs of security showed our false invitations before making us return. Well, the most complicated remains to be seen. Chase looks at me and we understand each other. He literally tells me not to screw up and then he leaves me. I take a deep breath and approach the bar to put myself in a corner to observe. I take a glass of champagne and take a slow, long sip, I need strength not to fail the mission and alienate Mr. Batagar. Just thinking about it gives me tremendous pressure. I put the glass strewn with my red lipstick on the bar table.
Everyone talks and laughs among themselves, as well as Chase. He must have found the prey. His mission is to extract information about our rivals from their new recruit, a boy with the face of an angel but completely naive.
Our rivals. that means he's there. I must not waste any more time, I take a deep breath and get myself in condition.
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thebigass · 2 years
Other fanfiction?
OMG , i'm hypnotised by this song:
I imagine a desert saleswoman who walks at night and takes a break. She sees in the sky a kind of shooting star and there, there is a man who arrives but he is naked (lol). And…. then I don't know, I have to think again.
Maybe not an alien, it's too weird right?
A vampire ? who falls from the sky? LMAO
a dark romance...or a ennemie to lovers ? Or just a oneshot cute ?
I think a one shot but i dont know for the genre romance .
I don't know , I have to think again !
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thebigass · 2 years
Welcome to my universe
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Hello everyooonnee!
It's time to present my account, it will be a bit long I think...
SO! First of all, i'm going to talk a bit about myself :
My name is Carla but my author name is Babydull or Thebigass
I speack French but I would like to start a new adventure but in English( that explains why I created this account).Sorry for my fault in advance .
I like to read and precisely, it makes me want to write. I like romances (more enemies to lovers or dark romances), fantasy,ect. I like to play RPG games, or weapons games (Lol, call of duty, clash of clans, …)
I like k-pop, anime, manga and everything related to it.
I think I have done the trick... :)
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Now let's talk about the account
Welcome ! This is my account where I write my fanfiction.
You will be able to discover a universe of adventure, romance, fantasy and many other things.
If you want to suggest specific stories to me, you can do so via my profile in the "proposal" section and if you have any questions about me or my stories, you can do so in the "FAQ" section.
It's a new adventure for me, so I hope you'll like what I'm writing and that we'll have fun.
Right now, I'm looking to talk to people to make friends here, so if you want us to get to know each other my DMs are open. :p
If I have more to say, I'll edit the post.
Alright, that's it! Come in masses to my account and read my stories, it will make me happy.
Kiss and see you sooooon :)
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thebigass · 2 years
ff:Silver Mask |prologue|//K.Th BTS
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synopsis:Sea Merrygrass, a young spy experienced in jewelry theft, is sent on a mission in search of an $8 billion finery. But she crossed his path again, the same path she had already taken and which she had always failed. The path of Silver Mask, a demon as good a spy as he is a good player.
warning: Words, vulgar behavior. Uses of weapons. Sexual intercourse
The car stops abruptly at the same time as I finished polishing my make-up. I am ready. My sidekick by my side, Chase, gets out of the car and heads for my door to open it. He is handsome in his burgundy red suit and black tie. His Tiger's tail moves slightly, his ears are straightened on his head, he is waiting for me with his hand outstretched in my direction. I slightly pull my dress of the same color as Chase's costume, and take her main one in order to go out. A huge staircase made us do . I look around me, the clouds whip us with all their humidity, I knew I should have taken a jacket.
We are located on a floating island, the highest in the sky, where the king of the Kingdom of Grimehaven resides. A huge kingdom where luxury, sex, gambling and drugs intertwine to create a firework of extreme enjoyment. The floating islands are allowed only to those of great power, the mainland is Grimehaven and below all that is the abandoned part of the kingdom, where the poorest or most dangerous inhabitants are found. I come from the latter, from a very young age I had to learn to fly for my survival and that of my parents. But when I was arrested when I was 16 for the robbery of a bank, Mr. Batagar, a minotaur with an imposing presence, freed me by paying a huge sum of money to the prison where I was locked up. He took me under his wing and now here I am working for him.
I reposition my bag to match my outfit, I pass my hand in front of my eyes to reveal my mask covering just my eyes. Chase took his mask out of his pocket and put it on. The car sped off in order to suffer its wings and fall into the void.
I raise my head towards the castle in front of us, it is enormous only by its width and its height. It is imposing and very illuminated.
The people around us who head for the stairs below are dressed in dresses, suits, adorned with jewels which must include a bra. If I have time, I'll steal some of these necklaces.
Chase is ahead of me and I'm close behind. Arrived in front of the centaurs of security showed our false invitations before making us return. Well, the most complicated remains to be seen. Chase looks at me and we understand each other. He literally tells me not to screw up and then he leaves me. I take a deep breath and approach the bar to put myself in a corner to observe. I take a glass of champagne and take a slow, long sip, I need strength not to fail the mission and alienate Mr. Batagar. Just thinking about it gives me tremendous pressure. I put the glass strewn with my red lipstick on the bar table.
Everyone talks and laughs among themselves, as well as Chase. He must have found the prey. His mission is to extract information about our rivals from their new recruit, a boy with the face of an angel but completely naive.
Our rivals. that means he's there. I must not waste any more time, I take a deep breath and get myself in condition.
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