tedricknivison · 1 month
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I’m calling it: Gwendolyn Bouchard
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tedricknivison · 2 years
I think it’s the editing and not his camera
I’ve never liveblogged anything before, clearly, I think I’m doing Too much
I’ve decided I’m liveblogging about the new Chuckle Sandwich episode
I’m five minutes in, they’re talking about penises, Ted really misses Charlie
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tedricknivison · 2 years
Something is up with Schlatt’s camera and Wilbur is apparently? offending entire nations
I’ve decided I’m liveblogging about the new Chuckle Sandwich episode
I’m five minutes in, they’re talking about penises, Ted really misses Charlie
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tedricknivison · 2 years
I’m really glad they decided to put Charlie‘s empty chair with him vaguely screaming in the intro, that was really nice to see and also maybe I was a little bit sad about it. But I would’ve been more upset if they just cut him out entirely
I’ve decided I’m liveblogging about the new Chuckle Sandwich episode
I’m five minutes in, they’re talking about penises, Ted really misses Charlie
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tedricknivison · 2 years
I’ve decided I’m liveblogging about the new Chuckle Sandwich episode
I’m five minutes in, they’re talking about penises, Ted really misses Charlie
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tedricknivison · 2 years
Guys band camp starts tomorrow which means Hopefully I can have more ideas for y’all-
I still greatly love and Live In this AU y’know but tbh rn Dungeons and Daddies (Not a BDSM Podcast) has my soul and also y’know Charlie left Chuckle Sandwich and it’s been like Months without a new episode and all
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tedricknivison · 2 years
I've been thinking about this AU again recently and I'd love to start up some more bullet lists but Unfortunately I am gay and busy and in school, just know that this will never be truly dead
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tedricknivison · 2 years
One of the songs that Schlatt added is “SexyBack” by Justin Timberlake and Timbaland
Every time it comes on Charlie acts so confused and almost offended
“Jesus Schlatt why’d you even add this song??”
“Why hasn’t it been removed yet dude what are you on??”
Etc.. I had more examples but I can’t remember them rn lmao
But. Jokes on Charlie because he secretly does love this song. It’s his most “well-kept” secret but he’s not fooling anyone. Schlatt can see right through him lol
Charlie will always start dancing around, holding out his hand for Schlatt so they can dance together, singing along with the lyrics, the whole shebang
And Schlatt will never take this song off because he gets to watch Charlie bounce and dance and be all cute about it
The Playlist Situation
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tedricknivison · 2 years
I love your new Connor headcannon! And in the end I did see something that said Connor is the first person Schlatt cries in front of. And now, I want that so bad! Thanks for writing these, it's always entertaining and well written. Hope you're having a great day!
Agsgdjag thank you this means so much to me!!!
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tedricknivison · 2 years
Characters- Connor
Please omgs deserves every good thing
He and Schlatt met on a “Gay Teens Hangout” Amino when they were 11
(Too young, yes, I know)
There was a whole little friend group, they moved from Amino to Discord pretty quickly lmao
They all knew Connor as “Olivia” at this point though- OliviaEatsPants
(He’s trans ftm, didn’t know it at 11 though. He thought he was a lesbian)
Actually, the “-EatsPants” username comes from a funny little story; when he was younger, maybe idk 5?, he saw some cookies or something shaped like pants
Immediately made his parents buy out all of the pants cookie boxes
Would cry if they tried feeding him a meal without a pants cookie
So they kept buying the cookies until he got old enough to be able to Live even if he didn’t have at least one per day
(They’re still like his favorite food though, he gets them whenever he can)
Oh yo segueway to talk about his parents lmao
They suck so
[Angst- homophobia, transphobia, Lots of uhh Poor Parenting Choices]
Yea I hate them lmao
Somehow Connor’s parents are stimultenously super helicopter-y and completely Absent?
Idk I don’t get it either
His mom will like scream and yell about something he did at school (like? Do poorly on a test or something?) for two hours straight and then completely ignore him crying every night for four weeks lmaoo
He was super sheltered as a child, but instead of slowly adjusting him to the Internet they just gave him a phone in like 4th grade and basically went “go ham”
So. Welcome To The Internet by Bo Burnham plays basically
Immediately finds his way to All the social media sites- tumblr, Discord, Amino, fucking MySpace idk
Finds gay shit- “oh wow I can like women? Nice!”
Tries mentioning lesbians/lgbtq+ community to his parents
That was a mistake oh no
Lots of yelling and screaming and “I hope all of those f*gs and d*kes die” like stfu its not our fault you’re failing as a person
Somehow “And don’t even get me started on those tr*nnies and tr*ps” comes up and. Ouch
That hits Connor (currently Olivia) extra hard
“welp I guess I better distance myself from These Ideas right now!!”
He does, for bit
It gets harder (living with his parents)
So he makes his way back, because at least there were people who seemed to care there
Meets Schlatt!!! Has a friend group!!!! They chat on Discord!!! (/pos)
Learns more about transgender people and the whole concept!!! (/neg, he doesn’t want to think about this but keeps. Going back to it)
Mentions it in the Discord friend group (a bunch of cis, mainly white, 11-16-year olds, who are mainly just gay or lesbian. Very few m-spec people, at least few who know so far)
That was also a mistake oh no x2
One of the oldest kids (15, chronically online, probably accidentally finds herself in a lot of TERF spaces and ends up internalizing the rhetoric)
She’s all up in here like “fuck no trans women are pervs and trans men are confused, don’t bring that up in this server. Don’t be ruined with their brainwashing”
Wow I Really Hate this random chick I just made up wow I hate it here
(Am I projecting rn? Is this me working through trauma?)
That definately cements the closet that Connor’s in
He kinda hates himself a bit more now :/
But then this friend group starts falling apart, first this chick starts demonizing any sort of questioning the younger kids are going through, some of them get forced off of Discord/social media by their parents, some just leave quietly because gosh darn this is Toxic
Connor and Schlatt have been one of the “sets” in the group since forever, so they’ve stayed in tough, mainly talking in their private server now
They’re each others’ constant, they know just about everything about the other
Absolute besties, platonic soulmates (they just mean so much to me rn ok??)
But yea uh
[End of Angst]
One day Schlatt logs onto Discord just to see “ConnorEatsPants’’ in the place of “OliviaEatsPants” on the private story
Idk how old they are probably in 6th grade
Schlatt, over Discord: hey o do you want me to call yuo connor now?
Connor, also over Discord: … yes please and also he/him pronouns? Thank you I was really very scared about this
Very chill and easy
Connor feels. So much better now
Even though he knows he probably can’t ever tell his parents, telling Schlatt is a big step in his own personal healing
There was a lot of building up to it lmao
But he did it!! Connor did it!!! And Schlatt is perfect and lovely and accepts him!!!
Schlatt asks later if he’s still a lesbian, to which Connor says “...no I guess not, I guess I’m straight?”
Very weird to go from being gay to being straight so it takes a bit but he gets comfortable there
Connor’s so happy when he hears that Schlatt is gonna be able to leave his house
He’s so jealous, but he’s so overwhelmingly happy about it
His bestie will be safe!!!
And he video/voice calls with Schlatt fairly often so Connor gets to know Charlie (and Ted) well enough
(They’re in the same or similar time zones so)
(Idk felt important to mention but I wasn’t sure where lol)
He approves of them when Schlatt tells Connor he likes them
Connor gets a bit worried about what it could mean for his and Schlatt’s future plans, but Schlatt’s there to reassure him whenever
Speaking of their future plans
They’re gonna go to college together
They’re gonna get an apartment together and heal and everything
They have it planned out very well, very in-depth
Connor uses a lot of escapism in his daily life so he spends a lot of time thinking about it lmao
Actually when they were younger, they entertained the idea of running away and meeting up somewhere in between their houses
Didn’t happen, fortunately
But it almost did, Connor did think it was an actual plan and not just talking about it
(He was a bit gullliable in 5th grade)
(Oh I am projecting huh)
Yea that’s all they’re besties and I love Connor
Schlatt always makes time for Connor, despite them Not Living Close and him having a lot of guard stuff
Connor always is there for Schlatt, probably the first person Schlatt cries around (over call but. Still counts) that he remembers)
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tedricknivison · 2 years
I added and changed quite a bit, I am On A Roll tonight!! The new parts have an asterick (*) at the beginning of each bullet point, and there’s a whole new section at the end featuring ConnorEatsPants!! Go check it out if you wish!!!
Characters- Schlatt
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tedricknivison · 2 years
As I work on more character sheets (I’m adding ConnorEatsPants to the mix!!) and more scenarios, I’d just like to let y’all know I’ve started making this playlist!!! It’s collaborative because I invited one of my irls who is also Invested in this AU and he’s gonna add some songs eventually. In that vein, I’d like to ask that y’all Refrain from adding songs please!! If you have song suggestions, please feel free to send them to me with the character you think would like it!! 
Scenario- Playlist
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tedricknivison · 2 years
The Playlist Situation
Ok so
Pretty soon into Schlatt moving in with Charlie, they found that while they have a lot of overlapping interests in songs, they also have a lot that’s different
And they both like doing homework together, but they also both like having music on while doing homework
So of course, instead of just using earbuds or headphones or something like normal people, they decide to make.
An absolute banger.
Best mashup ever.
Of a playlist.
It’s got all of their overlapping songs, but it also has a bunch of songs they each individually like.
It’s like one of those shared playlist on Spotify? Yknow? They have it in order so it’s a both song, a Charlie song, and then a Schlatt song but they just as often use shuffle play.
(Eventually they also let Ted on but that happens a bit later-)
(Also at one point Schlatt just added a bunch of songs with a variation of “Charlie” in the title, once Charlie caught on he did the same for songs that had “Schlatt” or “Jonathan” in the title. There are a lot more songs with “Schlatt” in the title than you’d think.)
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tedricknivison · 3 years
Guys ahaha I Promise I Still Think About This-
Marching season ended (how I got all of my ideas, I’ve got no clue what Charlie would do die the rest of the school year what do football players do?? Idfk??!??), I got super busy and then I hyperfixated on Red Notice so. I’m a few episodes behind on Chuckle Sandwich ngl. Don’t worry, I hate it too omgs
If anyone has Any Ideas At All please please please feel free to send them in I’d love to jump into them!!!
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tedricknivison · 3 years
Sleepover Vibes
(This’ll be like what each of them are like at sleepovers and such)
Technically, Charlie and Schlatt lowkey have been having an ongoing sleepover for like. Years honestly
But it’s different to *sleep in the same room* and to *have a sleepover* y’know?
When they first started having sleepovers, it was always a whole thing
(In like 6th grade when they all met and got close)
Planning for a week before, Charlie’s mom took them out to a fun restaurant each time, pre-picked movies, the whole works
(None of them really had many friends that they’d have sleepovers/play dates with before each other, besides Charlie and Grace, so Charlie was like the only one who even slightly knew what to do lmao)
Schlatt didn’t feel safe being asleep around other people so he always stayed up the latest and woke up the earliest
Ted was a similar way so they’d both stay up until one (or both) of them just accidentally fell asleep
Charlie always fell asleep first naturally so it didn’t bother him, he’s also an early waker so they’d all be up by 9 am anyways
Eventually Ted and Schlatt trusted Charlie and each other enough to fall into their natural sleep patterns
(And also Schlatt basically started living with Charlie so he had minimal choice there tbh)
Mrs.Slimecicle also just started having her house open to Ted and Schlatt anytime really
Like they have to ask if they wanna stay over but she’s only really said no like a couple times
The little group will go over to Charlie’s house to study or something and just end up sleeping over, even on school nights sometimes
They get into this really nice routine with waking up, too
Charlie ends up falling asleep and waking up first
He’s usually the middle or big spoon when sleeping, and he takes a ~10 minute shower in the morning almost everyday
Schlatt wakes up next, naturally about when Charlie gets out of the shower
He also tends to fall asleep at the same time as Charlie
Schlatt is almost always the little spoon, and when he wakes up he immediately goes down and starts helping Mrs.Slimecicle with breakfast (after like using the bathroom and shit, if he’s awake for too long without eating he gets faint)
Ted falls asleep and wakes up last
He’s also usually the big spoon, by this point he’s not falling asleep last because he’s scared but because he likes watching his boys sleep (in a non-creepy way I promise)
Like it just makes him feel so safe to see them so calm and quiet, and that extra layer of safety is what lulls him to sleep
And when he does wake up, he makes Charlie’s bed up
And then they either go to school together or go on whatever kind of adventures and such!!!!
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tedricknivison · 3 years
Post-game Routine
I had Good Thoughts and then I Forgot oh no
OH YO I have other ones
After (most) games, the boys go out to eat at 24 Hour Non-Descript Town Diner with some other FNL members (cheer, band, guard, football)
Schlatt always gets a hot chocolate and Ted always drinks some of that, as well as just having a glass of milk
(When the hot chocolate is too hot, Ted will pour some of his milk in to help it cool down)
What Charlie gets to drink greatly depends on his mood, but he always gets the same pancake and bacon meal
Schlatt gets a breakfast burrito and like three sides, he has a habit of Heavily Overordering
It’s ok though because the other color guard member who comes with them (who is it idk but they’re all in the same grade and she’s? great give me suggestions please please) always underorders
So they share a lot
Ted gets a grilled cheese and uhhh hash browns (he eats both with ketchup) (yes I’m projecting my strange eating habits onto him hush)
By this point Charlie’s getting tired so Schlatt starts with his whining act so they can hurry up and get home
(Charlie’s RSD makes it so that he can rarely ask to just leave when he’s tired so Schlatt’s figured out how to pick up on it, and since he’s good at making a fake scene he just does it for Charlie)
(We stan Schlatt in this household)
Then depending on the week, the three of them might end up at Charlie’s house for the night
(At least Charlie and Schlatt do, every week)
They stink
All three of them? Stinky sweaty boys
When they first started this routine (9th grade) two of them would shower, one in the family bathroom and one in the master bathroom, while the third waited for them to finish
That took way too long
(Schlatt usually takes long-ass showers and somehow he always ended up in the family bathroom first? Not great for the other two lmao)
So they started just. Showering together? (Probably 10th grade)
Totally platonically, y’know? (/hj)
Idk how they all fit don’t ask me
This is fiction I can do whatever I want (/nm)
It was super awkward at first but eventually they got comfortable with it
Cue a hair-washing line lmao
Ted washing Schlatt’s hair washing Charlie’s hair (unintentionally height order)
Ted hates people washing his hair for him, otherwise it’d be a full circle lol
But yea that’s what usually happens, comfortably quiet washing up together
And then they go sleep lol they’re exhausted
Charlie gets them in bed otherwise Ted and Schlatt would just be. Hanging out
Charlie goes “guys I’m fucking tired come hold me and sleep”
Uh anyways we had our last football game today and I’m Emotional but I also have to be up in like four hours help-
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tedricknivison · 3 years
Characters- Charlie
Oh bro
I love him
As always he is simply the Sweetest man
He’s a football player
(I have no clue how football works at all so bear with me here, and feel free to correct me at any point lol)
He’s like number 15? He started in 8th grade outside of his middle school and got real good real fast
Charlie is just generally really good at sports though- he did competitive swim for a bit in elementary school, he tried out competitive rock climbing in middle school, and he did every one of the seasonal sports his middle school offered
He just. Really likes sports lol
He’s a quarterback and therefore plays uh offense (I did have to ask my football friend for clarification here lmao)
Charlie hurts himself at least one game each season (sprained ankle, broken leg, broken arm, etc.. He broke a tooth once too it was intense)
He also goes all out for the “dress for success” thing his team does every game day he’s so cute omgs
(Schlatt loves it a lot he’s weak for business man!Charlie lmao)
His older brother (I’m naming him Benjamin/Ben) got diagnosed with autism when he was really young and they decided to get Charlie screened and tested too once they read that it was often heredity
Charlie ended up being allistic but he does have ADHD so they made necessary adjustments
And the Slimecicle household is one of the most neurodivergent-friendly ones there is lmao
That’s why they had him in any sport he expressed interest in actually lol
Charlie and Ben have very opposite sensory issues so that did lead to some conflict, but overall they’re really close
Charlie’s dad either works at one of those jobs where the company flies him out for like a week or two at a time and then he’s home most weekends OR your average 9-5
Charlie’s mom runs a bakery lmao bet you weren’t expecting that (/j /ref)
Generally though they’re well-off and can afford to pay for their children’s schooling
(Charlie’s brother is in college for most of his high school career)
Which means that when Charlie’s family starts like “funding”? Schlatt, the plan is for him to sleep in Ben’s room
He ends up sleeping in Charlie’s room almost every night lmao
(Unless one of them is sick, in which case Mrs. Slimecicle makes them sleep in separate rooms)
Yea it’s super sweet and cute and I love his family
(Also they live in a two story house it’s not super relevant but it’s important to me!!!)
Uh that’s about it for his family rn?
Charlie and Grace met in kindergarten!!!!
The song “We’re Going To Be Friends” by The White Stripes?
Them <3
He loves it when she sings
It makes him so happy and the first time they sang together (for fun, probably in 1st grade or something) he was super happy stimming it was so cute
Aahahhsgj I just love them
[Ship Content- No Smut]
Everyone thought they were dating since like. Idk forever?
But they actually got together near the end of 6th grade
There was an “end-of-year” school dance
And Grace went and asked Charlie like “her do you want to go to the dance with me?”
And he was like “ahaha wdym we always go together with our little group”
(He wanted her to mean as a couple and that’s what he thought she meant, but he wanted to make sure he was reading it correctly lol)
Grace like grabbed his face and went “no like together-together”
And Charlie went *smushed* “oh yesh actually I’d rweally like that”
And then they both went and freaked out over that separately lmao it was really sweet
He immediately told Schlatt and bro they like happy-cried about it together
Anyways they’ve been together ever since
Of course they’ve had their spats and stuff but it usually gets resolved very quickly because otherwise they get sad about it
And then in like 9th grade Grace tells Charlie that she’s polyam and panromantic and asexual (woah I accidentally projected my 6th grade self there-)
And Charlie doesn’t know what any of that means so he Heavily Researches it and asks A Lot of clarifying questions
It’s really sweet she really appreciates it
And for some reason the definition/experience of polyamory really sticks with him but he’s not gonna think about it too much rn he’s too busy-
And Grace gets a girlfriend from theater and Charlie loves her sm (/p)
(Idk who Grace’s gf could be though so like suggestions? I’ll take ‘em)
Grace keeps encouraging Charlie to explore his own sexuality and -amory style (?) as much as he wants to
So eventually he does, he goes back to the polyamory thing
But there aren’t any other girls he likes?
So he tells Grace, he’s like “I really identify with polyamory but uh I don’t like any other girls” and she responds with “what about boys?” and oh
He hadn’t thought of that
So there’s a new layer to unpack now
And unpack it he does
He remembers seeing this one thing- demisexual? Demiromantic?- when he was researching asexuality
And goes back there, thinking more about that plus the polyamory plus the possible boy(s)?
Ah yea there it is there’s the realization ahaha
Yup. Schlatt. That’s it.
So he tells Grace and bro they are so excited together
Cue lots of talking about crushes while simultaneously on a romantic date together
(Honestly goals though but /p)
So he just kind of keeps living with it and pining and being oblivious to any sort of insight into Schlatt’s crush lmao
Silly silly man
He doesn’t particularly try to get over it or anything because like it really doesn’t feel that much different from before? So he’s just here vibing
He does come out to the rest of his friend group too, as polyam and demiomnisexual
(Grace is a big fan of smaller, lesser known labels and loves sharing them with Charlie, it’s a special interest of hers and he loves hearing about it)
That’s about when The Bro Duet with Schlatt happens
And then Ted
That’s the fastest he’s gotten a crush on someone but it’s also the fastest he’s become friends with someone
(And to be fair it took him a year and a half, so we’re in 10th grade now)
So he goes and tells Grace again and they’re being Gay together while simultaneously being Straight together at the same time again XD
Uh yea there really aren’t any other major developments until the Confession lol
[End of Ship Content]
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