taisiakat · 6 months
November Energy Reading
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For the General Collective
Oracle deck: The Shaman's Dream Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid
Music: Positive Energy & Healing For The Soul
Preface: I took some much needed time away from the focus of doing readings and such and brought my attention to more the here and now with some trauma healing work I needed to do that was more secular in nature and less overarching cosmic.
It helped me put some things into perspective especially in regards to my spirituality, my cosmic existence and this body/life experience I am currently living.
Sometimes we get caught up into the bigger picture that we forget that we are here to live this life and experience these experiences Now.
I don't know what tomorrow will bring but I do know I need to live the now more fully and be present more with these experiences so I can live a more enriched set of experiences.
Eyes of the Eagle - 18 (r) Body / Physical / Earth
Protection, Inherent trust, Rise above the Fray
An eagle soars high in the sky to have an overall wide view of their territory. They can see miles away, and catch the glimmer of their next meal with their extraordinary sight.
However, that lofty perspective can only work if the eagle is fully engaged in it's surroundings and is well versed in their territory.
Right now your perspective is focused too much about the lofty aspirations and higher potentials and not enough focus on the here, now, this moment to fully embrace and witness the good, the bad and the ugly.
These experiences, challenges, and obstacles are here to help you become the best, the most, the noblest of your self that you can be.
Take time to stop looking to the sky and start looking closer to around you, by you and at your feet. Do not judge but to be willing to hold space for, to say yes to, to just meet these experiences with a NOW present approach.
Yes, it is good to have a lofty view, but if that lofty view starts clouding your ability to see and participate in the NOW, then what is the point of lofty other than keeping your head in the clouds.
Deep Dive - 10 (r) Emotions / Feelings / Water
Embracing risk, Diving into a task, New discoveries
For those that do journal work, this is for you specifically. Especially if you spend most of your time doing journal work for healing.
Sometimes we go so deep into these spaces and places to heal, that we forget to balance the equation of work by replenishing that cleansing of the 'wound' with something that helps bring enlightenment and engagement of what that experience now means to us, as someone once said to me' Who would I be without this chaos and trauma' - to look within and look out and see how this actually has brought me to where I am.
This does not mean that the trauma, the shadow work of healing is not valuable. No, what it means is once we heal the pain, we need to marvel in the outcome and see how we now are. A better self, a wiser self, someone who has understanding of that trauma, that pain and can help others through.
One of my favorite phrases of 2020 - and still is valid today is: Please put your Universe Oxygen Mask on first before assisting others with their mask.
So take a moment and be proud of what you have accomplished with your healing journey. Explore the new freedoms of feelings and emotions that you can stretch out and experience deeper and more meaningful.
Be grateful for that experience because it brought you to this point and space. You will discover that the healing becomes even stronger and more vivid if you allow yourself to integrate that back into your emotional space without the issues of the trauma and pain.
From a previous post
Remind yourself the following:
There are NO BAD (Negative, lower frequency etc.) feelings.
What you feel is real for you.
Other peoples feelings are real to them
Empathy helps us relate to others and how they feel.
Feelings are NOT behaviors.
Learning how to detach from a feeling does not mean you don't feel the feeling. It means learning how to observe the feeling and understand the feeling so you can respond, not react to the feeling.
Allowing the feelings to integrate and heal - helps you experience life more in the now, instead of from the past.
Lost Compass - 35 Mind / Mental / Fire
Getting back to integrity, finding the way home, trusting intuition
One of the saddest realizations I had during my mini walk-about, was that we place judgement on aspects of ourselves that are just as important and Body, and Feelings; Our Mind (Id, Ego, Brain) the connector that connects our Body (the movable motion vehicle to experience this 3d experience) and our Spirit/Soul (the ever existing all knowing part that is part of the collective, the Divine, the spark of eternal beingness)
We tell ourselves as spiritualists that we need to stop using the meat mind, monkey mind, grey matter, a bunch of other terms that are judgmental and create conflict for us.
So, as I moved into this secular space of my walk-about, I was confronted with this conflict in myself.
We must realize ALL of our essence is comprised of these parts. Yes, there is an automatic function of the brain/mind that regulates the body functions. But we think, hear, smell, feel, touch, taste in the 3d world, and our mind processes and we have thoughts about them, even if you think the brain is just a switchboard, it still has value and function.
We're taught that ID is bad, EGO is bad. Again, these are man-made beliefs.
So I ask you this month to take a look at what judgement you have placed on your mental/mind, ID/EGO, thinking, processing, intelligence, and work out those traumas, issues, judgement to heal and re-integrate.
You have a great opportunity to find your mind and become whole again.
Awareness is the key.
Moon Maiden - 41 Spirit / Spirituality / Air (Higher Purpose / Noble Cause)
New ideas, New Beginnings, Curiosity
This is a new chapter, a new beginning, after doing a quiet silence reflection of where you are, how you are, it is time to take the next step in your growth and power.
Moon Maiden calls to you, be true to this calling. Stand proud, full of energy, light and curiosity, just as the maiden is with her first kiss.
We must balance all aspects of ourselves. Too many spiritualists focus on the 'everlasting', non-corporal experience and that is where they spend a lot of their time and energy healing. This isn't wrong, but if you do not live your life - you will end up missing the pleasures, experiences, and the joys this space has to offer and bring.
So the next time someone in the spiritual space says 'Why are you not doing X' ask them, How will doing X improve my experience in living this life?
You might just be surprised that they don't have a solid answer.
One final note, your path, your journey, your experience is for you. ENJOY IT
I offer written individual Full Moon, New Moon, Monthly, and weekly readings if you are interested. Contact me for more information.
Experience, observe, be curious and enjoy! The Last Chance Crone - helping you with your shit when other methods fail
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taisiakat · 11 months
Manifesting Monday - Reading for week of 06-05_06-11
Focus: Business/Career/Professional/Work related Deck: The Goddess Tarot Deck, by Kris Andreas Waldherr Music: Awakening The Goddess Within
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It is all about embracing the Divine Feminine energy this week in regards to Business, Career, Professional activities.
Doesn't matter how you identify yourself gender wise, as we all have both Energies within in us, and that we can call upon, utilize and experience.
Six of Cups: Yours, theirs, memories, good times, nostalgia
This week it's all about sharing, caring and helping, even if you are not in a service business/profession. It is about helping others find new opportunities, sharing your wisdom and knowledge with others just starting out. It's about caring about how someone else's business or professional space may not be as enriched or fulfilling as yours is.
No matter what it is, this week make sure everyone you meet within your professional space feels seen, heard and validate. Give extra time to folks. Greet them warmly and with the desire first to get to know how their day is going before rushing into what ever professional activities you are engaging with them.
Create a sweetness, gentle professionalization with each engagement so that forms a wonderful memory for the other person. And that memory will reflect back to you with more abundance coming from them.
Juno - the Goddess that watches over women and protects them, from their first breath, to their last breath, is here to help bring about some important structure changes in your day to day professional space.
It is very fitting since the Divine Feminine is the focus energy this week with business, career, professional area, that she become involved.
Remember Business is a birth of an idea.
It is a marriage of processes, programs and structures to help bring about manifesting abundance.
It is a set rituals - intents - goals to accomplish what it is you want to accomplish in this space.
Never underestimate the power of love, joy and happiness as a vital tool as we spend 1/2 of our life working, building, focusing on some career, a business, or professional path.
It is time to really really think of your professional space as a place to make sure you are doing what you love, why you love it, and how you love it.
Otherwise you're wasting your time, energy and talent.
Please feel free to ask any questions, share your thoughts, does this resonate with you, is it helpful?
Let me know how I can assist you.
@}}>`~~~ Experience, observe, be curious and enjoy!
The Last Chance Crone - helping you with your shit when other methods fail
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taisiakat · 11 months
June 2023 Strawberry Full Moon
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For the General Collective
Oracle deck: The Shaman's Dream Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid
Music: Strawberry Full Moon in Sagittarius
Candles: Red, Purple, Green, Yellow
Stones: Ruby, Amethyst, Light Jade, Citrine
Flowers: Rose, Honeysuckle, Lilac
Cards: Winter's Dream(63) Net Caster(42) Repairing the Veil(45)
Items: Shells, feathers, ribbon, netting
It's time to come out of one's shell or cocoon. Long have you waited, patiently (sometimes impatiently) for this moment to arrive, not sure what would it be like when it arrived, but knowing that this holding pattern you have been, the gestation period, would end! But it has always been on your mind - WHEN?
The Universe gave you that amazing opportunity to replenish, recharge, re-build, refocus, reconsider, exactly what it was you wanted to do, and why, but from the NOW time frame. Not from the time you originally set the intent, which so much has changed, the world has changed, and even you through all the healing and work you have done have drastically changed. And hopefully (I did) really take a hard look at all the aspects of your life and make some new intents with those ideas/goals you had set. And let go of those that no longer fit you.
This full moon is time to shed that shell, leave that cocoon, honor it, let it go, cast if off, if necessary, create a ritual of taking it off your person and placing it on the ground as an offering to the full moon and to the Universe. Feel the weight shifting, the change of the breeze now blowing upon your freshly released wings, as a butterfly. Stand proud and energized as you breathe in the energy of the Month, the Solstice coming up, you have made it through even more powerful than you were before. Rested, refreshed and revitalized.
At the same time, think of all the things you have done, preparations you have made, healing you have accomplished and give thanks, and be full of gratitude for them. For they are your new nets to use to cast out into the universe and bring in the abundance you want as you move forward now.
It's time to feel being free, to have a bit of fun, to expand your hope and desires.
Last but most important is to let go of any anger, frustration, even hatred if it even remotely exists in your space, and forgive.
One of my favorite quotes is from Nelson Mandela
Not forgiving someone is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.
Forgiveness is not about letting someone off the hook for their actions, but freeing ourselves of negative energies that bind us to them. It is repairing ourselves, from the damage that we are doing to ourselves by holding on to these energies.
Forgive yourself, forgive others, forgive those before you, and forgive those that will come after you have left this mortal coil. Flow the energy all around you of forgiveness and let it go, and help the healing.
For tonight, the 4th and the 5th, spend an hour each night, reflecting rejoicing, having some fun along with forgiving.
Blessed Be
Please feel free to ask any questions, share your thoughts, let me know how I can assist you.
@}}>`~~~ Experience, observe, be curious and enjoy! The Last Chance Crone - helping you with your shit when other methods fail
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taisiakat · 11 months
June 2023 Energy Reading
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Cards: Wisdom of the Hidden Realms
Music: Music of the Angels

The Lady of the Gift (20) Body / Physical / Earth
Generosity, receiving, withholding
With our breath, thought and energy we can create and do create amazing gifts each day of our lives. And we tend to forget that aspect of our lives, that it is US that creates our lives. Yes, the Universe provides the building blocks, the infrastructure, some of the mechanisms, cast and crew, but you are the Director of your life. You are the one that decides how to use these amazing tools to create through your breath, thoughts and energy what you will do and create.
This also means how do you share your creations, gifts and abundance with those around you, to help maintain the flow, expand the energy and support those that need assistance.
Everyday be generous, giving to others through thought, deed and energy in some manner. It does not have to be outlandish, or over the top. It doesn't have to be expensive or just giving money away without a purpose or cause.
No, what it means is bless someone that needs that blessing. Pay attention to how you treat people. A smile, a mindful greeting, a helpful hand, all of these actions make a difference in lives.
But the most important thing you can share is LOVE. Sending love energy to anyone you come in contact with, being mindful of how you perceive them, think about them, focus on them. Do not look at them as in a judgmental state, but of a caring, compassionate state of mind. We all have our own personal demons to wrestle with that are not obvious to others.
Blow rainbow energy kisses out this month. Be light hearted to all you meet with a smile. Give something away to someone who needs it more. Each day, even if it is just 1 hour, 1 person, 1 space, make a difference in a generous and uplifting way.
The more you give the more you will receive.
The Arrow Master (10) Emotions / Feelings / Water
Hitting the mark, intention, detachment
This month your emotions, feelings, the flow of your experiential energetics will be on pointe, hitting your mark, being accurate and attuned to how you want to feel and experience life with.
You will find you will be more in your peace, joy and happiness. You will be more in the moment, feeling these feelings so deeply, filling you as a Spirit/Soul with such wonderful divine purity.
Each time you feel these deep wonderful feelings, stop, be very mindful and express your gratitude for them. Thank those and what is around you that help provide the energy for the experience. Feel that blessing energy throughout your body, letting the energy heal, help, fill you.
With that note, there are some baggage you need to clear out and let go in regards to emotions/feelings in general.
Remind yourself the following:
There are NO BAD (Negative, lower frequency etc.) feelings.
What you feel is real for you.
Other peoples feelings are real to them
Empathy helps us relate to others and how they feel.
Feelings are NOT behaviors.
Learning how to detach from a feeling does not mean you don't feel the feeling. It means learning how to observe the feeling and understand the feeling so you can respond, not react to the feeling.
We live in the 3d world. It is full of wonderful challenges, obstacles, frustrations, things that still will annoy, bother, sadden, depress, bring anxiety, even feeling lonely, isolated.
Learning to let these feelings just be, without controlling them, shunning them, stuffing them down, but breathing through them, acknowledging them, even if you have to say to yourself - I see I am feeling sad right now, do it.
Validating the feeling helps detach. It helps you start to allow it to exist, and acknowledge it, so then you can through different tools isolate, review and restructure the origin of those feelings.
They all start from an experience that we have a thought about.
The Rainbow Prince (26) Mind / Mental / Fire
Compensation, perseverance
You are surrounded by knowledge; Experiences, Community, Collective, Ancestral, Sol, Luna, Planetary, Solar System, Galaxies, Cosmic, Guides, Angelic, Universal, Divine.
Each of these energies have information, knowledge, guidance, to support for your growth, understanding and application of said knowledge so you can experience life here to the fullest possible level. It's right there at your fingertips, available 24/7.
However a lot of us, almost most of us question our understanding, application, even the knowledge itself. We are taught we don't know enough, don't understand enough, not smart enough, were not taught enough to even our knowledge is wrong, incorrect, or bullsh**.
We even give up - if we think we are always wrong.
When we do this, especially questioning our own knowledge, we give up our power, which also includes the ability to learn and expand.
This month, the energy focus is to practice practice, practice and practice more applying what you know, so that state of feeling a novice, or inferior dissipates away. It is also to stop questioning what comes to you, and just apply, and if it is not the answer to solve the situation, practice more.
It is like playing any instrument, you're going to make mistakes, but over time those mistakes become less and less if you are actively, and mindfully practicing.
Also make sure to thank the Energies that assist you in providing the information, guidance, and or answers. Gratitude goes a long way in keeping the flow going and open.
The Keeper of the Scales (38) Spirit / Spirituality / Air (Higher Purpose / Noble Cause)
Fairness, Balance
Yes, it is vital, important and incredibly powerful to continue your spiritual path, healing, growing, nurturing, vibrating at higher frequencies and flowing love.
BUT sometimes, a lot of time we end up disconnected in a way that is harmful and traumatizing ourselves again - I want to remind you that you are living here in a 3d world, as a body with a spirit. You are not in the 5d world only. The 3d world exists. It happens, sh** happens.
As I was writing out this section, I ran across a post from another spiritualist / amazing witch that I respect and admire a ton.
Dawn Bartos, owner of the New Moon wrote this, which says so elegantly what I wanted to write.
Our responsibility to our spirituality is a large composite for living. When we talk about our higher self we are aware that we are of greater existence and that even more exists for us to tap into for connection. How far are you willing to go before you are no longer grounded in this humanity we have been given? One cannot merely exist in the higher realms constantly. The results lead to a disconnect from reality in all aspects of our lives. Spirituality and reality can live side by side. So many get lost in the euphoria of being in the higher realms, and higher consciousness that others consider them "out there." They begin to psychologically mask their reality and this causes a spiritual spiral because when reality hits, they cannot cope or react appropriately.
If you find yourself in this state, get back to the basics. Check in with yourself and become aware of the moment you are in. Balancing your spirituality, relying on it to help with your life's actions and decisions is proper, however...
Spirituality is not an escape and should never be abused as such.
Ground yourself and come back to this life!
The other aspect we must be fair to others. Do not judge others where they are in their journey. For the path they have is theirs to walk.
We are all here in the 3d universe to experience, to grow, to learn, to love. It is imperative that you remember you were not as aware as you are now.
Everyone is on their own schedule, their own clock, their own time.
This isn't a race. We all have something to work out. We all have our own healing to do.
Have fun with this month's Energy and the Energy of the Solstice that is also present in this month.
Please feel free to ask any questions, share your thoughts, let me know how I can assist you.
I offer written individual Full Moon, New Moon, Monthly, and weekly readings if you are interested. Contact me for more information.
@}}>`~~~ Experience, observe, be curious and enjoy!
The Last Chance Crone - helping you with your shit when other methods fail.
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taisiakat · 11 months
For the week May 22nd - 28th
Focus: Business/Career/Professional/Work related Deck: The Shaman's Dream Oracle
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Lost Compass Getting back to Integrity
Covenant Sacred Contract
ow many people start the week by spending time taking a refreshing look over their intent, goals, vision, from a mindful now moment.
No, not looking at those goals from the time you created, or set the intent or vision. But really stop, sit down and review them in the NOW moment. At the start of each week, sorta like a spiritual scrum with your business professional energy.
Our time is our sacred contract with ourselves. It is a covenant that we make before we come in this lifetime and it is a covenant we live with daily, in all aspects of our lives.
This week take some time in the beginning to start the practice of your spiritual scrum with your business/professional life, by looking at your vision, goals, intent, what you wish to manifest and look at NOW, and make the appropriate adjustments to them.
Ask yourself Are they still viable Are they still something I want to achieve Is there something that needs to be adjusted to help manifest them easier Is there something I need to let go of so the (fill in what it is) can manifest. What new things have happened that seem more valuable, or priority to focus on - or shifting goals and vision to fit the current lay of the land.
So many businesses failed in 2020 and 2021 because too many could not pivot and figure out new goals/vision because of external situations beyond their control.
A lot of businesses/careers are still struggling to recover, because again they are working off old visions, intents, goals and direction that haven't been re-imagined or re-visited and re-structured.
Everything changes, sometimes for the good, sometimes not so good. But instead of planning for 'what if' just start each week with a spiritual business scrum review.
Please feel free to ask any questions, share your thoughts, let me know how I can assist you.
@}}>`~~~ Experience, observe, be curious and enjoy! The Last Chance Crone - helping you with your shit when other methods fail
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taisiakat · 1 year
Business Focus for the week May 8th - 12th
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Focus: Business/Career/Professional/Work related
Deck: The Shaman's Dream Oracle
Cards: Drifter (14) / Spirit of the River (50)
Music: 432Hz Love Yourself Find Inner Calm & Peace
Experiencing Life as it comes
How many of us start the week off with our Business/Professional space with that feeling of heaviness, to even dread. After all it is WORK. That adult thing we need to do to pay the bills, to live life, eat, have shelter, clothes, transportation etc...
But very few of us embrace WORK as an experience that is part of our lives that lights us up, gets us revving, charged up.
We plot, plan, strategize, set goals, set direction, follow rules, regulations, but rarely do we EXPERIENCE it: To be part of the ADVENTURE.
Have we bought into some belief system that we must know the exact path and directions before we even set out, before we even commit to the destination?
Between the two cards Drifter and Spirit of the River, start to see how you can get into the flow of Work, the experience, deepen that mindfulness of being in the moment, instead of living in the past or looking in the future.
Find some aspect you love and embrace it.
Having trouble finding something to love and embrace at work or in your business/professional space? Maybe it's time to ask the Universe - what is it I need to experience here so I can move forward and enjoy the adventure of what we call Work, Career, Business.
At the end of the day - remember that 8-12 hours doesn't have to be so dreary, dull, lifeless, boring, lack of adventure or worse painful, brutal, loathing. You can make it by changing how you participate with it.
Be more in the flow, and less in the chains of control.
Please feel free to ask any questions, share your thoughts, let me know how I can assist you.
Experience, observe, be curious and enjoy!
The Last Chance Crone - helping folks with their shit when other methods fail
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taisiakat · 1 year
2023 May Flower Full Moon Oracle Reading
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For the General Collective Oracle deck: The Shaman's Dream Oracle Music: Multi-Dimensional Reiki Energy Healing At All Levels
Candles Colors: Dark red, dark green, white Stones: Amethyst, Flowers: Lilac, Lily of the Valley, Wild Flowers of any kind
Preface: Three cards came as a unit when I did this pull. I had intended to just pull one, but they came as a group. They are working together energy wise.
The full moon is in the house of Scorpio: Power, Vitality, Passion, Sexuality, Courage and Strength.
We are in a massive transition. Take accounting of everything that is around you in all aspects of your life and acknowledge the blessings, abundance and gifts that you are surrounded by.
In fact if you take a true accounting you will find that you have much to share and a lot of stuff that could find new homes, new owners, new purpose with others. In some ways over abundance.
You are also presented with a plethora of options, opportunities, enhancements some of them more complicated than others. It's all now about your choices and their consequences when it comes to moving through this huge transition.
Don't fret, don't worry, don't ponder what if. Be bold in making the next set of choices. The biggest issue is keeping your mind in check so you don't create consequences that would not have happened if you hadn't thought about them.
As you enjoy the feast of plenty, take a deeper look inside and see what's empty or near empty. There are pockets in your life that you've ignored that have run dry. There are energies that need to be replenished. There are some holes, broken things, that need to be mended, fixed or let go of and replaced. It's okay that things/concepts/spaces have worn out. It's good to replace, to update, to replenish, restock. But you need to look truthfully within and acknowledge these spaces/places/thoughts so you can fill them up properly. In the same breath, you need to understand why you neglected, ignored, brushed aside these and see if there is something that you can heal, and help move into a better habit to support your life of abundance.
And lastly, while you are enjoying the intense energies of the full moon and lunar eclipse, think of how to protect your abundance and growth going forward. What tools are sharp and ready for the future. What abilities, skills and behaviors support growth and abundance. You need to invest in yourself, which means to start protecting the peace, joy and healing that you have worked very hard to achieve. Look around you and fortify those gifts that support peace, joy and healing. Spend a bit more time making sure they are strong, in place and most importantly always available.
Pay attention to 12th and 20th of this month, there are additional energies that will guide and assist you into making some serious decisions, some of which might seem a bit far fetch, but they are important to do, and prepare for.
But for the next two+ days really take some time with the full moon. Bring some fresh flowers to your altar, add a gift or token of appreciation and offer it to Luna.
Please feel free to ask any questions, share your thoughts, let me know how I can assist you.
@}}>`~~~ Experience, observe, be curious and enjoy! The Last Chance Crone - helping you with your shit when other methods fail
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taisiakat · 1 year
Business Focus for the week May 1st - 5th
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Focus: Business/Career/Professional/Work related
Sky Bridge(47) & In The Hand (31)
Music: Unleash Your Creativity | Remove Blockages & Achieve Your Goals
Possibilities for Union, what needs to be connected or disconnect. Welcome to the next major upgrade and growth.
The Universe has brought you to the next level – a base camp. Take a moment (several actually) and stop, catch your breath and survey all that you have accomplished, created, overcame, these last few years of business.
It’s time to take a few hours(days maybe) to just get your mind aligned with the next level, upward climb to prepare, re-organize, maybe even re-pack some of the items(skills) you have brought along so far to get you to this point in the path.
Yes, the journey is going upward, to a much higher, more grander –as-yet-undreamt-of-possibilities. It will take new courage, a greater level of determination, and most importantly, a stronger connection with the Universe, who will be your Guide, partner, mentor, ally, support net as you take the quantum leap onto the Sky Bridge and navigate upward the climb.
You are ready.
You are strong.
It’s important to daily remember and acknowledge that the Universe is a vital partner in your business/professional career. Sit down at the beginning of each business day, have a cup of coffee/tea with the Universe and talk about these goals, intents for the day, so the Universe can work on the details, help forge new connections and provide you the strong support that partners do.
Heartfelt, Heart driven – You are in good hands with the Universe.
It’s Beltane in the Northern Hemisphere – Here’s a Beltane Business Blessing
Take a dollar bill (of any amount) roll it up. With colorful ribbon, wrap the bill at least three times and then gently tie a bow knot.
Place the wrapped dollar upon your Business Altar. Sit and meditate, asking the Universe as your partner in Business to help bring more creativity, connections, and abundance into your professional space. Speak out loud your goals, intents, strategies that you would to have guidance, clarity, support and most of all suggestions to help achieve these.
Please feel free to ask any questions, share your thoughts, let me know how I can assist you.
Experience, observe, be curious and enjoy!
The Last Chance Crone - helping folks with their shit when other methods fail
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taisiakat · 1 year
For the General Collective
Oracle deck: The Shaman's Dream Oracle
Music: The Dark Side Of The Moon (50th Anniversary)
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The New Norm, coasting, drifting, slightly not conscious, but at the same time not unconscious, takes over all around us. Instead of falling into a slow downward spiral, spread your wings farther and find the next updraft to catch you and send you upward soaring.
It's so easy to coast. It becomes comfortable to just follow the pattern, not to break up the process, not to try something new but just follow the tried and true.
Catch yourself now, it's time to really take steps to move into more a stronger position of action.
At the same time - we are all called upon in our professional life, be it a career, work, entrepreneurs, business owners to find the magic within our work. Take a moment each day and ask guidance from your higher self, your spirit guides, the Universe - how you can bring more magick, excellence, abundance into your day to day processes.
Look for those signs around you for the responses.
It is time to really take a step forward.
You have the power of the Universe behind you.
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taisiakat · 1 year
Business Focus for the week
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Focus: Business/Career/Professional/Work related
Card: First Breath (21) - The Shaman's Dream Oracle deck Beginner's Mind A fresh start and renewed curiosity, natural trust, beginner's mind.
Music: You are Infinite
It is Monday and so many people start the week dreading Monday. The reason - they are not present in the moment. They are living in the past in some shape or another.
It is so time to stop, become aware of the the NOW, and start to take advantage of the fresh start each day, each week, each month, etc., brings to us with our Businesses, Careers, Professional work.
Take a deep breath, meditate on an intent that you want to see happen this week, that is positive, growth, and improves your business flow at the start of each week.
Take that moment and rekindle the joy and passion you have for what you are doing and how you are doing it.
Even if the tasks at hand are familiar or repetitive, does not mean you can not find a new way or a different way to approach the work. In fact if you take a moment and let yourself have the wonder and curiosity you had when you began, you will find you might see something new or interesting that you didn't notice before.
This is a practice to stay in the moment, but it is an amazing practice because with work you can start focusing on manifesting meaningful experiences with your professional life, that allows you to feel more fulfilled and more engaged.
(taking a quote from the book)
Don't squander the power of First Breath giving the old narrative mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Use it for new beginnings, to animate a world you can play and create in. Do not underestimate the power of your breath and the magic of the word.
Set the intent, plant a seed, and give it love, and manifesting energy so it starts to take root and grow this week in your professional life.
Please feel free to ask any questions, share your thoughts, let me know how I can assist you.
@}}>`~~~ Experience, observe, be curious and enjoy! The Last Chance Crone - helping you with your shit when other methods fail
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taisiakat · 1 year
April 2023 Energy Reading
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Cards: Wisdom of the Hidden Realms
Music: Attract Positivity + Luck + AbundanceㅣAngelic Assistance
NOTE: This post is for Northern Hemisphere which this is shifting from Winter to Spring Energy.
I will come behind and do the Southern Hemisphere post tomorrow since the energies are shifting from Summer to Fall energies.
The Altar Priestess (39) Body / Physical / Earth
Preparation, Prayer, Sacred ritual
It is Spring. It is time to focus on new growth, new opportunities and new directions.
Get outside this month more. Spend time with your feet touching the grass, hands in the dirt, letting the rain touch your face. Feel the energy of Spring and new growth. Find a place in your physical outdoors to create a sacred space to sit and meditate, commune with and be part of that energy.
In addition- start a cleansing of some kind - be it increasing more water, eating more organic or reducing process sugar to help your body.
With each day in April spend a few moments in meditation - planting new seeds of ideas, in a sacred way to help attract those new opportunities.
The Ice Queen (28) Emotions / Feelings / Water
Ideas preserved, nonaction, entitlement
Instead of spending a lot of time this month processing emotions, and doing shadow work for healing, focus more on experiencing the more subtle emotions/feelings that Spring brings from the ice coldness of winter.
Touch the gentleness of new growth that is just starting to wake up outside. Listen to the birds start to chirp, breathe in the amazing crisp air that is giving way to the fragrance of flowers starting to bloom.
Non-action isn't just about not doing, it's about just being in the moment, so once can feel deeply the awakening of Spring as it opens itself up and shares it's energy.
See where you can gain wisdom from Spring this month. What can Spring teach you, show you, be with you.
The Eyes of Beauty (25) Mind / Mental / Fire
Positive Expectations, Clarity
How many winters have you experienced? How many Springs have you welcomed into your life? What are your beliefs, ideas, philosophies, perceptions? Have you taken into account how life has changed you? Have you taken into account how you have grown?
You are being asked to re-consider what you think about Winter, and Spring, and the process that life goes through during these two very drastic shifts in energy. See how the beauty of quietness of the Winter allowed the energy to gather and collect to create the beauty of Spring as it unfolds all around you.
Look at your own winters (the ebbs and flows of complications, challenges and change) that open up to opportunities, creativity, and growth with your Springs.
Move more into understanding that even in challenges there is beauty to be found. You will find more prosperity and success when you see beauty in those moments.
The Spirit Whisperer (3) Spirit / Spirituality / Air (Higher Purpose / Noble Cause)
Divine guidance, Higher knowing
In all 4 cards this reading - OWL is present, the wise and all knowing guidance that surrounds us. Spring brings about the inspiration of new life, ideas, roads, opportunities to enhance and enrich our lives. You are being asked now to spend more time honing your skills of being a Spirit Whisperer, bringing more of the Divine into your daily existence.
Spend time in physically, emotionally, mentally listening, hearing, intuition to help guide you of what to change to improve your energy connection with the Divine.
This might mean doing so Spring cleaning in your house, your body, mind, purging old no longer useful items and letting them go so you can open up for new energy to come in and spark you more.
Trust more of the guidance, and let go of the need to get validation of the guidance.
I offer individual Full, New, Monthly, weekly readings if you are interested. Contact me for more information.
Please feel free to ask any questions, share your thoughts, let me know how I can assist you.
@}}>`~~~ Experience, observe, be curious and enjoy!
The Last Chance Crone - helping you with your shit when other methods fail.
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taisiakat · 1 year
December 2022 Energy Reading
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Cards: The Shaman's Dream Oracle
Music: Cozy Witch's Hut
Magician's Sword (Confidence in your Magic) 37 Reversed Body / Physical / Earth
Confidence in your magick, nothing can stop you, the beauty you seek
Currently you are finding it very hard to believe in anything Magickal, divine, universe providing. As you reflect upon the past year, it seems nothing really has gone the way you envisioned it. It's not that it's been a bad year, or a complicated one, it's just not gone where you set out with intention, desire, hope and vision.
Part of that is because of the way you look at the Universe. You know you can't sit back and wait. Going with the flow, is only going to work if you actively paddle, plot, focus.
You know when you put your mind to something Things happen. So now this last month of the year, You need to make some adjustments to how you Go with the flow of the Universe.
Find the limiting beliefs that are still tagged onto the term Letting Go so you can become a co-pilot with the Universe in defining the direction, plotting the course, and contributing to getting there.
You have got the Letting Go and Go with the Flow down pat. Now it's time to step into the role of Co-Pilot without ego and working with the Universe to plot, follow and achieve a course of action.
The Sword is to be wielded.
First Breath (Beginner's Mind) 21 Emotions / Feelings / Water
a fresh start and renewed curiosity, natural trust, beginner's mind
Take a deep breath, let it slowly go. This new moment in your life is when you can move forward without the ego that wanted to control every single aspect, without the fear of doing something that was wrong, having stepped into FLOW, you let things go, granted the Universe the space to provide. Now just like all travels, you have the ability to plan out what you feel, what you experience, and how you respond. You can and have the space to experience life now from that awe and wonder that comes from being a beginner.
But you must practice to keep the beginner's mind in play. By not labeling, or naming what you see and experience you can find the joy and power in the wonder of the first moments, over and over again.
Do not squander the power of First breath, the newness of each moment. Create with that newness the joy and pleasure that comes by experiencing each moment as if it was the first moment.
Do not underestimate how this power - first breath, breathing in the now can become the magick you seek to enjoy life more fully.
Practice - pause - Practice
Eye of the Needle (Intentionality) 17 Mind / Mental / Fire
intentionality, clarity, positive outcomes
It is intent that makes or breaks the experience of life. If the intent is ego, focusing on the lack of, the bad of, then the experiences of life will seem to look that way.
Our mind processes the experiences. Becoming singularly focused now, looking at what we want for the tasks ahead, the co-pilot planning of the next part of the journey, contributing, thinking, setting out what actions, objects, and interactions we want to have is going to bring about more of what you were initially trying to do but did not achieve.
You need to have a shrewd discernment, the willingness to focus down and the needle-thread connection to make the next steps on your road of abundance.
This huge vast opportunity once you have threaded how you wish to be the co-pilot will give you a lot more confidence in how you proceed with your desires and goals that are meaningful and new for you.
Now you can be more laser focused on creating and manifesting the experiences with the Divine.
Sky Dancers (Surrender) 48 Spirit / Spirituality / Air (Higher Purpose / Noble Cause)
liberation from attachment, surrender
Attachment - what the EGO thinks we need, should have, become, achieve, own, keep..... The list goes on. It's that IT'S MINE state that gets us into trouble with ourselves and create the heartache, disappointments, the despair.
Surrender does not mean to stop and just sit down and wait.
Surrender does not mean to not contribute.
Surrender does not mean the give up.
Surrender means to let go of what EGO believes/drives us to be, do, feel.
There is a phrase "Get out of your own way" that is so important to understand. We get in our way of our own success. We expect things, we have attachments to things and feel we can't be this or that without this or that happening.
But these are limiting beliefs. This is where we find ourselves struggling, frustrated, feeling unworthy, inadequate and powerless.
It's time to develop a new relationship with Yourself, that is divinely driven.
You let go, got out of your way, you got into Flow.
Now it's time to re-add you back to the equation and rise above the drama of struggling and start planning what makes your heart/soul/spirit soar, dance, be filled with joy.
Realizing that you can stop and watch/observe without having to be, the experiences around you, or push ahead to see what is new happening in front of you is part of being a co-pilot in Life.
You have rescued You!
You are the driver and the passenger at the same time.
Be the dance, dancer and the music.
As I said in November:
Your higher self, the divine consciousness, will be there with you, guiding you.
I offer individual Full, New, Monthly, weekly readings if you are interested. Contact me for more information.
Please feel free to ask any questions, share your thoughts, let me know how I can assist you.
@}}>`~~~ Experience, observe, be curious and enjoy!
The Last Chance Crone - helping you with your shit when other methods fail
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taisiakat · 1 year
Friday Feelings - What are you grateful for?
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I am grateful for:
My life, the opportunities I have, and the challenges I face.
My husband who keeps me laughing, showers me with hugs, love and support.
My furbabies for their silliness, reminder that there are really only three important things in life; Unconditional Love, Cozy warm spots to nuzzle into, and Play. (Food fits into all those categories with kitties)
Rain, Fall, slowing down.
What are you grateful and thankful for?
Share your 5 items in the comments.
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taisiakat · 1 year
November 2022 Energy Reading
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Cards: The Shaman's Dream Oracle
Music: Medieval Celtic music
Fortune's Wheel (Luck and Right Timing) 23 Body / Physical / Earth
The Wings of Timing are upon you this month in anything regarding your physical realm and the energies within that (3d - Career, Home, Health, Finances) - As Fortune's Wheel, luck and that right time for things to consolidated, condense, coagulate, coming together.
It may seem like it is the exact opposite the first two weeks of the month, as the energies seem more disruptive, chaotic, violent in upheaval in nature, but in fact they are just getting rid of the crap that doesn't belong or serve you. And yes that seems like it's just a waste of energy. But life is cyclic in nature (See seasons for example). So is the pattern within us.
There are so many hidden opportunities within this month, that you are being asked energy wise to become more of a sleuth, detective, and investigate, research, poke about to get the most out of these opportunistic, especially the ones that are not going to be just a to b in direction/instructions.
The number 3 is going to play a key part in this process; 3 people, 3 choices, 3 paths, 3 steps, etc. Keep this in mind as you hunt through the clues, the breadcrumbs, the signs and synchronicities.
Stop thinking of time as linear - marching forward. The slight sight seeing detour that has popped up, is important because it will lead to something far more powerful, and is a step forward just not the way you expected it. ENJOY the experience.... It is meant to be a sight seeing stop.
During this time - share these gifts with others. There are people who will benefit from your experience here and the people, opportunities, avenues that open up, that you do not select, are for others to know about, and you to do that introduction. It's like being a tour guide for others while you yourself are experiencing this for the first time.
Keep in mind your boldest, noble intents and Luck/Timing and the Universe will respond in kind to the invite.
Vanishing Mirror (Ego Sublimation) 58 Reversed Emotions / Feelings / Water
Yes, something seriously shattered right in front of your own eyes. The intense emotions, feelings, experience is traumatic. Super deep, super powerful. And all over the boards with feelings and thoughts.
However, EGO has been caught up in this situation. EGO - the putting who you in this definition, creating an illusion, belief, series of expectations that were based off giving your power away. It didn't seem like you were giving your power away, but look how this change is affecting you. All of sudden you feel like you are back to the beginning, back even before that. But the truth is = you are not. Honor your feelings, and their emotional sensations.
As hard as it is to hear, there is a valid reason the illusion was busted. Now - you have the chance to look at the path from the NOW, all the knowledge you have gained over the years, and really figure out what will make you happy, feel successful, at the same time bring to you the peace you want to accomplish with the next part of the journey.
Closing Door (Completion) 5 Mind / Mental / Fire
In keeping with this reading, we are reminded When a door closes, another opens. This is so true now, even though it appears to be a complete derailment. It isn't. It's actually course correction. When you started down this path so many years ago, you were a completely different person, who was in a state of survival, instead of exploration.
Your choices were limited.
Your ideas were narrow, almost limited.
It seemed like a far far far off wish, more than a goal.
Over the years things changed, you changed, grown, blossomed, bloomed, expanded.
You have changed so drastically, you just didn't see it fully, or realize it completely.
While you kept moving forward, beating to the drum, following the road, there were these niggling feelings, like if you looked to the left or right of the path, you would find something more interesting, more aligned to the deep subtle desire. But you kept focus, (good) and kept yourself from straying, even though your heart kept bringing it up.
Now you have a chance, a grand opportunity to really let the new energy of you influence the next part of this journey, to see the bright shining light through the partially open door in front of you, that you need to walk through.
So instead of looking at the next step, look farther - deeper - broader and create the new goal - What is your greater Calling here now.
Everything is on the table for you. Nothing is wasted, this has not been for nothing. In fact if anything, it is prepared you to think past what you originally thought you knew, and incorporate what you know now.
Eye of the Needle (Intentionality) 17 Spirit / Spirituality / Air (Higher Purpose / Noble Cause)
Even though it is the tiny hole, one can create so much by just being able to thread a needle.
I have no idea where the above phrase came from but I kept hearing it over and over as I looked at this card.
The other phrase that kept going through my head was: Apocalypse is the eye of a needle, through which we pass into a different world. (from George Zebrowski)
Even though the energy at the start of this month seems so Apocalyptic, it is so necessary to move us out of the old realm, the old world, definition and intentionally move us into the new different world that is closer aligned to our higher purpose..
Now is the time to put the laser focus, tap into your higher self to guide you into the next direction for your life. Nothing you have done so far is in vain. Nothing has been a waste of time, effort or energy. It all is coming together now, like ingredients into the most delicious dinner you could ever create.
Needles come in various sizes, for various purposes. There is a few needles here so make sure you match your intention with your higher purpose/noble cause, so you can navigate the threading into the new space smoothly.
And again - the eye - your higher self, the divine consciousness, will be there with you, guiding you.
Full and New moon readings for the general collective will be posted this month.
I offer individual Full, New, Monthly, weekly readings if you are interested. Contact me for more information.
Please feel free to ask any questions, share your thoughts, let me know how I can assist you.
@}}>`~~~ Experience, observe, be curious and enjoy!
The Last Chance Crone - helping you with your shit when other methods fail
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taisiakat · 2 years
New Moon in Scorpio Reading
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The DreamKeepers Tarot: IV of Swords / V of Cups
Shadowscapes Tarot: Eight of Cups (Reversed)
The Shaman’s Dream Oracle: (34) Lay of the Land
Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray my Lord my soul to keep.......
We have all heard this prayer at some point in our lives. Some of us grew up saying it nightly before going to bed. We ask for protection, and if we pass that our spirit/soul is taken to the next world.
But it's the second stance that is more appropriate right now, that we are being protected, guarded by the 4 archangels, 4 universal life forces (earth, water, fire, air / physical, emotional, mental, spiritual energies) as we navigate through this very powerful and very potent new moon/solar eclipse.
In addition it is time to let ourselves sleep, rest and an opportunity to reflect about the challenges the last 6 months have been. A lot of what you have gone through is a shift from deeply ingrained/unconscious pattern/thinking to waking up and re shifting it to serve you, instead of hinder you. It has been a lot of work, it has been struggle and frustration, but this is an important step to finally moving away from the upbringing that held you back and moving deeper into your own path and belief system, that you have created for yourself.
Despite the fact that you perceive you have lost your morale compass with this massive change, and feel the heavy emptiness of that space you have just cleared out, this is a great opportunity to really think about what is Your Morale/Ethical Compass and what each part of it brings for you. While it may appear that you have disconnected from your ancestral roots by this massive cleansing, the truth is, you are closer to those roots now because you have removed the layers of misunderstanding, misguided, social influence, religious dogma, and more importantly, patriarchal ideology that has subverted even the most basic of human rights and needs.
Our Divine humanity, the Divine Feminine and Masculine need to be cleansed and purified to remove the toxic ideology that has started to erode those energies.
There are still some portions of this aspect of what is Humanity, what are still your views masculine/feminine energies, and how does these impact you as a person, mind, spirit that you need to do some more shadow work with.
Scorpio is a water based sign, and as such you are being asked to cleanse yourself through waters of life the last remnants of how society (past, present and future) views of gender, sex, body, mind and spirit, when it comes to roles, rules and rights. If you find yourself still feeling strongly about these roles, rules, and rights, take a deeper look / the shadow work, to see if there is trauma within these, even from a past life level, or cultural level.
In addition to this, while you work on these, the ripples from challenging and changing the energies, viewpoints, thoughts will slowly spread out from you and start impacting others around you.
You can and will make waves with the ripples.
Final note: I listen to what comes up when I do these readings, an the song Eclipse on the Dark side of the Moon by Pink Floyd, one of my all time favorites - started to be played in my head.
I leave you with the lyrics and a link to listen to the song
All that you touch All that you see All that you taste All you feel. All that you love All that you hate All you distrust All you save. All that you give All that you deal All that you buy, beg, borrow or steal. All you create All you destroy All that you do All that you say. All that you eat And everyone you meet All that you slight And everyone you fight. All that is now All that is gone All that's to come and everything under the sun is in tune but the sun is eclipsed by the moon.
"There is no dark side of the moon really. Matter of fact it's all dark."
Spend time today/tonight with the New Moon, feel the energy of the Dark side of the moon, but also the power of this celestial body that is partially blocking the power of the Sun, and absorbing it within it's own energies.
Take those energies and allow them to be absorbed into you.
Please feel free to ask any questions, share your thoughts, let me know how I can assist you.
@}}>`~~~~~~~~~~~ Experience, observe, be curious and enjoy! The Last Chance Crone - helping you with your shit when other methods fail
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taisiakat · 2 years
October 2022 Energy
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Cards: The Shaman's Dream Oracle
Body/Physical/Earth: Mind Full (Group Think)
A lot of folks tend to follow the latest and greatest in diet, supplements, quick fixes to see if they can get what society thinks is the ideal body.
Problem is, it ends up screwing up the person's body more often than working. There are some good options out here, but most people don't even know their own body's wants.
October wants you to break free from group-thinking. From society pressure, from outside influences and start to really get to know your body, how it behaves, what it's quarks, limitations, weaknesses are, and really acknowledge, accept and embrace these.
NORMAL is the middle average. It is not the entire spectrum-range.
Find what makes your body enjoy food, not just fuel it. Wear what makes you feel good, sleep when you want to sleep (if possible), and move your body - your way. It is all about really become attuned to the body, the physical space it resides in and how that energy interacts together.
Let that energy flow!
Feelings/Emotional/Water: Lay of the Land (Ancestral Wisdom)
There are some amazing old ways (ancestral, ancient) to help manage a lot of our daily emotional experiences. While we are learning more and more about how to process, respond, engage with our emotions, there still is an incredible amount of wisdom of the past that we tend to ignore or overlook.
October - is the beautiful month of fall for the Northern Hemisphere. Where the leaves start to turn amazing colors, the air starts to become crisp, cooler and there is that sense of bundling up and enjoying a hot cider or cocoa outside by bon fires.
Take the time to slow down, look at the wisdom of our ancestors who would burn the reside of the crops, to let go of that which will not serve you, but still can serve the space. It is a great time to seek out wisdom of the past through book, song, or dance to bring that ancient wisdom into your life.
For those in the Southern Hemisphere, it is a time to really embrace the Spring, where things are starting to bloom, and the ancient wisdom of stopping to smell the roses, to cultivate with our hands and hearts the love of the earth, the love of living things. Build a special place in your garden this year - a small shrine and ask for the guidance of your ancestors and wisdom to be bestowed upon you as you move through spring and into Summer.
Mind/Mental/Fire: Heart Home (Compassion)
Have you ever looked around your home/space and tried to answer the following Question: What am I communicating/sharing with my home and the way it is?"
While we care about how our home looks. and how it functions, most of us don't really stop and think about does our home stimulate, expand, enrich our mental capabilities? Does it challenge us, engage us in a way that is both mentally stimulating and engaging of all our senses, especially our mind.
We all have books, movies, games and what not. But most of those sit and collect dust, which means that energy becomes static, stale, even unwanted.
So take a look around your home this month, especially areas of collections, and activities and do a spot check, when was the last time this was even used. It's okay to collect books, games, movies and what not, but if they are just gathering dust, are you benefiting from them mentally anymore, or are you attached to them for an emotional reason?
In any case at least you have become more attuned and aware of that energy in your space. Even if it's just acknowledging that you are attached to it, you have raised your awareness and can make more NOW choices in regards to those items.
Spirit/Spiritual/Air: The Jeweled Web (Connectivity)
We are all connected, beautiful, unique, brilliance spirits/souls, sparkling in the universe. This interconnect web of spirits, bedazzling together is October's focus. Connect, reconnect, new connections as spiritual beings is the focus. That energy will help you during some of the more troubling times that will happen this month as you work on the Body, Feelings, Mind aspects. Have dinner with your tribe, share with your soul sisters/brothers the work you are doing and connect down at the spiritual energy level helping raise more awareness and support.
In addition, be aware not all sparkling webs are safe. Some out here pretend to be spiritualists are only after the money and power they can swindle out of people. Even if they smile, seem aware - do a gut check to make sure the shine is real, and not fake.
Full and New moon readings for the general collective will be posted this month.
I offer individual Full, New, Monthly, weekly readings if you are interested. Contact me for more information.
Please feel free to ask any questions, share your thoughts, let me know how I can assist you.
@}}>`~~~ Experience, observe, be curious and enjoy! The Last Chance Crone - helping you with your shit when other methods fail
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taisiakat · 2 years
New Moon in Libra Reading
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Shadowscapes Tarot: 
Three of Pentacles
VI The Lovers
XVIII The Moon
Music: New Moon Meditation in Libra
Unlike previous moon readings, this round the cards presented themselves as I started shuffling for intent, all from the same deck. I took the hint and just left it as it dropped.
When we love what we do, and follow the path with love in our hearts, the path becomes easier to navigate, to follow and to see. This new moon is opening up a new path for everyone that truly wants to follow their heart's desire.
However, you are not alone with this journey. There are others who share your love, passion and desire, and these individuals will be joining you as well. it's called Teamwork. It's called functioning together, being together, collaborating together.
It is not a time to solo through this new path. It will bring great rewards to the teams that embrace working together, the good, the hard, the complicated, the sometimes struggle that will come about as you all start to blend into a magickal energy pattern to accomplish what is in all of your hearts desire.
The powerful combined energy will bring about what seemed impossible.
A lot of readers look at the The Lovers Card as romantic, but it's not just that. Passion, drive, combined energy of a group of individuals - all working in perfect harmony and in perfect balance to achieve together the planting, growing and harvesting of something amazing and so needed.
Find those that share your love, passion, drive, desire for bringing more harmony, blessings, balance and success, so you can join energies and accomplish these wonderful new goals on this amazing new path.
This is an extremely magickal time and there is so much that the New Moon brings to this as another energy that shares your love/passion.
Call out to Luna tonight, ask her to join you as you build this new team together, and start down this brand new path of success.
Please feel free to ask any questions, share your thoughts, and let me know how I can assist you.  I have slots available for personal readings.  If you are interested, please contact me for more information. Experience, observe, be curious and enjoy! The Last Chance Crone - helping you with your shit when other methods fail 
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