#zombie apocalypse ambience
suppotato123 · 1 year
Don’t mind me listening to zombie apocalypse ambience at 10 o’clock at night. I’m not scared; you’re scared.
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limerence-17 · 2 months
so if you're like me and have a hard time writing without some sort of mood, or ambience I've created a masterlist of multiple world-building youtube ambience videos I've found for a range of genre writing! original credits go to all youtube creators for their original ambience.
for apocalypse/ zombie/ end of world writing:
for romance/ period piece writing:
for any fantasy writing:
for any sci-fi writing:
for any winter/ holiday writing:
for any mystery writing:
for any coming-of-age writing:
one. (a personal fave)
for any romance writing:
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citizenoftmrrwlnd · 1 year
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🧟⚠️ requested by croptop zombie anon
1. 🎃 Zombie Apocalypse | HORROR AMBIENCE 2. Zombie Biology Explained | The Science of Zombism (cw unreality!) 3. Post apocalypse music vol.1 4. Suburban Zombie Halloween Takeover! | Happy Halloween | Zombie Ambience | Horror Ambience 5. A Short History of the Zombie Film 6. ASMR | Zombie Does Your Makeup! 🧟‍♀️ (Unintelligible, Propless, Sound Effects)
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transgender-catboy · 1 month
man those zombie apocalypse ambience videos actually work
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theartofimagining13 · 2 years
16.  “I’m back. Hold onto your wife.
Also, don’t know if you do Negan (I saw JDM so maybe?) but second person, sunny, maybe reader is rick grimes’ wife and negan is just being a lil shit like always and making grimes mad. If you’re down to write it of course!!!
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AMBIENCE: Zombie Apocalypse
NOTES: I have watched like 5 episodes of The Walking Dead so forgive me if I wrote something that just doesn't add up lol
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Rick Grimes was out in the woods under the blazing sun and with an axe in one hand.
The weather had shifted recently; during daytime the heat was almost unbearable and yet, at night, a bone-chilling cold took over so he was looking for wood for the fireplace. He froze when he heard strange noises and glanced all around him thinking the undead may be near, but he was only surrounded by trees. He eased his nerves by picturing you, his wife, in his head. He could see you at home, fresh out of the shower and making yourself a cup of coffee.
Rick smiled. He missed you. He wondered if he had left you enough wood the last time he visited you to keep yourself warm at night.
You two were apart because it would be the safest thing for now. After Negan showed up, he held you hostage, and he even had you forcefully playing house. “That sick fuck" Rick thought. He hated it when his mind betrayed him and displayed that image abruptly in his head, but it was also the reason he had chosen to keep you hidden in a small house far away from his. Visiting you was quite the adventure; he had to be very careful because no one could know where you were.
Your husband had saved you but you would never truly be safe while Negan was still out there.
The intrusive thoughts sometimes also reminded him that since you spent so much time alone with Negan, you had learned to tolerate him. More than Rick would’ve wanted. He said you were inevitably confused in such circumstance but he would rather die before calling it “Stockholm Syndrome”.  He knew full well that Negan liked you a lot, so the fact that you didn’t hate your former captor ate at Rick every now and then.
As he went further into the woods, he heard strange noises again, so he stopped in his tracks, he felt followed. He gripped the axe in his right hand tighter.
“Who’s there?” He asked out loud as he stared straight ahead.
But he didn’t notice the man standing behind him with a rock in his hand. Suddenly, everything went black.
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When Rick woke up, he couldn’t see a thing and he realized he was hooded, gagged, and tied up. A few minutes later he was pulled up to his feet and taken somewhere else. His heart was racing like never before, he was sweating profusely and all he could think of was you, begging the universe to let him live another day just to see you. Whoever was brusquely dragging him by the arm stopped and forced him to kneel on the ground.
Rick heard heavy footsteps, boots most likely, getting closer to him. Then, his hood was violently removed and he squinted while his eyes got used to the overwhelming sun for the first time in hours. He looked up and they widened for his worst nightmare had come true; Negan was standing before him with an evil grin on his face, while surrounded by his people. And he knew exactly what to say to make Rick’s blood boil, so he squatted down and gripped his chin to stare into his soul.
“I’m back.” He murmured proudly. “Hold onto your wife.”
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oscarwildeasf · 1 year
me and my friend discovered zombie apocalypse ambience and i jokingly tried it out which led me to having the best night’s sleep i’ve had in months which is even funnier when you consider the fact that i have insomnia.
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zombiepatch · 2 years
it’s halloween and life is hard, listen to zombie apocalypse ambience, okay?? my favorite is this one bc it is nice and soothing thank u
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I took the best nap of my life listening to a zombie apocalypse ambience video, I think my brain is broken
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aliceb6 · 2 years
esoteric experience I had in Paris
adjective: esoteric
intended for or likely to be understood by only a small number of people with a specialized knowledge or interest.
Eh, still counts.
Years ago, when I was between 8-11, me and my parents went to Paris.
We were going to check into an AirBnB,
We flew in, got into Paris, it was 7 in the morning. We all feel pretty alright. Sun is out. Cloudy sky so there is no real sunlight.
The Host Guy wasn’t ready or wasn’t awake or possibly both. So we had to wait around for a while.
There are NO PEOPLE on the streets. The streets were just devoid. The only signs of human life were cars that would sometimes pass by, even then you couldn’t see the drivers very well.
It was like a zombie apocalypse. At 7 AM. With daylight.
Nothing was really open...except for this one Café. It is sparse but not to that weird of a degree. Across the street was a bunch of posters on a wall, one of which was a sad clown which scared the shit out of me as an 8-11 year old.
I heard two men arguing, at first I thought they were arguing over the radio (for some reason) but I think they were arguing in the back? I have no idea what it was about.
There was a T.V. Screen playing Katy Perry’s Dark Horse music video.
Just the music video, no music. There was no music at all, just the ambience of two unseen French men arguing.
Across the street I kid you not at one point soldiers marched. I think it was just a drill to do in the wee hours of 7 am to practice but it was just really strange when layered on top of everything else.
I don’t think we were even served any food at the Café.
I am from a ‘Murican City™️ that is pretty around the clock in terms of wakefulness. Generally I was not used to the streets being vacant at 7 am.
Europe is not America and this isn’t me going “oh those Europeans should get up at 7 in the morning, or fuck it: AT MIDNIGHT!”
It was just weird to see Paris empty.
All the other factors-soundless music video, unseen argument, creepy ass clown, soldiers-made for the esotericism of that block of time.
10/10, would experience again.
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replicasoul · 1 year
Tell us about your favorite Resident Evil game and/ or your favorite Resident Evil Protagonist aaaaaaand your favorite thing you like to see at an Aquarium
uhHHH fav resident evil game is some tossup between like... Resident Evil 4, Resident Evil: Outbreak, and Resident Evil (REmake). idk, i like all of them for different reasons and in different ways and all of them are fucking great (even if outbreak has a LOT of issues) favorite protagonist isssssss im not entirely sure honestly, thats a hard one + my answer has changed a lot over the years. like originally it was Rebecca for a long time and i still like her a lot in RE0 + REmake. i also rly like Sheva conceptually (meaning what little detail we DO get about her) and from a (DEFAULT) outfit design perspective, even if re5 is cowardly about characterizing her much at all and also re5 is such a fucking Mess in general. like, seeing someone who has an extremely personal stake against umbrella that doesnt stem from the initial mansion/raccoon city stuff was Genuinely Very Interesting. hmmmmm if i HAD to answer, like boring answer is probably Jill; shes just always been a cool character thats still (mostly) done well in more recent games, too, and also ended up being a BIG reason that i ended up butch, lmao. more interesting answer: Jim from Outbreak bc hes the funniest resident evil character conceptually and i love him. first and only RE character to just be like "THERES A ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE HAPPENING, WHY IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME ON A TUESDAY. I ALREADY WORK MINIMUM WAGE. FUCK THIS. I HATE MY LIFE" and to just be Legitimately Understandably freaked the fuck Out about it w/o also being "random civilian character who instantly dies #489". legitimately good characterization while also being a very fun character thats Very different from typical RE protagonists. (Yoko is a close 2nd from outbreak given her ties to umbrella and her concept as a character, but they dont do a ton w/ it and she ends up being a bit boring) and thennnn Aquarium question answer is: probably the aquarium itself listen i love fish and sharks and penguins and all those cool things, but also aquariums are some of my fav spaces to visit specifically bc of just how fucking cool and weird the spaces are from a design perspective, and how theyre typically (in my experience anyway) a lot Quieter than places like Zoos on top of that. just, incredible fucking ambience to those spaces, especially in the like... darker rooms where the tank itself is the brightest thing in the room and just casts a blue glow over everything; aquariums fucking rule
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gogtopia · 2 years
FINE. 4, 5 , 17, and 18. now.
4. favorite george stream/video? hmmm PROBABLY the full mcc 11 vod like i love mcc, it’s dteam and karl, everything goes wrong and they still win, we get cat content, AND there’s good post-mcc dsmp like ive rewatched it so many times
5. when did you first start watching their content? what got you into it? i already answered this one hehe but i will say my first gnf video specifically was the zombie apocalypse survival video which is such an unremarkable video and yet here i am a huge gnf stan
17. if you read fic, link a fic about them that you really like! okay obviously i know you want me to link the wasteland by backtopluto which is a gilded age era dnf fic about like the communist movement and immigrant life but i will also link two more. i own a physical copy of when the sunlight dies by bramble_patch and personalized_radio and it’s sooo good. it’s primarily a cfiances fic with bg dnf and is this epic fantasy au that i do recommend. im also gonna link another cfiances fic that doesnt ft dream or george but yk sapnap is dteam. anyway this light from all eclipse by hoorayy is the last fic that really stunned me. it’s an excellent lighthouse horror fic that just does ambience very wekk
18. link a piece of dream team art that you really like (link, don’t repost) this is my favorite piece of dsmp art of all time and since dream isn’t in it here’s a piece of dteam art that’s just so pretty
dtblr ask game
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citizenoftmrrwlnd · 1 year
woe! croptpp zombie be upon ye! >:)X
if i could be so bold to request, perhaps a lil video playlist for me? :?X i watch a lot of video essays nd stuff but you can just kinda put whatever in (maybe a kinda apocalypse-based like ambience playlist thingie, if those exist, but again, your call :)X )
thankss :pX -croptop zombie, being a wacky little PEST in your inbox again >:)X
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so happy to see you again! it's always a joy! i've queued your request! i hope you'll enjoy the videos i found for you!
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jonh1369-blog · 8 months
Zombie apocalypse Ambience #halloween #ambience #thewalkingdead
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bradleyenfield · 1 year
Zombies Are Coming - Apocalypse Ambience
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cthulhucoffee · 2 years
Hiding Out In A Graveyard During A Zombie Apocalypse | Halloween Ambienc...
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Intro !
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Howdy ! I’m Author, I’m of course an author - I love the horror genre, fantasy / fiction genre, sci-fi genre, action and thriller genre, occasionally the romance genre, and more ! I’m trying to get myself to post more and write more especially so I felt like this would be a good place to start !
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More About Me !!  My pronouns are She/They/Doll  I’m 19 and a Pisces  Autistic + ADHD I love horror movies, horror games, cozy and cute games, Stranger Things, Listening to music, Reading, Writing, Ducks, Cats, Frogs, Snails, Dogs, A lot of hyper feminine + Ultra feminine aesthetics, HP, DBD, D&D, Slime Rancher, Stardew Valley, Unpacking [game], Minecraft, Roblox, Zombie Apocalypse genre shows & games, Squishmallows, Monster High, Paranormal stuff, Ambiences, and a lot more !
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I’m still new to Tumblr so I’m still trying to get the hang of it, but I know I will eventually ! <3 Thank you for reading this intro !
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