#yujiro baki
baki-tiene-un-simp · 10 months
Shopping / De compras.
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Character: Yujiro Hanma. Yujiro Hanma x Female Reader. Word count: 2k. Warning: Rude/absurd behavior on Yujiro's part and jealousy.
Parte en español, abajo. Requested by @abeeratmb
After the father-son fight, the whole world began to idolize him, everyone recognized him and turned to look at him as soon as his imposing figure made his way through the crowd of people who until a moment ago were only focused on what was happening yours. Suddenly, the world was on the lookout for his every move or anything he did to talk about it with admiration, horror, dismay, or some indecipherable combination of the aforementioned three; Yujiro was no stranger to being recognized, but all that attention was starting to get annoying.
The mutterings of the people reached his ears due to the poor attempt of all the people around him to remain inconspicuous while talking about him, the ogre let out a warning growl as he turned to his side, everyone fell silent because of it. Y/n laughed at the scowl of the big man sitting in front of her, she was fully aware of the terrible mood Yujiro used to get when she kept insisting that she wanted to go out to the mall to do a couple of purchases, Yujiro first. He never liked accompanying her activities as trivial as that, however, with the extra attention Yujiro had reached a different level of rejection of mundane and everyday activities. He had given his arm this time only because she had pointed out how he had been denying her requests so much and how she planned to become stiflingly annoying if he continued to deny her, and with that, here they had it.
She gave Yujiro a couple of mocking thoughts for a few extra seconds before going on her tirade, completely uninterested about her companion's lack of interest.
“I've been excited to come to this new store since it opened last week,” Y/n recounted with a smile, her fingers fiddling with the eco-friendly straw she'd been drinking from earlier, “Everyone says it's full of items for everyone"
Yujiro hummed disinterestedly, his eyes darting around the place for anything that deserved his attention other than his partner's words that entered his ear like white noise, his menacing posture as he leaned back in his seat less noticeable to everyone around him. He nodded vaguely when Y/n turned to him with some question, he would let her listen to herself a bit more if it would make her move faster to get out of there.
Everything around him was obnoxiously quiet and everyday, just people minding their own business, however, he ended up catching a pair of eyes going to his table. They weren't on it.
"I was thinking of getting something for Baki too, do you think he might like something?" She glanced at him, finally asking for his direct opinion instead of settling for his lame expression of interest, "Are you listening?"
"Yeah, yeah, don't get involved with the boy" Y/n finished frowning, complaining again about how rude he was every time he did that. Yujiro continued to pay attention to the looks, a couple of them had joined when he took his eyes off them for a second to answer the woman in front of him. "Didn't you want to buy something? Go get it so we can leave."
"You're damned impatient when you don't like something." Y/n totally ignored the ogre's angry face, she moved before he could complain to get up from her spot and grab her bag, "However, it really is about time you let's go into that store"
Hanma made an annoyed face, letting his partner's words pass just because she agreed to finally go to her destination, and imitated her action by standing up. People focused on them as they walked side by side to get away from the area and towards the area where all the shops were with their flashy windows and bright lights, the whispers returned and the comments came from everywhere without hesitation. Yujiro doesn't like cutesy public displays of affection like holding hands, but his hand tingled in disgust at the attention he was getting Y/n from a bunch of weaklings; As if she was going to turn to look at any of those poor male prospects when she had him.
Y/n turned to the man who was with her, leaving her phone aside, when she felt how her smaller hand was completely wrapped Yujiro's hand. A mocking laugh escaped her lips as she clung to his arm, humming in amusement when she heard his grunt in response to her action.
They walked together like that, Yujiro checking the surroundings, the gazes had diminished, but they were still there.
When the Hanma came to, they were already in front of the store, it was a fairly striking store, probably the gyroscopic lights that moved slowly gave it that exotic and expensive air despite not being exaggeratedly decorated to give that idea. The climate control was subtle and the fresh scent of pine was an unexpected selection, but at the same time it was not disturbing. Yujiro let go of Y/n as she began to marvel at every little item she saw, staying out of the woman's bubbling excitement and only pulling her occasionally to continue exploring the place until she found what she wanted.
"What do you think about this?" She turned to him for his opinion, an overgarment that had been fastened to a hook for its display now hung in front of her.
"Is that clothes?" he grumbled, eyeing the piece with disgust.
"Isn't that cute?" Y/n laughed at the growl that came after her words, "You're right, I should take it."
"I won't pay for that," he warned with a pout.
“Like you really pay for something”
The ogre's scathing and sarcastic comment was interrupted by the store staff who were approaching them both, he had just been recognized and now they were receiving him as some kind of special guest, he turned his eyes and let them guide them to the changing room area while they stocked Y/n with most of the seasonal items for her to choose from as much as she wanted. Yujiro waited in some gray armchairs that were nearby as a waiting room, his impatient face focused on the red curtain that hid Y/n from him, ignoring the employees who approached to offer him something to drink.
A few more seconds, Y/n went outside to look at herself in the full length mirror outside the fitting room.
"I definitely have an eye for clothes, don't you think?" she commented, speaking over her shoulder without actually looking at her companion.
"Whatever" was the only thing he received before her mocking comment, "Take it if you want"
"Didn't you say a second ago that you wouldn't pay for this?" Her question, her fingers combing through her hair to style it just a bit from the change of clothes.
"You said so," he sneered, "It's not like I really paid for anything."
“How annoying.” Y/n turned to look at him this time, an angry scowl on her face.
The employees came back to make sure that they both had everything they wanted without having to bother to move from their place, Yujiro gave a silent order for them to comply with her wishes, everyone moved quickly and efficiently. Y/n let out an impressed whistle.
A couple of changes of clothes were enough for a couple of shopping bags to accumulate on the sofa next to the ogre, the same one who absentmindedly looked at the contents of each one, leaving Baki's gift out when he realized that she was really there over there.
When the woman was satisfied, they approached the cash register, it was a pain for Y/n to convince Yujiro to pay for her things, in the end she had to give up including him in future mall visits. An employee packed into several bags all the items that both were carrying, well, that she was carrying.
“Sir, do you want our employees to help your daughter carry her bags to her car?”
Silence settled among everyone present, an awkward atmosphere filled the place in a matter of nothing when Yujiro held the woman's gaze for a second that seemed like forever, Y/n doing everything possible not to double over and sneer shamelessly from the man right there.
Looks of curiosity were born on the faces of those present, waiting for Yujiro's words to end what they believed was quality care for an important figure and that would only bring recognition to their establishment. The cashier who had addressed Yujiro in the first place was beginning to feel uncomfortable in her own skin, the man's vacant gaze was more intimidating than the annoyed look he had exhibited earlier, she swallowed and silently sought help from the woman who had arrived with the bigger man, she had stood behind him doing nothing but smiling with some amusement at all the interaction.
"I," the ogre's girl finally spoke, "I'm his girlfriend"
Y/n made an inhuman effort not to laugh when the faces of the employees turned pale at the same time, she was being cruel, all of them ending up in a speechless state with a scared countenance. Yujiro still torturing the poor woman with his harassing gaze.
"You shouldn't worry about me" Y/n smiled kindly, her arm anchoring once more in Yujiro's arm, "My partner is kind and strong enough to carry all of this for me"
"Have a nice day" the cashier stammered throughout the farewell to him, almost incomprehensible.
Y/n went first, being closely followed by the imposing man who, in his mental gloom, was carrying her things. For Yujiro everything was starting to fit annoyingly, everyone had seen him as the father of his girlfriend all day, that pissed off his pride a bit.
Is she that good? Did anyone have any doubts about what Yujiro Hanma was capable of doing? Having this woman was just one of the easiest things, he had Y/n because there was undoubtedly no one like him. She frowned, she had started to make fun of him again, it was that mocking look that disgusted him the most, did she also have doubts about him?
He dropped all of her bags drawing the attention of the woman in front of him, stopping her teasing and earning her a disgusted look.
"Hey, you're going to break something," she snorted, "It would be a waste of money if something broke when we just bought it-"
Yujiro's large hand gripped Y/n's arm to drag her closer to him, his hands cushioning her impact as she landed on the ogre's chest, and then their lips were sealed in a demanding kiss that locked her in place with an almost constricting force. He used to be this demanding, but never in front of so many people.
The man's lips crushed against hers in a passionate, demanding kiss to prove one thing, he was her mate; they were together, she was his. Undoubtedly. It must be undoubted to whoever sees them together. Those present had laid their eyes on them when the kiss began, but many had to look away after it went on for so long, eager caresses up and down the smaller woman's back had made many people feel suddenly shy.
He let her go after feeling satisfied, a red face had replaced the sneer she had exhibited for a while, he liked that more. She was silent even when she asked him to bring her things and the way she hung onto his arm again so they could both disappear into the crowd.
Personaje: Yujiro Hanma. Emparejamiento: Yujiro Hanma x Mujer lectora. Recuento de palabras: 2k. Advertencia: Comportamiento grosero/absurdo por parte de Yujiro y celos.
Después de la pelea de padre e hijo el mundo entero empezó a idolatrarlo, todo mundo lo reconocía y se giraban a mirarlo tan pronto como su imponente figura se abría paso a través de la multitud de personas que hasta hace un momento solo estaban concentrados en lo suyo. De repente, el mundo estaba atento a todos sus movimientos o a cualquier cosa que hiciera para hablar sobre ello con admiración, horror, consternación o una indescifrable combinación de las tres antes mencionadas; Yujiro no era ajeno a ser reconocido, pero toda esa atención empezaba a ser molesta.
Los murmullos de las personas llegaban a sus oídos debido al pobre intento de todas las personas a su alrededor de pasar inadvertidos mientras hablaban de él, el ogro dejo ir un gruñido de advertencia mientras se giraba hacia su costado, todo mundo guardo silencio a causa de ello. T/n se rio del ceño fruncido del gran hombre sentado al frente suyo, era plenamente consciente del terrible humor que solía tener Yujiro cuando insistía sin cesar con que quería salir al centro comercial para hacer un par de compras, en primer lugar, a Yujiro jamás le gusto acompañarle en actividades tan triviales como esa, sin embargo, con la atención extra Yujiro había alcanzado un nivel diferente de rechazo ante las actividades mundanas y cotidianas. Él había dado su brazo a torcer en esta ocasión solo porque ella había señalado como había estado renegando tanto a sus peticiones y de cómo pensaba volverse asfixiantemente fastidiosa si continuaba dándole negativas, y con eso, aquí lo tenían.
Le dedico un par de pensamientos burlescos a Yujiro durante unos pocos segundos adicionales antes de empezar su diatriba, completamente desinteresada acerca de la falta de interés de su acompañante.
“Estaba entusiasmada por venir a esta nueva tienda desde que abrió la semana pasada,” T/n relato con una sonrisa, sus dedos jugueteaban con la pajilla ecológica de la que había estado bebiendo hace un rato, “Todo mundo dice que está llena de artículos para todo mundo”
Yujiro tarareo con desinterés, los ojos recorriendo todo el lugar por algo que mereciera su atención aparte de las palabras de su pareja que entraban como ruido blanco en su oído, su postura amenazante al estar reclinado sobre su asiento era menos notoria para todos a su alrededor. Asintió vagamente cuando T/n se dirigió a él con alguna pregunta, la dejaría escucharse un poco más si eso hacía que se moviera más rápido para irse de allí.
Todo a su alrededor era detestablemente tranquilo y cotidiano, solo personas ocupándose de sus propios asuntos, sin embargo, termino por captar un par de ojos que se dirigían a su mesa. No estaban puestas en él.
“Estaba pensando en conseguir algo para Baki también, ¿crees que algo le guste?” ella lo miro, finalmente pidiéndole una opinión directa en lugar de conformarse con la deficiente expresión de interés que hace, “¿Estás escuchándome?”
“Si, si, no te relaciones con el muchacho” T/n termino de fruncir el ceño, quejándose otra vez de lo grosero que era cada vez que hacía eso. Yujiro continúo prestándole atención a las miradas, un par de ellas se habían sumado cuando aparto sus ojos un segundo para responderle a la mujer frente a él. “¿Acaso no querías comprar algo? Ve por eso para que podamos irnos”
“Eres detestablemente impaciente cuando algo no te gusta” T/n ignoro olímpicamente el rostro enojado del ogro, ella se movió antes de que él pudiera quejarse para levantarse de su lugar y sujetar su bolso, “Sin embargo, realmente ya es hora de que entremos a esa tienda”
Hanma hizo un rostro de fastidio, dejando pasar las palabras de su pareja solo porque accedió a ir finalmente a su destino, e imito la acción de ella al ponerse de pie. La gente se centró en ellos cuando caminaron a la par para alejarse de la zona y dirigirse hacia el área en donde estaban todas las tiendas con sus llamativos escaparates y luces brillantes, los murmullos regresaron y los comentarios venían de todas partes sin reparo. A Yujiro no le gustan las cursis demostraciones públicas de afecto como tomarse de las manos, pero su mano hormigueo de disgusto al notar la atención que estaba recibiendo T/n por parte de un puñado de debiluchos; como si ella fuese a voltear a mirar a cualquiera de esos pobres prospectos de hombres cuando lo tenía a él.
T/n se volteó hacia el hombre que la acompañaba, dejando de lado su teléfono, cuando sintió como su mano más pequeña era envuelta en su totalidad por la mano de Yujiro. Una risa burlesca se escapó de sus labios cuando se ancló al brazo de él, tarareando con diversión cuando escucho el gruñido de respuesta ante su acción.
Caminaron juntos de esa forma, Yujiro comprobando los alrededores, las miradas habían disminuido, pero seguían allí.
Cuando el Hanma regreso en sí ya estaban frente a la tienda, era una tienda medianamente llamativa, probablemente las luces giroscópicas que se movían lentamente le daban ese aire exótico y costoso a pesar de no estar exageradamente decorada para dar esa idea. La climatización era sutil y el aroma fresco de pino era una selección que no te esperabas, pero al mismo tiempo no resultaba molesto. Yujiro dejo ir a T/n cuando esta empezó a maravillarse por cada pequeño artículo que veía, quedándose al margen de la burbujeante emoción de la mujer y solo tirando de ella ocasionalmente para que continuara explorando el lugar hasta encontrar lo que quería.
“¿Qué piensas de esto?” ella se giró hacia él en busca de su opinión, una prenda superior que estaba ajustada en un gancho para su exhibición ahora colgaba frente a ella.
“¿Eso acaso es ropa?” él se quejó, observando con disgusto la pieza.
“¿Verdad que es lindo?” T/n se rio del gruñido que vino tras sus palabras, “Tienes razón, debería llevarla”
“No pagaré por eso” advirtió con mala cara.
“Como si realmente pagaras por algo”
El comentario mordaz y sarcástico del ogro fue interrumpido por el personal de la tienda que se acercaban a ambos, acababa de ser reconocido y ahora lo estaban recibiendo como a una especie de invitado especial, giro los ojos y les dejo guiarlos hasta el área de probadores mientras surtían a T/n de la mayoría de las prendas de temporada para que escogiera cuanto quisiera. Yujiro espero en unos sillones grises que estaban cerca de allí a modo de sala de espera, su rostro impaciente se concentró en la cortina roja que escondía a T/n de él, ignorando a los empleados que se acercaban para ofrecerle algo de tomar.
Unos segundos más, T/n salió para mirarse en el espejo de cuerpo completo que estaba fuera del probador.
“Definitivamente tengo un buen ojo para la ropa, ¿no crees?” ella comentó, hablando por encima del hombro sin mirar realmente a su acompañante.
“Como sea” fue lo único que ella recibió ante su burlón comentario, “Llévatelo si quieres”
“¿Hace un segundo no dijiste que no pagarías por esto?” cuestiono, sus dedos peinando su cabello para estilizarlo solo un poco por el cambio de ropa.
“Tú lo dijiste” él se burló con una risa, “No es como si realmente pagara por algo”
“Que fastidioso” T/n lo volteo a ver esta vez, una mueca de enojo en su rostro.
Los empleados volvieron para cerciorarse de que ambos tuvieran todo lo que quisieran sin tener que tomarse las molestias de moverse de su lugar, Yujiro dio una orden silenciosa para que cumplieran con los deseos de ella, todos se movieron rápido y eficientemente. T/n dejo ir un silbido impresionado.
Un par de cambios de ropa bastaron para que un par de bolsas de compras se acumularan en el sofá junto al ogro, el mismo que miraban distraídamente el contenido de cada una, dejando fuera el regalo de Baki cuando se percató de que realmente estaba allí.
Cuando la mujer estuvo satisfecha se acercaron a la caja registradora, fue un fastidio para T/n el convencer a Yujiro de que pagara por sus cosas, al final tuvo que renunciar a incluirlo en visitas al centro comercial en el futuro. Una empleada empacó en varias bolsas todos los artículos que ambos estaban llevando, bueno, que ella estaba llevando.
“Señor, ¿quiere que nuestros empleados ayuden a su hija a llevar sus bolsas a su auto?”
El silencio se asentó entre todos los presentes, una atmosfera incómoda inundo el lugar en cuestión de nada cuando Yujiro le sostuvo la mirada a la mujer por un segundo que pareció eterno, T/n haciendo hasta lo imposible para no doblarse sobre sí misma y burlarse descaradamente del hombre justo allí.
Las miradas de curiosidad nacieron en los rostros de los presentes, esperando por las palabras de Yujiro para dar por finalizada a la que creían fue una atención de calidad para una figura importante y que solo traería reconocimiento a su establecimiento. La cajera que se había dirigido a Yujiro en primer lugar empezaba a sentirse incómoda en su propia piel, la mirada vacía del hombre resultaba más intimidante de la mirada de molestia que había exhibido antes, trago saliva y busco ayuda silenciosa de la mujer que había llegado con el hombre más grande, ella se había quedado parada tras él sin hacer más que sonreír con cierta diversión ante toda la interacción.
“Yo” la mujer del ogro hablo finalmente, “Yo soy su novia, en realidad”
T/n hizo un esfuerzo inhumano para no reírse cuando los rostros de los empleados palidecieron al mismo tiempo, estaba siendo cruel, todos terminando por quedarse en un estado mudo con un semblante asustado. Yujiro aun torturando a la pobre mujer con su hostigante mirada fija.
“No deben preocuparse por mí” T/n sonrió amablemente, su brazo anclándose una vez más al brazo de Yujiro, “Mi pareja es lo suficientemente amable y fuerte para llevar todo esto por mí"
“Que tenga un buen día” la cajera tartamudeo durante toda su despedida, casi incomprensiva.
T/n marcho primero siendo seguida de cerca por el imponente hombre que, en su penumbra mental, cargaba sus cosas. Para Yujiro todo empezaba a encajar fastidiosamente, todos lo habían visto como el padre de su novia durante todo el día, eso molesto un poco su orgullo.
¿Qué había con ella? ¿Acaso alguien tenía duda sobre lo que era capaz de hacer Yujiro Hanma? El tener a esta mujer no era más que una de las cosas más fáciles, él tenía a T/n porque indudablemente no había nadie como él. Frunció el ceño, ella había empezado a burlarse de él otra vez, era esa mirada burlona lo que más le disgustaba, ¿acaso ella también tenía dudas de él?
Dejo caer todas las bolsas llamando la atención de la mujer frente a él, deteniendo sus burlas y ganándose la mirada disgustada de la misma.
“Oye, vas a romper algo” ella resopló, “Sería un desperdicio de dinero si algo llega a romperse cuando lo acabamos de comprar-“
La gran mano de Yujiro sujeto el brazo de T/n para arrastrarla más cerca de él, sus manos amortiguando su impacto al posarse en el pecho del ogro, y luego sus labios fueron sellados en un beso exigente que la aprisionaba en su lugar con una fuerza casi constrictora. Él solía ser así de exigente, pero jamás frente a tanta gente.
Los labios del hombre se aplastaron contra los de ella en un beso apasionado y demandante por demostrar una cosa, él era su pareja; estaban juntos, ella era suya. Indudablemente. Debía ser indudable para quien sea que los vea juntos. Los presentes habían puesto sus ojos en ellos cuando el beso comenzó, pero muchos tuvieron que desviar la mirada después de que se prolongó durante tanto tiempo, caricias ansiosas que subían y bajaban por la espalda más pequeña de la mujer habían hecho que muchas personas se sintieran tímidas de repente.
La dejo ir después de sentirse satisfecho, un rostro rojo había reemplazado la mueca de burla que ella había exhibido desde hace un rato, eso le gusto más. Fue silenciosa incluso cuando le pidió que trajera sus cosas y en la forma en que se colgó de su brazo otra vez para que ambos pudieran desaparecer entre la multitud.
331 notes · View notes
raidenbuddha · 9 months
Baki characters x Fem reader!
Yujiro Hanma
This man will literally make sure to smack your ass in public if someone is looking at you both. Jealous isn’t the word, but he WILL kill any man who hits on you. Yujiro will also make sure to leave bite marks all over your body to let EVERYONE know that you belong to him.. This man definitely has a breeding kink.( can’t blame me the show even practically says it) He’s obsessed with making the strongest kids to ever live, but even more so with seeing you cry when he slams into you too hard. Defo loves the power imbalance!
Baki hanma:
HES SO TOUCHED STARVED! (My mans😭) He lives for your affection. Baki definitely loves to hold hands and kiss you in public. (His love language) is pda and giving you little momentos of your relationship. You two go to a museum? He’s buying you a dinosaur plushie… Ok hear me out doesn’t Baki strike you as the type to hold your hand during sex? Tell you it’ll all be ok and that you’re doing so well? Definitely gives the best aftercare and cuddles.
Jack Hanma:
Jack absolutely adores you to the point where it’s unhealthy. If he could lock you away he would. The reason though is that you saw through his tough facade and all the scars and only saw a man who needed healing. Over time jack seems like he would get supeeeer flirty with you. To the point where he’s making innuendos a least 3 times a day just to get you flustered. Just gonna throw it out there- his cock is massive would practically rip you a new one if he put it in all the way lmao. Loves cuddling and carrying you everywhere after..
Another man who lives for your affection. Int he start of your relationship he would stay over a lotttt and cuddle with you until eventually he moved in. Katsumi obviously brags about you to everyone he can and told his parents he was going to marry you a week into the relationship. Doppo and Natsue strike me as having Grandbaby fever.. But THIS MAN is sooo wholesome and blushes at the slightest touch you give him. If you egg him on however, it’s like flipping a switch and he becomes sooo dominant. Definitely going to be taking a few days off work…
Jun Guevara:
You two met at a dancing club and he was entranced with you since he’d seen you. Obsessive over you just like jack. Loves to take you sailing and gives you little seashells as gifts..can’t forget that this man is definitely a horny ass always tryna get into your pants. He be pulling out the Spanish being like “Mi amor I need you so badly..” as he kisses you. Okay but like Spanish guy so he finna love back shots no matter the ass(lmaoo) and probably missionary. Loves giving you his clothes and bandana after
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sl33paholics · 5 months
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Baki's Reaction To Your Ex Trying To Get You Back Headcanons! (and a mini story ig)
Uhm.....it's 6am as I write this and I'm giggling my ass off
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To say that Baki would come up and beat the shit out of your ex on the spot right in front of you and others is an understatement.
Baki is more of a quiet observator. Rather than confrontational, Baki might choose to observe your ex from a distance, assessing the encounter with a calm demeanor, possibly seeing it as an opportunity to reaffirm your commitment.
Baki's not an idiot. He can choose to downplay the situation, opting not to give your ex's attempt much attention, focusing instead on maintaining the positive dynamics of your relationship.
Known for his actions more than words, Baki might subtly intensify his efforts to show affection and support, reinforcing Baki's commitment through deeds rather than direct confrontation.
Baki knows how much you love to post yourself on social media. The latest fits, shoes, or with your friends. He's aware that your ex still follows you, even though you unfollowed him many, many months ago. Expect Baki to always hype you up in the comments under your posts on Instagram by spamming hearts and down-bad shit as well, he's most likely getting pinned every time.
Hell, if you're not posting yourself, you're sharing photos of the two of you on dates and random shit. Such as the you two at the gym. Baki's arms always wrapped around your shoulders or his hands gripping your hips. Baki can tell your ex is salty, he stalks his story on an alt account, LOL!
Sometimes, Baki could sense how annoyed and bothered you are whenever you'd see accounts named "shien_giveaway_6997" viewing your story. It's so obvious! Baki values honesty, and he'd engage in an open conversation with you about the situation, discussing any concerns or insecurities. Baki doesn't want a pretty woman like you stressing out over a man who couldn't keep his dick in his pants.
If you don't want to speak to him about the whole situation, Baki could respond with affectionate gesture, like a surprise date or a thoughtful gift, to reaffirm his commitment and show that he values and appreciates you. He could even use humor and make jokes about your ex's attempts to diffuse the tension.
However, it could only be so long until the man could entertain your ex before he was going to be pushed off the edge.
Baki could opt for a straightforward conversation, expressing his feelings and concerns calmly while speaking to the man via text message or phone. While not confrontational, Baki gives off a subtle warning vibe, a non-verbal cue that communicates the depth of his commitment and suggests that attempting to disrupt the relationship won't be taken lightly.
This could go two ways. 1) Your ex could simply back off and respect your wishes that your current relationship holds. Or 2) your ex could simply be cocky, shouting at him over the phone, insulting him to insert dominance, and other things to Baki as he's just there sitting silently listening to him yap yap yap yap yap yap yap -
It just so happens that Baki and your ex stumbled across each other while in the city.
Guess you can see where this is going.
Seeing Baki's size, your ex laughed and berated him. How can a man his height cuff YOU up? He couldn't believe it. How low were your expectations? He was tall and built. Baki? Sure. He was ripped but SHORT.
"I don't have time for this," Baki simply said, making your ex raise a brow in confusion. "(Y/N) is waiting for me, I can't have my love waiting." Baki walked past the taller figure, his hands in his pockets. He stopped once your ex pulled on his shirt, tugging and pulling Baki back.
"A short boy like you can't do shit!" Your ex would spat. The smell of cigarettes reeked and made Baki want to cough in his face. "Suddenly coming 'round and stealin' MY girl away from me?! I should punch you in your shit-"
It's safe to say that Baki hit this man with a two-piece combo. A slap and a roundhouse kick sent that man straight to sleep on the sidewalk. Baki stared at the unconscious man before sighing. Continuing his journey towards your place.
Hours later, your phone begins to blow up from your friends of the picture of your ex on the sidewalk earlier that day. You confronted Baki only for him to pout and say, "He ruined my shirt :("
You couldn't be mad at him. At least your ex knew not to fuck with you and your boyfriend anymore.
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ozzgin · 8 months
Also I love your blogs sorry I’ve been spamming 🩷Hii Author, could you do another part for the small prehistoric reader, where she is actually really strong even though she’s small and innocent looking like stronger than Yujiro and Baki but she’s only really like that when she’s in heat. I wonder how the would react Yk 🤔
Sure! It’s been suggested in the comments as well and it does have a fun twist to it. Female characters stronger than the main cast is the one uncanonical construct that I deeply enjoy.
Baki Characters x Prehistoric! Small Reader Headcanons (II)
Featuring the Baki characters and a prehistoric but small sized reader that turns out to be unexpectedly strong.
[Baki Masterlist] [Part I]
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The fighters keep a respectable distance from you in order to assure Pickle of your safety. They’d rather not pose as a threat to his mate, especially after seeing how protective he can get. He always keeps you under his watchful gaze, ready to interfere if you need to make use of his strength. At times he’s particularly anxious around you. Professor Payne has explained in more scientifically appropriate terms that you might be dealing with female specific issues. No one pressed it further.
This peaceful resolve does not sit well with Yuujirou. How very pathetic and boring that everyone concomitantly agreed to mind their own business. He itches for a little bit of action and what better way to rile up the prehistoric warrior than messing with his little protégé? He doesn’t want to risk fighting a half-assed Pickle, he wants the wrath, the readiness to kill. So with arrogant mockery he decides to give you a little nudge in front of everyone. Just a mere push, he does show mercy to weaklings like you. Baki is enraged and the other men join him. Everyone is waiting for Pickle to make his move, though bizarrely enough he just stands there, eyes wise in shock. Yuujirou didn’t expect this lack of reaction.
The Ogre is a man with battle experience and nothing can take him by surprise. It is to be noted, however, that sometimes a trade off for the sake of efficiency has to be made. A rational agent in artificial intelligence may have to take millions of variables into consideration in order to compute the most optimal solution and react to the environment. Realistically speaking, therefore, some less probable events are taken entirely out of the equation. So, for example, the idea that you would attack Yuujirou was not something his body expected to react against. The impact of your small fist was doubled by this element of surprise. His eyes roll back and his large body is thrown at quite the distance, leaving significant damage behind.
There’s a deafening silence that lingers for what seems an eternity. Baki feels a mild discomfort on the walls of his throat and he realizes his mouth has been hanging open for long enough that it almost dried up. Did you…did you just knock his father out with one single hit? He slowly turns his head to the other witnesses, wondering if this is a dream and the others will confirm it. Judging by the equally dumbfounded expressions surrounding him, he suspects fearfully that it is, in fact, something that just happened. Jack feels like he’s been kicked in the crotch. Katsumi is overwhelmed by a certain nostalgia, the nervousness he felt when he was a little child attending the Dojo for the very first time. Retsu purses his lips as a solemn frown creases his features. Tokugawa can feel the beads of sweat gathering in the folds of his wrinkled forehead.
The least impressed of the group is Pickle. Almost as if he expected it to happen, he walks up to you and grabs your shoulders before you can approach Yuujirou’s passed out body. Your face relaxes once again and you look up to him with a genuine smile, as if soothing his worries. You’ll stop here, no worries. You pat his large hands and turn around, prepared to leave the scene.
The frightful question now plagues the fighters within the arena: was Pickle protecting you from them, or has it been the other way round all along?
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themotherlucifer · 8 months
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Holy shit man where has this been all my life?!?!
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itshirohi · 2 months
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You know what, screw it, I'll give you this Yujiro too as a treat 🥴 This was a one unholy drawing session let me tell you. But I was in a really horrible mood that night and needed something silly to cheer me up. Speaking of silly, I also made this absolutely cursed thing for whatever it's worth.
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I am so sorry (not really).
Also reminder that my character drawing/doodle requests are open atm! (Baki / Bleach / DMC / Mortal Kombat)
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yandere-writer-momo · 9 months
For the love of god PLEASEEE have cave mommy slap the PISS out of yujiro cuz he thinks shes weak🤤
Just imagine you’re vibing in your tree with Pickle standing below it and some ugly creature with red hair walks up to you and starts talking to you in a strange language?
From his tone, you can tell what he said was incredibly condescending. And it was when his gaze because lecherous towards you that you popped him in the mouth.
A loud pop rung throughout the room as Yujiro’s head is thrown back to the side. Everyone’s eyes are widened in a mixture of shock, awe, and horror (as well as a bit of lust).
Yujiro’s eyes are wide and there’s a large grin on his face when he turns to look at you. You now have his attention
Pickle is cooing at you, the caveman standing between you and Yujiro. His canines bared at the man. Pickle didn’t like Yujiro one bit
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kengan-daddies · 6 months
The First Wife of Yujiro Hanma, (Y/n) Hanma
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Anime : Baki: Son of Ogre Character : Yujiro Hanma Warning : Corrupted beliefs about love
The First Wife of Yujiro Hanma, (Y/N) Hanma
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The First Wife of Yujiro Hanma, (Y/N) Hanma
Being a wife was already a big job, it's her job to reflect her husband. How she acts reflects how much balance there is in the relationship. How she presents herself, shows how taken care of she is. How she speaks, represents her respect for herself and her husband. The wife can tell a lot about how the relationship is. If she's tense then that could mean her husband is abusive or he's a cheater. If she's relaxed, that could mean that her husband is understanding or easygoing. If she's aggressive, that could mean he's a pushover or too childish. If quiet, that could mean her husband is satisfying or picky. These same rules, however, apply to the husband as well. It's a two-way street.
But, being Yujiro Hanma's wife was a different story entirely. He was never enough of anything, he wasn't around too much nor gone too much, he wasn't too mean nor too nice, he wasn't too understanding or too close-minded, he wasn't picky nor too lenient. He was a perfect combination yet still overwhelming. It was truly a questionable mindset that the man had. You've learned to be the type of woman he wanted, You've learned to be distant and how to play the game of tug and pull.
Yujuro wasn't a man who wanted a clingy woman, nor did he want an insanely strong one. He's just a man who wants a woman who would be in his life at the most rarest of times. Meaning he didn't care if you lived with him or not, he didn't care if you went on about your life and not even think of him, he didn't care if you spent his money up, he didn't care if you went off and had an affair. All that mattered to him was that you were there when he needed you most. Whether it's for sex, a form of comfort, support, or his son. It had to be for things he had a hard time processing, yet he'd never admit it. He was a man first and a warrior second. He didn't believe in love. He just believed in survival.
You have sex to get stronger for pleasure, to spread your seed, and to populate. You cuddle for comfort, warmth, and stability, you date out of boredom, out of wonderment, and possession. There is no 'love', it's just desire, possessiveness, and wonderment. To use the word 'love' is to hide your true nature... that was Yujurio's belief. You've learned how to work around it, how to make him question his own beliefs, make him do more than just 'desire you', you make him actually want you to be around, to make him actually want you to want his touch, his attention.
And all because you've done what he's done to you. He's ignored you, pushed you to the side, treated you like an annoyance, never wants to be around you... so you returned his actions in kind. You ignored him, pushed him to the side, treated him like he was an annoyance, never cared to even give him the time of day.... and it worked... at first, he didn't care, he was actually pleased at one time. But as time went on, he began to crave you, he began coming to visit you more often, he stayed the nights, he'd cuddle and take you on dates, and he even moved you into his home. He became possessive of you, he ran off all of your boy toys and kept you close to him.
He'd take you shopping and would bicker with you over the prices even though he didn't actually care, he just wanted to be domestic with you. He even let you be in Baki's life as a real stepmother, in the end, you truly were the first wife, of Yujiro Hanma.
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zwm985 · 3 months
What about yujiro hanma? And pickle
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Ask and you shall receive :D I actually really like Pickle I should draw him more often smh
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dollwrites · 7 months
𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 ∣ smut ( minors dni ), fem!reader, noncon and then dubcon, suggested age gap ( reader is early 20s, yujiro is late 30s ), light degradation, impact play, clit torture, reader cries, name calling ( whore ), face slapping, all characters featured are aged 18+
𝗶𝗺𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗮𝗻𝘁 ∣ please reblog && leave feedback. not proofread so there’s probably mistakes. thanks for reading < 3
𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗸𝘁𝗼𝗯𝗲𝗿 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟯 ∣ day eight [ yujiro hanma + impact ]
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it takes two fingers to make you cry.
two of Yujiro’s massive, powerful digits to make you tremble and beg for mercy.
“Shameful,” he mutters, an air of disdain to his rumbly baritone. as if he’s disappointed in how quickly you turn to blubbering. “I’ve hardly touched you.” but the wicked grin he wore told the truth— that he knew how much pressure he’d applied with those two fingers, and he expected nothing less than to make you sob. “And I can’t tell from those whiny noises if you’re really needy or fucking pathetic.”
you were both.
the length of his fingers rub between your sticky folds, their thickness forcing your netherlips to slot around them, and you squirm and pant, but it’s when he taps against your swollen clit that you really lose it. unlike any other man, when the rough pads make contact with your button, you don’t feel the sting on the exposed and vulnerable exterior nerves as if you’ve been spanked, but the raw power he could channel through his fingers. it surges through your core, seeping deep into you, reaching spongy, hidden clusters of sensitivity that should be impossible. as if he’d aimed right for them, he focuses each assault. your clit throbs, but it’s the iceberg’s submerged nerves that take the brunt of the impact.
“Y—Yujiro!” you cry out, as you twitch and writhe beneath him.
you didn’t know how this was possible.
how he could do this.
it shouldn’t have been possible.
and yet, when he did it again, battering your body’s defenses with a drumming of his two fingers against your clit, and you feel as though he’s struck you with a high voltage cattle prod, your back arches, desperate to push him off. your heels push against the mattress, eager to try and scramble away from the sensation.
“That—!” that hurts like hell. it’s too much. what are you doing? these all came to mind, but you couldn’t voice a single one. his fingertips drum against you, a barrage of rapid fire, superhuman pressure targeting your most sensitive depths, and you threw your head back, tears pricking against the corners of your eyes. it hurt, but there was more to it than just pain. as if he’d stuck the world’s most powerful vibrator directly against your hyper-sensitive interior nerves, a rush of flustered euphoria rushes to your stomach, knotting it up. “S-s—top—“
you weren’t sure if you really wanted him to, though. your body screamed and writhed, convulsing as he attacks your sex, but at the same time, your toes curl tight, and your breath turns into furious, warm puffs. your hips winding like a snake, trying to hump up against his large, rough hand.
“I-I’m— gonna—!”
“Cum from the abuse?” Yujiro’s voice is low, his mouth twisted in a hungry smile that could be misread as a grin. “Your little legs are starting to tremble; you’re sobbing but you can’t stop riding my hand, begging for me to keep hurting you. Do you know what that makes you?”
you look away, smearing your tear-stained cheek into the pillow as you pant and mumble, hoping for a mercy that you knew he’d never give you. “Yujiro… p-please…”
“Go ahead and say it.” tap. tap. tap. you gurgle and grunt, hips bucking as you smother your own whimpers. “What does that make you?”
you knew what he wanted to hear. the word he’s drilled into your head since day one. the word that he’s called you over and over. but you couldn’t say it. not without a little more persuasion, which he was more than willing to give you.
your face is tiny and delicate as he snatches it up by your chin, dragging it back and pushing the back of your head into the pillow. “Look at me,” his massive chest rises and falls, he snorts every, heavy breath through flared nostrils. you flinch, bathed in the heat of his ragged breathing, smushed into the mattress, forced on your back. you hear the smack of his palm making contact with your supple cheek before you feel the certain pain to follow, and it rocks your face to the side. in the moment that follows, fire floods your face and you see stars, and blink rapidly to maintain your eyesight. “One more time. Look here.” he says, his mighty thumb pressing against your chin as he pulls your face back into place. you’re staring at him in shock, his second mind numbing slap coming down hard on the same spot. to him, it was the mildest swat, but to you? your head was swimming, as if he’d slapped your brains loose, and you’re vaguely aware of the thickness of two, massive digits between your thighs pushing into your clenching hole.
“You’re covered in my marks, the shape of my hand will be a bruise on your face for a week, maybe longer.” he seems to chuckle at that, angling your face back to him. you worry he might hit you again. you prepare for impact, but it doesn’t come. he just holds your face there. you’ve no choice but to comply, peeking up at him with sparkling eyes and parted lips. “But you’re still fucking wet. Your cunt is still squeezing my fingers, and you’re still going to cum. What does that make you.”
“A…. Whore….” your voice is soft, and you choke on the word, almost not wanting to say it, but when you do, a wide, demonic grin stretches across his face, turning his muscles into elastic.
“Not good enough. Whose?”
“Y—Your… whore.”
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baki-tiene-un-simp · 9 months
Is it possible to arrange a literally strange and useless headcanon? Strong OOС for Yujiro? The reader is Yujiro's older sister, but she is adopted and Yuichiro sheltered her long before Yujiro was born. Maybe the reader was the only one with whom Yujiro did not behave like an asshole, showing a little brotherly love and a little respect? I do not know which characters can be taken (but the main ones are definitely Jack and Bucky), but can their reaction to the sudden appearance of Yujiro's sister and the understanding that someone from Hanma's family is not afraid of the Ogre and can generally be next to him in the same location without fear of being killed? And the reaction of Yujiro, who hasn't seen his sister in a long time
Situation: Sister/Aunt Hanma. - Hermana/Tía Hanma
Characters: Baki Hanma, Jack Hanma, Kozue Matsumoto and Yujiro Hanma.
General approach.
Appeared one day in the Tokugawa underground arena, a woman like her did not belong there, but she fit so perfectly that it was terrifying. It was terribly difficult to ignore the towering presence that swirled around the woman and above them relentlessly. It was the way she walked, the way she looked at everything and everyone, or maybe it was the striking physique that she displayed, but there was definitely something about her that screamed strength, raw and relentless strength.
"I'm looking for a person, do you know where he is?" Her voice was pleasant, calm, contrasting with the image she projected, "Hanma, Yujiro Hanma" She replied simply, "They say my brother 'frequents' this place, I'd like to talk to him"
Baki Hanma.
Baki's jaw almost dropped to the ground, the huge woman with incredible muscles was his father's sister, therefore, she was his aunt! He is undeniably happy to meet more of his family who doesn't seem to want to rip his head off.
His aunt introduces herself to him, explains that she has traveled the world and that she is the older sister of her father Yujiro, that she had just found out that she had nephews and that she was so excited to meet them.
She was nice to him, she smiled at him and didn't try to hit his face, she's a completely different shape compared to the rest of the family.
She brought him gifts! Do you know how happy he is? He is really loving this new addition to the family. It's not the gifts, it's softer and calm way she looks at him, it was as if Baki was in front of a person who couldn't break his neck if she wanted to, it was a familiar and gentle treatment. He might cry a little.
His aunt is therapeutic, he is taking refuge under her love and admiration, he really likes this new deal, he never wants it to end.
Jack Hanma.
He is confused by the big woman who seems to glow when she sees him from afar, does he know her? He is surely not. Jack doesn't like anything to do with his father, but she's kind enough to praise him and point out how impressed she is with him and the efforts she's put in.
His aunt explains how she has traveled far to meet him as soon as she found out about his existence and that he was in Japan, Jack's chest warmed with a strange feeling, he is confused by the wave of comfort a woman radiates so intimidating to the naked eye.
She is also therapeutic for Jack. She is being so kind and sweet to him that just his mind corroded by anger and revenge is silent for a while and all he catches is the warm voice of the woman who congratulates him relentlessly.
He appreciates gifts, accepts them quietly, and it feels good to be pampered. He doesn't find it easy to get used to and he looks a little stiff about it, but he's happy.
Soon he's hanging around her for more attention, he wants to be around her from now on.
Kozue Matsumoto.
She has been thinking that the last name Hanma is synonymous with 'strength' and 'struggle', she is not wrong, but she was very surprised to meet the woman Baki had told her so much about, she is really kind!
I greet her and, despite her intimidating manner, she talks with her about something other than strength, fighting and getting strong to win in fights. She is so thankful to meet a person that she can talk to about something other than fighting.
She also received a gift from Baki's aunt, did she have to? No, she did it anyway? Yes. Kozue grows fond of her really fast, just considering she was so cute for Kozue.
She also sticks to her side quite quickly, Kozue sees her as a very kind protector of sorts.
Needless to mention, Baki's aunt became her second favorite hanma.
Yujiro Hanma.
It's amazing how well behaved he is in front of his sister, not because he wants to impress her, but because —according to Yujiro— that woman is crazy. She would lunge at him at the slightest provocation to push and put him in his place like it was an everyday thing, she touches his nerves and knows just where to hit his ego to undo it before he gets down throw the first punch.
She and Yujiro had very distant parenting styles, her sister was strong, she was a Hanma, but she has a near perfect predictive ability when it comes to the ogre.
Her sister knows him like the palm of her hand, no matter how many years pass, she will still be that shadow behind his back that represents everything he can't ever defeat with sheer strength.
She is joking with him, finding it hilarious how aggressive he is with everyone around and how he just hangs his head with her. She makes fun of this a lot, obviously Yujiro doesn't like it.
So what I'm trying to say is that the ogre is being good.
Versión en Español.
Acercamiento general.
Apareció un día cualquiera en la arena subterránea de Tokugawa, una mujer como ella no pertenecía a ese lugar, pero encajaba tan perfectamente que era aterrador. Fue terriblemente complicado ignorar la imponente presencia que se arremolinaba al rededor de la mujer y sobre ellos de forma implacable. Era la forma en que caminaba, la forma en la que observaba a todo y a todos, o quizá se trataba del llamativo físico que exhibía, pero definitivamente había algo en ella que gritaba fuerza, fuerza bruta e implacable.
“Busco a una persona, ¿saben donde está?” Su voz era agradable, calmada, contrastando con la imagen que proyectaba, “Hanma, Yujiro Hanma” Respondió con simpleza, “Dicen que mi hermano ‘frecuenta’ este lugar, me gustaría hablar con él”
Baki Hanma.
A Baki casi se le cae la mandíbula al suelo, la enorme mujer de increíbles músculos era la hermana de su padre, por lo tanto, ¡era su tía! Está innegablemente feliz de conocer a más personas de su familia que no parecen querer arrancarle la cabeza.
Su tía se presenta con él, le explica que ha viajado por el mundo y que es la hermana mayor de su padre Yujiro, que apenas se había enterado de que tenía sobrinos y que estaba tan entusiasmada por conocerlos.
Ella fue amable con él, le sonrió y no trato de golpear su rostro, es una forma completamente diferente a comparación con el resto de la familia.
¡Le trajo regalos! ¿Saben lo feliz que está? Él realmente está amando esta nueva incorporación de la familia. No son los regalos, es la forma suave y tranquila con la que lo mira, era como si Baki estuviera frente a una persona que no podría romperle el cuello si quisiera, era un trato familiar y gentil. Él podría llorar un poco.
Su tía es terapéutica, se está refugiando bajo su cariño y admiración, realmente le agrada este nuevo trato, no quiere que termine nunca.
Jack Hanma.
Él está confundido por la gran mujer que parece brillar cuando lo ve desde lejos, ¿la conoce? Está seguro que no. A Jack no le gusta nada que tenga que ver con su padre, pero ella es tan amable al elogiarlo y recalcar lo impresionada que está por él y por los esfuerzos que ha hecho.
Su tía le explica como ha viajado desde muy lejos para conocerlo tan pronto como se enteró de su existencia y de que se encontraba en Japón, el pecho de Jack se calentó con un sentimiento extraño, está confundido por la ola de comodidad que irradia una mujer tan intimidante a simple vista.
Ella también es terapéutica para Jack. Está siendo tan amable y dulce con él que simplemente su mente corroída por la ira y la venganza se quedan en silencio por un rato y lo único que capta es la cálida voz de la mujer que lo felicita sin descanso.
Aprecia los regalos, los acepta en silencio y se siente bien ser mimado. No le resulta fácil acostumbrar y se ve un poco rígido al respecto, pero está feliz.
Pronto él está rondando a su alrededor por más atención, quiere estar cerca de ella de ahora en adelante.
Kozue Matsumoto.
Se ha mentalizado que el apellido Hanma es sinónimo de ‘fuerza’ y ‘lucha’, no está equivocada, pero se llevó una gran sorpresa al conocer a la mujer de la que tanto Baki le había contado, ¡es realmente amable!
La saludo y, a pesar de su intimidante forma, platico con ella de algo más que no sea la fuerza, la lucha y el hacerse fuerte para ganar en las luchas. Está tan agradecida de conocer a una persona con la que pueda platicar de algo más que no sean las peleas.
También recibió un regalo por parte de la tía de Baki, ¿ella tenía que hacerlo? No, ¿lo hizo de todas formas? Sí. Kozue se encariña con ella realmente rápido, el simple detalle de considerarla fue tan lindo para Kozue.
Ella también se pega a su costado bastante rápido, Kozue la ve como una especie de protectora muy amable.
No es necesario mencionar que la tía de Baki se volvió su segundo Hanma favorito.
Yujiro Hanma.
Es sorprendente lo bien portado que es frente a su hermana, no porque quiera impresionarla, sino porque —según Yujiro— esa mujer está loca. Se lanzaría en embestida contra él ante la mínima provocación para empujar y ponerlo en su lugar como si fuera algo de todos los días, ella toca sus nervios y sabe donde golpear su ego para desarmarlo antes de que se lance el primer golpe.
Ella y Yujiro tuvieron estilos de crianza muy distales, su hermana era fuerte, era una Hanma, pero tiene una capacidad de predicción casi perfecta cuando se trata del ogro.
Su hermana lo conoce como la palma de su mano, no importa cuantos años pasen, ella seguirá siendo esa sombra que se ve tras su espalda que representa todo lo que jamás podrá vencer con fuerza pura.
Ella es bromista con él, le resulta hilarante lo agresivo que es con todos a su alrededor y como simplemente baja la cabeza con ella. Se burla mucho de esto, obviamente a Yujiro no le gusta.
Así que, lo que trato de decir es que el ogro se está portando bien.
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p7nked · 8 days
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These baki legos have me crying why do they look like that😭😭
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wowzerz0 · 8 months
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ozzgin · 7 months
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Yuujirou offered you a seat on his lap. Do you accept?
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bakiuwu · 1 month
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I hope it just both group of characters having silly fun with eachother
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itshirohi · 2 months
Please please please!😭can we have more of your sublime Baki fanart!🏃‍♀️💨💕
Yes!! For now I'm gonna dump the chibi doodles I made in paint when I was really bored one night lol I think I found a chibi style that suits me well for these types of silly doodles? It's all very pastel and looks kinda nice imo :o Anyway, if you have any character requests, just something you'd like from me, please please PLEAAASE LEAVE THEM IN MY INBOX/ASKS because I have an awful awful memory and tend to forget about things REALLY FAST 😭I hate it and wish I could change it, but my brain just doesn't cooperate on that front :/
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