#youth pastor ryan
hallow-moons · 2 years
Sage: What the hells is up with Anisa?? Why is she so mad?
Felix: Because I have outdone you.
Sage: Don't compare yourself to me, that's an impossible task, but continue.
Felix: I've gotten so good that I've started ruining relationships for other people. Anisa went on a date, right? We had Starsworn drills to do the next day so I figured she'd get back early, go to to sleep early. So I fell asleep and woke up at like 2am and I had this horrid nightmare that I was in the middle of a desert so I was unbelievably parched.
Sage: .......
Felix: So I go to the kitchen to get some water. Now the thing is... I don't sleep with clothes on. I mean, nobody's awake!
Sage: 👁👄👁
Felix: I get to the kitchen, grab the water decanter, sit it on the counter. That's when I hear the front door unlock... Now I had a game time decision to make. I had three options. Either 1. I'm going to jump over the counter which I don't have the physical ability to do. It has stuff all over it so no. Or 2. I'm going to start running towards the only opening WHICH IS TOWARDS THE FRONt DOOR which means they're about to have a naked me doing a U-turn in front of 'em. Showing off every angle. Or 3. The option that I took. Was that I grabbed the glass water pitcher... And I hid in the kitchen nook and I tried to cover myself with the pitcher...
Sage: *about to bust out laughing*
Felix: So I'm standing in the corner like a naked gremlin. And Annie walks in and she turns on the lights. And then her date walks in behind her and it's that moment that I realize... that this water pitcher IS SEE THROUGH!.... I don't know if you know how water and glass works. But at that point, I'm just sitting there MAGNIFYING MY DONG! ... The date looks mortified. Annie though, without missing a beat , I guess she was drunk, just goes "Hey Felix!" and then walks to her room like this was nothing out of the ordinary. And I just watch her date be like "... Oh, okay... Oh my gods." And just kinda follow Anisa to her room.
Sage: *about to piss himself laughing*
Felix: Now, I'm not gonna say that like that relationship ending was my fault... But I haven't seem them back at Fathom since and I feel bad okay.
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slut4booksandtea · 5 months
Well I’m a blog about Tea so…Thanks Ryan.
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disaster-bay-leaf · 5 months
i may be stupid (insert cow meme) but i had a violent realisation that the
- lesbian-best-friend stand up instagram guy,
- the homeland security scamming scammers and contacting fbi instagram guy,
- the what-does-this-company/cult make guy,
- the jedidiah-the-amish guy
ARE ALL THE SAME GUY and no one other than fucking Youth Pastor Ryan who is ALSO a friend of Francis The Depressed Roof Guy Wrapped In A Blanket
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antvnger · 2 years
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Youth Pastor Ryan? That’s a new one for me. I’ll check it out. Thanks, Anon!
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trixterdark · 16 days
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chiwithekiwi · 2 years
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mangosimoothie · 2 years
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Requested by @rebouks - Atticus and Ryan in something they would never wear 
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meowingatthesea · 3 months
He's not. There is a youth pastor named ryan who is messianic but its not him
wait its a DIFFERENT youth pastor Ryan?? I am 100% sure I have seen people on his tiktoks talking about him being messianic.... I will investigate
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tame-a-messenger · 6 months
I’m rewatching the challenge pit with youth pastor Ryan and I noticed at 3:47, Damien said “I’ve just given a women the best 14 seconds of her life” and when he was done speed walking, Angela said “it was good for her.” If you don’t know the context, they had to speed walk and whoever walked the fastest won and Damien was pretending to be walking away from an “awkward” moment. I though that part was very interesting 🧐
Angela and her jokes man!
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fallen-ghoul-angel · 5 months
Watching Youth Pastor Ryan talk about his confusion with upside-down pineapples to me screams Copia...
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coderfortourette · 2 years
I don’t know how many people here know Youth Pastor Ryan (not an actual Youth Pastor), but he does a podcast with Ben (The Good, The Dan, The Florida Man)
Austin gives me YPR vibes. In personality and sexuality. Everybody assumes that Austin is some form of gay or bi or something. And he’s just standing there like “Nope. I’m 100% straight.”
The “gay vibes” everybody picks up are actually Texas. But he’s working on figuring things out slowly. Eventually he’ll come around to it. He just needs to not be pushed and to think things through himself. 
Austin actually got really mad at Cali once. Because California kept insisting that he knew that Austin was “really gay”. So, in Texan fashion, he yelled at him. And would not talk to California until he apologized for overstepping boundaries.
 There is a gal Austin likes, he’s just too nervous to ever approach her. He gets tongue-tied. Blushing like a school boy. 
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antvnger · 1 month
I think you would find Ryan funny
*snorts* They put holes in other things.
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chiwithekiwi · 2 years
happy 50s throwback outfits release day, youth pastor ryan you will always be famous
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professional-termite · 2 months
my god i love youth pastor ryan
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planetofsnarfs · 4 months
A TikToker has made it his mission to ruin the lives of all tea lovers by exposing their favorite tea brands as being run by cults or having shockingly sordid histories. Given the contentious history of tea and colonialism, this shouldn’t come as the biggest surprise, but some of this stuff is still pretty wild.
Take, for example, Yogi Tea, which was founded by Yogi Bhajan, famous for introducing his version of Kundalini yoga to the U.S. After his death in 2004, he was accused of sexual abuse by dozens of women, and as Youth Pastor Ryan explains in his video, Bhajan’s organization also sent the children of its members to schools where many were neglected and abused.
Meanwhile, the company behind Sleepytime Tea, Celestial Seasonings, is also run by a cult. It follows The Urantia Book, which was written by a man who claimed to be able to talk to aliens; that man, however, wasn’t L. Ron Hubbard — a lot of people in the mid-20th century were into alien-based cults, I guess. The group believes that Adam, Eve, Lucifer and Jesus were all aliens or part-aliens who came to Earth to wipe out the “inferior races.”
In a more recent video, Youth Pastor Ryan discussed the history of Twinings tea as well, which was founded in 1706. Two members of the Twinings family, Richard Twining and his son Richard Twining, became directors of the East India Company, a company whose name became synonymous with capitalistic colonialism throughout Asia. The founder of Twinings, Thomas Twining, was also an investor in the Royal African Company, which, as the name would suggest, traded slaves; it’s estimated that the company sent more enslaved people to the Americas than any other company.
Youth Pastor Ryan does note that since then, Twinings has donated heavily to charity and invested in an ethical sourcing program for its products. Or as he jokes, “We’ve been trying to make up for a few things — even our website notes that we’re very sorry.”
It’s wild that so many tea companies are so weird that the one with a history of connections to colonialism and slavery is somehow the least offensive of the bunch. Is there a single tea company with no skeletons in its closet? Hopefully Youth Pastor Ryan will let us know. 
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tame-a-messenger · 5 months
Same anon who sent in the ask about the challenge pit with youth pastor Ryan video when Angela said the “it was good for her”joke, I also noticed how at 23:30 how Damien “yes and” her statement and I love how she looked over at him, laughed, and then hid herself 😊
I never noticed that, cute!
You literally see him looking around trying to think of the joke before he says it lmao!
I like how she tiptoes and covers her face! she's so cute!
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