#young john watson
haedraulics · 1 month
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the most iconic "they don't know they're about to fundamentally change each other's lives" moment in yaoi history
young holmes/watson designs partly inspired by @contact-guy's incredible comic adaptation of canon which i am obsessed with!!
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They experience those first weeks of being roommates very differently-
This is very much leaning onto the Soviet Sherlock Holmes adaptation because I absolutely love how when they first meet they lean into how Watson suspects Holmes is a criminal and gets a little bit stressed out about it.
[ID: a digital drawing of Watson and Holmes sitting by a table. Watson looks slightly worried and tense, there's a thought bubble above him "he's gonna fucking kill me.". Holmes is next to him in an apron and holding a glass vial and bottle, smiling with a thought bubble above him reading "hanging out with my new bestie :)" /End ID]
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matterofgayordeath · 4 months
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kyberz · 10 months
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‘ midnight research ‘
I love Johnlock so much y’all don’t understand I ain’t never leaving this fandom🤞🏻
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carla-creates · 1 year
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Merry Pride, my dears!!! ✨🌈🖤🤎🤍❤️🧡💛💚💜💙💗🌈✨
Here be a lil Mystrade and Johnlock. UwU 💖💖💖 And yesss, these be my thoughts for their sexualities. :3
But yah... I like how they came out. 🥰
Enjoy, dear hearts!!
Carla 💜💜💜
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countfagulaa · 2 years
Shut up and look at young David Burke NOW.
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loopsisloops · 4 months
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Sherlock was talking to himself again. John just wanted to buy apples for their stake-out later.
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days-of-storm · 4 months
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Perth living his best life in Tokyo!
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transmasc-taub · 3 months
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Hey did anyone else see Young Sherlock Holmes and feel a part of your brain get dedicated to the idea of "ACD canon but Holmes and Watson were childhood friends" forever in perpetuity? Or is that just me?
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sakshisahu · 9 months
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no-side-us · 1 year
Letters From Watson- Dec. 20 - Clues
A Study in Scarlet (Extract #1)
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I was thinking about today's letter, and wondering just how Sherlock deduced that Watson had come from Afghanistan. I knew it was going to be explained at some point in the story, so I thought I'd see if I could identify any evidence that gave Sherlock his deduction beforehand.
The most immediate clue I could find was young Stamford's comments about Watson's appearance:
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So Watson was identifiably thin as a strip of wood, and very tanned. This would point Sherlock in the direction of Watson having been in a very sunny, very foreign location rather than dreary old London.
And then it might be deduced that the thinness was caused by a disease or illness common in that foreign location, likely coupled with Watson's injury.
Speaking of his shoulder injury:
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Young Stamford has informed us that Sherlock is fairly knowledgeable about anatomy:
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Therefore, I wouldn't put it past Sherlock to be able to identify that Watson has been injured and where he's been injured. And since we know that Sherlock has a depth of knowledge on criminal history, perhaps he's seen this sort of injury before on other people?
As far as how Sherlock specifically deduced Afghanistan? I don't really know. I assume it would be common knowledge that the British Empire has invasions over there. And besides, Watson obviously wouldn't be the only soldier to have been wounded and sent home:
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So maybe Sherlock has simply seen a lot of thin, tanned, and wounded soldiers coming to London from Afghanistan, and Watson was simply one of many that he could now easily identify.
Then again, there are also other places that the British Empire was sending soldiers to, so I'm not too sure.
Oh well, that's the best deduction I could make about how Sherlock made his own deduction. I don't really remember how he explained it later on, but I'll be excited to find out.
Part 1 - Clues - Part 2
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great-pan-is-dead · 1 month
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tokyogirl07 · 1 year
Watson’s Army Pension and Baker Street Rent
In A Study in Scarlet (Which I think is supposed to take place in 1881?), Watson’s Army pension is 11 shillings and 6 pence a day. 1 Shilling is 12 Pence, thus Watson’s daily pay is 11.5 shillings. 1 Pound is 20 Shillings. 11.5 x 30 days (Average days in a month) is 345 Shillings a month. Divided by 20 is 17.25 Pounds a month. Times that by 12 months means that Watson met Holmes, his annual salary was about 207 Pounds. In today’s money, that’d be about 32,202 Pounds a year, about 619 Pounds a week, or 2,683.5 Pounds a month. Or about $38,470 a year, about $740 a week, and about $3,206 a month. Bonus: Both Holmes and Watson were in their twenties when they met. Hell, Holmes was still taking college classes. According to Murray's Handbook to London As It is, 1879, "’Elegantly furnished rooms’ in [the] West End” (Which is where Baker Street was) were between 4 to 15 Guineas a week. 207 Pounds a year is a little over 4 Pounds a week. 1 Guinea is 1 Pound and 1 Shilling. 11.5 Shillings x 7 days is 80.5 Shillings a week (Or 4 Pounds and a Sixpence a week), which is 3 Guineas, 19 Shillings,  and a Sixpence a week. At minimum, Watson would probably spend about 2 Guineas on rent a week (If we go with the modern 33% of pay on rent rule of thumb). Going halves with Holmes would bring them right at the low end of the average West End weekly rent. Other factors would include how much Watson was actually willing to pay for rent vs his weekly salary, his increase in salary with the books sales and medical consultations, and if he and Holmes shared the money they got for solving cases. (We haven’t gotten there yet, but if the Granada series is to be believed, at one point Holmes is paid the Victorian equivalent of a little over a million dollars before it got doubled to about 2.5 million.) In later books, it sort of seems like Holmes takes over paying the whole rent (he was able to live in Baker Street alone when Watson got married, Watson sold his medical practice when he moved back in and he never had one when he lived at Baker Street). *Shrugs* If you ever wanted to know how much Holmes and Watson payed for rent it’d be about 2 - 7.5 Guineas or 1.05 - 7.88 Pounds a week a piece, which would be 163.34 - 1,225.85 Pounds or $195.13 - $1,464.46 a week a piece today.  Most likely, their rent would be closer to the lower range. So, at minimum in today’s money, 163.34 Pounds a piece ($195.13 a week, $845.56 a month, and $10,146.76 a year) and 326.68 Pounds together per week. ($390.27 a week, $1,691.17 a month, $20,294.04 a year) In other words, at the least, in total they pay more than I do. Historically, the West End is not cheap. Go, Mrs. Hudson.
EDIT: Upon rechecking my figures, I was off on Doctor Watson’s annual income by about 2-3 pounds. Doesn’t really change much though. Also, in today’s money, Watson was making a little over $106 daily. Or almost 88 Pounds.
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there's not a single part of the "no chance to be a hero this time, mr holmes" scene that doesn't make me go absolutely feral
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kyberz · 10 months
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“ My dear Watson “
“ Oh, holmes! “
Stop, im hyper fixated on victorian sherlock so much !!
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the-lesbianest-batman · 3 months
im gonna need there to be a film about the german king friedrich 2.
there would be such an audience for this. allow me to sell this to you:
major father complex because his militarist dad didn't like his "weak", "girly" nature, his love for literature and french culture over hunting an war. friedrich was also sometimes guilty of crossdressing which his dad hated.
also his dad hit him, arrested him and once put him in custody, considering the murder of his son. actually killed friedrichs best friend, with him he commited an act of desertation.
friedrich came to him on the morning of the execution, blew him a kiss and pretty much had a panic attack as his maybe-boyfriend was killed lmao.
later on, the father forced him to marry a woman. he didn't like her one bit lmao. friedrich tried to get out of it, thought about abdicating, but eventually relented.
friedrich 2 married, pretty much ignored his wife for the rest of his life after that and had no kids.
friedrich 2 was, surprise, surprise, very likely gay.
there are both rumours about men and women being close to him. somehow the male rumours seem to be more prevalent lmao. if it gets to the point that old historians acknowledge this I mean... well. most historians, no matter how straight they are, seem to be in agreement over his queerness.
he also had a younger brother who was gay and "jealous of the pretty boys only interested in friedrich"...
not to mention, he was a philosophy enthusiast, personal friend of voltaire and spreader of enlightenment... was pretty involved in wars eventually, but is generally remembered to be a pretty cool guy. introduced potatoes in germany!
the arthur pendragon stans, the draco malfoy stans, the young royals stans, the john watson stans and the dean winchester stans should love this...
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