yousignedupforthis · 3 months
I respect that hello fresh and youfoodz and all of those things are genuinely useful and worth the money to some people depending on your lifestyle, but when these companies claim that it's cheaper than grocery shopping or that it cuts x amount of time off your cooking for the week it's such an obvious and blatant lie that literally nobody believes but they just keep saying it 😭
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beeleoblue · 7 months
I wish you could comment on tumblr ads becaise i keep getting one for a meal delivery service that i used to use and half of my meals I'd get would arrive opened and had to be chucked out. Like it was so common id get 7 meals and 2 or 3 would be inedible every order
And now I'm grtting tumblr ads for them wth
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lewisdidthat · 2 years
catching up on the free practice sessions i missed and i swear every single ad break, daniel is on my screen. i cannot escape him!!!!!!!
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aus-wnt · 2 months
Please can you post this as a read-only without subscription link 🤞🏻
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alexalblondo · 9 months
Him unfollowing michael the day that podcast came out when Michael talked about details of his injury seems pretty pointed. Especially since he says info that hadn’t been released officially by the team when it was recorded
Daniel playing 5D chess by unfollwing Jorge Lorenzo and Nicholas Latifi and Youfoodz as well to hide the evidence so true
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evilbanditjoseph · 1 year
Day 3, Week 1
Scales were down today! I know there’ll be fluctuations but damn that feels good.
Also, managed to hit my movement goal which is really hard for me to get on a Monday with work so super happy! Less thrilled my period started today but at least I can get back to tracking that too.
No hunger today. Like had to remind myself to eat.
Breakfast: Black coffee
Lunch: 3/4 of a YouFoodz meal and a Diet Coke
Snack: Optifast Shake
Dinner: 2 slices of pizza, fibre supp and a cup of spearmint tea
Normally this would have me climbing the walls. Don’t even feel like the other 2 slices of pizza. More water tomorrow though. Hopefully scales are down again 🤞
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myf00djournal · 1 year
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Starting May with a ❗️
Trained. Last week of the fatiguing drop sets 🥵
One egg on an English muffin
Coffee (homemade!)
Strawberry protein pudding
An apple
A youfoodz chicken and potato meal
Dinner was a chicken risoni
Had a hot chocolate sachet and a chocolate
About 2100. Tracked to make sure I’m not going too crazy after not tracking for a good portion of last week. Still happy 👌🏻
How amazing was the sunrise this morning???
Also I spent zero dollars today which is NICE
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ricciardosheart · 2 years
lately ive been constantly worrying about daniel and its really stressing me out haha. not really about his seat, or contract, or future. just him and how he is holding up. i know he's an adult and is hopefully taking care of himself but still. a girl can't help but be worried. (especially when i see his face all the time on tv or in the servo/grocery store promoting youfoodz)
Anon I feel you like for real there is no doubt he is a great racer and he is still one of the best out there, but like ZAC and Mvlaren have been putting him through soo much, like even he is an adult, I just feel he just locks himself in his room and eats Nutella ice-cream (Michel told me once ) and I just pray and pray for hi mental health because if I was in his place I would not have the grit and determination to live like honestly 'a man can take only so much pain'
But I just want to advise you and say worrying for him is good but we can't change how life will unfold and I know, whatever happens, happened for a reason whether it was moving from rbr to Renault or even to Mclaren and we just need to wish for the best and leave at just that.
But I just want to say my inbox is always open, we can talk about anything like for real anything
Fuck ZAC
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dailystraitsdotcom · 2 months
Arnold Champions Health Goals
Youfoodz Appoints Mackenzie Arnold as 'Chief Goal-Keeper' to Support Australians in Achieving Health Goals.
Sydney, April 18: Amidst findings that two-thirds of Australians give up on their health and lifestyle goals within just a month, Youfoodz has responded by enlisting Australian Goalkeeper Mackenzie Arnold as their inaugural ‘Chief Goal-Keeper’. This role is crafted to help Australians overcome the common one-month hurdle and sustain their health and lifestyle ambitions.Despite Australia’s…
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sporadicsongbluebird · 2 months
Foodji Der Lebensmittelautomat Für Unternehmen: Frisch
Sie Können Einem Unternehmen Zusätzliche Einnahmequellen Bieten
Wie Sie Von Verkaufsautomaten Profitieren Können
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Darüber hinaus sind die Maschinen im Vergleich zu Erfrischungsgetränke- oder Snackautomaten, die oft Strom und manchmal auch Kühlung benötigen, um zu funktionieren, in der Regel kostengünstig. Viele Betreiber spenden einen Prozentsatz des Gewinns für wohltätige Zwecke, damit die Standorte ihnen die kostenlose Platzierung der Maschinen ermöglichen. In unserer schnelllebigen Welt suchen Menschen oft nach bequemen, aber dennoch gesunden und erschwinglichen Ernährungsmöglichkeiten. Dies hat den globalen Lebensmittel- und Getränkesektor mit einer Vielzahl von Produkten und Lösungen gefüllt, die den sich ständig weiterentwickelnden Anforderungen der Verbraucher gerecht werden können. Im Folgenden werden die Wachstumsfaktoren, Hemmnisse und anhaltenden Trends in der globalen Fast-Food- und Schnellrestaurantbranche sowie der veganen Fast-Food-Branche aufgeführt.
Wenn Sie bereits Unternehmer sind und dies über die finanzielle Vergangenheit Ihres Unternehmens nachweisen können, ist die Aufnahme eines kurzfristigen Darlehens zur Finanzierung Ihres Verkaufsautomaten möglicherweise die beste Lösung.
Installieren Sie Ihren kostenlosen Youfoodz-Verkaufsautomaten mit frischen und gesunden Mahlzeiten und Snacks.
Dies gilt insbesondere an belebteren Orten, an denen die Menschen keinen Zugang zu anderen Essensmöglichkeiten haben.
Nur wenn Sie so gut wie möglich auf jeden Einzelnen eingehen, können Sie die Anzahl der Menschen, die einen Kauf tätigen, maximieren.
Sie integrieren außerdem neue Technologien und Mechanismen, um die Zusammenstellung einer gesunden Mahlzeit aus dem Automaten zu erleichtern.
Die Beverly Hills Caviar Automated Boutique bietet gefrorenen Kaviar und andere hochwertige Lebensmittel an. Es wird geschätzt, dass der Markt für Lebensmittel- und Getränkeautomaten im asiatisch-pazifischen Raum ein erhebliches Wachstum verzeichnen wird, da die Installation von Verkaufsautomaten an verschiedenen Orten für den öffentlichen Gebrauch immer beliebter wird. Laut dem im September 2019 veröffentlichten Artikel von Telegram UK wird beispielsweise verkündet, dass Japan als das Land mit der weltweit höchsten Dichte an Verkaufsautomaten gilt.
Die Kosten für die Inbetriebnahme eines Verkaufsautomaten sind im Grunde nur die Kosten für die Automaten und deren Bevorratung – Sie benötigen keine Büroräume, um sie unterzubringen. Darüber hinaus müssen Sie lediglich die Maschinen warten, reparieren, auffüllen und das Geld aus den Transaktionen einsammeln. Chicagoland-Anbieter, der Automatendienste und Mikromärkte für Gewerbeflächen anbietet. Wir bedienen Pflegeheime, Hotels, Tankstellen, Büros und viele andere Verkaufsstellen in Illinois und Nordwest-Indiana.
Sie Können Einem Unternehmen Zusätzliche Einnahmequellen Bieten
Zusätzlich zu unserem Sortiment an Lebensmittelautomaten bieten wir mit unseren „Foodies“-Mikromärkten eine flexible Alternative zum Mittagessen. Er ist ein toller Ersatz für den Snackautomaten oder viele andere Automatenvarianten. Diese Maschinen sind zwar für die Ausgabe heißer, abgepackter Mahlzeiten konzipiert, verfügen jedoch möglicherweise über ein Doppeltemperatursystem, sodass sie neben warmen Mahlzeiten auch kalte Limonade servieren können. Im Laufe der Jahre hat die Bevölkerung Kanadas einen erheblichen Wandel in der Fast-Food-Dienstleistungsbranche erlebt.
Wie Sie Von Verkaufsautomaten Profitieren Können
Seit 2008 sind wir Singapurs erster und größter Betreiber von Verkaufsautomaten für warme Speisen in Singapur und bieten rund um die Uhr und innerhalb weniger Minuten hochwertige warme Mahlzeiten an. Seitdem haben wir unsere Verkaufslösungen um frisch gebrühten Kaffee, gekühlte Lebensmittel, Getränke und Snacks erweitert. Verkaufsautomaten für kalte Speisen servieren gesunde Lebensmittel wie Sandwiches, Wraps, Frühstücks-Burritos, Salate und mehr. Mit den richtigen Produkten am richtigen Standort können unsere Verkaufsautomaten für warme Speisen 24 Stunden am Tag, 356 Tage im Jahr zu einkommensschaffenden Arbeitspferden werden. Mit unseren Verkaufsautomaten für warme Speisen werden keine uneinbringlichen Schecks ausgestellt und Sie erzielen eine hohe Rendite auf Ihre Investitionen.
Marktgröße Für Kommerzielle Gastronomiegeräte, Ein Prognostizierter Ausblick Für 2023–2030
Füllen Sie dieses Formular aus, damit wir mehr über Ihr Unternehmen, Ihre Kunden und Ihre Bedürfnisse erfahren können. Unser Vertriebsteam wird sich umgehend mit Ihnen in Verbindung setzen und einen Termin für ein Treffen vereinbaren. Vollautomatischer, intelligenter Kühlschrankverkauf bietet eine sichere, kontaktlose Lieferung und die Möglichkeit, Lebensmittel und Temperatur aus der Ferne auf Qualität zu überwachen.
Aus diesem Grund empfehlen wir immer ein Leasing, die Wahl zwischen Kauf und Leasing liegt jedoch ganz bei Ihnen. Wenn Sie sich für den Kauf eines Automaten für frische Lebensmittel entscheiden, stehen Ihnen mehrere Optionen zur Verfügung, einschließlich des Kaufs der Ausrüstung direkt per Rechnung. Die Entscheidung für eine Premium-Kühlmaschine für frische Lebensmittel ist nur der Anfang, um Ihrem Team außergewöhnliche Dienstleistungen im Bereich frische Lebensmittel anzubieten. Ein einfach zu befüllender Automat für frische Lebensmittel ist eine großartige Möglichkeit, den Appetit https://www.mr-lunch.de/mitarbeiterversorgung-mr-lunch/ Ihrer Kunden und Kollegen zu stillen. Unsere interaktiven intelligenten Kühlschrank-Verkaufsautomaten bieten Gästen Zugriff auf eine große Auswahl an köstlichen Speisen, wann und wo sie es möchten. Wir nutzen Technologie, um sicherzustellen, dass unsere von Köchen inspirierten Mahlzeiten, Snacks und Desserts in Spitzenzeiten einfach zu kaufen sind.
Im Folgenden stellen wir die besten Standorte für profitable Verkaufsautomaten vor, unabhängig davon, ob Sie Ihre Automaten an einem sehr öffentlichen Ort oder an einem etwas privateren Ort aufstellen möchten. Für verschiedene Arten von Verkaufsautomaten gelten unterschiedliche Regeln, und die Verkaufsvorschriften variieren je nach Bundesstaat. Die Gründung eines Verkaufsautomatengeschäfts mit Automaten, die Kaugummikugeln, Aufkleber oder Gummibälle vorrätig haben – auch bekannt als Massenverkauf – erfordert sehr wenig Kapital und geringe Wartungskosten. Der Großteil der Kosten für die Gründung eines Automatengeschäfts entsteht durch die Automaten und die Lagerartikel und kann durch einen Kredit für Kleinunternehmen oder persönliche Ersparnisse finanziert werden. Mit einer Investition von nur 2.000 US-Dollar können Sie in der Regel ein einfaches Verkaufsautomatengeschäft eröffnen.
Unser Sortiment an Verkaufsautomaten ist für jeden Zweck konzipiert, sodass für jedes Unternehmen der richtige Verkaufsautomat zur Verfügung steht, egal in welcher Situation. Die Beliebtheit von Verkaufsautomaten für warme Speisen hat in Nordamerika ein Allzeithoch erreicht. In diesem Abschnitt werden die Wachstumsraten und bemerkenswerten Trends in der Branche für die Vereinigten Staaten und Kanada erörtert. Verkaufsautomaten für warme Speisen sind im Wesentlichen in vielerlei Hinsicht hochentwickelte und intelligente Computer.
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Frisch gefiltertes und abgefülltes Wasser auf Abruf, um Ihre Mitarbeiter mit Flüssigkeit zu versorgen. Wir haben neben den indirekten Auswirkungen verschiedener Branchen auch die direkten Auswirkungen von Covid-19 auf diesen Markt beobachtet. Dieses Dokument analysiert die Auswirkungen der Pandemie auf den Markt für Lebensmittelautomaten aus internationaler und regionaler Sicht. Das Dokument beschreibt die Marktgröße, die Marktmerkmale und das Marktwachstum für die Branche der Lebensmittelautomaten, kategorisiert nach Art, Nutzen und Verbrauchersektor.
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Household Tasks in Brisbane
Household tasks are the everyday chores you do to keep your home clean and comfortable. These include cooking, laundry, shopping, and maintenance.
Several services and organisations offer assistance with household tasks Brisbane. These providers can be found through local councils, community centres, and online directories. They can provide flexible options based on your needs and preferences. To know more about Household Tasks Brisbane, visit the Maximum Support Services website or call 1300983885.
Cleaning is an essential task for every household. It involves the tidying up of bedrooms, bathrooms, and kitchens. It also includes vacuuming, mopping floors, and dusting. Cleaning services may include specialised tasks such as carpet cleaning and upholstery cleaning.
Individuals who need assistance with household chores can seek out local home care agencies, community centres, and NDIS representative to explore options for support. They can also consult online directories and support service databases for information.
NDIS participants can also receive assistance with household chores through their individualized support plans. This way, they can live more independently and enjoy their time at home. They can also stay healthy and active while achieving their independence goals.
Meal preparation is the process of preparing entire meals in advance. It involves planning, cooking and storing food for later consumption. Meals are often prepared in bulk and stored in airtight containers in the fridge or freezer until they’re ready to eat.
Meal prep is a tedious chore that demands significant time and effort. In addition, it requires specialised skill and knowledge to craft nutritious meals that meet specific health goals. For this reason, meal prep services offer a more convenient, cost-effective alternative to the DIY approach. Many Brisbane meal delivery services provide a diverse menu selection with a strong focus on nutritional value. These services are ideal for busy professionals and health-conscious individuals. Some even offer kid-friendly options to pacify fussy eaters. Youfoodz, Nourish’d Meal Co and Dietlicious are among the many popular meal delivery services in Brisbane.
Laundry is a household chore that requires time and effort. But fortunately, laundry services in Brisbane are available to help individuals save time and energy while enjoying a stress-free lifestyle. These services provide professional cleaning, convenient pickup and drop-off options, and fast turnaround times.
When choosing a laundry service, look for a provider with competitive pricing and service packages that align with your budget. Also, consider the company’s reputation and customer reviews. Lastly, be sure to clearly communicate your laundry preferences (such as detergent types and folding preferences) to ensure an optimal service experience.
Wholesome laundry services use eco-friendly practices to minimize their water and energy consumption, ensuring that your clothes are cleaned safely while being mindful of the environment. This means you can enjoy a hassle-free household without sacrificing your health or the quality of your clothes.
Shopping is a favourite pastime in Brisbane. The city is full of shopping hotspots that are a welcome break from the sterility of the big malls in the suburbs. One local favourite is Bulimba's Oxford Street, a quirky destination with chic homeware stores, fashion boutiques and plenty of cafes and restaurants.
The trendy Paddington suburb is another popular spot for unique shops. Its quaint streets, Given Terrace and Latrobe Terrace, are lined with antique shops, books, art, and one-of-a-kind clothing designs.
Op shops are also tried and tested stomping grounds for bargain hunters in Brisbane, where you can bag designer clothing, shoes and accessories for a fraction of the retail price. Many op shops also donate their proceeds to charity, so you're helping out the community while you score a bargain.
A clean and well-maintained home is a crucial component of overall wellbeing. However, for some people with disabilities, household tasks can be challenging. This is why the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provides home support services that include household tasks as part of an individualized plan. These home care services can include support for daily chores such as cleaning, cooking, laundry, and shopping. To know more about Household Tasks Brisbane, visit the Maximum Support Services website or call 1300983885.
If you’re a participant of the NDIS and are looking for reliable NDIS providers who can provide household task support, Almond Care can help. We have a team of qualified and compassionate home support workers who can assist you with a wide range of domestic duties, all in the comfort of your own home. We can also help you train to perform these tasks independently over time.
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melbournenewsvine · 2 years
iTWire Lexicon merges with Endava
Digital acceleration and agile development specialist Endava and Melbourne-based consultancy Lexicon have merged. Endava CEO John Cotterell said “We see Lexicon as a high-performing business providing high-quality services in an attractive market with good clients, bringing a strong talent base across delivery, support and leadership. We are excited about our cultural alignment and therefore what we can achieve together.” Lexicon founder and managing director Chris Carydias said “High on our criteria for a merger partner were a strong alignment on capability, strategy and culture. With Endava we have found that. “We are very excited about the opportunities ahead for our people and our clients.” Lexicon’s clients include ANZ, Coles, Kmart, MYOB, Toyota, Lexus, youfoodz, and shippit. The company has 127 billable staff in Australia and Vietnam. The Lexicon team The merger extends Endava’s existing presence in Australia, while Lexicon gains operations in Singapore and Malaysia. Endava already has operations in Asia-Pacific, Middle East, The Americas and Western Europe, including Argentina, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Colombia, Croatia, Malaysia, Mexico, Moldova, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia and Uruguay. GET READY FOR XCONF AUSTRALIA 2022 Thoughtworks presents XConf Australia, back in-person in three cities, bringing together people who care deeply about software and its impact on the world. In its fifth year, XConf is our annual technology event created by technologists for technologists. Participate in a robust agenda of talks as local thought leaders and Thoughtworks technologists share first-hand experiences and exchange new ways to empower teams, deliver quality software and drive innovation for responsible tech. Explore how at Thoughtworks, we are making tech better, together. Tickets are now available and all proceeds will be donated to Indigitek, a not-for-profit organisation that aims to create technology employment pathways for First Nations Peoples. Click the button below to register and get your ticket for the Melbourne, Sydney or Brisbane event GET YOUR TICKET! PROMOTE YOUR WEBINAR ON ITWIRE It’s all about Webinars. Marketing budgets are now focused on Webinars combined with Lead Generation. If you wish to promote a Webinar we recommend at least a 3 to 4 week campaign prior to your event. The iTWire campaign will include extensive adverts on our News Site itwire.com and prominent Newsletter promotion https://itwire.com/itwire-update.html and Promotional News & Editorial. Plus a video interview of the key speaker on iTWire TV https://www.youtube.com/c/iTWireTV/videos which will be used in Promotional Posts on the iTWire Home Page. Now we are coming out of Lockdown iTWire will be focussed to assisting with your webinars and campaigns and assistance via part payments and extended terms, a Webinar Business Booster Pack and other supportive programs. We can also create your adverts and written content plus coordinate your video interview. We look forward to discussing your campaign goals with you. Please click the button below. MORE INFO HERE! Source link Originally published at Melbourne News Vine
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reportstore · 2 years
HelloFresh to buy Australia ready-meals firm Youfoodz
The arrangement comes only seven months after Youfoodz's securities exchange posting - with HelloFresh's proposal beneath the Australian company's Initial public offering share cost.
Youfoodz, the Australian ready-meals market firm, has consented to a takeover offer from Germany-based meal-conveyance bunch HelloFresh.
The proposed exchange, reported today (13 July), comes seven months after Youfoodz's Initial public offering on the Australian Protections Trade (ASX).
HelloFresh's offered values Youfoodz at AUD125m (US$93.3m), or AUD0.93 an offer, which looks at to the Brisbane company's Initial public offering cost of AUD1.50.
Reporting HelloFresh's proposal to financial backers, Youfoodz said the bid was a 82% premium to its last shutting share cost of AUD0.51 - and was 109% over the organization's one-month, volume-weighted normal cost of AUD0.44.
Youfoodz's portion cost has never returned to its Initial public offering level. In 2021, the most elevated the stock got was AUD1.09 on 29 January.
HelloFresh, already present in Australia, said the procurement of Youfoodz would help its presence in a market where interest for "ready-to-eat meal conveyance administrations" is developing.
In April, Youfoodz revealed second from last quarter net income of AUD35.3m, up 18.2% on a year sooner. The organization figure yearly net income of AUD146-148m and EBITDA of AUD1-2m, contrasted with the assessments in its Initial public offering plan of AUD149.9m and AUD2.9m.
Reporting the second from last quarter numbers, Youfoodz said the gauges "reflect[ed] underperformance in B2B, principally because of the continuous effect of Coronavirus in the retail channel and the essential choice to put resources into marketing and other client obtaining drives to drive proceeded new B2C client development".
Youfoodz, which has practical experience in the creation and appropriation of new, ready-made meals and other comfort food items, has an omni-deals technique, giving home conveyance, as well as offering to retail and corporate clients, including significant supermarket chains Woolworths and Coles.
Australian private-value firm RGT Capital, Youfoodz's larger part investor with a stake of over 57%, plans to offer its portions to HelloFresh, it is placed on the table to give no better deal.
Youfoodz told financial backers an "free master" will investigate the HelloFresh bid. Investors will decide on the proposal in October.
In its articulation, Youfoodz said its board "collectively suggests" financial backers back the bid.
"As a world-driving, direct-to-customer food-arrangements bunch, HelloFresh addresses areas of strength for an accomplice for Youfoodz," the organization added. "The exchange joins Youfoodz's solidarity in creating and producing delectable ready-made meals with HelloFresh's mastery in store network the executives, innovation and direct-to-shopper marketing."
HelloFresh said the Youfoodz brand would stay in the market. Tom Rutledge, the President of HelloFresh's tasks in Australia and New Zealand, added: "Youfoodz's correlative item and capacity supported by a notable brand and profoundly competent group will permit us to serve more meal events to additional individuals."
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htial · 2 years
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I’ve tried a couple of @youfoodz meals this week while working late in the theatre. My wife got them. They’ve tasted great. 🤤 I really want to try them all. Much better than the frozen “fitness” meals from the supermarket. The only thing that would make them better would be if I could cook them myself. ☺️ (at Bunjil Place) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfYrlsoPC7S/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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evilbanditjoseph · 1 year
Day 4, Week 1
Went back to the gym today, felt good about that. Sometimes I’m glad I have so much weight to lose, it means no one is going to tell me to stop for a long while.
I told a friend what weights my doctor wanted me down to. She said I don’t have that weight to lose. But I know she’s just being nice. Taking photos tonight put me off my dinner and comparing them to what I used to be makes me so mad but determined. I can do this.
Food diary
Breakfast: 2 slices of pizza, black coffee
Lunch: YouFoodz meal, black coffee, Diet Coke
Pre-gym: fruit cup
Dinner: optifast shake, fibre supp, tea
Went and saw a friend in the hospital too tonight. She OD’d on the weekend. I didn’t know until I got there and asked how she was. It’s not a shock, just is. I tried telling my partner but he’s too depressed to even hear me talk about it. At least it meant I spent a lot of time out tonight and wasn’t tempted to drink. God I wanted to to drink.
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formulafc · 3 years
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