#you're your favourite book or film or band
emmyspov · 1 year
I just sorted everything away from this semester and also obviously stumbled across my notes and ideas for my journal article and like- it's such a bittersweet thing.
I would have loved to do this, would have loved to do more research on EDs and advocate on the topic from an academic pov and maybe make the world a tiny tiny bit better, but I am so glad that i do not have to - I don't have to worry about all this extra work and stress on top of my studies and my job.
But it also makes me so sad because I remember my very first semester at university and how excited I was. God I would have given everything to be successful and make a career here - and I did give everything. And now, 3.5 years later, I see what that did to me and I just wish that no one ever puts their job or their studies or anything really above themselves. Which is so hard in our societies nowadays, I know that, too.
And sometimes I think I should have just pushed through. What's one and a half more years? Maybe I could have done it, just to make a difference. But then I remember Gandalf's quote in the hobbit
I have found it is the small things, everyday deeds of ordinary folk, that keeps the darkness at bay. Simple acts of kindness and love.
So maybe, just maybe, I don't have to work until utter exhaustion to be good and helpful. Maybe, just being kind is enough. And that thought is a lot more comforting than me thinking I have to achieve something great in order to be worth it.
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mlmxreader · 9 months
date night w/ MK characters
: ̗̀➛ characters involved: Kitana, Mileena, Sindel, Ashrah, Tanya, Li Mei, Johnny Cage, Kung Lao, Kuai Liang (Sub Zero & Scorpion versions), Syzoth/Reptile, Kenshi Takahashi, Tomas Vrbada
: ̗̀➛ x gn!reader
: ̗̀➛ a few swear words here and there
Kitana leads a busy, tiring life. her idea of a perfect date night is kept simple and easy; maybe a walk in the gardens if the weather is kind enough. or just chilling together in bed with a good book if the weather is absolute shit. she's the queen's daughter, after all, she appreciates just being able to spend time with her s/o, especially if she's had a long day.
Mileena likes to go all out if she's got the time, but if not, she likes to keep things simple. dates can either be her taking you into a very public, very busy situation like a ball or a festival, or they can be as gentle and simple as a long walk together, hand in hand. it entirely depends on how much time she's got on her hands and how much of it she can spend with you.
very, very quiet dates. Sindel doesn't really like her love life being in the spotlight when there are more important things to worry about; she'll take you for a nice meal somewhere quiet - there's a little café in an alleyway, tucked behind a few other shops, that she often takes you to - and somewhere that she can really spend some quality time with you.
Ashrah doesn't really understand dates, but she knows that you like to show her all the different things on offer; museums, art galleries, restaurants, zoos, cafés, aquariums. she loves every moment of each one, but her favourite is definitely the museum; she loves how you light up when she asks you to explain something, and could listen to you talk for hours.
Tanya doesn't really do dates, and never has. she cares, of course she does, she adores you - but dates are just one of those things. she'd prefer to bring you home some food from your favourite place, or get you a book she knows you wanted - things like that. but, occasionally, she does take you out; she likes to take you dancing, more than anything.
Li Mei
Li Mei isn't really the date type, either, but sometimes she'll offer to take you somewhere; it comes out of nowhere, a complete surprise each time, but she'll offer to take you to museums, to festivals, to sports events. she enjoys the quality time, and not having to look over her shoulder all the time, but she loves it when you get invested as much as she does.
Johnny Cage
FLASHY!!! FLASHY!!! the best restaurants, always. concert tickets to bands you've always wanted to see live, VIP included. expect a new outfit being bought for you every time. Johnny loves to spoil you, and date nights are no exception; you want to see Sabaton live? he's taking you, and after, he'll make sure that you can sleep in the backseat of his car.
Kung Lao
film nights, 100%. there is nothing that Kung Lao likes more than to either take you to the cinema for a few hours and then out for tea afterwards, or to snuggle up with you in bed and watch old films you both love with a platter of snacks. he adores film nights, and he'll take turns choosing what to watch with you. just don't watch Marley & Me with him.
Sub Zero!Kuai Liang
Kuai Liang doesn't really do the whole dating thing. he'd prefer to just sit in bed with you and read for a while, or to sit near you while you're doing something. any quality time is good for him. there'll be a rare occasion where he can take you out, but it's usually just for a few drinks and a meal - it's simple, but it's always a good time.
Scorpion!Kuai Liang
an absolute gentleman, expect the very basics in the best way. a few drinks and a meal, sure, but you can bet he's taking you somewhere that he knows does your favourite food and drinks. he might be basic, and he might not be flashy, but the dates you have with him always make you grin when you kiss him goodnight. simple, but brilliant.
he likes to take you out for long walks, doesn't really matter where or when; he isn't really big on dates, but he loves going for a long walk with you. just strolling hand in hand, talking about everything and nothing all the same. he just likes being around you, and he likes when you stop to pick up little snakes and arachnids, telling him all about them. it never fails to make him smile.
Kenshi Takahashi
ADORES taking you dancing. maybe it's just the closeness, maybe it's the fact that he gets to have you all to himself. but he adores taking you dancing for date nights; he always throws in dinner afterwards, too, and it's usually put on Johnny's tab. you still don't know why he lets him get away with it, but you know better than to ask. every now and then, he'll take you with him to Johnny's new films, as well.
Tomas Vrbada
he loves nothing more than to go to the zoo with you. sitting down in the picnic area and sharing drinks and bites of each other's sandwiches; it's nice for him to get away with you for a while, to just relax and enjoy being around you. trying not to laugh at people getting chased by geese. Tomas loves it when he can take you to the zoo for the day; just you and him, nothing else to worry about except seagulls stealing your crisps.
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(instead of writing your 69th essay about how Taylor Swift is a closet lesbian)
Starting off with my holy trinity:
Rina Sawayama (she/her, bi/pan): if you follow me you're probably aware of what a huge Rina fan I am. Lots of pop and rock, with a chunk of her earlier songs being R&B. Her debut album SAWAYAMA (my favourite album of all time!!) was her major breakthrough moment as it received critical acclaim and her sophomore album Hold the Girl made her the highest charting Japanese artist in the history of the UK. Known for her musical versatility, she made her acting debut in John Wick 4. I recommend: Cherry, Frankenstein and Bad Friend
Janelle Monáe (she/they, bi/pan): pop, funk, neo-soul and psychedelic. They have an entire series of concept albums about an android named Cindy Mayweather (her ALTER EGO?!) as she commits the crime of falling in love with a human. Lots of social commentary. Her album Dirty Computer comes along with a narrative film and a book taking place in its world. She's starred in movies like Antebellum, Glass Onion and Moonlight. I recommend: Electric Lady, Django Jane and Pynk
Raveena Aurora (she/her, bi): Experimental pop, R&B and soul. Her second album Asha's Awakening is a concept album following the journey of Asha, a Punjabi space princess, as it explores Aurora's South Asian identity and past relationships. Such a beautiful and soft voice to die for. I recommend: Headaches, If Only and Kathy Left 4 Kathmandu
Moving onto some other artists I like:
Boygenius: a band comprising of three sapphic women- Phoebe Bridgers (indie darling™), Lucy Dacus and Julien Baker (the first two are bi while the third is a lesbian). Indie, folk and alternative rock. Very melancholic. I urge you to check out their individual projects too (especially Phoebe's, I love her Punisher album). I recommend: Emily I'm Sorry, Satanist and True Blue
Kelela (she/her, queer): R&G, electronic and alternative R&B. Her debut EP Hallucinogen covers the beginning, middle and end of a relationship in reverse chronological order. Her second album Raven showcases Black futuristic art, which I fuck with. I recommend: Contact, The High and Bluff
Zolita (she/her, lesbian): dark-pop, R&B and electropop. She incorporates witchcraft into her music and mvs. She literally has an EP called Sappho what more could you want? I recommend: Holy, Ashley (the sapphic Speak Now) and Bedspell
Victoria Monét (she/her, bi): pop and R&B. She's written songs for artists like Ariana Grande (7 Rings) and Chloe x Halle (Do It). Go stream her Jaguar EP you will thank me later. I recommend: Touch Me (erotic sapphic song), Cupid and Love U Better
And finally some honourable mentions (can't make this post too long now can I): mxmtoon, Michelle Zauner, Arooj Aftab, Sir Babygirl, Dodie, Chloe Moriondo, Lauren Jauregui, Baby Queen, Sara and Teagan, The Butchies, Sofya Wang and Melissa Etheridge
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mybrokenveins3000 · 9 months
Fluffy Moments with College!Ross Macdonald
My writer brain is not in the mood to go all in on something longer (even though everything I write is less than 2k words but ANYWAYS), here are a few college!au soft Ross moments (?) ideas (?) prompts (?), enjoy + lmk if u want a longer fic about any of these <3
Late nights at the library // studying and writing essays next to each other. His hand slipping into yours every now and then. Him watching you all tired eyed and concentrated, thinking you're the prettiest thing he's ever laid eyes on.
Watching him practice with the band // it's your turn to watch HIM all concentrated and in the zone, how the music moves him and makes him feel. Helping out with any input on songs. Him teaching you how to play bass when the others go for a smoke break.
He would definitely make you playlists. You would definitely listen to them whilst you make your way around campus. And you'd definitely listen to one of them when you :
Bump into each other on campus // in the early days, walking to your lecture and physically bumping into him. Both of blushing and apologising in embarrassment, hearts about to burst. Wishing you could bail and hang out with each other instead. Looking back at each other as you walk away.
He would definitely send you random messages on your student email, making you smile in the middle of lectures and seminars
OHMYGOD, as a History student, he would definitely send you passages from articles he's reading about love stories of the past and be like "us"
Doing your shopping together!! // so domestic, so therapeutic. Maybe it's late at night, you're not afraid to laugh loud in the aisles. You're sitting in the shopping trolley and he buries you in groceries :,) He pays for everything as well because he's an out-fashioned gentleman like that.
He would definitely go to concerts or club nights with you — you on his shoulders so you can see better, him dancing and singing with you, mirroring your enthusiasm and excitement.
Going home with each other during the holidays!! // meeting each others families, him charming your parents, them loving him!! Walks around your hometowns, telling each other stories "that bench is where I had my first kiss" "this was were me and the boys had our first gig", learning more about each other, reminiscing on past versions of each other.
(I'm going to make myself cry but) GIVING EACH OTHER BOOK RECOMMENDATIONS 💔💔 Imagine his favourite books, all annotated and battered from years of love, on your bedside table. Yours on his :,)
Watching your favourite films together on a laptop, snuggled up together in bed.
First time sleeping round his // maybe this is after Drunk Call. This time you're both tipsy in his room, it's too late and you're too fucked up to go home, so you sleep in his bed with him. Other than kissing, I don't think anything happens. You talk in the dark, laughing loud until you fall asleep in his arms.
You'd definitely have this kinda moment at parties and socials : (quote from film, Frances Ha) "It’s that thing when you’re with someone, and you love them and they know it, and they love you and you know it… but it’s a party… and you’re both talking to other people, and you’re laughing and shining… and you look across the room and catch each other’s eyes… but – but not because you’re possessive, or it’s precisely sexual… but because… that is your person in this life. And it’s funny and sad, but only because this life will end, and it’s this secret world that exists right there in public, unnoticed, that no one else knows about."
Eventually, graduation // him (as well as the rest of the band) cheering the loudest for you. You two being so proud of each other, remembering all the stressed out late nights studying. Mingling with each others' loved ones, their shared pride for the both of you.
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toomuchracket · 11 months
Omg I would LOVE to read about that. I feel like matty would be a little annoyed people loved girly but he’d still be so proud and he can’t be that agitated
i don't think he'd be annoyed per se, but he'd get so cutely grumpy about people repeatedly coming up to you for pics and autographs while you guys are out on dates, very "god, babe, can't they see i'm trying to romance you here?" lol (and then he'd be like "wait a min this is how you must feel with me. i'm sorry :((" lmao). but mostly, i think he's just a proud boyf. and i think he was with you for two really memorable fan interactions, one being the very first time you met someone with a quote from your work tattooed. the two of you were at a train station, and you could see a young woman a bit further down the platform visibly debate whether to come up to you and matty or not; you figured she was a 75 fan, so you just kinda smiled and said hi when she eventually introduced herself, and you were lowkey really shocked when she spoke to you like "i just wanted to say that i'm a huge fan - your last essay collection changed my life". you were like "wait you're a fan of ME?! that's so lovely lol i never really tend to meet people in public like this" (matty was also kinda surprised but so proud he genuinely couldn't stop smiling), and the girl was like "yeah! i have one of your quotes tattooed and everything!" and pulled up her sleeve to show you your words inked on her inner arm - your jaw dropped and you were like "no fucking way. this is so surreal. i'm so touched that you would do that!" and gave her a hug, and matty still just grinned along like "i could take a pic of the two of you if you want?", all proud boyfriend. he did, then the three of you took a selfie (the girl was like "i do actually love your band too, matty, i just stan your girl more lol") before the girl thanked you and left, with an "eagerly awaiting a writing collab between the two of you, btw", which you both laughed at at first and then seriously considered while you were on the train.
the second big interaction was while you were on a weekend break in edinburgh, and you dragged matty to rare birds bookshop (google it btw it's so cool) to do some shopping. even the staff getting excited when you came in and gratefully accepting your offer to sign some copies of your books was a huge deal for you (matty was like "it's adorable how genuinely surprised you still get at these kind of interactions. people love you, babe! taste"), but it got even better - while you and matty were browsing in the other room (well, you were browsing, and he was patiently carrying the stack the two of you had already picked out and smiling at how content you were), you heard a voice from the next room ask the staff if they had a copy of your newest book. you beamed excitedly at matty (smiling just as hard back at you), before you poked your head into the other room and jokingly said "hmm, that one's a bit crap, to be honest. the previous one is a lot better"; the heads of about five sixteen-year-old girls whipped round and all reacted in total shock, gasps, laughs, even tears from one of them as she clocked you. naturally, you ran over like "oh my god, are you alright? please don't cry" and this wee girl was like "i'm sorry i just love you so much omg this is so crazy", which actually made you tear up a bit like "you're so sweet, but really i'm just a girl! like you! not worth crying over, honestly" and give her a big hug (which made her cry harder lol). matty let you bejeweled have your moment, just stayed in the other room watching with a big smile on his face and filming a little bit of the interaction because he found it so endearing (and also so he could make a fancam of you for your bday <3), looking lovingly as you took the time to chat to the girls and personalise the autographs on the title page of each copy they'd picked up, and even showed them some of your favourite books and writers who inspired you, just like the girls all claimed to be inspired by you (which actually made you sob like a baby, bless you). after a good half hour of talking and signing and selfies, you were like "girls this has been so lovely and i've loved meeting you all, but i've left the boyf alone in the next room and i fear he might go rogue and pick too many books for us to actually be able to carry lol, so i'm going to say goodbye now and save him from himself lol" - they're like "oh, matty's here too? that's cool", and matty poked his head round the doorframe and waved like "yeah, i'm here. with a perfectly respectable number of books, actually, darling, thank you very much". the girls laughed and waved back, but that was the extent of their interaction with matty, too preoccupied with buying and reading everything you had signed or spoken about with them; he wasn't bothered in the slightest, though, just overwhelmingly excited for you. like, when you headed back to him, he gave you a huge hug and a kiss on the side of your head like "that was very lovely, sweetheart. m'proud of you, and i love that people love you almost as much as i do. but you're the best writer i know, so it's not really surprising"; you were like "love you too. couldn't do any of this without you in my life, inspiring me every day", and matty was like "ok let's go to the till before i cry lol there have been too many tears in this building today" (and then he bought and carried all your books for you because he's a simp) <3
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lobrac · 3 months
Get to know your gremlin!
So first of all I stole this post idea from my dear rwrb loving mutual @nerd-party, (Go check out her blog NOW!) but I don't feel too bad because it's a common concept.
Name: Vítek Carbol (just call me lob or lobrac)
Nationality: Czech
Gender: Fluid (Assigned male at birth, but I understood the assignment only partially)
Sexuality(?): I'm pansexual (I swear if anyone makes a pun/joke about kitchenware I will be angy)
Favourite movie: *insert any Ghibli film name*
Favourite book: Alastor; or the ghost of solitude by Percy B. Shelley
Favourite band: Either AJR, Miracle Musical or JVKE
Favourite song: You will be okay from Helluva Boss
Pronouns: Use any you like. You can't missgender me, but if you try anyway I WILL destroy Venezuela.
Age: 14 at the moment (if you are surprised, you're not the first, and most certainly not the last person I've deceived with my fancy words)
Birthday: On the 4th of October
So that's all for me. I will update the post if anything changes. Please suggest any entries you'd like to see.
Obligatory pun about a TERF: What nation do TERFs live in? They live in the Discrimi nation.
I'm too lazy to add hashtags so I just won't.
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sharkboyandlavalieb · 5 months
Miscellaneous Tag game
Created by the amazing @ronald-speirs
Favorite place in the world you’ve visited? - I haven't travelled much outside of Canada, but I loved Halifax! I visited the Titanic Museum while there.
Something you’re proud of yourself for? - Choosing to build skills that are outside of my comfort zone and a career that forces me to develop my weaknesses into strengths (i.e.: becoming a teacher when I used to shake with fright when public speaking).
Favorite books? - I'm loving MXTX's danmei novels, especially TCGF/Heaven Officials Blessing.
Something that makes your heart happy when thinking about it?- All my mutuals (that was an easy out right there and I'll accept any tomatoes thrown my way)
Favorite thing about your culture? - Storytelling
When did you join the HBO War fandom? What was the first show you watched? - Joined around 2012 with Band of Brothers. My mom watched it solely for Damian Lewis and one day it worked for me; I haven't left since.
Have you read any of Easy Company’s books? If so, which ones were your favorite? - Ambrose's novel & Parachute Infantry
Favorite HBO War character and your favorite moment with them?- Doc Roe he's so bbygirl & probably that part where he tells guarnere his uti will have to wait another day (also any shot of his hands I have a problem)
Do you make content for any fandoms, if so; what sort of content? - I make graphics and gifsets for band of brothers (haven't made any gifs since 2018)
Favorite actor/actress and your favorite film of theirs? - I don't think I have a favourite anymore tbh. I've always loved Rachel Weisz.
Favorite quote/s that you wish to share with others? - "You can't dwell on any of it"
Random fact your mutuals/followers don’t know about you? - I used to read harvest moon fanfiction and don't you judge me for it farming can get hot and heavy
If you’re a writer, do you need a beta reader (say yes so I can be your beta reader 🤭)? - I've got tons of ideas and no talent to write anything...but I'd also be willing to beta so also hit me up
Three things that make you smile?
reading mutuals tags cause you're all so funny and make me laugh
posting ridiculous content
bickering with @snarkyliebgott
Any nicknames you like? - My name is simple enough it never needed one - my parents have nicknames for me but those aren't interesting enough to share.
List some people you love to see around on tumblr! - Everyone below that I'll be tagging and more!!!!!!!!! If I follow you that means I love your content, whether that be things you create or things you share.
What would you do during a zombie apocalypse? - Peace out
Favorite movie? - The Secret Garden (1993)
Do you like horror movies? - Absolutely I do! Horror movies and BOB are the only things I can watch where I'm completely engrossed and am not drifting into my own thoughts.
@snarkyliebgott @staud @1waveshortofashipwreck @ewipandora @josephtoye @bobparkhurst @flashnthunder (I'd tag more but I feel bad since I already spammed y'all with one of these yesterday)
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spacerockwriting · 3 months
Thank you for the tag @energievie
Name: Comet
How do you pronounce your own Tumblr handle in your head? space rock writing like, it's literally just a space rock.
When you look out the window right now what do you see? My cube has no window
What is the most unusual profession someone in your family was in? All???? My dad's job is cutting up trees with a sawmill. My mom's an artist, and my brother works for this place that does stem cell research and stuff.
What hobby were you really into as a kid? I collected barbies, and I collected a lot of bunny stuff because of my bunny hyperfixation
First autofill google result when you type 'How can I...?' on my work laptop, so nah.
If you were the main character in a sitcom, what song would be playing during the opening credits? Maybe Kids From Yesterday, by My Chem.
What's the last movie you watched? Did you enjoy it? What genre is it? Not a movie, but I was watching the documentary series Quiet on Set, since I was a big nickelodeon kid.
What is your favourite movie genre? I dunno my fav genere, since I just like movies. Just not horror because I'm too chicken shit for that.
What movie would you recommend? Hmmm, We need to talk about Kevin is a great film if you're interested in a film where you leave feeling confused and empty, as you have NO emotional connection to the main character. The perks of being a wallflower is a fav movie and book of mine, because it's a good story for those who never really fit in. (both these films have Ezra Miller in them: but in Perk's he just a side character.) Bang Bang You're Dead is a good film, dealing with the point of view of the bullied and retaliation. (And it has Randy Harrison, my queer as folk blondie love) Umm, Tick Tick Boom for the life of Jonathan Larson, someone who was a huge deal in the theater world. It's a musical, as is the 2012 Les Miserable film. Ummm, If you're not that conservvative of a person, I'd suggest South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut as well as Orgazmo. Both are written & directed & starring Matt Stone and Trey Parker, who are absouute film idols of mine. Riding in Vans With Boys which is a fun Jackass-style film about this small band that goes on tour with Blink 182 & Green Day for their pop disaster tour. Umm...I've got a lot of films I can recommend, I was a film major lol. Boy Erased was used in helping to write Gay Wieners.
Do your IRL humans know about your fandom life? If you're a creator, do they know you create? Yeah, most of my friends IRL and a few coworkers know I at least go to comic cons and stuff.
If you could do one activity with your pocket/fandom friends what would it be? Gather them all and we're gonna have a fun night all together.
@transmurderbug @transmickey @stocious @ian-galagher @deathclassic @callivich @mybrainismelted
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malarkgirlypop · 5 months
Misc. Tag Game! ✨
thank you for the tags @1waveshortofashipwreck
Made by the amazing @ronald-speirs 💖
Favorite place in the world you’ve visited?
Just went to Japan and Korea and it was so fucking amazing.
Something you’re proud of yourself for?
Finishing my nursing, getting a job. Like go me, get that big girl job!
Favourite books?
Trial by Fire, I will never not brag about it!
Something that makes your heart happy when thinking about it?
This one person I'm getting to know at the moment. Ah they are the best, literally makes me feel so good.
Favorite thing about your culture? About being American?
Um I am not an American. But NZ is so cool, we are super chill, such a vibe. I'm here for bringing back Māori culture into New Zealand!
When did you join the HBO War fandom? What was the first show you watched?
I think it was August 2023. Band of brothers was the first show I watched with my friend.
Have you read any of Easy Company’s books? If so, which ones were your favourite?
No I haven't. I want to, but im so busy rn. Maybe later.
Favorite HBO War character and your favorite moment with them?
Ah all I have to say is Malarkey, and just all Malarkey things ever. Please and thank you.
Do you make content for any fandoms, if so; what sort of content?
A little, only a teeny tiny amount, only small, not much, hardly any, it doesn't fill my whole brain all the time. I don't constantly live in a fictional story i am writing, I don't know what you're talking about.
Favourite actor/actress and your favourite film of theirs?
Sebastian Stan, The Winter Soldier. like why he so hot. He also scared the shit out of me in Fresh, but that was also a good movie.
Favourite quote/s that you wish to share with others?
"I'm tired of this Grandpa!"
"Well that's too damn bad!"
Holes, 2003.
Random fact your mutuals/followers don’t know about you?
I have no filter on here so there is nothing I don't think people know about me.
If you’re a writer, do you need a beta reader (say yes so I can be your beta reader 🤭)?
what's that? I'm confused.
Three things that make you smile?
My friends
A really special person
Any nicknames you like?
Kate doesn't have any nicknames, but because of my hair my dad calls me Floss, like candy floss!
List some people you love to see around on tumblr!
@panzershrike-pretz @ithinkabouttzu @executethyself35 @ronsparky @venus-haze @joetoyesbrassknuckles101 @footprintsinthesxnd @mutantmanifesto @jump-wings @mads-nixon @blueberry-ovaries @b00ks1ut @next-autopsy @1waveshortofashipwreck @paula-912 @brassknucklespeirs
What would you do during a zombie apocalypse?
Be a zombie
Favourite movie?
All movies, any movie, I'm good at entertaining myself with bad movies.
Do you like horror movies?
I do, but I'm still scared.
No pressure tags:
@georgieluz, @b00ks1ut, @blueberry-ovaries, @next-autopsy @land-sh @grumpy-liebgott @venus-haze @goneandbackagain
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footprintsinthesxnd · 4 months
Misc Tag Game
thank you for the tag @ronald-speirs , @yeahcurrahhe-e @grumpy-liebgott @blueberry-ovaries @hesbuckcompton-baby @1waveshortofashipwreck @l13bg0tt @executethyself35 and @theflyingfin
Favorite place in the world you've visited?
I loved visiting Belgium with my dad last October. It was a really special trip we shared together seeing where Easy Company were during the Battle of the Bulge and we shared some really special memories together.
Something you're proud of yourself for?
Getting through everyday. Since Christmas it’s been pretty tough between work and final exams and it’s been super stressful. Luckily I have some really supportive friends. Honestly I’m just glad I got through the last month and that I’m getting through February.
Favourite books?
- Parachute Infantry- David Webster
- The Picture of Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde
- The Great Gatsby - F Scott Fitzgerald
Something that makes your heart happy when you think about it?
My dog Finan. He’s the light of my life, no matter how bad something is he’s always there and he’s always such a happy little boy.
Favourite thing about your culture?
This was a tough one but I do love how much history Britain has. There are so many historical places from all different time periods and there are also lots of events held to celebrate/commemorate historical events.
When did you join the HBO War fandom? What was the first show you watched?
So I first watched Band of Brothers in about 2014/2015 roughly. I then watched the Pacific about two years after that. Then Gen Kill last year. I didn’t join the hbowar fandom on tumblr until last year though.
Have you read any of Easy Company's books? If so, which ones were your favorite?
I’ve read so many of them 😂 my favourite is David Websters Parachute Infantry. I know I’ve spoken about it before but he has such a way with words and describing the scenes, as well as his fellow paratroopers.
Favorite HBO War character and your favorite moment with them?
It’s gotta be my baby boy Gene Roe. I love him so much. One of my favourite scenes with him is in Bastogne when he talks to Renée outside the aid station.
My other favourite scene is when he does the whole ‘you’re officers, you’re grownups, you outta know’. That’s probably one of my favourite scenes.
Do you make content for any fandoms, if so; what sort of content?
I write fics and I make moodboards/ edits.
Favorite actor/actress and your favorite film of theirs?
I don’t really have one specific favourite actor or actress to be honest, there are lots I like and lots of movie I like.
Favorite quote/s that you wish to share with others?
It’s not really a quote but it’s a saying my dad and I say to each other when things get tough
‘It could be worse, you could be in Bastogne’
Random fact your mutuals/followers don't know about you?
If you're a writer, do you need a beta reader (say yes so I can be your beta reader)?
I do not have a beta reader. I sometimes ask friends to read my work but if anyone wants the job it’s open.
Three things that make you smile?
1) my dog Finan
2) long summer days
3) my besties @malarkgirlypop @georgieluz and @mads-weasley
Any nicknames you like?
I don’t really have many nicknames but @georgieluz calls me Jessie which I love.
List some people you love to see around on tumblr:
@georgieluz @malarkgirlypop @mads-weasley @ronsparky @samwinchesterslostshoe @liptonsbabe @liptonwashere @supervalcsi @iceman-kazansky @next-autopsy @holdingforgeneralhugs @softguarnere @grumpy-liebgott @hesbuckcompton-baby @heystovepipeboys @blurredcolour @blueberry-ovaries and there are so many others
What would you do during a zombie apocalypse?
I’d like to think I wouldn’t die instantly. I feel that I have pretty decent survival skills and medical skills so I’d last a while I hope 😂
Favourite Movie?
I don’t have one favourite movie really, there are a lot of films that I enjoy. I like war films, historical films, romcoms, comedies etc so I can’t pick just one 😂
Do you like horror movies?
I’m not a fan to be honest. The only scary film I’ve seen and liked is ‘Woman in Black’ and still I spent a lot of time hiding behind a pillow the first time I watched it.
Tags: if feel like most people have already done this so I’m tagging anyone else who wants to participate
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somecunttookmyurl · 1 year
Because you're getting asks about that post (& because I followed you a while ago & never interacted but think you're cool), have something more fun—
¿What's your favorite song/book/show/movie (you pick whatever's more fun, or all if you'd like to), & why is that one your favorite? ¿Does it remind you of a specific person, memory, place, etc., or did it help you through something tough or help you discover part of yourself? ¿Would you recommend it to others?
&/or ¿what's your favorite post you've ever made on Tumblr, & why's that one your favorite?
bless you for not asking me about toilets
my favourite song of all time is "face to face" by siouxsie and the banshees! one of my mum's favourite bands and my favourite since i was old enough to have one (like 5). i was obsessed with the music video when i was little and wanted to do my hair like hers so bad but i couldn't ever get it to work. it's featured in tim burton's "batman returns" which is my favourite batman movie
it's actually a collab between siouxsie and danny elfman. originally when approached with the idea to write a song for the film, she didn't want to. but relented when danny proposed a drinking competition and if she lost they had to do it. thankfully, she lost
my favourite post is this bc honestly magnum opus
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Away from home - chapter 7
Y/N is an actress, filming for her first lead role in the film adaptation of her favourite childhood book, produced by maximum effort.
She bonds with Ryan Reynolds over their share Love of the Korean pop band Stray Kids, and he has a surprise for her.
When she starts missing home and the darkness creeps upon her, her hotel neighbour comes to her rescue.
Trigger warnings- mentions of depression, self harm and anxiety.
This chapter is NSFW
Stray kids fan fic
Mainly staring 3ratcha
But the other boys do make appearances it's just easy to keep to minimum of characters lol
Chan x oc
This is my first ever fan fiction so if it's shit soz.
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It's 3pm by the time I wake up. I feel groggy. My mouth's dry and my stomach hurts from hunger, I pull out my phone and order a McDonald's meal... or two.
I hop in the shower, forgetting its broken, so i pull my pj's back on and head to Chan's. But before I exit my door i notice a piece of paper on the floor.
It's from chan. He's handwriting is adorable.
'Morning Y/N. I realised I don't have your number and you didn't answer when I knocked on your door this morning so I'm guessing you're still asleep. I really enjoyed last night, I hope I didn't come off too strong.
I just really wanted to kiss you.
I know it's only been a few days since we met, but it feels like we we're meant to be in each others lives.
If you don't feel the same that's cool, I just wanted to put all my cards on the table. I like you and I'd like to take you out on a date sometime. I'm out this weekend, staying at Hannah's, but I'll be back tomorrow night. I'll see you then. Its a date!
Chris x'
Why am I crying?...
Is this the first time anyone has ever said anything like this to me?
Fuck, my McDonald's is here.
I scran down my big mac and chicken legend and crawl back into bed. How I'm I meant to go two days without him? God I sound ridiculous! It's been 5 fucking days and I'm acting like I'm in love. I think I'm just addicted to how I feel around him, he feels like home. The comfort of walking into a warm house after being in the cold outside.
I want to know more about him. All his little intricacies and quirks. I want to know what wakes him up in the morning and what keeps him in bed. To know all about what goes on in that gorgeous head of his. I'm counting down the seconds until I can.
8 pm Sunday evening. I've legitimately just slept all weekend. I did have a video with my family back home. It felt so good to see their beautiful faces! But mostly I enjoyed seeing my cats that my mum put on the call whilst she went to the bathroom. They told me they miss me too.
No one has yet Come to fix my shower. I'll let them off since it's the weekend, but I've been stewing in my post night out smell. I should go round to Chris', but theres two problems with that idea. 1. I haven't heard him return and he hasn't knocked round here.
2. I smell like shit and look like it too. (Very reminiscent of my depressive episodes im prone to, but with out the actual sadness. )
There's no harm in just knocking to see if he's, so I grab my dressing gown and head to his.
I here him talking, but theres no reply. I wait for a moment, he's probably on the phone. He stops talking so I knock.
"One minute!!" He yelled! " I'll be back in a sec guys!" Guess he's still on the phone. He answers, a huge smile appears on his face, he looks back in the direction of his phone and slowly closes the door slightly behind him so we're both in the hallway.
"Sorry is this a bad time?" I ask, slowly heading back to my door.
"I'm just... I'm just doing a live stream." He replies, looking slightly embarrassed.
"Oh yeah your Chans room! I've seen a few" He seems to look less nervous that I'm not judging him. "I just wanted to know if I could use your shower. Mines still broken"
"Yeah of course you can, could you wait just like 40 minutes?"
"Yeah sure! I've waited over 24 hours, 40 minutes won't kill me" I laugh. He brushes his hand through his hair and I notice his bicep flex. I never really noticed it but this man is buff. No wonder I feel safe around him, he could beat up a bear a win. Well maybe not a  bear?
I turn to head back into my room, but he takes my hand stopping me.
"Did you get my letter?" He asks, his eyes shining with hope.
"Yeah I did" I say meeting his eyes with the same anticipation.
" and did you..." I cut him off, bringing his lips to mine. My hand running through his hair.
" does that answer your question?" I tease.
"And all the ones after" He answers, slightly bewildered. "I have to head back in. I'll see you soon"
"It's a date" I reply. His grin has taken over his entire face, giddy like a child.
"It is indeed" He says before closing his door.
I collapse on my bed and open up his stream. God he's gorgeous. He keeps smiling to himself, which makes me do the same. I'm literally kicking my feet and smiling over this man. The chat seems to have noticed too. All mentioning how he seems to have found something outside his room very exciting. He answers them saying a staff member just was asking what food he wanted from the shop.
He signs of with a virtual hug, and now I get to have a real life one. And a shower.
I knock the door again, he shouts that it's open in response. I walk in, naked underneath my dressing gown. I stand awkwardly in his room, not sure whether we should talk about everything now or after my shower. He turns in his chair away from his laptop, his gaze lands on me. I'm suddenly aware that if this thin belt unwraps I'll be stood here bare ass naked. I pull the belt tighter.
"You gonna shower?" He questions
"Yeah, I just didn't know if you wanted to talk about everything properly now or after my shower?" He seems taken aback from my forwardness.
"Now?" He pats on his bed for me to sit down. I follow his direction and sit down opposite him. He wheels his chair closer to me so our knees are touching. A knot beginning to form in my stomach. He puts his hands on my knees. I think I flinch in response because he removes them as soon as he places them down.
"Sorry" He stammered, backing off. I hold his hands, stopping him from backing off too far.
"I'm okay. Its just..." fuck how do I explain this without sounding like a weirdo? "I've got nothing on under here. And well." I put my head in my hands. "I've never been touched in such a gentle way there. I was just a bit taken aback." He's silent. Then his lips curl into a smirk.
"So, that reaction was because you liked it so much?" A raised brow has joined his smirk. I can tell this man loves a good tease. He's gonna be the death of me.
He pulls himself even closer, this time he gently spreads my knees apart, replacing the space between them with his knee. Each second he does this, he's locked his gaze on mine, making sure I'm okay with this. And fucking hell I am. He stops centimetres away from my vulva. I'm glad he does cause im honestly embarrassed by how wet I am from just his smallest touch.
He leans over to my ear, his lips grazing  my neck ever so slightly, inciting goosebumps and a sound from me I'm not sure I've ever made before. He giggles, savouring the state he's got me in. "You should take your shower" He whispers. I snap out of my trance
"Are you saying I smell?" I'm joking but slightly concerned. He laughs, removing his knee and standing up from his chair
"Not at all. I just know you've been waiting to have one. Plus I'm worried you feel like this is going too fast. Cause I am." Chan looked down admitting his feelings. "I don't want you to do anything you'll regret. we haven't known each other long and I know you wanna know someone before you're intimate like that with them". Fuck me. This man may be the most caring person I have ever met.
I stand up from his bed and walk over to him, kissing him on his forehead.
"Thank you. I did enjoy it, please know that." He drops his head, but I lift up his chin with my index finger, "I mean it." I kiss him, deeper than before. I do want him. Just not yet.
I walk past him and head into his shower.
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libratalks · 4 months
The Resurgence of CDs: the "forgotten format" remembered by me
I know what you're thinking. There is no rebirth of CDs, Isha.
The facts tell us that they have been dying a slow death since their peak in the 2000s, suffering a 97% drop in sales revenue back in 2020. It fails to be a viable commercial format due to performing terribly in sales' data, with only a 1.1% increase in the US during 2021. No one is buying CDs, and those who are, well they just don't matter in the grand scheme of things for a few reasons. There are various sources of media that say otherwise, yet Damon Krukowski boldly states that one of the reasons why journalists have been penning articles regarding "the resurgence of CDs" is because there is a sense of false consciousness attached: it is an attempt by the industry to substitute the interests of the rich for one's own; to distract music consumers from facing the deeper problems within music distribution, such as a supposed booming economy in the music industry despite there being a great income inequality. To which I say, true, but un(?)fortunately, our minds do not resort to that aspect of the resurgence of CDs immediately. I mean, really, when I came across a sticker-peeled, used copy of Alanis Morissette's Jagged Little Pill in the snug CD section of my temporary hometown's Oxfam (I was in Bath during my second year of university), I was hardly thinking of the effects of CD sales in the music industry. What I was thinking about was the excitement I felt in the pit of my stomach to be eight years old again, sat on my bedroom floor, wanting to scream the lyrics to Ironic whilst dancing around my stereo. If there is a resurgence of CDs, it is thanks to my generation: Gen-Z.
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Perhaps one of Krukowski's faults is that he is building his conclusions based on CD sales from corporate stores, not independent stores that sell pre-owned copies. An hour ago, I was stood in a place named Record Collector in Sheffield, a whole store dedicated to collecting CDs along with artist memorabilia, such as tour posters and band autobiographies. There are also places such as Oxfam and Truck Store in Oxford where pre-owned copies of various CDs are sold at cheap prices ranging from 99p to £5. These stores are where the heart of CD-love lies. It's the accessibility with personal ownership that is comforting, along with the affordable pricing in contrast with vinyl prices. This reason for CD appreciation has always been evident, yet the introduction of MP3 files and the quick accessibility to downloads back in the 2000s is one of the murderers of the CD craze. Once there was a rise in MP3 players being sold, CD sales nearly halved between 2000 and 2007. Despite this, various artists and music fans remain defending CDs against MP3 players due to MP3 files becoming compressed when downloaded, affecting the audio quality of the song. With CDs, the audio is never compressed nor tweaked in any way. Yes, you could also just encode your MP3 files at a higher bit rate, but that leads me to my next favourite thing about CDs.
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THE CREATIVITY IS UNMATCHED. I have always been a visual learner of some sort, falling in love with aesthetics that are carefully crafted in front of me for my own enjoyment. It's why I adore films over books, possess a keen eye and attention to detail when it comes to their direction and fashion, and it is also why I love CDs in the way that I do. I mean, I have a whole Instagram page dedicated to the craftsmanship that artists have demonstrated through their CDs. I own a growing collection, ranging from artists like Hole and Radiohead, along with Avril Lavigne and Alanis Morissette. All CDs I own are bought based on two things: how much I love the music and how much I adore the artwork. This creativity that artists can build on introduces a realm of sentimentality for when a music consumer witnesses time taken to produce a delicate work of art, where thorough thought has been given to which photos will be used for the cover - what colour scheme we are aiming for in terms of the album's aesthetic - which font should be used for the title and should it be the same for the lyrical pages in the booklet? - these are intricate details that an artist recognises and appreciates, no matter what. With so much love and care given to a piece of work that you have crafted, not always alone but with a team, you can't help but feel a sense of inspiration along with appreciation for the beauty of it all - allowing you to feel a strong connection with the artist. With that, no other music format could even compare to the liberation of creativity that CDs possess.
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If there's anything you're going to take from me and my ranting, please let it be this: close your eyes, think of an album, or a song, or an artist that you can't help but feel a strong connection to, and buy one of their CDs. Go through the cover booklet, consume and appreciate each framing of text on each page - ask yourself why they chose to use that font or that colour - have the music playing at the same time and read through each page that consists of their lyrics... Let yourself be completely enamoured by the artist's choices of creativity and build your critical thinking in terms of what could be going on inside their minds.
You'll find yourself tapping into a whole new aspect of consuming music, especially in terms of appreciating visual individuality and the liberation that comes with it. All these feelings... thank you, CDs.
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battlecriesandroses · 2 months
Maroon, scarlet, carmine, mahogany for the red asks, if you're still doing them :) ❤️
I AM thank you for asking!!
maroon: what role do you play in your group of friends?
i kind of have two different friend groups so i'll answer for both lol (both are really small with less than five people plus me, i just call them friend groups because group 2 are separated from group 1. jaye lore ig) in group 1 i'm both the dad friend and the mom friend. i like to think i'm pretty responsible so i always make sure everyone is all good. i also have a bag full of stuff like band aids and other amenities haha. in group 2 i really don't know who i am. i'm pretty quiet with those guys so i guess i could be like the guy on standby? that's what i'm going with. (great question!)
scarlet: think of your favourite genre. what kind of media in that genre do you prefer - books, films, or tv series?
this is SUCH an interesting question so i must give you a long-winded answer. i'm going to twist the question a little bit to what my favorite genre is in each of those mediums (i know i'm cheating but i'm in a big typing mood rn </3) for books this is really tough because i read a lot but i'm going to have to say contemporary/thriller. i have a lot of favorite books in all different genres but i often get attached to contemporaries. my favorite kinds of contemporaries are those with unreliable narrators because i think it adds a certain element to a story that i really enjoy. (i mentioned here i have a lot of favorite book genres; my second favorite is magical realism and my third favorite is science fiction.) my favorite types of movies are horror movies. i haven't read a lot of horror books but i have a hard time visualizing things sometimes so i think some elements of horror books get lost on me, on the other hand horror movies end up really spooking me due to a combination of music, images, and sound design. i'm also a fan of romance movies. i don't really have an answer for tv because i don't really watch a lot of it, my apologies.
carmine: do you prefer having or not having a schedule?
generally yeah. i'm really not a big fan of school but i love the structure that it gives to my every day life. in the summer i often forget what day it is haha.
scarlet: what is your favourite musical instrument, in terms of sound?
oooh this answer is pretty popular but for classical instruments i'm gonna have to say piano and violin. i am also very partial to the steel drum and sitar!
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officialtayley · 7 months
God you're far more patient than me, Ash. Like...are anon messages to a Tayley stan blog the best place for discourse, maybe yes maybe no, it's a good conversation to me have but jeeeeez. Always jarring seeing people find ways to excuse and justify themselves not condemning little war crimes lmao.
So, to mix it up a little, please feel free to answer all or some (or simply none of the following haha if you've answered them before or just don't want to):
1) When did you first become aware of Paramore?
2) When did you first see Paramore live/how many times have you?
3) What other artists/bands do you listen to a lot? Maybe...top 5 (no particular order)
4) Do you have any pets? Talk about them (if you want)
5) What was the last new-to-you film, TV show and book you watched/read?
6) What was your favourite moment from running this blog before their relationship was official? I wasn't here then but reading Kels' archive makes me so jealous of how fun and mad it all seemed whenever a new scrap of content arrived haha.
7) If you woke up tomorrow looking like Hayley and couldn't dye your hair (except to refresh it), which hair era would you want?
8) If you had half an hour with Hayley, what would you want to talk about?
That's all I can think of but hopefully it'll give you SOMETHING different to talk/think about!! 🫡🌻
i was saving this so now i shall answer :) the questions were very fun to answer i loved this so much, thank you!! 🖤
1) 2007! that is how long i have been a fan too :)
2) 27th september 2013. overall i have seen them live 4 times! i also saw halfnoise in 2017 and met zac
3) seventeen, jungkook, iu, eminem, billie eilish. honourable mention to taeyeon tho!
4) i don't have any pets. i had a dog (german shepherd) called sam, we had him before i was born so when i came along he was super protective, when i was baby he was always by my crib and stuff and as i was growing up if i needed help when walking or walking down the stairs at our back door (they had no railing) he'd always stand by my side so i could hold him, and then as i grew up too he always slept in my room or on my bed. he passed though in 2005 or 2006? so sad i miss him he was the best. i had another dog after that (yorkshire terrier) and i called him marmite but he was too hyperactive and aggressive so we ended up having to give him to a friend.
5) um..... i don't know. i watched barbie but that was new to everyone. vincenzo (kdrama) is the only thing that comes to mind since i only got into kdramas last year and it came out in 2021. some other things, not new to me but hey i wanna share, little women (kdrama), extraordinary attorney woo (kdrama) and a business proposal (kdrama), the first two were so incredible, the last one was silly but it was a fun time.
6) my fave moment.... the date at the gallery in oct 2018. also LA nov 2018. it was a party over here it was so fun each time. obvs they were dating then but majority of the fanbase still hating tayley shippers and that's what tayley were up to..... incredible time.
7) self titled. granted her personal life was a mess but she went thru 2726267227 hair styles and colours and i think it would be fun
8) hm.... well id like to tell her about finding paramore in 2007 during the literal worst year is my whole life and how it really helped me as a 10 year have something to turn to when i was going through something very traumatic. id also like to pick her brain over some lyrics on ffv so i can understand them properly finally, and hm..... idk what else
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veryfancydoilies · 6 months
hello there merry christmas!! i was your secret santa. i had such a lovely time getting to know you and i hope we continue to interact from here on out! i love the vibes of your blog. i saw in your description that you might be a harry potter fan as well? (correct me if i’m wrong) but i am a proud gryffindor myself. tell me, have you read all the harry potters/films? if so, have you got a favourite?
i didn’t want to mention a very important detail about me/my blog as i was afraid i would be giving my identity away too soon but, i am a massive 10cc fan. i have a bit of a thing for their lead guitarist, eric stewart, who is tremendously talented and just the most adorable thing i have ever seen. i would be more than happy to tell you more about 10cc if you are interested, but they are a lot like the beatles and for me personally, they are my soulmate band. i’ve only known about them for about a year but i can tell you that it feels as if i have known them for as long as i have known the beatles.
well i hope you are having a wonderful christmas season, my dear. thank you for such terrific discussions, and of course you are always more than welcome to swing by my blog whenever you like. anyways, i will talk to you soon. may all your wishes come true ✨
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Oh hi there!! Merry Christmas to you!! I hope you're having a wonderful Christmas! I've been spending time with family since yesterday and got a lot of good presents! So you like classic rock AND Harry Potter! AND you're also a Gryffindor!! Yep we're going to get along just fine lol. I actually got a HUGE book fot Christmas that has behind the scenes pictures from the HP movies and concept art. Truthfully I've only watched the movies. I tried to read the books in the past but I never got into them though. I'll try again at least little. I could skip around if I want too. Also I've been sort of distancing myself from HP merchandise because of JK Rowling's bigotry. Have you read the books and watched the movies? Whay do you think of them? I didn't really like the ending to be honest (ugh those terrible wigs) but themovies are still very special to me.
I've never heard of the band 10cc so it's unlikely I would have looked them up but thanks for being cautious anyways! I've been careful to not reveal too much about my interests myself when talking to my Secret Santa partner. Yeah I’d love it if you could tell me more about them. I like exploring music. From blog your blog I can tell you also like George Harrison and John Lennon :). I really like them too. I’d love to talk about them with you too. I’m still lacking in Beatles knowledge so if you could help me out I’d really appreciate it! You remember that ask game I posted? Iwant to post a new one and I’d like you to ask me those questions because I want us to get to know each other even more and I thought it would be fun? I told my Secret Santa partner the same. If you’d like me to ask you those questions, I’m happy to do that too! Talk to you later and thank you for being my Secret Santa! Merry Christmas!
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