#you need some good glue for those mat
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Suede at the KROQ weenie roast in Irvine, CA 6/12/1993
Photos by Jeff Kravitz
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imreadydollparts · 3 months
The hardest question
The most difficult question I get is "How do you make them look so nice?" because that's kind of broad and it's a whole process that differs depending on what each pony needs.
I've been trying to think of the best way to answer, and at first thought I'd need to make a flow chart.
I think maybe talking through the process as though I had a pony that needed EVERYTHING, would work, too.
So I'll try.
Let's assume I've bought a pony on eBay to clean and resell. This pony is filthy, has rust and/or mildew inside the body, has smooze, has matted hair, is missing some plugs from her mane, and is missing some paint.
When I get the pony, I take it downstairs to my photo taking spot and photograph the left side, right side, and any other areas that I think are worthy of taking pics.
Then they go for a bath immediately. Because ew.
A bath consists of:
scrubbing all over the body with a damp melamine sponge - this releases dirt from the vinyl and quickly exposes which marks are removable and which are stains, be gentle where there is paint
assessing the pony's needs
[dish] soap and water wash for body and hair
I do not ever throw ponies in a sink full of water and it stresses me out when I see people do that.
Ponies then get laid out to dry and after that go into holding bins depending on what they need.
At this point I usually take the phone upstairs, transfer the before photos to the computer, ID the ponies, label and date individual folders for their photos. I'm usually working on lots of ponies all at once and this forces me to sit down and take a break.
So, in order, they would go through these stations, which I do give silly names:
interior rust and/or mildew removal (derustbutting), which does require derusting the tails and is when I replace metal washers with nylon ties
depending on how matted and tangled the tail is, I may detangle it a bit during bath time with a metal dog comb so that it's smaller and better fits through the tail hole, this also helps with removing rust from the tail hair
smooze remooze which consists of soaking a pony in hot oxy-clean water (do not do this with princess ponies it ruins the metal plating on their 3D cutie marks), and aggressively scraping dirt from the vinyl's airbubbles
let dry completely inside and out
stain or yellowing treatment using 40Vol hydrogen peroxide cream and UV exposure (SunBox) which can take overnight to weeks and often needs reapplication of the cream
rewashing to remove 40Vol cream
waiting to dry fully inside before the tail is reinstalled (3 to 4 days)
temporary tail and head reinstallation
the hair is rewetted and slathered in a heavy smoosh of hair conditioner, then laid on a towel so that the hair is away from the body because conditioner can discolor vinyl if left touching in big globs
the conditioner is left to sit a while (I tend to leave it overnight but that's not necessary, it just forces me to take a break)
after the conditioner has set and softened the hair, they get a good rinse
thoroughly comb the hair with the dog comb, and then again with a flea comb to get all of the tangles out
flat iron
at this point I can wait for the hair to dry and then take off the head and tail again, re"open" the tail, and take some hairs for their mane
plug in those hairs, apply Fabric Fusion (I like it because it's a thick gel), and let that dry
final reinstallation of the head and tail are done when the glue is all dry
assess the hair: does it need conditioned and flat ironed again?
we'll assume yes, so repeat the wetting
repeat the conditioning
repeat the rinsing
repeat the flat ironing
let it dry again because we're going to do hot-setting and I prefer to do that dry
do a "wrap and set" which is where I will wrap the pony's hair around their neck and back leg, wrap a strip of paper towel over that, and a bit of tape, or put in straw curlers
put them in a plastic baggie so they don't get wet, put the baggie in a big bowl with the open end hanging over the side, heat up a kettle of water, pour that into the bowl, and cover it all with a bar towel
wait at least until the water has cooled on it's own (this is another time I tend to leave it overnight)
take them out of the baggie (set it aside, you can reuse it until it leaks)
take them over to the painting station and do my best to match both the color and placement of the missing paint
let that sit overnight
seal the paint
let that sit overnight, too
take off the curlers/wraps (the longer you wait, the better the shape will hold) and make sure their hair is photo ready
take pics of the left side, the right side, and the bottoms of the feet because buyers like to know exactly what they're getting
edit pics, make collages, queue to here, etc. etc. list on eBay and hope for the best
That last part isn't really related to making them look nice, it's just part of the process for the hypothetical pony.
Hopefully you can see why it's difficult for me to answer "How do you make them look so nice?"
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megcheese · 11 months
The Scrunchie Problem
Last year in August I had a brilliant idea.  I will use some scrap red sequined fabric from my stash and create a couple scrunchies for the annual Red Dress Run.  It will be easy!  I already have everything I need:  fabric, elastic, thread, sewing machine.  I can knock these out in an hour or two. 
So I pull out the quilting cutting mat and fabric pizza wheel and make 2” strips. And thinking about how I’d like my seams to be both clean and easy, I sew the short ends of the fabric to make a loop first.  Then the long edge leaving about 1” hole for turning the fabric. 
But when I go to turn the fabric after making those seams, I get stuck.  At first, I think I’m just physically stuck.  The pencil I’m using to turn the fabric tube inside out is starting to get gunked up from the sequin glue.  And I can’t seem to get the full turn out. 
My hole must be too small and my fabric tube too narrow.  That’s okay.  I will sew the next strip the same way but leave a larger hole.  But this time when the turn out won’t seem to complete, I realize what I’ve done wrong.  My wrong-side-out shape was a doughnut.  But my right-side-out shape was… tube snake.
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Do you remember these toys?  IT’s a tube filled with water or gel and when you squeeze it, the inner part shoots to the outside and the entire thing pops out of your hand. 
So how did my doughnut become a tube snake?  
Both shapes are a form of a torus, or a circular toroid.  The torus has two raidii, where r is the radius of a wedge of the doughnut and R is the radius of the entire doughnut ring.  If we think of our donut ring as a latitude ring, once we turn it inside out, the latitude has become a meridian.  So, our two radii have swapped places.  Little r is now the overall radius and big R is now the wedge cross-section radius.  Our shape has a large difference in scale between the two radii, so the new shape isn’t a doughnut. We get our tube snake.  The tube snake is still a toroid, just a doughnut that has been stretched out to be tall. 
Now that we understand the geometry, how do we sew a scrunchie correctly?  I felt the internet had a lack of good instructions for this task, despite seeming so simple and like it would be a common craft idea.  So I’m here to help! 
Scrunchie Sewing Pattern Instructions
1.  Cut out a strip of fabric.  2” was a bit narrow, 4” makes a good average sized scrunchie, and 6” will make a big bold scrunchie.  The length should be about 24”, but exact measurements are not important. 
2. Fold your fabric in half “hot dog” style and pin the long edges together.  Sew the long edges together leaving a gap between 1” and 2” in the center. 
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Fabric Key
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Step 2
3. Now we have to bring the short edges together by pulling one end inside of the fabric tube.  We are making the tube snake on purpose!  The shape will be turned such that the right side of the fabric is the inside surface of the tube snake and only the wrong side is exposed.  Align the raw short edges of the tube.  Pin and sew the complete ring.  Please note that this seam is the entire circumference of little r and only through two layers of fabric. 
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Step 3
4. Now when we turn our shape with the right-side-out, we will have one big long doughnut. 
5. Measure out a strip of elastic.  I usually use ¼” width elastic and about 8” of length, but I have very thick hair and regularly destroy hair ties.  Adjust based on your fit. 
6. Feed the elastic strip through the tube taking care not to lose the tail end.  I like to use two safety pins: one securing the tail to the opening and the second to help me feed through the tube.  Sew the ends of the elastic to each other in a flat seam. 
7. Last step is to close the opening.  If you’re feeling fancy you can breakout the hand needle and close with an invisible (ladder) stitch.  But if you’re a machine girl, tuck the raw edges in and sew a short straight seam over the opening. 
And you’ve done it!  You made a scrunchie! 
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Bonus Round! 
What if I wanted to use an off-the-shelf hair elastic instead of a strip?  I had black chiffon scraps from a jumpsuit that was too long for my petite height.  My white ¼” elastic would be visible (and unattractive) in a scrunchie made from that fabric.  How would I get an already looped black elastic in there?  I under-thought my very 1st scrunchie attempt.  Time to OVER-think it!
In order to get your already loop-shaped hair elastic in your scrunchie, the elastic needs to be integrated in step 1.  That means when you fold your strip in half hot dog style, the hairtie is already in the hotdog bun.  Fold the fabric around the loop.  Part of the hair elastic will be exposed at the ends of the fabric strip. It will look like an inside-out scrunchie already.  Take care when sewing your long edge seam to stretch the section of fabric under the machine.  Don’t let the scrunchie folds get sewn in. 
When you turn your fabric to sew the short edge seam, about half of your hair elastic will be exposed with the other half inside the tube snake. This time you need to be sure not to catch the elastic when you sew the seam.
And here comes the magic.  When you turn the fabric right-sides out, the hair elastic is carried to the inner tube.  Close your last opening as before.
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Can you even tell that I went the extra mile to use a black elastic?
Applications to other sewing projects
My most recent sewing project is a bridesmaid’s dress for me to wear at my sister’s wedding.  My requirements were fairly open:  black chiffon, maxi length.  So I decided to make my own and selected a pattern from Simplicity, S8870 in “View A.” 
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You’ll notice that the dress has a one-strap design with a loose drape that is attached at the left shoulder and then hangs over the right arm.  The steps of the pattern have you sew that drape into the shoulder seam before any other steps that associate the overlay and lining or front and back of the bodice.  Next, I had to understitch the neckline.  Then came my secret application of The Scrunchie Problem.
“38. Tightly roll up drape for View A or Sleeve for View D.  FOR VIEWS A, B, D- Stitch lining to bodice at entire armhole edge being careful not to catch drape for View A or sleeves for View D.” 
I couldn’t see the drape anywhere in the diagram for that step so I rolled my drape cinnamon roll style and pulled it out of the way of my new seam.  But I made the mistake of pulling it to the outside of my new seam.  I did it again! I created a new tube snake that I can never pull my drape all the way out of! 
The correct interpretation of that step was to roll the drape dosa style and hide within the shoulder section.  That’s why I couldn’t see it in the diagram. 
Wrap up
I hope I've inspired you to make a scrunchie. It’s a great use for scrap fabric. Especially from maxi dresses that us unfortunate, short ladies had to cut several inches off of the bottom. 
What should I share next? Finished bridesmaid dress? Finished wedding present quilt? Or something I haven't even decided to make yet?
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cricutguide · 9 days
7 Unique Home Decor Cricut Projects to Transform Your Space
 Hey, Cricut enthusiasts! Are you looking for a few home decor Cricut projects? If yes, I have got you covered! Last year, when we got our new home, I wanted to make it look as beautiful as possible. I was already a crafter, so I wanted to create Cricut home decor projects myself. I put all my efforts into it, along with my daughter, Lily. She helped me a lot in weeding the materials and getting the designs off the mat. She did all these small tasks.
On the other hand, I spent hours making home decor designs using my Cricut Design Space software. Finally, after months of hard work, we both succeeded in creating home decor. Today, I will share the 7 best Cricut home decor ideas to try this year. Let’s get into it!
Are you looking for home decor Cricut projects? If so, try this doormat. A doormat has its own value in our home. It can be kept at the main door, drawing your guests’ or visitors’ attention. Hence, it is essential to put effort into making it as beautiful as possible. The doormat is the best home decor Cricut project I can recommend. This is a must-have item for your home. So, what are you waiting for? Grab your Cricut machine and bring your imagination to reality!
Wood Sign
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What could be better than this round wood sign? They’ll add a fantastic look to your front door, and you can even hang them on your back porch. I used a Cricut machine, stain, wood round, iron-on vinyl material, glue gun, and much more to create this beautiful wood sign.
Besides, those paper leaves are also made on Cricut. It looks completely real! No? Welcome your guests and visitors with this amazing warming round wood sign.
Floral Wallpaper
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If you want something such as home decor Cricut projects, the wallpaper will be the best fit for you. Wallpaper is like a dress for our home. Without it, home decor is always incomplete. To fill that void, you need wallpaper; with the Cricut machine, you can create different shapes and types. Whether it is a floral wallpaper like the one I have created here or other simple patterns, Cricut has your back! Don’t give it a second thought, and start creating it today and spread the real vibes of home decor.
Paper Pinwheels
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Recently, I attended one of my friends’ birthday parties, and there were beautiful decorations. I was like, WOW!!!!! 😲 It was because all the decorations were made with these cute pinwheels. To my surprise, it was all made with Cricut. I really felt a little jealous because I had never tried something like this. I was like, why did this idea not hit me up first? Anyway, it is better late than never.
I made this using colored cardstock, wooden dowels, a hot glue gun, and my trusty Cricut Maker. I also used an SVG file for the design. However, if you can create this design yourself, then you are good to go with these home decor Cricut projects.
Home Sign
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In most of the houses, you will find a home sign. Some home signs are made to help people find homes. Besides, it can also be placed near home to welcome people. With a warm, beautiful greeting message, the home sign can make people feel a warm welcome.
You can create this home sign yourself using a Cricut machine. I used a wooden sign and, with the help of white vinyl, added some text, as you can see in the picture below.
Now, you can turn adhesive vinyl into a memory frame by adding more details. These simple-to-make Cricut projects will not only be the reason for your memory but also allow you to cherish it for the rest of your life. Hence, you need to add that magical touch or date to your design using adhesive vinyl and remember the special moment forever. Add things like ticket stubs and photos to sand and shells.
Personalized Vase
Do you love plants? If yes, brighten up your home with this masterpiece personalized vase. Also, it is easy and quick to make with your Cricut machine on hand. Despite this, the more time you save making this, the more you will create such home decor Cricut projects in no time. Spread the vibes of plants in every corner of your house and place it anywhere in your home.
Question 1: What do I need to make wood signs with Cricut?
Answer: When I was making wooden signs for the first time, I was really not sure about the items that I needed, but somehow I had to manage all of them. However, if you want to create wood signs for your house, then you have to note the items mentioned below:
A piece of wood to make a sign
Vinyl material
Cricut machine (Choose any Cricut model that you like)
Question 2: What are the home decor ideas to make with Cricut?
Answer: The list of home decor to make with your Cricut is endless. From wood signs to bathroom signs, the list will never end. To discover such a project, dive into the following projects list:
Copper flower wreath
DIY Bathroom sign
Cricut wall hangings and tapestry
Beaded pillows
Blanket basket
Question 3: Which machine is right for Cricut home decor projects?
Answer: The most versatile and all-rounder machine that I can suggest to you is the Cricut Maker or Maker 3. Hence, these two machines have always met my requirements for every project. Whether you are a business owner or hobbyist crafter, you can create multiple projects with this machine in one go. However, you can also try Cricut Explore Air 2 or Explore 3. Besides, Cricut Joy and its successor are also a perfect fit for your home decor projects.
Source: home decor Cricut projects
Visit here For Information: Cricut Venture
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artcornerghz · 17 days
Reflect Your Creativity: Exploring the World of Craft Mirrors and More
Are you ready to add some sparkle to your craft projects? Welcome to the glittering world of craft mirrors, Lippan art, and a treasure trove of art supplies. Whether you’re a seasoned crafter or just starting out, this guide will introduce you to the exciting materials and tools available at your favorite craft store in India. From multi-colored craft mirrors to DIY kits, there’s something here to ignite your creative spark.
Craft Mirrors: The Shiny Staples
Craft mirrors come in various shapes, sizes, and colors. They are the unsung heroes of many DIY projects, adding that perfect touch of shine. You can find them in circles, squares, hexagons, and even custom shapes to fit any design. Here are some popular types:
Multi-Colored Craft Mirrors
Perfect for adding a splash of color to your projects, multi-colored craft mirrors are versatile and fun. They come in a range of hues, allowing you to match them with your project’s theme effortlessly.
Golden Craft Mirrors
For a touch of elegance and luxury, golden craft mirrors are your go-to. They add a regal sparkle and are perfect for festive decorations and ornate designs.
Embroidery Mirrors
Commonly used in traditional Indian embroidery, these tiny mirrors are sewn onto fabrics to create intricate patterns. They add a beautiful shimmer and are a staple in many traditional crafts.
The Art of Lippan Mirrors
Lippan art, also known as Lippan Kaam, is a traditional craft from the Kutch region of Gujarat, India. This art form involves creating intricate designs using a mix of clay and mirror pieces. The results are stunning, reflective artworks that are both rustic and elegant.
Lippan Art Mirrors
These are specially crafted mirrors used in Lippan art. They come in various shapes and sizes, allowing artisans to create intricate patterns. You can find Lippan art mirrors at many craft suppliers and art stores in India.
Essential Art and Craft Materials
To bring your creative visions to life, you’ll need a variety of art and craft materials. Here’s a rundown of some must-haves:
MDF Bases
Medium Density Fiberboard (MDF) bases are a crafter’s best friend. They provide a sturdy foundation for a variety of projects, from painting to decoupage. You can find pre-marked MDF bases, which are incredibly convenient as they come with designs ready to be painted or decorated.
MDF Key Chains
Perfect for personalized gifts or just adding a custom touch to your keys, MDF key chains are easy to work with. You can paint them, add embellishments, or even cover them with craft mirrors for a unique look.
DIY Kits
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Your Go-To Craft Store Supplies
When it comes to finding quality craft supplies, knowing where to shop is half the battle. Whether you prefer browsing in-store or shopping online, here are some top picks:
Craft Stores in India
India is home to many well-stocked craft stores that cater to all your crafting needs. These stores offer a wide range of products, from basic materials to specialized tools. Some popular stores include Itsy Bitsy, Hobby Ideas, and Pidilite’s Fevicryl.
Online Craft Suppliers
For those who prefer the convenience of online shopping, there are plenty of craft suppliers available online in India. Websites like Amazon India, Flipkart, and local craft supply websites offer a vast array of products. You can easily find everything from Lippan mirrors to embroidery tools with just a few clicks.
Art Tools
No craft project is complete without the right tools. Here are some essential art tools every crafter should have:
Scissors: A good pair of scissors is indispensable. Make sure you have a pair for paper and a separate one for fabric.
Glue Gun: For quick and strong bonding, a glue gun is a must-have. It’s perfect for attaching mirrors, embellishments, and other craft materials.
Paint Brushes: Whether you’re painting MDF bases or adding details to your Lippan art, quality paint brushes are essential.
Cutting Mat: Protect your surfaces and make precise cuts with a cutting mat. It’s especially useful when working with sharp tools.
Embroidery Mirrors and Traditional Craft
Embroidery mirrors, also known as shisha or abhla bharat, are small mirrors sewn onto fabric to create stunning designs. This technique is often seen in traditional Indian clothing and accessories. Adding these mirrors to your projects can give them an authentic and traditional touch.
Tips for Using Embroidery Mirrors
Choose the Right Fabric: Heavier fabrics like cotton or linen work best for supporting the weight of the mirrors.
Use Strong Thread: Make sure to use a durable thread, such as embroidery floss, to securely attach the mirrors.
Practice Your Stitches: There are various stitches used to attach mirrors, such as the shisha stitch. Practice on a scrap piece of fabric before working on your final project.
Getting Creative with Glass Mirrors
Glass mirrors aren’t just for looking at your reflection; they can also be a fantastic addition to your craft projects. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and can be used in many ways:
Mosaics: Create beautiful mosaic designs by breaking larger mirrors into smaller pieces and arranging them into patterns.
Decorative Frames: Enhance plain photo frames by adding small glass mirrors for a sparkling effect.
Wall Art: Design stunning wall art by combining glass mirrors with other materials like beads, paint, and fabric.
Finding the Right Craft Supplier
Choosing the right craft supplier is crucial for ensuring you get high-quality materials. Here are some tips for finding the best suppliers:
Read Reviews
Look for reviews and testimonials from other crafters. This can give you insight into the quality of the products and the reliability of the supplier.
Compare Prices
Don’t settle for the first supplier you find. Compare prices across different stores to ensure you’re getting the best deal.
Check Product Range
A good craft supplier should offer a wide range of products. This ensures you can find everything you need in one place, saving you time and effort.
Look for Specialty Items
If you’re working on a specific project, look for suppliers that specialize in those materials. For example, if you’re interested in Lippan art, find a supplier that offers a variety of Lippan mirrors and related materials.
Crafting is a wonderful way to express creativity and make beautiful things. Whether you’re working with craft mirrors, Lippan art, or embroidery mirrors, the right materials and tools can make all the difference. Explore your local craft stores or browse online to find everything you need for your next project. With a bit of imagination and the right supplies, you’ll be creating stunning artworks in no time.
So, grab your glue gun, pick out your favorite mirrors, and let your creativity shine! Happy crafting!
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enterprisewired · 1 month
BuggyBeds: The Ongoing Fight Against Bed Bugs
Source – CNBC CAclubindia
In the quiet places where we sleep, there’s an old problem hiding in our beds – those little bugs called bed bugs. When it gets dark, these irritating bugs come out and bother us while we sleep. But there’s a solution —BuggyBeds. It is a silent protector that has a clever way to stop those night bugs.
Imagine a world where you can sleep peacefully without any bugs bothering you. It is like a superhero for your sleep, making sure you have sweet dreams without any itchy bug surprises. Say hello to a new way of sleeping, where you can feel cozy, and the bugs have to find a new place to hide. In this article, you will read about the ‘Shark Tank’ winners ‘BuggyBeds’ and their journey to becoming one of the most successful brands.
How did BuggyBeds started?
Maria Curcio and Veronica Perlongo started BuggyBeds. They came up with the idea because they saw a need for a cheap, useful, and safe way to detect bed bugs early. Maria knows a lot about finance and real estate, while Veronica is good at international business and marketing. Together, they had the right skills to make an innovative product.
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The creators noticed how bed bugs could harm property values and the real estate market. They saw the increasing problem of bed bugs worldwide and wanted to make something that could find them early and stop big infestations. Inspired by their experiences and wanting to meet a market need, Curcio and Perlongo came up with the idea for BuggyBeds. Even before going on Shark Tank, they started promoting the product and got it into some stores.
Appearing on Season 4 of Shark Tank gave it a chance to share its product with more people and get the funding to make more, reach more places, and improve how it tells people about it. All five Sharks, including Mark Cuban, saw the potential and gave them an offer. The money and advice from the Sharks helped BuggyBeds become a top choice for pest control.
Early Success Before Shark Tank:
Before going on Shark Tank, BuggyBeds had begun promoting their product and had some success. Their bed bug detection system was already available in several stores. But, being a small business, they needed to figure out how to grow and reach more customers, facing challenges with getting bigger and distributing their product.
Before going on Shark Tank, Maria Curcio and Veronica Purlongo aimed to make their business bigger. Even though they had a great product, they needed money and helpful partnerships to make more, send it to more places, and tell people why it’s valuable. Being on Shark Tank let them get the investment and guidance they needed to reach these goals.
The BuggyBeds Pitch on Shark Tank:
In Season 4 of Shark Tank, Maria Curcio and Veronica Purlongo, founders of BuggyBeds, shared their new system to catch bed bugs early. They talked about how big a problem bed bugs are and why finding them early is crucial to avoid expensive troubles.
They showed off the main things about their product, BuggyBeds. They explained how the traps work with a special glue to attract and catch bed bugs. These trap mats can be easily placed under mattresses, couch cushions, or other spots where bed bugs might be.
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Curcio and Purlongo pointed out that it is safe for homes with kids and pets because it’s eco-friendly and doesn’t use pesticides. They asked for $125,000 in exchange for 7% of it, valuing the company at almost $1.8 million.
The Sharks liked the pitch, and something special happened – all five of them, Mark Cuban, Daymond John, Kevin O’Leary, Lori Greiner, and Robert Herjavec, worked together to offer $250,000 for a 25% share of the brand. The founders said yes, and it became a successful and memorable moment on Shark Tank.
The journey after Shark Tank
After getting support from all five Sharks on Shark Tank, BuggyBeds became very successful. Many people noticed them after being on the show, and the money from the Sharks helped them grow. BuggyBeds added more products to their collection, including liners for luggage, bands to repel mosquitoes, pouches, hair bands, and keychains.
The company made more products and got it into many stores across the country and around the world. The guidance and support from the Sharks also helped them improve how they advertise and run their business.
In 2024, the brand is doing well and is a successful business, making $4.2 million each year. It became famous in pest control, and more people bought their product as they learned about its advantages. Many homeowners, property managers, and travelers liked the early detection system, finding it helpful against bed bug issues.
Is This Brand Still In Business?
Source- List25
It is still doing well and selling various products like devices to detect bed bugs, liners for luggage, and things to repel mosquitoes. You can find BuggyBeds items on their website, Amazon, True Value, Target, and other stores. Even though certain products might not always be available, the company makes about $4.2 million in sales each year and plans to stay active in the fight against bed bugs.
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cricutexplore2setup · 3 months
How to Use the Cricut Explore Air 2: Ultimate Guide
You all are here to learn how to use the Cricut Explore Air 2. I have been using this machine for a long time, and it has been my all-time favorite crafting tool. You all must be wondering about its setup and usage, so I want to tell you that it’s very simple, and you will be amazed by its excellent features and performance.
In this blog, I will tell you all the basics about the latest Explore Air 2. Although Cricut has made various tools, some machines, like Explore Air 2, are best sellers. To learn more about the machine and its uses, read this blog till the end and learn everything here. With the help of this blog, I will teach you how to use Cricut Explore Air 2 for beginners.
What Is a Cricut Explore Air 2?
Cricut Explore Air 2 is the latest machine from Cricut that is so brilliant that it can cut over 100 materials and can make 3000+ ready-to-make projects in the Design Space software. If you are a Cricut user, you already know the Cricut Explore Air 2 setup that includes Cricut Design Space.
You can either make designs in the Design Space or upload an external file into it. Also, you can use other programs to make designs, including Adobe Illustrator and Canva. Plus, you can upload your own fonts, too.
If your requirement is to do some bigger projects for personal or professional use, an Explore Air 2 would be an ideal option. Now, let’s move on to the following process to learn how to use the Cricut Explore Air 2.
What Can I Cut With Cricut Explore Air 2?
Since I have been using the Explore Air 2 for so long, I have tried different materials with it. Basically, it can cut light to hard materials like paper, vinyl, cardstock, etc. So, this machine is no more than a powerhouse that can cut a range of materials easily. However, you will need some special type of blades, such as deep blades, to cut those materials.
How to Use the Cricut Explore Air 2 to Make a Paper Flower?
When you know about the Explore Air 2 machine, it’s time to create a project out of it. So, here I am going to tell you how to make large paper flowers with your Cricut.
If you are ready, arrange a large paper of about 12” x 12” to make bigger flowers, and you can also adjust the size as per your choice. If you are confused about where to buy the cardstock, don’t worry; you can get them from a local craft store easily.
Step 1: Supplies and Tools You Need to Get Started
When you have decided to make a large paper flower with your cardstock, you’ll need to arrange a few items, as I have listed below.
When you all are ready with these items, let’s continue with my guide on how to use Cricut Explore Air 2.
Step 2: Download a Paper Flower Template From Design Space
You need to get the template for this design under the Design Space Library. Use it to get a perfect design template for you. Once you find the design, you should cut it with your Cricut Explore Air 2 machine. Once you are done, see how to use the Cricut Explore Air 2 to make a large flower design.
Step 3: Cut Your Flower Design
When you are ready with the design, you need to cut it. To do it, load the cutting mat with cardstock into the Explore Air 2 and allow it to cut your design. Once the final design comes out, you can continue with the further steps.
Step 4: Assemble All the Pieces
When you get the final cut, it’s time to assemble them. Collect similar petals together. Once you assemble them together, you are good to go to learn how to use your Cricut Explore Air 2 to make a flower project.
Step 5: Overlap the Petals
In this step, you need to use craft glue to overlap the petals from the bottom to create a petal-like dimension. Apply the glue at the bottom of your petals. To make the petals glued correctly, you can use wonder clips to hold them. So, I am using a bunch of wonder clips here to hold my petals.
When the glue is dried up, you will see a small line at the bottom of your petal due to overlapping, but it will be covered with another layer of petals, so don’t worry about it.
Step 6: Align Petals in the Form of a Ring
When the glue is dried up fully, you need to arrange the petals in the form of a ring around a circle to check how many petals it’ll take to make a flower. Then, glue all of those petals together to make a flower layer. On this layer, you can add more petal layers.
Step 7: Add More Petal Layers in the Center
After creating one layer, you can add more layers in its center to create a bulky flower design. Add different colored petals to make a complete flower. At the end, I am adding a yellow flower. It was a beautiful project that you can make with your Cricut Explore Air 2 machine.
Finally, you have learned how to use the Cricut Explore Air 2 to create a beautiful project. I know it’s something new to make but trust me, it’ll look best at your home. It’s one of the graceful decorative items you can create with your Cricut machine. Well, there are many options to try with your Explore Air 2, and you will get more such projects in my further blogs.
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Source: https://cricutspaces.wordpress.com/2024/02/21/how-to-use-the-cricut-explore-air-2-ultimate-guide/
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luvinlifeau · 2 years
Biodegradable Yoga Mats - How to Choose the Best Yoga Mats?
 The world is a beautiful place, full of color, life and beauty. It would be great if we could keep it that way for our children's children. Unfortunately, this isn't always the case - especially when it comes to making products for our yoga needs. So what can you do? The answer is simple: choose biodegradable yoga mat Australia!
Why a Biodegradable Yoga Mat?
Biodegradable Yoga Mats are good for the environment! They are made from natural materials that break down at a faster rate than other types of yoga mats. This means they will not stick around for hundreds of years like some rubber or plastic products do. It also means you’re not contributing to landfills, which is great news for animals and humans alike! Biodegradable yoga mats also help with pollution by reducing the amount of chemical-based products we use in our everyday lives.
Biodegradable Yoga Mats are good for your health! They make it easier to focus on breathing techniques because they don't smell like old sneakers or make weird noises when you roll them up into balls (which happens more often than we'd like). Additionally, biodegradable yoga mats can be cleaned much easier than traditional materials, so if someone drops sweat on yours during class there's no need to worry about germs sticking around after washing it off - unless you have allergies then maybe steer clear..
What is the Difference between a Biodegradable and Non-Biodegradable Yoga Mat?
There are two main differences between biodegradable and non-biodegradable yoga mats. The first is material, and the second is price.
Biodegradable yoga mats are usually made from eco-friendly materials like natural rubber instead of synthetic materials like polyethylene or polypropylene, which are plastic-based.
Non-biodegradable yoga mats cost less because they can be mass produced using fewer resources like fossil fuels, while biodegradable ones take more time and energy to produce due to their natural origin.
The Secret Ingredient to Your Mat - Eco-Friendly Materials
Biodegradable material
Natural material
Non-toxic material
Plastic-free material
No animal products - no animal testing, no synthetic materials and dyes, no toxic chemicals or harmful chemicals.
The Most Popular Natural Materials for Yoga Mats
There are many different types of materials you can choose from when looking for a biodegradable yoga mat. Some of the most popular choices include cotton, jute, rubber tree and bamboo. Bamboo is becoming increasingly popular because it’s durable and hypoallergenic. It also comes in a variety of colors, so it’s easy to find one that fits your style. Rubber tree is another option if you want something thicker than cotton or hemp matting but don’t want something as heavy as cork or kapok mats.
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If you’re interested in getting an eco-friendly mat but aren’t sure where to begin looking for one online (or if you just like browsing through websites that sell things), check out our list below for some ideas about where you can purchase eco-friendly yoga accessories:
Rubber Tree Yoga Mat Benefits
Rubber tree yoga mats are 100% biodegradable, which means they will decompose naturally when they reach the end of their useful life. This is because they are made from the sap of the rubber tree, a natural product that comes from an organic source.
This makes them safe for your home and family as there is no toxic glue used in their manufacturing process. In addition to being eco-friendly, these yoga mats are also non-allergenic since they do not contain any latex or PVC (like many other types of yoga mats). Both these factors mean that you can use this type of yoga mat without worrying about any harmful effects on yourself or anyone else who comes into contact with it.
The benefits don't stop there! Rubber tree yoga mats have incredible durability and longevity—they can last up to 15 years! This makes them one of the best options out there for those looking for something long-lasting but still affordable enough to make buying one worthwhile investment for their health...
Cotton Yoga Mat Benefits
This type of yoga mat is made from cotton, which is a natural and biodegradable material. Cotton yoga mats are eco-friendly and biodegradable because they do not contain any harmful chemicals or preservatives that can harm the environment. For example, if you place your cotton yoga mat in water for a long time, it will not disintegrate or dissolve easily like other types of synthetic rubber mats (like PVC). Moreover, cotton is renewable and recyclable with minimal impact on the environment.
Cotton mats are also easy to clean since they do not absorb sweat too much; therefore you can easily wash them off after practice without having to worry about ruining them. In addition, these cotton mats weigh less than other kinds of foam-based materials used in making traditional yoga mats (such as EVA). This makes them easier to carry around when travelling or going hiking outdoors!
Biodegradable yoga mats are a great choice if you are looking for an environmentally friendly yoga mat. Biodegradable mats are made from natural materials that break down, so they're not going to end up in landfills and oceans after your practice session. They also tend to be more affordable than other types of yoga mats, which can make them even more attractive to those who want the benefits but don't want to pay top dollar for it.
However, biodegradable mats aren't quite as durable as non-biodegradable ones—they may start having problems within several months or even weeks of regular use. For this reason, it's important that you check with shop owners before purchasing one at the store (or online) to ensure that it will last long enough without falling apart on you during yoga classes!
There are many great reasons to use a biodegradable yoga mat Australia. It is an excellent choice if you want to support sustainable products and protect the environment. Biodegradable yoga mats also have other benefits that can add value to your practice, such as allowing you to be more comfortable while doing yoga or Pilates exercises on one surface instead of two surfaces like most other types do not offer. The biggest advantage of all though? Yoga mats made out of natural materials will never wear out or break down with regular use!
source : https://luvinlifeau.blogspot.com/2022/08/biodegradable-yoga-mats-how-to-choose.html
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bendtsengreene3 · 2 years
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Embellishments used in this book embody embroidery floss, buL-tons. Beads, ribbon, customized trims, fiber trims, tassels, piping and cording. Before you make up a project in a substitute yarn, knit a swatch and felt it to make certain that you like the ensuing fabric. Roll up the mat tightly and roll it back and forth underneath your palms to felt the fibers right into a tail. Using industrial-strength glue, secure ends to hack ol donut. To those who are hesitant to buy from purse valley, don't be since you won't remorse it. Brilliant quality and is all packaged well with plastic over handles and straps folded. wikipedia handbags Dust bag and other receipts and so forth are great. Overall excellent product and would definately purchase from right here once more. Very trendy and I apply it to special occasions or nights out. It's a greatest dream for any female to personal this ultra-luxurious fake purse to meet her achievements and self-actualization needs of the style spectacular peace that they all the time needed to possess. Though i've a minor problem on the deal with, the customer service was so fast in resolving this and they will ship the substitute handle freed from cost. I am now a believer on imitation-handbags.ru and might be shopping for for extra. I purchased this LV bag to take to USA as it has the lengthy strap which could be worn on the shoulder or across the neck and throughout the chest. Additionally, it comes with a brief strap for holding, the selection is yours. I am extraordinarily pleased with the quality of the handbag for the small value which I paid. I arrived home with the PM dimension, which I found to be probably the most ideal size for my requirements and frame. phoenet.tw replica hermes constance Here are the two methods I wear my very own Evelyne the most — as a extra shoulder tote, and spherical the whole physique. When women like a bag, they typically wish to choose a colour that they like. NO ONE CAN TELL. Unless you spend hours comparing. Amazing working with imitation-handbags.ru again. Had some issues with payment and it was so nice of them to e-mail me to be certain that the order was shipped as soon as possible! Many suppliers are offering Louis Vuitton replicas on-line today. Some sell fairly good quality replicas, whereas others supply low-quality items with glaring flaws which are extremely straightforward to identify. Alot of compartments where you presumably can put your cards and IDs, paper money and cash and i can even put my cellphone inside it. Quick transport and the wallet seems utterly legit. You won’t get any worth from them and find yourself wasting your cash. The understated grey and black tonal sample of the Damier Graphite canvas make it a best-fit to swimsuit the modernity of any fashionista. Where Damier Graphite canvas provides it an elegant touch, the unique colour variations of the LV Keepall 50 give it an iconic look. If you're an LV handbag fanatic who’s always on the go, LV Keepall 50 will make an ideal journey partner. I bought my bag in a pure tan color with gold hardware, and contrasting white stitching. The bag’s leather-based is amazing – apparently the import it in from Europe. If you need a handcrafted, beautiful compact bag that might be worn multiple methods, the Hermes Berlin Bag is for you. This useful bag can be worn over the shoulder for a scorching style, or can be utilized as a classy clutch when straps are eliminated. Complete with pretty hand stitching and a stunning silver lock closure, the Hermes Berlin Bag is a must-have trend accessory for every girl. The lovable small bag pairs up with the finest patterns or the only getup for a high-style look that glistens. Even so, it is very spacious and will certainly carry a lot of your most precious belongings. The bag that can save any outfit and that can simply make the transition between work and an evening in the city. Any woman educated in fashion can see a Hermes bag miles away. Cotton knit materials with a brown FF sample on the body. Gucci Bamboo Bags are supplied by Gucci at a comparatively excessive price range. It has turn into a fashion to have luxury items when it... She has been carrying Prada Sidonie earlier than. The retro educational wear is paired with a simple underarm replica handbag that is low-key and attractive. Also, Jennie, a BLACKPINK member of the recent fireplace, simply wrapped her armpit delicately and cutely. One of greatest worldwide suppliers of the modern and cheap knockoff Hermes is our website where can be a wholesale online shopping mall. All High Quality Replica Hermes Handbags Cow Leather Small H06051 Constance displayed on our online store are excellent combos of innovative design and the art of traditional workmanship. These pretty much as good as actual Hermes replica Handbags undoubtedly make owning the branded Handbags similar to Hermes, a reality rather than just a distant dream.
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greenlanghoff05 · 2 years
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A.If dilemma is basically what regarding topic may refine write about, well, should consolidate all previously written e-books create some re-cycling and revisions on some of the not too noted e-books that were published and enhance subject very easily. You will not be accused or pin pointed to be plagiarizing since there is no exact copying of the entire e-book. What you need to do is to borrow some ideas and have these properly enhanced. Once you've finished spreading the glue around the rim, run a bead from the inside belonging to the tire and spread one another with the brush. Try not to get it all over the sidewalls considering that looks messy. Insert the valve stem using the valve hole, and then roll the tire to the rim, making sure it's centered. Use the edges of the rim strip as a reference in order that the tire is in a straight line. If it isn't, you can rock the tire to and from to break the bond and reposition it. You will have to satisfied how the tire is ready properly, pump it up and anywhere aside overnight to give the glue dry feeling. Now, quickly could easily get lost just wanting a straight-to-the-point online home based business blueprint, how was I to maintain my potential customers' attention and satisfy them with all the information they required. There are incredibly many other Home Based Business training Pro Cycling Manager out there that pledge to deliver excellent respect. Pro Cycling Manager torrent haven't undertaken a regarding these courses, so I can't compare all of them with Mike Dillard's MLM Traffic Formula preparation. However, based on what you almost definitely know about Mike Dillard and his training programs, he delivers quality and value. The next piece of kit that you cannot cycle without is head gear. Pro Cycling Manager torrent can save you from serious injury and must be old. Your helmet must fit securely along with your noggin. It should not tilt too far forward or back. Front side of your helmet end up being about an inch above your brows. The straps should straddle each ear, join together and clasp under your chin. It should fit snug with your mouth open (you will in order to be efficient at drink through the sport bottle). If specialized a crash or your helmet receives any impact, you may have to change it immediately. Bianchi Pista is also hailed as among really best in the track bicycles category. Device uses the Reynolds 520 frame. Its setup includes the Campagnolo Record carbon post, and Verdestein Fortezza Tricomps. Riding this bike is an authentic pleasure is also bump-proof. It also be deployed in taking inclined routes with hassle. In Pro Cycling Manager Repack , it has a very unique appearance because in the colour choices used. Usually simple, functional, and light and portable. This is perfect with Nalini Spirit Musa Long Sleeve Cycling Nhl jerseys. If you are a larger framed person you need have no trouble moving which. Also, plan on breaking a sweat with good deal toy! The Sunny Health Indoor Cycling Bike can be set function with up a stench so if you don't already have one, recommend investing in the bike mat to protect your flooring from absorbing any odors caused by sweat. But lets look at the negatives a exclusive. Yes the Garmin Forerunner 305 is definitely an amazing, innovative and stylish product which may replace those expensive fitness experts. It can aid you to achieve your goals and targets quicker and simpler then fashion imagine nevertheless it does have one down side. YOU still have to do the training!
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sarahjkl82-blog · 3 years
Ok, yoga thots...instead of finding him a class, Nush offers to show him the basics. At her or his apartment. My yoga instructor was very...hands on. He wasn’t shy about coming up behind you and yanking your hips into the proper alignment or moving you into the correct pose. I can imagine Nush being the same. Telling Marcus to relax into it, pushing and pulling him into down dog or warrior, etc. and neither of them are unaffected by the seemingly careless but inherently intimate touches.
Once their relationship is more established, I can him turning the tables on her; teasing her with light touches to “correct” her form. Pulling her hips firmly back into him when she’s in down dog because “she really needs to extend into and out of the pose”. Yeah...yoga thots 🥵
For you @silverwolf319 Enjoy the fluff to sexiness ❤️❤️❤️
Marcus Pike is a good man. He does not spend the hours you practise yoga having impure thoughts about what he knows is enclosed in your brightly tie-dyed sports bra and how those tightly fitting leggings leave nothing to his imagination. He wouldn’t dream of the possible different positions he could comfortably take you in, on that yoga mat that is almost permanently unrolled on his balcony. He does not think about the strength, curve and definition of muscle in your thighs when you pedal your legs in downward dog. Or how, those thighs look wrapped around his head or how they could easily snap his neck with their goddamn strength.
What a way to go!
Today, you have those shiny silver shorts on - the ones that when you bought them, you loved them so much that you did what you thought were comical shimmies all around the apartment in them and although all Marcus could do initially was laugh, they soon were strewn upon the floor.
They keep catching the morning sun, making your ass sparkle like a sexy disco ball. In stark contrast, your black vest top is like a second skin absorbing some of the shock factor of your lower half. Instead of Marcus’ usual position of sitting at his dining table in the chair opposite the door, he has decided to join you, out on the balcony.
“What do you want? Have you come to disrupt my path to Nirvana?” You cheekily question the purity of his intentions, whilst settling yourself on your mat, cross-legged with your weight evenly across your sit bones, about to begin mindful breathing.
Marcus reaches out to encircle his arms around you in a hug, kissing the side of your forehead, “Teach an old man some new tricks. Your brother was fit to be tied when he found out I only do running and weights. He said that as the yoga queen, you are the deity I need to bow to.”
“That’s not what he said.”
“Okay, so I’m paraphrasing... slightly.”
Marcus grins at the small huff you exhale as he knows full well that means he’s got his own way, “Fine, but just remember that yoga goes way beyond the physical asanas. Sometimes just thanking your body for breathing is all you need to achieve from your practice.”
“My breathing is okay - but my IT bands and my hamstrings are not,” he concedes.
“Alright clever clogs, you’ve just been for a run haven’t you?” Marcus nods at you by way of confirmation, “Thought so, stinky boy.”
Teasingly waggling his sweaty pits towards you - that by no stretch of the imagination actually smelled - he loves watching your pretence of disgust whilst trying to swallow a giggle, “Right, we’re going to start by stretching your spine six ways.”
“Is that even possible?” He asks, eyes widening and skin looking a little ashy.
“This is just your warm up, idiot,” you swat at his shoulder playfully, “Sit however you feel comfortable, put your left hand on the outside of your right knee and now as you breathe out, I want you to twist to the right. With every exhale, try to twist a bit more.”
Marcus’ face contorts in horror at the sounds coming from his body, “Should my spine have made that noise?”
“Yep. Now you’re going to do the twist the opposite way- right hand on left knee and then twist to the left.”
“That already feels pretty good - can I go eat pancakes now?”
He loves how you narrow your eyes, shaking your head at his level of commitment to the exercise, “Now, we’ll do a lateral stretch- right hand beside your hip and arc the left arm over your head,” you place your hands on Marcus’s back and chest to stop him from collapsing forwards, opening his heart up, “‘K, now you need to do the other side.”
“Now, I want you to come to all fours, with your back like a tabletop. You’re going to do a Cat and Cow here and then your back should be warm.”
After arching and curving his back until you are satisfied, he allows you to help him up into his first ever downward dog - he enjoys you guiding his hips back and telling him to bend his knees a little until his back is perfectly straight.
“Try holding this for ten breaths. This is a brilliant pose for runners as it strengthens your hamstrings, calves and foot arches.”
Marcus listens more carefully than you give him credit for, enjoying your no nonsense attitude. The little adjustments you do to him, make him more comfortable than he ever thought he’d be upside down with his ass in the air. And you’re right - of course you are - but being outside, breathing deeply and listening to the bird song is just making him feel so relaxed.
“Ok Bubs, I want you to bring your knee towards your hands and plant your right foot between your hands,” you gently instruct him, “Do it slowly, there’s no race. Now drop your left leg to the floor and sweep your arms up to the sky to balance. This is a low lunge - quite often called runners lunge- as it’s great for your IT bands and hamstrings.”
Marcus enjoys the all too brief feeling of your hands on his bottom to help him tuck his coccyx under before helping him back into a downward dog to work his left side. He watches you walk over to the edge of the balcony, the slight movement in your shorts throwing sunlight back at him.
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine.
“Is it time for that lying down and sleeping pose yet?” Marcus questions pleadingly.
He loves the small laugh you give him, as you turn back towards him - eyes sparkling with mischief.
“No savasana yet, I thought we could have some fun with some couple poses,” oh that cock of your eyebrow has all the blood in Marcus’ body rushing to one area.
“Ok the first one is you holding me up in a plank position - your feet holding my lower tummy and your hands holding mine.”
Marcus places his socked feet gently against your hip bones, threading his much thicker fingers between yours, “Ready?”
He feels you take a small bounce up and catches your weight on his feet, straightening his legs, hoisting you up into the air.
“EAGLEEEEEE!” you squeal, eliciting a hearty chuckle from Marcus - the vibration making you almost lose your balance and wobble precariously, “ARGH!”
“Trust me, sweetheart. I’m not gonna let you fall - I promise,” Marcus promises wholeheartedly.
“I know you won’t,” he hears the little catch in your voice as you quietly answer, “Are you ready to let go of my hands? Keep your feet where they are - I’ll use my tummy muscles to keep myself up.”
Gradually unthreading his fingers from yours, Marcus lets go as you lift your chest into the pose. Seeing the shape you’re now in, he starts to hum the Superman theme, “I’m not sure I like these poses - you’re too far away from me and I’m touching even less of you than before,” his bottom lip sticks out in a juicy sulk.
“Oh, you want to be closer?”
“Uh yeah?”
“Ok, put me down,” you request as Marcus sets you mostly gently back onto your feet, “I’m going to help you into a bound angle pose - it’s not tricky and it feels really good as it opens up your pelvis, allowing good blood flow to the area.”
“Hah, certainly don’t have any problem in that area with you around,” Marcus winks at you.
Marcus relaxes his legs in front of him as you bend his knees outwards, placing the soles of his feet together, slowly bringing his heels in towards his groin. He shuffles his bum so that he sits directly on his sit bones, remembering what you’ve nagged him about before.
“You wanted to be close, right?” you check again, “I’m going to put myself between your legs and wrap my feet around your back now.”
“Mmm, this is better,” Marcus shuts his eyes as you settle against him, enjoying the sensation of you weaving your arms around the broad expanse of his back and resting your head against his shoulder. Looping his arms around you, he settles his head into your neck, inhaling the soft floral scent of your perfume. His eyelashes flutter butterfly kisses as his whole body relaxes into you.
Your buttery soft skin begs to be kissed and licked, nuzzled and nibbled. The closeness of your bodies has Marcus feeling giddy and drunk, despite the grounding of the floor beneath him. Focusing on the softness of your breasts pressing into him, he tries to mimic your deep inhalations and exhalations - desperately trying to suck in the air that you’ve just breathed out so that the same air can circulate through his body.
Feeling your hands move, snaking into the dark curls of his hair, Marcus pulls back slightly to gaze into your eyes before he kisses you. Soft, full lips meet yours - kissing you is always a revelation to him, astonishing him and caressing his very soul. Your gentle touches teach him the depths of your love, your intelligence and how you utterly rule him with the tenderness of your tongue.
Clutching you closer to him - as if he could try absorbing your body into his - Marcus holds you tightly, allowing your absolute adoration of him to become the glue that mends the shards of his shattered heart. Slowly bridging the gaps and reconnecting parts that have been trampled by decades of painful love - non reciprocal and undeserving- glueing it, fixing it, rewinding it back to that moment where the only love you are concerned with is that of the unconditional one of your family.
The spinning headiness from the cocktail of safety and vulnerability in the sweetness of your kisses, never fails to sweep Marcus away. Blinking the wetness that has gathered in the corners of his eyes, he draws back, attempting to swallow back the lump that has formed in his throat.
“Hey,” he feels you searching his face for the reason for his tears, enjoying how your thumbs stroke his cheeks, “Are you ok?”
“Sweetheart, ‘m’ok,” he quietly murmurs, leaning forward to brush the dampness of his face into the dark silk of your hair, “I know you’ve said that sometimes yoga makes you open your heart but I didn’t realise how literal that was.”
He loves how much you treasure his openness - never any mocking or roll of the eyes for that. For so many it was always too much - far too intense and seen as needy. Nuzzling into the scent of lazy summer evenings in Provence, he presses sweet kisses into your hair, scratching lightly at your scalp enjoying the small moans of pleasure.
With your foreheads resting lightly -sitting so close that a piece of paper cannot pass between the pair of you - your breathing and heartbeats meet in synchronicity. A slight tilt of your head with the offer of your lips and Marcus is sinking back into you. Lost in taste that is so entirely you -your breakfast of black coffee and bitter marmalade- tantalising his senses.
His hands untangle from the tendrils of your hair to seek out the even softer parts of you, stopping momentarily to stroke the sides of your chest - hitting the underwire of your bra, searching for the softness encased above. Marcus scoops the rounded flesh of your breasts in his bear-like paws as his thumbs search for the sensitive, responsive nubs. He loves how your body keens into his touch - how you naturally deepen the kisses, ladening them with such an intense sensuality that it never ceases to steal the very breath from his lungs.
With a growl into your mouth as you scratch your nails into his back, he feels you arch into his touch making him squeeze your nipples tighter between his gun-calloused thumb and forefinger - a gradually softening memory of his time back in the States.
Entirely confident that you can feel the pleasure that you are bringing him, Marcus grinds his hips further into you - the warmth of your core pressing teasingly against his hardness, making him feral in his need to claim you. A small mirror of his movement from you makes him drop his hands from your breasts and grab the succulent muscle of your bum - the sudden movement making him pull you on top of him, rocking your hips forward, as he lies back between your knees.
Looping his fingers into the glittering elastic of your shorts, he goes to pull them down but is stopped by your gentle grip around his wrists and a small shake of your head, “I want to make you feel good, baby. Let me take care of you.”
Marcus’ eyes roll back as you lean forward, pinning his hands above his head. Every small kiss you press into his skin leaves an imprint on his heart as you place them all the way down the velvety creased forehead, the aquiline arch of his nose and the patchy beard on his chin before licking down his throat. He enjoys the soft path that your breasts trail ahead of the warmth from your mouth, the sensation from the weight of them causing his cock to twitch.
A small flush runs through him as you lift the soft cotton of his t-shirt, a hint of embarrassment at the softness of his tummy. His hands unconsciously move to cover himself up, which in one smooth movement you have back above his head as you lick down his chest, sucking and nibbling each nipple as you edge ever lower to his treasure trail.
Feeling your fingers slide beneath the waistband of his running shorts as your mouth peppers kitten licks and kisses across his Adonis belt, he lifts his hips slightly to allow his shorts and boxers to be lowered. As his cock, which curves slightly to the left, springs free, it hits just beside his tummy button leaving a small bead of pre-cum. Marcus swallows hard, watching as you lap it up without a second thought, your hand wrapping the base of his length guiding the proud tip into the valley between your breasts.
The sensation of his cock being massaged there, encased by the soft pliable flesh, almost makes him explode right then, decorating your skin with a precious pearl necklace. The flicks of your tongue over the tip and gentle tugs of his balls, make Marcus’ mind empty of all thoughts as the surges of pleasure become more and more intense.
Marcus can’t help the guttural groans that escape his lips as you wrap the warm wetness of your mouth around his cock and suck. He holds your hair back from your face so he can watch his inches disappear between your lips. As your mouth, hands and tongue work in harmony together, he knows he won’t last long. The pressure builds and his hips arch up, chasinghis high. He cannot help but fill the morning air with his cries of ecstasy as he fills your mouth with a flood of cum. Pulse after pulse of semen bursts forth as you keep up the deliciously deep pressure around the base of his shaft.
He loves how you still keep his rapidly softening cock in your mouth - an absolute reassurance that there was no rush to come down from his heights of pleasure. Eventually, using the hands Marcus has wrapped around your head, he urges you to slide back up along his body. As you reach eye level with him, he surges forward crashing his lips into yours, unable to say thank you in any other way.
He loves how he can taste himself on your tongue. He loves how your normally relatively organised hair has been ruffled into standing out at mad-scientist angles. He loves the softness in your eyes and how your chest is still rising and falling quickly.
He loves.
He loves you.
Tag list : @yespolkadotkitty @astroboots @green-socks @bison-writes @mouthymandalorian @tardisfangurl @mrsparknuts @danniburgh @absurdthirst @sirowsky @leonieb @disgruntledspacedad @the-ginger-hedge-witch @lunaserenade @agirllovespancakes @zukoyonce @pedropascalito-deactivated20210 @theravenreads @lv7867 @songsformonkeys
With massive thanks as ever to the beauteous @yespolkadotkitty for her betas of my soft core porn ❤️
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barzzal · 4 years
I loved your last blurb 😭 would you consider doing a part two? Maybe reader takes their son and is gone by the time mat gets back
read part one and part three here
maybe it was the fight or flight thing. maybe it was everything mat said. either of those, you just didn’t care. not anymore.
as you carefully put your sleeping son in his car seat, all equipped with his picture books and stuffed animals, you place his bag on the other side, making sure you have everything you need.
it was a good hour after mat left but his words were still stuck on your head. you weren’t the kind of person to bail on the people you love especially when it’s your marriage with mat. sure, you fight every now and then, but isn’t that how marriages are supposed to work? you fight and argue but make up in the very least.
in your case, however, was it still worth making up?
the only thing you know now is the fact that you couldn’t bear to see your husband. you weren’t in your right mind to face him. much more fight him again.
you can’t help but think about all the unsaid maybe’s you didn’t know you had in the first place.
maybe it was all too much. maybe all the changes happening in your lives all at once has been all too overwhelming for him. maybe you had mistaken the joy theo had brought when he came for something that would later blow up on your face— exactly like what happened an hour ago.
you kiss your son, still unfazed with his eyes shut in deep slumber before you climb onto the driver’s seat and start the car.
as you pull out of the driveway, your quiet house stares right back at you as if it was the ghost of what had been for you and for mathew. maybe he was right. but until then, leaving would be a better choice than admitting he was right all along.
mat has spent the entire drive thinking about the things he said out of spite. to say that he wasn’t thinking was an understatement. he didn’t know what got into him not until he heard his words out loud.
he knew that he hurt you and he knew it would take a lot for him to make it up to you. he hated himself for letting his pride and ego get a better hold of him, making him forget what it meant to have you to come home to.
as he stare at the pub across where he was parked, his work phone catches his attention. he hasn’t been able to check it in a while being that the boys often hit him up on his personal phone and the two of you didn’t really need to communicate through that phone because let’s be honest, you live under the same roof; and mat has gotten used to the tedious routine that the two of you have for most days.
when he scrolls through his messages, he sees a number of unopened voicemails from you from over a week ago. he must have been too busy practicing to even notice.
your voice embraces the insides of his car as he tapped on the latest one.
it was dated two days ago, when the two of you fought about him not being able to attend one of theo’s after school events.
“hey, babe. i– i just wanted to say i’m sorry about last night. and i’m sorry i had to go to work so early. but don’t worry, i already dropped theo at the daycare, and there’s also some breakfast left for you on the table.” mat had to wait for a little while for there was a sheer silence behind the call, assuming that you were off driving to work at the time.
“anyway, know that i didn’t mean any of the things i said. you’re a good father, matty. and you’re the greatest husband anyone could ever hope for. i’m beyond lucky to have you. let’s... let’s try not to fight anymore, okay? i love you.”
he lets out a deep sigh before moving onto the next one which was dated from last week, when he forgot to stop by the grocery store to pick up some fruits that theo wanted and of course, the dinner you had told him to make because you still had a lot going on at work.
that night, when you came home after having an absolute bad day, you saw mat lounging on the couch and with theo beside him eating all sorts of junk that would only make him all hyped up to even care about going to bed.
at the sight of your husband with a cold beer in his hand, the other caressing your uncleaned little boy, you failed to contain your bottled frustrations and ended up pouring it all over mat.
“honey, could you pick up some raspberries on your way home? i’m quite stumped at work right now and i don’t think i can make dinner— so could you pick up something off for theo? don’t worry about me, i’ll just grab some on the drive. please don’t skip dinner, alright? and don’t forget to drink that green thing you asked me to make for your morning practice tomorrow. i’ll see you boys in an hour or two.”
as soon as he got over all the mails you’ve left, the realization of who you really were in his life hit him. perhaps, even a little too hard– just enough to make him rev up the engine to turn his way back home.
you weren’t just his wife or someone he comes home to after a taxing day. you were y/n. the glue that holds everything together. the reason behind why despite having a kid around, he still manages to do dumb and stupid things and act like he was still some big-shot bachelor in the city because you, the woman he promised to have and to hold, was doing everything in her might just to make ends meet, just to make sure the family you both once dreamed of having wouldn’t end up spiraling like everyone else’s.
too bad mat has only realized this now, for as he opened the front door, instead of the well-lit room that used to welcome him everytime he came home, was instead replaced by a pitch black hallway with a deafening silence mathew was definitely not fond of.
“babe?” he calls out the moment he turns on the lights.
he starts walking towards the living room, seeing everything still in place exactly how he left it a while ago. when mathew came to the kitchen, instead of the image of you making dinner, the sight of your silverware neatly placed on the corner of the island you left to dry was what greeted him.
“baby?” he calls for you again, this time a little louder, panic evidently rising from within him.
mat strides his way, almost running for the stairs.
he opened theo’s room, all the same, untouched and well-kept. but how could it be his son’s bedroom when neither him nor his clothes were in sight?
sure it was a dumb thing for him to do but he still did it anyway. the pang in his chest begins to linger everytime he calls for your name and you weren’t there to answer, to come running in his arms like you used to with your tousled hair pushed back into a messy bun, your mom clothes, and your all too familiar scent. 
no matter how hard mat tried, he had nothing.
once he got into your room, instead of you spending the night reading on your side of the bed with only your night light on, what mat saw was the horror of not having you around anymore.
your closet was empty, and so was your work desk. all were alienated by the sight of a y/n-less house.
mat couldn’t do anything else as he failed to support himself and fell onto the bed, staring at the whole room— quiet and so not like the one he was used to seeing.
the walls stare right back at him rather mockingly. as if it knew how fucked up his life was about to become. as if it knew what thoughts mat had running in his head at the moment.
mathew anxiously buried his face in his palm, unsure of what to do next. the only thing going on his mind, if you might ask, is much like what you had in yours, playing like the same old busted vinyl record.
this house will never be a home unless you were in it.
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yee-fxcking-haw · 3 years
•Save Me Again•
Summary: Ouchies :/ some hurt+comfort with Kiri. Its a rough mission for Red Riot, his anxiety gets to him, you pick up the pieces.
Pairing: Pro Hero Kirishima x NBreader (both 18+)
Warnings: Angst, panic attacks, mentions of blood, death, grounding tactics (five senses method)
Word Count: 1,605
A/N: Wrote this with a big achey heart at five in the morning. It hurts. Sorry y'all lmao.
The images flashing on the television are nothing short of horrendous, they're devastating and gorey. It leaves you feeling painfully sick and hopeless. You cling to Eiji's shirt, crying into the fabric every time a life is lost. The anchorman is talking, but his words are lost somewhere between the speakers and your ringing ears.
A particularly gruesome death is shown, you feel your body sob, but again can't process any sound. Where is he? Where the hell is he?
The screen cuts to blue, some well worded message about sparing the audience of graphic content flashes on it.
You have to breathe, you have to keep moving, you have to focus. You can't though, your lungs won't fill, your body won't budge, and your brain won't settle.
He's ok. He's built for this.
-But, he's cities away, and you haven't heard from him or seen evidence of him on the news… so, what if he isn't ok?
Those villains weren't anything he hasn't faced before, but there were so many of them. More bloodthirsty than usual, more reckless. Now, with the stupid news cut off, you have to just wait and hope to whoever the hell is running this shitshow that Eiji is holding his own.
The secret feed. Fucking hell the secret news feed.
Being a loved one of a Pro, you're connected to a secret news feed that covers events like this uncensored. It's something his commission came up with, not long after you had your first severe panic attack from not knowing if he was alive or dead on a similar mission.
Your phone is torn from your pocket, thumbs flying with urgency as you pull up the feed.
With nearly supernatural timing, the camera pans to Eijirou, who's covered head to toe in ash, debris, and blood.
"Oh, baby…" You choke out, hand reaching for him subconsciously.
In his strong arms, wrapped in rock hard safety, is the limp body of a little boy. Blood seeps from an open gash on his head, it looks deep, it looks serious.
Eiji's face is hard to read, it always is when he's in mission mode. He looks focused, but shaken, resolute, but disturbed.
You watch as he brings the boy to a medic who promptly has him laid out on a stretcher. His pulse is checked, followed by a slow, mournful shake of the medics head.
Then Eijirou's face falls, you can see his heart shredding as if it's his own child laying there.
You cry for him, your heart cracks and falls apart as you watch him realize he was too late. You know what he's thinking, you know he doesn't think he's helping, or that he should even be there.
You know he doesn't think he's a Hero.
You watch helplessly as they stabilize the situation, capture the villains, and clean up the mess. Every time the camera is on Red, your heart breaks all over again. He's not doing well, the rock has been shaken.
When the front door finally opens, you freeze completely. You should run to him, you should say something, but what would you do? What would you say?
So, you wait. You take in his battered form, the blood, the falling hair, the broken eyes. He shucks off as much of his hero gear as he can.
His eyes stay on the ground as he walks over to you with heavy feet. He slumps down on the couch, elbows on his knees as he buries his face in his filthy hands. He smells like battle, an almost offensive smell, but something you're used to.
After a tense moment of heavy silence, a trembling sob rattles through his exhausted body.
You want to throw yourself on him, wrap around him and coddle him, but you know you have to wait.
"Can I touch you?" You question softly, trying to remember all the steps you need to take to ground somebody when they're shaken up like this.
His only reply is grabbing you by the waist so he can pull you into his lap. His arms lock around your body, his face buried into your chest, and he just cries.
The cries turn to sobs that turn to screams. All sent somewhere deep inside you, somewhere dark and hopeless. Your fingers are in his hair, as soothing as they can be when you're shaking this much.
"I know, baby… I know." You whisper, tears covering your cheeks as you break with him.
"No." He chokes, he says it like he's fighting something, like he doesn't want it to happen.
"You don't know, nobody knows." It isn't accusatory, it isn't angry, it's just painful.
You wait for a moment, unsure of your footing, trying to calculate what to do next.
You have to diffuse somehow, you have to bring him back down. He's nearly hyperventilating, and you don't want him to go through a panic attack. You know you can handle him, but when Eiji panics, it does a real number on him.
"Honey, can you feel me?" You ask cautiously, digging your fingers into his matted hair, squeezing your body around his.
He nods as another gut wrenching sob rips from his throat.
"Ok, good, baby, that's good." You coax.
"You can hear my voice, right? Can I hear yours, please?"
He takes a moment to pull breath into the bottom of his lungs, pressing the side of his face against your sternum.
"I'm here. I'm right here." He answers, just like you practiced.
"Thank you, thank you for being here." You lean back slightly, a bit difficult with how tightly he's holding you. When he feels you shift away, his breathing picks up again, his hands hold on painfully and he shakes his head frantically.
"I'm not going anywhere. I'm here. I'm not leaving." You reassure him, reaching for the water bottle on the table beside the couch.
You guide his face towards yours with a gentle hand on his jaw. He's a mess of tears and snot and blood. His eyes are more bloodshot than you've ever seen them, lips quivering, eyebrows drawn tight with anxiety.
It makes you want to cry as hard as he is, but you can't. If you cry, he'll want to save you, and he's done enough saving for today.
You bring the bottle to his lips, tipping it up and making him drink. He closes his eyes as he takes in the cold water, undoubtedly dehydrated.
"You can taste that, right?" You ask as you pull it away after a few long drinks.
He'll want to chug it, but he can't, it'll make his stomach hurt.
"I can." He answers, almost like a robot, but it's better than nothing.
"Thank you, Eiji, you're ok. I'm here." You remind him.
"Can I take your shirt off?" You ask.
He nods slowly, following the lead you've taken on the situation.
Your shirts are both discarded, as soon as you're rid of the fabric you grab the blanket off the back of the couch and throw it around your back before pressing your bare torsos together.
You've learned that skin to skin is the best way to ground him. As you expect, he melts into your warmth, bringing you back down against him so he can hide his face in your neck.
"You smell nice." He whispers, picking up the senses where you left off, it makes you swell with pride.
"Good, thank you baby, what else is there?" You prompt, willing him to keep going.
"I see our home." He sniffles.
"That's right. You're home. You have me. You're safe." You repeat it a few more times.
Between gentle touches, soft kisses, and extensive reassurance, his breathing settles and his tears stop falling.
"I don't think I should be out there." He finally whispers after several moments of slowly breathing together.
You don't answer, you don't combat it. You both know he should be out there, but you know he needs to get this out, so you let him.
"I couldn't even save one k-kid." The heartbreak in his eyes is immeasurable, inconsolable, it makes you fall apart in a thousand different ways.
You don't speak, you don't fabricate comfort with sweet words. You just let him cry again, full bodied into your neck. He'll do this a few times, settle then fall apart again. You'll be patient, sit there with your glue and tape and piece him back together.
"You saved me." You remind him quietly, recalling how you met.
He truly did, you were almost collateral damage, just another tally mark on the wall counting lives lost to villains. However, one Hero, one brilliant Hero, saved your poor civilian ass.
He pulls away to blink up at you, eyes swollen and wet, broken and searching.
"You saved me." He breathes.
Your forehead falls against his.
"We save each other. That's enough. You're doing enough." You assure him, knowing he needs to hear it.
The push and pull goes on for a little while, you let him break, you stitch him back up. You wipe the dirt and blood from his body, kissing the bruises, reminding him you're real. You clean him up and talk him down, until his body is wrapped around yours in bed.
He cries himself to sleep in your arms, tears falling more slowly, the result of a dull ache that will linger for days. It'll stay this way for a bit, an unstable back and forth, but you'll be here. You'll reach down and pull him up, you'll save him like he saved you.
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lordabovehelpme · 3 years
Save the Day- Din Djarin x Reader
Request: For your DFWL series (which is the best series? I?) May I request for reeza and the twins somehow accidently break a vase or something, and Myles has to be a big brother and attempt to like fix it and try to make sure the parents dont find out cause they went out for a bit? Or just hcs of Myles being a good big bro because i think it would be the cutest! - anon
A/n: Hello lovely! I am so happy to hear that you have been enjoying DFWL so far! I know I have been having a blast writing it! This is such a good idea, so I hope you enjoy this chapter!!! Love ya! 
This is the next chapter of my Days filled with Love series. You can find the first chapter here! :) 
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“Okay Ready?” Reeza asks as she grabs the back of Isabets little legs.
“REE VAH!” A pat is given to Reeza’s head and she laughs.
“Alright, hold on!” She leans forward a little and starts to kick her foot, just as Paz had told them bulls do. “MMmmmmmmmm.” She takes off and sprints around the meadow.
Both girls giggle and scream as they feel like they are flying. Tobbi laughs from where he sits with Grogu, crayons and markers all over the porch. Myles happily draws pictures with his fellow brothers.
The five of them were supposed to be being watched by Paz. However, the giant warrior had ultimately fallen asleep on the couch. Who could blame him? Five energetic kids is a lot to watch.
You and Din are out on a date, one eagerly prompted by their uncle. “You guys never get out anymore. Go have fun! I’ll watch the kids. And maybe you can come back with the news of another!”
You had blushed and complained that your family was already big enough. But the two mandalorians, in their mandalorian way, giggled back and forth. They assured you that in their culture, a family never stops growing. However they both laughed when you sighed, “My back already hurts.”
So here the kids are, having already worn their uncle out and still lots of energy to keep them up.
“MYLES!” Reeza rushes back to her brothers with Isabet still on her back.
“What?” He looks up from his very detailed landscape he was currently drawing.
“What do you- BEES!” Flying behind the two girls is a swarm of insects, instantly recognized from the bright yellow and buzz of their wings. Myles, ever the quick thinker, yells out, “GO TO THE LAKE! THEY CAN’T GET YOU IN WATER!”
Reeza runs as fast as her legs will carry her. “Okay Issy, time to learn how to swim!” She gets about hip deep before taking her sister into her arms. Making sure both their heads stay above the water she gets as deep as she can into the lake.
A loud battle cry comes from Myles as he runs to the shore where the bees have stopped. In his hand he pulls the hose and aims it towards the swarm. Holding it like a blaster, just the way his father taught him, he places his finger over the nozzle. The spray of water becomes harsh and unforgiving.
“WAIT WHAT ABOUT TOBBI AND GROGU?” Reeza calls out from the safety of the lake.
“CRAP!” Myles instantly drops the hose and runs back to the house, on a mission to keep his brothers safe. Rushing up to the porch he scoops his brothers into his arms and does a 180, sprinting towards the lake. Tobbi squeals in delight and his little legs kick as Myles enters the water.
The five of them wait for about seven minutes before starting to bicker about who will walk out first.
“Myles, you're the oldest, you go first.”
“But I’m holding Grogu and Tobbi, and I can hold Isabet, you can’t hold all three of them. We are the older siblings so we have to keep them safe.”
Reeza huffs before realizing her brother is correct. “Fine, but if I die it’s your fault.” She hands Isabet to Myles before slowly wadding towards the shore. It’s a humorous sight. Myles, waist deep in the water with his three squirming siblings in his arms.
All four children watch as their sister walks onto the shore and cautiously looks around. She does a full 360, checking for the insects.
“Okay, it’s alright.”
Now in clean dry clothes the children decided that maybe it is safer to stay inside.
Paz is still passed out on the couch, and the kids, trying to be as respectful as they can, decided that the living room is off limits.
They are currently in the kitchen, on a mission for snacks. Raiding cabinet after cabinet they eventually find the items that appeal to them most.
“Let’s eat the grapes in the fridge too, Mom always says we have to eat as many fruits as we do crackers.”
Happy with this, Reeza sits down at the table after strapping her siblings into their chairs.
Myles opens the fridge and grabs the bowl of fruit you had cut up this morning as well as some peanut butter. Reeza opens the packet of crackers and places them in a design on a plate.
“We shall dine like Kings and Queens!” She announces while tucking her napkin into her shirt. Myles laughs while sitting down at his own seat.
Grogu, noticing the lack of parents, smiles before holding his hand out. A single grape rises from the bowl. Tobbi giggles while he holds a cracker in his fist.
Reeza drops down from her seat and rushes over to the side of the room. “Grogu, let’s play a game. You throw the fruit around and I’ll try to catch it with my mouth!”
Grogu claps his hands in agreement. Instantly the grap flies through the air towards Reeza. She leans towards the right and effectively catches it in her mouth. All five kids erupt in laughter. Well, except Isabet, she just sits with a scowl on her face, but you all have come to realize it is just her natural face.
This game goes on until the bowl is almost empty. Grogu has Reeza doing rolls and jumps to try and get the food. However, on the last piece of fruit Grogu throws it towards her left. She rolls and goes to stand up, but…
It almost happens in slow motion. She had run into the tall table you have near the window. Some of your trusted house plants rest there as it is one of the places that the house gets the most sun. The vase with a bouquet of wildflowers the kids had picked you wobbles. It shakes and then tilts off of the table.
They all watch in horror as the vase crashes to the floor. Thankfully it landed on the mat by the door so it only broke into about six pieces, but water goes everywhere.
Reeza turns to her brother, head tucked into her shoulders and tears welling at her eyes. Myles runs about four different scenarios through his head in the span of a couple seconds, weighing each option against one another.
After only five seconds he has a plan. Rushing over to his sister he hugs her. “It’s okay.”  
“Mom is going to be so mad!” Tears start to fall on her cheeks.
“No no it’ll be fine. We’ll fix it. But I’m going to need your help, alright?” He looks at her. She wipes away her tears and nods. “Okay I need you to go grab some towels.” She nods again and rushes off towards the laundry room.
Myles turns to where his three siblings sit at the table, all their eyes wide. “You guys stay put, we don’t want glass to get into your feet.”
When none of them go to move he turns towards the oven. Grabbing a stove mit he starts to pick up pieces of the vase. Separating the glass and the flowers, he’s happy when he has two piles.
Reeza bounds down the stairs, quieter than usual as she doesn’t want to wake their uncle. In her hands are two towels.
“Okay, I think I got all the glass up but be careful. Go ahead and put the first towel on the ground and try to soak up as much as you can.” Following his command she does exactly as told. “I am going to go get some glue, don’t let them leave the table.”
Running as fast as he can, he rushes to where his father has supplies to fix about anything. Opening drawer after drawer he finally finds some super glue. “Perfect!”
Making a mental note of where he found the glue he goes back to the kitchen. Analysing the broken pieces he can see where the pieces fit together. Being extra careful, he applies glue to one piece and then another, and presses them together.
“Reeza how is the water going?”
“Towel one is soaked but all the water is up.”
“Great, can you please go quickly throw those in the hamper and put the clean towel back where you found it.”
She nods, her face as serious as he’s ever seen it.
“Okay Grogu, I need your help.” At the sound of his name, he looks up at his brother. “Can you hold these pieces together?” As if it were magic, the pieces are pressed against one another and held in place. Grogu coos, overjoyed that his older brother needs him.
“Perfect! Now I am going to start to glue and add more pieces, so can you do more than one at a time?”
Grogu coos once again and his little eyebrows furrow in concentration. When Myles adds another piece, he effectively holds it right in place. “Alright! There we go!”
Reeza sits down next to her brother, however her usual bright cheery smile is replaced by a frown. “Do you think Mommy is going to be mad?”
Picking his words carefully, Myles turns to look at her. “No, don’t worry about it. I’ll tell them. They won’t be mad at you.”
The vase is officially glued back together and it seems to be holding water. The glue is back where Myles found it and the flowers are back in the vase.
“Parents alert!” Reeza informs from where she was sitting at the window. In the distance she can see the Crest flying towards the house.
“Okay time for the clean protocol!”
They move faster than they ever have before. They pick up the crayons and markers from outside, put away the dishes from the kitchen, and settle in on the couch with their uncle. The house looks just as you had left it, no evidence of their eventful day.
Just as they practiced, as soon as the door is unlocked, they all close their eyes and pretend to be asleep. Even the twins know the routine by now.
“Oh babe, look how cute!” They can hear your hushed voice as you talk to their dad.
“Uh hum. You could hear Paz’s snore from the next planet over.”
A soft slap echos through the living room. “Don’t be mean, he gave up his day so we could go out. Be nice.”
They listen as your footsteps get closer and you pick the twins up. Still playing the part, they keep their eyes closed.
“Paz?” Your hushed voice tries to wake him.
The giant warrior stirs before finally waking. “Hmm what?”
“Glad to see you’re awake. We’re back.”
“I can see that.”
You giggle. “How were the kids?”
His arms lift as he looks around and counts heads. “They were great!”
“That’s good. Are you going to stay the night? I know it’s late and I’d hate to kick you out.”
“It’s late?” He mumbles to himself. “Oh umm no, I need to get back but if you need me to stay I can.”
“Oh no it’s alright. Thank you again for watching them.”
“Yeah no problem. You know how much I love them.”
Din has already taken the twins and Grogu up to their room and put them down. He walks back down just as Paz rises from the couch. They give one another a hug and a firm pat on the back. “Thanks man.”
“For sure.” Paz looks back at you before turning towards his brother. “When are you two having the next one?”
Din chuckles. “You try and ask her. Last time I did I had to carry a twenty pound weight around for a week. That shit’s not fun.”
Paz lets out a loud laugh but immediately stops after you scowl at him and point to the kids. “Sorry.”
After the three of you talk for a few more minutes, Paz makes his way out of the door. You sit down on the couch between Reeza and Myles. Reeza shuffles a little and settles down onto your lap. You smile and start to softly brush her hair.
Myles opens his eyes, as if he just woke up. “Hi Mom.”
“Hi baby.” Your arm wraps around his shoulder and pulls him close to you, pressing a kiss to his cheek. “How was your day?”
“It was good… uneventful.” It takes everything in Reeza to stop herself from snickering.
“Oh, that’s good.” Din sits down on the other side of Myles and places his arm on the back of the couch, keeping all three of you within his hold.
“How was your date?”
“It was good, although I missed you guys.” You press another kiss to Myles cheek and he giggles.
“Your mother has separation anxiety.”
Myles laughs while you glare at your husband. “Of course I do! You guys are my babies.” Looking down at Reeza, you scratch her back and you feel a shiver run down her spine.
“Time to go to bed.” Your husband huffs as he stands up, taking Reeza into his arms he beckons Myles to follow him. “Say goodnight to your mother.”
“Goodnight mom.” Myles wraps his arms around your neck and presses a kiss to your cheek. You smile and hold him close.
“Goodnight my love. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
You turn the faucet and warm water starts to run. Hands grip at your hips and kisses are placed against the back of your neck. He pulls the zipper down on the back of your dress. Every inch of skin that is revealed to him he sucks and nips at it.
“You looked so good in this dress.”
Turning around in his arms, you press a kiss to his lips. “Mm thank you.”
He growls as you bite his bottom lip.
“Reeza was awake, wasn’t she?”
You giggle and slip from his hold. “They’re so funny. I hope they were alright today.”
He sighs as he realizes he’s not getting as lucky as he originally thought. “Cyare, you worry too much. They said they had a great day.”
You slip into the bubbly water and lean forward, silently asking him to slide in behind you. “I can’t help it.”
He kicks off his pants and sits behind you, pulling you into his chest. You rest your head against his shoulder and close your eyes.
The two of you just stay against each other in the comfort of warm water for a second.
His hand moves over your stomach. “Are you sure you don’t want another one?”
You sigh. “Din, babe, the twins aren’t even one yet.”
You laugh, “You’re insatiable. You can ask again in a year. I need a break for right now.”
He presses a kiss to your forehead. “I just love you so much.” You turn your head so he can press a kiss to your lips. “And our family.”
Next Part: Rainy Day
I hope you all liked it! 
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Love, Lordy :) 
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innocence - 12
PAIRING: bodyguard!bucky barnes x innocent actress!reader
WARNINGS: age gap, anxiety, ptsd, trauma, angst 
A/N: i do know i was supposed to post this yesterday but i got lost doing a bit of cleaning around my room so here it is a bit late. hope you enjoy it! let me know what you think, much love xx
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Y/N liked the dark of the night, it brought her comfort. She could never explain why but the ambience of the dark night only disturbed by the glittering lights of the tea light candle on a heart cut glass which flashed little heart shaped golden flecks of light onto the wall. The TV volume was low, playing When Harry Met Sally which Bucky had insisted to watch after confessing he had never seen it, yet he was not the slightest bit interested in the movie. She, however, was. Cuddled in chunky yarn ticket blanket, oversized sweater pushed up to her chin and eyes glued onto one of her favourite romantic movies. Bucky was more interested in how she was curled against him, head laying on the side of his torso. She looked adorable with her shiny eyes in the romantic comedy and maybe Bucky would’ve shown some interest if he was watching the movie with Steve or Sam but whenever she was close by, he didn’t want to look at anything else but her. In all honesty, he didn’t think he ever wanted to look at anything else after h saw her. He’d be happy to protect her, as long as he could look at her. As long as he could look at her, he’d be happy.
He remembered the goggles they made him wear, it distorted his view, it made everything clearer yet somehow darker. He could never see people’s faces, he could never see their expressions but he could hear them scream, he could hear them telling him to stop and he wanted to stop, he really did, but he couldn’t. He was a bad person, he was a terrible person.
     - James? - her voice dripping with worry cut through his thoughts. - Are you okay? You look spaced out. 
     - Yeah. - her hand escaped its blanket confinements to hold his hand. - Just tired.
     - You can spend the night if you want. The couch doubles as a bed and I have some extra blankets. - she moved around from her place so she could sit straight. Bucky wanted to say no, he really did. He probably knew Steve was going to freak out at the idea of him not returning, he could do something to hurt her and he just didn’t want to risk it. However, looking into her hopeful eyes which held nothing but love and sympathy for him as if he had never caused anyone harm ... as if he wasn’t a monster, as if he wasn’t someone, or rather something, people should fear, knocked all his defences down. He wondered if it was a perk or a flaw to be that forgiving, to be able to look past the past, specially in an industry like hers. He wondered how long it would take to harden her and he wondered how long it would take for her to become a cynic. Most importantly, he wondered if he could protect her from that. - If you want you can take my bedroom, I can sleep in the couch. 
    - I can sleep in the couch, princess. - he sighed, smiling at her sleepy form who had begging eyes and a little sleepy smile. - You’re awfully good at persuasion.
    - I was Capitan of the debate club. - she perked up, excited about the compliment. Bucky wondered what else he could do with that, knowing she liked to be complimented. She deserved to be complimented. - I’m very persuasive. 
    - No, princess. It’s those doe eyes. - he pointed at her eyes, little smile on his lips. - Saying no to you is like shooting Bambi. You have a very weird soft kind of persuasion. 
    - Thank you. - she smiled, pushing her blanket away to get up. - I’ll go grab you some blankets. Do you want fuzzy ones? 
   - I don’t need blankets.
   - Yes, you do. - before he could tell her again that he didn’t need blankets, she was already rushing to a little closet nearby the door of her room. She opened it with her foot before placing herself on her tip toes to grab some blankets she had folded and put away. Her arms could barely wrap around the thick winter bedding and Bucky found it amusing how she started to waddle around with them before dropping them on the coach. - I’ll get you some pillows. 
   - You have pillows on your couch.
   - They’re decorative pillows, Bucky. You don’t sleep on them, you decorate with them. 
   - Y/N ... - he wrapped her hands around her waist, pushing her to the couch as she got ready to go grab some pillows. - This is fine, princess. You don’t need to accommodate me.
   - You’re my guest. It’s common manners, Bucky. - she tried to snake away from his grip but Bucky was much too strong and she had never been very good at leaving holds. - Let me grab you a pillow. 
    - No. 
   - Let me help you make the bed then. - she pulled onto his arm so she could raise her head to look at him. 
   - If it makes you happy. - his grip softened on her waist allowing her to escape him and get back on her feet. He let out a mindless little smile, raising from the couch along with the blanket.
Y/N quickly got to work, leaning to pull at the bottom of the couch which unfolded down onto a quite big bed. He tried to help but she shushed him away, placing the sheets in a way which would make a five star hotel jealous. Bucky couldn’t help but pick onto how much love and attention she seemed to lay onto every single motion she did. It was feather like, like the movements of a ballerina, so light, so soft, hypnotising even. 
     - There. - she pointed to the bed happily. - A nice comfortable bed for the night. Are you sure you don’t need some pillows?
     - I’m sure. - he walked over to her side. - Wanna watch a movie?
     - Sure. What do you wanna watch? - she jumped onto the bed, remote in hand as she wrapped herself back with her blanket. Bucky sat down on her left, lifting his legs to rest over the comfortable, now extended couch.
     - You can pick. 
     - I have terrible taste in movies. You pick.
     - You’re an actress. 
     - So? Cliché and chick-flicks make me happy and I don’t think you wanna watch any of those. 
     - Sure, I do.
     - You big liar.
They two of them weren’t sure what movie it ended up being picked, maybe some preview just played on a loop but it didn’t matter because in less than half hour the two of them had fallen asleep. 
Bucky disliked falling asleep, it always felt like falling. Falling reminded him of falling from the train. He could never exactly explain it, not to Steve, not to his therapist yet it wasn’t like he wanted to. It was an indescribably feeling; when you’re a child and you feel like falling you known warmth is gonna be at the end, you know someone is gonna catch you but no one caught him, there was no warmth. There was only cold. He could still feel his bone break, looking down at his arm to see half of it was gone. He remembered looking up at the skies, waiting for death to take him as the snowflakes fell onto his face. Bucky thought that was the worse, he thought that was the worse which could happen until they dragged him, dragged him through the snow. Whatever was left of his arm was chopped off, he felt it all, he felt it all through a numb-like status of mind and once he regained consciousness he rose his arm to see the metal arm.
    - Buck? - she could feel him move and hear him whimper. It had woken her up and it was breaking her heart so she decided the best was to wait him up. She poked his arm once more yet when she tried to shake him, he topped over her, metal hand going straight for her neck, eyes wide open. It just hoovered there, over her neck, no grip but there was a look of pure fright on his eyes. Disbelief. - Bucky?
He immediately got off her, looking around before starting to walk quickly away from her. Bucky pushed the door open which sounded alarm bells in her mind. She tried calling out to him again but he ignored, leaving her home. Y/N rushed off her bed and followed him, not caring if she was in her pyjamas in the hallway. 
    - Bucky, stop! - she asked him, rushing after him. Bucky, however, kept walking away, pushing the door which led to the staircase open and expecting her to tire herself out but she didn’t. Y/N kept running after him, going down the stairs until she finally caught up to him. Her small hand grabbed his much larger arm. - Bucky!
   - I need to go.
   - No. - she said, calmly, hand over her chest to regain her breathing. She placed her hands on top of his shoulders, pushing him from a hug. Her head tucked in the space between his shoulder and neck feeling how tense he was. He was never this tense around her. - You need to go back to bed.
   - Y/N. 
   - No. - she rose her head to stare at him. She sighed before leaning in to kiss him, giving him a soft, dragging kiss. - You need to rest.
She turned around, hand lowering to hold his before climbing up the stairs back to her floor. Her door was still open and she led him in, closing the door with her foot. She continued to walk through her apartment until she stopped at her bedroom. 
    - You’re okay. - her hand caressed her cheek. - You’re okay. 
He wanted to believe her, he really wanted to believe her. He wanted to believe he was okay but he was not. He was still damaged, held together by tape which was losing its glue and it was only a matter of time until it broke loose and the pieces fell back into the shattered mess. Bucky was not okay but she was persistant and as she laid him down, he almost believed he was okay. Her thumb caressed his face while her other hand was firm against his chest. He didn’t want to fall asleep, he didn’t want to hurt her but his body didn’t agree with him and her soft touch lulled him to sleep.
The morning came with a crash, he woke up earlier than her, feeling her close to him, tucked under his chin. He pulled away softly not wanting to wake her up. He didn’t even know what to say to her and so he left, closing the door on his way out. Steve was probably freaking out at the tower and he didn’t want to have to deal with the after mat of almost chocking her. He reached the tower and most were still asleep except for Steve. Here we go again.
   - We were worried. - he started.
   - You don’t need to say “we”, Steve. I know it was you who was worried.
   - Where were you? You were out the whole night, I tried calling you.
   - My phone was dead, I stayed over at Y/N’s for the night.
   - Y/N’s? - he raised an eyebrow. - You didn’t, Buck ...
   - I didn’t fuck her if that’s what you’re so worried about. She just asked if I wanted to stay and it seemed like the better idea.
   - Buck ... - Steve sighed. It was a hard conversation to have, one that he definitely didn’t want to have but he had to, he had to had this conversation either he wanted it or not. - We need to talk about Y/N. 
  - I don’t wanna talk about it.
  - But we need to talk about it. You just ... The therapist and I think it’s not a good idea to get into a relationship. You still have some work to do until you’re ready to be in a relationship specially with someone who is not in our world and doesn’t understand that you’re still ... having some issues.
  - I know. 
  - Maybe in a few years, after you’ve worked through every ...
  - I KNOW! - he screamed at him before leaving Steve speechless in the kitchen. 
He didn’t want to talk, he didn’t want to hear Steve but most importantly, he didn’t want to think of her waking up alone in a cold bed. 
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