#you can rinse and repeat
catmemey · 11 months
#5. what is your favorite thing about yourself?
cats love me and if theyre scared I can make them love me <3
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thottybrucewayne · 15 days
I think what I want to get into with the "Anyone can do harm." thing that I keep beating yall over the head with is that literally anyone, anyone at all can do harm it's not "in your DNA" to be an abuser or written in the stars that you'll be a predator. Whatever image you have of an abuser in your head, drop it and replace it with your favorite person in the world and you'll probably be closer to the truth than you realize. It's easy to address harm when it's coming from someone you already hate. I see it happen all the time. Someone you couldn't stand for no real reason does something heinous then all of a sudden here comes the avalanche of "I always knew they were a fucked up individual." No, you didn't. There is no possible way you could have known, you just already didn't fuck with them before they started doing something you could use to justify your hatred of them. I'm guilty of it too! I'm petty, mean, vindictive, and yes! I'm way quicker to believe something bad about someone I hate versus someone I love because I'm human. Still, y all gotta learn to move past that initial "Well, they were always nice to me!" gut feeling and understand that nobody truly knows anyone and anyone can be capable of anything. Even victims. Even you.
#thotty speaks#thotty rants#I was thinking about that Christine chan post and its like yeah yall really don't know how bad it got for her before she did what she did#It reminded me of that thing on tiktok where people take 'cringy' cosplayers videos (most of whom are literal children) and put racist or#bigoted text over it then reupload it to call them out then the og creator gets a flood of harassment mostly from people who hated them for#the crime of being weird on the internet but now they can use 'oh but they're a bigot!' as an excuse to tear them down until they come out#and say 'hey i didn't say this someone stole my shit' and nobody takes their vids down nor apologizes because they didn't fuck with them#anyway so wash rinse repeat#idk I just wish that people had the same smoke for people they actually like#mostly cause I'm tired of being accused of 'switching up' every time I cut people off or stop fuckin with an artist#like this is what we should be doing!!!! ACG ANYBODY CAN GET IT!#It should be smoke for ANYONE who does harm every your fave people!#otherwise you create this world where taking people to task for the harm they've done is less about the harm#and more about justifying our own actions#anyway keep that same energy across the board that's all I'm saying#cause if it comes out tomorrow that somebody close to me did some fucked up shit I'm out of there period#aint no talkin bout shit and that's on me growing up as a child told that certain grown folks can't be alone with me#but they allowed in my house...#Idk about yall but i'm ending that generational curse with me
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untouchedsoap · 8 months
there is something sooo fucking good about early seasons ian and mickey, about watching this summer fling turn into something more, the fear that elicited from mickey but him being unable to stop, finding those little moments hidden away and taking all this meaning from small gestures and persevering in dugouts and under bleachers and barely pressed confessions in the back of a church that is soo good for my brain
like i am very glad mickey gets to shout his love for ian from the mountain tops and also beat his love for ian into his dad's face but when he was clenching his teeth shut and his love for ian was coming out regardless ohhhhh baby i was eating
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caguaydreams · 1 month
lmao why does SEGA keep pushing the sonadow agenda
I mean, I'm not complaining but ???? 👁️👁️ I know what you are
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doctorcanon · 4 months
Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm fairly sure Majora's Mask Link and the Fierce Diety share the same stat block in Hyrule Warriors. He's also a two handed sword character. Now I'm sure that's to make him different to Captain Link so the DLC was ~*special*~ but my fanfic brain does want to ruminate of the implications of a child having a Punishment Tank build.
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nedsseveredhead · 1 month
went from drawing near daily and making whole ass charm designs to not being able to hold a pencil lest i fucking kill over
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silverskye13 · 7 months
I hate Disney+ I hate Hulu I hate whenever the fuck their bundle iS JUST LET ME WATCH MASH
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thesixthstar · 5 months
my toxic trait is that i legitimately have so many little organizers/trays/drawer separators that help me keep my room clean that are literally just cut up cardboard boxes from things I bought - a 12-count clif bar box but horizontal turns into a tray for hair care stuff, and another clif bar box cut vertical for pills/painkillers, old box for period pads with the lid removed becomes my sock container in my drawer, and another for undies. cardboard panels from an amazon box now separate my pants from my shirts from my skirts-and-misc in my clothes drawer. Another clif bar box holds pens and pencils.
which would be fine except. it means that i feel like I should hold onto all my cardboard boxes forever just in case inspiration strikes and it could be a good organizer tray size, so i am forever fighting the urge to keep what is usually just actual garbage (well, recycling at least)
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psqqa · 3 months
if they wanted me to edit these research guides in a timely manner they should have written them better
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shmothman · 3 months
wake up. go to work. code for 12 hours. play grim reaper dating sim. write fic for an hour. bed.
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phoenix-flamed · 4 months
Okay so I know I haven't really been around beyond lurking now and then and serial Liking posts, but I swear I'm still alive. I've just lost my soul and am tossing bird seed onto the ground to try and lure it back so I can focus.
Please look forward to it.
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psycherprince · 1 month
ways my emotional support cat has emotionally supported me thus far:
-got the zoomies while I was crying and distracted me by being fucking goofy
-found a bottle of Lexapro that had rolled under my bed (after he knocked it off my nightstand, but he did find it)
-crawled up on my shoulders like a parrot, preventing me from getting any work done (benefit unclear), pic related
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-whined like a little baby when I wouldn't let him bite my face (???)
-REFUSES to let me piss without supervision (the bathroom door doesn't close all the way sometimes and he just bonks into it until it opens)
-forces me to get out of bed and bothers me relentlessly when I don't (this one actually is really helpful)
-does this:
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hydrachea · 1 year
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You ever so starved for platonic content of your newest babygirl you take the matter into your own hands and write something for the first time in almost a year?
Betaed by my loveliest partner in crime @feroluce!
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dreamlogic · 7 months
quietly getting more & more annoyed at my housemate & her bf as the evening goes on. thought they were at his house this weekend but they showed up unexpectedly to have loud sex here, left for a little bit, came back in the middle of a fight, and are now watching tv really loudly in between continuing to totally-not-fight-everything's-FINE.
#ctxt#shit chat#they're both rly nice people who genuinely love each other a lot & have been together like 7 years#but in the time i've known them they just keep playing out the same maladaptive patterns together and it's painful to watch#one of them will be irritable for some reason and snap at the other; other responds by airing a deep-seated grievance they've been sittin on#and instead of just. having a conflict about it to its conclusion to resolve the issue they just both fall over themselves apologizing#and spend several hours being really touchy & reactive to little things but overwhelmingly gentle/reassuring/affectionate#person A: *snaps* im sorry baby i didn't mean it i'm just stressed i love you so much can i do anything for you?#person B: no no my love you're fine i'm not mad i understand can i do anything for YOU you're so special i care about you so much#*make out in the kitchen about it a bit. swap roles rinse & repeat*#like i know turning towards a loved one after conflict instead of giving them the cold shoulder is a sign of emotional maturity#and is generally a healthy communication habit#but like. you gotta actually HAVE the conflict first instead of glossing over it the minute difficult emotions come up???#and when they get in these loops i really think they should just. agree on a mutual time out to do their own thing for a day#calm down sort themselves out and then come back together to mend things#instead of just reflexively drawing closer together immediately to try and smother discontent#which just results in them still being upset and now tripping over each other bumping elbows exacerbating things#while being obnoxiously saccharine to cover it up#i mean. 7 yrs is nothing to sneeze at but imo this is. not a sustainable way of relating & building a life together#and it sucks to watch it play out. reminds me of my parents who were blissfully incompatible in a similar way for like 30 years#before it finally blew up spectacularly with a lot of collateral damage earlier this year.
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tonsillessscum · 8 months
*screams into my pillow bc my parents set me up for failure bc of the way they educated me*
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victory-cookies · 12 days
well I can’t say I was incorrect about how my night was gonna be
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