#you can also see me get more experimental with outfits
aroaceleovaldez · 7 months
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figured i'd share my WIP - yknow how I keep talking about "finding the limit of how many PJO ocs one person can have" and coming up with names/divine ancestors/etc? haha. yeah. behold my romans.
This is my project to create & make references for every Roman in the legion, including filling in blanks in the cohorts. For askblog purposes, because I like consistency. And I think it's fun and makes it more interesting. Yes there is a CHB counterpart to this that is done.
I still need to make more refs - all of the labeled chars here are canon. The rest I made up. This is 5th cohort (purposefully smaller than the other cohorts) through half of 3rd (both are about 30 each since the max per cohort is 40). I also have some misc romans not included here and still need to make references for the rest of the legion & messengers/healers which I have decided is a separate category.
These all will eventually be going on my wiki for my askblog, including the other cohorts once I finish those. Yes you may ask about any of these chars, they do all have names/divine ancestors/lore/etc. I'm having fun I promise.
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cathalbravecog · 9 months
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i'm the antonymph of the internet
#how many tributes to this song will i make in my life#MANY ! it literally changed my life and means a lot to me. i love antonymph and vylet pony's music is worth checking out - please do.#unsupervised internet access as a queer neurodivergent kid anthem !!#i chose to do misty since we all know i like drawing her in experimental pieces and putting her in outfits. she also has art in a gir hoodi#from the clash team in treasure trove!! :D#this is also experimental/stylistic as well!! had fun!! nice to just draw something in one day and not worry. leaves me tired but...#haven't done a nice piece like so in one day in a while!!! i'm very proud :] it's a fun one#anyways... both a little tribute to the song and misty as a character#ihave so many thoughts about misty even if i dont talk publicly on them. shes a very interesting character to me and i care about her so#much. i compared her to fluttershy in the past - and realized that if i liked ttcc as a kid she would've been my favorite.#fluttershy on her own meant a lot to me as a child. including mlp itself as it's one of the core things that got me into drawing art online#a lot of my analysis on misty and headcanons at least on the more emotional scale do come from a bit of projecting but...it makes it more#fun to me when i can put myself into the shoes of a character like her who i already relate to. rrghh too bad im scared to talk about her#too much in nuanced detail in public since some people are... not so nice about her. though i know the tumblr audience is nice and unders#standing!!#anyways from me just having fun being me#i let misty have a little bit of fun... something i think she would possibly enjoy? i do see her as someone who gets nostalgic#and is stuck in more childish things and matters. she wants to play ip dip with you...its very sweet to me. letting myself and her be#confident through a song that means so much to me is kind of powerful to me. i had a lot of fun making this drawing.#anyways. love this song. love ttcc. love mity /p. be swag and be self indulgent and have fun. you can do anything u want forevah#toontown#toontown corporate clash#antonymph#guz art#rainmaker
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Trying to find something to go with these tights? I don’t have a lot of bright clothes that match them, so went more in a mixing it with lighter colors sort of direction, maybe sort of sky themed (rainbow with the blue and white clouds)?
#self#ootd#should I start tagging things as that?? lol.. I mot sure how to tag things like this that are. not costumes really. just outfits. but not a#specific style or anything. just like experimental#I need more cloud print items also.. there just arn't many of them. OR actually. There are not many of them if you're someone like me who#pretty much exclusively gets clothes at places like the bins and thrift stores. All of the cloud print items I have are the small like 0.5%#of my wardrobe gotten from ebay in the past 10 years. I have never seen a cloud print thing out in the wild actually#OR sometimes you finally find stuff that's sky/cloud themed but it's like... a washcloth for babies. instead of a shirt. ... sad#they probably do have them and you can maybe get them at stores sometimes but. hhhh.....#Buying things new is so stinky. everything costs over $10 >:(  why.. why cost mony >:(#I think once you get used to everything being like 25 cents an item to MAYBE $8 or something at a real thrift store#going to online or in person stores and seeing stuff like a cloud dress but it's $65  is like.......... I could never. I could never fathom#I mean. I WOULD pay $65 for a dress if it was literally like. Exactly every specific thing I love all in one and I know I would never find#it again in my entire life and could not make it myself and etc. etc. Like a pastel blue and white historical style dress with#puffy sleeves that goes down to the ankles and has a high ruffled collar and also has a pattern with cats and clouds and stars on it and the#sleeves and striped and there's lace and bows and things dangling from the cuffs and part of it is irridescent and there are long buttons or#lacing or some other elaborate details and tassles somewhere also and it's layered and 3 sizes too big for me so it's not tight#or etc. etc. I would pay maybe $80 for that. Perhaps $100 if it came with accessoriy bits (like a ruffled fancy apron or shawl or hisorical#bonnet or matching gloves that also had cats on them etc. ) - but otherwise. No.#ANYWAY. for someone who loves clouds SO much. I have so little actual cloud themed clothing and house things lol#If I had a billion dollars though... >:) I would give 80% of my money to charity obligatory but what I had left I would use to have like.#the most Themed house ever. so much clouds and also cats. rug shaped like clouds. a cloudy sky mural on every cieling.#full wardrobe of cloud print cloaks and stuff. so on and so forth lol
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corruptedcaps · 2 months
Hi this is Maddy and I’m going to try the new confidence booster supplement from CC Industries called ‘Power’ and document it here. My boyfriend Alex is a scientist with the company so this is currently experimental but he assures me it’s safe. So this is me with zero days of Power.
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Hi it’s Maddy again and this is day three of taking Power. Not seeing much difference yet. I think maybe my ass has gotten smoother and bigger? Let me know in the comments.
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Hi it’s Maddy and this is day seven of taking Power and I’ve been feeling more confident and assertive. Thanks for all the compliments on my butt in my last video, that’s really helped my self esteem. Also maybe related but I seem to need my glasses less and less.
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This is two weeks of being on Power and I think I’m really starting to feel a difference now. Like check out this cute outfit, I would have never had the confidence to wear something like this before. Comment below with a score out of 10 for how I look.
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Maddy here and this is one month using Power. As you can tell it’s had some major physical side effects. My boobs are bigger, my skin is clearer and my lips are more full. It’s certainly been a hit with my boyfriend who suggested I up my dose. I’m not sure if I should but what’s the worse than can happen?
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It’s me, Maddy, and this is what two months of Power looks like. I’ve never had the confidence to own a sun bathing suit before but now, well, I think this little number speaks for itself. My boyfriend was right, the double dose makes me feel and look even better. Other guys have noticed too, but don’t tell my boyfriend he has competition.
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It’s me, Madi, naturally, and here I am looking like perfection after three months of Power. I’ve had a few changes in the last month. I got new clothes, new makeup and even a new car thanks to biggest change in my life, my new boyfriend Chad. He’s rich and handsome and knows how to treat a woman of my stature, not like my loser ex. Message for all you queens out there, don’t settle for frogs.
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It’s Madison here to update you all on my four months of having Power. I’d also like to address the comments from my last video. The comments that say that I’ve become bitchy and superficial lately. I’d like to apologize to all the babies out there who are envious of me and want to take me down. You’re never going to take me down. Which reminds me, today I hit a milestone of 1 million subs!
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Listen up, Madison is speaking. I know plenty of you jealous bitches have signed a petition to get CC Industries to cut off my supply of Power and somehow you losers won them over but I have plenty of Power stocked up. You think I’d give up this feeling after just five months? I might even start upping my dose!
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I have big news for all my loser followers, your Queen is getting married. Not to Chad, I dumped him last week for my new man. Well not new exactly, it’s Alex my ex. I was burning through my supply of Power more than I thought and I knew Alex could get me more, but he was too moralistic and lame so I spiked his drinks over a few weeks with my remaining doses. He’s so fucking hawt and mean now. Power gave him the drive to take over CC industries so now I get all the Power I could ever want but I don’t like to share so we won’t be releasing it anytime soon. If I could do all this with only six months of Power, imagine what I’ll accomplish in the next six.
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sapphicrow · 6 months
RE8 Lords (+dimi sisters) Opinion on crocs!
Mother Miranda
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The bird mommy herself. A true lady. Gothic aesthetic and all.
I think she would be an avid croc hater
I mean, she works in a lab, closed toe shoes. They’re not very practical for experimentation or any thing else
Plus her other outfit is goddess apparel or old hag.
I just can’t see her enjoying them whatsoever. They clash with her whole vibe.
If offered, Miri would most surely wrinkle her nose and scoff at the very notion.
“Ugh. Begone, mortal. The day you goad me into those atrocities of footwear is the day I surrender my subconscious to the megamycete,” Mother Miranda waves you off with a flick of a taloned hand.
Mia left a pair in the lab once and she tried them on. They remind her.
Salvatore Moreau
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Fish man!
Moreau would be a huge fan.
Seriously, he lives in constant sogginess. A pair of shoes that can fit his deformed and damp feet would be welcome.
He pads around the reservoir in crocs all the fricking time
Over time, the sound of the rubber squelch becomes associated with his approach.
He would be gifted his first pair, but soon amass a bit of a collection- his favorites are the blue pair and the black one, but he’s also got green.
(In the church) *squish squish squish squosh squish* “hi, mother!” Moreau garbles. “Like ‘em?” He asks, gesturing to the tye dye crocs currently adorning the lower half of his slimy body.
He doesn’t wear them in public after Mother Miranda glared at them though
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Metal bending dilf
My guy isn’t the biggest fan of crocs, they just don’t work for him
The factory is difficult enough to manage in steel toed boots. Rubber slippers are not ideal.
I think he wears them solely to meetings to piss off Mirander (it works every time)
He was approached by his nieces with a pair of solid black crocs, and they were too insistent for him to deny them entirely.
Heisenberg thinks they’re fine, simply not his cup of tea though.
“Fuck!” The lord curses, his voice echoing against the metal walls of the factory for the fiftieth time. “Damn pieces of junk.” Heisenberg mutters after dropping a piece of scrap onto his croc bearing toes once more.
Alcina Dimitrescu
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Just no.
Absolutely not.
Lady Dimitrescu , the countess, the favorite of Mother Miranda, mother of three, would not be caught dead in such apparel.
It’s less that she has an issue with their design, and much more that she’s disgusted with the thought of looking so undignified.
She wouldn’t be threatening anyone when she whips her crocs into sports mode before unsheathing her mighty claws.
Alcina doesn’t mind them on others, but not her. She’s a noble lady and far above such peasantry.
Also they don’t make them in her shoe size.
“What…” she drawls, looking scornfully down at the maiden presenting her with such blatantly hideous shoes, “are those?”
Donna Beneviento
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The dollmaker and illusionist ~
Donna is chill, I’d imagine she wouldn’t have too strong an opinion on crocs
She owns a pair in black and likes to wear them around her workshop
They’re quite comfy, and since she’s not always on her feet, they serve as very nice house slippers
She likes to pair them with fluffy socks to really get the full coziness effect
Besides, her skirt is long enough where they’re not really noticeable
A quiet melody sways within the air of Lady Beneviento’s workspace. Humming to herself as she worked and Angie looked over her shoulder. Dexterous hands wield pliers to work the last bit of wire into the joints of her newest creation. And as a finishing touch, a mini croc is slid onto this doll. A small smile quirks her lips beneath the veil.
“I want some!” Angie shrieks once she sets eyes on the crocs.
Bela Dimitrescu
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The eldest of the flies, and the blondest
Bela follows in her mother’s footsteps on this one, she despises crocs.
She simply doesn’t see the appeal.
They’re rubber, they’re not particularly fashionable, and they clash with the lace of her dress.
Eyeing her sister up and down, Bela just scoffs judgmentally before walking away.
Daniela Dimitrescu
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Our delulu queen <3
She is the biggest crocs person ever.
She absolutely loves them, much to her sister and Mother’s dismay.
Dani just thinks they’re the coolest thing ever
You don’t have to lace them, there’s different modes, and you can decorate them??? What more could you ask for!
She had a whole wardrobe. I think she had every color. Depending on the occasion, she mixes and matches.
Dani is also big on jibbitz.
“Look!” The ginger squeals excitedly as she swarms into a maid’s face. “It’s a fly!” Dani says with a delirious giggle, shoving the new charm into the frightened woman’s vision.
Cassandra Dimitrescu
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The ravenette of the trio
Cassie likes crocs a normal amount
She doesn’t own her own pair of course, the only reason she ever wears them is to snatch them from Dani and make her mad
She also delights in how Bela and her mom glare down at her whenever she wears them
All in all, Cass doesn’t wear them as a fashion choice, she wears them for the drama
“Hehehe, you’re coming with me,” Cassandra whispers to herself as she steals Daniela’s prized flamingo print crocs from her room.
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gotinterest · 5 months
I Want To Watch Kamen Rider, Which Season Do I Pick?
I'm going to focus on Heisei Era shows because those are the easiest to access and the ones most fans have watched so it's easy to find people to talk to about them. Every season of Kamen Rider is a different story with a different cast and vibe, so determining which season you should start on is largely dependent upon your personal taste. This list is based mostly on the shows I have watched or know a lot about, so it's not exhaustive. Some shows will be listed under more than one category, just depending upon what might be most important to you. Guide is located under the read more!
DO NOT START HERE: Kamen Rider Decade, Kamen Rider Zi-O, Kamen Rider Gaim. Decade and Zi-O are anniversary shows that lean HEAVILY upon Rider lore and referencing past seasons. You don't need to watch those seasons to understand the story, BUT you may get spoiled on key plot points from past seasons by watching them. Gaim is on here because it is almost universally hated and thought of as a terrible show.
WARNINGS FOR THE SHOWS RECOMMENDED HERE: Kamen Rider Blade is heavy in the flashing lights department and the opening in particular is known to bother photosensitive folks! All the seasons have flashing lights, but Blade is the one that people have straight up said they couldn't watch through because of how many flashing lights there are.
Kamen Rider Kuuga has a pretty gross transmisogynistic caricature in two of the episodes.
Kamen Rider OOO has a cafe that is nicknamed the "cultural appropriation cafe" by fans because the servers are frequently made to dress up in outfits from other cultures and it can be a bit offensive from time to time. It's not the worst I've seen in terms of "people dressing up as other cultures" and there isn't any black face or brown face but I still felt it worth mentioning since the cafe is a major part of the show.
Kamen Rider Faiz has a black character in it for a few episodes who is written in a way that gives "big dangerous strong black guy" stereotype. It's uncomfortable to watch.
I don't really like kid's shows and I'd prefer something a little more mature: Kamen Rider Kuuga, Kamen Rider Ryuki, Kamen Rider Hibiki (eps. 1-29 only). If you are looking for a show that feels more mature, these are where you should start. The pacing of these shows is a bit slower and more thoughtful. Kuuga and Ryuki are both HIGHLY beloved. Kuuga is good if you really like monster of the week shows, Ryuki is more for you "overarching story driven" types. Ryuki is a bit more silly in places than Kuuga, but largely maintains a serious tone. Hibiki is very creative and experimental, but it doesn't really give you an accurate picture of what most Kamen Rider seasons are like because it is very different. BUT if you can't stand musicals do not watch Hibiki. ALSO stop watching Hibiki on ep. 29. After that there was a show runner change and the end of the show sucks. Ep.29 is largely considered a satisfying enough end to the show.
I like mature themes and concepts, but I'm fine with kids show silliness: Kamen Rider OOO, Kamen Rider Build, Kamen Rider W. If you constantly feel guilty for wanting things and taking up space, watch OOO. If you had a rough childhood and complicated feelings about your family watch W. If you want to watch a show about war, watch Build.
I love kid's shows give me silliness and fun!: Everything recommended in the second category + Kamen Rider Den-O, Kamen Rider Fourze. Den-O is a time travel story that is heavy on slapstick humor and has a lot of heart. You may have seen a a red horned guy named Momotaros dramatically swing his leg up to rest it on the bench of a booth- that's from this show. Fourze is a high school story about friendship and space!
I like to watch things that are bad but also good: Kamen Rider Blade. You can basically ignore almost the entire lore built up in the first half of the show. The writers certainly do. If you've seen people memeing on a guy named Tachibana... this is that show. This show is very easy to post about. Deeply funny but not on purpose in many places.
I want to watch one of the ones that are especially known for homoeroticism: Kamen Rider Kuuga, Kamen Rider Ryuki, Kamen Rider Blade, Kamen Rider OOO, Kamen Rider Build, Kamen Rider Faiz. Blade isn't initially very homoerotic until it very much is. Kuuga is for you if you want a more sweet and sincere vibe. OOO, Ryuki, and Build are more for if you like watching men bicker with each other homoerotically. Ryuki also contains a couple of side characters who read very much as a domestic couple (if you are big into the "loyal dog" type dynamic you will enjoy these two). Faiz is for you star-crossed lovers enjoyers that can also tolerate a stunning amount of heterosexual love drama (Blade is also a bit star-crossed). Watch Blade if you want to have a very personal grudge against a bench for the rest of your life. Kuuga and OOO are the most homoerotic.
I like weird shows where I don't know what the fuck is going on: Kamen Rider Kabuto, Kamen Rider Blade. If you watched Hannibal and were really into the way they talked and made a bunch of food, watch Kabuto.
I want something that leans more into horror: Kamen Rider Kuuga, Kamen Rider Agito. Kuuga can lean pretty hard into horror in places. Agito is a bit lighter, but still has more of a horror vibe to it.
I like mystery stories: Kamen Rider Kuuga, Kamen Rider Ryuki, Kamen Rider Agito, Kamen Rider Build, Kamen Rider W. There are other seasons with elements of mystery, but these are the ones where the mystery really takes more of a front seat. W in particular is actually a noir-inspired.
I want to watch the one with that blond curly haired Ankh guy that I keep seeing on my dash: Kamen Rider OOO
I want something that's a bit artsy and I also like or don't mind musical numbers: Kamen Rider Hibiki (eps. 1-29 only). The only Kamen Rider season where characters regularly break out into song. The sound track, editing style, and aesthetic of the show are so unique. Really strongly written. Do not watch past ep. 29 because of studio mandated changes ruining everything that made it worth watching.
I want to get a good intro to Kamen Rider: Kamen Rider W, Kamen Rider OOO, Kamen Rider Build, Kamen Rider Agito. Kamen Rider W and Kamen Rider OOO are considered great starter seasons. They give you a pretty good feel for Kamen Rider's formula while overall being pretty solid shows. Build gives you a good vibe for how Kamen Rider seasons with bigger casts feel while giving a good balance of serious and silly. It also gives you a bit of a better feel for what some more recent Kamen Rider seasons are like stylistically. Kamen Rider Agito is just a solid early Heisei show that gives you a feel for the tone of a lot of early Heisei shows WHILE also being a good starter show for you to dip your toes into the works of the infamous Toshiki Inoue. Inoue is a prolific writer of tokusatsu shows that most fans have a love/hate relationship with. He is the main writer for several Kamen Rider seasons, specials, and movies and has written several episodes even in shows that he wasn't the main writer for.
Legally: Ryuki and Kuuga (along with the original Kamen Rider from the 70's which is good cheesy fun) can be streamed on Tubi (at least in the US). If you understand Japanese and have a VPN (or are in Japan) I believe most of the seasons are on Hulu.
*I actually wouldn't recommend watching Kuuga FOR THE FIRST TIME on Tubi because the Grongi subtitles are baked in and you can't turn them off. I strongly believe that a key part of the first watch experience is not being able to understand the Grongi, as was the original intention of the show's creators. You can buy the blu-rays for Kuuga and toggle the Grongi subtitles if you really think its worth it to spend the money*
Alternative: You can watch them on most illegal streaming sites, lol. The only season I've seen where that has been an issue so far is Den-O, with the uploads being kinda wonky and partially missing.
There is... another source but I shan't link to it directly here (loose lips sink ships!) Please reach out to your nearest Kamen Rider blogger for the goods.
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bloodynereid · 8 months
Reapers & Ravens
<< prev | chapter iv | next >>
pairings: jordan li x oc
tw: swearing, mentions of migraines, mentions of experimental pills, canon typical violence, weed, bad parents, mentions of death, rufus...
description: the story of a girl. a girl cursed by compound v to live a life without touch.
a/n: so... hi sorry this took so long to write and post. it's also a little shorter than the rest cause honestly when i was rewatching this ep it was sort of more focused on certain character dynamics and world building (which i tried to emulate). vic is going through it and... i added some little allusions to her past in this chapter. hopefully u all enjoy and... my ask box is always open so lmk ur thoughts + if you want to be added to the taglist <3
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Walking through the stretch of patrons and trustees I finally spotted my dad standing off to the side, talking to a girl who was quite literally my age. Fucking hell, goosebumps appeared on my arms and a disgusted sneer overtook my face. That seems to be my predominant facial expression anytime I’m around my dad - the real version of him. 
Bundling up the layers that made up my skirt I ducked and nudged my way towards him, uttering a variety of sorrys to anyone I had bumped into. I was in a hurry after everyone had dispersed to get changed and make excuses to respective parents. We had to find Emma - as quickly as we possibly could.
“Dad! Look I don’t have time to explain but I have to go.” A scowl twisted his face and he reached for my gloved hand as I turned to go.
“The night is young plus you’re being rude to uh-”
“Lily.” The girl said with a flutter of her eyelashes, I felt sick to my fucking stomach.
“No dad, I really need to leave. I have to help my friends.”
“And suddenly you have friends.”
“Fuck off dad like you care. I came and I played the part of the perfect daughter, I don’t need to get your permission to leave.”
“I’m just trying to get you to stay in the top 10-”
“That is literally all you care about! You know what I’m going to go, I don't want to cause anymore of a scene.” I rolled my eyes and turned back to the sea of people with a sigh. I walked, or rather stormed my way to the reception doors but stopped short when I remembered… Gemma. Shit she should know that Emma was missing. 
My eyes turned towards the crowd once again and thankfully I found her sitting in between 2 identical girls who were wearing the same outfit. Oh that must be Mia. She was absolutely drop dead gorgeous, her curly brown hair was tied back in a slicked ponytail and she was wearing a blazer and a short skirt - showing off her toned muscles from football.
“Hii I see you found some company.” I said with a smile on my face and looked at the trio. Gemma was blushing like mad and the brunettes had flirty smiles on their faces.
“Oh shit uh hey Vic. This is Mia. Mia meet my roommate Vic.”
“Hi. Nice to meet you.” Mia’s silky voice came from one of the girls, it filled the atmosphere like honey, obviously I had heard some rumors about her before but holy shit.
“You as well. I love your outfit. If it’s ok can I pull Gemma away for a bit?”
“Oh yeah of course ,I’m going to go try to find some booze. Actually if I don’t see you here’s my number.” I watched as Mia’s duplicate took a pen out from one of the random pockets on her blazer and scribbled down a series of numbers on a napkin before signing it with a kiss. 
“Don’t miss me too much darling, we were just getting started. Plus I already have my date for tonight.” Mia added as she slipped into the crowd with a wink. Her duplicate followed closely behind her with an arm thrown around her shoulders. I turn to look at Gemma with raised eyebrows as she tries to giggle quietly.
“Nope, we are not talking about this now. Tell me what happened.”
“Emma is missing.”
“What?” She exclaimed loudly and jumped up from her chair, making it wobble dangerously close to falling.
“Look, you remember I told you about my little adventure with Andre. Well, he did something stupid again. He sent Emma down there.”
“Shit. Okay what do we do?”
“First we need to get changed and then we’re meeting the group at Andre’s car. We’re going to try and locate her with the GPS.”
“Fuck okay, okay, let’s do this.” We nod at each other in agreement and then leave the memorial ball, quickly getting up to our dorm and changing into more casual clothes. There is no way that I was going to wear this dress to go to a search party.
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“I found the tracker!” Marie says from one of the sandier parts of the field, we had spent over 30 minutes combing each and every corner of this damn field with our phone lights. The night was also growing colder and colder by the minute, maybe wearing a thin cardigan was not the best move. 
“Maybe this is good… I mean she got out of the hellhole.”
“Andre? We are literally standing in a meteor sized hole. How do we know she’s even alive?” I asked with a clearly frustrated tone lacing my words.
“Woah let’s not immediately assume she’s dead okay?” Gemma loudly declared as she stood next to Cate right outside the hole.
“Yeah exactly! Maybe Sam can jump like Maeve does? He landed here with Emma and then jumped again?”
“What were you thinking?”
“I had to do something.” Andre stuttered out while Marie looked at him with probably one of the most intensely angry looks I had ever seen.
“You didn’t do anything! You just dragged Emma into this fucking mess.”
“Woah okay how about we just calm down for a second?” I said, trying to mediate the clearly escalating situation but before I could take a step closer to the pair, our phones all went off at the same time. Jordan took out their phone first and scrolled through the message.
“They released the new rankings.” They said, causing me to pull up the same message on my phone. Oh shit.
“Andre is obviously still first, Marie second, I’m still five and Vic, you’re sixth.”
“Eh figures the dean hates me for whatever reason.” I said as I quickly locked my phone and slipped it back into my pocket.
“What?” The entire group looked at me with confused looks on their faces.
“How should I know? She was the one who interviewed me and I don’t know! She had this weird vibe to her the whole time.”
“Okay pending our talk about whatever the hell that is about, we really have bigger fucking problems than rankings.”
“Yeah says you, Mr. Number one. But I agree we do. Turns out the school has a whole fucking underground angel of death clinic! We don’t know who’s in on it. It could be the entire staff. And what are you going to do? Run around solving this like Nancy fucking Drew? You guys are going to end up like the fucking cricket.” Jordan says exasperatedly, walking closer and closer to Andre.
“Emma. Her name is Emma. And she is in so much shit right now because of your fucking friend.” Gemma answers as she too walks down into the crater.
“Woah okay Gemma chill. I don’t think they meant anything by it.”
“Jordan’s right.” Cate exclaims as she follows Gemma down.
“Thank you.”
“Look whoever Emma is, she isn’t fucking here.”
“Hey Cate! Come on.”
“No you come on. This girl could be fucking dead Andre. I told you not to do anything stupid. We are in over our heads.” Cate says as she starts to follow Jordan back to the place we parked the cars.
“Fuck.” Gemma exclaims as I grab her hand with my gloved one, smiling slightly at her. I rub circles on her palm to calm her.
“Look we’re going to figure this out okay? I promise.”
“Yeah okay I really need to sleep.”
“Me too. Let’s head back okay?”
“Yeah.” I put an arm around her shoulders and started walking towards Cate and Jordan but not before taking a look back at Marie and Andre mouthing a quick ‘bye’.
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I laid in bed listening to the music blaring through my headphones. The morning sunshine was streaming in through the windows and I hadn’t even gotten a wink of sleep. My brain likes to hate me on days like this. Insomnia only seemed to arrive at the time when either everything was going to hell or I was stressed. Today it was a combination of the two.
Insomnia was also one of the worst possible things for my particular power. It’s usual insistence to absorb life seemed to be dialed up to 3 thousand. It’s typical itchiness under my gloves had now grown into a horrible irritation that was steadily spreading over every single cell of my body.
Eyeing the plants on the window sill I finally made up my mind about the debate I had been having with myself for over ten minutes. Maybe absorbing just one of my spider plants couldn’t hurt right?
Just as I was pulling the fingers of my glove off my hand, I distantly heard Gemma running into my room. I pulled my headphones off and looked at my roommate who had the giddiest expression all over her face. 
“Uh yes?”
“Guess who’s on campus right now?”
“With the way you’re acting I would say Santa Claus.”
“What no? I mean close but no.”
“Well then who?” I asked as I pulled my glove fully back on again. The singing under my skin only getting worse and worse.
“Tek Knight.” The moment that the name left Gemma’s mouth I felt my face scrunch up in disgust. You learn a lot about people when you grow up around them and… Uncle Tek was a staple in our household after my dad met him at some random premiere.
“What? Why are you making that face?”
“Nothing. I didn’t know you liked the whole Tek Knight thing.”
“Oh right yeah I love those shows. I mean they’re pretty bad but that kind of makes them good you know?”
“Yup totally get that. I, shit, I need to get to class. I’m so sorry.”
“Don’t worry! But come find me if you do see Tek Knight, I need to ask him stuff about some of the episodes.”
“Okay! See you in a bit.”
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I adjust the straps of my canvas bag and start to scratch at my wrist. I had specifically chosen my least scratchiest gloves right before leaving the dorm but they didn’t seem to be doing me any favors. Fuck. I buried my head in my hands and tried to just fucking breath.
That only seemed to make the situation worse. Even with my eyes closed I could still practically hear everyone’s life flowing through their very veins. After everything that I had learnt about Vought and what they were doing in the school I really didn’t want to take another one of the pills.
The sounds of bustling students started to fall away as the itchiness grew and grew. Maybe it wasn’t a good idea to go cold turkey on an experimental drug with one of the most volatile powers.
I suddenly came down to earth when a hand started shaking my shoulder, my entire body jumped and I grabbed hold of whoever’s hand was shaking me and twisted on instinct.
“Woah Vic. Vic! Calm the fuck down.” My eyes flew open and it felt like the fog had cleared up, looking down at me with a disturbed look over their face was Jordan. Jordan whose hand I currently had in a weird death grip.
“Fuck shit. Sorry.” I said as I let go of her hand and went back to scratching my wrist.
“No umm don’t worry about it. Are you okay?”
“Yeah fine. What’s up?”
“Fine? Dude you literally nearly pulled my arm off.”
“Yeah I’m sorry about that. I’m a little stressed, I didn’t sleep much last night.”
“Me neither. It seems like this whole fucked up sit- Wait is that Rufus?” 
“Why the fuck is Marie talking to Rufus?” I turned my head and leaned to the side so the tree wasn’t blocking my view and right there was Marie talking to some bleach blonde dude. 
“Rufus? As in the one you warned me about?”
“Yeah the very same.”
“Huh. Wait oh shit where are they going?” I asked as Rufus started to lead Marie with a hand on her forearm.
“No idea but we should probably follow them. Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Yeah I should be fine in a bit.”
“Ok maybe take a nap soon?”
“Only if you join me.” I said in a sing-song voice as we started to follow Marie and Rufus. I felt another headache starting to form behind my eyes but shook it off. Time to sort out priorities… like flirting with Jordan.
“Tease.” I wink at them and she just throws her head back and laughs before shifting and nudging my shoulder with theirs.
As we followed the pair I got more and more nervous, especially when they got to the dorm rooms. I exchanged worried glances with Jordan and continued to shadow them. I only broke out into a full on sprint when Rufus shut the door to a dorm behind him, pulling Marie inside.
“Shit! Rufus open the goddamn door!” I yelled as I started banging with my gloved fists.
“Rufus you creep you better open the fucking door.” Jordan screamed beside me, I moved out of the way as they hit the door harder and harder, until it finally gave way with a blast of her power. What I very much didn’t expect to see was Marie suddenly covered in a spray of blood and Rufus falling to the side, clutching his dick?
“Marie fuck. Are you okay?”
“Nice work. Now come on.” Jordan said in a calm tone as we hauled Marie up from the floor and they passed her a towel. I spared a glance back at Rufus and sent him the bird before we left the dorm room. 
“Are you okay?” I asked Marie, sending her a small smile. The added adrenaline was not helping the forming headache.
“That was fucking dope. How did you do that?” Jordan added.
“Uh I have no idea, I’ve never been able to do that before… should we call somebody?”
“Nah, that guy deserved it.” I said as I rubbed my fingertips on my temples.
“Are you okay?” Marie asked as she nervously clutched the towel in her hands.
“Oh yeah, fine. No need to worry about little old me.” They both looked at me with raised eyebrows and Jordan had a whole calculating look on their face that was frankly slightly freaking me out.
“Hmm sure.”
“Also Marie what the fuck were thinking going to him for help?”
“I can’t just do nothing.”
“Ok before this turns into another fight, no idea why the fuck you guys hate each other so much but I’m going to go. My head is literally killing me right now.” Jordan’s face relaxed from one of slowly building rage to something much softer.
“Vic? Do you want to go down to the health center or something?”
“Nah I’m going to go lie down for a bit.”
“I’ve got to go as well. Get this blood off of me.”
“You know, maybe a thank you would have been nice!” Jordan yelled out towards Marie’s already retreating back.
“For what exactly?”
“Wow next time we won’t go around rescuing again.”
“You didn’t do anything.”
“Fucking did.”
“I exploded his dick.”
“God you guys are so fucking childish.” I said with a slight laugh in my voice and started to walk down the hall.
“Because we distracted him! Tagteam cocksplosion am I right Vic?” I chuckled and just let Jordan put her arm around my shoulders after they jogged up to my side. 
“Whatever you say darling.”
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I had been able to sleep for a few hours before I was rudely awakened by a really loud phone call. The headache continued to persist and the itchiness was at an all time worst.
“Hello?” I spoke into the phone’s speaker, my voice was groggy and scratchy. I should take some Vought pills… no, nope not again. Not unless they are a necessity.
“Darling! How are you Victoria?” Spoke the overly cheery voice of my honorary uncle, his baritone seemed to rattle through my brain.
“Uncle Tek?”
“Yes darling. How would you like to have a feature on the show? Andre walked out and a little birdie told me that you had known Luke.”
“Only for a few hours…”
“Perfect that should be enough. Can you meet me at Auditorium 5 in 20?”
“Uh… sure?” 
“Wonderful. See you soon kiddo!” The phone line clicked off and I let out a loud groan into the empty room. Fuck me.
For ten torturous minutes I stood in front of my mirror trying to get myself into a slightly presentable state. My eyeliner kept getting messed up because of my shaky hands and everything else just seemed to be impossible to do. Finally I was able to just slick my hair back and throw on some lipstick before walking gingerly out of the door and towards the Performing Arts school.
“Kiddo! Wow you look so old now.”
“That’s what happens when time passes, Uncle Tek. How have you been?” I asked as the taller man engulfed me in a quick hug. I suppressed the flinch that the action had caused. The pain was getting worse.
“Good, good. I really did miss you Victoria. I’m sorry I’ve gotten so busy.”
“Oh that’s okay I’ve been insanely busy as well. What exactly did you need me to do?”
“Just answer some questions, we just need some extra background on Luke.”
“Uh okay.”
“Wonderful, have a seat and we can get started. Three free thugs set three thugs free. Three free thus set three thugs free.” 
I flinched slightly as I sat down on the cushioned chair and started to run my gloved hands over the seams. You can do this.
“So here we are joined by Victoria Oaks, daughter to the actor Adrian Oaks - better known as Frostbite. How well did you know Golden Boy, Victoria?”
“Oh not well, I mean I’ve known Andre for a while but I only really met Luke a few days before the official first day of school.”
“And what did you think of him? Did he seem deranged to you?” My body immediately tensed up and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.
“Luke was a perfectly normal and stable guy. He was also genuinely nice.”
“Have you heard of how many serial killers were also known as ‘nice’?”
“Yes of course but Luke wasn’t like-”
“You did say that you only really knew him for a few hours. How would you know his true nature? Also sorry for my poor choice of words, instead of serial killer I feel like the word murderer or monster might be more apt.” My jaw dropped in a shocked gasp, my brain wasn’t ready for this kind of barrage of information. I thought this would be a normal interview, especially because well I knew Tek. 
“Uncle Tek… what are you trying to get at here?”
“Just the truth Victoria. The whole truth.” Fuck this, no wonder Andre walked out on this interview. I had always been glad that I never got to be on the other end of Tek’s interrogation tactics, now I know why.
“Look, Uncle Tek. My head is killing me right now, would it be okay if we just postponed this?” I said, trying to be as nice as possible. Tek’s face fell, almost as if a switch had been flipped.
“Shit cut the cameras. Kid are you okay? Are you taking the pills?” I narrowed my eyes at him and shifted to the right.
“How do you know about the pills?”
“I do still talk to your dad, you know.”
“Right yeah. Uh, would it be okay if I just…”
“Of course, I’ll walk you back myself.”
“You really don’t have to do that, plus I need to make sure you take those pills. Your dad might actually kill me if I don’t take care of his daughter.” You mean his asset I thought.
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I laid in bed after Tek had dropped me off with a promise that he would call me in a bit. He also insisted I take the pills. Looking down at the silver packaging I felt my spine shudder. Those little green pills could do wonders right now but what were they actually doing to my powers? 
Looking back on it I can’t even remember how I started taking these, there was never a reason as to why. They just appeared one day and dad made me promise that I would take them. I must have been 7 or 8 maybe. It was just after another one of the incidents… or was it?
I scrunched up my eyebrows in contemplation as I continued to stare at the green tablets. I had to be at a Superhero Branding class soon and it would be better to actually be vaguely coherent when I attended it. So…
“Fuck it.” I poked one of the little capsules out and popped it into my mouth before washing it down with a sip from my water bottle. I’ll go cold turkey tomorrow.
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I twirled my pen between my fingers as I watched on to the clusterfuck that was Tek Knight interrogating someone. If I looked anything like Marie did in this moment I was probably a mess on camera. Ugh. At least the headache was gone and my power had quieted down into a soft hum under my skin. All it had taken was one tiny little fucking pill that I didn’t even want to take in the first place.
“Jordan’s the hero. Not me.” I shook out my stupor as I focused on Marie again. Holy shit she actually did it. I looked over to Jordan and they had a similar look of shock on her face. They must have realized I was looking over at them because she turned to lock eyes with me. I mouthed ‘holy shit’ and they responded by mouthing ‘I know’ back.
The whole class watched with bated breaths as Marie grabbed her bag and basically stormed out of the classroom. I looked over to Tek and rolled my eyes before grabbing my own bag and shoving my tablet and books into the small space.
“Hey! Jordan, wait up.” I exclaimed as I jogged up to the door where they were already pulling the handle.
“Want to hang out or something? I found some extra weed in my bag this morning and well… it kind of looks like you need it.”
“Are you just trying to stop me from following Marie?”
“What! That is a baseless accusation. Why would I ever…” I exclaimed in an overly dramatic voice but when I saw that Jordan wasn’t all that amused I changed my tactic, “Yeah I am. Marie just went through a Tek Knight interrogation™ so maybe just give her some space. I promise I will come with you when you want to talk to her.”
“Yeah I- I get that. Let’s get some of that weed you were talking about.”
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“Where the fuck did you get this shit?”
“Hmm?” I asked as I shifted over on the bed so I was now facing Jordan, their face was totally blissed out. They looked ethereal. 
“This is really good weed.”
“Oh yeah… I grow it.”
“What?” Jordan turned to look at me this time and actually seemed sort of surprised that I had been staring at her so intensely.
“Yeah… I mean I love plants and I got bored one day. It’s all legal in LA, plus my dad is keeping it up for me.”
“You’re so fucking cool.”
“What are you talking about? You’re literally the definition of cool in my book. You’re funny, awesome and really fucking incredible.” I said, poking Jordan slightly in the shoulder with a playful smile on my face.
“Sureee. God I wish I could fucking kiss you right now.” My jaw dropped in the same instant that Jordan’s face went from calm to ‘OH SHIT’.
“Oh fuck wait forget I said that I’m high, yup I’m high-”
“Woah Jordan, chill. I also would love to kiss you right now.” I interrupted Jordan’s frankly very cute rambling by pressing my gloved fingers to their lips and smoothing over the skin on their cheek. A second later they shifted and he looked at me with the most beautiful smile.
“Yes really. I’ve wanted to kiss you for a while actually.” I giggled slightly and continued to stroke my fingertips lightly over his features. Their hand came up and dragged my gloved hand to his mouth where they placed a delicate kiss over my fingertips, then my knuckles, then-
The door flew open with a bang and we jumped apart as if we had scalding water thrown over us. Standing in the doorway were Emma, Marie and Gemma - all with varying expressions of concern, awe and surprise on their faces.
“Uh we’re sorry to interrupt whatever this is but we need to go.” Gemma said with a desperate tone in her voice.
“Right yup okay. What’s going on exactly?” I asked as I jumped up from the bed and started to straighten out my gloves. “Wait- Emma?”
“No time to explain. Sam is planning to kill Dr. Cardosa. We need to go.”
“Shit, Dr. Cardosa. He used to work with Brink. I know where he lives.” Jordan said as they smirked slightly in my direction. I smiled back and stood there for a few seconds, as if entranced by their eyes.
“Great, let’s go then.” 
“Right yup.”
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I jogged in behind Jordan and started to take off my gloves. This Dr. Cardosa’s house was actually pretty nice, the paintings were also tasteful huh? Who thought an evil doctor had good taste in art?
I heard the refrigerator hitting something hard before I saw it. Andre was standing with his arms outstretched towards who I assumed was Sam, who instantly threw it off and turned towards Andre with rage painted all over his features. But he stopped short when he caught my eyes. He narrowed them and tilted his head.
“I know you. How did you get out? ARE YOU WITH THEM NOW?”
“I-uh I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’ve never seen you before in my life.” I stuttered out, this whole situation was just getting weirder and weirder. And how the fuck would he know me?
“I recognise your voice. I’m Sam, we used to-”
“Woah okay maybe we should just take a second to breathe.” Sam took his eyes away from mine and looked at Andre.
“You- you fucking caught me. You’re one of them!” 
“We didn’t know who you were then.” Marie exclaimed as she started to make calming gestures with her hands.
“Sam let us help you!”
“No Cate! You are never touching me again! Get the fuck out of here. You’re all fucking puppets.” That made me stop short, puppets? That seemed to rattle something in my brain that I couldn’t quite understand.
“Sam, you said I was your hero okay? Let me help you.”
“No, no. They’re not.”
“What the fuck is his problem?” I turned to look at Andre, that fucking idiot. 
“What did you just say to me?” Sam grabbed Andre and proceeded to smash him into the hard floor, actually cracking it before throwing him into the fireplace. Holy shit. Marie then did her whole cool blood manipulation stuff which was quite honestly insane to see in action while I just stood there sort of frozen.
The pill’s effects had started to wear off and the migraine was coming back full force. The itchiness was building up quite steadily and without the gloves on my hands all I wanted to do was grab someone and take and take and take. 
I was thrown out of my stupor when I realized that everyone had somehow gotten outside while I was busy staring down at my naked hands. The short nails covered in remains of black nail polish seemed to glare at me. Begging to just scratch something. 
“Victoria, Victoria look at me.” I looked up to see that Dr. Cardosa was steadily moving towards me with his hands steadily up in the air.  “You need to take the pill.”
“You need to take-”
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I groggily opened my eyes to bright sunshine streaming onto my face. Fuck that was weird. I brought up my hand to wipe the sleep from my eyes when something hard seemed to hit my face instead.
I brought my hand up in front of me and realized it was covered in some sort of diamond shell… and my gloves were gone. Looking down I also realized I was very naked, lying in bed next to Jordan.
What the fucking fuck?
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hope you enjoyeddd - i literally did research on vic's powers for like an hour to figure out that last scene. lmk what you think !!
taglist: @neapolitantoebeans @scorchedfangirl @losers-club6 @vvyuqi @bubblebuttwade @fix5idiots @ponypickle @nellyboosworld
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akai-anna · 25 days
Rambling post about The Art TM
Firstly, a special thank you to @livmadart who fuelled my motivation with her lovely tags on my art to finish making this post as soon as I could (life just likes to get in my way). You are such an amazing person and artist (by the way, everyone should totally check out Liv's BDay piece for our favourite little menace BECAUSE IT'S GORGEOUS), and your words always mean a lot to me (even if I'm not the best at communication, for which I apologize, still love and adore you, despite the awkwardness and sporadic talks).
The Idea
My art was inspired by the amazing @detshin's piece. Ever since I've seen it, I felt the urge to make a companion piece for it; I adore the composition and the symbolism in it to bits.
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The Concept
I also wanted to take my own spin on the piece. From the start I wanted:
Conan's eyes not being covered (because he can see)
Conan looking at the viewer like he is looking straight into your soul. No thoughts, head empty why, it just felt right.
His mouth to be the one that is covered in some way. The sheer symbolism of his mouth being obstructed (but cannot speak) just made my heart ache so badly.
Changing the outfit based on this musing of mine.
As for the rest, it came about when sketching around, and waiting for that CLICK in my brain. And the forget-me-nots covering his mouth was that CLICK: SYMBOLISM IS MY LIFEBLOOD.
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The Materials
I had 2 techniques in mind: watercolours and soft pastels. Ultimately I decided on soft pastels because
I haven't worked with pastels in YEARS, yet I adore the technique
I haven't used these pastels since I got them from an attic cleaning that we did for an old lady last year-ish (they would have been thrown away, after YEARS OF DISUSE and my heart couldn't take it, SUCH BEAUTIFUL MATERIALS TO WASTE AWAY)
I felt that what the material has to offer suited this particular piece: the vibrant colours offering a certain contrast to the original piece, and a certain feel (especially on the right paper) to the texture.
After some testing, I decided that going with a dark background works better: it made the colours more vibrant, and the slight texture of the paper did its magic. + Dark VS Light background colour was another nice contrast between the two pieces.
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The Making
At first I didn't know what to use to sketch with, so I tested a couple things, and ultimately went with a white pencil: easy enough to erase if needed but also visible enough to see on this particular paper I had.
Looking up and studying tons of reference pictures for various things (sometimes with more, sometimes with less luck): the pose, facial features, the flowers... I have a whole folder of 'em LMAO
Actually drawing that sketch LOL
Then came the colours, which I tested on a separate piece of paper, to see which ones I want to use... After that I added the main blocks of colours.
And when I liked it, proceeding with the actual colouring: mixing all the different colours and layering them. In some places I used 4-6 colours (or more, depending how you look at it), while I used only 2, but mostly 3 in others.
Lastly: I used hairspray as a fixative, which slightly changed the quality and texture of the pastels and colours. (See below.)
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The Feelings
As mentioned above, it has been years (I think around a decade actually, what the fck) since I used soft pastels, so it was a bit of a challenge to get back into using the material (and I'm not as experimental and confident I want to be yet, and likely fried my brain a little in the process). Also tons of fun, though! I forgot how much fun is there in the process of creation, and this piece brought that back into my life.
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2dmax · 10 months
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2dmax's commission info
custom artwork made to order; last updated 10/08/23
I have made the choice to rework my commissions to have a more traditional structure. This post is also currently somewhat of a WIP, and may be updated soon for clarification. Commissions currently in progress not subject to this update. Please see my new pricing below. Info will be repeated in plain text beneath the readmore. Also inside the readmore is what to expect when you order a commission, as well as my terms and conditions for use of my artwork. For something not listed here, please feel free to reach out with a question!
all art is defacto lined and flat colored/minimally shaded. sketch commissions are not available at this time.
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Couples, groups, furries, scalies, ferals, pets, fantasy animals, robots, fantasy humanoids, backgrounds and props all OK. Not sure? Just ask!
Thank you for reblogging, even if you’re not interested in a commission right now! 🎨⭐
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Regular commissions:
chibi, portrait, bust, or icon:
$60 base price
request traditional art +10
request specific pose +10 (artist may choose to waive)
pair/couple interaction = subtotal x 1.2
group lineup or interaction = subtotal x 1.5
extra desired complexity +20 (if artist chooses to add on own accord/without request, no extra charge
half body (above the waist):
$80 base price
request traditional art +15
other options same as above
full body:
$120 base price
request traditional art +20
other options same as above
ref sheet; includes a combination of full body poses, busts/expressions, detail drawings, differing outfits, chibi art, and notes, as per your request; cost is subtotal x2
Experimental commissions:
18"x24" poster
artist's choice of medium only
base cost $200
paper clay figurine
chibi humanoids/animals/ferals/anthros only
base cost $100
delicate art items, not toys; not suitable for children
standalone comics page
2-5 panels, 1-2 characters, 1 location
artist's choice of medium only
base cost $200
wildcard commission
true PWYW - $1+
can only give me basic request; everything else up to artist, including medium, pose, decision to abstract or simplify, physical size, etc.
pay what you want means get what you get. quality not guaranteed.
Here’s what to expect when you order:
Send me a PM with basic info; what you would like me to draw, your budget, and if you have a deadline.
I will ask a few questions to be able to build up the concept. I will also give you my e-mail, where you can send me further info and any references you'd like to share!
Your sketch is typically ready within a week; I’ll always update you on my progress. After we agree on the sketch, payment will be due. After it’s paid, I will give you an estimate for when I will be finished with your piece.
Your finished artwork will be e-mailed to you. I am also happy to mail physical art at cost!
Your commission is for personal use; icons, roleplaying, in your blog theme, as a wallpaper, or to print out and tape to your fridge. Commercial use can be negotiated.
You must credit me on the platform used if reposted. Always OK to post to ToyHouse; my username is 2dmax there. On instagram and all other platforms where I don't have an account, please credit my instagram @/maximumgroove.
You may not use my art to promote anything hateful or illegal. You may not claim it as anyone else’s creation. You may not use it for commercial uses, or to edit, adapt, trace, or directly reference, without getting permission. I may use my art in my own promotional material.
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golby-moon · 2 months
I have zero self-control when it comes to creature!cas in any form so I saw a selkie!cas option for the @deancaspinefest and all other thoughts ceased to exist uh
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I tried a mix of two styles for this fic's art by combining my usual thick black outlines with the crayon pen on Flipaclip to create layered colors, as per my author's request. this let me do almost like a children's story book vibe here but I think that's just the name of the pen talking. either way look seal Cas hdhfndi (and my attempt at drawing a boat but ignore that as well as the weirdly tiny credits)
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here's Dean rescuing Cas who looks like he just woke up from a nap or something there. Dean's expression looked better before I erased half of it to make room for Cas' head and I'm now unsure what face Dean's really supposed to be making beyond exertion meets determination. I originally had a lighter blue sky here (as well as in the banner) but the author assures me the sky in Scotland only comes in grey, which has the added bonus of making this whole atmosphere a little more tense
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it took me forever to get a decent angle for this one it was just weirdly impossible for no reason and I only got this after trashing six other partially complete sketches and it still looks kinda weird but it was unexpectedly impossible trying to get a view where you can see Dean and Cas. also just now realizing that the pipe on the showerhead leads nowhere oops
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*obligatory image of Dean falling in the water while marine flavored creature!cas saves him (or, well, looks at him ig)*
still very bad at drawing water but an attempt was made though Dean's pose could be better and Cas looks too small to really be able to swim Dean back to shore. let's just ignore...all of that uh. I intentionally made Dean's outfit here symbolic and all that. in the other pics, he's wearing reds and greys but now he's wearing a tan not unlike Cas' trench coat (albeit darker) and his flannel is a mixture of blue and green, representing both the ocean and ofc him and Cas (desitle colors gjkdhdgf) because I'm weak and Dean was pining for so long that he subconsciously starting wearing Cas Colors ,_,
so yay style experimentation and double yay for Dean and Cas being dumb again 🎉
the fic this is made for is called "all out to sea" by @s7jacket for the deancas pinefest bang
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zoeykallus · 2 years
smutty hcs? yes please!
how about some turn ons for the bad batch?
one for hunter should be the reader stealing/wearing hunters clothing *mainly sweats and bandanas hehehehehehe
I was so sure I've done something like this before.... but I can't find it in my documents nor in my Masterlist.... strange. well maybe I imagined that! Okay turn ons, let's see.... As alaways if you don't give me a gender, I assume female ^^' Hope that's okay. I hope I got it right.
The Bad Batch - Spicy Headcanons 6 - Turn Ons HC's
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Strongly Suggestive 18+ (Partly SMUT)
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He can't help it if you run around half-naked in his sweaters or shirts, that automatically gets him going. Just the thought of his clothes smelling like you makes his blood boil. When you walk past him, he will grab the fabric of his clothes and pull you towards him. His hands will be so fast under the fabric and on your breasts that you will hardly have time to complain or realize that he is holding you. He will immediately be all over you, wild kisses, groping and little love bites will follow shortly after.
Wet clothes, he didn't know he was into it until you got splashed more or less by accident at the pool and your shirt was wet against your skin. As quickly as he dragged you into the next quiet corner, you can not really realize what's going on, but then you feel very clearly his hard length on your leg through his trunks.
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Shiny skin, when your skin shines, through oil or lotion, Echo is completely lost. The moment you find this out is heated and nervous, the usually submissive rather reserved Echo is suddenly quite fiery and can't keep his hands off you.
Dirty praise. The moment you utter a dirty praise for the first time during your lovemaking makes him downright vibrate. "That's it Echo, eat that pussy, you're doing very well". His cock twitches with excitement, he moans and almost rolls his eyes, he is suddenly so horny that he can't wait for you to sit down on his hard length.
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Dirty Talk. The dirtier the better. Tell him how much you want his cock, how great he feels, what you want to do with him, he will be wax in your hands. Best of all, be loud, that turns him on. He loves it when he can hear that he is doing something good for you.
Suggestive movements. Bending over seductively or dancing around him with a suggestive hip swing already gets him going. He likes it when you are vibrant and if you can show it in the context of your sex life, he will be blown away. A lap dance is the best and hottest surprise you can give him. He will spoil you so much that your legs will tremble when you even think about his touch.
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Surprise him with new ideas that you want to try. It doesn't matter how busy he is, if you go to him and whisper a new sexy idea to him, he will drop everything, he loves your experimentation and open-mindedness very much. He finds it incredibly sexy when you share his curiosity.
Keep your clothes on during sex. You can try many different combinations, he likes it best when what you wear reveals as much as possible without revealing everything. Breastless corsages / corsets for example with a panty that has an opening through which he can fuck you, one of his favorite outfits. Whenever he sees you wearing that, he's immediately hard. Leather, latex and vinyl he loves on you, if you have high heels on, he tends to let you take the lead every now and then and dominate him if you like.
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Call him names. Especially call him authoritative names, Master, Daddy, Sir, as an example. He loves to be dominant and when you play along he is blown away. For example, you walk up to him and look at him: "I've been naughty, Master". He will blink while several things are happening in his body at the same time. "Well then, I will have to punish you". If you let him, he will tie you to the bed and you can expect several hours of hot play. He'll wear you out until you can't take it anymore.
He also likes bondage games, of course, but he has another preference that you will probably find out only after quite a while, because he will not address you on it. He likes sex in total darkness, when he can't see you but only feel you. This is something very personal for him, very intimate and as hard as in this moment, you have not experienced him yet.
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@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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lucyav13 · 23 days
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(credits of the image to its respective author)
Her name, is derived from the word "mimic", hence her name for her ability to shape-shift. Her true form is that of an evil-looking robotic spider, seen during most of the battles against her. Whenever Mimi is in her true form, her dialogue box is in a shade of purple with white text color, similar to the Shadow Queen and Bonetail in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.
 Mimi gives a lot of information about herself in the "That's My Merlee!" show, here all of her information:
Her birthday is May 5.
Her childhood nickname was the "Odd Porpoise".
She likes to watch reruns of Super Ultra Goomba Bros.
Her favorite smell is old cheese.
When washing in the tub, she starts with mold in the tiles, then the faucets.
Her favorite food is tangerines.
Her type of guy is present in the bathroom during the quiz. (Most likely referring to Mario)
Her favorite animal is a demon.
She wants a boyfriend.
Her best feature is her effervescent personality.
Other aspects of Mimi's personality are revealed, such as how she hates brussels sprouts and old ham (carrots and peppers in the Japanese version) but hates the dark more. She also enjoys fashion, and is the one of the only characters who change their outfits. Mimi wrote in her diary that her dream of a perfect world is a gem-filled pool with hunky lifeguards; this is one of the many times Mimi is shown to have a love for gems (especially Rubees) and boys.
Like Mario and Dimentio, Mimi is gifted with the ability to flip to 3-D. Mimi can also hover in the air, fly and warp to different locations. Fact: When her eyes and arms stretch out into the other two pairs, make a casino-esque jackpot noise.
Mimi's true identity is shrouded in mystery. There are two theories, according to Carson, that may explain who Mimi really is: a failed Pixl created by the Ancients, or the unintended result of a witch's experimentation with shape-shifting potions. A third theory could be her True Form. If Mario flips into 3D, the player can see gears from inside Mimi's spider form, implying that Mimi may be a robot altogether. This could be supported also by the fact that she apparently explodes into pieces in Chapter 2-3, but survives. Another explanation for her explosion in 2-3 is that she was still invincible, so she survived.
"I'm Lady Merlee's handmaid. My name's Mimi!"
"But you can call me Mimikins if you want!"
"Coins?! No one uses COINS anymore, you peasants! I SPIT on your coins!"
"I guess I'll congratulate you... by tearing you into little bits like stupid confetti!"
"Nighty-night! It's bedtime for you guys!"
"I like getting what I want, so I do whatever I need to get it."
Additional information
Catch Card: 191
Max HP ?? (6 hits)
Attack 1
Defense 0
Score 2000
Role Boss
Card type Uncommon
Location(s) Merlee's Basement (2-4)
Card location(s) Card Shop; Map 15
Card description It's Mimi, the adorable, yet slightly unstable shape-shifter! Word is, she has a crush on Count Bleck.
Tattle: Invincible. This is Mimi... So is this her true form? She'll come after you if you stay too long in any room... And our attacks don't work, so we should keep moving...
Normal: That's Mimi. She's a slightly childish shape-shifter that works for Count Bleck... Max HP is ?? and Attack is 1. Just go for the head when you attack... She will briefly stop when she gets hit... That is when you should go on the attack... She might also hang from the ceiling and throw Rubees at you...
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Fun facts:  Her name in japanese and korean came from "money", referring to her fondness of Rubees, which refers to her spider-like true form.
Mimi is the only one of Count Bleck's main minions who also serves as a Chapter boss.
Mimi is a rather prominent homage to the 1982 science fiction horror film The Thing. The film's main antagonist is an extraterrestrial organism capable of shapeshifting, and one of its most notable appearances in the film is as a grotesque, upside-down face on several spider-like legs; save for the alien origin, the creature's traits are prominently featured in Mimi's character.
The above text is from the Super Mario Wiki and is available under a Creative Commons license. Attribution must be provided through a list of authors or a link back to the original article. Source: https://www.mariowiki.com/Mimi
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assignmentimprobable · 11 months
EDIT 7/29: Commissions are temporarily CLOSED! I’ve got some hefty projects on my plate and I want to be able to tend to them so that everybody gets their money’s worth. Thank you to everybody who’s hit me so far, I love u 🥺
Well. Okay, so.
The family car’s front tires fucked off into the ether on Friday. I hate doing asking for money. But seeing as my savings are down to nill, I think it’s a good time to actually make good on a commission rates post. You can donate if you want, but this way I will not feel even an ounce of guilt for monetary support. I'm more or less just trying to survive until next month when I get my loan from school.
Here you'll find my rates, along with examples of my work for each category. I'm putting some stuff below so you can have a looksie of my catalogue... maybe stoke some interest,,,
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Ground Rules:
Canon Characters
Ship art
Your faves, in the skimpiest outfits you can think of
Anthro - ie. I'm not skilled enough to feel comfortable charging people money for it
Explicit NSFW (I will do 'saucy' or spicy-tinted stuff)
All prices are USD
For my sake and also yours: I don't start work until the commission is paid in full.
I work full-time, so the commissions will take time. I'll be in constant touch with some progress shots depending on the length of time it takes to finish.
"Experimental" means that I fuck with the color palette and composition of what you've commissioned me for. It's my discretion and I take liberties using all of my tools to try something new. This is as opposed to a more straightforward palette, or even one you've requested me to use with the complimentary simple background I give.
Additional characters cost additional money! It’s on the rate sheet itself at the bottom.
You do NOT have my permission to use my work for NFTs or AI. Ever.
I use paypal invoices exclusively, but if you know another method- let me know!
Send all inquiries to [email protected], or if you know me personally: Just DM me on discord. We can talk poses and logistics there.
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airasora · 4 months
Disney princess gowns from best to worst IMO
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@little-bloodied-angel asked me what my favorite and least favorite Disney gowns were so it inspired me to ALSO make my first tier template ever, which you can try yourself HERE! Do reblog my post with your answer to it or tag me in your post if you want to share, I'm curious :D
I LOVE this dress! It's got everything I would love in a princess gown: Big and poofy yet elegant, has flowers and leaves which gives it a forest feel and it sparkles! Only thing I'd change is the color cause I'm not a big fan of green, but for Tiana, it's obviously perfect.
Yes, it's a sequel dress. Yes, it's not something Pocahontas would choose. Yes,l it represents some icky things, but if I look at JUST the dress and not what it represents, I freaking love it. What really sells it to me is that despite the colors being muted and elegant, there's turquoise elements in it which makes it stand out.
I HATE SHE ONLY WEARS THIS FOR A COUPLE OF MINUTES AND THEN NEVER AGAIN IN ANY OF THE GODDAMN SEQUELS! I love that Jasmine is a pants girl, but this purple dress is so freaking cute. It's less sexy than her normal outfit, but still sexy, I love purple and I honestly prefer these earrings in comparison to her normal ones that are just too chunky for my taste.
This might be the Scandinavian in me, but I love the patterns on Anna's dress. It's big and poofy at the bottom, but more loose and has room for movements due to the bare arms. It's formal without being stuffy.
Her ending dress is grossly underrated and if anyone of you knows of a cosplayer who has made this dress irl, let me know cause I'd love to see this dress come to life. I think her normal dress is cute too, but this is utterly adorable.
I really like Merida's normal dress, but this is about the "gowns" and since this is the more formal attire she has, that's the one that had to be on the list. I do really like this one (as long as it wouldn't be so goddamn tight on her lol) It's simple and elegant, I love the blue and gold, and I love the simplicity of it until the very bottom where we get multi-colored gems and a really cute pattern.
We're getting to the "meh" tier now and it may come as a surprise to some of you that, despite my love for Belle, I don't care for her ballgown. One reason is that I straight up don't see Belle choosing that type of gown for herself. I know that "logically" she kinda just has to wear whatever is available, so whatever, but I genuinely don't think Belle would choose that dress for herself if she had completely free choice. And the other reason is that I just am not a big fan of yellow... most of the time. Not always. I've seen this dress in multiple different colors at this point (mostly because of my own experimentation) and I like it a lot more in almost every single other color.
I don't mind this dress too much. I think it's cute... for Ariel. Pink looks really good on redheads, I like that it's big, but also somewhat muted. I like the long sleeves, but HATE the poofy shoulders. I despise puff sleeves, unless they're very controlled (like on Rapunzel). Her wedding dress is a million times worse though xD
The dress that inspired the post to begin with... Elsa's ice gown. It's... fine. Could have had WAY more fun with the ice and snow theme so as it is it's a bit underwhelming. It's kinda cute... and that's it.
I was neutral on Mulan's hanfu until I actually looked up hanfu to see more examples of it and then I started hating it. What the FUCK is this, Disney??? Literally the first 50 images that show up when you google "hanfu" are a million times more gorgeous than this. I don't want to step on any toes if I'm accidentally being culturally ignorant here, but judging this purely as a "princess dress"... it could just have been so much better. (Seriously, google "hanfu", holy crap can they be gorgeous!) I'm so mad at this one, I might edit Mulan into a different hanfu xD
... only thing I like about this one is the random cold shoulders. Or, well, not shoulders, it's more like part of the upper arms, but you know what I mean. It's just... wah.
I don't care if it's pink or blue, it's boring. I like the stabbing potential from the shoulders, but that's it. It's too simple. And, again, look up princess gowns from this historic period and you'll see so many gorgeous dresses. Wasted opportunity.
I SWEAR I'm not hating on her dress just cause I don't like her xD Once again, it's just too boring. It's all just one color, there's close to no accessories, accents or just... something. With Belle's dress, there's at least bows and pearls to give it some more oomph. And while those puffy shoulders aren't a travesty like Ariel's are, they just look so fucking weird x'D
Snow White
WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS DRESS?! No, seriously, the one who designed it should have been fired the moment they proposed the color scheme. Baby yellow with dark blue and red... WHAT. This is a dress I've hated since I was a child, and my mom can confirm that. I hate it. There's not a single thing about it I like, I legit hate every single thing about this dress and absolutely nothing and no one can change my mind that this is the worst Disney dress PERIOD. Not just princesses, not just backgrounds characters, ALL DRESSES.
Check out my tier list for Disney princess casual outfits here!
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kyogre-blue · 8 months
OK, up to the coronation (aka route split), but I couldn't include the coronation notes without hitting char limit.
I don't actually have too much to say here, since it's just the Kronya stuff, which... doesn't really reveal much. I'll just note that Kronya's sword has her as "Disciple Kronya" which I guess is interesting.
Since there's nothing else, I guess there's the point regarding what people know about each other going into the big part one finale:
Solon referred to Byleth as "Fell Star" already when casting Zahras, so the Agarthans had cottoned on about Byleth's situation at least in part, likely due to the Sword of the Creator.
As mentioned before, Edelgard and Hubert know that Demonic Beasts can be created artificially, and I would even say that some artificial ones already exist.
It is mentioned by several characters that Byleth's minty green color is "familiar" or "like someone else" and Flayn even directly says they match now. This is a super easy connection to make.
Seteth seems to not know that Agarthans can shapeshift, which works with Thales not wanting Kronya's body to be taken so that the specifics of their shapeshifting aren't discovered. iirc Seteth does obliquely refer to the Agarthans as being the likely culprits.
The Flame Emperor and the Death Knight being antagonists is at least known to Dimitri even though he theoretically wasn't around for the missions when we see them. Monica being an imposter is common knowledge after the fact. You doing a ceremony to receive a revelation from the goddess is common knowledge.
Anyway, the most interesting part starts after this.
Live blogging notes:
The Blue Sea star is not visible in winter. I kind of headcanon it as a planet in the same solar system, not an actual star in a different star system, but it being visible Jul to Dec and then invisible the rest of the year matches more with actual stars.
Alois doesn't like it when you blush at him lol
Alois has a wife and daughter???
Linhardt: I hate blood and killing :( (is friends with Hubert somehow)
Manuela: you need 13 charm to win; Sylvain: has 21 (albeit after the +5)
Full names: Alois Rangeld, Manuela Casagranda, Shamir Nevrand
The contestants are Sylvain (from me, because I think he's cute), Dimitri (who forced him into this?? he's so desperate NOT to get picked and yet??), and Raphael (Claude apparently showing his sense of humor).
I do not understand why the "dance competition" is doing waltz movements... alone. Especially when the dancer outfit is like that...? That's not a waltz outfit. And why are they dancing alone?! Listen, I've only seen AMVs of dancing animes but, it was definitely way cooler.
Shamir votes for Dimitri lol
You know, when GD made the promise to meet in 5 years, it was kind of cute. Not terribly meaningful, since their relationships were quite casual on the whole, but cute. Having Edelgard suggest it, knowing what she's planning barely months from now, is...... it's pretty messed up. It doesn't help that the Eagles don't really have a sense of camaraderie either.
Same cinematic for the ball. It was kind of one thing when Claude takes you by the hand and pulls you onto the dance floor (?) in GD, though the focus on Edelgard and Dimitri was pretty pointless, but here, it's just weird.
It's vaguely annoying that you can't choose who you meet at the Goddess Tower. I got Marianne on GD, and I got Ashe here... presumably because I recruited him by getting his B rank.
The chapel is within the monastery's walls.
OK, poking at the Demonic Beasts in the chapel, they are "Experimental Demonic Beasts" with "A shard from a shattered Crest Stone" embedded in their foreheads. They are a "more resilient variation." Although this won't be unique to them, they're also labelled as both "monsters" (unnatural beings wielding magic) and "dragons" (born or descended from the goddess herself).
There are 4 beasts and 3 students in trouble.
Jeralt suggests that the students being turned into beasts has "something to do with Remire," but I have come to doubt that Remire was a test run or directly related to the same research. The timeline is just too tight, and the Sothis paralogue won't make sense.
Bye, Jeralt (again).
Thales tells Kronya she must survive because there's a role he needs her to fulfil, but then Solon will kill her in like a month. In a scene later, he says that his only aim was actually to keep the mystery of their bodies from being revealed, which would happen if Kronya died (her body could be taken by the Church, I guess).
Worth noting that Seteth is very confused about Tomas and clearly does not know that Agarthans can shapeshift.
The explanation for why Byleth accepts Jeralt's death is still so weak. "It's fate," says Sothis. OK, but like, why. Because Thales said so??
Guardian Moon (January) is named after Seiros, who first appeared during this month.
The scene with Edelgard after Jeralt's death is a bit... She starts with a very tough love "have you lost the will to act" approach and discusses how no one can understand your sadness. Others can only offer the tears of an outsider. So she won't cry for you or stand still with you, she can only promise to offer her hand when the time comes for HER to move forward. Which is such a weird direction to take? What does this promise have to do with Byleth grieving?
Thales describes the Flame Emperor as their greatest creation, powerful enough to "burn even the gods." So it seems like they experimented on Edelgard specifically to create a powerful soldier who could face Rhea.
Based on this, it does seem like Edelgard targeting the church is a combination of needing to keep the Agarthans cooperating with her by going along with their aims and getting rid of the Knights in case their interfere (since the Knights supported Loog's separation from the empire). Very impersonal, despite how she sometimes frames it.
Edelgard directly tells Thales that there will be no salvation for their kind and blames them for Duscur (and the shit they caused in Enbarr, presumably the Insurrection of the Seven?).
Sylvain says that most noble children are tested at birth to see if they have a crest. Of course, he also says you can't be the heir without one, but like... Ingrid's family wants to marry her out and she's specifically the only one with the crest, so...
The dancer animation is killing me. It's so stupid.
Hubert suggests that the real aim behind Jeralt's murder was to provoke the Knights into spreading themselves thin hunting his killer.
Manuela says the dagger that killed Jeralt wasn't made of iron or steel and the wound it caused wasn't ordinary.
A lot of the named Church people are out of the monastery this month. Which means you can't train with them, which is annoying...
Dorothea casually drops how she had to survive kidnappings, attempted murders, and who knows what while at the opera. Girl, what??
Linhardt mentions, as we're entering the Sealed Forest, that we have no official mission this month. I guess things were too chaotic to assign us anything.
Kronya is using a sword called Athame, which is described as being crafted with archaic methods. Kronya herself is referred to as "Disciple Kronya." She also has a passive called "Agarthan technology" which makes adjacent foes deal 3 less damage. Is this the weird tentacles she has behind her?
Regarding the Sealed Forest itself, there's some ruins, the platform Kronya waits on (where Solon casts Zahras, which uses the pillars on the edges), a glowing red stone embedded in a sigil on a ruin wall, and the remains of mechanical weapon (I think the kind Rhea keeps in the Tomb in her paralogue?).
It snows on the Locket, I guess because the Throat is a mountain range.
The Holy Mausoleum vs Holy Tomb thing is SO confusing that Rhea has a dialogue line that uses the wrong one lmao
Everyone at the monastery knows we're going to receive a revelation, but Manuela mentions that this is the first time she's heard of the Holy Tomb.
One of the Knights at the monastery mentions that he noticed more people in town than usual. Edelgard's hidden troops are on the move...
Dimitri mentions "this month's mission," so it seems Blue Lions have one, which should NOT be going down into the Tomb with Byleth... I would say this, but Felix's dialogue expects you to do something about Dimitri and like... he's not in my class, dude...
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nihilnovisubsole · 9 months
is writing for video games exactly what you had imagined it would be? (also congrats on your success so far!)
not at all, but i think that's more to do with me not knowing what to expect from it in the first place. before i got into game writing, i'd only ever written prose, and you almost never get the chance to do "pure" prose writing in games. [of course, i'm just talking about the kind of game i work on right now. there's a wide indie market of interactive fiction, VNs, and other experimental genres if you want to see how prose and games can interact.]
i also had initial industry experience that didn't accurately represent what other game writing jobs would be like. at voltage, we were given extremely densely-plotted beat sheets and afforded no opportunity to pitch our own ideas. that's not to deprive the writers of credit. on the contrary: every voltage character got their spark from the authorial voice of the writer behind them. i'm just saying that we worked under really strict parameters, and we tended to only get our own beats in when there was slack to pick up. flash forward to coh3, where my lead told me in the first meeting, "go forth, do research, and come back with a set of soldier story pitches." talk about culture shock! at obsidian, it's more of a mix: sometimes it's my brainchild, sometimes i help flesh out another designer's idea.
the big thing i would say about "what studio game writing is like" is that you do a bunch of different things on different days. one day you might have to write barks. one day you might pitch a quest, which is all in-house documentation that players will never see. once that pitch is approved, you might have to write its dialogue. or you might get tapped to write examinables that aren't part of any quest. ["examinables" are those notes that you find and read throughout a game's world. you know, "dear diary, my super serum is complete!" next to a blown-up skeleton.] i get bored quickly, so this is good for me. but it's definitely nothing like sitting down my deep, dark well and picking at my prose stories.
the other - maybe more important - thing is you're not working in a vacuum. other departments will impose requests and restrictions upon you. in prose, you can write anything. your vocabulary and your imagination are your only limits. in game writing, you're often cooking with the ingredients you've got. you may pitch a mind-blowing idea for a fight scene, but it could require moves that the animation team doesn't have. or you may be assigned a mission that has some kind of puzzle, and it's your job to convincingly fit the puzzle into the story. it sounds frustrating, and it can be. believe me, i would love for all my game characters to get Super Deluxe Bespoke AK Outfit Designs. but after a while, you learn where you can dig into the details and where it's better to keep your options open.
[i mean, i think. i still die on all the wrong hills.]
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