#yoongi sngst
bts-0t-7 · 6 months
So What? | MYG | Epligoue
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Pair: Hybrid Cat Yoongi x F Reader 
Summary: Running from a past that foreshadows him, Yoongi is adamant about ever turning back to his human counterpart form, in hopes that nobody would recognise him and take him away. You worked at a cafe with your best friend. As a more-than-normal day seemed to go by, you discovered something amidst your housing block. Perhaps - just perhaps, the nighttime is where the angels arrive. 
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Hybrid, non-idol au
Warnings: Contains explicit language, abuse
WC: 635
Taglist: @bearr02 @svnbangtansworld @vintageoldfashion @rkivemaar @bontensbabygirl @codeinebelle @ldysmfrst @idkjustlovingbts @popcatx0 @yoonjinsgirl @marblemoonstones
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“Min Ji Sung!” You chased after your son. “I said stop running and put on your pants!”
Giggling could be heard as your son tried climbing up the stairs. Still too young to move up fast, you easily caught him at the bottom of the stairs and pulled up his pants. “Do not run around the house without clothes. People can see your butt.” 
All the cheeky little boy did was wiggle his butt, tail wagging as he pistoned up the stairs on all four - only to be caught by Yoongi. His loud giggles rang clearly throughout the house as Yoongi ambushed him with belly tickles. 
“You gonna listen to your mommy now?” Yoongi continued tickling him until he was short of breath from laughing. Yoongi got up and walked over to you, leaving your son on the ground to catch his breath. 
Placing his hands on your six-month-old pregnant belly, Yoongi kissed your lips. “Hey, Jagiya.”
You smiled against his lips. Just then, Ji Sung clutched onto your legs. “No kissing! Mine!”
Yoongi looked at him, offended. “What? Before you is me! Your mom is mine, not yours. You’ll find yours when you’re old enough.”
Ji Sung wildly shook his head, soft cat ears flapping with the direction. “No! Mine!”
Yoongi pouted, looking at you. You - on the other hand - were trying to control your laughter looking at the two males in the family having a catfight. 
“Don’t drag me into this now.” You laughed and picked Ji Sung up, propping him on your non-existent hips. 
“Come on, let’s go or we’ll be late to the party.” You held Yoongi’s hand, walking down the stairs. 
Yoongi took Ji Sung from you and strapped him into the car seat, ensuring that his tail wouldn’t be squashed as he lay back. Patting his head, Yoongi left your son to help you pack the diaper bag in the trunk. 
Yoongi drove to the destination of Jimin’s house, listening to Ji Sung’s soft snores and you cooing at him. Yoongi was so focused on the both of you that when your hands came in contact with his ears, he jolted. 
“What got you so deep in thought, love?” You smiled at his lack of response. 
But now, all Yoongi saw was an angel. You looked like the purest thing on Earth, the best thing that ever came into his life. You were glowing and Yoongi basked in it. A tear slid down his cheeks and you grew worried.
“Yoongs,” You stroked his ears. 
Yoongi wiped away the tears, pulling the car into the parking lot of Jimin’s house and instantly bringing your face to his. 
“Nothing’s wrong, Jagiya.” He sniffled. “I just… got an epiphany.”
You chuckled at his choice of words. Yoongi was never one to use big words. “Oh really?”
“Yeah really.” Yoongi nodded, his signature gummy smile on show. 
“Care to share what it was about?”
You rolled your eyes. “Come on now, Yoongi. We’ve been married for years.” 
Thanks to the change of laws, hybrids are now better taken care of. However, society’s views can only change with time. 
Yoongi laughed softly. “I am allowed to bask in your light.”
“So cheesy.” You teased, dragging your hair through his hair and rubbing his ears, causing a purr to emit out of him. 
“You made me so.” Yoongi placed your foreheads together. “And I love you, more than words can ever describe. You are my stars, giving me so many reasons to live and so much light to sleep on.”
You smiled at him. 
Oh, of course, you love him. But if words were never a thing, you would show him. And that is exactly what you did as you pressed your lips against his, giving him the answer of eternity. 
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lubdubsworld · 7 years
( Jhope /OC) Wrapped in your arms, it’s where I want to be.
ALTERNATE ENDING to Sleepwalking to you...
warning : I’m actually going to compensate for the sngst in sleepwalking by writing the cringiest fluff ever . Y’all gonna suffocate from it. I’m going to have you begging me for angst... 
"" Tomorrow, it will hurt a little less." Hoseok whispered, pressing a soft kiss to the back of my neck as I stood on the deck, staring at the setting sun. I smiled a little. It sounded nice. The prospect of a day that didn't hurt. I sighed as his arms wrapped around me in a back hug, chest warm and firm on my back. Hobi wore the softest shirts , silk and linen or combed cotton that felt like heaven on my bare skin. I loved the way it felt to just stand in his embrace, not worried about anything.
It was late summer now, nearly five weeks since I started therapy. Over the long sessions, I'd learned a lot about myself, a lot about Hobi and a lot about what it would mean for us to go forward as a couple. It helped that Taehyung was more friend than therapist. He helped me understand a lot of stuff. Like the fact that what happened with Hansol did not define me. I was something that happened to me. It did not make me who I was. I also learned that somewhere , along the line I'd been looking for the validation that my father had denied me, from the men in my life.
Yoongi, Hoseok, Hansol.
they were all strong male figures that I wanted to get approval from, simply because of the approval I hadn't received from my father. He helped me understand that sometimes, it was okay to not take everything personally. I didn't have to personally fix every problem in everyone's life.
Hobi was a grown man and i had to accept that he would have to face troubles and conquer them by himself. He told me that with this knowledge i could let go of the past and move on to the future.
His words still echoed inside my head :
Imagine yourself on the shore of a big river, Jiah. everything you've ever wanted, happiness, family , love. Everything is on the other side of this river. Now all you need to do is reach that opposite bank. And when you do, everything that happened on this side of the river will stop being significant. Once you reach that other shore, you'll truly have moved on.
I'm not helping you cross this river, Jiah. It's your river, and you and Hobi would have to do it yourself. But i'm going to give you a boat, a paddle and all the supplies you need. You'll make it to that other side.
"I want to come to your next showcase." I said softly, smiling when Hobi's palm slipped underneath my blouse, pressing flat on my belly. He hummed and pressed another kiss to my cheek. I turned around in his arms and looped my arms around his neck. I stared up at him, pressing my palm against his face, watching, fascinated as his eyes fluttered shut. The late evening sun was kind to him, painting his face in golden hues of the sunset and I traced the small scar at the edge of his eyebrow from the accident.
"You're welcome anytime." He whispered. " I was always hoping you'd ask..."
I smiled and touched the tip of his nose. He wrinkled it, the gesture oddly adorable.
"I... wish it would rain." I said softly, laughing a bit. He looked confused.
"I want to kiss you in the rain."
He laughed, the sound loud and open and unrestrained and so... foreign. when was the last time he had laughed like that. I didn't remember.
"Well, that can be solved..." He grinned and lightly took my wrist in his pressing a kiss there before tugging insistently. Curious, i let him pull me along inside the bedroom and then past the hallway before we reached the bathroom. Laughing, I followed him under the shower, jumping a bit when he turned all the knobs, drenching both of us in seconds as the water poured out in a steady torrent.
He shook his head sharply, showering me with more water and I smiled, wondering how i had got so lucky.
"Where's the kiss i was promised?" He whispered, voice husky and deep with longing and I went on my tip toes, pressing my lips against his , tasting water and mint, the warm water soaking through his clothes and mine as his hands curved around my waist drawing me close and pressing me against him. I sighed, opening my mouth and laughing as his hand slipped down to the back of my thigh, lifting me easily, till I wrapped my legs around his waist, letting him press me against the tiled wall.
"Wanna try something else?" I whispered, lips kissing a trail up the side of his ear and teeth nibbling on his lobe till he started shaking a little. He hesitated, pulling back to stare at me suspiciously.
"Something else?"
"I wondered if, you'd let me... " I bit my lips and tried to think of a way to say this without making him panic. We had barely started kissing and touching each other and already Hobi treated me like I was a porcelain bowl in danger of shattering at the lightest touch.
I just wanted him to be comfortable with me, enough to know that I liked his touch. I liked being intimate with him and it was important to me that he enjoyed it just as much as I did. But everytime we started kissing ( with strictly PG touching with all our clothes on) , he froze often, eyes going wide and the words just spilling out in concern, ' are you okay?' ' does this hurt?' and most often. ' we don't have to do this. we can stop, if you want.'.
It's not that it wasn't hard for me. At first, i went stone still. But over the days, I liked it. It was actually becoming harder to stop myself from actually unbuttoning his shirt or unzipping his fly. I wasn't a virgin. Neither of us were, but it still felt oddly terrifying.
"Can we try... taking off our clothes tonight?" I blurted it out in a decidedly awkward mess of slurred syllables and it took Hoseok a good few seconds to actually make sense of the word scramble.
"I.. you... we... what?" He stuttered and I reminded myself that this man was the man I'd loved for seven years.
"We could try... you know..."
"Jiah, I... Are you sure?" He whispered.
"I am but i want you to be." I said firmly.
He bit his lips.
"I don't want to hurt you... You know that."
I felt my heart expand a little.
"I know. And I love you for it. Just.. indulge me , this one time?"
That made him scoff.
"this one time? I indulge you every time , you little devil..." He leaned down and took a snip at the corner of my lips. " In fact,"  he moved his hands down, to the waist band of my skirt, yanking me close till i was nestled against his hips." I think i indulge you so much, that you've become really spoilt. It's ruining you."
"I'd like that..." I whispered.
"Like what?"
"You.." I winked. " Ruining me. Tell me more. "
He hummed, turning off the shower and grabbing a huge fluffy white towel from the cabinet. He wrapped my hair in it, before leaning down and kissing me hard. I gasped, mouth opening as he pushed his tongue in, tasting and licking . He groaned, palm moving up to shape my breasts briefly through the sopping wet fabric of my shirt.
"I won't do any such thing, baby girl." He whispered. " You're precious. The most precious thing in my world, and i'm going to treat you just like that." He grinned. I shook my head.
"You shouldn't make this so difficult for me, Jung Hoseok ssi.." I whispered, grabbing a towel and rubbing through the sopping wet strands of hair on top of his head. He gave me a smile before slowly reaching for the top button of my blouse. My breath caught.
"Is this okay?" He said nervously.
He bent his head over my breasts, very carefully unbuttoning the pearly white buttons, one by one with excruciatingly slow and careful movements. I stared at the top of his head, feeling my throat grow drier. When he had all the buttons undone , he slowly pulled the fabric out of the way, slipping it off my shoulders, eyes fixed on mine reassuringly. He didn't reach for my bra, instead grabbing another towel and wrapping me in it.
"You should go change. You'll catch a cold. " He said softly.
"Tonight?" I whispered.
He smiled.
"This is ridiculous." Hoseok whispered, watching JungKook and Taehyung awkwardly attempt a duet on the Karaoke machine in the corner of the private lounge that Yoongi had booked for us. Yoongi and Namjoon were playing pool while Seokjin had a heated argument with Jimin about whether or not Kimchi fried rice tasted better with sesame oil.
I was curled on the couch with Hoseok, my back resting on his chest as his arms stayed wrapped around me, warmth and cologne and the scent of his skin lulling me into a sense of semi-consciousness. I was high on life. i was high on Jung hoseok. I wanted him to stay like this, around me, with me, in my arms forever. The mere thought of moving out of his embrace made me want to sob . I turned occasionally., pressing kisses to his arm and he mouthed kisses on the side of my neck.
Our legs lay tangled on the couch and i sighed as he used the tip os his toes to trace circles on my ankle. I traced patters on the back of his palm as it lay over my stomach, smiling a bit at the arguing pair in front of us.
"I think they have a crush on each other." I whispered back and Hoseok laughed softly, his warm breath hitting my skin like a caress.
"That would be quite an outcome."
I jumped when i heard Taehyung scream suddenly.
"Yes, Tae?" Yoongi called out patiently and the younger waved frantically.
"Hyung, remember what day it is today?"
I frowned and looked around.
"what's he talking about? " I said confused and Hoseok shrugged looking equally mystified.
"It's the day Hoseok hyung got out of rehab.!!"
I went perfectly still, stunned. I whipped around to stare at Hobi who looked surprised but happy.
"Is that true? you didn't tell me!! it's been a year already?" I said, astounded. Hoseok shrugged, dropping a quick kiss on my lips before slowly helping me sit up and moving off the couch to hug Yoongi and Taehyung who thumped him on his back.
"well, we all know who's the main person here. " Seokjin said firmly. " if it weren't for this person, Hoseok wouldn't be okay today."
I blinked in surprise when they all turned at once to look at me.
"What.. Me? That's.. I'm not.."
But Hoseok pulled away from Taehyung and came over, lightly pulling me up into a bone crushing hug.
"Yes you are baby. " He whispered, for my ears only. " My saving grace."
I felt tears sting.
Oh, God. i loved him so much.
"That's it? Hyung you should do something special for her!!" Jung kook called out impatiently behind us and Hoseok hugged me tighter, chuckling into my ears.
"Should I tell him what I'm going to do for you tonight?" He drawled softly and I laughed , face flaming as i pulled away and lightly punched his shoulders.
"Behave." I whispered, scoldingly and he shrugged, grinning and looking completely unrepentant.
"What should i do for her then, Kookie?" He called out.
"Sing!!" Taehyung screamed at once and yoongi laughed.
"You sing?" i said surprised.
Hoseok began shaking his head, but Namjoon reached out socked him on the head.
"Don't be shy , Hoseok-ah." He grinned.
Hoseok shrugged and moved to the small karaoke machine while i stared in surprise.
"I .." I stopped when the rest of them started clapping and cheering and when Yoongi dragged a small stoo; to the center of the room, i let Namjoon lead me to it, settling on it and staring expectantly at Hoseoak.
"What are you going to do for me, in return?" Hobi called out.
"What do you want?" i shot back.
"Call me oppa!"
I flushed. i hadn't called him that in years.
"What?! You used to call me that all the time when you were young." He protested, grabbing the microphone and turning some knobs on the machine.
"Fine. Saranghae, Oppa." I called out.
Hoseok froze and the rest of them started laughing. He shook his head and I sobered as the first strains of an unfamiliar melody filled the room.
"What would i do , without your smart mouth?" Hoseok began, and then his voice change into something else. something that was  clear and even , oddly beautiful and incredibly soothing. 
it was a soothing melody, the words unfamilar and cloyingly sweet, talking about star crossed lovers, second chances and the chance to make things right. 
 He moved closer to me, now kneeling right in front of me and I laughed despite myself.
Leaning down I pressed a kiss to his forehead and he grinned. 
He stood up again, moving closer till he was behind me, one arm coming around to wrap around my shoulder, He kissed my cheeks.
The other started teasing and applauding as the music continued to play in the background . I watched Hoseok as he laughed at his friends good natured teasing and it suddenly hit me, that this man was one of the most selfless men on the planet. It was a privilege and a blessing to share my life with him.
We had just been offered a second chance at life.
And i would make every moment count.
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