mtndw-whteout · 14 days
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They’re practicing:)
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sickvacuum · 3 months
Oh I gotta know more about "a bar…? Like in music?"
Cuz as a musician too i am like "Yes, which bar we talking about?" haha
right off the bat I’m rlly not that much of a musician I’m self taught and just help lead small youth bands n stuff hahah BUT
yeah this is age swap too! This was basically how Teru and Mob meet after their fight together, which is at a bar! Except I’m not old enough to drink and have never set foot in any type of rowdy bar, so it’s mostly formed after movies and things I’ve heard lol.
I’ll add some of it here too cause I like it, I might end up posting this on ao3 at some point in time? I’d just have to explain the context haha. Basically, Pre SnS, Mob worked at a museum. He has the typical repression of his emotions and dislike of using his powers, though he also has a lot of fear surrounding alcohol because in high school he was invited to a party and the people there spiked his drink to get a reaction out of him. In this, Mob got a call to exorcise a spirit at a bar!
Oh and Teru’s scar is from their fight, not from Claw lol. A poor man’s substitute for having his hair shaved off.
The sooner he found this spirit, the sooner he could get out and go home. 
Focusing on the feeling of the aura, Mob traced it back to its source. It was vaguely familiar, but in a way he couldn’t place. It was similar to how most spirits come across. Full of tumultuous feelings that Mob had a hard time tracking. Hints of anger, notes of distaste, and fear seeped out of the source, clouding the air in another level of confusion for Mob to try and read.
But one thing that Mob could sense clearly from the way it throbbed throughout the crazed energy in the room was that it was in pain.
With a soft frown, Mob pushed through the crowd once again, navigating closer to the actual bar seats. He paused once he could see a good view of the people sitting around, watching the bartenders make drinks for the people who ordered and chatting with customers.
He could feel that the aura was located here, but he had a hard time telling where the spirit was. There wasn’t any tell-tale sign of a glowing glob, which made Mob worry that this would be one that he would have to use thought to exorcize. He could barely think straight with the music and voices pounding into his skull! How was he going to focus on using his abilities?
None of the people seemed to be possessed, which was good. 
Oh— well, maybe that one guy? Oh, no, he’s walking away now…  ummm…
There weren't that many people left at the bar. A man and a woman were chatting it up, both of their words slurred and their actions uncoordinated as they attempted to flirt. Well, what Mob assumed was flirting. It was extremely hard to tell.
At the other end of the bar was a small group of men who appeared to come from after work, all clanking their drinks and making continuous toasts whenever they could think of something remotely praise worthy.
Sandwiched in the middle was the frame of a young man slumped over onto the counter, his head pillowed on an arm and his finger lazily twirling the ice in his drink. His medium length blond hair hid any defining traits that Mob might’ve been able to pick out.
Maybe he should just try and talk to the bartender. That way he didn’t have to interrupt the strange courting session, nor try and talk to the intimidating work group. And he figured waking up an almost sleeping person wouldn’t be good etiquette, especially since the reactions of drunk people weren’t ones that Mob liked to experience.
Mob glanced around before he walked forward and sat down in the chair next to the blond. The bartender noticed his presence and came over as he dried off a recently used glass. “What can I get for you?” He asked, setting the glass down and tapping his fingers on the counter.
“N-nothing, thank you—“ Mob winced as the businessmen gave an uproarious cheer, the sharp clanking noises piercing Mob’s ears. 
The bartender gave the men a quick look that went unnoticed before turning back to Mob. “Alright.”
Mob fiddled with the cuff of his coat sleeve, looking at the groups and people around him. “Have- have you seen any sign of spiritual activity going on tonight?” He asked the man, raising his soft voice so that he could be heard.
The bartender sighed (more with his body and less with his voice since subtle things like that got missed in the noise) and shook his head. “The only ‘spiritual activity,’” he grumbled, making air quotes, “comes from him.” He nodded to the blond next to Mob, who had fallen asleep with his finger still in his cup. “He’s a psychic from what he’s told me. Normally he doesn’t bother anyone with his abilities though.”
Mob glanced over at the man next to him, watching the shallow rise and fall of his back. “A psychic?’ He repeated, his voice wavering.
What was a psychic doing in a place like this? Clearly his powers were doing something. How… how could he not know how dangerous it is to be drunk as a psychic? That— he— Mob couldn’t even fathom the idea of willingly doing this! This- This man could destroy everything around him!
“Like I said, he’s normally pretty good at not flying things around,” the bartender said again. He hesitated. “Though, he has had more to drink than usual today.”
Mob frowned and nodded in thanks to the man before he was called off to go assist the couple.
He turned to look at the fellow psychic next to him and pressed his lips together. He tried to reach out with his aura to get a read on the other’s, but the moment he released it the slightest bit, Mob’s hair shot straight up and he gasped. He reeled back in his abilities as fast as possible, his heart hammering in his chest. 
As if on cue, someone knocked into him and shoved him so far forward that his chin slammed on the counter. Mob clamped down a yelp while the person pushed off of him and continued on their merry way. 
He wanted to go home. He wanted to get away from this overstimulating mess and lay in bed under his warm covers and hide from everyone else in the world for a few precious hours. But he was stuck here with a psychic who— who must not care for anyone around him!
“Excuse me,” Mob started, reaching a tentative hand out but stopping before touching the man. He leaned a little forward, bringing his face closer to the where the man’s hair blocked his own. “Are you awake?”
He watched the blond strands flutter slightly, the absence of response being taken as a no.
Mob nudged his shoulder only for the melting ice cube in his cup to fly towards his face. Mob let the cold square smack him in the forehead, freezing water mixed with whiskey dripping down his nose and cheeks. His trembling hand pulled the ice away from him and set it down on the table, wiping his face off with his sleeve as he desperately tried to keep his rising feelings down. He could feel his skin prickling and his aura beginning to leak into the area around him, causing the edges of his clothing to rise.
H-he wasn’t even drinking and he wasn’t able to control himself. The man who was black out drunk was better than he was.
He had to get out. He had to get out or else some- something awful would happen and- and he wouldn’t be able to live with himself! He— he had gone through this before, he should know better! He should’ve known better than to even step foot in this place, but here he is! Putting everyone around him at risk!
He’s so dangerous— He’s so incredibly dangerous and he has too—
“You’re nngh…messing up my mood,” the man next to him groaned, his words slurring as he inhaled deeply. 
Mob froze and looked back at him, watching as the man stretched his arms out in front of him, his forehead pressed to the counter. “Your aura’n’ shit is bother’n me…”
Mob straightened and got off his bar stool, his legs feeling like jelly. “Your psychic abilities are causing a disturbance,” Mob informed him as professionally as he could. His voice shook as he felt his insides being torn up by electricity that he couldn’t let go. “We need to leave—“
“Do I know youu?” The blond asked, sitting up slowly. “Youuu—” he sang, turning towards him and flashing a grin. “—sound familiar.”
The little bit of color in Mob’s face drained away as he realized who the esper was.
It was hard not to recognize him. He still had the charming smile plastered on his face, and his medium-length blond hair still looked perfect despite being messed up from his stupor. He had the unforgettable electric blue eyes that hid who knows how many insecurities behind them. But the most notable to Mob was the fresh scar that traced up Hanazawa’s cheek and curved around his nose. The one that ‘ruined’ his face, the one that was talked about in celebrity news, and the one that Kageyama had given him.
It was Teruki Hanazawa. The man who fought his way into Mob’s life and seemed unable to find a way out of it. 
That’s a lot to share ahah, especially out of context… oh well
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texasdreamer01 · 4 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Self-tagging from @ygodmyy20! 👋
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently Stargate Atlantis, but I'm considering the Hobbit fandom again due to some fandom events.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Psychopomp (Space Australians fandom, technically origfic) Twixt Primroses and Hawthorns (Hobbit fandom) All we are, and all we have… (Star Wars TCW / Prequel fandom) Ādfȳr (Hobbit fandom) Nice Manners for a Thief (Hobbit fandom)
5. Do you respond to comments?
I do my best, even if it's just to say thank you. I've gotten some puzzling comments before, so I haven't gotten to them yet.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Uhhhhhhhhhh I guess it depends on the fandom? I write angst a lot, anyway, so it's difficult to tell which is the most angstiest story. Maybe The Serenity Protocol, for the Star Wars fandom?
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
In terms of most satisfying resolution, maybe Svabhāva from YGO DM.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I had this one guy who left comments on every single fic on FFN below a thousand words saying "This is not a drabble.", which I suppose counts?
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yep! According to my commenters, "hot".
10. Do you write crossovers?
Yyyyy-no? I have one drafted but it's not even remotely finished.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Once! And it was even from someone commenting on my fic! They did a terrible job filing off the serial numbers for it, too.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I've translated my own fics as practice, but never by anyone else.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Accidentally, yes.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
I have a multitude of ships because of different dynamics and fandoms, so honestly I couldn't pick between them?
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Kintsugi, in the Sherlock fandom. I had to take a break from it and don't know if I'll ever be able to re-dedicate the time it needs.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Verbiage. I used to write a lot of poetry before doing long-form, so the word choices carried over.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Writing while tired or otherwise preoccupied, mostly because I write to think out an idea rather than to attract attention, so I'm not terribly concerned with quality until I re-read it.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Pretty fun for some fandoms! It gets frustrating with some conlangs that are obviously under-developed, or if it's a fandom that's typically English-only and you have characters that know other languages but for some reason never use them.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Danny Phantom.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Ehhh. I can definitely say I've improved with my writing, but I've never gotten into the habit of genuinely liking my work because I know it could be better.
No pressure tags: @spurious, @pandora15, and anyone else that wants to do it!
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quirkle2 · 6 months
for the ask game: ice
“Woah woah, okay, let’s take it easy,” Teruki coos, and Shigeo regrets forgetting to fix his expression, because the blond sees the pain there in his face and instantly cuts it all down, “Okay—this is hurting you. You’re shaking. Let’s—let’s just take a break, yeah? Settle down for a bit.” Shigeo sort of hates the idea and he’s not sure why, but he nods anyway and lets Teruki lead him back to the side of the bus. He pulls him by the arm that’s throbbing and shaking, and the warmth of the blond’s hand against his palm that feels like dry ice again is more soothing than he expects it to be.
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yaraneechan · 3 months
Also thank you for the tag! I also will try to whip it up but in the meantime as a ageswap fic writer I have to ask about Ageswap post wd arc!
fellow age swap fan! :D
This one is a small specific scenario I wanted to play with without worldbuilding too much. Still in a very early writing stage. Sadly shou sucks a bit in this one, B- parenting tag
It doesn't matter how touichirou managed the world domination attempt. But after! When the government tries to take him, the gang find out two things
1) This 12 year old kid has been living on his own for 2 years
2) His dad has been in jail for two years over an unpaid debt
Teru is the one who bails shou out without really filling him in. And they go to.. Touichirous? place. Shou has no idea what happened and is dismissive of ritsu and teru (mob isn't with them on the first day).
He talks about how he taught Touichirou how to take care of himself so he can live on his own just fine (what should he have done? Relied on others to take care of touichirou? He relied on someone for money look where he ended up). He doesn't realize the crushing loneliness touichirou felt or that he hates him now, or the fact that he attempted world domination. A lot of the things he says hurt touichirou without shou realizing it until touichirou lashes out. 
“He's fine” shou there is literally a giant broccoli right outside your window.
Teru is fiiiine (he's very not) “oh look thats my trauma” *watches touichirou yell at shou while eating popcorn*. He's very much on touichirou’s side on this. 
Ritsu is the one actually helping the suzuki family communicate thank god.
Cue shou trying really hard to make up with touichirou while touichirou is mad at him, depressed about failing world domination, depressed about a break up he doesnt want to talk to shou about, and feeling trapped because he’s too used to living alone so shou being back makes him claustrophobic, and the whole “dont do this or that so the government doesnt take you” situation. Touichirou is having a horrible time.
They need to figure out the plan because touichirous on house arrest for now and shou will have to meet government agent occasionally and mob is supposed to mentor him. 
I thought about scrapping this but I do like some dialogue ideas and teru having fun watching shit go down. It might be too similar to another idea I have tho
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toastytoaster22 · 5 months
ok quite a lot but i couldnt choose: fanfic end of the year asks 3, 12, 14 and 25 👀👀👀👀
hi Dutchies!! Thank you for the many questions! I just did 3 for Fizzy so my answer is with her ask (it's also lame and I am sorry)
12. Favorite character to write about this year
Haha well as for the last five years it's been Teru and somehow I don't see that changing next year either. But technically I am writing a shit ton of Reigen seeing as Nightjar is his pov. Was that originally a Teru centric fic? Yes. Is it sort of still? ...yes
14. A fic you didn't expect to write
damn. I'll be honest when I started writing I never thought in a million years I would write Baby Steps or Leaps and Bounds. The thought of describing intimacy and sex was terrifying. But I eventually got to a place in life where I thought it would be good for me. Best choice I've ever made.
I also never expected to write Slip. I hate horror. But. I do like scaring people and I am good at it. So I did it my way, with no blood, gore, or violence hahah
25. fic rec from this year
I didn't read all that much this year. I was busy with an infant and now a toddler so my amount of free time was near nil. But I did revisit Old Habits Die Hard, and found it had a sequel!! Picture Me Better. Fucking wrecked me. Very unexpected. Delightful.
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bizarre-blues · 4 months
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For @ygodmyy20
They bond over hamter :)
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emeraldoodles · 6 months
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Title: Please, go to therapy.
A collab I did with @ygodmyy20
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nothingbizzare · 23 days
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Teru week day 1 Fire !!
Week is organized by @ygodmyy20 !! Go check out !!
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mitsybubbles · 4 months
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“Look Kageyama! Little Brother would love this shirt!”
Happy Holidays to @ygodmyy20 !!! I’m your Secret Santa with Teru and Mob going Christmas shopping together ^^ I hope you like it!
Big thanks to @mp100secretspirit for organizing the event
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spacepajamas956 · 23 days
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Teruki Week day 1 - Fire/Electricity
TADAAAAAA!! It's not perfect, but I had fun doing it and like how it came out!! I used a reference from Pinterest for the pose, and it was a fun exercise since I don't normally do poses like this!
I'm using this prompt list to try and do more digital art (even though I prefer traditional) because I want to challenge myself! I sketched this on paper then threw it into Sketchbook. We'll see if I can keep this up since this took me over two hours to do LOL
Credit to @ygodmyy20 for creating the prompt list!!
(Please do not re upload my art on other websites thank youuu~)
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mtndw-whteout · 29 days
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Black Sweatshirt
I love it sm y’all should read it if you haven’t already
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sickvacuum · 5 months
Fic ask, fic ask!!
How about....9, 14 and 19!
So for 9, I think the longest wip I have is like 16k ish words so far?? And I’ve barely even started it so,,, it’s gonna be long ehe
14, I guess all of them?? Like I watched Mp100 last December and hadn’t ever written a fic before in my life, so I guess the first one I wrote, Tears and a Friend, would be it! Which was a Serizawa and Reigen age swap fic cause even though I like never write with him, Serizawa is one of absolute favorites :)) too bad I didn’t write it well lol. but even after that I didn’t expect to write another one, and I didn’t expect to write more during needed, so they’re all surprises. Even starting this new wip was a surprise lol
and 19, I guess it depends on how the current fic I’m working on goes! If I finish it, I’d love to write a full age-swap fic! I’ve put a whole lot of time and effort into thinking and planning out the whole thing and have some WONDERFUL angst built up in my mind, but just haven’t had the time to write it yet. That or one that I started where Reigen ends up nannying for Teruki rather than his parents giving him up. I thought it’d be a fun dynamic because Reigen would obviously end up loving Teru more than his own parents would, but he still wouldn’t be able to chew his parents out because then he’d get fired and would have to leave Teru. And alongside of that, helping Teru be able to express himself even when his parents are around (like barely ever lol) and work through the claw stuff and help protect him. Idk though, depends on this new fic :)
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texasdreamer01 · 3 months
:campfire-emoji: (cuz I can't get them up on my keyboard haha) for misit orare, ut venirem!
So my original plans for that fic was circulating around the tag "Friends to Lovers to Married" after an episode where Rodney McKay, uh, blew up a fair portion of a solar system mostly by accident.
...In his defense, he was trying to replace a faulty energy system that some people a long, long time ago had developed (think battery but not rechargeable) and he was feeling super guilty about getting some scientists working for him killed over some mistakes in the data (replacement attempt is also from the people from long, long time ago) and he was really pushing himself to Get It Right because they're technically in the middle of a war and really, really need that.
Unfortunately he gets rather ostracized for it, but John Sheppard (military commander and pseudo-canonical love interest, the other half of the McShep ship) gave him shit for it on top of the leader of the expedition (Elizabeth Weir, who... usually is rather indulgent on Rodney doing whatever science he wants but this time was Big Mad).
I was on track for this, being a sort of 5+1 kind of deal that digs up all of the little emotional underpinnings between Rodney and John and why both acted the way they did, but then I remembered the whole deal with Rodney being deathly allergic to citrus and how the mess hall... only served food with lemons (and presumably other citrus) in it for a while.
So now I have their other friend - and also team mate - Teyla being (rightfully) pissed off about this, and Ronon (also friend, also team mate) is involved and now I feel like this is going to be still a #Friends to Lovers to Married but kind of with a matchmaking tilt to it? I'm still in the middle of resolving that plot point and I'm not sure where it's gonna end up (hopefully I can get it back on track lol).
Initial summary that's probably gonna stay thrown-out:
They had learned, carefully, to ask.
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quirkle2 · 6 months
"Fanfiction Work-In-Progress Guessing Game" Well I mean I gotta play. You have been posting way too many great teasers as of late I have to try my luck.
let's go with....
The ache in his head pulses out into refreshed agony, and he bites down onto the glass to stifle the flinch. And then he blinks, and sees the DS in his brother’s hands in a way only tunnel vision could produce, and he tastes iron on his tongue. His temple aches, fierce and loud, and he stares at the screen until the picture is simply white and hazy and the buttons are popped off and the paint on it is green instead of blue. He stares until the pixels malfunction, until the cracks across the screen spiderweb out into static and grain and a noise that sounds like tires screeching. He thinks of the smell of burning rubber, of the dust from fallen buildings in his lungs he didn’t have the control to hack up, of the asphalt beneath his—its—his feet shuddering and crumbling like a pastry, like it’s made of chalk and not tarr. He thinks of the yells when people saw his figure, of the cameras pointing at him and broadcasting his earthquaking steps like he was a monster people needed to be warned of. He thinks of fists slamming into his chest, of a bouquet shredded and torn, of his own aura going against him and trapping his own brother in those lines he still doesn’t know how to call upon himself. The audio from the speakers freezes on its last syllable, dinosaur roars flattened out into single notes that carry and carry and ca— “Shige.” He blinks, and it’s gone.
[ask game]
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owlienjpg · 23 days
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my drawing for the first prompt of teruki week 2024 made by @ygodmyy20 ! i missed serizawa week unfortunately so i wanted to make at least one drawing for teru :]
the prompt list!
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