#yes it's a clexa video
frozenmemories1987 · 1 year
Post a screencap of your lockscreen photo and a screencap of the last/current song listened on Spotify/YouTube, as well as the last photo of a celebrity that you saved in your phone.
Open tagged by @telltaleclerk :)
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artwork by @heyjessicaelena
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butmakeitgayblog · 3 months
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Fletcher has this new video with her ex girlfriend Shannon Beveridge and wondering if your Fletcher au Clexa would ever do something like this
Oh god no 🥴😂
But not because it'd be too awkward or that it's just something they'd always flat out refuse to do, but rather it's no because literally they couldn't. They don't have time. From the breakup to when they start sleeping together again is I think only a couple months.
I will say.... how fucked would that be tho. Given the au
Imagine if like Raven hosted a podcast about queer love and sex in your 20s. And she practically browbeats recent exes Clarke and Lexa on, which should be fine and safe since Lexa's with Costia and Clarke swears she's over it and is even seeing a few people regularly now. Just playing the field, seeing what's out there. Both of them dredging up the gory details of their relationship and breakup and portraying this picture of exes who, yes still have tension, but swear how they've "moved on"
Except in reality they've been secretly angry and hurt fucking at every opportunity they can get for weeks, cheating on their significant others and lying right to everyone's face about it 😬
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vmplvr1977 · 2 months
15 questions for 15 friends!
tagged by @inversetwilight Thanks for the tag :)
Were you named after anyone?
Not that I know of.
When was the last time you cried?
Uh, sometime last week (reading a Clexa fic)
Do you have kids?
What sports have you played/do you play?
Do you use sarcasm?
All the time.
First thing you notice about people?
Their height (because I'm short 🤪).
What is your eye colour?
Scary movies or happy endings?
Both. But I absolutely love scary movies!!
Any talents?
Where were you born?
Los Angeles
What are your hobbies?
Writing and video games.
Do you have any pets?
Yes. 5 dogs and a cat.
How tall are you?
5' 3" (160 cm)
Favourite subject in school?
Dream Job?
I would LOVE to write full time.
Tagging: @sandyrook77 @mozz14 @luxi-storyteller @lexa-griffins @lg-wifey4lifey @talktomeinclexa @ringwraithmd @wanhedas-dagger @heda-in-the-clouds @trerox66
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bettykissme · 2 years
I was watching a video of someone reacting to lexa's death for the first time and the comments as always are full of queer people remembering how they felt when they saw it and like two bellarke shippers who are there to??? Make a point of how their ship is better I guess???? Although their argument of at least Bellamy isn't dead does not work anymore (so sad for you guys) but the thing is that somehow SUPERCORP??????? got brought up as the most toxic ship ever when a bellarke fan felt attacked because a Clexa shipper replied to them saying that bellarkes were annoying (true) and toxic (I don't agree with this one tbf)
Like I get it supercorp is a popular non Canon ship so bellarkes relate to us but why the fuck would you just bring supercorp up when it had nothing to do with the usual bellarke vs clexa fight????? Like what is this even
Anyways stay mad I guess??????????
I'm not saying some shippers can't be toxic but that is in every fandom
And yes supercorps are annoying but at least we aren't straight can't say the same thing for bellarkes so that's double homicide
anyways stan dansen and memori for a peaceful existence you will go to heaven 100%
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kokkoro · 4 years
Okay I have a funny prompt for you: Clarke gets a flat tire and doesn’t know how to change it and doesn’t have a ton of money to call someone. She orders a pizza and in the special instructions says she’ll tip $20 if they help her change her flat. Two workers arrive and she thinks it’s gonna be the tall muscled dude (Lincoln) but he’s like oh no, idk I’m not into cars, she’s gonna do it, and out comes Lexa. Clarke is gay the whole time watching her biceps as she works
“Absolutely not.”
“And why the heck not?” Raven asks. “Do you really want to sit on your butt until my 4 o’clock class gets out and I can come save your ass?”
“No,” Clarke says dejectedly, watching cars fly by on the highway.
“Then what’ve you got to lose? The worst that can happen is you're stuck there for another three hours with some pizza.”
“I guess,” Clarke mutters, glancing over her shoulder. She stares at the deflated shape of her rear passenger side tire and exhales a pitiful sigh, bringing up her right hand to rub her forehead.
“Alright, then. Keep me posted, ‘kay?” Raven says. “I’ll check in on you during break.”
“Please,” Clarke replies, but it’s quiet and lost to the wind the second Raven hangs up the line. And with nothing but the highway and her thoughts, it only takes a minute for Clarke to google the nearest pizza place.
Polis Pizzeria. Just fifteen minutes away despite being in the next town over, and Clarke’s pleasantly surprised to find there’s even a deal for a five dollar small two topping pizza when purchased in pairs. It’s easy enough to pay for with the little bit of money still left in her checking and altogether manages to scrounge up 20 and change from various nooks of her car. A couple of ones under the seat, one ten and a five in the glove compartment, and then another random dollar bill in between the center console and the passenger seat. Combined with what was left in her wallet, it gives her the necessary courage to press the order button, this short note in the comments section stating a nice tip for anyone willing and able to change a tire. 
Two small pizzas and a Pepsi later, Clarke opens up the passenger door of her beat up sedan and waits, scrolling through various feeds on her phone and ignoring the way her car rattles as cars fly by on the highway. A little bit of a breeze filters through the open windows, cooling the otherwise warm interior as the sun overhead finally begins its descent. Autumn could not come fast enough.
Clarke catches sight of the red hatchback in her rearview mirror what feels like a second too late. Taken off guard, she scrambles to right herself from her recline with her feet kicked up onto the dash and loses her phone somewhere in between the seats. She hears a door behind her close, and manages to pull herself upright onto solid ground just in time to see a tall muscular man most likely only a year or two older than herself, round the corner of her car holding two boxes of pizza. His smile is warm, his shaved head hidden under a black and red baseball cap sporting a now familiar looking letter P.
“Hey,” Clarke manages, clearing her throat.
“I’m guessing you’re the one with car trouble, huh?” he says, not even bothering to hide the amused quirk to his lips.
“Is it that obvious?” Clarke says, giving an awkward half shrug as the embarrassment takes hold.
He chuckles, handing over the pizza. “We’ve all been there, trust me.”
Clarke cracks a smile, the boxes warm under her arms. “Is this something you do often, then?”
He raises a confused eyebrow, and Clarke's stomach drops. It’s at this point that, if she had been paying more attention, Clarke would have heard the sound of the hatchback trunk as it swings shut. “Do what?”
“Change people’s tires?” Clarke says, voice a pitch high as her heart drops.
The man laughs, reaching up to scratch the back of his head underneath the hat. “I don’t know anything about cars, sorry. I’m not into that kind of thing.” He pulls his hand away, pointing back over his shoulder with his thumb. “That’s why Lexa is here.”
“Lexa?” Clarke repeats, eyes narrowed. She leans to the left to peer around the tall bulky form in front of her, and feels her jaw drop. Just for a second at least, as Clarke takes in the sight of the woman with a hat between her teeth as she deftly gathers up the thick mane of her hair using the reflection in the window.
The heat of the day is already curling the hair near her temples and the woman named Lexa tries unsuccessfully to tuck the pesky strands behind her ears with little success. She gives up, taking the hat from between her teeth and tugging her hair through the back, adjusting the bill until it sits comfortably on her head, shading her eyes. When she turns toward them, picking up the duffel bag near her feet, Clarke scrapes her jaw off the ground, catching a hint of green as Lexa’s eyes dart in her direction.
“Need any help?” the man asks. Lexa snorts, quiet, shaking her head, and Clarke's stomach swoops.
“You’ll just get in the way,” Lexa says as she comes to stand by her coworker. “No offense.”
“None taken.” He waits a second and then, “You two okay if I hang out in the car? I brought a book.”
“No, no, it’s fine, I’m not--” Clarke says, fully aware that the end of this sentence is just as much a mystery to herself as it is to everyone else. Coherency lost somewhere between flustered and too bi to function.
Lexa sets down her bag of tools and they clamber against the pavement near the flat tire. The man nudges her in the shoulder. “I’ll be back at the car then.”
“Sure,” Lexa replies, bending down to pick up the wrench. She squats, and Clarke watches her pop off the five plastic caps covering these large bolts with her free hand. Once they’re all off, she looks right, and Clarke straightens under the stare. “Do you have the car in park?”
Clarke nods.
“Good.” Lexa looks away, lining up the wrench with one of the large bolts. There’s a little bit of force required with the initial twist as Lexa leans into the wrench with her weight and Clarke isn’t blind to the way the veins in her hands and wrist become subtly more pronounced, the muscles in her forearms flexing.
Clarke clears her throat. “You, uh, do this often?”
“You could say that,” Lexa grunts, putting her weight into the next bolt. It loosens and she turns the wrench a couple full rotations before moving on to the next.
The sun seems warmer now, mid afternoon and the breeze all but gone save for the passing cars along the highway. A little bit of shine catches Lexa’s upper lip as she continues to work and she turns her head to wipe it off against her sleeve, the bill of her hat blocking her eyes from view.
“I take it you’ve never done this before?” Lexa asks, her focus elsewhere as she rummages through the bag at her feet.
“Uh, no, not really,” Clarke says, watching as Lexa pulls out a brick from the bag. Satisfied, she gets up to place it diagonally opposite the flat tire before returning to her spot. Squatting down, Lexa rolls up the sleeves of her work shirt, in preparation for what Clarke isn’t sure, but she isn’t going to say no to the view. Especially when the black ink of a tattoo pokes out beneath the sleeve.
“Do you want to learn?”
Clarke blinks, eyes darting up to find Lexa watching, arms draped over her thighs.
“It might save you some money in the future,” Lexa adds, the slightest of smiles at the corner of her lips.
“Sure,” Clarke says, a little breathless. “Yeah, I guess.”
The smile spreads just barely. “You might want to put the pizza down then.”
Clarke looks down at her hands, the warmth from the underside of the boxes seeping into her skin. A blush rushes to her cheeks. “Right.” Clarke turns towards the front passenger seat and the still open door and sets the box inside.
“All set?” Lexa asks once she returns, watching as Clarke crouches down beside her.
Clarke pushes the hair back from her face, brows pulled together. “I’m ready.”
Their knees bump as Lexa shifts, tugging off a hair tie from around her wrist. She offers it wordlessly, and after a second of thought, Clarke holds out her hand. Lexa drops the elastic into her palm.
“Thanks,” Clarke says, reaching back and gathering her hair in a loose bun.
“Don’t mention it.”
Lexa starts off by naming the little bits and pieces, gesturing to each of the tools in her duffel bag and explaining their intended use. She helps Clarke find the appropriate spot underneath the car for the jack using the user’s manual Clarke never thought she’d actually use, and from there, it's relatively simple.
The tire comes off easily once the car is jacked and the rest of the lugnuts are removed, set in a neat little pile by the bag. Lexa does most of the heavy lifting, removing the now flat tire while Clarke attempts to wrangle the spare from the trunk.
She doesn’t get far before Lexa appears in her peripheral.
“I can grab it,” Lexa says, stepping close. A pleasant scent fills Clarke’s nose, their shoulders touching, and it feels far too warm.
Clarke pulls away, and Lexa steps into the now unoccupied space at the back of the car. “All yours,” Clarke replies, but Lexa is already finishing the job, hefting the spare tire from where Clarke had managed to prop it onto the lip of the trunk and up under her arm with a grunt.
Clarke follows without anything else to do, standing by as Lexa fits the new tire into place. “See this?” she says, pointing to a nub along the rim once the tire is fitted back onto the axle. “It’s the air valve. This should always face out.”
Lexa reaches down beside the nearby bag, picking up the lugnuts. She double counts them in her palm and then looks up. “Would you like the honors?”
“Okay,” Clarke says. She takes her place down by Lexa's side, holding out her hands for the bolts. Lexa carefully deposits them into her hands before reaching down for the wrench and with her help, the spare is secured and stable and the car is back on four wheels in no time. Lexa stores her tools back where they belong in her bag, slinging the strap over her shoulder as she stands. She reaches up to tug off the hat, and Clarke has the misfortune (pleasure) of seeing Lexa run her hand through it, scratching at her scalp, before pushing it all over her left shoulder in one curly wave.
“Hey,” Clarke says, the word stumbling from her lips. Lexa looks in her direction and for a second her heart stops. Clarke clears her throat. “Thanks.”
Lexa’s lips tilt upward. “Anytime.”
When she turns to leave, Clarke acts on instinct. “Wait--” She reaches for the first thing within range. Which just so happens to be Lexa’s shirt. There’s a specific kind of mortification that seizes the air in lungs, but she pushes through it. “Wait,” she says more firmly before letting go and bolting back over to the passenger side door. She leans in over the seat, scrounging up the pile of money left in the center console.
She scrambles back outside in a rush, almost knocking her head on the door frame, but Lexa patiently remains where Clarke saw her last. Her shoulders are relaxed and she looks almost bored. It’s the sparkle in her eyes when she catches Clarke's stare that convinces her otherwise.
“Thanks for saving my butt,” Clarke says, handing over the money.
“You don’t need to,” Lexa says, her eyes not leaving Clarke's.
A blush burns gently under her cheeks, pleasant and warm all the way down to her neck. “Uh, yeah I do.”
Lexa’s fingers close around the money, folding the bills in half and then fitting them into the back pocket of her jeans. “Thank you…?”
“Clarke,” she answers.
Lexa’s smile is small but infinitely soft. “Drive safe, Clarke,” she says, and turns around toward the red hatchback idling behind her car.
“Bye,” Clarke replies. It's barely an exhale, lost completely beneath the wind.
“You have some explaining to do,” Raven says, startling Clarke where she’s sat at the kitchen table, her phone slipping from her fingers and hitting the table with a loud thunk.
Clarke scoops it back up, quick to close out of the recent calls section of her phone app. “I already told you what happened.”
Raven hums, looking wholly unconvinced as she sets down her laptop bag and various books onto their already crowded table. “And I’ve known you long enough to realize when you’re withholding juicy information.” She takes a seat across from Clarke, and waits what seems like minutes before continuing. “You can’t just mention that a pretty girl showed up to help you change your tire and expect me to leave it at that.”
“Yeah I kinda am.”
“Did you get her number?”
“What?” Clarke blinks. “No, of course not. She was working, I’m not going to do that to her. Besides she’s probably not even gay.”
“She showed up to change your tire, Clarke. And not to stereotype but that’s pretty lesbian of her.”
Clarke rolls her eyes, busying herself by checking through her emails. Nothing holds her attention long enough and she soon finds herself back where started. The Polis Pizzeria number stares back at her and for once in her life Clarke decides not to think.
It’s probably the worst decision of her life.
Even without the phone pressed to her ear, the ringing is undeniable and Raven’s eyebrows shoot up as her eyes dart between the phone and Clarke’s equally surprised face. A second and then two pass and Raven stands up from the table just as Clarke raises the phone up to her ear in time to hear:
“Polis Pizzeria, how can I help you?”
“Yeah, hi, uh...” Clarke swallows, her cheeks burning. A feeling she thought she had long since abandoned back in high school. “I’m looking for Lexa. Is she there? This is Clarke.”
It’s like a shot. The sudden nerves that come hurtling back and her palms go clammy with sweat, tongue thick and sticking to the roof of her mouth, and all rational thought decides to leave her in an instant. On the other side of the room Raven falls into an insistent fit of giggles.
“More car trouble?” Lexa says, breaking the awkward, drawn out silence.
“No. I mean, yeah, I--” Clarke swallows around the lump in her throat. Raven wheezes. “Maybe? I don’t know, I--”
Raven lets out a squeak of laughter, and Clarke picks up the closest pen and chucks it in her direction. It unfortunately misses by a wide margin.
“Clarke?” comes Lexa’s voice over the line.
Her attention returns immediately. “Look, I’m...I’m sorry, I don’t know why I called you.” Clarke stops, dropping her head into her hand. “Do you want your hair tie back?”
Lexa chuckles and somewhere in the background Clarke thinks she hears someone call Lexa’s name.
“How about this,” Lexa says softly, and the sound of that voice in her ear nearly makes Clarke melt. “I’ll give you my number. Feel free to text me if you have any car questions.”
Clarke picks up her head, staring out across the kitchen. “Really?”
“Yes,” Lexa answers, and for some reason Clarke can picture her smiling. “Really.”
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mobiused · 3 years
why do people have to be such weirdos/write RPF about the actual real idols in loona when their fictional loonaverse characters are right there...
right like im 100% fine with stories about the characters (tho tbh sexual depictions of even loonaverse characters still skeeve me out but i don't have the ability to articulate why) but these people don't have any boundaries or self control. they see the girls as objects to use just to get off to, and if it's not blatantly erotic it's still overstepping and invasive.
the loonaverse narrative literally has so much canon juicy sapphic relationships for fans to enjoy. why can't they be happy with that? we have wholesome highschool 2jin, messy and toxic chuuves, whatever the hell vives is, angsty hyewon, and you can even invent dramatic love triangles like vivesoul or chuuvives if you are really into the lore. i hear gays like found family too - loonaverse narrative literally has a recurring theme of non-nuclear, self-ascribed families being far more valuable than real families. haseul is literally described as the mother figure, and oec trucking off together with the yellow truck & their camper van is SUCH a cute foundation for a fictional story about lipsoul dealing with their basically adopted magical daughter. actually now i wanna write that. or expanding on vives' christmas with choerry's unexpected arrival, thats a romcom plot so good i could sell it to hallmark. there's so much fun to be explored with the loonaverse and yet weird shipper freaks are determined to bring it into the real world, because they are selfish and they are lonely and they do not respect the girls.
the amount of times i see in VLIVE chat when the girls do frequency of the moon episodes about 2jin or hyewon or lipsoul or chuuves, from constant 'jokes' about them dating to "IS CHUUVES REAL? 🙏🙏🙏". what do you think is going to happen? do you really think the members are going to read that and then suddenly confess to the world that yes, they are in fact dating, and jeopardize their livelihoods? they're either forced to distance themselves from each other, thus jeopardising their friendship, or continue to be just as affectionate, further 'fueling' shippers and acting like a green light for inappropriate behavior, and they're powerless to tell their fans to shut the hell up about it. (also tangentially related - this is part of so many ggs business models but ironically not loona lol)
i get how to a sapphic teenager that the idea of two pretty girls that you're a fan of being intimate with each other (whether that's emotional or physical) can be titillating, but it's so important for these teenagers to learn that while entertaining the idea in your brain is probably pretty natural, it is just flat out unacceptable to share this in a public forum. and yeah maybe teenagers have to learn to hold their tongue on these things, but there are so many adults who DO know how inappropriate it is and don't care - or worse, try to argue that it's justifiable, which just helps convince susceptible teenagers that shipping real people is remotely acceptable. its natural for kids to entertaining celebrity crushes and project their sexualities but these people are grown, man. go get a girlfriend. go watch clexa compilations. go write original stories. stop torturing these girls with your lack of boundaries.
anyway, this video of lauren talking about camren and the affect it had on her relationship towards her own sapphic sexuality should be required watching for anyone who thinks for a split second about making shippy fanart or a chat formatted meme about the girls. you are not only disrespecting their boundaries, but to the lgbt members of loona (which there inevitably has to be, there's 12 of them for christ's sake) you are hurting their relationship to their sexualities. think about the damage you are causing because you can't stop yourself from saying such invasive things.
"made me feel like a predator" "i was always the aggressor" "to this day i hyperanalyse every friendship i have with a girl" "so traumatising for me" "it really fucked with my head" "to this day i have an issue flirting with girls because of it" is this really what you want your queer idol to feel like?
sorry poor anon for turning your question into like a 30 minute rant lmao but i have a lot of anger over this because i do love these girls and i want them to be happy and rps is just the biggest enemy to that.
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lgbtqlegends · 3 years
Saw a previous ask of having a third person in Avalance, how would you picture Nyssa or Alex joining. (For nyssa joining, would it start with things similar to the frenemy stuff Jes and Katrina get into Twitter, Clexa con).
ooo thanks for the ask n hope you enjoy!
-hmmm okay so I def think it would prob start with frenemy stuff like jes and katrina get into at cons n stuff
-at first it's because they're both kinda, a little, standoffish n competitive n stuff, but then it doesn't take them long to realize that they could actually be really good friends so, the frenemy type stuff turns into good-natured and friendly banter n competition (just general competition, like maybe getting into sparring matches n stuff like that)
-sara melts just watching them bc they're both important to her, and she loves that they're getting along (and also, okay she's just, heart eyes for ava all the time anyway so,,)
-the friendly banter turns into flirting soon enough, and sara notices immediately. nyssa is aware of how she feels and she's not really trying to hide it or anything. ava however is, Very oblivious, both to her own feelings and to nyssa's so,, sara ends up playing matchmaker a bit and facilitating it
-once they all finally admit their feelings and talk everything out n stuff, and then its a very non-issue, bc they communicate n everything
-for alex, i think it'd be a lot more gradual. she'd prob be rather nervous and awkward about it, and i mean,, ava would be a little bit too, but not as much as alex (also, awkward and nervous just in general. they're just, Nervous n Awkward lesbians)
-hmmm I'm not really super sure beyond that? i think i read a couple fics in like a series or smth, n some of them were alex/sara/ava, and alex ended up joining the relationship after a one night stand turned friends with benefits type thing so, maybe smth like that?? idk
-or like, some crossover mission happens and then everyone is celebrating somewhere, and alex n sara n ava get talking, and they spend the entire night just talking and laughing
-they keep in touch after that and they end up talking and video chatting a lot, and sara n ava catch feelings for alex n alex catches feelings for both of them too. none of them really do anything about it though, beyond flirting a bit, so,, it takes a while
-sara n ava talk about it privately a lot and eventually at some point they decide to ask alex out n ask her to join their relationship if she's comfortable with it
-during their next video chat or visit/hang out, they ask and alex is nervous at first just bc she is a Nervous Lesbian,,, but she obvi says yes bc she likes them too n everything
-so,, they go on a date n then afterwards they Fully talk everything out n then they're pretty much like "yeah,, alright,,, cool" n then go on their way as a poly relationship. as long as they communicate, they'd p much be set
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cantgetoutofmyheda · 4 years
Falling in Love in a Quarantine: Part 12
OP | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 9.5 | Part 10 | Part 11
PART 12: Day 24
Clarke woke with a smile on her face. The steady breath on her neck and arm clinging to her waist was surely part of the reason. The other was embracing the fact that her and Lexa finally made the full leap into their relationship the night prior.
She slowly opened her eyes and grasped for the hand that was holding onto her, the touch started to stir Lexa to wake.
“Mmm,” Lexa sighed. “Morning,” she placed a kiss to the back of Clarke’s neck.
“Morning to you, too,” Clarke rolled over to face Lexa. “Quite a night we had, huh?”
Lexa smiled, “Small fortune to pay to be able to have my way with you.”
Clarke raised a brow, “Small fortune?”
Lexa’s smile turned into a mischievous smirk, “All the money spent on the grill and patio furniture. Plus the house of manual labor.” She pretended to tally everything in her mind, “Hmm, yeah. Definitely the most expensive booty call I’ve ever had.”
Clarke swatted her chest, “Don’t be a jerk.”
Lexa leaned in for a kiss, in which Clarke happily welcomed.
“Last night was amazing,” Lexa smiled as she pulled away. “More than amazing, actually. Spectacular, even.”
“Oh?” Clarke jokingly batted her eyelashes, “Tell me more.”
“I just can’t get enough of you,” Lexa leaned in for another kiss.
Clarke sighed a content breath when Lexa pulled away, “I’m all yours.”
Lexa nestled her thigh between Clarke’s bare ones and brought her lips to her neck. She peppered a trail of kisses up to her ear, “Good. I think we need another go this morning. For good measure and all.”
“For good measure,” Clarke repeated with another sigh.
“Yeah,” Clarke kicked her feet up onto the chair planted next to hers, as she let her eyes graze over Lexa. “I could get used to this.”
Lexa turned around with a smile plastered on her face, “I really should have bought this sooner.” She waved a hand over the grill, “It’s quite excellent and has really been getting my farther in life.”
Clarke rolled her eyes, “Just so we’re clear. I said I could get used to this because of the bountiful food it brings me.”
“I’m the one that brings you bounties of food,” Lexa corrected as she flipped the burgers. She shut the hood and walked towards the table. In a careful movement, she lifted Clarke’s legs to sit in the chair next to her, then lowered them back into her lap. “It’s just a new kind of food we’re having.”
“Charred and delicious,” Clarke wiggled her brows. “Should I go get the salad from inside, or do we have time?”
Lexa looked at the timer on her phone, “Five more minutes, maybe.” She took the sunglasses from the top of her head and fixed them on the bridge of her nose before she offered Clarke a smile, “I’m a fan of evenings like these.”
A grin appeared on Clarke’s face, “I’m a fan, too. Especially because of the burger I’m about to inhale.”
Lexa laughed as she started to stroke her fingers onto Clarke’s exposed ankle.
“Hey,” Clarke smiled in Lexa’s direction.
“Hey yourself.”
“So,” Clarke cocked her head to the side. “Your birthday is coming up.”
“It is,” Lexa agreed with a half smile. “Listen, before you say anything. We don’t have to make a big deal out of it. At all. You know me and birthdays…”
Clarke rolled her eyes, “I do know you and birthdays, but I want to do something nice for it.”
“You do something nice for my birthday every year, Clarke,” Lexa started. “We’re literally in a quarantine, we don’t have to do anything.”
“But it’s the first year we get to celebrate it together,” Clarke replied. “Like, actually together. I want to do something nice for you.”
“How about we order in and I get to pick a movie,” Lexa suggested, her fingers were still grazing Clarke’s legs. “I just don’t want any fuss. And I don’t want our friends to feel like they have to log on to some video conference happy hour just on my accord.”
“Our friends would be more than happy to watch you take birthday shots on a video call, Lexa,” Clarke reminded her. “We could do something small and simple.”
Lexa raised a brow, “What do you have in mind?”
“What if I had mom bring over her folding tables and chairs,” Clarke started. She paused to get Lexa’s reaction, but the lift in her brow remained and Clarke could tell Lexa didn’t know what she was getting at. She took a deep breath before starting again, “What if Anya, Rae, Lincoln, and O came over.”
“Clarke,” Lexa shook her head. “That defeats the purpose of us quarantining.”
“Well,” Clarke nodded. “We have a grill now, and this patio furniture. What if we made a triangle of three tables all a safe distance from each other. We wear masks except for when we eat. We can do it safely, we’ll all be outside. If anyone has to use the bathroom, it’s right off the porch door, anyway. Hand sanitizer and wipes for everyone that goes in and out. As long as we’re safe about it, I don’t see an issue.”
“They’ve all been seeing each other,” Lexa thought out loud. “I don’t want them to feel obligated to come here, though.”
“If they don’t feel comfortable, then we can order takeout and watch whatever movie you want,” Clarke’s voice softened. “I know they’ve all been seeing each other and I honestly just feel awful that the only person you’ve been seeing is me.”
“I made that choice,” Lexa smiled. “And sure. If you think it’s safe, and if the four of them are comfortable with it, then yeah. It sounds like it could be a nice time.”
“You birthday conveniently falls on a Saturday too,” Clarke grinned. “So we can do a lunch, do a little day drinking, then have the night to ourselves.”
“You’re not working at all?” Lexa scrunched her nose. Clarke had worked every Saturday until last weekend, and Lexa was sure it meant she had to be in the hospital this coming one.
Clarke shook her head, “Switched with someone. It’s your birthday, Lex. You really think I’d let you be home alone all day for it?”
“I would be with Sandy,” Lexa corrected her. There was a pang in her heart. A good kind of pang. “You didn’t have to do that,” she smiled. “But thank you.”
“You don’t need to thank me, Lex,” she smiled back.
Before Lexa could reply, the timer on her phone went off. “Burgers are ready for some cheese,” she started to get up.
“I’ll go get the salad,” Clarke followed suit. “I’m going to send a group text to see if everyone’s down for Saturday.”
Raven raised a brow as she turned to Anya on the couch, “Griff’s throwing Lexa a birthday party? That’s cute.”
“Wonder if she’s gonna give her birthday sex,” Anya rolled her eyes. “But yes, it’s cute. I’m down to go, are you okay with that?”
“Yeah,” Raven nodded. “It’ll be nice. Clarke said we’ll all be careful about it. I don’t have any issues, and I do want to see this outdoor palace Lexa has built in Clarke’s backyard.”
“That’s a stretch,” Anya rolled her eyes. “It’s a grill and patio set.”
“Still weird that Lexa bought it for Clarke for no reason,” Raven suggested. “What’d she tell you? That it’s for everyone since we’ll all be hanging out there after all this shit is over anyway?”
Anya shrugged, “Something like that.”
“Has she said anything else about Clarke?” Raven wondered.
“Nope,” Anya shook her head. “Has Clarke?”
“Radio silence,” Raven sighed. “It’s almost been a month. They’re both secretly hot for each other. Maybe Saturday we can nudge them along a little.”
“Any more nudging from me and Lexa will literally throw a punch my way,” Anya noted. “I think Clarke is the way in with this one. At least she’s blatantly admitted to you that she for sure has the hots for Lex.”
“Yeah, true,” Raven nodded. “Griff will be easy to break anyway. Especially after two drinks.”
“Operation Clexa is in full effect,” Anya high-fived her girlfriend.
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plotbunnyslayer · 4 years
Is 2020 the year for wlw fanservice?
Spop- Catradora (Confirmed)
The Owl House- Lumity (leaning)
Clexa - confirmed soulmates (bonus that Blorpe was literally shot down)
And now it looks like Jessica Capshaw, Sara Ramirez are both making an appearance on Grey’s Anatomy.
One of my biggest disappointments (other than killing Lexa off the way Jatan did in the flopdred) was how Shonda butchered Arizona Robbin’s character in Grey’s.  She went from an iconic “good man in a storm” to an adulterer (don’t peddle excuses here).  Yes, bad shit happens on that show all the time. And losing one’s leg is super traumatic.  But I always feel like they took her way too OOC.  I was sad when Sara decided to leave.  I hated how they wrote her off (with fucking Penny of all people).  I hated how they decided not to renew Jessica’s contract and gave her another bad exit.  And dared to dangle a carrot over our heads alluding that there may be a Calzona reunion off screen after Arizona, Richard and April talk of love, betrayal and forgiveness.  Arizona texting Callie video of April and Matthew’s wedding and callie texting back that she “can’t wait to see” her (all while Sara Ramirez is singing that song in the background).  And then nothing. No mention of Arizona or Callie ever again (correct me if I’m wrong).
And now there’s buzz that they’re coming back for an episode before the end of the year.  I can’t imagine what for... unless it has something to do with what occurred at the end of last week’s Season Premiere.  Because Sandra is also coming for a guest spot.  And it leaves me to wonder what would bring these characters back into the fold.  Maybe Meredith can finally die and they’re coming for the funeral.  Can this show be done with already?
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darthmanius · 4 years
so first of all I want to make clear that I was not saying you should have died of cancer. I was trying to point out to your gf that she was being nasty by laughing at how upset the bellarke stans are. To some of us losing bellamy is like losing a family member or a gf/bf and I was pointing out that kicking someone while they are down is low. All the clexas who are celebrating are low
You came at my girlfriend, out of so many people doing the exact same thing. You went to the effort of going from her profile to mine and then used my VERY REAL cancer diagnosis to compare that to your VERY FICTIONAL character dying.
I spent 7 months in a long term ward, because I didn’t have anyone who could take care of me at home at the time. For most of that time, I wasn’t able to see anything outside of that ward. For 3 of those months I didn’t see anything outside my fucking room. Because Covid had hit and I was being kept in isolation to try and keep me safe. I was constantly in pain, unable to eat because everything I did try to eat I either couldn’t get it down or it would just be vomited back up, I was coughing up blood, had frequent nosebleeds, all my bones were aching and I couldn’t even control my bodily functions! Not to mention the fact that isolation was taking a toll on me mentally and I started seeing weird patterns and shit in the walls and bodiless voices.
While I understand that the loss of a TV character can have a significant impact on people, I mean Lexa’s death absolutely shattered me, there is NO COMPARISON between a fictional character’s death and cancer. And you had the nerve to compare the death of Bellamy to my death from cancer to my girlfriend.
That is what pissed her off. Bellamy is a character. Bob Morley is alive and well. I’m a real human being who had to look death in the face. So while I understand that you were trying to communicate how significant Bellamy’s death was to you, you went about it in entirely the wrong way. As I said before, there is no comparison. My girlfriend was by my side and she saw what I went through. She saw how hard it was on me. She supported me through it and kept me from losing ALL my marbles as opposed to just most of them.
Now. As for the Clexa fans celebrating. Let me explain this for you as simply as I can. For 4 years, Bellarke fans (SOME, not all) we’re making fun of Clexa fans. Invading chats with pictures of Lexa’s death, sending memes of dead lesbians, sending pictures of ashes and saying it was Lexa, “Lexa’s a rotting corpse” and in some cases, suggesting that Clexa fans should join Lexa in death! And that is just scratching the surface of what they did. Bellamy’s actions, in part, indirectly contributed to the circumstances that got Lexa killed. Clexa fans have held a resentment because Bellamy never saw any punishment for his actions because he was Golden Boy Bellamy. He’s been responsible for at least 2 mass murders. He was never morally on the right side of anything. So in purely a storyline sense, Clexa fans are glad to see he finally got his comeuppance.
They are also glad to see that the Bellarke fandom was also fucked over by Jason the exact same way we were! We tried to tell you guys that the guy hated us all. We tried to tell you he would use you for views only to throw you away like garbage. But you thought it would be different for you. You thought he would treat you guys differently. Surprise!! He hates y’all too!! He doesn’t give a fuck about any of us! The man you spent years defending, the guy who’s show you kept up with sticky tape and popsicle sticks turned around and stabbed you in the back the same way he did to us. There is some petty satisfaction in that.
And I don’t want to hear how you guys were all “baited” as bad as the Clexa fans were. Here is the difference. For 7 season, the actors have referred to it as “this Bellarke shit” and frequently referred to Bellarke as platonic. Jason himself has said it I don’t know how many times. Yes, the writing was done to cast some doubt over those statements, but that was Jason being a cock because he KNEW that without your views, his show was going down like the fucking Titanic. That’s on Jason. But the actors have been trying to tell you for YEARS that it wasn’t going to happen. Because most of those actors give a shit about their fans, and while they’re contracts gagged them to a point, they tried to tell you.
Clexa, on the other hand, was different. Jason paraded himself around like a champion of LGBTQ+ representation. He specifically said not to worry about Lexa dying. He invited fans to video the filming in Vancouver, specifically the filming that Alycia and Eliza were doing, to try and give the illusion that Lexa was still alive in the finale. He deliberately misled people into believing Lexa was safe, so they felt safe to watch S3. And when 3x07 came, THAT made the blow so so so so much worse. He did that ON PURPOSE.
Not to mention the WAY in which Lexa was killed off. She was caught by a stray bullet not intended for her because she was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Right after her and Clarke had finally consummated their relationship. It was weak, it was disgusting and it was pathetic. THAT IS SO MUCH MORE BAITING THAN WHAT HAPPENED WITH BELLARKE
I do have sympathy for the Bellarke fans who are emotionally devastated by this, I really do. And I hope that everyone is going to be ok and we don’t see any tragedies out of this. I really, truly do. But my sympathy only reaches a certain point because they showed no sympathy for us when we were in this position. I will not tolerate any further comparisons between a fictional character and my cancer diagnosis. So I would advise you to leave myself and my girlfriend alone from here on. Your time and energy would be better spent supporting your fellow Bellarkes. Just a suggestion.
(P.S. My girlfriend says hi 👋)
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butmakeitgayblog · 3 years
For anybody who needs it here a great article explaining all the shit the writers/Jason did back then
Yes, and also I would recommend newer fandom folks to watch the video below
Lexa's death
Image and language of self harm
Don't watch if you know those things will trigger you or send you into an unsafe mental space. But I'm still posting the link because I think some people really don't appreciate what actually went down before and after 307. How horribly Clexa fans were baited and lied to. How emotionally devastating it was for so many when we were proven right despite being lied to over and over. Clexas begged Jason and Kim to be honest, to not kill Lexa or at least admit if they were going to. They called Clexas crazy and paranoid. Infiltrated LGBTQ safe spaces and said the fans needed therapy for not trusting them. Promoted the show in flagrantly deceptive ways to push the lie that she was alive, and used every tactic possible to lure in vulnerable queer people with a promise that they never had any intention of delivering. They went above and beyond to make sure we watched as our most beloved character died 67 seconds after finally finding a moment of happiness.
Please, appreciate what Clexakru went through. Don't take for granted the work the fandom put in all while collectively grieving. This fandom helped shape the landscape of queer representation today. Remember that.
I also rec the Lexa's Legacy videos cuz goddamn we are awesome 💪
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vmplvr1977 · 2 years
Hey. Can you answer numbers 2, 10 and 13? Please and thanks 🙂
Hey there! Thanks for asking! 🎮
2. A game that has influenced you creatively? Writing, drawing, etc
Mass Effect Trilogy, Bioshock Series, Elder Scrolls- all of them have rich plots and lore. I often give nods to each in my fics. I've also written a DeusEx Clexa fusion. 🤷
10. Ever go to a midnight game release or stand in line for hours?
Omg, yes! So many times. I even got a job with GameStop in my 20's so I could live and breathe video games!
13. A game you've never played that everyone else has?
Halo 2 and Portal
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thesummerofrain · 4 years
Check Ins
Hello friends! It’s me, Zee. The person who wrote that Clexa fic about a peer support line years ago and then low-key disappeared (oops).
I now find myself with a lot of time on my hands, so if anyone would like a semi-regular check-in, you can just slide into my ask box. Yes, even if we’ve never talked before (which is the case with most of y’all, I am very bad with engaging on Tumblr).
I have training in a few different mental health and peer support things but I’m not doing this as a ~professional~ and certainly can’t replace an actual therapist type person. This is really just a half hour messaging/video call/whatever with a pal every week or two to see how you're doing and chat about whatevs. 
(I’m starting out with just the folks who follow me and then we’ll see how it goes!)
Take care and be kind to yourselves <3
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float-me-now · 4 years
created by @johnmurphysreddit saw it in @kittinoir's blog
Find your fandom kru and help them find you. Answer the following and include the tag #the100blog in your answer, then tag some of the blogs you follow.
1. What are your primary topics?
Mainly The 100, I occasionally post stuff about Mr Robot, Harry Potter, Gintama and Haikyuu!!, I also like music (mostly metal but not only) and nature, so expect to find something like that too, and everything that I find right to share :)
2. What tags should a visitor check?
I have quite a precise tagging system because I'm a pretty obsessive person lol. Regarding The 100, I tag posts referring to the characters featured in the post and the season I'm talking about. Cast and behind the scenes stuff are tagged accordingly. I've recently found out about the "stan vs anti" culture, and even though I call myself a "Murphy stan" to express my love for the character, I do not support "anti culture": to me, it's more like writing/reblogging critique, thoughts and rants because I'm passionate about something, not because I want to spread hate. However, I will tag some of my posts as "anti" if I write/reblog something that could be seen as "not character friendly".
3. What do you love about The 100?
Oh boy!
- First of all, I love the concept: survival, radiation-soaked planets, difficult decisions, morals, fight-or-die situations, discarded youth who become the saviors of the human race.
- Then, good fight and action scenes (and some well-presented violence), no random sex scenes to lure a certain kind of audience.
- The costumes. Absolutely love the looks.
- Different cultures, a *freaking* new language.
- The beautiful sceneries and effects, sci-fi stuff, complex different plots that are all linked together.
- Powerful women and a bit of LGBT representation, complex characters.
- The freaking PARALLELS guys. I live for that stuff.
- The featured songs and OSTs (I discovered some great artists while watching the series).
- John Murphy, because of all he is, and the other epic characters I'm not sure how I'll live without (Raven, Bellamy, Roan, Octavia, only to name some).
- The cast. I've never had the pleasure to meet them, but they all seem like really fun, nice and loving people. I've watched some videos about conventions and they look like an awesome group!
- The talented part of the fandom that blesses us all with edits, gifs, fanarts and so on :')
4. What do you hate/what frustrates you about The 100?
- Bad character writing (see Bellamy Blake in season 6). Luckily, it doesn't happen often throughout the series. Same goes for some dialogues that are absolutely stupid (see some of Bellamy and Clarke's lines in 1x04 or 1x10).
- Abby Griffin and her "holier than thou" attitude even if she's the literally the character who acts in the most selfish way throughout the show. Also, her ridiculous tendency to make decisions involving other people's lives without considering the facts but just what "she hopes" (mostly season 1). If you are responsible for other people's lives you can't base your decisions on hope, it's ludicrous.
- Clarke Griffin. Not her in particular, and there were many moments in which I really liked her! More like the atmosphere of "we can't do anything without Clarke-she's the most important person in the world-she can do no wrong". I mean yes, she's the main character but there are many other characters that have beautiful and important qualities and overlooking them to focus on Clarke constantly is pretty ridiculous. And there ARE moments in which she made bad decisions, and it's not wrong to call her out for that, she's human. Instead, she's always praised and deemed to be this faultless, perfect hero.
- Sometimes, some things that happen between the characters are not developed or talked through. I understand that it would take like 289 episodes to get the characters to explore all the relationships between them though 😅.
- Memori. That's right: Memori is my NOTP :") To be clear: i see why most people like it, I obviously ADORE Murphy and I don’t hate Emori, I just don't like them together.
-Something more fandom-related: the endless bitching about Bellarke/Clexa. I double despise it not only because it's obnoxious and brings people down, but also because it makes some people who ship them in a civilized way look bad.
5. Is this exclusively a The 100 blog?
Nope but mainly :)
6. What else should people know?
I will likely vent and write rants about this series, and I want to make clear that I don't want to attack anyone, I just care a lot about this show!
Also, I have some difficulties with socializing but I like to interact with the nice people here so asks in particular are always very welcome :)
Tagging @bimurphy, @ayakomspacekru, @bananase221, @john-dontcallmejohn-murphy, @murphamyking, @bunker-boyfriends, @komraekenkru, @youmissedthewholeshow, @clarkewithameme, @dizzy-powerless and @aglicoe!
If you follow me and see this, consider yourself tagged :)
And, as usual, if you don’t feel like doing it, feel free to ignore!
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puthyflapps · 4 years
I'm glad the videos are out because I was seeing his fans saying that clexa's faked Arryn's comments. Now they can choke on the truth.
Yes, I faked a whole 3 minute long speech
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hushthots · 5 years
Rules: Always post the rules. Tag 11 new people you’d like to know better
tagged by @momoception​ @yoursimflower​ @chachalarue​ @thealienships​ thank you dahlings!  ❤️❤️❤️
there were like 3 versions of this tag so I just kinda mixed em all up xD
Tumblr media
name / alias - rej, lola zodiac sign - virgo nation represent! height - 5′2 1/2 hobbies - games, music, reading, netflix, and watching random youtube videos favorite colors - orange, baby blue, and mustard favorite books - Agatha Christie books last song listen to - apocalypse by cigarette after sex inspiration for muse - hmm. for my sims, I mostly based them on my fave tv show characters
Disney or DreamWorks? DISNEY Favorite childhood TV show? Sailormoon  The movie you’re looking forward to most in 2020? MULAN
Favorite book you read in 2019? omg. I've just realized...I haven't finished a book this year. I'm currently reading DEBT of HONOUR tho
Marvel or DC? YES
If you choose Marvel favorite member of the X-Men? If you choose DC favorite Justice League member? Jean Grey in the X-MEN and idk if Supergirl is a member of the JL but it's her that I like xD
Night or Day? Also YES
Favorite Pokémon? Jigglypuff
Top 5 bands: MCR, Cigarette After Sex, Imagine Dragons, Coldplay, Maroon 5 
America or Europe? Europe. cause it sounds fancy af hello xD
Tumblr or Twitter? TUMBLR. I haven’t been on twitter since 1100 BC
Pro-choice or Pro-life? A lil bit of both
Favorite YouTuber:  The Hungry Syrian Wanderer
Favorite author? Agatha Christie
Tea or coffee? Coffee
OTP? oh man. I have tons. but CLEXA is still da number one ship for me. then supercorp, vauseman, olicity, steroline etc.
Do you play an instrument/sing? I used to play the guitar and yes I do sing... in da shower. 
meaning behind your URL - silent thoughts thottifed version
now *rubs palms together* let's bother tag some people, shall we? xD i tag @pixelgrilledcheese @nothingshyofaverage @plushpixels @wesunnysimmer @capptaingrant @thereesespiece @cherrymoonrise @holospite @flethro @ladykendalsims @pixelchalk @candyheartsim @andyjeans @atomicgnomes @sharksimz @geeky-simz @retrogravity @abstractsim @thesimsters-stories @solunasimmer @whyhellosims​ @switch-625​ @something-wicked-sims​ @katietiva​ @ofgodsandllamas​ @olfimania​ @oliveandoaksims​ @lyrics-and-intoxication​ @99simproblems​ @simyaki​ @cherrylattesims​ 
feel free to ignore if you’ve done it already or don't feel like doing it lol i got a lil carried away xD
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