#yes I'm a 23 year old woman who lets her mother do her hair
autumnaaltonen · 1 year
I hate it when my mother decides to join me in the living room while I’m writing, I cannot morally write my filth whilst in her presence 😂 Sometimes she suddenly goes behind me with a hairbrush and elastic to do my hair, and I have a crossstich pattern already open in photoshop to pull up just in case of such jumpscares.
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pink-writer-girl · 3 years
Search For The Fae- chapter 1
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The fog was thick and the night was crisp in the town of Yggdrasil Barrow, though the fog carried even more tension that particular night. A young woman with short, wavy strawberry locks took a deep drag of her cigarette. She exhaled slowly, the cloud of smoke disappearing in the fog. Her cigarette burned low but provided a small light in the fog. Though her eyes were partially hidden by her hair, her expression was grim. She watched as men dressed in police uniforms moved in and out of what appeared to be a normal suburban house. Bright yellow police tape blocked off any nosey but concerned civilians from stepping over the property line.
"Another one missing," one police officer muttered with a pitiful shake of his head.
"This happens every few years. You’d think we’d have some leads by now," said another, rubbing the back of his neck in frustration.
But they didn't. And after almost 100 years since the town’s founding no one had the slightest clue about what happened to all those missing children. The strawberry-haired woman put her free hand in her pocket to shield it from the cold as she took another long, deep drag of her cigarette. She put the butt in her empty smoke box and slid the box into her coat pocket as she solemnly made her way to greet the police officer stationed at the door as she made her way in.
Though she was inside the house the temperature didn't differ much from the outside. The cold within the house was something felt more in the soul rather than on the skin. It was something she was familiar with: the feeling of an invader’s presence, or a person’s lost warmth. The woman's solemn eyes scanned the walls of the plethora of pictures of the household’s family as she walked down the hall. A mother, a father, a sister, and brother. She kept her eyes on the brother, though. While the family appeared to grow more loving and happy as the years passed between these photos, the brother seemed to grow more physically distant from the others.
His happy smile started to get smaller and smaller and seemed to diminish to almost nothing as the years went by. As she peered closely at the brother, the young woman swore her eyes were playing tricks on her when she thought she saw a glimmer of an unnatural color in the boy’s eyes. “What—”
"Detective Nole!" A voice called out to the woman, making her blink and just shake her head. When she opened her eyes again, the brother’s eyes had returned to normal. Just a trick of the light, she thought. As she hurried into what appeared to be a white-walled living room, an older salt-and-pepper-haired man wearing a white button-down shirt turned to look at her. The wrinkles under this man’s eyes showed years of experience with cases like this, and they didn’t look like the cases were getting any easier. 
"Chief Rowan," the woman said, looking toward the married couple standing nearby. The man looked to the two detectives while rubbing the back of his wife, who had not spoken or even looked up since they had been there.
"Mr. and Mrs. Brice, this is Detective Resistance Nole," Rowan said as Resistance made her way to stand next to the chair. Mr. Brice raised a brow at hearing her name, which didn't surprise her. She had been getting looks like this most of her life. Mrs. Brice, who previously hadn't shown any hints of interaction, finally looked up and gave a puzzled expression at the name she heard. 
"Your name is Resistance?" Mr. Brice asked, wondering if they were pulling his leg. 
Resistance let out a deep sigh and rolled her eyes before presenting her badge to the couple. "Do you believe me now?" Both of them looked puzzled,  but when they saw the name inscribed on the badge, they nodded.
"Mr. and Mrs. Brice, I know you've probably been asked this question more than once already, but as you know the first 4 hours after a minor goes missing is the most critical. So I want you to tell me everything that happened today before your son Jeremy went missing and what led up to it,” The green-eyed woman asked as she sat in a chair opposite the Chief. 
Mr. Brice removed his glasses and rubbed his eyes. “Just like I told your Chief and the other officers: I came home and my wife was making dinner. Our son Jeremy was locked up in his room as usual." A bit of annoyance crept into his voice at that part; some obvious tension existed between father and son. “By 7, his mother called him down for dinner, but when he didn't respond we thought he was having one of his fits.” By now Mr. Brice was looking quite distressed. “I knocked on his door to the point of breaking it down..." He paused to wipe his face. "He was gone… No trace of him… He was just gone…"
Mrs. Brice started to tear up slightly. "He… He had been so distant lately, but we never thought he would run away…" she said softly.
Resistance looked at the other woman as she took notes. "When you say distant, what do you mean by it? Your son is 13, right? Was hanging out with the wrong type of kids, or maybe there’s something going on at home you haven’t told me about?" The detective looked into Mrs. Brice's eyes. There was something wrong with them. She looked quite out of it, but she didn't appear to be on any discernible substances. It was like there was a cloud of sorts blocking her thoughts, with the way her eyes were dazed and how she stared blankly in different directions. 
Mrs. Brice shook her head "No, no, nothing like that... Jeremy has always been a good boy. Yes, he could be a bit shy at times, but he was so talented." She smiled brokenly. "He had the voice of an angel. He was in the school choir you know. So beautiful…" Her voice trailed off and her eyes became distant again. 
"Nothing I never heard before, yet so familiar somehow." Resistance frowned slightly and looked towards her chief, who shared her look of confusion.
Mr. Brice wrapped an arm around his wife. "I'm sorry,” he said to Resistance. “She hasn't really taken Jeremy's..." He paused, evidently trying to search for the right word. "...situation very well." 
The detective just looked at him, her eyes full of sympathy. "No parent can rest when their child is missing.” She paused. “I would know," she told them.
" You… You… have children?" Mrs Brice asked in a quiet voice, not really looking at Resistance, though.
Resistance turned to her. "I do. A daughter around 6," she told her gently. 
"A little girl…" A ghost of a smile flickered on Mrs. Brice’s face. "Just like Holly, dear…" She looked at her husband, her expression almost dreamlike. Mr. Brice just looked at her with a somber expression.
"Mrs.Brice, could you possibly tell your version of events before you husband got home?" Resistance asked the dark-haired woman, believing there was more to this story then it seemed.
Mrs. Brice blinked a little, looking at her. "It was a normal day… I got Holly and Jeremy ready for school... Though it took longer to get Jeremy about the house." 
The Chief spoke up. "Why? Did he sleep in?" he asked, furrowing his brow.
Mrs. Brice shook her head again. "No… He was just so distant. He barely responded to me. He just stared out the window humming a song... A beautiful song… I’ve never heard it before." She smiled dreamily again. "I ran errands, then brought the children home from school... Jeremy barely spoke at all. He only hugged me and told me he loved me before going back into his room."
This piqued Resistance’s interest. “Did he do this often? The staring off into space while singing?" she asked both his parents.
"Jeremy was in choir, so it was common for him to practice," said Mr. Brice. 
“But this was different altogether…" his wife finished for him. 
Resistance leaned back in her seat, processing all of this. "Mrs. Brice, what time was it when you last saw your son?" 
"Oh, it was…" Mrs. Brice’s voice trailed off as she tried to remember. "I… I don't… recall," she said. Her eyes became very distant and unfocused, and her husband furrowed his brow in worry.
"It's alright,Mrs. Brice. We can stop for now," the Chief said as he held up a hand. He was concerned that the distressed mother was going to have an emotional collapse.
The female detective didn't fail to notice the small head of a child with curly black hair and Tinkerbell dress pajamas peeking around a doorway at the adults conversing down the hall.
"Would your daughter Holly know?" Resistance asked, making Mr. Brice look up at her. "She was in the house today. What did she tell you?"
Mr. Brice adopted a defensive posture. "Alright, I think we’re done with questions for now. As you can see, my wife is in no condition to answer more. Just please find my son,” he said shortly. He turned to his wife and said in a much softer tone, “Let's take a rest, alright?" He began leading Mrs. Brice out of the room, and she followed him like a zombie.
"We understand, sir. We will do the best we can," the Chief said before shooting Resistance a look.
Resistance got up up go out the door with her senior officer, though she didn't take her eyes off the little girl lurking at the end of the hallway until the moment she walked out the door.
“Ressy, what was the point of asking those questions about the daughter?" the older man said rubbing his eyes. Mr. Brice already has a lot on his plate with his almost catonic wife and his missing son." He watched her stare into the house. 
“The little girl knows something, Rowan. Children always know more than what they first appear to," she told him seriously.
“How do you know, Ressy?" 
“I could see in her eyes…" she told him simply. Oh, yes… She could see the same loss and dread she had seen in herself back then.
The Chief sighed deeply at this. ”Ressy, you know this isn't Lu—“
"I know sir." She cut him off. “I’m not deluding myself by seeing my missing little sister in a missing 23-year-old-boy," she told him firmly as she looked back at her notes. “Besides, didn't you notice how the mother was acting?” she pointed out to the Chief as they walked off the property. 
The older man sighed deeply then hummed in thought. "Yeah, she appeared to be a little… Out of it," he put simply. "I thought maybe her husband gave her something to calm her down.” He rubbed the back of his head and looked back at the house as it receded into the fog behind them. 
“She wasn't on something, at least she didn't appear to be,” Ressy commented, putting a hand on her chin. She had seen people under the influence before during her time as police cadet, and even more so living with her mother growing up… Her sister's disappearance didn't exactly make that part better. “But it seemed like she didn't understand where she was or what was happening clearly, like she was in some sort of bliss." 
The Chief just sighed as he patted her back lightly. “Just go home for tonight, Resistance. Go hug Lorelei. I'm going to hug my girls for sure," he said, turning in the opposite direction which led to his old grey Honda. He got in the driver side while Resistance got in on the passenger side. The young woman just stared at the small town as they drove by. It was very gloomy that day, considering the circumstances. It seemed like fog followed whenever they had an unfortunate event. A town named after the fabled tree of life didn't seem so lively. One of the disturbing reminders of it was all the missing posters of children literally covered all the walls, posts, and shops. Children that went missing over the years… It was like a sick attraction: the town of children spirited away. It also served as a “boogeyman” to scare the surrounding towns’ children into behaving, or else they would be sent to Yggdrasil Burrow.
Ressy dragged her feet to her apartment door when the Chief dropped her off at home. Her keys jingled in her hands as she unlocked the door. Inside, she greeted the babysitter, Rachel, a college student with blonde hair, brown eyes, and sun-kissed freckled skin. “Was she any trouble?” Ressy asked as she paid Rachel for watching her daughter for the day. 
Rachel shook her head as she took her bag and the money offered to her. “Nope! We had a lot of fun! We made grilled cheese, and got really imgative with drawing,” she said as she stepped out the door. "Oh, she has an imaginary friend by the way.”
Ressy blinked at this. “Wait, what—“
But by this time the younger was gone, and Ressy shook her head, sighing. Sometimes the blonde was so immature. Considering her age, that wasn’t surprising, and it didn't make her a bad babysitter. Lorelei had a hard time with keeping one due to her "strange" behavior…
Ressy picked up a lot of the artwork that was scattered around the room. “Looks like you guys didn't pick things up again." She shook her head, sighing deeply. Lorelei, though young, had great talent. It made Ressy smile looking over the colorful pictures of pastels and many fantasy creatures. Her daughter had always had a fascination with them. One drawing caught her eye; it appeared to be a shadowy humanoid coming up the stairs. 
"Hi Mommy!" 
The older woman nearly jumped to turn around to face her daughter. "Oh! Lorelei, sweetheart, don't do that,” she said, sighing in relief but holding her chest. 
The little girl had eyes of hazel and dark brown hair which had a hint of dark purple in it. She also wore a white t-shirt and purple pajama bottoms. "I'm sorry, Mommy" she said guiltily.
Ressy kissed her daughter’s head "It's okay, sweetheart," she said before going back to pick up the pictures. "Looks like you had fun today," Ressy said, looking over the pictures. 
The little girl nodded as she helped her mother. "I'm sorry, Mommy, I forgot about them," she said monotonously. Resistance’s daughter didn't really express emotions like other children. Of course she loved and felt empathy but she seemed much more mature than other children her age. 
"They’re very pretty, sweetheart," Ressy said, picking her daughter up and then sitting on the couch with Lorelei in her lap. "Did you make these with Rachel?" 
Lorelei nodded as she yawned. “I saw them in my dreams." She pointed to each of the pictures as she rubbed her eyes. 
“What about this one?" her mother asked, showing the picture of the dark humanoid. 
"That’s my new friend. He tells me many stories," she said, drifting off to sleep on her mother. 
Resistance became a little concerned at this. "Friend? Lorelei, what do you—?” She cut herself off, seeing her daughter asleep sighing deeply in sleep. "It's been a long day for both of us, huh…" she muttered, getting up with her daughter with a groan before dragging them, both to bed. "Better clean up tomorrow…" she said, too tired to bother with the mess.
Little did she know, outside in the fog, a dark figure stood in the middle of the street looking into their window... watching them.
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Art by: BrinBrin(Ghost)
Story by: Pinkroseutena
Editing by: @poorly-drawn-skeks
Art by: BrinBrin(Ghost)
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raisinbran79 · 4 years
((( Please give feedback!! I'm a sad writer))))
The day came late for Jack Brown. The afternoon sunlight shot through his broken blinds pulling him from a restless slumber. Sometimes before he opens his eyes, he’ll forget where he is. He’ll forget his dread of embracing the day. 
Jack opens his eyes and in a haze looks towards his smartphone. His skeletal fingers were shaking and the camera app on his phone flashed a reflection at him. Jack brown could be mistaken for a corpse if it wasn’t for the bright, ice blue of his eyes. He cringed at his reflection and went to check the time.
Sitting up in his single bed, his lungs felt full. He pushes out a strangled cough. Jack wiped his face and saw the black sludge that had leaked out of his lungs. Jack felt a lump in his stomach whenever he thought about his grandmother dying of lung cancer. even though his grandmother had passed from lung cancer when he was 21, hence the reason he is now the sole resident of her rent-controlled apartment. Jack remembered the day he had found her in the kitchen slumped over a bowl of cheerios with her oxygen tank screaming for more air, as her lungs probably did. 
Jack looks around her apartment: It was a small place stacked with his grandmother's old paperba and erotica novels, her moth-eaten old furniture, and  pictures of her friends and family that he had never met. Evidence of a long and happy life should have been a comfort to Jack. He wanted to erase all the evidence of her. Make this his real home, yet he couldn’t bear to do it. These photographs lined every wall, even in the bedroom. He felt like a stranger here, like he didn’t belong. Like everywhere else, even in his own home, he had strangers staring at him. The constant loneliness of a million eyes glaring was now the only comfort he held inside of himself. 
Jack pulled himself out of bed, groaning with each pop in his bones. He picked up his uniform from the floor, A grey pinstripe button-up with SECURITY detailed on the front pocket and black slacks. In the pocket were a crushed pack of cigarettes and his father's red pocket knife, a reminder of the man he would never be. Beside him on the nightside table was a photo of Jack and his father. When his father was younger you could’ve sworn he was a movie star. Long blonde hair, and not even one crooked tooth. Jack pushed a hand through his dusty blond hair and ran his tongue over his yellowing teeth. He cleared his throat again and placed a cigarette in his mouth. One of his darker fantasies involved him waking up one morning and coughing so hard bits of his lung would spill out of his mouth, at least he wouldn’t have to go to work.
Jack made his way to the kitchen and opened up his fridge. The only thing cast in the fluorescent light was a dilapidated birthday cake. It had been Jack's birthday less than a week ago. Some of his coworkers had got together and purchased it for him. It was a vanilla cake ( he hated vannile) with pink icing. On the top of the cake, in red swirly lettering was “ Happy Birthday Jake!”  The mistake did not bother Jack, the subject of birthday cake had always been a sore spot anyways. 
His father Bo Brown, smelled like cheap barley and stale tobacco. A cigar always seemed to be perched in between his index and pointed finger. Jack, had always thought the way his mama, Eleanor Brown, was different and more delicate. As if in between those red painted fingernails she was holding a daisy. It was Jack’s sixth birthday and Eleanor had baked him a vanilla birthday cake with cream cheese frosting. His father, always being one for celebration, was very very drunk. What Jack didn’t understand was that drunkenness was the closest thing to goodness his father was capable of. The alcohol disillusioned his ambitions making him an unpredictable and stupid man.  
In the doorway of the kitchen his mother stood with the birthday cake. She was a round woman. 
Her eyes were like two round blue and green globes like the one in his classroom, and her cheeks round summer peaches. Jack did not receive his mother’s body type, instead he was cold and angular like his father. Eleanor stood with the cake on a platter and six red candles illuminating her smile in a heavenly halo. Bo sat at the kitchen table tapping his yellowed fingernails on the table and sipping his drink. The ice cubes clinked as he clapped his son on the back and yelled drunkenly 
“ Well, Ellie, our sons are finally a man!” he shouted, “ and a man deserves a man’s gift.” 
From his work jeans Jack’s father brandished a black box. When he opened it, a tiny red pocket layed there peacefully. 
“ Now Bo, don’t you think he’s a little.. Young” his mother laughed sheepishly, her eyes brandishing terror. 
“ Now Bo, don’t you think he’s a little young” Bo mocked as pure rage flashed across his face and he flicked open the knife and pointed it towards his wife. 
“ Don’t you ever tell a man what to do and what not to do with his son!” he drove the knife down into the table. 
The room was so quiet  Jack could hear the blood pumping in his father's veins. His father’s face erupted into a tepid smile as he handed Jack the knife
“ I’m only joking Jackie” his father clapped him on the back once again. 
Jack was too afraid to cry. However as his mother placed the birthday cake in front of him, he saw tears in her eyes. 
“ Happy birthday Jack” 
He was too young to feel this old, but even the twenty-minute walk to the bus stop winded him. He passed young millennials with their smartphones and turtlenecks. He didn’t know who he was a part of, 23 is an ever confusing age anyways. If Jack had it his way he’d be seventy already so there would be an excuse to be so miserable. 
Jack sat toward the back of the bus as he always did. In front of him was a younger couple. The girl had short bleached hair and was wearing an oversize jean jacket with the words `` Reject society!” painted in bright red. The boy had a shaved head and was wearing a green knit sweater. His large combat boots were sticking in the aisle. As the bus started to roll the girl pulled out a cell phone and a set of headphones. She put one earbud in his ear and one in hers. The boy smiled at her, and she giggled. She set her head on his shoulder and even though Jack couldn’t see her, he knew she was smiling. He felt strange looking at them. As if he was eavesdropping on their little world. Jack was jealous of them. He was jealous he didn’t have someone to rest their head on his shoulder. To hold hands as they walked home together. To smoke cigarettes on his balcony with. Jack wasn’t unattractive. It was that Jack was terrified of people. Isolation, Jack realized, brings a lot of things. Jack thought he would forget how to speak. That his words would shoot up in his throat, and stop just behind his teeth and he`d choke on them. That his tongue would never move again and turn to cement, that`d he'd die struggling for breath. Even if those things happen .. then he wouldn’t mind too much. 
The bus slowed to a stop and the young, in-love couple scurried off. Once again as Jack stood up, his bones popped and cracked. He exited the bus, gently apologizing as he bumped into people. They said nothing back. 
Most people were exiting the museum as he hurried up the steps. Jack loved how it looked. It was reminiscent of the old homes in the south. Tall white, marble pillars in front of the doors, large glass doors with gold trimming that never chipped. Long flower boxes on each of the windows that always held cigarette butts and grocery store flowers. The building itself held an undeniable glow to anyone that stood in its shadow. 
As he entered the building one of the curators, Quinn, gave him a polite smile. Quinn was tall with dark, dark brown hair. For what Jack knew, she was nice and very very smart. Quinn always knew when to speak and she was the best with guided tours. Jack thought maybe he could ask her out for a drink one night. Maybe they'd start talking about art, and the music they liked and what he wanted in ten years. Maybe she would kiss Jack outside of his favourite Chinese restaurant and maybe Jack would meet her parents. If not that, maybe they could just be friends. 
Jack didn't have time for all that, if Jack had the right words, maybe. 
He set his bags down on the front desk and clocked in at the computer. Jack sat down and stared at the setting sun through the long windows. It was just about time to lock the door. He crossed the large entrance hall, his work boots echoing through the museum. Jack pulled his ring of keys from his belt when all of sudden Quinn was barreling up the stars. Beige high heels in hand. Jack opened up the door as she reached the top.
" Jack!" She shouted, " You're a damn lifesaver!" 
" Is everything okay?" He said 
" Yes, yes I just forgot my wallet" 
Jack let her in, and she pushed past him walking toward the front desk. 
" It's my anniversary tonight, and I didn’t want to be without" she chuckled 
" Congratulations Quinn" he smiled 
" Thank you, thank you. Were going to his favourite Chinese place on the upper side -"
" The Golden Castle?" Jack asked 
" Yes! That's the one?" She asked 
There was a silent pause as Quinn dug through the drawers at the front desk. 
" Is it only you here tonight?" She asked, trying to break the uncomfortable silence. 
" Always is" 
Quinn lifted her wallet into the air triumphantly. Smiling beautifully. 
`` Well, Jack if you get too bored, there's a new exhibit just down the hall..``
She came close to him, too close. Jack tried not to be weird. But He saw her crystalline eyes reflect from the dying sunset and the small scar above her top lip. She had freckles too, hundreds of them dotted all across her face. When she smiled, her top teeth were crooked, it made her face look kind and warm. Jack looked up from her lips. 
`` Technically it’s a preservation piece, I haven’t even seen it. But, since you’re all alone” she said “ Maybe you could take a peak and tell me all about it.” 
Her body pressed against his as she leaned into his ear 
“Just don't let anyone find out, it`ll be our little secret. Okay?”
Jack beamed at her request . He put two fingers to his lips and then into the air.
“I promise, Scouts honour,” Jack said with fake confidence
There it was again, that little laugh, and that gorgeous smile. 
“ Have a good night Jack” she moved past him and out the door. She fluttered down the stairs quickly. 
“Hey, Quinn!” Jack called after her horsley 
“ Yea?!” Quinn called back from down the stairs 
“ Try the eggrolls” 
Quinn looked up at him, smiled once again and slipped into a taxi. Jack was still smiling when he closed and locked the door. He turned away from the door, and finally his cheeks fell. His face burned from smiling so hard. 
“Jesus Jack,” he thought to himself, ``Try the egg rolls?`
The night rolled on as it always does, slow and with no mercy. Jack had his feet up on the front desk and was scrolling through the 10 cameras set up on an old computer monitor. He moved his hand onto the mouse and clicked through the cameras carelessly. 
Jack knew that there was no way that anyone could get in or out of this place. His job was merely peace of mind to the faceless millionaire that owned this place. While he had never met his boss, he always pictured him as an overweight man in a tight navy suit. Usually smoking a thick cigar and having a large shiny bald head. Kind of like the old mob bosses in his father’s favourite movies. 
 All of a sudden, there was a slight itching behind his ear. He dragged his dirty fingernails behind his ear, trying to soothe the itch. The more he scratched however the more that erupted into a burning hot inflammation. He whipped his head around and smacked his ear violently. 
What the fuck, What the fuck, what the fuck? Jack screamed to himself in his head.  
Without warning, a tiny black beetle fell from Jack’s ear and into the palm of his hand. Its exoskeleton was hard and smooth. It’s mouth curled into two lewdly sharp pincers, 
Jack’s heart leapt into his throat and he threw the beetle on the ground. It scurried toward the far end of the hallway. Panting, Jack watched as it’s tiny body disappeared into the shadows. 
It was then that he noticed that there was a long shadow running up the hallway walls. Had he forgotten to turn off a light? No way Jack thought to himself. All the lights in the museum only used two switches. One for one-half of the museums’ lights, the hallway on his left, and another the hallway on his right. But one ominous light burned through the darkness. Jack stood and went to investigate. Just as he stood from his chair, the burning in his ear ceased. 
Once again his boots echoed in the empty hallways. Clump..clump….clump.
The source of the light was nowhere to be seen. Yet long shadows still ran up and down the walls. Jack turned a corner and finally there it was. The light was shining behind a large security door labelled " The Art of curse and passion DO NOT OPEN" 
This was the new exhibit Quinn had told him to venture into. Jack had made it a habit to stick to the rules. Even though Jack didn't move an inch, the door seemed to be getting closer to him with every beat of his heart. 
Lub dub….lub dub...lub dub
He outstretched his palm now drenched in sweat and grasped the polished door handle. 
When he pushed open the door, a blinding white light pierced into his eyes. Jack screamed at the pain and tried to cover his eyes but it seemed as if his hands had melted to his sides. 
In a matter of seconds, his eyes adjusted to the light.
The room was empty except for one painting. It was in a midsize thin brown frame. The painting depicted a woman. Her face was cold each angle smoother than the next. The woman's hair was deep deep obsidian and her eyes crystal white, almost as translucent as glass. A melody of flowers pooled around her, encircling her in the richest colours of flaming crimson Rose's, Bold purple violets and sapphire forget me not. She was the most beautiful woman, Jack had ever seen and once again without moving a muscle, the painting seemed to move closer to him with each beat of his heart. 
His hand hovered to her face, begging to touch her skin. Jack's body burned for her, itching like a junkie wanting a fix he yearned for her more than anything he's ever wanted. 
A soft voice came slithered over Jack's neck and into his ears 
Touch She begged Touch me 
With no second thought, Jack was removed and there only lay his desire. His long skinny finger brushed what he hoped to be canvas but instead was supple flash. Jack jumped back his heart hammering in his chest, closing his eyes tight praying hoping that this would all be a dream. He dug his fingernails deep into his palms praying that maybe that would wake him. 
Yet when he opened his eyes, the painting had gotten closer and closer. The fear left his body as a receding tide. He was left face to face with Her. Jack’s breath left him in fleeting gasps. Her face moved, looking through him and at him all the same.  Her blushing rose lips grazed him. Jack melted at the feeling of her tongue grazing his bottom lip.
She tasted like springtime. Fresh warmth after months of bitter cold and for the first moment, Jack's world was no longer colour blind. He was locked into her. 
Help me Jack her voice was smooth and kind,  I know, I know how lonely you are. How your heartaches as mine does. How the emptiness fills you like desire, I feel it too Jack. Please, please let me out. 
I can’t Jack thought to himself I’ll lose my job 
Please Jack, she begged, you hate it here, you despise this place. 
From the bottom corner of the painting, a milky white hand appeared. It outstretched and wrapped itself around Jack’s cheek. Digging her palm into his jagged face, seemingly touching him from the inside. 
I’ll save you Jack if you save me first. 
There was no more Jack, only the paint that had seeped from her lips into him. Jack reached into his pocket and pulled out his father's pocket knife, assuming his destiny and releasing Her from her cage. 
Jack rolled her up and cradled her in his arms. He felt her warmth radiate all over him. 
Jack left the room, now dark as if the lights had never been on. His boots clomped once again, faster as he sped towards the door. Jack saw that hours had passed by him while he was in the room ; dawn illuminated the museum. To the front doors in which he quickly unlocked and threw open. The screech of the security alarms rang in his ears and he pumped his legs, not worried about turning off the alarm, not worried about anything. Jack's lungs felt as if they were made of lead and his blood pure and burning adrenaline
 Feeling the bright morning dew slick on his skin and the light finally breaking through his fog. 
Faster Jack, they can’t catch us 
Jack ran so fast that the gods would never touch him. His long legs burned and begged him to slow down but Jack had what he never did, purpose and love. 
It was too early for passersby to see him. The occasional morning jogger passed judgement at his uniform. They assumed he was just another nighttime degenerate crawling into the day. 
He ran even faster. 
Jack entered his apartment. The silence was crowded by the blood pounding thick in his ears. Jack stood for a moment. Revealing how the faces in all of his grandmothers' photographs seemed to smile at him now. 
Unravel me Jack she said 
All at once Jack rushed toward his kitchen table, swiping the ashtrays and stacks of paperbacks onto the ground. He opened her onto the table and was once again swept by her burning beauty. 
He pulled up a chair and sat there at his table staring intently at the painting. Memorizing each curve, each line of her face. Tears burned at his eyes, and he wept onto her. 
It’s okay Jack, You’ll never have to feel that way again, I just need one more thing
Anything, absolutely anything Jack smiled though his gut-wrenching sobs. 
You must devour me
The life he lived before her was black and grey and now he breathed technicolour.
Dust settled on the table around him and on his fingertips. Spider’s and dust mites scurried up and down his furniture and the carpet. Large moths had fluttered onto my clothing, slowly but surely tearing away my cotton uniform. Leaving me a bare corpse dissolving into dust.  I was disappearing as if his body was becoming weaker, and weaker with each passing breath. 
You must devour me. Her voice echoed through his brain, and Jack became aware of what he must do. 
Jack moved his skeletal frame towards his fridge. His stomach was caved inward, and his ribs jutted out at all angles. Jack’s stick-like fingers grasped the door and opened it. The cartilage in his knuckles cracking like ice on a pond. 
In his fridge, behind the cake, there was a glass cup of cream and a mason jar of honey. Jack used his failing strength to set the cream and the honey on the table. He slumped down once again. 
Jack lowered his head to her face one last time.  Pressing his forehead to hers and his chapped lips to hers. All he tasted was canvas. 
Please don’t leave me he thought, I love you
Jack, don’t you see, now I’ll always be apart of you
You’ll never be alone again 
He stuck his fingers into the jar of honey and slathered her face encompassing her in sweetness. Delicately he ripped a piece of her and stuffed it past his lips. Dissolving the canvas into a soft pulp. His back molars did not dare tear the paper to bits. His stomach screamed for fullness. The ball of dissolving canvas lodged itself below his Adam's apple. Jack poured the cream down his throat and colour entered him. With ravenous lust , piece after piece Jack began to gorge himself stuffing every last piece inside him. He ate around her face, devouring the prismatic flowers first. Slathering each piece in gobs of honey and gulping down cream. Sputtering whiteness from his full mouth. Jack paused when it came to her waxy and pointed face. He ripped larger, and larger portions from her face until the only pieces left were her eyes. He held the last pieces of her in his hands and dipped her in the honey. He swallowed so much of her she gripped his throat. The yellow liquid dripped down his chin and onto his wrists, the long self inflicted scars of his youth were bathed in sweetness. 
Never again Jack promised himself,
Never again the woman's voice promised him. 
If alone was a feeling, loneliness was a hole in the bottom of his stomach an ache in his tooth. An itch in the back of your eye. I had always had this hole, this ache and this itch. 
As she entered me, as her color filled me….
Jack brown was never lonely again. 
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bubblelliot · 4 years
Here's my second character! I will also present their teammates a bit since the crew is much more like a family this time! (Might also add pics of the others in following posts and MAYBE of his animals too)
Særos Sandiel and The zookeepers
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(This art is a picrew which I do not have the rights on, here is the link to it: https://picrew.me/image_maker/62745)
The name of the team mostly comes from a joke saying that "Mama Lyræ is our zookeeper and that we are the Zookeepers to a ton of pets. Also, Yarina can shapeshift into beasts sooooooo yeah.
Særos is my very first character played in D&D. We actually started playing on the other game I talked about last time, but we switched to D&D. His character sheet is actually available on DND beyond, but I'm still gonna give details here.
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Those are his attributes. (He actually got an additional point of charisma after I wrote this and was too lazy to take another screenshot sorry x) )
He is recorded as a high Elf, but is actually of two different bloodlines. He is VERY young for an elf, but his exact age is unknown (well yes but know, you'll see). He has 5 wizard and 2 cleric levels, making him currently level 7.
I am NOT gonna go through everything Særos has, cause that would be VERY long. He has a heavy armor, he has a staff of healing and a shortsword, but he mostly uses his magic. He also has, in his spellbook, a collection of dried flowers.
Særos has a TON of pets he acquired through the different quests the party went on. The first one is a frog named Lepiota he found wounded and saved. He then bought an old black cat he named Persephone (even if the cat is a male 😂). Finally, he also bought two ferrets (fluffy noodles ❤️❤️) which he named Elton and Freddy (this one was as a reference to one of our former player who really loves Elton John and Freddy Mercury). He loves them with all his heart and will absolutely kill anyone who tries to hurt his babies.
Særos' main ally is, obviously, his twin, Edran. They are very similar, but Særos is usually pretty well kept with his short hair always brushed and his braids made every morning, whereas Edran is a bit shorter, more immature, usually pretty dirty with blood all over their clothes (which are poofy dressed he hides poison in 😂) and messy hair. There is also Lyræ. She is a paladin coming from far away lands. She is a human with elf ancestors and dragon blood. She has a wife and children and thus, she is pretty much the mom of the group. (The DM literally gave her two custom attacks she can use in RP: the flick of anger that gives 1pt of bludgeoning + 1pt of psychic damage and the disapproving look that gives 2pts of psychic damage everytime she does it + makes the target intimidated). Then, there is Finian, a human assassin. Finian and Særos are pretty neutral about each other, but Edran is in absolute admiration of him, so Særos is grateful that Finian doesn't just shatter his sibling's trust. The last member, who was actually someone that was rescued by the party, is Yarina. She is a very shy aasimar and is pretty much the definition of being pure EXCEPT she is obsessed with daggers (no joke, she has 23 of them). They were recently joined by a rogue elf called Adressin who actually attacked them at first.
This picrew is already pretty accurate. Særos (as well as Edran actually) has blond almost white hair, but it's actually fluffier than on the picture. He has two braids, one in front of each ear, a few freckles and red-pink eyes. He is very pale, quite small and very frail. He looks pretty androgynous and rather young, though he usually passes as a bit older since he is an elf.
Backstory and campaign:
So the campaign isn't really a big story like in Rhodrag's case, so I'll tell the party's story, but not the quests.
The twins' first memory is waking up in a bed, only knowing their name. They meet with the lovely wood elf lady who save them, and learn they were found in the sand by a nearby river. For that reason, they are given the last name "Sandiel".
They live a relatively normal life with her, for around 10 years, until they are attacked by drows. Their adopted mother successfully hides them by using magic and they learn they are wanted because they are part drow and part high-elf, meaning pretty much every every elven races will want to kill them. The woman successfully protects the twins. She is taken out of the house and, to this day, the twins don't know what happened of her, whether she was killed or taken.
They left and reached a nearby city. There, they survived by stealing and being street entertainers (for example, even if he has no rogue level, Særos is proefficient in stealth, sleight of hands, deception, etc. He also is proefficient in performance. He learned to sing, the art of divination and a bit of magic.)
One night though, Særos came back to their hiding place to find his sibling dead. All he could understand was that they died of both malnutrition and hypothermia.
Out of desperation, he tried every spell he knew, but nothing happened. He tried reanimation, but it had been to long. Out of despair, he prayed any god possible to help him, saying he couldn't live in this unfair world without Edran.
A god did answer. He is actually a god from the other game we started the campaign in before switching to DND.
He is called Nuodai the Trickster.
He offered a deal to Særos: he would bring back Edran and even guarantee him power and success, and in exchange, when Særos would be powerful enough, the Trickster would take his elven traits which hold part of his powers, as well as 200 years of his life. Out of desperation, Særos accepted.
He woke up the next morning. His sibling was by his side, clearly not dead, but not entirely alive. They were now a revived.
Things went on, Edran not knowing, and Særos eventually stopped thinking about the deal, only happy to have his twin back. They moved from the city, trying to reach a bigger one, and were, once again, attacked by drows. He used a spell to put his twin in safety and attacked the drows, but was, if course, neutralized.
He was taken and they made him a slave while they tried to capture Edran to kill them together.
Fast forward, Edran is taken into an underdark prison. He meets again with his brother and both if them are beaten up. They successfully defend though and they are thrown in a cell as it is decided they're are to be executed the next day. This is where they meet Lyræ and Finian.
They plan to escape as well as a few other NPCs. They are able to leave the cell and steal a bit of stuff while a vrock attacks the guards. They escape and reach a teleporter. There, Særos successfully brings everyone back to the surface. Newly free, they all start to look for a village. After properly introducing each others, they finally reach a tiny elf village. The twins stay as stealthy as possible but end up being noticed and attacked by guards. They then have a choice: they could be changed into simple would elves or they have to leave. Særos knows it's not gonna work on Edran, and bargains to be able to stay. At first, the headmaster threatens to kill him for that, but he ends up agreeing to let them in the city, guarded, until the night falls.
They then shop and leave the city.
They end up in a forrest Særos realizes is corrupted. There, they were attacked by a HUGE snake touched by the corruption. At first, everyone tries to kill it except Edran and quickly, Særos and Finian join them. Særos finally cuts the tip of it's tail where the corruption was and Edran and Finian calm it.
Lyræ is terrified of it and finally lets them all know that her best friend was killed by a giant snake who ate her alive. (This is freaking terrifying yo.)
In the end, a fight starts and Særos, enraged, leaves everyone and runs towards the center of the corruption. There he is attacked by corrupted elves and tree creatures we happily called Groots. Edran joins him and Særos basically rages (he used they most powerful spell he had and literally exploded them.
Edran, while attacking, starts gaining weird memories.
Fast forward to the end of the quest, Særos is happily searching for animals and flowers when he and Edran hear strange noises coming from a tree. Edran climbs it and a wood elf girl falls from the tree, before Edran jumps on her from the too of the tree.
The team introduced themselves to her and she happily talks to them. So yeah, that's how we met Nayhru.
The team reaches a weird village and after the whole snake incident, leaves the party for a while, promising to find them again soon and assuring she would always be closer than they think.
They reach the village which reveals to be a village of gnomes and there they meet with a gnome (who's player inspired the names of my furrets x) ) and a Goliath travelling together. They all find the village empty before being attacked by a troll and... Metal gnomes?
They kill them, uneager to die, and search the village. They find flowers in the middle of the village and Særos takes one for his collection. Særos and Edran are attacked by an ooze and at some point, the ooze attacks Edran just before being killed by Nayrhu. At that moment, Edran starts turning into a robot as well, with the corruption growing from their arm. Særos tries to cut off the arm, but us unable and the corruption takes Edran's whole body.
They leave the village and are able to find a Druid eager to help them make a cure for Edran and the gnomes, but he needs Elder sage. He describes it and Særos shows his flower to the Druid, who confirms it is Elder sage. They go back to the village to get flowers, cane back and turned Edran back into a flesh being.
And that's when they remembered dying and being brought back to life. Edran and Særos cried in each other's arms and then continued on.
They got in a cavern near the village from where the trolls always came. There, the found a girl, chained, with glowing wings. They freed her and she introduced herself as Yarina. (Fun fact: Yarina's player is my SO, and both Yarina and Særos have the spell suggestion, so when the crew found a the boss hiding something, we just made it run away. Nice. )
The team found a clockwork dragon and helped it. They then left again. Finian had to leave a couple times, and at some point, the team realized that, even if they are young, the twins were actually a lot older than they thought: They assumed Edran's death happened when they were around 13 and that it had been around 6 years, meaning Særos was actually around 19.
They were reunited with Lyræ and began other quests. In one of them, the team encountered a wishing fountain that filled any wish you had under certain conditions. Særos asked to know his whole story, from the lives of his parents up to now. The fountain gave him a magic book that tells his story and updates. It has no name so Særos just calls it The story book.
Some time passed and the team continued on. They were traveling to the capital until one night, Nayrhu and Edran caught a thief about to steal their stuff. They quickly stopped him and realized he was very young. Instead of kicking his butt, they woke up the whole team and decided together to bring him to the capital and help him make money to survive there. And that's how they met Adressin.
The zookeepers reached the capital where they are supposed to find Finian who joined outlaws he met in another quest.
Before finding Finian, they decided to do a few quests to earn money with Adressin.
Everyone through the day kept noticing Særos bring super bold, a lot bolder than he usually is, for example, telling Yarina who was wearing a magic dress that she looked "Incredibly beautiful" as if she was "made if pure light". No one really thought anything of it though and just shoved it away.
One night, they decided a drinking contest was a good idea and everyone joined except Adressin. The next morning, everyone was doing good, maybe a tad nauseous, except for Lyræ and Særos who were absolutely fucked up. They both used spells to heal their hangover, but Særos remained mildly unwell, choosing to go on their quest anyways.
Symptoms were the following:
-A headache that was mostly located to the top front of his head
-His low back itching and hurting a LOT
-His eyes feeling dry
No one really knew what was going on, some didn't even really notice.
As they went on with their first quest, they started noticing weird stuff about Særos' appearance: His hair looked more golden than white, as they used to, there were two bumps appearing on his forehead around the location of his headache, his eyes looked.... Weird...? But no one really saw anything peculiar, his skin, usually also white, now looked kinda pink.
He doesn't really notice the changes and doesn't understand what is happening which utterly FRIGHTENS him, but he hides it. Yarina started understanding what was happening and Edran out all the pieces together and now they know everything.
To be continued...
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kimlineroom · 5 years
Him And I (21+) c. 1
Before yoy read:
WARNINGS: → incest, matter of life and death, multiple smuts, supportive bts, and many more
Summary: Taehyung comes back to Geongchang for a 3 weeks break and to mend the broken relationship with his dear sister. Suddenly this sick, twisted, unknown feeling pops up in his life and he realize... That he's in love with her.
But there's more to it.
Disclaimer: if you don't like this theme of incest, please do not read it. I will not be responsible if you're triggered although in this chapter there's nothing happening between taehyung and the oc. Although, it'd be best if you read the first chapter to understand the story more, just a heads up. All grammar mistakes is mine to blame bc english is not my first language and i am new in tumblr! This is a new experience to me lol. This fic is also cross posted in ao3 btw. Enjoy!
It was on Saturday.
  Miu wants to practice her vocals for her performance for the audition but she just feels so lazy and all she wants is to just roll over and sleep. That's exactly what she wants. But it doesn't go as planned.
  She ends up eating breakfast at 7 am with her parents and enjoying the morning air. The window is open, and everyone knows how she loves sitting by the window, so no one dares to take that spot from her. She closes her eyes as the breeze hit her face, humming in agreement. Her parents look at her and stifle a laugh. She seems to notice though.
  “What?” she asks, raising an eyebrow at their faces who try to stop laughing at her for whatever reason.
  She just stays still and looks out the window. How can people laugh at her? It's very confusing. What's so funny about a girl who's sitting on a chair staring out the window? She waits for an answer as she sips her coffee that morning with a hum of approval. Coffee has always been her favourite out of other hot drinks. In a way, it calms her a lot in the morning. An energy booster, too.
  Her mother let out a laugh, “Nothing it's just that you stare out the window and your expression when the wind blows on your face is priceless, honey.”
  Mrs. Kim said, patting her shoulder and her father's laugh also echoes as he seems to enjoy his wife's statement. What's so funny about that? She asks in her head, puzzled. She continues to stare out and let them laugh at her all they want. She notices the birds flying together in the distant, making her smile. Nature had always influenced her. It's something she can't describe.
  There's something about them that calms her, like this coffee. They made her feel all warm inside while she sips her coffee and connects herself with nature. It felt so peaceful and all her troubles would go away for a reason. She remembers when she was a child, she used to run out on an adventure into the woods at the back of their house. They sometimes went camping there (funny, yeah) so she got used to the forest. She knows the trails and all, and she loved listening to nature. The wildflowers, the tall trees. They're all very heart-warming to her.
   Her eyes would light up at the mention of camping because she knows her parents would drag her into the forest because that's their camping spot. She would jump in joy if ever they would go out and camp or visit the waterfall or something. She loves them very much and she'd ditch her phone anytime for nature. Maybe that's also one of the reasons why she has little friends in school; that she doesn't socialize much. But it didn't bother her unlike it bothered her parents or her brother. Brother…
   Her hands that were on her thighs under the table slowly inch towards her abdomen and wrap around it instantly at the mention of her brother. Why she did it? She doesn't have an answer. It lingers on her stomach for a while, until she snatches them away and put her hands on the table, snapping herself and letting herself resurface into reality. Her parents talked about their jobs. Mrs. Kim is a writer, a not so famous one but good enough in Daegu meanwhile Mr. Kim is an ordinary office worker. They also own a farm at the back of their house, and when things get busy, she's the one handling them. She and her brother but since he's away for work now, so it's only her, not that she's complaining.
   Her brother is Kim Taehyung. The Kim Taehyung of BTS. he is 23 years old, and right now, he is on tour in Japan. She looks down into the black coffee, the colour made her uneasy for some reason as she thought about him. 3 weeks he spent his day off with them and 3 days since he returned to his idol job, away from his break at this house. Taehyung. When one would think of him, everyone would say how easy going, thoughtful, and handsome he is. Yes, it's true, but there's more than that. Taehyung is more than that to her.
   She could see her mother taking the newspaper on the table. It's today. Mr.Kim had retrieved them earlier when her mother cooked breakfast.
   Her mother turns to her. “Look, it's your brother. The tour is a success as usual.” She says, sipping her coffee and letting Miu grab the newspaper, reading it. Or rather, looking at the headline that has pictures of her brother and his bandmates.
    She stares at the now blue-haired man on the stage, a little too long that she doesn't realize how bizarre it would look to other people if they see her, staring at her own brother's picture like this. Creepy. She didn't mean to linger her eyes too long on his recent picture, but she can't help it; she misses him very much. The headline is about the Love Yourself tour that's starting again. The excerpt of it is saying about how BTS had become international and over millions of tickets being sold and clean. They're performing in Nagoya tonight. Nagoya...she always dreams to travel to Nagoya.
   “You ok there, buddy?” Her father asks, looking at her with warm, kind eyes.
   His face reminded her of her brother. Well, Taehyung is his son after all. Why wouldn't she think of him when she looks at her father? She smiles at him and set aside the newspaper and lean on the table.
   “Nothing. It's just that...I miss him.” She said, meant every word.
   Everyone knows how close they are. How the two Kim siblings were inseparable until Taehyung chased his dream as an idol that his parents approved of. Taehyung is lucky, he has parents who support him no matter what decision he makes and a sister who loves him no matter what he does. It was hard for her when Taehyung walked out because he's the only friend she ever had; no one, except for her best friend Nayeon could make her feel accepted.
   Taehyung is her everything. Her brother, her friend, her companion, her…
“No need to be sad, kiddo. He'll come back soon. Besides, three weeks off is kinda long for an idol and I'm sure your time with him before he left for the tour is well spent, right?”
   Yeah. It was well spent indeed. She smiled bitterly and nod her head. She looks out the window again, and her eyes scan the small hut that she, Taehyung, and their father built when she was only 7 years old and Taehyung was 11. Her eyes linger on it, remember the day Taehyung gently take care of her, making sure she doesn't get hurt when she's helping while their mother makes them hot chocolate and watch as her family works together in harmony and peace.
   It was a peaceful day and it stays attached in her head. How can she forget? It was one of the most precious moments to her. The memory of her and Taehyung. She remembers Taehyung's sweating face as he lifts the woods and helped their father. She remembers how it felt so right to be laughing, to be helping, to be side by side with her brother. True, that she's very close with her brother and she will always be, according to him. Taehyung, even when he lives in Seoul, would always call them every day without fail.
   She remembers how Taehyung and herself would hang out at that old hut that they built, lying on the wooden floor and looking at the trees, the breeze pampering their faces. When Taehyung had his weeks off before he left for the tour, he stayed with her there and hang out with her, listening to each other's crackhead culture talks. The way her brother hugged her, the way his head rested on her shoulder lovingly, the I love yous that they delivered to each other…
   “Hey, since it's a day off, how about we go somewhere?” Her father says, snapping her out of her daydream.
   He's now standing beside her mother, a steaming cup of coffee in his hands as he looks at his wife and his daughter. Her mother seems to be in sync with her husband, so they are waiting for her answer. To be honest, she doesn't mind. Even though she supposed to start her practice for the audition, that usual lazinesslingers in her body. Ever since Taehyung left, her body had been in a lazy state. Why? She gulps, remembering such an event and quickly cast it aside to answer her parents.
   “Sure. Where?” She asks lazily, stirring her coffee then sipping them slowly. It's still hot.
   Her father thinks for a while, leaning on the counter and think of where their destination would be today. Suddenly, he claps his hands together which resulted in her mother to flinch. Mrs. Kim has always been a scary cat, just like her. They laughed at the woman.
   “You scare me!” she screamed, hitting her husband in a playful manner. Perhaps, it has been too hard of a hit because he jumped and let out an “ow.” They all laugh again, and Miu wonders about what would today be like if Taehyung is by their side. By her side. It would've been even more fun. What could he be doing, right now? Miu wonders, her laughter still lingers with them, but it dies as she stares at the black, steaming hot coffee. It's like staring at a hole. A hole in her heart that is.
   “As I was saying,” Mr. Kim pause, eyeing his wife in a flirty manner and look at his only daughter with a smile as he continues. “I think it'd be fun to drive off to that favourite waterfall that you love so much. It's only 30 minutes’ drive there.”
   He says with a smile as he realizes how much his daughter loves that place and as her eyes lit up with excitement at the mention of the waterfall. Good choice indeed. All her troubles are forgotten at the mention of the waterfall that she loves so much. She stands up, fixing her dress immediately and walk out of the house to their car.
   “I'll be waiting in the car. Hurry up!” She ushers them, sprinting to get outside leaving her parents in the kitchen with a smile on their faces.
   “Well, let's go.” Mr. Kim said, beaming at Mrs. Kim.
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tacoteez · 5 years
Tick tock - Soulmate AU
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Warning: mention of violence
Type: angst
Time is valuable as what your mother said. It could be valued for those who appreciates time without procrastinating a single thing. And it is valuable for people who are thirsty for chances.
And for you, this time, adorned on your pale wrist is valuable for your soulmate.
2 months more. You were confused if you should even find your soulmate. You feel hopeless to love. Knowing how short the amount of time left for them to live
Knowing that the digits haven't changed to blue, you haven't met your soulmate. It's still colored in red. But for some reasons, you want to know how long you'll live, will you ever get to work for your parents or at least graduate? You need to find him to know yours. You don't care about love anymore, selfishness blurring your mind.
You stared at your wrist,the time becomes blue. Deep breaths were taken as you tried to lift up your head to see who is the person which is your blind date that was surprisingly your soulmate. But it turns out to be a waiter.
His eyes were hazel, round and sparkling. His features were strong, with parted hair around a good ratio of 2:3 and a heartwarming smile. And his voice, oh God you want to hear more of it.
" Here's your water," he said but as soon as he's about to leave to serve other customers, you grabbed his wrist.
It was yours, the digits displayed on his wrist was yours. You witness your dreams and hopes sink and the ground as if it's eating you alive, making you suffocate. Your death is near. Your body feel numb as you released his wrist, feeling in vain that your hand was about to land on the glass the waiter put earlier. Fortunately he got a hold of your hand.
"Hey, be careful you're going to hurt yourself," his hands delicately caressing yours afraid if those hands will wound. He gets to see his too. The sad gazes between both of you were exchanged and by that, both of you knew that you're soulmates, both of you were worried.
"It seems like fate is hating on us, even though we get to find each other, I wasn't planning to be with you knowing how little your time is. But seeing mine, i feel hopeless of my life" your lips trembling. You were afraid of death in a short amount of time. What can you even do?
" Hey, look at me," the unnamed waiter who was now your soulmate places his hand gently on your shoulder. Touching as if you're so fragile.
" My name is Jongho, what's yours?" his question was pretty weird to you. He sat besides you.How can he be calm enough and seem alive knowing that he'll be dead in a few days? You told him your name and he smiled.
"How about we get to know each other and see how this b*tch called fate will bring us?" he smiled with assurance beaming from his eyes. You were aware of what he said but you can feel his grief from the inside, maybe that's what soulmates are for, to feel each other's heart and to understand each other. You hold his hand that was touching your shoulder and interwine your fingers with him, telling how pretty his hand was. He lets you hold his hand until the end of his shift which was for the next 20 minutes. Good thing your date didn't show up.
You opened the door to your apartment. Class was boring but the fact that you have someone waiting for you at home excites you. You saw Jongho sleeping soundly on the couch that you can't keep your hands off from tracing his exposed left ear.
You decided to move into his apartment and apparently your parents agreed, knowing the situation both of you are facing. Seeing his digits on his wrist breaks your heart but on the bright side, the digits turned purple, that's the stage where both parties love each other. You know Jongho loves you.
Although both of you were running out of time.
Jongho is an angel. These past two weeks left you with nothing but warm moments. You suffered disappointment in life but he gives you reasons to live, to go through every single day without the thought of death that's going to engulf both of you. He's the oxygen, the air you breathe to continue living although his kisses makes you breathless but you felt alive. Your heart was awakened to let him in, even for a few days left in hands.
He opened his eyes slowly. Seeing your breathtaking face the moment he woke up made him believe that time haven't take them away yet. He pulls you closer, making your body flushed into his embrace, whispering words of love that soothes your little soul. He has the voice that can make the sun beams through the curtains and glow upon him,as if he is the angel.
"I love you. I'm glad that I have you in times like this" he kisses your forehead, pulling you into the space between his neck and his shoulder that fits you perfectly.
You remembered clearly, the past 30 days you spent with Jongho. He took you out to a 24 hour dine after his shift on the first day you met him. The first week where you shed the most tears with him and your parents, revealing the truth that lies on both you and Jongho's wrist. The second week you moved into his apartment and how you both share the first kiss over a burnt chicken in the oven. The third week where it's filled with love and happiness. You were grateful for the memories he gave to you.
"The fact that you're my soulmate, before we die, I want to spend the last days with you filled with happiness. I want to use this chance I have to love you as my soulmate. Yes fate is a bitch but they give us a chance to cherish each other"
Those words lingered in your mind. At this remaining hours, all that you could think was him.
You reached the door to the apartment, wondering why the door was left ajar, you quickly enter. Jongho was lying on the floor with blood coming out from the back of his head. A stream of blood was seen on his torso.You looked around if the thieves were still in your apartment. You approached Jongho with tears as he was trying to breath shakingly. You're terrified that you quickly called the cops but suddenly your sight went blurry with a throbbing pain on the back of your head. You could feel sharp things stabbing your back, all you could do was to stare at Jongho. You were shedding tears but Jongho was able to smile weakly. You were at your last breath but you manage to hear him trying to build up words from the pain.
"Baby girl thank you for the memories"
The person stares through the countdown on their wrist. Satisfied.
"How was your little project?" an old man threw a smirk towards the person.
"You were right father, a heart of a woman is really powerful" the person traces the digits. The years given for them was way much more that what they expected.
"You should be grateful I have the best surgeons that gets to replace your heart with hers and I was amazed how the girl gets to give you that much"
"I do thank you for lending me those fake timers. She really believed all of it" he smiles and walks out from his father's study room.
Going through the main entrance of the lab, he looks through the glass container infront of him, mesmerized by the gorgeous work of God on that body in it. The lips that he used to kiss, the figure that he use to cuddle with. He smirks. He feels nothing at all.
"Thank you for the memories baby girl, indeed fate is a bitch" he kisses the container goodbye and walks out.
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unusualvisionsblog · 5 years
Sky full of star: Chapter 1
My first original series/ book! Ah I'm super nervous and excited. Its pretty cringy I guess but I hope y'all don't hate it yeet.
Summary : Kathleen Hunter, 23 and a redhead is a daring and an ambitious flight attendant who wants to travel the world. But when her jobs brings her to a new love and brings back an old flame, what will Kathleen do?
Warnings : none actually, cringe probably, swearing later.
There might be a few spelling mistake since I posted this at like 1am yeet
Word count : 1615 or something
So here we go oof
Never had she hated her life more. Her alarm didn't ring and she had already stubbed her toe on that darn bedside table. Ouch. She really couldn't  afford to be late today.Sighing deeply, she checked the time. Today was really important for her,  because if this flight went well, her career would really take a jump. Being a flight attendant was definitely not an easy job. She had to deal with rude passengers and crying babies. She looked at herself in the mirror, biting her lips in criticism. Her strawberry blonde hair were a mess but there wasn't enough time to do a decent hair style.
Kathleen would never believe anyone whenever they complimented her on her looks, because having been called plain and boring by her mother for 23 years, it was hard to believe anything else really.
But when someone else would see her for the first time, they would notice how the  loose tendrils of her silky hair would cover her face and how her alluring blue eyes would peek out and how they would shine brilliantly when her pink lips uplifted to form a sweet smile.
Putting her hair in a quick messy bun, she got dressed and grabbed a coffee before leaving. She quickly reached the bus stop and waited, tapping her feet constantly and after every two sips, checking the time. Lost in her thoughts, she didn't notice a group of suave business men and women heading towards her  when suddenly "BAM!". A young man talking to his colleague bumped into the frowning woman. At this sudden motion, Kathleen stepped back, dropping the hot coffee on her uniform. Now this really was the cherry on top of an already bad day.  She crossed her arms, glaring right into the brown eyes of the fair young man, "Excuse me, are you actually freaking blind? You've completely ruined my day AND my coffee!"
Taken aback, "I apologise for the coffee but this is just as much your fault as it is mine" the man huffed, his brows creased. This only infuriated Kathleen more and she was more than ready to retort back,"Hah! You- " when the woman next to the man interjected,"David we really don't have time to argue with random people on the street, you're getting late!" and with that they all moved forward with David looking over his shoulder and scowling at the woman one last time, muttering, "God what a horrible start to the day."
Having finally reached the airport, Kathleen quickly changed into her second set of uniform and did her make up before getting on board the flight.
As tiring and exhausting this job was, Kathleen really did love being a flight attendant as it was the only way she got to travel the world. She'd been to France, Germany, Italy, India.. the list goes on and on.
She had met people who had impacted her life throughout her journey and she was excited for her next one and if this went well, there was going to be a sweet sweet salary bump for her.
Having helped all the passengers in the economy section feel  comfortable, she moved to the business class where she finally got a chance to talk to her  best friend, Tracy Sawyer. Tracy smiled brightly at her as she walked towards her, "Omg, are you excited?! This is your first flight with you in charge!! You are so going to kill it!"
"Wow you have way more confidence in me then I have  for myself." She chuckled in reply.
"Okay first shut up, you're definitely getting that raise and second you have got to see that hottie in first class, single and wohoo he is a snack!"
Raising her eyebrow, "Don't you have like a boyfriend Tracy?" She questioned.
"God you are so dense, Kathy he isn't even my type, I was talking about you! You've been single for like 8 years!"
"3 not 8!"
Tracy rolled her eyes in reply, "Whatever you're serving first class today! See you around love! First seat on the right" She said winking at Kathy and moving to the next section.
She would be lying if she said she wasn't  even a least bit interested in checking out this so called handsome single man. She took a deep breath and walked right into the first class section and with a bright smile turned towards the right side, " Good morning and thank you for choosing Blue sky airlines, how can I help you today?" She lifted her eyes and that's when her smile faltered. They were the same brown eyes that had glared right back at her in the morning.
"You- it was you at the bus stop wasn't it? Screaming at me?"squinting at her with his lips pressed
" I-i act-" she stuttered.
" Do you know that I am the CEO  of  Timetrend?"
Wide eyed, her breathing became rapid but she could not speak.
"This is an interesting turn of events" with a smirk on his face.
At this point Kathleen composed herself, "Sir allow me to apologise to you profusely, I truly am very sorry." But let's be honest, they both knew she wasn't.
"Well I guess you can make it up to me by getting a glass of champagne or is that too much for you?"
Biting her lips to prevent her from making the situation worse, She replied, "right away sir."
She cursed Tracy severely in her head. And to make matters even more abominable, there was only one first class passenger. And he was a pain in the ass.
He couldn't believe his bad luck, imagine having the same clumsy woman as your flight attendant. At least here he had an advantage, he could order her around completely although he wasn't actually that cruel. He was having a hard time  trying to control his laughter looking at the flustered girl who was so composed before.
As much as he tried to distract himself, he was extremely bored, he had finished all of his work so that he could spend time with his girlfriend on the flight. Well Ex girlfriend now since she broke up with him yesterday. He was upset sure but not heartbroken. He didn't really love her and she probably didn't either although she tried to but the effort was only one sided. He didn't have time for relationships. He was a busy man after all.
He tried to sleep but he just couldn't. He heard the sound of her heels and guessed that she was making the rounds again. He sat up straight and decided to order another glass of champagne, this was a long flight after all.
" Do you need anything sir? " She questioned, still afraid to meet his eyes.
"Yes, I'm bored."
At this her eyes shot up, with eyebrows raised but she quickly hid it with her normal smile
" Well we have a wide range of movies, if you'd like. We also have mag-"
"I'm sorry?"
"I mean no, I want to have a conversation. Tell me something about yourself."
" Are you drunk sir?"
" No of course not! Who gets drunk after two glasses of champagne?"
" Well okay, what would you like to know?"
"For starters, tell me your name."
And somehow, to both of their surprise, they were able to keep an interesting flow of conversation going without any awkward silences or anything of the sort and soon they were laughing like old friends. Well actually Kathleen was laughing, the closest David came to laughing was giving her a genuine smile. Soon Kathleen returned to the other attendants for the rounds, returning soon enough to first class, with smirking glances from Tracy.
"Kathleen, might I ask you why did you choose to become an air hostess? You don't have to answer." He added cautiously
"One  call me Kathy, I actually do not like Kathleen at all.
He chuckled slightly taking a sip of his drink
"Two it's not really complicated. I mean I didn't always want to be an attendant. I wanted to  be a pilot. But you know financial issues."
"Oh. Yeah I get that"
There was a comfortable silence between the two before Kathy had to leave again.
"We'll be landing soon, so I'll take your leave." She smiled at him warmly. There was something so innocent about her smile that he couldn't help but smile back.
She got up to get back to her seat with Tracy when a sudden turbulence caused her to stumble forward but before she could hit the floor,a pair of strong hands grabbed her waist and prevented any accident that would end up with her having a huge boil on her head. She felt her heart pound as she looked into his brown eyes slightly converted by his brown hair for what seemed like 10 minutes but was actually 5 seconds? She was being ridiculous! She shook her head and smiled at him,thanking him and went on her way avoiding eye contact.
He really couldn't help but smile at her and he was pretty astonished about himself. They were getting ready to descend, when there was a slight tremor and he realized that it had completely shooken Kathy and she would probably fall down but before that he grabbed her firmly by the waist and immediately stood up. He didn't know what happened but something in her blue eyes pulled him towards her. He saw a strand of her glossy red hair on her soft pink cheeks, he was having  a hard time fighting the urge to tuck it behind her ear. He didn't even register the fact that he was staring at her before she blushed and pulled away. For the first time in his life, he felt flustered at the sight of her. He probably was just tired. Hopefully.
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