#yeah ill rb this
verdantmeadows · 1 year
To me the joy and beauty of vocal synthesizers has always been that they don't sound real and exploring that to create artistic expression that can't be achieved by human voices, so seeing them become more and more realistic is disheartening, almost? Especially since a lot of artists make the same voice banks sound so different and have their own personal charm. I'm glad that people will be able to make things that sound realistic, but I'm worried that songs that intentionally play out of sounding as realistic as possible will be sidelined, discouraged, no longer created, impossible to find, or unsupported by fans of vocal synthesizers. I don't want things to just push towards being as realistic as possible. There is beauty in how everyone's usage of the same voice banks sound different. There is beauty in the lack of realistic sounding vocals in vocal synthesizers.
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jinstronaut · 23 days
hi idk if this is anyone’s thing but on my photocard trading insta (@scok.jinkim) i’m hosting a fundraiser for palestine where all proceeds from the items i’m selling (photocards albums inclusions etc) are being donated to care for gaza 🫶🏻🇵🇸
so you get to donate and get free kpop merch in the process 🥹
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liquidstar · 7 months
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My new commission post, so hopefully I can scrounge up some extra cash for the holidays!
My life has been a lot busier and I've become a lot more tired, so the prices are slightly higher than before BUT I've added more variety in options. So hopefully that makes up for it!
The only strict rules I have are no hardcore gore or nsfw, but suggestive stuff and some blood is fine. I can do furry stuff, but I'm not great with mecha (Sorry!) Ships are all fine as long as they're nothing incestuous or pedophilic, please! There are some fandoms I'm not too comfortable with drawing, but if you're unsure feel free to ask! ALSO, due to the nature of the pixels, it may be hard to fit complex designs into them- We can negotiate simplifying them though.
If you're interested please feel free to DM me here or on Discord @/finn_again. If not that's totally fine and there's never any pressure, I hope you have a nice day anyway <3
Oh, also, I made a Ko-fi! That one post convinced me hehe, here's the link: https://ko-fi.com/liquidstar
Thank you everyone!
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astrelle · 1 year
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sighing so much i love lesbians.........
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no ok @funonion001 you've made me So fucking unwell over this it needs its own post
bc i also used to be like "ah, the neighborhood's a panopticon and Home is the 'warden'" but recent updates & general things ive read changed my outlook entirely. cause like... if Home (the town) was a panopticon, then Home (the house) should be at the 'head' of it all, where they can view everything. but Home can't view everything directly - half the buildings are behind it.
however. i don't think the panopticon thing is entirely wrong, either. there's some truth in it? i'm pretty sure that the neighborhood is Home. it's like Home is the brain/eyes/heart, and everything else are nerve endings. there's this one piece of livestream trivia that i think of, in relation to Housewarming: "...everyone believes their houses are alive in their own special way". what if this is kind of literal? all of the buildings are extensions of Home, or Home is just the core of it all. one big living, breathing neighborhood. Home might not be able to see it all, but he might be able to feel it
and then yeah from the more abstract side of things - your phrasing of "all the other houses circle home" made me put my head in my hands. because there Are a lot of conclusions/interpretations of all of that. also that sentence makes me picture a pack of wolves circling in on a kill, which is. hng.
Home is caged in. Home is surrounded. Home is always being watched. Home is never not alone. everything leads back Home. Home is holding it all together.
and like... it reminds me of Clown once mentioning (loosely, im going off of memory here whose reliability is tenuous on a good day) that part of WH's story relates to the autistic experience / when does a home become a house / will your neighbors treat you differently once they see the authentic you. and that, at least to me and one of my experiences, relates to a feeling of being watched/judged every time i leave my house. or even when i'm by an open window - everywhere i can be Seen, it feels like everyone is keeping one eye on me. existing in public spaces feels like a performance. i'm hyper aware of every single movement i make and it makes me feel so inauthentic and fake and alien and its So So stressful/uncomfortable.
so that pov + Home (and by extension, Wally since they're kinda one in the same) = well! all of the above! can Wally ever relax outside of Home's four walls? they're all looking at him. the entire neighborhood surrounds him - he can't go anywhere without running into them (the buildings and the neighbors). there's no escaping their watch and/or judgement. it's as if Wally and Home are under constant surveillance, or at least it feels like it - which is half the problem. or it's the entire problem? the fear of possibility, not reality.
and then for a different (but also connected for obvi reasons) interpretation - Home and Wally are alone. they are Singular in the neighborhood. everyone else is next to each other, even the stores are paired. but Home stands alone in the middle of it all. which directly relates to Wally and Home being aware - and also together in whatever state the neighborhood is in at the time of the whrp's creation. in a town of neighbors, Home & Wally have none. and that can connect them being at the center of it all, holding their world together - or breaking it apart
also: on the neighborhood map, the path only ends at Home. it's a loop except for the bit leading up to Home's doorstep. where Howdy's Place & Eddie's Post Office are the path widens into one huge circle with no end. Walk the circuit, end up at Home. walk the entire perimeter, and you go nowhere. there isn't a path out, the path doesn't end at any of the buildings except Home. there's something in that, i think.
there's more in my brain but i can't quite reach it...
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oifaaa · 8 months
Why does Batman have his no killing rule? Is it due to how back then there were rules comic book creators had to follow or something? Also why did Damian think that adoption was not considered “real” family?
No so got confirmation of this a while back batman and his no killing rule predates the comics code - on a meta context having the hero have a no kill rule is easier as killing off villains and having to come up with new iconic ones constantly would just be painful especially when you have someone like batman who's villains are half the appeal the other option would be to come up with a reason for why the villains aren't being killed and that's basically what the no kill rule is there to do - the in universe explanation is that batman a good guy I don't know why people don't seem to understand this but killing another person 99% of the time is wrong and Bruce himself has a strong belief in humanity he believes anyone can change for the better there's also just what gives Bruce the right to kill another person why should 1 person get to be judge jury and executioner?
Damian doesn't think that adoption isn't real family he used to talk about being the blood son but that was more just him thinking he was superior to all of Bruce's adopted children and was more seen early on, it's also more to do with dcs writers bias considering alot of them don't see adoption as real family hence why we now have jon Kent and Diana's new child
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astrumocs · 2 months
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A late birthday gift to @quiescent-trolls of Lad and Oda's selfie together in front of the fountain that we talked about ages ago by now but that I always thought about, I hope you like it enough that it was worth the wait, <:)
(Special mention to @dirgelwch for color blocking in my fountain lineart/design and doing the water too, <3)
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bytedykes · 1 month
so embarrassing when people act like yqy is stupid and only worth anything when sj is around
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blondeaxolotl · 7 months
hiii so i've been looking through your red butler/swap au stuff and it's really cool!! and i was curious about what william t. spears is like the au, since he's the only reaper left from the british branch of reaper dispatch i haven't seen you post about! i love all the reapers so i need to know
Just like Undertaker, he's a servant to r!Ciel/Sirius!
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Unfortunately he's having to deal with being a punching bag for Sirius but he's doing his best!!!!
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forbiddennhoney · 5 months
im begging people to turn on the post dates for your feed bc sometimes i see ppl rb advice with good intentions but the advice is from 2010-2017 and therefore is WILDLY outdated!!!! and that's not good!!!!!
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erumai-maadu · 1 month
HI HI my birthday is on friday so i was thinkin maybe i could write some prompts and post them on/around my birthday?? (100% stole this idea from char muhaha)
so yeah!! if you’ve got smth for me to write go ahead and send in an ask!!
any ships or characters that i’ve mentioned on the blog before are fine with me. i’m best at writing team gai and nejiten but i’m absolutely down to go out of my usual zone and write about the other konoha kids, sand siblings, senseis and/or some gaalee, shikatema, sasusaku, etc.
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hiemaldesirae · 2 months
woe is me to have come from asian fandoms that always specify ship dynamics no matter how stupid it makes the ship names sound and to integrate into western fandom where i play russian roulette every time i open a ship tag
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trans-mephisto · 1 year
When he's drawn with just a little more detail to his mouth/teeth than usual>>>>>>
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always-a-joyful-note · 2 months
I think one of the most insane Re:vale things is how they somehow managed to create a compelling dynamic for both old and new Re:vale. Maybe it's because I'm in a small circle but what other fandoms can boast loving an old version and new version equally while being narratively satisfied with how the old version ended?
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chronophobica · 5 months
vote pompshipping here !!!!!
The wind on the rooftop is chilly; spring brings cherry blossom petals cascading across the grass. Miho only has eyes for the boy in front of her, though. Her prince in shining armor stands with his arms crossed, that charming glint in his eyes as he stares back at her. Lovingly, she tells herself. Obviously. How could anyone not like her? She has all the boys at this school wrapped around her finger. Anyone would kill to be in his place. “I really like you!” she exclaims, heart pounding. Surely he’d recognize how blessed he was to be on the receiving end of such a heartfelt confession from a girl as cute as she is. A goddess, really.
“Pass,” says Seto Kaiba.
“Huh? Wh- what?!” This is all wrong. Kaiba was supposed to be dazzled by her! Miho is the cutest girl at their school- everyone says so. “But- Kaiba, I said I-“
“I heard you the first time. Is that it?”
“That’s- that’s-!! How cruel!” she cries. “No way! Miho really likes you! How can you say something like that to me Kaiba!”
Of course, she’s had her eyes on him since the day he stepped foot into their class. Seto Kaiba is young, successful, handsome, and rich to boot! Any girl in her right mind would love to be with him. Luckily for him, she doesn’t give up easily. “Miho’s pretending you didn’t say that,” she huffs, graciously giving him a second chance. “Miho likes you, so go out with- HEY!!”
Kaiba has already turned, walking away with his briefcase at his side. “Kaiba-kun is so awful!” she exclaims tearily. “All you care about is stupid card games and Yugi-kun! Stupid Kaiba! Stupid, stupid, stupid-“
Kaiba halts dead in his tracks. He pivots sharply. “You’re friends with Yugi, aren’t you, Miho?”
“Huh?” She blinks, taken aback by his sudden shift.
“I’ve changed my mind. I’ll go out with you, provided you comply with my-“
“You mean it?!” Miho squeals, darting forward to throw herself at him and loop her arms around his. Kaiba full-body flinches away, but she remains glued to his side. “Oh Kaiba-kun, Miho knew you’d come around!!”
“Provided,” he grits out, “you comply with my requests.”
“Requests? What requests?” She’s gotten what she wanted, Miho supposes it’s only fair to hear him out.
“Firstly, you need to stop that this instant,” he says, yanking his arm out of her grip.
“But- but you’re Miho’s boyfriend now,” she wails. “Miho wants to hold your hand like a real couple!”
“That’s another thing. We’re not a real couple, understand me?” His eyes are steely. “This is a relationship of mutual benefit. I assume you just want access to my funds. Fine then. But in return, you have to let me in with your little group of pals.”
Not a real couple? No, this wasn’t what Miho pictured at all! “No, no, no!” she says heatedly, grabbing his hand again. “This is about Yugi-kun, again, isn’t it! You just care about that silly card game!”
“Duel Monsters,” Kaiba says testily. “And those are my terms. Take it or leave it.”
“Miho has terms too!” She pokes her finger in his chest. “Miho will let you hang out with us, but Kaiba-kun has to spend time with Miho like a real boyfriend sometimes!”
They glare at each other for a long moment, neither willing to back down. Then Kaiba sighs through his nose and turns his head to the side. “One hour a week. I’m busy running a company too.”
“One day,” she retorts.
“One and a half,” he counters.
“Half a day.”
“The evening?”
“I’ll give you three hours. Final offer.”
“Deal!” She beams, attaching herself back to his arm. “Come on, Kaiba-kun, Yugi-kun and everyone else are just about to go to lunch! You can come and eat with us, okay?” She drags him off toward the door to the roof, Kaiba in tow.
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charliesinfern0 · 9 months
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my faves and their totally canonical love interests ^^
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