#yeah I think about s1e9 all the time
dr-chalk · 11 months
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Sorry kid, nothing personal
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I think the biggest thing I wish we would've gotten in s2 was a moment where the crew were vocally supportive of Ed. Something like a parallel to the scene in s1e9 where everyone's defending Stede.
Really, genuinely, especially with the limited time, I understand why the writers thought we'd be able to connect the super obvious dots. Ed is a likable, sympathetic character, and they reasonably expect the audience to like and sympathize with him. They showed him trying to make things right with the crew and having a great conversation with Fang, and by the time he's back in his usual outfit, we're obviously meant to have the takeaway that he's regained the crew's trust. By s2e6, they're comfortable with him again and excited to have him at the party.
And, yeah, they shouldn't have had to beat us over the head with the fact that the crew love Ed. Pirates in OFMD are consistently very mutiny-happy and they waited until they couldn't anymore to mutiny on Ed, because they knew him when he was better and hoped he would feel better soon. They felt guilty for beating him to death. Ed said "finally" right before they bashed his head in; they knew it was a suicide attempt and felt like shit about it, and they were justified in being angry with him but they accepted him back very quickly because they never stopped loving him.
I know all this. You know all this.
But all the takes about Ed being irredeemable and abusive and whatever made me a lot more sensitive to the lack of sympathy Ed gets. Yeah, he acted like a shitty boss and a shitty friend, but the crew know he's not like that normally. There's a reason they were so quick to forgive him. And I just wish we'd gotten a moment where they told him more explicitly that they never stopped loving him.
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tizzyizzy · 7 months
Izzy's Feelings Matter Too
As a fandom, I find that Ed's feelings are often front and center. How hurt he was when Stede apparently abandoned him. Whether he was healing or not healing in s1e10. How hurtful or triggering or frightening Izzy's threat to him was, and to what extent it motivated Ed to destroy himself and everyone around him.
But what about how Ed's behaviors hurt others' feelings? Like Izzy's? Especially in s1e9 and s1e10?
From season 2 episodes and promos, we now know:
Ed and Izzy loved each other.
Ed and Izzy have been together most of their lives, and they know one another like no one else does.
Izzy taught Ed everything he knows.
Keeping that in mind, let's look back at the Act of Grace scene.
This isn't just Ed sacrificing his old way of life for a new love. Ed is severing his longest lasting, intimate relationship with Izzy for a future with Stede.
So for Izzy, this is his closest, most beloved friend ending their relationship to be with someone new. Someone Izzy said would ruin him.
Then Stede disappears, and Ed comes crawling back.
The man Izzy loved most left him for another man, and after Ed's heart broke, Ed walked back into Izzy's life like he belonged there.
Ed needed time to heal from the heartbreak? Well, I'm sure Izzy would have appreciated a bit of time to himself. Maybe a show of appreciation or apology. Literally any attempt at all to make up for the fact that Ed had picked someone over him (who ran off).
Instead, while Ed is crying in his blanket fort, it's Izzy who has to handle the crew. A crew he is clearly struggling to manage.
Then, without warning, Ed radically changes his leadership approach, if he's even consciously making a decision about how to lead at all. He proposes that they stop being pirates.
Remember, we are now aware that Izzy has known Ed ages. Izzy has been Ed's first mate for a long, long time. Izzy's career and livelihood are deeply intertwined with Ed's.
People tend to forget that Ed is not an independent agent. Izzy Misunderstanders like to paint Izzy as controlling, but Izzy is the one being ordered by a superior. When Ed decides that, actually, the crew is going to become a travelling ship-based variety act, who do you think Ed expects to help organize these plans? Who is going to have to implement these orders? Who is going to be dealing with the consequences when it turns out this may not a practical idea?
And sure, we can say that Ed is free to choose his path, and Izzy is free to leave. But I think most of us would agree that this would require a serious, likely emotional conversation where they both talk about their expectations and needs. Remember how long these two have been working together.
But Ed doesn't think he needs that, because he assumes that Izzy will come around and do what he wants, because until recently that's what Izzy has done.
So, yeah, Izzy said some hurtful shit to Ed, shit that struck a chord. But Ed isn't, and wasn't, the only one hurting in that scene. Izzy's closet friend left him, came back expecting to resume their own partnership without apology, and turned Izzy's entire career and way of life upside-down without warning.
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clarajohnson · 7 months
the magicians s1e9
not enough said about quentin addressing his reply to "j," not julia, not jules. did they call each other q and j. did they really decide to hurt me like that.
i find richard and his world so interesting and i wish he stuck around longer
"they get mean and take everything away"
again i just think alice is the most wonderful character, interjecting q's rambling to push toward a solution (so you lost something, what do you do when you lose something?), almost instantly as familiar with q's fillory as he is himself. i really struggle, at this point, to buy into their relationship but i totally think they're on the same wavelength.
"i'm literally becoming less cool with every word you speak" penny is very funny actually
i like that julia fucking up quentin's brain turns into "experienced in mental projection" like yeah this guy stabbed me two weeks ago he's got experience in surgery
"no, not a question, more of a correction"
eliot's little "shall we proceed, criminal element?" whew!
it's so wild how q sits down at plover's desk and he immediately starts opening up, like we literally get his first "my brain breaks sometimes" because he's just suddenly so emotional he has to contextualize himself
christopher plover is a very interesting character. i like when they deal with him, i'm not sure they even grapple with him enough.
do we know what julia went to school for? like regular school i mean. was it business?
love the fillory map i love it i love it i love it so much
martin is also a very interesting character! shit's fucked.
me every time plover is on screen: haha it's the guy from the nanny! oh mr. sheffield!
the way alice cares for/about beatrix kind of fucks me up
the world never did help a smart girl why would it!
cripes i forgot about the assisted suicide stuff with richard. i say it again! really interesting character!
guys was there a third chatwin kid or did i fully invent that. no i will not google.
this is such a good eliot episode
julia has chemistry with fuckin everybody. good for her. good for her!
never let it be said that the magicians won't fuck around with a gross dead body
yeah yes alice and children is an intriguing thread. girl hates arbitrary suffering! she loves to believe in a solution!
also alice's way of processing strong emotions being sitting ramrod straight with her arms crossed and refusing comfort... character of ALL TIME.
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basingstokemercury · 4 months
Adam Getting Excited About Trains (transcribed because it's a lot to screenshot and subtitle by hand)
From S1E9, Mr Henry Comstock - a bright point in an episode I'm overall not that fond of.
Adam (looking up at tree): There's timber up there to build whole new cities. Launch fleets of ships.
Joe: Hear that, Hoss? Older Brother Adam is plannin' to build that Yankee fleet of his again.
Hoss: Yeah, well, it's gonna take a mite more water than we got hereabouts to float it in, Little Joe.
Joe: Water? Oh, now, you don't think Adam is plannin' to sail his ships on just plain old water, do you?
Adam: I guess you two mountain boys haven't heard. Just so happens I'm planning on ships that sail across sand.
Hoss: I remember walkin' across about six hundred miles of it the last time Pa sent me to Salt Lake City to file them claim papers.
Adam: How'd you like to be able to do it in under three days?
Joe: (laughing) Aw, come on, now! From here to Salt Lake City in three days? How you gonna do that? I think he's gonna fly through the air, Hoss.
Adam: Maybe two days.
Joe: (still laughing) Maybe one day?
Ben: You talkin' about a railroad, son?
Adam: I be talkin' about a railroad, Pa.
Ben: Dreams are mighty good things to have, son. You know what it takes to build a railroad?
Adam: Track. Track that... runs across sand... 'round mountains... and over rivers. And track ain't nothin' but a lot of rail, and a bit of ties to lay it on.
Ben: You'd cut down all these wonderful trees to provide ties for a railroad?
Adam: I'd cut 'em down, Pa. And I'd put new ones in their place.
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mlobsters · 7 months
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supernatural s10e13 halt & catch fire (w. eric charmelo, nicole snyder)
maybe i should rewatch halt and catch fire. i watched it as it aired so it's been a minute. lee pace as a very messy bisexual disaster in the early pc industry through to internet times. and mackenzie davis was amazing. really well done show. i recall the first season was a little too hard on the mad men-esque feel but really got into its own stride in subsequent seasons (it was airing on amc at the end of mad men's run which was mid 2014 and this spn ep aired feb 2015. the phrase itself is an old computing term). anyway!
is the mark making him ogle the college girls too? cmon
DEAN And Trini is? SAM Ah, you have to excuse my partner. When it comes to technology, he’s a little behind. Uh…he just learned how to poke on Facebook. JANET Uh, um, Trini is the nav app we were using. It – It’s like a talking map. You’re Gen X. Right.
well, addressing the age difference of it all LOL. i think of dean/jensen as my age but he is technically 1 (2) years older than me. i'm in the no-man's land of 1980 which is claimed by neither gen x or millenial or both, depending who you ask. not for nothing, we had all this new tech stuff come in when we were young and we're not known to be technically unsavvy :P (though the earlier you get things can be different) but also like. since he and i are kind of on that cusp age of generations, i don't think it would be necessarily super obvious to this girl that he is? dear lord. what will i overthink next
SAM So – so what’s a thing? DEAN You know, the truck thing. You honor the deceased by driving their truck. Sam, they wrote a whole country song about it. Why don’t you Google it?
it's such an old, easy, dumb joke but dean being so smug over telling sam to google something made me laugh
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DEAN Alright, so big brother didn’t get along with little brother, was pissed that he was driving his baby. I get it. SAM What are you saying? If you died and I drove your car, you’d kill me? DEAN If you stunk her up with tacquitos, probably.
what do you mean, IF? dean HAS died and you DID drive his car :P
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cackling. didn't they have a lamp cord do this in s1 to sam?
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spn s1e9 home
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SAM So, what? You think we’re dealing with a “Ghost in the Machine”? DEAN Maybe. But if it is the same ghost, I mean, they usually anchor themselves to a place or a thing. How is this one jumping from one machine to the next?
was gonna mention the xfiles episodes (s1e7 ghost in the machine and s5e11 kill switch [the one written by william gibson]), which ghost in the machine i mentioned previously because spn s2e5 had an actor in that episode! and i did i hiky for kill switch when i was rewatching xf. but i'm trying to stop rambling. unsuccessfully 🫠
so this seems more like a kill switch situation vs ghost in the machine (evil building software vs ai on the internet killing people) 🤪
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SAM It doesn’t matter. Now I’m going through her deleted files. DEAN You can do that? SAM Yeah. DEAN Hmm. SAM I mean, nothing ever really gets deleted from the Internet. You knew that, right? DEAN Yeah.
implied embarrassing (porn? tumblr poetry? DATING PROFILES?) dean winchester content out there somewhere. thinking about what could even embarrass dean (who currently is eating more sloppily than my kids do)
DELILAH It’s pretty crazy to obsess over someone you’ve never met. DEAN It’s not that crazy. The truth is, I can relate. DELILAH Really? DEAN I have made more mistakes than I can count. Ones that haunt me day and night. DELILAH So… how do you deal? DEAN Whiskey. Denial. I do my best to make things right, whatever that may be. For you, maybe it’s…maybe it’s coming clean. You know, finding a way to ask for forgiveness. But not breaking the bank at your local florist. I mean…real forgiveness. You can’t just bury stuff like this. You got to deal with it.
that old chestnut of opening up to a rando because their plotline mirrors enough the conflict that the boys are going through and they can't talk to anyone else about it
so, dean, my love. is this what you're doing, dealing?
also gonna skip over that whole shaky concept of the wifi business. keep on suspending that disbelief, nic. wireless speakers and wifi on an antenna tower (??), it's all the same. it's just waves in the air, man. i am a leaf on the wind 🍃
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DEAN Yeah. Looks like. I think I’m gonna follow his lead, too. SAM What do you mean? DEAN My peace is helping people. Working cases. That’s all I want to do. SAM Is this about the Mark? DEAN I’m done trying to find a cure, Sammy. SAM Dean, Cas is so close. DEAN To what? We don’t even know if there is a cure. So far, we’ve got nothing. We have found nothing at the Men of Letters library. Metatron may or may not know something. And maybe Cas is on to something with Cain. SAM Maybe. Yeah, maybe. Nothing is guaranteed, Dean. So what? We can’t just stop fighting. DEAN Yes, we can. SAM So, this is it? Y-you’re just gonna – you’re just gonna give up. DEAN No. No, I’m not just gonna give up. I appreciate the effort, okay? I do. But the answer is not out there. It’s with me. I need to be the one calling the shots here, okay? I can’t keep waking up every morning with this false hope. I got to know where I stand. Otherwise, I’m gonna lose my freakin’ mind. So I’m gonna fight it til I can’t fight it anymore. And when all is said and done… I’ll go down swinging.
sam and i both getting a little panicked i think (seeing sam start breathing fast surely affects me) but hey they got a few tears out of me, feels like an accomplishment (compared to early seasons i was regularly crying my way through the show). nothing like dean being a realist but also accepting that this thing is going to kill him. i get the false hope thing, and why it's untenable. and maybe that is the best plan, to fully accept in his heart of hearts it's not gonna get fixed. and then when they figure out how to fix it, he can run with it. but it's shades of that old passive self destructive dean who doesn't value his own life (or see how him not valuing his life affects sam)
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jvstheworld · 7 months
My Ted Lasso Re-watch: S1E9 (part 4)
All Apologies
Food poisoning is no joke. I've had it before. Was not fun. 0/10, do not recommend. Yet, Dani Rojas still manages to find the best in that situation. We do not deserve him.
Ted getting the silent treatment and cold shoulder from Beard and Nate, because of his decision over Roy. Ted chasing Beard and then Nate running away from Ted. That's funny. And luckily Ted finds the humour in the situation. Then Beard sneaking half way down the pitch while Ted isn't looking, just adds to the humour. But Beard's sad look towards Ted because he knows what must be done.
Rebecca goes to visit Higgins to make amends, but spooks him when he is playing bass.
Ted tried to use his mum's approach of trying to talk to people about tough things, by softening the blow with something cute. And while that might work for some, it won't work on Roy. He is someone who you just need to be straight up with and not bullshit him. He respects that. Roy knew what was coming and was always not going to take it well. As much as Beard wants Ted to bench him, he should know that Roy is stubborn and won't like it. It is a reasonable request to bench him after his recent performances on the pitch, but Roy has his pride, that's not how he wants to go out. He wants to go out a hero, not a washed up, old, has been.
Also, how many times did Ted's mum use that on him to get through difficult conversations? Did she do it for him, for herself or both?
The Van Dyke is not a good look on Higgins.
I like how everytime a character is nice or cheerful they get called an arsehole. First Dani, and then Ted.
Rebecca taking accountability for her actions, while patching up her relationship with Higgins. We love to see this. Higgins really just wanted the best for Rebecca after all she has been through. And you can tell they are friends again by being able to joke about Higgins's bad facial hair.
Phoebe! We love Roy's niece. But yeah, Keeley, hide the vibrator.
Keeley being the best supportive girlfriend, with fluffy cushions for comfort. Because who doesn't like cuddling something soft when they are feeling vulnerable?
So Keeley was the one to introduce Phoebe to Led Zeppelin? Keeley has good taste.
Roy's reactions to everything Phoebe was saying is cute. How he scratches his bread because Phoebe says it is, and how he smiles when she says she loves him. Aww, it warms my heart.
Keeley dropping some wisdom. The truth is, people will never fully know us and what we are like, but we are the ones who has to live with ourselves, so in the end all that matters is what we think of ourselves and not what others think.
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Partial Q-Force Review
Still watching the show (on S1E9), but spoiler warning for the entire first season. I did my job and warned you, so moving on.
It’s very common in traditional social justice circles or conventional social justice circles for the goal to be assimilation into the wider, problematic culture. For example, during the Civil Rights Movement, there was a huge push for Black people to be allowed into all corners of white society and granted the same opportunity to succeed in that society, versus understanding that the problem is white society itself, which needs to be dismantled and replaced with an explicitly multiracial and then post-racial society. We want to seek acceptance from the powers at be and define our successes on their terms. That was the flaw with racial integrationism and that is often the flaw in conventional LGBT+ movements in the modern day.
This show was following a similar trope of a group of queer spies seeking recognition within a fundamentally queerphobic government institution (the AIA), but it subverts the trope near the end by refusing to participate and going against them.
The show also has great foreshadowing for this subversion in the first few episodes. Twink wants to impress Buck, a straight dude who was being verbally abusive towards him, and puts a lot of work into doing it, until he realizes that he doesn’t need the validation of this straight man and validates himself instead. Steve does something similar when he begins to realize this at the party with some of the head executives when he notes that it wasn’t as good as he thought it was.
This mirrors the group - Q-force - they start off trying to get recognized by the Buck of an organization, the AIA, and then realize that the AIA is corrupt and horribly abusive towards queer people (with the whole Greyscale subarc) and thus realize they no longer need the AIA’s validation.
The “it’s promoting harmful stereotypes” point
It’s actually not, there are legit people like that. There are fem boys like Twink, there are power vers like Steve, there are cold and calculating guys like Chasten, there are coders like Stat, etc. You can make an argument that that kind of representation is played out and there should be more variety in representation and that’s fair, but also, there are legit gay people like that and there is nothing wrong with that being the case, nor is there anything wrong with portraying that in media.
It is a similar problem, a lot of people try too hard to assimilate into wider cisheterosexual culture with all its phobias and bigotry that they forget about the things that make our community special and unique. We don’t have to earn the approval of this culture, FUCK this culture, they are the ones who need to change, not us. You can never win true acceptance by being a lie, you have to be unapologetically yourself and wait for people to change on their own. And if they don’t, well, fuck them, it’s not our responsibility to pander to homophobes or try to educate them.
I think if a homophobic person sees this show and thinks “See, I was right about them fucking queers” they were always going to have that reaction, even if it was “less stereotypical” or “respectful representation”, because the problem they have is with the fact that there are queer people on their screen, not with the fact that the queer people dress or talk differently.
Pretty much anytime a new queer show comes up, a sea of queer people come out and say “This show is promoting harmful stereotypes!” when in actuality, it’s shining light on a specific part of the queer community. Like Queer as Folk talked about gay sexuality, difficulties with gay hookup culture, the experience of being old and gay and being on the dating/hookup scene, and all the problems therein. That’s a real part of being gay for lots of people and it is worthwhile to investigate that in media. I don’t interpret that as promoting harmful stereotypes, since there is nothing about that media that inherently suggests that “all gays are like this”.
I think if you look at a piece of media in that context and take away that “all gays are like this” or “they are saying that all gays are like this”, to be honest, you might just be projecting your own insecurities onto the text, because there seems to be this subconscious fear that is very close by that says “I don’t want to be associated with THOSE gays”. I’m not saying that queer media NEVER promotes harmful stereotypes, but most of the time, from what I’ve seen, yeah, it just seems to me like people are projecting their internalized queerphobia onto queer media.
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seekerstone · 3 years
riverdale thoughts s1e9
- in the interest of efficiency i’m going to keep a jughead counter running so i can update that instead of having a dozen different lines all like OMG I LOVE JUGHEAD!!! 
- so does mrs cooper know abt bughead then bc jughead very much just has his hand Resting On Betty’s Leg & yet she’s not mentioning it at all  
- betty: “and you think that [writing an expose on the blossom family] will bring polly home?” mrs cooper: “maybe, maybe not. but it will make me feel better :)” okay but literally queen. hashtag girlboss 
- who dipped just the very tips of veronica’s collar into fake gems and can i sue them. bedazzle that all the way up honey it looks tacky rn 
- cheryl and veronica should have a contest abt who can say things weirdest but i’m not judging that or i’ll die
- archie god bless your 2 braincells you are so awkward and confused all the time and i do love that abt you 
- what is cheryl’s game here. i’ve learned that all blossoms MUST have red hair so are they going to try and rope archie in a la marriage? bc i think he’s disqualified on accounts of being largely a good person 
- veronica: “not after...” kevin: “uh oh. do we need to sit down?” he’s so fucking funny i adore him 
- OH MY GOD they totally are trying to snag archie!!!! what the fuck dude!!!!!
- this is so fucked up you get born with red hair ONE TIME and suddenly everyone is looking to make you the next patriarch of a maple syrup mogul
-  mrs blossom literally just compared him to jason UGH give a man some peace!! he’s not your son v2.0!!!! 
- also i love how everyone in this town is like Fuck the blossoms! we hate them!!!! down with blossom supremacy!! except that the blossoms have all the money so then they’re always just like Want me to pull some strings for you :) & everyone else is like .............well i won’t say NO
- stupid thing to complain abt on ep9 i know, but why is the title screen always like 10 minutes in like by the point if i don’t know what show i’m watching, that’s on me 
- does veronica know cheryl also calls her father daddy? (as in cheryl’s father, no veronica’s.) i feel like she should hurry up and trademark that already 
- on one hand i want to be like WHY ARE THE BLOSSOMS (AND EXTENDED FAMILY) SO WEIRD!!!! WHO MAKES SURE EVERYONE HAS WINTER COATS IN THE EXACT SAME SHADE OF RED!!!! but on the other hand i must admit they’re pulling it off tho 
- wait THAT’S what maple trees look like? i thought the trunks would be thicker 
- ethel and betty swapping stories of parental upheaval while mrs lodge just looks at her plate like 👁👄👁 
- veronica: “look, being ruined sucks” ok veronica i think ethel isn’t nearly as well off as you are!!! yeah you lost your mansion and yachts but you still have a swanky apartment so ummm maybe be quiet 
- ooohhh the cinnamon topography of putting archie in a red shirt that’s just barely not the same shade as everyone else’s red that’s brilliant 
- STOP i love cheryl so much. archie’s going off defending her and she just quietly goes “also 4.0″ so he’ll add “ALSO she has a 4.0 grade average” 
- awww oh no mrs lodge :( not enjoying the consequences of your own actions and choices? :(
- they are handing you Blossom’s Signature Red™ Flags archie how can you not see it!!! “we won’t take no for an answer” is not a joke here!!!!
- “enough about polly! ... she’s the one who betrayed us, not the other way around!” um akshually i think you betrayed her first by sending her to the nun cult and then refusing to let her stay unless she put the baby up for adoption :^) 
- specifically mrs cooper^ #bettydidnothingwrong 
- i swore i wouldn’t include any photos bc tumblr is insane abt it but LOOK AT HIS FACE WHEN CHERYL CALLS HIM “particularly dilfy” HE’S SO CONFUSED AND OVER IT 
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- tfw u just broke up with ur gf bc she put you in the middle of an arms war & now the teen daughter of ur longtime rival & competitor flirts with u 
- i take it back it is NOT endearing how dense archie is. you really think they’re just helping you get into the music program out of the goodness of their hearts? they’re BLOSSOMS 
- oh fuck mr cooper deleted alice’s account for their newspaper??? now that’s harsh 
- it takes a bold person to have a private chat with someone when halfway thru a fitting i’ll give archie that much 
- (gets kissed after a whole speech that made it very clear she was about to kiss him) archie: “what are you doing?” what do you THINK she’s doing archie oh my god 
- oh no relationship i knew wasn’t going to last more than 2 episodes didn’t last more than 2 episodes i am simply crushed :/ 
- god i really do love archie’s dad i think he might seriously be the best person ever to exist. cheryl was wrong he’s not a dilf, he’s a diltbfw (dad i’d like to be friends with) 
- total jughead counter: 10
- addendum to the above: i simply must mention in detail how INSANELY cute it is that jughead refuses to sit normally on anything. we love a neurodivergent king!!! also if he doesn’t stop standing approx. 4 inches away from betty whenever possible AND looking at her lips like 50 times a minute, i’m going to lose it. why is he so smitten 😭😭
- addendum the second: oh and now he’s being her personal bodyguard when she approaches cheryl???? i love him so much you don’t understand 
addendum the third: look i can’t help it okay i have THOUGHTS abt JUGHEAD is that so wrong? anyway please tell me why he didn’t look away from betty for WAY too long even though he’s supposed to be intimidating cheryl JK I KNOW WHY it’s bc he’s in love 😌
- in conclusion: decent episode, but suffered from lack of jughead scenes. single digits is simply not enough to satisfy me or any sensible viewer. better luck next time xx 
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knovesstorytelling · 3 years
Murray Mysteries Transcript S1E9
Episode 9. The Professor
Written by May Toudic
Mina: Welcome to Murray Mysteries.
[Theme music plays.]
Lucy: Hello again dear listeners! I’ve got exciting news for you. Professor Van Hellsing arrived this morning. We had a lovely lunch and she agreed to let me record her during her examination.
Jane: You do know her examination is of you, right? Not the other way around.
Lucy: Sure Jane, whatever you say. Anyway. How would you describe Van Hellsing? For the people at home.
Jane: I’m not sure I’d describe her anyway, this feels like an invasion of some sort.
Lucy: Could you not be so good for once in your life?
Jane: What’s wrong with being good?
Lucy: Fine. You do you, I am giving the people what they want. Professor Van Hellsing, the eminent, the respected, the revered PRofessor is… actually really nice. Like, sure, you can see she’s super smart and she’s got that cool, kind of effortless confidence you only really see if successful older women. Like those CEOs in pantsuits who give TED talks about crushing the patriarchy while climbing the corporate ladder. But she’s also kind of goofy. In a good way. She’ll be talking about something grave and important in a grave and important tone and when you’ll expect it least, she’ll slip in a joke that floors everyone and immediately lightens the mood. Was she like that as a teacher too?
Jane: I said I wouldn’t participate.
Lucy: Oh, come on. The world needs to know.
Jane: Yes, I suppose she was always like that. At least as long as I’ve known her. She was every student’s favourite, whether they were there just to slack off and party or—
Lucy: To suck up and remind the professor when they didn’t give work.
Jane: To learn?
Lucy: Sure, let’s go with that. Wait, did you get through five years of uni without partying at all?
Jane: I—
[A knock at the door.]
Lucy: Come in!
[The door opens]
Van Hellsing: I hope I’m not intruding.
[The door closes.]
Lucy: Not at all. We were just setting up, please take a seat.
Van Hellsing: Thank you, but not just yet. I do need to be able to move around to examine you.
Lucy: Right, of course. You’ve got degrees in several branches of medicine, didn’t you? That’s impressive. You can’t have had much time for fun.
Jane: Lucy!
Van Hellsing: I see you’ve done your research.
Lucy: Just a quick Google. How’d you get so many medals?
Van Hellsing: By working hard. And you’re right, often compromising my private life.
Lucy: Do you ever regret it?
Jane: Lucy, that’s very personal. I’m sorry Professor, you don’t have to answer that.
Van Hellsing: I suppose I do, sometimes. But I find that regretting decisions once they’re made rarely leads anywhere. Would you tilt your head to the left for me? Thank you.
Lucy: So, you’ve never had time to get married or anything?
Jane: Oh please!
Van Hellsing: Jane, would you mind stepping out for a few minutes? I’d like to ask the young lady some questions and I want to make sure she’s comfortable answering them.
Jane: I… umm… alright. I’ll be in the hallway if you need me.
Van Hellsing: Thank you.
[The door opens.]
Van Hellsing: It won’t be long.
[The door closes.]
Van Hellsing: Don’t mind her, she’s a good friend. And an even better psychiatrist. But she is a bit…
Lucy: Uptight?
Van Hellsing: Anxious. She worries about you.
Lucy: Yes, apparently everyone does.
Van Hellsing: But you don’t think those worries are founded.
Lucy: Not really. I mean, sure I haven’t been 100% recently, but they’re all acting like I’m a Victorian waif who just coughed blood into a handkerchief or something.
Van Hellsing: Yes, I can see why you would be frustrated.
Lucy: I keep trying to tell them I’m fine, but no one will listen. I only agreed to see you to get Jane and Art off my back, no offence.
Van Hellsing: None taken. I understand how you feel. Although, from where I’m standing, it looks like you’re surrounded with people who love you and want you to be happy and healthy. Even if the way they go about it seems a little misguided. That might be worth a few compromises.
Lucy: Well when you say it like that, I sound like a jerk.
Van Hellsing: Not a jerk, Miss Westenra. Just a strong-minded young woman who wants to be heard.
Lucy: Is this a physical exam or a therapy session?
Van Hellsing: I’m a very good multitasker.
[Lucy laughs.]
Lucy: Alright, I respect that. So, what are you going to tell Jane?
Van Hellsing: The same thing I’m going to tell you. If you’re okay with me sharing it with her, of course.
Lucy: Yeah. I mean, she’s the one that asked her to come here, she should know whatever there is to know?
Van Hellsing: Good. Let’s end the poor woman’s misery then.
[The door opens.]
Van Hellsing (calling): Dr. Seward, would you come back in?
[The door closes.]
Jane: Did you find anything, is she okay?
Lucy: I am right here.
Van Hellsing: I hadn’t found any obvious causes of your symptoms. Seward, you said you thought she might be anemic. I do see some evidence there might’ve been significant blood loss recently. But she isn’t showing any signs of anemia. I do think she has some kind of disease that goes beyond temporary anxiety, but it isn’t one I’ve come across. I do have some idea of what it could be. But I have to do more research before sharing my theories. I’d like to stick around if you’ll let me. Miss Westenra, and her case, are both very interesting and I want to help any way I can.
Jane: Of course, we’d love you to keep looking after her but… you think she might actually be ill, maybe seriously? Shouldn’t we get her to hospital, maybe get a second opinion?
Lucy: This was the second opinion, Jane.
Van Hellsing: I’m not sure the hospital could help her. But of course, that’s up to you, Miss. Westenra.
Jane: You don’t seriously mean… She’ll never—
Van Hellsing: I know you think you know best. It’s possible you do. But this is still her decision.
Jane: I understand that but she can be so stubborn. Lucy, will you please go? This could be serious. Lucy?
Lucy: I, um, give me a second, okay? You’re spinny.
Jane: Are you alright? You’re looking—
[A thump.]
Jane: Lucy!
[Credits music begins.]
Credits: Murray Mysteries is a Knoves Storytelling production. This episode was written by May Toudic and featured Bebhinn Tankard as Dr. Jane Seward, Rebecca Krause as Professor Van Hellsing, and Megan John as Lucy Westenra. Original music by Sophie K. Thank you for listening.
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italianeyes · 3 years
what are your favorite twilight zone episodes :0
oh hii ok i haven't finished watching it yet but these are my favorite so far (in no particular order (for the most part))! it's gonna be pretty long so i'll continue under the cut 😳
1. and when the sky was opened (s1e11)
truly my favorite twilight zone episode of all time! the plot and characters are very well written (it's based on the short story "disappearing act" by richard matheson) and also the acting is really good too like the emotions are so vibrant and effective and real just wowzers. there's this one part where the look on the guy's face is just so haunting and idk it really sticks with me. also the actors 👀👀👀 i think everyone in the 50s/60s was just really attractive but yeah. also it's #relatable but in a sad way 😔 and it makes me cry so overall 5386464/10 very good highly recommend!
2. mirror image (s1e21)
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SUCH a great episode. the directing, the attention to detail, the atmosphere just mkaes it so interesting and thrilling to watch. it made me audibly gasp so much bc it's frightening. also the ending is just. wow. wow. great episode.
3. the after hours (s1e34)
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omg hi good cool episode !!!!!! right? wrong!!!!!! the directing in this episode makes it ABSOLUTELY FUCKING TERRIFYING to watch!!!!!!!!!! as if mannequins aren't scary enough on their own. i love the vibe of department stores in the 50s (i really wanna live during that time period!) and the atmosphere that's created is bonechilling and eerie. very very good episode bc it feels like a fever dream and as you will see most of the episodes on this list are ones where it feels like you're losing your mind and i love that. it also does a good job of like putting the audience in the shoes of the main character.
4. perchance to dream (s1e9)
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another terrifying episode? more likely than you think. this episode is a WILD RIDE (haha pun) and is the definition of a fever dream. the directing is so so so good and perfectly captures what a nightmare can feel like and it's exhilarating to watch bc it is also extremely terrifying. i once watched it to try to scare myself to sleep so i could have a nightmare just to feel something (it didn't work😔). OH YEAH ALSO THE TWIST AT THE END it spins your head i honestly didn't even see it coming WOW
5. twenty two (s2e17)
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another fever dream episode!!!!!!!! so cool the directing is wow and the setting is even more wow and theres so much tension in it and the ending i wasnt expecting it at all! very solid episode perfectly crafted
6. walking distance (s1e5)
this episode made me sob so hard! it's about like growing up and revisiting your childhood and it's so tender and sad but there's a good lesson ig idc. it's #powerful and i thoroughly enjoy it but it's also painful to watch bc it is TOO RELATABLE
7. where is everybody? (s1e1)
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genuinely the best pilot episode for any series that i've ever seen. it's so memorable and right off the bat makes the audience feel like they're going insane bc they don't know what the fuck is going on. this episode sets a VERY good precedent for what the rest of the show is gonna look/be like. very good one ! oh yes plot the plot was good and so was the directing but a little anticlimactic i think but whatevs.
8. two (s3e1)
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this episode is so <3333333333333333 i think it's a good first episode for s3 bc honestly it gets worse ngl. it seems kinda pointless but the ending is nice and honestly it's pretty much everything i wanna see on a screen like a woman with a gun in an army uniform? are you serious?? sign me up pls 🤲🏽🤲🏽🤲🏽
9. nick of time (s2e7)
stereotypical predicting the future type episode but i really like it bc of the vibe. you know it's the 60s where there's diners and jukeboxes and milkshakes! i mean yes we have those things today but it just hits different in this episode just the vibe is chef kiss very very neat and nice and also the couple in it is really attractive. oh yeah i still like the plot tho and like what it means from a human pov like do you let a machine control your life or do you make those decisions by yourself and agree to face the conseqeunces? very neat i think ! it reminds me of the summertime that's the vibe of it i really wanna live during that time period.
10. the purple testament (s1e19)
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literally everyone in this episode is SO HOT 🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵 god. the plot is good too but it's pretty predictable but the concept is really cool and well written and ofc the ending is also predictable but whatever !
11. a hundred yards over the rim (s2e23)
very cool episode i love the whole cowboy / western vibe i know 🤚🏽 those were dangerous and not optimal times ok but seriously the drip and the whole saloons and small town stuff? can we bring that back pls and thank you xoxo but yeah this episode is cool and it has a very empty feel to it and it makes you feel like a stranger i do like it a lot
12. showdown with rance mcgrew (s3e20)
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oh i really like this one !! it's one of the only episodes i think that's like comedic on purpose. like the main character (the one in the cowboy hat) is so stupid and the way his character is written is mwah im blowing a kiss to the sky for him as we speak. the plot is alright it's like the redundant time travel so whatevs but i like this one bc it's funny:) i think after s1 the show went downhill bc u can see that they were running out of ideas so yeah. season 1 really had no reason to go that hard but it did!!
13. to serve man (s3e24)
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oh yes this episode is short and sweet and gets straight to the point which i really appreciate<3 just the vibe of it is very very good and there's nothing like a great twist to top it all off! solid episode 10/10 also the girl in it is really pretty
14. the night of the meek (s2e11)
this! one!! it is SO sweet and actually has a good ending and it made me cry and it's so pure and happy and nice and christmas and i love christmas and i love this episode
15. judgement night (s1e10)
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i love the trope of "one person realizes something is very very wrong in their world and they try to explain it to others but no one believes them making the main character feel like they're going crazy!" i would say this episode is haunting i don't remember like the specifics but i just remember watching it for the first time and just being like speechless and sad. the plot is very nice too and like the thought of eternal terror makes me very uncomfortable which was probs this episodes goal so good job !
essay over xoxo if u made it this far hi here's a hug<3
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trumanhqs · 5 years
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❛   ━━  IT’S  MEME  THURSDAY  !  ⧽ check the notes to see who is participating & send out a bunch to everyone. that being said , be patient when waiting for memes to arrive to your inbox. you’re getting some , we promise !  + you do not need to be doing the meme yourself to send stuff out to other muns. in fact , we’d love it if you did just that.
remember , you only need to reblog this post TODAY ( thursday ) in order to participate. however , you may answer or send out memes anytime throughout the week. * don’t reblog or like this post if you’re not apart of trumanhqs.
usually there’ll be multiple memes every thursday , but we just had 2 memes on monday to make up for last week , so it’ll just be this one.
“First time for everything.”
“How long do you think it’ll be before the next monster shows up?”
“Isn’t it safer if only one of us knows where it is?”
“We should probably warn them before a cyclops crashes in.”
“It usually best to start with some form of the truth.”
“What about those times the truth is the one thing you can’t say?”
“Are you sure you want to keep all of this from him?”
“I understand you wanting to protect him, but he’s been wondering about his mother his whole life.”
“He finally meets her and then she dies.”
“If I can keep him from knowing what that feels like, then it’s worth it.”
“The trick is to give everyone the right amount of information without giving away too much.”
“This is our chance to do things differently, more responsibly.”
“Rest assured, we’re taking every precaution.”
“Once we know what we’re dealing with and the problem is contained, we’ll reassess.”
“I can’t exactly tell them we’re cancelling exams because of monsters.”
“She’s probably suiting up in her battle armor.”
“Where I go, danger follows.”
“Her being distant today has got to have something to do with us waking up in a field with amnesia yesterday, right?”
“Think about the good things in your life instead of getting caught up in the bad for once.”
“I’m gonna grab my bags and hit the library.”
“You’re very cute when you sleep.”
“Every culture on earth has legends about creatures that only appear in dreams.”
“Does that mean she can, like, control what we see in our dreams?”
“We’re safe, so long as we stay awake.”
“I barely slept. A lot on my mind.”
“Let’s focus on one problem at a time, okay?”
“I can be research assistance, I’m CPR certified, and I know a little tai chi.”
“I know this isn’t what you want to hear, but the best way that you can help is by leaving.”
“Just because vampires have been like this for the last century doesn’t mean we have to stay that way.”
“Dracula, as a novel, has only retained relevance in modern times because of our patriarchal culture’s obsession with the idea of a privileged, powerful man who does absolutely what he wants with absolute impunity.”
“I suggest you produce answers, not excuses.”
“I’m gonna get sued. Or hexed, at the very least.”
“You don’t have to be so hard on yourself.”
“At my last school, the gym teacher was dealing coke under the bleachers.”
“Yeah, that only makes me feel marginally better.”
“When you research consists of fairytales and urban legends, sometimes the stories get twisted.”
“I worked so hard to get here.”
“You two are taking better care of me than anyone in my life ever has.”
“I had to stab myself to get your attention.”
“Sometimes the best thing for [name] is to just let her be [name].”
“She’ll talk when she’s ready.”
“I could use a sparring partner.”
“If I don’t punch someone, I’m gonna fall asleep.”
“I’m really sorry about all the things that happened to you in your life that made you so good at brawling, but I really needed that just now.”
“Where we’re from, there’s always another shoe to drop. Sometimes it’s an actual shoe, or a belt, but you get the point.”
“It couldn’t hurt to be a little more honest about it.”
“I’m being as honest as I can be.”
“Somewhere still in that is a lie.”
“You’ve never lied to protect someone?”
“I’ve decided to take you up on your offer and get the hell out with every other sane person here.”
“Why would one monster disguise itself as another monster?”
“[Name], kiss him for me.”
“How the hell are we supposed to kill a dream demon?”
“Y’all are gonna get yourselves killed.”
“Like I said earlier, it’s my job to take care of all of you, and that’s exactly what I’m doing right now.”
“You’re doing that thing you do.”
“You’re fallible, you’re human, you can be killed.”
“I’ve been kicking supernatural ass longer than you’ve been alive.”
“If this doesn’t work out, you’re gonna be really upset with me.”
“You don’t get to ignore me all day, then make decisions for me.”
“You’re gonna be inside a nightmare.”
“You’re the one that’s actually gonna save the day. Which is so sexy, by the way.”
“I guess I already lived through my nightmare.”
“All day it feels like I’ve been waiting for the other shoe to drop with you.”
“I knew that he wouldn’t want to be a part of something like that.”
“What I said earlier about lying, I was being a hypocrite.”
“Because when someone is as important as [name] is to me, I’ll do what’s best for them. Even if it means having to lie.”
“If you need to keep secrets because you’re burdened with all the responsibilities no one else can handle, alright then, keep your secrets.”
“It’s my job to bust my ass until you see me as someone to confide in.”
“I’m not gonna be afraid of losing you anymore.”
“I hope you weren’t planning on going to sleep anytime soon.”
“You drove halfway across the country in three days, cut yourself some slack.”
source: memeusup
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trekkiehood · 2 years
Secrets Leading Home - SPN Fanfic
@febuwhump : Day 14 - Can't Go Home
Title: Secrets Leading Home
Fandom: Supernatural
Words: 1.2k
Setting: S1e9 Home
Whumpee: Dean
Caretaker: Caleb
Other Characters: Sam
Ship: None
Ao3 Link
Summary: So not only is his brother apparently psychic, but his very psychic brother wants him to go back home. It's all too much. He calls Caleb.
Trigger Warnings: Panic attack
Authors Note:
Another really short one. Most of these probably will be but it's still content lol. This one is kind of jumbled but it's intentionally that way.
This episode was hard to fit into the Brotherhood because of how uncompliant with the plot it is lol.
Anyway, please enjoy!
Dean was spiraling. There was no way. No way. Sure, Sam had always been different. He'd always been sensitive to psychic tendencies but he'd never… this was Caleb level crap. These were psychic visions. Sensitive nothing.
And now… now they were on their way home. The only place that had ever been a home. The place Dean had sworn he would never go back to.
Sam was still watching him, looking for any condemnation. Sure, Dean was freaked out. But his best friend was a psychic; it certainly wasn't going to affect his view of his brother. But… but it was all too much. He needed a minute to regroup.
"Finishing packing up I'm going to go grab us some grub."
His hand was on the door when Sam's voice reached him. "Dean…"
"We'll figure it out. This doesn't change anything." Even though it definitely changed everything. Did the Brotherhood know? Did Dad?
Sam nodded still looking like a kicked puppy, but Dean was too busy focusing on breathing to be able to give proper comfort.
He tried not to slam the door behind him but he honestly wasn't sure how successful he was. He was on autopilot. Get in the Impala. Start her up. Pull out. Drive.
Dean didn't know where he was going. Just that he needed to be away. Who knew that after months of wanting nothing more than to not be alone, he'd just want a moment by himself. He pulled off at a random road and got out of the car. He began pacing beside her. Trying to think. Trying to process. Sam was having visions. True, I dreamt it, it happened the exact same way, visions. And now he was dreaming about home. Dean's home. Sam wouldn't remember it but… but it was home and he couldn't go back there. It was all too much at once.
Dad wouldn't answer even if he called, he decided, pulling out his phone and flipping it open. There was no point in that. Jim? He hadn't exactly been checking in with the Brotherhood on a regular basis. And he couldn't just start spouting off Sam's secret. That crossed out Mac too. As helpful as he would be… he just couldn't deal with the Scholar right then.
But he had to talk to someone and deep down, Dean knew who it was going to be before he even opened the phone.
The first call went through to voicemail. Dean's hands were beginning to shake. Even if Sam was having visions not every one of them would come true, right? They didn't have to go.
The second call rang through but also ended at voicemail. Sure Caleb never talked about the visions that didn't come true but that was because they were pointless. Not worthy of conversation. Not because every single vision came true. The women in the house, in his house would be fine.
The third call answered on the second ring. "What's wrong?" Caleb was out of breath, and his voice spoke of all of the hidden fear and panic Dean was feeling.
"Do all your visions come true?" He blurted out, his mind so jumbled he couldn't straighten out why he was calling.
"Every time you have a vision, does it happen?"
"What? I mean- yeah, I guess. They're typically recurring until it happens or whatever I'm seeing is taken care of."
"But not all your dreams are visions. Some of them are just… just dreams." His panic was rising. He couldn't go back there. He just couldn't. He didn't care. He didn't care about the new family living in his house. He didn't care what was in it. If it was the thing that killed his mother and Jessica then he wanted to be as far away from it as possible.
"Yeah- Deuce, what's this about? What's wrong?"
All the tension he was feeling couldn't be held back. "Did you know?!"
"Know what? Dean-"
"That my brother is a friggin' psychic!" He exploded, finishing with a heaving breath.
The silence on the other end sent a different kind of sting. He slowly slid down the side of the impala, running a hand through his hair.
"You did." He sighed.
"Does the Triad know? Does Dad?"
"Dean listen-"
"Was there an article about it in the Winchester's Lives Are A Wreck Weekly and no one told me?"
The man in question stopped. He stayed silent until Caleb continued.
"It's never been a secret that Sam was… gifted."
"Gifted? Yes. Brilliant? Yes. Sensitive ? Yes. Psychic? No ."
Caleb sighed. "Tell me what happened? Are we talking telekinesis, telephethy-"
"Visions, Caleb. We're talking seeing things before they happen!"
Silence was heavy on the other end. "Did he- did he see Jess-"
"Yes! I mean he's just now deciding to tell me but apparently he had them for weeks before it happened and he had another one last night and- I can't do it, Damien."
Caleb's voice became slightly panicked, misunderstanding Dean's distress. "Woah, man. Can't do what? Deuce, you've been dealing with me for years. I get it, it sucks, it's sudden, but he's still Sam."
"I can't go home, Damien. I promised I'd never go back there. I can't just- go! And just because Sam says something is in the house? They should have let the stupid place burn. It's their fault for moving into the stupid place."
"Home? Lawrence? Sam had a vision about your house in Lawrence?"
"He-he thinks- he thinks it might be-"
"The demon that killed Jessica."
"And mom." he added in a whisper.
"You don't have to go back. I can take care of it."
"No! I don't want you-" anywhere near there . And wow that felt stupid.
"There are other hunters, Dean. Call Jim. We can tell him that I had a vision."
Dean let out a sigh he hoped didn't sound too much like a sob. "Sam will never go for it. It's his vision. He'll want to see it through. Especially if it is connected to the demon."
"I can come down. I don't like the idea of you guys facing this thing alone. Especially if it is the demon- "
"Forget it. I'll figure something out." But he knew it came out less reassuring and more in need of reassurance.
"Dean, I know you're probably freaked out right now. But everything's going to be okay. Just take a breath, man."
"My psychic brother just told me I had to go back to a house I swore I'd never return to to possibly face the thing that killed my mom. How is any of this okay!?"
"It's going to be okay because you've still got me and Sam is still Sam even if his psychic powers have finally come out in full force. And as for the house… I really don't think you should go at this alone. We know Johnny's been looking into demons and wanted you left out of it."
Dean felt drained. He couldn't continue this conversation. He shouldn't have even started it. Caleb was firmly on John's side in this instance and Dean didn't have the energy to argue it.
"I'll call you when we know what's going on."
"And keep this between us, yeah? Shouldn't be hard, it seems you've had lots of practice keeping secrets over the years."
Dean didn't let him finish, shutting the phone. He was too angry, too confused, too tired to listen anymore.
He needed to grab some food and get back to Sam. Dean Winchester was going back home.
Dean is just stressed rn lol. Valid too. Like suddenly finding out your brother was psychic while being told he had to return to the place of his trauma? Yeah that's rough.
And keeping secrets for Dean's sake is common in the Brotherhood and it's always frustrated me.
Let me know what you thought!
Tomorrow's covers a dark topic but I hope you guys will like it.
Love you guys!
PLEASE feed the author!
God bless,
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jvstheworld · 7 months
My Ted Lasso Re-watch: S1E9 (part 2)
All Apologies
Daily Planet reference - makes sense Ted would like Superman.
Ted understands introverts not wanting to raise their hands under any circumstances. And he's not a fan of the Westboro Baptist Church. Who is really? They're a bunch of, and I quote Keeley here, 'floppy cocks'.
Ted is an LGBTQ+ ally. Another reason to love Ted.
Beard has been paid to bite someone's arse? I need the full story on this man's life and all the shit he has gotten up to. No judgement, I just want to hear it. Nate's concerned look at Beard seals it. As does his later question of 'Where?'
Ted values their opinions despite thinking that they're wrong, is like when Trent asks Ted and Beard for their opinion on his book and says that he'll respect their opinion and will gladly tell them where they're wrong.
'I'm Audi 5000' are you from the 90s? That's like something you'd hear in Clueless. I'm pretty sure someone did say something like that actually. I think Tai said after she insulted Cher about being a virgin who can't drive, after she was told not to persue Josh because secretly Cher liked Josh. Yes, I have seen this film, though not in quite a few years.
Ted wants Roy to be a part of the starting line up because he knows that he'll be wanting to go out on a high instead of slowly becoming washed up. Ted has Roy's back.
Ted walking into Rebecca's office and doing all the little things he does makes him even more adorable. Yeah, I don't see this ending any time soon. God dammit.
Rebtalling about procrastinating to procrastinate having to tell Ted about all the shitty things she did.
I love Ted's rewind of him walking into Rebecca's office. It's cute and funny.
Then in comes the c***. Sorry, I meant to say Rupert... No, I was right the first time actually.
Rupert liked Higgins because Higgins would do anything he asked for fear of losing his job and his life being made miserable. He covered up Rupert's affairs and kept Rebecca in the dark. That's why he liked Higgins. And that offer Rupert casually mentioned, would be more of the same, but would be hiding the affairs from Bex.
Rupert and Bex are having a baby. Fuck you, Rupert. Rebecca probably wanted a child but because he didn't want one with her, she never got the chance. And you can see how hurt she is. She gave up something she wanted for him. She gave up so much of her life for him. And he now gets to throw it back at her like it's nothing. All because she left him and his control over her. Trying to be civil in front of your manipulative, narcissistic ex is hard to do. Mine was only my friend, not a romantic partner in anyway, but trying to be civil with him was impossible the very last time I saw him, because I wanted answers and every time I demanded them he would skirt around the issue. I get Rebecca's hurt here. He controlled so much of her life and stopped her from doing the things she wanted to do, and he gets to live his life now with someone who can do those things and he wants that with them. He lives off of her pain and suffering. He chose to tell her because he wanted to see the pain first hand. Schadenfreude at it's finest. Fuck you, Rupert. Though very well done to Antony Stewart Head for playing him so well.
Hannah Waddingham deserved her Emmy for this episode in this scene and coming clean to Ted. She deserves all the love and praise for her acting. No one could have done it better than her.
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ganymedesclock · 6 years
What, in your opinion, would be the most canonical form of Langst there can be?
I mean the thing about ‘Langst’ is that the objective is usually emotional trauma and in that sense you’ve just plain picked a bad target.
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Here’s my contention with langst- and this may be totally unfair, who knows?
I feel like Lance is the primary target because he’s the sweet, sensitive one (I mean this team’s a buncha bleeding hearts but Lance is the comparatively more sensitive one) who misses home and loves his mom, he is what people often will describe as a softie.
And people look at him, this nice guy who loves people and is motivated mostly by curiosity, and the kind of guy who gets all dreamy talking about his crush, and go, “he’s the weak link here. If any of these people are gonna break, it’s him.”
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And, that’s bullshit. If that’s what you’re looking for you just picked a bad series to begin with because if your sample size is “people who passed the personality test of a benevolent eldritch hive mind, and agreed to fight a war with very few personal hesitations on behalf of their people despite not being soldiers and barely being adults if that” you are not gonna find weak people. 
If I try and get into any of these people to find a “better target” for tragedy, it doesn’t work no matter who I pick.
Pidge is the youngest and has the most unstable, vulnerable sense of identity, yes- but she’s also adored by the team and all of them really powerfully want to stay with her, and, on her own, she’s shown to be strong-spirited, clever, inventive, and able to pull herself back from that precipice of grief and despair to re-engage with the situation.
Shiro is flat out dealing with the physical and mental scars from an entire year of medical torture on top of what I suspect are lifelong problems of insecurity and a perceived need to prove he’s worth recovering, and also his explicit paladin virtues are his force of will, determination and endurance. We haven’t met forces yet that will break him, and while they’re wearing him down... the team would never abandon him long enough to let that happen.
Keith has early life trauma that makes it very difficult for him to connect to other people, he’s terrified of rejection and while I don’t believe he’s actively suicidal, he puts an alarming lack of value on his own life, and a very stubborn refusal to accept when other people are in no uncertain terms telling him he’s important and valuable. But that’s not a new problem, it’s an old one- showcased obviously back in s1e11 and some of his dialogue with Shiro, to me, implies that it goes back even further than that. And as difficult as it is for him to shoulder past it, he is growing past it. S4e6 is the first time we’ve seen him hesitate.
Hunk? Yeah, guy has almost definitely anxiety, if not an anxiety disorder (I’d have to know more about GAD to call it for sure) but he also has the most practice dealing with it, he’s consistently able to discuss his own emotional state, compose himself and keep it together when need be, and understand when he just really needs something to get him out of his head. Along with Lance, he’s a leg pilot- not just a stable person but one who has enough stability that they can bequeath it to others.
And Lance himself, as I’ve been saying... Lance is the heart of the team. He’s the chosen paladin of the compassionate, nurturing Blue Lion, and was embraced by Red because Red will do anything to keep Keith safe and the best possible thing Red could think of doing to take care of Keith when he went to the Black Lion was to sic Lance on him.
Lance is a font of emotional self-care, and this is because he has a damn good system in place. The reason why we know Lance is upset is because Lance basically will reflexively talk therapy himself. The whole thing with Laika in Beta Traz tells us Lance doesn’t really need real audiences as much as just surrogates.
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So Lance says a lot of worrying stuff. The thing is, that’s a good thing. Because the thing about self-talk, especially with insecurity- and I’m speaking from personal experience here: saying it out loud is infinitely better than the alternative. Lance actually flat-out saying “am I not meant to be a paladin?” pulls it out into the real world, where it’s forced to face real facts, like the fact that it’s not true. 
Why would the Blue Lion waste most of a year trying to butter Lance up? Has he, or has he not formed Voltron a buncha dang times? Blue grabbed him first, when nobody else was taken.
Let’s compare this to Keith.
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When the whole issue of Keith’s knife and its marmora symbol comes up, in s2e3, Keith says nothing about it. We see him staring at the knife in private, repeatedly- telling us that he’s thinking about it quite a lot. This also majorly affects his thinking in several episodes- s2e4, him desperately trying to feel still connected to the team by rationalizing that the team is connected, even to the galra. And s2e6, when his desperate fears (if he’s galra, what is the empire going to do to him? can Zarkon just hunt him down this easily?) lead to him making a terrible decision that endangers both him and the rest of the team.
It’s not until s2e8, even with Shiro actively, explicitly asking Keith what’s wrong, and pointing out how stressed he’s been, that it comes up, and that’s just because Kolivan and the rest of the Blade force it out of him.
When Lance is unhappy, Lance says his unhappiness and usually is able to at least get a short-term resolution right then and there in that episode.
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So in that sense, you can definitely serve Lance up a hot plate of whatever kind of trauma you like, but, being true to Lance’s canon character... it stands that any story about Lance and trauma is going to be a story about healing. Lance isn’t even going to wait until he’s out of the bad situation, here- he’s going to set into that immediately.
The way that I’d imagine this working is... it comes very similarly to Pidge’s industriousness when faced with a very technological problem. If Lance is in a situation- really an awful situation, he’s going to sit there, he’s going to feel bad, and because he feels bad, he’ll do what he always does. He’ll start talking about it, rolling it over in his mind.
But while it’s possible to leave Pidge without technology- possible, but very hard- emotions are a major thing and Lance is a very good read on people. If anything, a really bad situation, he’s going to start turning the tables on people.
I’ve mentioned before that Lance and Ezor are counterparts and I think Ezor is sort of... someone very like Lance, who grew up in a much more troubled environment. She’s an antihero version of Lance, roughly.
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Ezor still cares about her friends. It’s a complete deal-breaker for her once Lotor kills Narti, and her rationale towards the other two generals, her reaction the entire time- is to network, talk about it, engage emotionally.
However? Ezor doesn’t like a lot of other people, and she expresses this by still engaging emotionally. She plays head games with people. She uses very efficient strikes to actually incapacitate the Puigian leader but a lot of the other stuff she does- invading his space, pulling his mouth- none of this is actually about practical control, or even physical pain.
The point is powerlessness. Psychologically, she’s messing with him in a way that emphasizes how much control she has on this situation. Ezor, like Lance, is an incredibly emotionally savvy person. The thing is, Ezor uses that emotional savvy to mess with other people. Her specific flavor of giggly patronizing people she doesn’t like is just one flavor of that.
Now- Lance has a different foundation from Ezor, so I don’t think just Lance in a bad place is enough to make him start playing head games, but... the thing about Lance is not only is he a good study interpersonally, but he’s also incredibly adaptable.
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Lance is very rapidly able to take in new information and change tactics accordingly. On top of this, he’s a very nimble, dexterous guy, and not one who gives up easily.
So... if I was gonna put Lance in a bad situation, one that would really flesh out his characters and tell an interesting story?
I’d put Lance in some kind of dream world. One where things are idealized- a kind of psychic attack that plays on positive emotions and desire.
Not because that’d work- it wouldn’t- but because it’d call on Lance to really flex his essential skills, here.
Something like the Trial of Marmora, only- the point isn’t to make the “right decision” and exit, the point is to add things up and go “But you know things that the person you’re supposed to be doesn’t know. That’s not something he’d really say. Something here’s wrong, and, if I keep poking this, sooner or later I’m gonna find the wizard behind the curtain.”
If your objective is to put Lance in a situation where he’s genuinely powerless and must be rescued, that’s... I mean I guess you could freeze him solid like they did in s1e9. That’s about all that’s leaping to mind for me- because again, Lance is the adaptability and improv guy. Put him in a cell? Even if he can’t escape you know he’s gonna befriend everybody there with him. Solitary confinement? He sure has a lot of time to try different stuff and keep poking his surroundings until it coughs up something and at bare minimum whoever comes to check on him/feed him, he’s gonna be poking at them.
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ahumanintraining · 6 years
voltron ask game
you all are going to be the death of me because without doubt this ask game is basically enabling me to go off on a rant about a lot of things that i love, but thank you @onemerryjester, @littlespacestars, and @darkslover for tagging me and encouraging me to participate!
How did you discover the show?
saw it on my twitter feed — well actually i saw art of Takashi Shirogane and i just... — well, okay here i go.... (again) .... 
let me attempt to briefly summarize why i’m obsessed with the guy: as a proud Asian-American, i am often thoroughly sad to not see more Asians in popular media/cartoons — and even if they are, sometimes they’re just given an Asian-sounding name but no real definite character/identity that plays a part in a show, or they have a part in the show that is relatively insignificant or stereotypical.
again, i got into the show in the first place for Shiro. i wanted to see exactly how they would take Takashi’s character, and i hoped that this show would provide better than how other shows have. i am completely invested in him, and you know what was the cherry on top? he was a desirable character. people loved him and was writing meta about him and making posts about how beautiful and handsome and strong and amazing and brilliant and a great leader this guy was and i was just very happy to see not only an Asian character depicted and characterized well, but also actually appreciated by the fandom.
that’s what sold me. and that’s why i’m here. and.... ,,, here i am in this fandom...,,,, at this .... depth.... drowning,,,,,
Was it love at first sight or did it take you a while to get into the show?
yeah nah, i’m not the type to like these kinds of shows about mecha things and action-oriented stuff — but the episode Crystal Venom (s1e9) really sold it for me. i appreciated Allura and Shiro’s backstories being explored. it gave me some deeper substance to think about and material to engage with. if it weren’t for that episode, i’m not sure i would even be writing for voltron at all. 
well also, even before i watched Voltron i was invested in Takashi Shirogane so i was at least going to hang in there until i saw it completely through so that i could know his character as best as i could gather.
Do you have a favorite episode?
yeah i alluded to it earlier. i’d say my first favorite episode was Crystal Venom but one of my favorite episodes over all was Blackout (s2e13) — specifically that series of seven second where the Black Lion reveals the bayard access point to Shiro and then the music and then the flipthroughs of all the memories and then the split screen and then the wings and i’m just..... that must be my favorite.
but of course, my memory is horrid and i haven’t rewatched any episodes since the beginning of time so i’m sure i’m forgetting an episode i super loved.
Do you have a favorite Paladin?
huh i really wonder.
Do you have a favorite Lion? (If it’s different from your fave Paladin, why?)
Black Lion! but i also think that perhaps Black is the only Lion that canon has sorta delved into a little more. Black is at the center of Zarkon vs. Shiro and in many ways represents the longstanding war that has become Voltron’s history — i feel like there’s so much to learn about this war, and i’m glad it’s become more complex and not just straight evil-vs.-good, and that is depicted through Black’s transfer of power from character to character. and at the end of the day, it’s not Voltron the universe fears, it’s the people behind it.
Do you have a favorite villain?
man oh man, i love all my villains. Zarkon, Haggar, and Lotor all make me very excited. since we got so many stories where we only know the protagonists’ motivations, i often hook onto anything i get. i mean i also love Sendak — and i’m excited for him to play a role in our future episodes given his expertise in psychological torment. there were also a few contenders for the Kral Zera that i absolutely wanted to hear more from too lol.
anyway, point is that i actually am incredibly intrigued by all the villains.
Do you have a favorite Alien Race (recurring and/or minor)?
well given i’m an Earthling, i have a bias towards humans. but i love the Olkari. they’re nerds and i love their nature-centered planet.
Favorite side/other character(s)
hmmmm Acxa.... Coran (is technically a side character lol based on how little screentime he gets)... idk I usually am invested in a lot of characters, haha. i love everyone mostly.
How/Why did you join the fandom?
i might reference the first question for this one. but the way i joined? well... one of my small successes in life was that i supposedly was one of the first authors that wrote shallura fic and the first to write shallura smut. so... i guess there’s that. i like to be lowkey about fandom though lol. my current occupation and commitment to fandom can’t exceed more than the writing. 
well okay, that was very wrong for me to say because of shallurazine and allurazine but you know what i mean. i stay in my corners and just create content when i’m feeling it. sometimes i make friends, i guess lol. i’m a bit of a downer and don’t think i’m particularly pleasant to talk to so i keep to the people that already know my pessimistic snark, uncalled-for cynicism, and worse-than-a-sailor language. would rather let my writing represent me.
Care to share your favorite headcanon?
i have plenty of those, which comes out in the common themes of my writing, but a headcanon i really hang onto a lot is that Shiro grew up with a single mother. this one is probably personal and just me projecting, but i can’t see Shiro having the standard two-parents. there’s some mess there, but i headcanon he’s spent more time with a mother figure than any other parent.
i obsess a lot on it actually. i reference Shiro’s mother as often as relevant. and again, this is personal. i identify a lot with Shiro and assume he shares experiences that are relevant to the Asian-American experience. it’s why he’s important to me to write about. he’s more or less a vehicle to express many of these different kinds of Asian-American experiences.
What do you think is the best part of the show?
i appreciate the complexity of the villains! i’m hanging in there because i want to understand the history of Voltron and quintessance. i love backstories more than i love existing plots — they really can inform why a character is the way they are, and give insight to what they might do or the potential thereof. the Voltron team’s built up the potential well, and perhaps i appreciate that the most too.
Any hopes and wishes for future episodes/seasons?
hopes and wishes are things i don’t dwell on lol. i protect myself from optimism, ahahaha. i am looking forward to things though, like: Lotor’s interactions with Allura, another stage of Operation Kuron, some more about quintessance, some Black Lion tension, some internal Galra factions arising, all this existing stuff of potential that i hope isn’t thrown under the bus.
but idk my dude, i’ll ride with whatever i get. as long as there’s good character development and plot, i think i’ll be happy. as much angst as possible. anything that will make me want to write. anything that allows a space to obsess and wonder and imagine.
Do you think you’ll stick it out until the end of the show?
i mean... i’ve already come this far... *clenches fist*
anyway, that’s all folks! thanks for listening in to my rants!!! i hope this was entertaining at all or at least gave you a little more insight that you wanted to hear about me or whatever!
tagging @celestialfluff @meli-reads-all @roguepaladin and the entire rest of the world that wants to partake
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